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ANGEL: Little Feather vs. Tina Jackson

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ANGEL: Little Feather vs. Tina Jackson
« on: April 17, 2013, 10:42:16 PM »
Hello and welcome back to ANGEL. American Nude Gladiatrix Elite League. Our next fight is between Little Feather and Tina Jackson. Little Feather is Ranked 5th and Tina Jackson is ranked 6th.

24-year-old Little Feather is  5 foot 5, 140 pounds. She has very long black hair, which she wears loose. Tina Jackson is a 34 year old dark-skinned black woman, petite at 5 feet 2 inches, 128 pounds. Her hair's a short afro.

Little Feather says, "I will destroy you." Tina shoots back with, "Bitch, you going down!" They kiss.  They step back, and move in.

Tina blocks Feather's sword, then slaps her face. She slaps again. Tina is smiling, enjoying toying with Feather.

Feather swings wildly, easily blocked. Tina tries to slap Feather again, but she grabs Tina's hand. Tina pulls her hand away, getting angry. She jabs her sword at Feather, who deflects it. The two women lock blades, push back, Tina swings down, a nasty chop to Feather's left shoulder, slices deep. Feather gasps in pain. Blood gushes.

Tina pushes her advantage. She strikes hard at Feather's left, barely missing. Strikes hard again. Hits! Feather screams in pain. Her left arm hangs uselessly. She swings savagely. And hits Tina across her face. Tina spins around, falls to her knees. She gets up, faces Feather. She swings. Feather blocks, grimacing. Tina moves in.

She strikes Feather on the side of her head. Blood explodes as Feather collapses. Tina stands over Feather, holds her sword over Feather 's breast.

Tina Jackson: 1 wins-0 losses-0 draws-0 kills
Moves from Position 6 to Position 5 on the chart

Little Feather: 0 wins-1 losses-0 draws-0 kills
Moves from Position 5 to Position 6 on the chart