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Maureen vs Linda, the second video fight of Vanessa’s vixens

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Offline linftr

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Re: Maureen vs Linda, the second video fight of Vanessa’s vixens
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2020, 11:06:37 PM »
Pain has a wonderful wakening effect, as Linda’s darting eyes focused when Maureen’s  burrowing nails pried her breasts upward, and she forced herself forward, fighting her foe’s pushing.  One hand clutched at Mo’ s hair, the other arm snaked across her back and clung onto Maureen’s ass, as her plush body pressed into Maureen.  “Get your flabby carcass off of me” grunted  Mo and she persisted in trying to jab and push Linda off by the tits, but there was no leverage, and Linda’s hair tugging and ass scraping were obviously hurtful.  Maureen dropped a hand and started digging at Lin’s buns, while the other started burrowing through their combined flesh, seeking her enemies dethatched pussy.  Linda’s eye s flashed, and her hair pulling hand quickly copied her foe, as the two panting fighters clung to each other’s buns, kneading and digging, while their respective right hands groped for her adversary’s womanhood.

Their chins nestled into each other’s shoulders, their overheated perfume wafting, as they could feel their heads turning in time to block nips and butts.  In their tiring state, they leaned into each other and sought to claw it out downstairs.  Linda, noisy as ever, attempted curses, but they came out as hisses and grunts, while Maureen kept it short “you’ll wish you were never born”.  For the first time in the fight, the action stayed in one spot, and as the hands crept thru the tightly packed flesh, seeking treasures, the camera crew sought vantage points.  They resolved to have a camera down low behind each lady, while occasionally panning up to catch expressions, making sure that one camera was on the low duel at all times.  When a walk around shot of the tightly packed pair was done, the crew man indelicately muttered that they had ‘oozed together’.

Even though there was no longer frantic motion, it became obvious that the war had not let up.  Maureen got a sneery smile as she hissed that “I feel your stubbles, slut”.  Linda’s expressive face showed that was no lie, as her butt jerked and she squirmed, obviously Maureen was digging at the pink snatch Lin was so proud of.  When Mo stiffened and arched, only to be held by the ass clawing hand behind her, everyone heard Linda say “now who is milking clit?”.  The only answer was teary eyes and renewed digging down low.  Hands were trapped and prevented from hooking motions by the tightly packed bodies, while the two tried and tried to score a mortal blow.  One would grimace or squeak, or squeal, then the other.  Once, Maureen seemed to lose a turn, as she yelped, and twitched, then a few seconds later tried to twist as Linda’s forearm pulsed.  While they were only dueling for minutes, the tension made it seem like an eternity, and when they watched Linda lean forward to follow up whatever was happening, even Vanessa stopped yakking to watch.

But then Lin hurriedly flomped back down and hitched her shoulders together, and yelped.  Then her shoulders dipped again and she yipped just like a dog, then again, and again.  “Not going after my cxnt now, are you bitch” growled Maureen.  “I have those big lips of yours and will pull them right off you, like this” and obviously something was yanking hard on Lin, as she dipped, “or like this”  and she dipped again, “or like this!” and lifting her head back, Maureen yanked her arm back and let go of Linda, who fell backwards, till brought up short by the hold Maureen had on those long distended cxntlips.  While both of Linda’s hands went down to protect her stretched out pussy, Maureen sent her other hand down so it too could latch onto a lip.

Yank….screech!   Yank…howl!  There was no need to call for a break for a better camera vantage, the two were in one spot, and the only action was the remorseless clawed hauling on those big fleshy reddened lips.  It was torture , but the sight was riveting to everyone watching, and especially for Maureen.  Listening to the high pitched keening wails was exactly what she wanted, and as Linda got her hands down to shove at Mo’s she let go, allowing a vision of mauled cxnt that would be recorded for the ages, before her hand darted back in at the visible and vulnerable clit of her wounded foe, framed by those red and raw lips.   She grabbed and squeezed, and jabbed her thumbnail in as she tugged.  The yowls were chilling, but Maureen had sworn she would get that  clit, and everyone would see it happen.