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Just Leave me Alone 2

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Offline Jaytee71124

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Just Leave me Alone 2
« on: June 08, 2013, 08:02:47 AM »
Just Leave Me Alone 2

While they were waiting for the girls to come out of the locker room Shemp leaned towards Ed and said, “You know if these girls are going to fight lets treat it like a war. Why don’t we have them fight in combat gear?”

Ed looked at Shemp, “Damn, why didn’t I think of that. Nobody said anything about what they could fight in. Shemp you’re a genius.”
The girls came out right about then and Ed spoke, “Girls there’s been a change of plans, come on with me, Mike and Shemp you guys come to. Nancy you come too.”

The girls all piled into Ed’s van and they took off to the army surplus store. It was only a five minute ride and soon they were all entering the store.
Ed knew the owner, Ronnie; they served in the Iraq invasion together.

The two guys shook hands and Ronnie asked, “What brings you to my humble store today Ed? It’s been a long time.”

Ed explained about the upcoming fight and he mentioned Shemp’s idea.”

It only makes sense, let’s see, we need four flak jackets, some fatigue pants, some knee braces, steel toe boots and that should pretty well do it.”
Ronnie got out a measuring tape and he started with Rita, measuring her up for her flak jacket. He got the measurement and then asked her, “What size are your feet?”
He took this information, disappeared in the back and in a few minutes came back out with a bundle for her to try on.

Next Ronnie measured Karen and took her information and came back with a bundle for her. The same thing happened for Kendra. Mike and Shemp helped the girls get the gear on while Ronnie measured Nancy. His jaw dropped when Nancy took off her hoodie and stood wearing just a muscle shirt. Nancy smiled at him as she held her arms out from her side so he could measure her. He took the information and disappeared only to come back out wither bundle. “I had to get you a men’s flak jacket, I don’t have any your size in women.”

Nancy took the bundle and changed into the army gear. She twisted, turned and flexed getting the jacket to fit just right. Ed watched, he thought to himself, that girl knows what she’s doing. She’s worn a flak jacket before. It was evident that Nancy had been in a war of her own before.

The girls finished getting fitted and redressed as Ed attempted to pay Ronnie for the gear. Ronnie would have no part of it.

“Ed it’s on the house. I heard through the street what happened and it’s on the house. Watch that Nancy girl, there’s more to her than we know. She’s too familiar with the gear. She’s worn it before, somewhere.”

Ed nodded, “I know, you should see what she picked out for weapons. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I do know there are going to be a lot of surprised people tonight.”

They all piled back into the van and returned to the gym.

Ed paired Rita up with Nancy and she began teaching Rita what to do with the variety of weapons and equipment. Meanwhile Ed was coaching Karen and Kendra. He had them punching the big bag. Right away E d saw that Karen and Kendra swung their fists like girls. They threw giant hay-makers with no finesse and no power.  Sure it might hurt a bit to get hit by them but you’d have to be half asleep to not see them coming.

Ed got them to keep their elbows in and stand behind their punches. He showed them how to move as they punched so that their body moved with the punches. He taught them how to fake their opponent out by delivering a punch that they never intended to land. Instead as their opponent moved to avoid the punch they moved right in the path of the next punch. Karen caught on real quick and she began getting the best of Kendra who was falling for the deke consistently. 

Ed stopped the sparring and he pulled Karen aside and asked her, “I want you to not throw any punches. I want you to just avoid getting hit, OK.”

They sparred some more and eventually Kendra started to land a few punches. Then she started to land a few more and eventually after five minutes she was getting tired. Ed got them to stop and he handed the two girls a set of brass knuckles each. He showed them how to put them on and how to punch with them. He got them to hide the knuckles in their flak jacket pocket.

Next he gave them each a small canister of wasp killer. The canisters were small enough to hide in another pouch in their flax jackets. He explained that if they sprayed this in the other girls faces it would blind them maybe permanently he wasn’t sure.
Next he showed them how to do a couple of basic kicks and where to try to land them. He told them to go for the outside of their knees and their crotches. The two girls were shocked; they didn’t realize how serious this was. Ed showed them how to drop a knee on their opponent’s crotch.

Meanwhile Nancy was working with Rita and showing her basically the same stuff that Ed was covering but a bit more advanced. Rita was learning how to fight in close, delivering uppercuts to the chests, kidneys and liver.  Rita was feeling the full power of Nancy first hand and she was impressed and scared. She knew Nancy was holding back but still she was getting pounded harder than she ever had before.

Nancy showed her some basic judo moves to toss her opponent to the floor where she could get into the ground game. Rita was catching on quickly and although she wasn’t able to get Nancy onto the ground she would have much more success with a normal girl.

Nancy showed Rita an arm bar submission move that was simple but effective and if you did it right you could easily break your opponents arm.

By now it was getting around suppertime so Ed had them all gather around and relax while they waited for the match. No one ate because you never fight on a full stomach. Nancy was lying up against some rolled up wrestling mats sound asleep. Rita was checking out the tables of weapons while Karen and Kendra were nervously playing cards waiting.

About nine o: clock Nancy woke up, stretched a bit and then started loading the gym bags with the weapons. She took some barbed wire and a wiffle bat and she wrapped the barbed wire around the bat tying it tight with a pair of pliers and then wrapping duct tape around the end of the bat and wrapping the other end of the barbed wire so it wouldn’t come apart.

The bags got stowed in the back of the van and everyone climbed in nervously awaiting the fight, everyone except Nancy who was eager to get there. The girls were all wearing long trench coats hiding their flak jackets.

They rolled into the parking lot of the abandoned warehouse and saw a packed parking lot. So much for coming alone, thought Ed. There was a large contingent of bikers there as well as a large group of students from Ed’s gym. There were literally hundreds of students from both schools.

Ed and the girls entered the warehouse to a giant roar from the crowd. There was a regulation ring in the middle of the warehouse floor. Across the ring were Sara and her cronies. Sara didn’t look too happy about the crowd. She stomped up to Nancy and started to tie into her about the crowd and demanding to know who leaked out about the fight.

Nancy took Sara’s finger that she was waving in her face and she bent it backwards shutting Sara up. “I don’t know who leaked it out about the fight, all I know is that it wasn’t from our side so quit bitchin at us.”

Nancy gave Sara a shove and Sara back-peddled as quickly as she could so she wouldn’t fall on her ass.

Sara returned to her corner and they got Chelsea ready for the first fight. It was decided the Kendra would be in the first fight. When Kendra took off her trench coat everyone gasped and there was a murmur in the crowd. Chelsea was dressed in cutoff jeans and a t-shirt.

Sara immediately began bitching about the flak jackets but Ed was quick to point out that there was no mention about attire.

There was a referee supplied by Sara’s team and surprisingly there was a couple of paramedics hanging around by the locker room.

Kendra and Chelsea met in the middle of the ring and Kendra could see the concern in Chelsea’s eyes. Kendra wrapped her arms around her foe and pushed her forcefully into the corner slamming the girls back against the turnbuckles. Kendra threw a punch into Chelsea’s side drilling her in the kidney followed by another punch in the opposite kidney. Chelsea grunted on the first punch and then cried out on the second punch. The ref stepped in and tried to separate them but Kendra screamed, “No disqualification means I don’t have to back up.”

The referee backed away knowing Kendra was right. Meanwhile Kendra was drilling her fists into Chelsea’s sides softening up the girl’s kidneys. Chelsea slid down to the floor her legs spread out wide while she leaned back against the corner holding her sides. Kendra ran to the other corner of the ring and turned around and rebounded and raced toward the girl sitting in the corner. About halfway from her Kendra leaped up and drove her feet into the trapped girl’s crotch doing a combination baseball slide and dropkick which crushed Chelsea’s pussy, the pain exploding out of her crotch and eliciting a high pitched animalistic scream which echoed throughout the warehouse. Chelsea fell forward her hands between her legs trying to rub out the pain.

Kendra leaned over and grabbed Chelsea’s hair pulling her up onto her feet. Through the fog of her pained cxnt Chelsea raised her knee into Kendra’s pussy crushing her clit with her hard knee. Kendra dropped like a felled tree onto her face with her hands between her legs. Both girls were lying on the mat rubbing their crotches. Slowly the pain subsided for both the girls and Chelsea got up first. She stumbled to the ring corner and looked at Kendra starting to get up. When she got to her hands and knees Chelsea raced across the ring and she punted her in the stomach, flipping her over onto her back. Kendra curled up on her side holding her stomach, her feet kicking on the mat. Chelsea kicked the fallen girl in the side, and then she walked to her other side and kicked her in the kidney again.

Kendra curled up into the fetal position holding her sides moaning in pain. Chelsea rolled her onto her stomach and then she straddled her and sat on her back trying to get her hands under Kendra’s chin so she could haul her head back as she camel clutched her. Kendra would not let Chelsea get under her chin.

Chelsea gave up and got up and went to her corner and opened her bag of weapons. She hauled out a baseball bat and turned looking at Kendra with an evil grin on her face. She lifted the bat and swung it down across Kendra’s back. Kendra rolled onto her back in the fetal position and she flipped around like a fish out of water as her back throbbed with unimaginable pain. She was crying in agony as she rolled around the ring in trying to ease the pain. Chelsea was following her around the ring trying to position herself so she could drill Kendra’s back again. Kendra saw her coming and she rolled out of the ring escaping the threat of the bat. Kendra staggered to her bag of weapons and reached inside and the first thing she grabbed was a police night stick. She turned just as Chelsea slid out of the ring nailing her with a sliding dropkick sending her flying on her ass against the concrete floor. She dropped the night stick and Chelsea kicked it away. Some fan in the front row grabbed it for a souvenir.

Kendra was up against the barrier between the ring and the fans. She slowly and painfully stood up as Chelsea grabbed her head and put her in a head lock. Kendra reached into her pouch of her flak jacket and pulled out her brass knuckles. She rammed her enhanced fist into Chelsea’s side nailing her in the kidney. Chelsea let go of Kendra’s head and grabbed her side as she bent over in pain. As her head went down Kendra’s fist came up the brass knuckles smashing into her nose. There was a loud crack as her nose broke and blood started to gush out. Chelsea held her face and when she saw the blood she went hysterical and crazy.

“You fucking bitch, you broke my nose you cxnt.”

Chelsea rolled back into the ring with Kendra right behind her. Chelsea grabbed the bat off the mat and turned and swung the bat. The bat meet Kendal’s fist with the brass knuckles and there was a loud noise of the impact and Kendra screamed. Her fist definitely took the worst of it. Chelsea dropped the bat, her hand stinging from the collision.

Chelsea grabbed Kendra and pushed her back up against the ropes, bending her backwards over them. She reached down and hauled the middle rope up over Kendra’s shoulders trapping her.
She took the brass knuckles off Kendra’s hand and she put them on her own hand. She reached back and then she drilled Kendra in the stomach as hard as she could. Kendra let out a woof as the air was driven from her body. She slumped in the ropes gasping for air half knocked out. She saw Chelsea’s fist coming but there wasn’t anything she could do as the incoming fist slammed into her chin sending her head flying exploding in pain and stars. Chelsea pounded Kendra’s face over and over again bruising her cheeks, opening cuts in her forehead, and closing both her eyes a bit.

Kendra knew she had to do something but what. Chelsea came running from across the ring towards her, Kendra raised her feet off the mat intending to kick Chelsea in the face and buy her some time. Instead what happened was Kendra’s feet came up and hit Chelsea in the face but the collision caused Kendra’s feet to fly up in the air turning her almost upside down in the ropes. The middle rope slid off Kendra’s shoulders and she slid out of the ring upside down. She landed in a heap outside the ring, shaken up but not hurt. Kendra scrambled to her gym bag of weapons as Chelsea turned towards Kendra’s corner.

Kendra reached into her bag of weapons and she pulled out a chain, dropped it on the floor, reached back into the bag and hauled out a bullwhip. She dropped that onto the floor and continued searching for what she was looking for. She hauled out the can of hairspray and a lighter and she pressed down on the nozzle and held up the lighter and lit the stream of escaping hairspray creating a flame thrower. She climbed back into the ring as Chelsea exited the ring from the other side.

Kendra’s home-made flame thrower sputtered and went out. Kendra tossed it aside and returned to the ring picking up Chelsea’s bat that was lying in the ring. She stood shakily waiting for Chelsea to re-enter the ring. Chelsea stood on the ring floor searching in her bag of weapons for something to counter the bat that Kendra was holding. She pulled out a three foot long chunk of metal pipe. She slowly entered the ring and stood in the corner watching the other girl.

Suddenly she ran towards her foe and swung the pipe at her head. Kendra ducked and drove the end of the bat into Chelsea’s stomach knocking the wind out of her and causing her to bend over. Kendra lifted her knee driving the bat up into Chelsea’s face opening a cut in her cheek.

Chelsea staggered back as Kendra stalked her looking to punish her some more with the bat. Chelsea stopped backing up and stepped forward confusing Kendra. Chelsea swung the pipe connecting with Kendra’s side knocking the wind out of her this time. Kendra dropped the bat and leaned down holding her side. Chelsea swung again drilling her opponent in the upper back with the pipe. Kendra’s back arched in pain from the sudden attack. She fell face first into the mat clutching her back and side. Chelsea grabbed her by the hair and put her in a side headlock. She ground Kendra’s head in the hold and dragged her around the ring. Chelsea flipped her over her back slamming her onto the mat. Chelsea got up and reached down for the pipe and turned towards Kendra.
Kendra reached into her pocket in her vest and pulled out the canister of wasp killer. She popped the cap off while she was squirming on the mat. She flipped over onto her back and pressed on the canister. The wasp killer sprayed out getting Chelsea right in the face. Instantly her eyes started to burn and Chelsea dropped to her knees screaming, “My eyes, my eyes.

Kendra motioned for the referee to start counting her out. The referee asked Chelsea if she submitted.

Chelsea screamed, “Yes, yes anything, just help me, my eyes.”

The referee said to Kendra, “I’ll award you the match just let me get her eyes washed out before she goes blind. Kendra agreed, she’d had enough and the referee rushed Chelsea back to the locker room where the paramedics were waiting to start washing Chelsea’s eyes out. The referee announced, “The winner of the first match by opponent injury is Kendra.

Kendra exited the ring and staggered to where her team mates were sitting.

Sara ran over and stated screaming at Nancy,  “What kinda freak show are you running here, army uniforms, flamethrowers, wasp killer, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Nancy replied smiling, “We’re fighting no disqualifications remember?”

“ARrrggghhh!,” Sara  screamed as she returned to her corner. The two teams prepared for the next fight.

To be continued.