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DC Alumni Ladder Grudge Match (Cassidy, celaya, michalka,swan,palicki,benoist et

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Took place season 4 of Arrow

“This is a eight woman ladder match.  The goal is to get a paddle where you can hit the woman of your choice as often as you’d like.  All these women have been tied to DC comics at some point.  Another bonus for the winner is much like when the shorter women had this fight they will determine three match ups in a small cage.  This match was in our minds for a long time and the never let something be one on one with some ppl and requests from others have forced our hand”

“First up she has been in so many comic book properties…Standing 5’10 with unreal measurements Rachel Nichols.”

“Next up she’s been an amazing fighter from day one and has been locked in feuds that don’t seem to end.  5’8, Amazingly skilled and as she wants to be touted ‘the McPhee destroyer’ She was Zatanna in Smallville; Serinda Swan.”

Serinda went to the next corner.  “All these women promised to wait until the bell rings and a big reason is Zed from Constantine.  5’8 and mean; Angelica Celaya.”

Angelica got in the ring and immediately started a screaming match with Serinda “Next up, she’s beaten Katharine McPhee, she’s beaten Serinda Swan, she says she would have beaten Angelica Celaya.  5’8 from the Berlanti DC shows its Katie Cassidy.”

Katie got in the ring “I beat that bitch twice.”  She pointed at Serinda then went to the corner “I’ll beat you as many times as it takes for you to realize I’m the one who is wasting her time fighting you.”

“Some day you’ll have to fight me without …”

“ENOUGH.  Up next from iZombie 5’8 and one of the few women to have beaten Adrianne Palicki.  Its Aly Michalka.” 

Aly got in the ring and was between Nichols and Swan.  She was smiling knowing soon shed get to do it all over again.  Katie Cassidy was smiling “Beat you too”

“Another Smallville Alum 5’8 she was Mera and now she’s a woman who wanted this.  Elena Satine” 

Elena was between Katie Cassidy and Serinda Swan

“Spartacus and now Lucifer, standing 5’10… Tricia Helfer.”

She got between Nichols and Celaya

“And Finally”

Alyson Michalka grabbed the microphone “She’s taller than me but got her ass kicked by me.  She was Wonder Woman in a piss poor pilot show but got her ass kicked by me.  She was in Smallville but had her ass kicked by me and she was playing a kryptonian… She won it all in WBACCF but her first ever fight after she got her ass kicked by me… It’s the bitch, it’s the overrated egotistical about to get her ass kicked again by me… Adrianne Palicki”

Adrianne was outside the ring and Michalka was staying in the middle of the ring.  Bending over challenging Palicki to get in the ring and from behind Adrianne Palicki another woman showed up.

Melissa Benoist “Lets make this nine women.”  She looked up at Katie Cassidy who slowly looked over at her then gave a head shake.

Everyone was put in neutral areas and the rules were gone over “Ladies this is a ladder match.  There are nine ladders around the area and under the ring.  There are other weapons no steel chairs.  The winner of the match climbs up the ladder and gets a paddle.  They get to paddle which ever woman they please.  They also get to pick fights for a small cage which was set up for the other group to try and settle some scores.  In that cage no other woman can enter and all fights end when a winner is declared”

The ref left and the bell rang but no one moved just yet.  Surveying their competition.  Adrianne Palicki got in the middle of the ring and Alyson Michalka started toward her only to get speared by Rachel Nichols.  Nichols and Palicki were face to face and the crowd was going wild

Tricia Helfer jumped Adrianne from behind and Melissa Benoist walked up to Rachel Nichols only to be grabbed by Katie Cassidy.  “Why are you here, you aren’t good enough.”  Melissa slapped Katie and looked over and Serinda Swan had Angelica Celaya trapped.  Elene Satine was holding her by the arms and Serinda was coming in

“So long I’ve waited…You’ve cost me my reputation, you’ve cost me sleeps and you thought Elene and I were enemies.  You dumb slut”

Elene threw Angelica down and kicked Serinda between the legs “I never liked you and wanted to do that to you from day fucking one.”

Rachel Nichols was walking around the ring.  Elene Satine was kicking both Serinda and Angelica who seemed to be looking at each other as if this was another challenge.  They had just reached for the others hair.

Melissa and Katie had rolled to the outside and were still fighting.  Adrianne had gotten Tricia into a corner when Aly hit her in the back

Alyson Michalka lifted Adrianne Palicki up onto her shoulders for a burning hammer Drop when she was kicked in the stomach by Tricia Helfer.  Aly let Palicki go and was then thrown over the top rope by Tricia Helfer.  Tricia then lifted Adrianne up by the throat and threw her into the corner.

“This beat you” She screamed at Rachel Nichols who still hadn’t moved.  Rachel didn’t like what was said.  Time to do something

Rachel went to Elene Satine first grabbed her by the waist from behind lifted her up walked a few steps and hit a German Suplex.  Rachel got up and Tricia rushed at her, ducking the attack Rachel then hit a German suplex to Tricia.  Up on her feet she caught a rushing Angelica Celaya and hit a T Bone suplex.

Melissa Benoite jumped off the top rope and was caught for a over head belly to belly suplex by Rachel Nichols.  Serinda Swan was on her feet and got hit in the back by Katie Cassidy who snuck into the ring.  Serinda ended up toward Rachel and in a pumphandle position and thrown over Rachel Nichols who quickly got up picked off Katie Cassidy for a spine buster

Rachel Nichols got up to her feet and looked around. Katie Cassidy, Serinda Swan down in the ring .  Angelica Celaya, Melissa Benoite, Elene Satine, Tricia Helfer all down on the outside of the ring.  A thud and Rachel turned around to see Aly Michalka down by Adrianne Palicki

“Rachel” Adrianne made a step “Nichols”

“Adrianne”  Rachel made a step “Palicki”

Neither was smiling as this was a contest, they both desired and they both feared.

While it was true that Aly Michalka defeated Adrianne it was also true no one put a hurt on Adrianne like Rachel.  No one had ever convincingly undeniably defeated Rachel until Adrianne Palicki and now they were face to face again

The first time since their one and only fight began they the realest Amazons at five ten and full bodied while being athletic.  The only person at this point in their life that ever made them feel fear was the person they were staring at.

“Round…”  They were stepping up and as their fists went up both Rachel and Adrianne had their hair pulled from behind and sent to the ropes.  Adrianne by Aly and Rachel by Tricia

Serinda swan rolled to the outside.  She looked to her left there was Katie Cassidy up and turning that corner then to her right and there was Angelica Celaya turning that corner.  “I already beat that ass but you think you can beat me”


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She moved for Katie when Katie was shoved down, and Elene Satine threw her body at Serinda.  Tits hit an Serinda went down “I waited so long for that and I always knew that’s what would happen if our tits met.”

Katie grabbed Elene by the arm turned her around “That was mine.” Katie and Elene began trading slaps then grabbing the other by the hair slamming into the ring apron then over the guardrail.  Serinda watched them struggle and then got up a little embarrassed but then slowly turned and there she was eye to eye with Angelica Celaya

“I taught you this lesson.”

“See how I didn’t jump you… Its because I don’t need to.”

“Come on and prove it” Serinda said and the two were in a bear hug trying to get a right free to hit some punches

Their tits were so tight that they were losing balance trying to get that arm free.  They were holding their breath the tit on tit was seemingly so tight it stopped their lungs then they went over the guardrail

In the ring it was a conflicting style.  Rachel and Tricia were even in height and were fighting a skilled in tight fight.  Like they were in a phone booth trying to work room to hit a punch but not allow he other to have room. 

On the other side Aly Michalka was letting loose with forearm smashes, punches and knees.  Adrianne Palicki was trying to cover up as Aly was not letting up what so ever as she screamed “I did not get lucky”

Adrianne was able to block and get Aly out of the ring.  She took a deep breath that fury was hard to withstand.  Then Adrianne was avalanched in the corner “Nichols you cheap”

“Not Nichols”

Tricia Helfer had put Rachel Nichols down then saw a opening and ran at Adrianne Palicki..  The Canadian hit knees then got a hand in one of Adrianne arm pits and threw her at Rachel Nichols who had gotten up and wanted revenge.

Tricia looked at the outside and Aly was up and saw Melissa Benoist run at her only to get clothelined hard.  Tricia got outside to the ring apron when Aly turned she got hit by a flying Tricia Helfer clothesline

Melissa Benoist was starting to get up and Tricia waited and hit a spinning kick style clothesline like Stacy Keibler used to do.  She then turned jumped hit a double stomp on Aly.  Looked around saw Serinda and Angelica still wrestling around so she ran jumped over and hit each with a foot putting them down.  Tricia Helfer was on a roll and looked in the ring saw the two favorites were starting to move

Rachel was on her hands and knees and looked and saw an ass.  That woman was on her hands and knees in the ring as well “Id recognize your ass anywhere Nichols… Afterall I’m the one who kicked it.”  Adrianne Palicki said

“Wonder Womans cancelled ass.  I knew something looked flat but maybe its time we see if you can kick my ass a second time or.”  They both moved stayed on all fours but were now face to face.

They pressed foreheads into each other and began to stand up “Do you really want another round. Thought the one fight was enough for  you.”

“It is but I’m not going to back down from you in any world in any place.  No one even the women who have wins over you put the beating on you I did.”

Fully up and fully enraged ready for a round two neither ever wanted.  Then both hand the back of t heir hair grabbed and pulled back.  They broke eye contact looked over and it was Tricia Helfer whose eyes went wide.  Both Rachel and Adrianne knocked the handout of their hair then both turned and hit Tricia with a punch direct to the stomach.  Their thumbs actually touched on the way back out from it

They looked at each other then turned and hit a kick to Tricia’s collar bones snapping Tricia upwards.  Again, Rachel and Adrianne looked at each other wondering whose kick landed first and then they both got a hand on Tricia’s throat not sure who got there first both squeezed not sure who hurt Tricia more they got Tricia arm over each of their shoulders and the two truest Amazons lifted Tricia Helfer high in the air and kept her there looking at the other to see who would tire first.
Arms were burning but they didn’t want to look weak then they heard ladders fumbling and someone was trying to slide a ladder in.  Like a synchronized tag team Adrianne Palicki and Rachel Nichols spiked Tricia Helfer down so hard she bounced twice

Melissa Benoist was trying to get one ladder in and on the near left side of the ring to her was Katie Cassidy getting one in.  Rachel moved for Katie, so Adrianne shook her head at wasting her time on Melissa.  Adrianne pushed the ladder back to the outside and easily won the pushing contest with Melissa slamming and pinning her against the guardrail

Adrianne hit a chop to Melissas chest then ten more and finally stepped back and watched melissa fall forward draped over the ladder.  Adrianne smiled then turned around to Aly Michalka lifting her up and spine bustering her onto the ladder.

“huh what.... What now there’s a reason I got a win on you bitch and you Super girl.  I always wanted a piece of you.”  Aly went under the table grabbed Melissa by the ankles and pulled  her under the ladder

Aly sat on Melissas legs and grabbed her by the hair slammed the back of her head into barrier numerous times.  “I’m here because I deserve to be.”

Aly rolled away then walked back to Adrianne “I will never tire of proving you aren’t as good as me.  So what you are built like a goddess… I beat you twice and still they think you would destroy me.”  She hit a draping ddt from ladder to the floor

Over on the other side Rachel Nichols stepped between the ropes in the crowd area Serinda swan and Angelica Celaya were both topless just smashing each other with haymakers.  There was Elise Satine and Rachel walked down and kicked her in the ribs.

Rachel stomped Elene in the back then backed up a step turned around and saw Katie slide the ladder more in the ring than pull it back out across as much of the ring as possible.  Rachel got  her arm up but it crashed into her ribs putting her down

Katie got out of the ring grabbed the ladder and hit it into Rachels hip then again.  Katie turned and Elene hit the ladder with a drop kick sending Katie down.  Elene grabbed the ladder and was about to use it on Katie when Melissa Benoist grabbed her by the back of the hair and pulled the red head away.

Elene rolled and turned toward Melissa that gave Melissa better grip on the hair.  Elene never cared she grabbed Supergirl’s tits squeezed.  Hair released Melissa squealed and Elene pushed her back into the apron then leaned over Melissa putting more hurt on her tits.

“Leave her alone.”  Katie said pushed the ladder off and started to stand up and Elene was still making poor Melissa cry.

Katie was up jumped at Elene to club her in the back with her forearm.  Elene moved and Katie hit Melissa in the chest “Fuck.  You don’t belong here ok now i…”  Katie realized it was to late and got clipped in the jaw with a right from Elene satine.

“Come on lets be honest I’m the one woman you have a question about whether you can take or not.”

Katie felt her jaw and looked over at Elene “Yeah I got wins over those two.  I know I cant beat Rachel or Palicki and kicked Michalkas ass.”

“Can you kick my ass?  That’s the question you have refused to answer.”

“Never found out the answer because it was a fucking set up.”

“Well find out now.”  “I fucking will.”

Elene threw apunch it was blocked and Katie hit two to the stomach then grabbed her by the hair and threw Elene across the ring and to the floor “Not going to lie.. That is a soft stomach you got there especially considering all the company.”

Elene realized this was a lot to prepare for.  Not jut the ladder match but being able to fight Katie one on one.  She was going to get picked apart and Katie was mad at her for being the focal point on not letting fights be one on one


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“Where you going?”  Katie purred watching Elene try to crawl away

She caught up as Elene tried to go under the ring pulled her back out by the pants blocked a back punch and drilled her knee into Elenes ribs “When I fought Angelica you brought Serinda.  When I fought you you had Serinda waiting , when I fought Serinda you led everyone there.”

Another knee to the ribs and Katie lifted Elene up got her on the apron and hit another knee to the ribs.  “Stay right here.”  Katie Cassidy backed up sizing the beaten ribs of Elene up and then ran into something or someone.”

Hands went back to hips and upward whoever it was it could be one of three as the woman was taller.  Nichols, Palicki or Helfer

Smaller waist it was Tricia Helfer.  Katie hoped to surprise her and threw a leg back but Katie had that blocked and was then spiked down and had her stomach stomped “I’m as tough as it gets and I’m tired of not getting the respect.”

Tricia saw where Elene was ran and jumped on the apron for a Roman Reigns style drive by Drop kick and that sent Elene off the mat.  She got on her feet ran back at Katie and hit a swanton bomb.

Tricia got up and began beating her chest “I’m not here to be a punching bag but to punch and fly.”

Tricia saw Melissa Benoist starting to get up so she ran and hit a V Trigger Knee.  “Supergirl are you.  Well, supes you don’t belong in the same area as this cylon.” 

Tricia could hear some thuds and looked over and Serinda Swan and Angelica Celaya were doubled over.  Left in the hair and right-hand hitting hooks into the left tit or a upper cut to either tit.

Then she saw Rachel Nichols “You are one of the ones who has no respect for what I am and can do.  You and that other Supergirl.”

Tricia thought about lifting Rachel up to her feet.  Instead, she wanted to beat the fallen Nichols she went to kick Rachel, but the foot was caught. Rachel swept the other leg held onto the ankle and dove over and lifted Tricia up onto her shoulders.

Rachel threw Tricia in a F5 Brock Lesnar finisher.  Tricia stomach hit the guardrail and she was hung there “Tricia I respect you but don’t step up to me I’m here to…”


Rachel didn’t want to give the attention but she knew Adrianne was up in the ring looking down on her.  Tricia was breathing hard she was likely done and Serinda and Angelica worked their way over the guard rail those shots they were delivering were absolutely thunderous.

Rachel turned and there was Adrianne Palicki alone in the ring with the ladder behind her.  She gave a wave to Rachel then backed up inviting Rachel into the ring.  Rachel nodded and calmly stepped on the ring stairs climbed each then got into the ring between the top and middle rope.

Adrianne was on one side of the ladder and smiled “You would never rematch me unless you had no other choice.  Well everyone is down and theres a ladder, I’m going to start climbing so you can watch me win or  you can join me up here and fight me again knowing I’m just going to  beat you again.”

“We haven’t gone for a second round, we haven’t tangled in here, we… We Adriaanne it was semi finals and yeah you beat me…Barely.  That was the finals everyone knew it and now what you want me to watch you climb the ladder.”  Rachel got to the ladder first foot on first rung “And win then challenge who you want.”

Adrianne sized the leg up then got on the first rung then the second “I’d recommend  you just watch. I wont be calling you out that is my promise to you all you need to do is not climb this ladder.”

Rachel climbed two more was one more than Adrianne “I respect you we both know what we did but what you want is to embarrass and humble me.  You know and I know neither of us wants the rematch we want one but we don’t want one more so how about you stay there and pretend your legs hurt and I go win and promise I wont fight you.”

They both reached the top of the ladder and stared at the paddle then at each other.  Tension growing between Nichols and Palicki “So here we are.”  Rachel said “One of us has to win.”

“Do nothing and …”  Adrianne reached up for the briefcase and Rachel knocked her arm down.  Rachel reached and Adrianne knocked her arm down.

Both women the favorites to win it all were arm length away from grabbing the paddle and winning the match.  They stared at the other rage building and the knowledge that maybe yes it was time for them to trade punches and whoever got knocked off the ladder would be who was challenged by the woman who stayed on and won the match.

They reached for the other then jerked back.  Aly Michalka hit Adrianne Palicki in the hip with a ladder and Katie Cassidy hit Rachel Nichol.  They looked across and seen each other and began hitting Adrianne and Rachel more in the back of knees, hip and back until the two began to climb down.

Katie and Aly set up their own ladders took a look at each other then the big fish on the ladders.  No one was going to win t his fight as long as those two were around.  They were as good as it got in this battle so this was the opportunity to remove them from the match.

They both had the same bad ida and climbed up their ladder to the point they could step across and get a leg over one of Rachel or Adrianne’s shoulders.  Then they got the calf across  the neck, prayed and threw their bodies swinging thing amd hit poison ranas on Adrianne Palicki

Rachel and Adrianne were out cold and the women who did that gave a warrior cry as they stood up.  Then in the ring was serinda swan and Angelica Celaya a naked bloody mess, returning any attack given and not finding any advantage on the other whatsoever.

Katie and Aly never noticed the war between Serinda and Angelica they were enjoying that they knocked out the toughest and strongest women in the competition.  They picked up the dead weight and threw it out the ring.  Katie and Aly walked backward hit a ladder and nodded time to win it all.


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Katie hit the middle ladder got her heel on it and pushed up to climb.  Aly on the other side of the ladder got to the left one and her heel was on it.  They both began to climb got to the middle and saw each other for really the first time since Katie beat Aly in a one on one fight.

“Bi…”  Then to the far right there was Serinda and Angelica on the same side of the ladder their bodies bloody eyes closed they climbed the ladder ripping at the others body turning around but somehow staying on the ladder.

Smashing and pressing the others inside tit onto the ladder steps and hitting punches to whatever they could.  Head buts from each they reached the top of the ladder, and it was a war between these two.  Angelica and Serinda had a war from the moment t hey locked horns and smashed tits into the other.

So Angelica and Serinda were in a in tight war trying to send the other off the ladder and prove once and for all who had the better body.  Who was the tougher woman and next to them Katie and Aly got a foot on each ladder and were trading punches.

All other women were done this was it one of these four would win the ladder match.  Katie Cassidy and Aly Michalka foot on a ladder each were trading hard right hands.  Hip back throw the right, hip back throw the right one woman  had to go off this ladder and the other get that paddle

Michalka was confident but the sound each punch made it was clear.  Katie was now the better puncher.  Aly took one and she decided to make it all better and swung her body back  and try to hit one of Serinda and Angelica


Was pushing Serinda off the side of the ladder “Fucking got you, I fucking  own …”  Serinda desperate to not lose this to Angelica of all people pulled at the hair of Angelica Celya

That yank got Angelica hit with a Aly Michalka back fist.  It dazed Angelica to stop attack on Serinda who slammed the head twice ino the side of the ladder than got her hands on Angelicas face and threw her off and into the corner of the ring.  Serinda then struggled to stay on the ladder.

Aly swung her body back and wanted a huge haymaker and send Katie off of the ladder.  That’s not what happened.  Katie Cassidy got a strong grip on the ladder under hooking it all strain on her shoulders.  Katie Cassidy drove two feet into Alys chest and sent her into the ropes at such power she hit hard then went out of the ring.

All that was left was Katie Cassidy and Serinda Swan.  Serinda reached and touched the paddle and knocked it away she was to far.  Katie then reached for it and Serinda grabbed her.  They locked eyes.  “You got lucky to many times against me that ends up here.”

“Three times”

“You got two lucky wins bitch you cant.”

Katie Cassidy went full Shawn Michaels and hit a side kick to Serinda who was not expecting that.  Serinda fell off the ladder and got tied into the middle and top rope.  Katie almost fell off the ladder she got her balance and then the ladder began to shake so Katie tried to settle it.

All settled, ladder and Katie she reached and stopped one last look behind her was anyone sneaking up.  No they were not.  Was anyone coming up any ladder no they were not.  Katie Cassidy reached up unhooked and took the paddle down and the bell rang so Katie slowly climbed down

“Winner…Katie Cassidy who has now earned the right to pick each fight in the shark cage and as a added bonus she gets to spank one of you with the paddle.”

“And the one I hit will be the one I fight.”

Everything was calmed down.  Aly Michalka was hanging off the edge of the ring looking up.  Serinda was tied up in the ropes screaming “You cant take me one on one.” So Aly began demanding a rematch. 

“So I cant beat you and you want a rematch and you want Serinda… Fine Aly you get your rematch.  Michalka turned around to be spanked “Against Adrienne Palicki.  She then hit Serinda in the tits with the paddle “And you want Serinda one on one finally as violent as you two can get …You Angelica Celaya get Rachel Nichols.”  BAAM another full swing with the paddle into Serindas tits.

“You getting it yet well your friend Elene she fights Helfer and my friend Benoist I got a special idea for her.  I get you… I get you in a cage where you do have the advantage and Serinda I will beat you again and this all ends with me putting this paddle on your ass not your tits.

After having her tits worn out by Katie and the paddle Serinda had her ass poking out the ropes.  She was bent over and Katie Cassidy got on the ring apron.  Twirled the paddle around and hit a mighty swing to Serinda Swans ass and the entire fight was over.  Katie Cassidy of Arrow reigned supreme

(Upcoming:  Ali Larter vs Shannon Elizabeth; Adrienne Wilkinson vs Victoria Pratt; Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus; Alexa Vega vs Sarah Shahi)