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FCBA Free Agency Friday

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Offline Lookout!

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FCBA Free Agency Friday
« on: December 16, 2016, 06:20:19 PM »
Hello there,

If you've been following the FCBA (Female Celebrity Boxing Association) and have been interested in joining, there is no time like the present with six (6) stables closing their doors due to inactivity.      If you're interested, please e-mail us at to inquire and check out the board at:

These six (6) stables that are closing their doors are: 

This is Glamour:
Gemini Boxing:

Feel free to check out their stable pages to see if there are any fighters that you might be interested in.     Jenny McCarthy is going to retire, but otherwise, there are few, if any restrictions, on the rest of the free agents.   

First of all, please check out the FCBA Wiki / Archive:, which is an invaluable resource.   Check out some of the matches featuring a few of your favorite fighters to get a sense of what goes into an FCBA match.   Also, if you're interested in managing a stable, I would advise you to check out the Stables Page: page to see which  fighters are managed and which fighters that you're interested might still be available.      If there is a fighter that IS managed but you're still very interested, please feel free to check with us.   It never hurts to ask!     There are different managers in the league and each one has a roster of fighters that they represent. I always recommend a smaller roster to start with - maybe four to six fighters at the MOST to represent the various weights, though you don't need a fighter for each weight.   There are four (4) weights, which are: flyweight, bantamweight, lightweight and welterweight.    Now, if you're interested, you need to select a stable name and a roster to go with it. I always recommend picking fighters that you're really passionate and interested in promoting. If you have some girls in mind, let me know and I'll let you know whether they are available, as well as what weight class they're in if you have any questions!   We'll help you come up with the best roster possible!

Second of all, once you have a stable, a name and fighters to go along with it, you can debut your stable and get to making matches.    We have a monthly PPV but that doesn't preclude you from being able to have matches in between the PPVs to keep your fighters busy either!    Once you get a match set up, we provide the results to whoever is writing up the bout. You don't have to just write up matches involving your own fighters, though most managers do. Then, you write up the bout and if you have been reading the Wiki, you have a great idea on how matches are structured and set up!     However, if you're interested in writing, we are more than happy to provide a brief tutorial on how to write up a boxing match in the FCBA!   If you plan on joining the FCBA, you will need to be able to write up matches in order to participate on a regular basis.

Third, one thing we want to make clear is that the board is focused on the sport of female celebrity boxing and the rivalries that go with it.    The standards are high and this board does NOT allow erotic material.     While there may be some post-fight humiliation which may head into the PG-13 range approximately, you should expect to see something along the lines of what you will find on a WWE PPV or a movie on basic cable.   Just a friendly disclaimer!

Fourth, we have a vibrant group of managers here.    Some of them are more involved than others and some participate in a variety of ways.    But, it's a great group of people and I'm honored to work with them all.    We have some of the most creative, clever, innovative and fun group of individuals who have, over the years, worked together to make the FCBA the best fight league on the planet, in my opinion!    We couldn't be more lucky and we'd love to have you join them!

Last but not least, if you do join, get involved!     Being an FCBA manager is not a time-consuming process - after all, this is supposed to be a fun hobby!    You will get out of it what you put into it, however.     Once a month we put out a request for PPV matches and for writers, so if you're a manager, it's beneficial if you participate in that process to make some amazing bouts happen.    For those who elect not to be as involved, that's fine but know that we have an active league and if you don't approve a bout, as Commissioner, we may approve it on behalf of your fighter to ensure that your fighters stay consistently busy and hopefully successful.    Writing up bouts is important to keep your fighters active, but feel free to promote your fighters in any variety of ways.      But, management is a *bit* of a responsibility, so don't join the league if you're not interested in checking in at least once a month and participating on a regular basis!

If any of those sounds interesting to you or raises any questions, please feel free to e-mail me and we'll be happy to answer any questions that you have.   We'll also be happy to put you in touch with any number of our managers to make sure you get involved from the start and make sure that this league is the most fun place possible for you and your roster!    Thank you and we'll look forward to hearing from you!     The league has been around in one form or another since 1999 and we would love for you to join and participate in order to add to the rich legacy, history and most importantly, future of the Female Celebrity Boxing Association (FCBA)!   

-Lookout! Boxing