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Wife's First & Only Fight

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Wife's First & Only Fight
« on: March 29, 2019, 01:44:16 AM »
After getting several comments on my profile as to why my wife does not fight I've decided to tell the tale from how it started to how it ended, maybe then after you read the story you'll understand why she's don't fight then you can leave your comments.Now about a yea ago wife and I decided time for a change and we mover to another city, my wife quickly got another job no problem and life went on we made new friends and we started going to this new hair dresser her is gonna be Monique( not her real name) and I have to be honest she's hotter then fire with a killer body 5'9 and around 165 pounds and likes to flirt that's just the way she is. Now my wife is a big girl but a sexy big girl 5'2 218 pounds with a sexy chest fat ass and a fat sexy belly. My wife became friends with Monique but my wife had a side of her that did not trust or like Monique, as the friendship went on Monique would come over once in a while on the weekends to drink with us and they got along but my wife watched Monique every time she came by me and after a while Monique started to notice this.

Slowly there friendship got farther apart and Monique no longer came over for drinks but she was still our hair dresser and she was still friends with us, a while back it was my birthday so we went to Monique's to get my hair done and she found out it was my birthday and gave me a free haircut and a hug and gave me a kiss on the cheek. My wife seen that kiss on the cheek and that was it as we left I got chewed out all the way home because I let her kiss me on the cheek, I tried to explain there was nothing I could do she grabbed me and kisses me just a friendly kiss nothing more.My wife got on face book and  told the world that Monique was a slut and a bitch and I guess Monique must of seen it because she called my wife on the phone and left a message and told her to stay  out of her beauty shop or she's get her ass kicked,

My wife called her back and they got into it as my wife hung up the phone ans went inside and changed into shorts and t-shirt as I asked what's going on she said Monique is on her way over here to fight me, I asked my wife if she was crazy because my wife is a big girl but not a fighter  as I told her to call Monique and call it off that made t worse because she said I 'm her husband and I should back up her decisions. I told her ok you wanna fight Monique fight her as I was really turned on thinking about sexy Monique fighting but also worried my wife was gonna get her ass kicked, about 1/2 later the bell rings it's Monique wearing tight red shorts and a sports bra with a light jacked on on top looking sexier then ever as my wife turned to me telling me your sluts here. It took about 5 seconds for them to curse back and forth as Monique was taking off her Jacked my wife kicked her in the pit of her belly as Monique went down to both knees. My wife wasted no time in punching her in her back and in her face as Monique tried to cover up still on her knees as my wife again kicked Monique in the side of her tits, Monique fell flat on her back as my wife stomped her foot down into Monique's belly again as Monique screamed out in pain.

My wife stood over her about to stomp down again as Monique kicked her foot straight up catching my wife between her legs, my wife let out a loud scream as she dropped to both knees her hands grabbing her crotch in pain as I seen Monique quickly get up. Monique grabbed my wife by the hair throwing her face first into the wall as my wife's face hit the wall bloodying her nose, Monique spun my wife around and slammed a hard right into my wife's big belly as my wife's eyes and mouth opened wide, Monique grabbed my wife's t-shirt ripping the shirt and bra  off exposing my wife big sexy tits as Monique grabbed her tits raking them with her nails. My wife again screamed as she covered her tits Monique wasted no time as she buried her lefts and rights into my wife belly over and over hitting her about a dozen times in her belly and tits, I screamed that's enough as Monique looked at me then turned to my sending two right uppercuts between mt wife's legs as my wife collapsed on the floor crying one hand holding her belly the other holding her crotch.

Monique grabbed her jacked off the floor putting it on as she apologized to me for beating up my wife as she headed for the door she gave my wife another kick in her belly as my wife passed out and Monique slammed the door on her way out. I got my wife up off the floor laying her on the sofa and she blamed me for the fight because I had the hots for Monique. I have to admit I was attracted to Monique but it was my wife's fault for challenging Monique to a fight not me, we never went back to Monique's shop ever again and Monique's name was never to be brought up in out house ever again.

So there you have it my wife only first and only fight I hope that answer's all your questions about my wife.  Now between us guys I have to admit Monique got me so hard as a rock watching her fight and beat up my wife but that will be our little secret !
« Last Edit: March 29, 2019, 01:47:08 AM by big arthur »


Offline suzie

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Re: Wife's First & Only Fight
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2019, 09:36:07 AM »
so lets see if I understand this right you say you love your wife but you stand there and watch her get beat up and to make it worse it turned you on, this is the reason I got divorced
to know me is to love me but to fight me is to hate me



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Re: Wife's First & Only Fight
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2019, 11:55:19 AM »
hey I did not force her to fight it was her decision


Offline suzie

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Re: Wife's First & Only Fight
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2019, 02:06:52 AM »
yea but you didn't do much to stop if while she was getting worked over that's true love !   ASSHOLE !!!!!!
to know me is to love me but to fight me is to hate me