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Mother versus Daughter Who is the badestt Bitch

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Offline Wildthing2001

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Mother versus Daughter Who is the badestt Bitch
« on: March 24, 2021, 10:13:50 PM »

 This is a story that i just penned  on the spot as it came to me at work. Some stats Annette is a  47 years old black  woman African American weighning230 pounds standing at 5'7 measuring 52 EE-44-55..  Simone 19 years old African American standing 5'6 weighing 140 pounds 36 c-26-34.
 So you thought you could beat my ass and take my place bitch " Annette screams as she drags Simone around the ring before tossing her thru the ropes. The caramel colored beauty crashes to the ground with a sickening thud bouncing off the unpadded wood floor.. The burly big boob woman follows her stunned opponent out of the ring to continue her assault sending a kick into Simone's side just as she makes it to her knees . The hard blow sends the lithe beauty sprawling onto her back leaving her helpless to defend against her wild fro haired foe who targets her rivals exposed belly. Annette's fat foot sinks ankle deep into her nemesis stomach forcing all of the air out of the young fighters body. The powerful stomp also forces Simone into a sitting position allowing Annette to reach down grabbing her by both of her pig tails pulling her up to her feet. The big brown skinned wrestler ( Annette is in her late forties ) then proceeds to swing Simone around by her pony tails before releasing her wailing opponent sending the youngster hurtling head first into the crowd barricade. Simone strikes the metal railing rebounding onto the ground in front of  the  dominating hulk of a woman who glares down licking her full red lips informing the honey blonde cutie of who started this confrontation. . Remember cxnt it was you challenged me not the other way around. I tried to talk you out of it but you thought you ready to take down big mama so I'm taking no mercy on you Simone even if you are my own flesh and blood " Annette sneers grabbing her daughters legs spreading them wide. Say nighty nite bitch" the ruthless milf laughs before dropping her knee down between Simone's legs.
 The brutal cxnt busting blow sends nauseating waves of pain thru the slim but shapely teen  who cries out begging for mercy but not willing to submit and apologize to her mother. All you got to do is say the word Simone and I'll let this little lesson be over" Annette laughs as she grinds her knee down drawing high pitch sobs from her Daughter. But Simone shows that she is cut from the same cloth as her mother refusing to quit instead challenging her mother informing Annette that if " You let me up I'll will show you just how much of a washed up old cxnt you are". First a scowl then a broad smile crosses Annette's face as she rises releasing simonies legs allowing them to drop heavily to the floor. . Damn girl you really do have my blood running thru you, not that sissy ass fathers of yours. Ok come on cxnt I'm giving you a second shot so make it your best because now i'm not goanna hold back , you may just be leaving her eon a stretcher....