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Farmers daughters 2.

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Offline ooreach

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Farmers daughters 2.
« on: May 05, 2024, 07:39:15 PM »
Round 2:
It was only a half hour later. The family had watched the video and her brother and sister siblings where upset they hadn’t gotten to see it. Kelly smiled, maybe next time. I’m going to take a shower. The shower went on, upstairs and soon the living room door opened. It was Becky. “ Where is that bitch?” she looked. The whole family was excited. Looks like they were going to see the second round. There father walked in from the kitchen and said “ young lady. Your always welcome in the house but you know the rules. She is upstairs showering.” Becky smirked an evil smile and said “ Yes, Sir. I know them.” She took off her tattered top, bra, pants and showed she was not wearing underwear. She looked around the room and winked at Kelly’s brother. She snuck up the steps and as she opened the bathroom door they all heard “ I’m in the dang shower! Wait your turn.” From Kelly. She thinking it was one of her siblings. All of a sudden it was a shriek and as the family starting making their way upstairs to witness the event two naked blondes came rolling out the bathroom door. Becky fell half way down the stairs with Kelly on top of her. Rolling for a moment their momentum slowed down by the mass of sibling bodies being on the staircase.
Becky looked up at Kelly’s only brother as she got stopped by him and noticed his enlarged package. “I do have to figure out what your daddy is feeding you.” She grabbed his junk before turning her attention back to Kelly. Kelly was at the bottom of the stairs and had gotten up. Both girls where wet meaning that Becky had jumped right in the shower after her bitter rival.
They rushed together hands in hair and scramed as blue eyes stared at blue eyes. With each twist of their heads their firm ass’ giggled and those small but firm breasts bounced. Soon firm legs intertwined as each tried to trip the other and ended up coming together belly and tit to belly and tit as they both crashed down to the carpet. They rolled several more times until they got all tangled up thigh locked to thigh and began wildly swinging fists as they lay side by side.
Becky grabbed at Kelly’s breast and Kelly howled and grabbed back. Soon both hands where molesting the others tit’s. Their thighs tightened around the others leg and they could have been dry humping from how much movement their hips where doing. Eventually Kelly let go of her hold, not being able to take the pain and wrapped her arms around Becky. Becky felt nails go deep into her back and she was forced to let go and bearhug back. A few balled up fists into each other’s kidneys and They began to growl. “ I’ll be pissing blood for another week.” Kelly yelled. “ Yeah, well you started it.” Becky hissed back. Soon locked in a catball legs clamping legs and arms wrapped around each other the siblings heard the telltale sign of muffled  screams.
Both had teeth in the others shoulder and where biting. Little streaks of blood came into view as each was using her last available weapon. Becky was bit twice and in a rage she jacked her head back and head butted Kelly. Both saw stars but Kelly ended up going a bit limp. Becky took the opportunity to break free of Kelly’s thighs and managed to start getting on top of her. Becky’s ass cheeks where sitting on Kelly’s stomach when they began hand fighting. Becky balled up her fists and let loose with several heymakers. Once make contact and Kelly blacked out.
Becky chuckled grunting “ glass jawed bitch.” And scrambled onto Kelly’s tits and sat her wet pussy right below Kelly’s chin. Kelly gained consciousness and raised into a bridge to try and jostle Becky off of her. The only thing she managed was giving Becky a good ride and letting all there see Becky’s firm tit’s giggle as  Kelly exposed her pussy to the whole room. Becky balled a fist and slammed it down behind her hitting those exposed lips. Kelly let out a howl as her hips went crashing down. Becky finished her face mount and moaned as she face f*cked this families baby daughter.
As she rocked back and forth she looked at Kelly’s sibings and father in a pleading way. The brother looked at his father and he said “ help her out, boy.” He got right over and began fondling her tits. She smiled and said “ no.” She unzipped his trousers and helped him bring out his fully erect manhood. She smiled and said “ big boy.” She began to suck on his disco stick as she rocked her socks off on his sisters face. Once satisfied she rolled off and quickly gathered her clothes. Gave Kelly’s brother a wink and Kelly’s father a wink. “Sorry, to disturb you, Sir.” Kelly’s father smiled and said “ anytime, darlin’.”
She looked down at Kelly and smirked. “ Till the next time we play.”  She walked out the door before getting dressed giving the hole group one last look at that apple shaped ass.  Kelly came to and looked at everyone looking at her. She was angry and her father reminded her. “ Ya didn’t lock that door.” Kelly signed, “Yes, your right.”  Her brother said “ you going back after her?” Kelly said “ I’m not tired for that. There will always be tomorrow.”