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The ReJuv Chronicles© - London Encounter - Chapter 3

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Offline clawurface

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The ReJuv Chronicles© - London Encounter - Chapter 3
« on: July 27, 2014, 10:42:47 PM »
I am posting this new installment on behalf of my friend Felix. He is out of town and wanted this to appear as quickly as possible.

Love and scratches,

The ReJuv Chronicles© - London Encounter
by Felix Gato 2014

Chapter 3

Alicia proceeded to the wrought-iron circular staircase, her stiletto heels clicking on the hardwood floor, and ascended carefully on her towering black sandals. As she climbed the staircase, she paused a moment when she caught the whiff of an unfamiliar perfume. A fleeting smile crossed her face, as if a lingering question had been suddenly answered; she then climbed the remaining steps almost eagerly.

The brunette reached the landing, quickly looked around, then headed towards the room from which a soft glow emanated from a partially-opened door.  She arrived at the master suite’s entrance, and paused again. Without being aware she was doing so, she smoothed her short black skirt over her bare thighs, and opened a bit wider the collar of her red blouse. She brushed a strand of loose hair from her face and took a deep breath. She then entered the room with all the confidence she could muster.

The room was dim, illuminated only by the glow of the burning fire. Once Alicia’s vision adjusted to the light, the stunning blonde in her racy white dress came into focus. Avid curiosity filled the brunette’s mind. This blonde appeared to be very close to Alicia’s own size and height, and she seemed just as hot. Her face, hair and body rivaled Alicia’s and, if anything, her short white dress was even more risqué and provocative than Alicia’s own outfit. That the blonde appeared so relaxed, ensconced in her brown leather chair, was more than a little unnerving. Ashley’s bare legs were crossed high at the thighs, and she was ever-so-casually dangling one gold pump from her left foot. She was obviously waiting for someone. Alicia understood immediately that that someone could be none other than herself.

Determined not to appear daunted by such an overt display of frank sexuality, Alicia strode decisively into the room. She walked to the fireplace, stepping onto the soft white rugs strewn by the edge of the hearth. She strove to suppress any reaction she might reveal to the fact that the blonde was intently scrutinizing her every move. Alicia made a small show of warming herself by the fire for a few moments, and then turned as nonchalantly as she could to face Ashley. Without speaking a word, the brunette opened a bit the distance between her high heels, adopting a more aggressive stance. Her full, bare thighs strained a little against the confines of her tight leather skirt.

Holding the blonde’s gaze in her own, Alicia slowly raised her manicured hands to her hair and ran her fingers suggestively through the long, dark tresses. She casually loosened the luxurious strands and allowed them to fall carelessly behind her back. She then reached for the top of her red blouse and oh-so-slowly unfastened one, then two, more buttons. The silk fabric separated obligingly and further exposed the deep plunge between her copious breasts. Finally, the brunette brought her hands to her hips, taking care that her long red nails pointed forward, and then tilted her head a little to one side. The expression on her face was an invitation. Her body language was a challenge instantly recognizable by any woman in the world!

In particular, by Ashley. After watching the brunette’s opening ritual with rapt attention, Ashley knew it was her turn to perform. Casually, she reached over to a side table and carefully deposited her now empty, old-fashioned glass. Then, in one fluid motion, she rose gracefully - almost cat-like - from her chair. Balancing on her towering gold pumps, she made a show of smoothing her ultra-short white dress over her muscular thighs. As she did so, she used the opportunity to slowly preen her long, perfectly-manicured white fingernails. She then bent over a little to vigorously shake loose her long, blonde mane. Returning to an erect posture, and keeping her deep blue eyes locked with Alicia’s, she slowly brought her hands to the top of her V-neck, reached for the gold lace ends, and tugged. The half-hearted knot undid easily. With obvious deliberateness, she further separated her now-loosened V-neck, further exposing the tops of her generous, uncovered breasts. With these preliminaries out of the way, Ashley advanced slowly towards Alicia.

She moved gracefully, almost gliding forward. Her hands rested easily by her sides. After what seemed forever, Ashley closed the distance between herself and Alicia. She stopped only inches from the brunette. The two young women were now face-to-face. The space between them crackled with energy.

Ashley scrutinized the brunette. Alicia’s pupils were dilated and her nostrils were a little flared. Her breathing was shallow and rapid. More than once already, she had unconsciously run her tongue across her lips. Her long fingernails, unbidden, were digging a little into her flared hips.  The brunette was clearly excited. Aroused.
 Ashley herself was not unaffected by this confrontation.  The small hairs at the back of her neck tingled. She felt her bare nipples, now erect, chafe in restraint against the fabric of her dress. She felt growing moisture between her thighs, and her face was flushed. She hoped the brunette facing her did not notice.

The tension between the two was agonizing.  Blue eyes held green eyes in a contest of their own. Pent-up energy cried out silently to be released.  A catalyst, a signal, anything was needed, and urgently. Both knew they had come of their own accord. Both knew they had come to fight. Both knew nothing more. And nothing more was needed. The time had come. Mayhem was at hand!


« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 10:45:18 PM by clawurface »