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Corporate Promotion

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Offline Ricatfightfan

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Corporate Promotion
« on: April 08, 2024, 11:50:16 PM »
The organizational climate at Dynamics Inc. was tense in the months leading to the latest corporate restructuring. Employees feared job cuts, pay cuts, and layoffs.

Lindsey McElroy was not among the nervous. As the branch lead in the Financial Management Department, she saw a promotion opportunity. She caught wind of Finance merging with the Fraud & Investigation Department, and felt confident in being chosen as the new department head.

Lindsey daydreamed at her desk as the employees around her spread rumors and complained. She envisioned a new way to make this organization work, and she loved the idea of being in charge.

Her whole life, Lindsey sought to be the best at everything she was involved in; from grades, sports, and now in the business world, she maintained her aggressiveness. She now saw herself as one sexy, statuesque redheaded, young leader.

She was already, at age 27, the youngest branch lead in the organization. Of course there was rumor she slept her way into the position, and that rumor was partially true. She was incredibly attractive.

Lindsey played lacrosse all through high school and college, and was the team captain almost every season. She still belonged to a lacrosse league and played every Saturday. Her legs and ass were well toned, her body was quite shapely, and her breasts were quite full. While she wore her hair up for work and sports, her wavy red hair rested below her shoulders when she was relaxed. Her hair well complimented her crystal-blue eyes and lightly freckled, gorgeous face.

She was not modest about her looks in the office either. Most often, she wore a tight blouse, short skirt, thigh-high stockings and pumps. She felt a sense of power in how she dressed. She felt like a boss. She was tough, sexy, aggressive and ready for a promotion.

Two floors up from Lindsey’s office, Nicole Genovese sat daydreaming at her desk. She too heard about the merger of Fraud & Finance, and the thought of taking over such a large department excited her to no end.

Nicole, at age 29, was the second youngest branch lead in the organization, and she was hungry for a new challenge.

Nicole grew up in a tough, urban neighborhood. School was a challenge because of fights, drugs, and gang violence interruptions nearly every day. She knew college was out of reach. 

At 18, Nicole decided to join the Army. She started taking college classes, and eventually finished her four year enlistment as a paralegal specialist. She then used her GI Bill to put herself through college to earn her degree in crime analysis.

Dynamics Inc. was the first job she ever applied for. The hiring panel wasn’t convinced she was the best candidate, but she was by far the best-looking candidate, and this is really the reason she was hired.

Nicole was incredibly fit, sexy, and basically hot as fuck. Her straight, jet-black hair, dark eyes, clear complexion, and stacked body were impossible to overlook. She maintained the same physical fitness routines she learned in the Army and held a years-long membership at a local Cross-fit gym.

Nicole surprised the executive leadership almost immediately after being hired by uncovering an internal embezzlement scheme. She was quickly promoted to branch lead. She was ready for more responsibility.

Around the office, Nicole wore business casual outfits that were rather conservative.  This was about to change.

Lindsey and Nicole weren’t strangers. They often attended the same meetings, took the same elevator, and would occasionally see each other at the same Cross-fit gym.

They both knew they would most likely be competing for same new role of department head as well.  Pretty much every employee in both branches figured this out pretty quickly.

Lindsey and Nicole began showing up for work looking hotter and hotter. There was definite tension and an air of competition, and there was no hiding it.

Dynamics Inc. Chief Financial Officer Jeff Mitchell noticed it too. Jeff had slept with both several times since they were hired. Jeff would soon become the executive director to oversee the Financial & Fraud Services and two other departments. Whoever was going to be the FFS department head would report directly to him. He could barely hide the boner he was getting just thinking about how competitive this opportunity had become for these women. He knew it was wrong to set this situation up, but he could not let this opportunity pass him up. This was his dream come true.

He walked into his office Monday morning and sent a meeting invite to both women to meet in his office private conference room late Friday afternoon.

Both women immediately RSVP’d “yes.”

Lindsey and Nicole knew this meeting would most likely determine who would be leading the department.

What a week that was.

Monday passed without incident.

Both women showed up Tuesday morning looking like porn stars. Short skirts, thigh-high nylons, tight blouses, and it was obvious to anyone looking that both had left their underwear home.

They arrived to the elevator at the same time. They each took one look at each other and huffed, rolled their eyes and looked in opposite directions.

It was early and most employees would not arrive for another hour.

The elevator dinged and both women walked in nearly side by side. They both hit their respective floors in silence. The doors shut and the elevator began its awkward climb to the first stop, the 40th floor.

Both women could hear their heartbeats in their ears. They eagerly tapped their feet on the carpeted elevator floor. Their breathing was becoming a bit rapid. Both were trying to avoid each other and the situation. They had never been unfriendly before, but the tension in this elevator was almost unbearable.

“I want it,” breathed Lindsey. Her heart was racing.

“I want it,” Nicole breathed back, as both women were trying hard to not make eye contact.

“We might have to meet …” Lindsey began to say as she finally turned to look at Nicole.

“Before Friday,” Nicole finished the sentence.

Both women were now face-to-face and only about 2 feet from each other. They looked each other up and down. They were both jealous, uncomfortable, and growing frustrated.

They began to get even closer when the doors dinged and began to open. They broke their stare and Lindsey briskly left the elevator, leaving Nicole to remain in the box with their mix of perfume and pheromones for two more floors.

Lindsey got to her desk and immediately fired off an email to Nicole.

“Nice *seeing you* this morning. I want to see you again soon. Like maybe at the 17th Floor gym later. Say around noon?”

“See you then,” came an almost instant reply.

Lindsey started organizing her work and agenda for the day as other employees started trickling in. Each one stuttered a “good morning” while mesmerized by Lindsey’s stunning beauty barely covered by her outfit.

She didn’t count on how other employees would react. She only wanted Jeff and Nicole to notice.

Normally, Ben, the young, new intern would get his desk set up and make the first pot of the day’s coffee. He sat at his desk, and was unable to get back up. He had an embarrassingly large hard-on. Bonnie, another young intern took over. She couldn’t see his dick, but she knew what was going on. Hell, even her pussy was wet by how hot Lindsey was.

Everyone else was doing their best to just ignore her unless they absolutely needed to bring something to her attention. Lindsey was doing all she could to not finger herself with the sense of sexual power she was emanating in the office. It was almost intoxicating.

Nicole was having the same effect upstairs. She even caught a female employee running a finger over the crotch of her slacks. Nicole was flattered and a little turned on, but played it off. She had something more important to focus on.

At 11:30 both Nicole and Lindsey grabbed their gym backs and left the office. A sense of employee relief exited with the women.

Lindsey entered the locker room to see Nicole removing her blouse and skirt. Lindsey wasted no time in finding a near-by locker and doing the same.

“Want to be close, huh?” Nicole asked.

“You know what they say about enemies, right?” Lindsey responded.

Both women had gained confidence since their earlier encounter.

“So I guess we agree this won’t be friendly competition, fine by me,” Nicole answered as she shut her locker door.

Lindsey did the same.

Now both naked women stared at each other. They took in every inch of each other for the first time. Two, aggressive, insanely hot women with both in each other’s way.

They stepped directly into each other. Nose to nose, breast to breast and belly to belly. They pushed their noses into each other.

“I’m not afraid of a little competition,” Nicole breathed into Lindsey’s mouth.

“I’m not afraid of you,” Lindsey breathed back.

They pressed into each other even harder.

“I’ll beat you, and then own you as your boss, bitch,” Nicole said as the women’s lips were now touching.

“I’m going to own you,” Lindsey replied.

They both reached up and latched on to each other’s faces and pushed apart.

Lindsey discovered their was a heavy sense of eroticism in the animosity she felt in this moment. She had never felt this before in any previous fight.  She felt her pussy lips and clit start to swell. She lowered a finger and ran it between her pussy lips before even realizing she was doing it. She couldn’t take her eyes off Nicole who was thinking and doing the exact same thing.

Both women snapped back to reality and started to take a boxing stance when the locker room door opened.

In walked Linda and Marsha from payroll.

“Oh, it’s one of our future bosses…” Linda began to say when she realized these two were having that “discussion.””

Marsha gasped.

Linda was in her mid-30s and plain Jane, Marsha was a couple years older than Linda, but they could have passed as sisters.

“Were you two about to…”

“No,” Lindsey and Nicole said in unison, interrupting Marsha.

“Well, what a sight that would be,” said Linda. “You two naked and fighting would be a real battle of the goddesses. I’m not gay, but that would be pretty hot.”

“Ummm, yeah,” added Marsha.

“Well, you’re not going to see that here,” said Nicole as she started reaching for her clothes.

Lindsey was a step ahead and already had her skirt on.

“Too bad,” Linda laughed as she and Marsha found a different section of lockers.

“This is far from over,” whispered Lindsey.

“You know it,” Nicole whispered back.

Both women finished getting dressed and left separately back to their respective offices.

Nicole returned to her desk first and immediately fired off an email to Lindsey:

“I want to kick your ass so bad. You are lucky we were interrupted. But now that we are separated, I’m glad it didn’t happen. Fighting before the meeting would look bad for both of us. But I am coming for you.”

Lindsey deleted everything she had started typing and wrote a quick reply:

“Agree and can’t wait to destroy you.”

Both women were sexually explosive in this moment as they sat in their cubicle offices two floors apart.  Sexual jealousy had never been a thought between the two until this week. Between wanting to fight naked and the deep sense of rivalry, both women were insanely aroused.

Marsha and Linda were right, thought Lindsey. This fight would turn anyone on. Upstairs Nicole was thinking the same thing.

Both women began to finger their wet pussies under their desks two floors apart. Nicole came in only a few seconds, and reached for her cell phone. She looked up Lindsey’s cell number from an old email and sent a quick message:

“Fkn bitch.”

“Ooh thinking about me? Fuck U2,” came an immediate reply with an upskirt pic of Lindsay’s soaked pussy. “I’m gonna make you eat this.”

Nicole sent a pic back. “Get a good look. I’m gonna smother your face with it bitch.”

Both women were mesmerized by how wet their enemy’s pussylooked. They both now realized the sexual power they held over each other.

“Fuck you” was the next text from Lindsey.

“Fuck you” came Nicole’s reply.

The women avoided each other Wednesday and Thursday. No one, however, was avoiding these two women. Both were dressing like total sluts, and the rumor of a near fight had the entire company on alert. Male and female employees were taking every chance they could get to be in their presence. Asking for documents to be signed that didn’t even need signatures. Rumors of extramarital sex taking place in broom closets and bathrooms were exploding as the level of horniness that never existed before became all too real.

Friday morning at 6:30, Nicole exited her car in the parking garage and headed toward to building entrance. She was looking so hot and felt so sexually empowered, she fantasized about fingering herself as she walked.

She entered the building and immediately saw Lindsey waiting for the elevator.

Both women were wearing knee-high boots, and what were basically short cocktail dresses, and by short, they barely covered their pussies and asses, each without any underwear. Their well-sized, naturally firm breasts were practically spilling out. Both let their lengthy hair fall naturally. They looked like they were ready for an orgy, not a work meeting.

Both women froze for a brief second at the stunning sexiness of their rival. Nicole then picked up her pace toward the elevator.

Neither said a word as they waited for the elevator. Heavy breaths, attempts to not
make eye contact. Tapping their boots on the tile floor. Arms crossed under their heaving tits.


They both went to enter at the same time, each trying to push past each other. Lindsey hip checked Nicole and Nicole retaliated in kind.

After squeezing through, both women turned directly into each other; hands on hips, tits pressed firmly together. Nicole’s thick, creamy right thigh rested inside Lindsey’s equally thick and smooth left. Their dresses raised slightly, nearly allowing their pussies to press together, breathing heavy. They pushed their faces together cheek-to-cheek. Each with warnings directly into their rival’s ear.

Heavy whispers began to fill the elevator as the doors closed.

“This is it, bitch.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you.”
“After this meeting, we fight.”
“Bring it, whore.”
“Fuck you slut.”
“Fucking cxnt.”

They immediately heard the doors start open. In the intensity of the moment, they forgot to select their floors. They quickly broke apart.

Now standing at the door was James Murphy, a top sales rep in another company, and an unfamiliar face, Wendy McDaniel’s, a young new intern for Dynamics Inc.

James was in his mid-30s and handsome, and Wendy was in her early 20s and a total knock-out.

James and Wendy entered the elevator. James hit the button for the 71st floor. Wendy hit the 40th, and Nicole hit the 42nd, leaving Lindsey to feel relieved she did not have to move from her spot along the elevator wall.

There was dead silence as the elevator started to rise. The musky smell of perfume and wet pussy permeated the confined area. James was doing all he could to avoid looking at anyone, but he could not help it. He glanced at the women around him. His cock became immediately erect in his pants. He was embarrassed, but could do nothing about it.

Wendy just stared at the massive bulge in James’s pants. Her pussy was getting super wet now too.

Lindsey and Nicole just stared at each other.

Ding. The door opened at the 40th floor.

Lindsey tried waiting for Wendy to leave.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m staying in,” Wendy said.

“I’m taking the stairs,” Nicole blurted as she walked out. Lindsey exited after Nicole.

They both looked back to see Wendy begin to crouch to her knees as the elevator doors closed.

“I’ll see you soon, bitch,” Nicole heavily whispered to Lindsey as she headed to the stairway.

“Can’t wait,” replied Lindsey as she headed to her office.

Lindsey and Nicole both got to their offices, shut the doors, and fingered themselves to instant orgasms over the elevator situation.

Neither cared about what their offices might smell like, who gawked at them, who was fantasying about them; none of that mattered. They wanted the promotion and the satisfaction of kicking their rival’s ass.

The whole day was a blur - until 4:45 when the meeting reminder popped up on both women’s work stations.

Nicole’s pussy was saturated with sweet, sticky wetness. She had fingered herself three times today. Her breathing was heavy, and she tried to calm herself.

Nicole was in no different condition. Her heart was racing, mind swimming….

Both women left for the meeting on the 41st floor. As Lindsey ascended, she could hear the clicks of Nicole’s boots coming down from the 42nd floor. Nicole heard the same sounds coming toward her. Lindsey started immediately rubbing her pussy - hard. Her pussy was so wet, Nicole could hear her and started doing the same.

They met at the landing on the 41st floor. They stood still rubbing their absolutely soaked pussies.

And then Lindsey slapped Nicole across the face just hard enough for her pussy juices to fly out in all directions.

Nicole immediately returned the favor.

They walked directly into each other.

“Remember my scent, you’re going to be wearing it all over your face later, whore,” Lindsey threatened as they were now nose to nose.

“Remember mine, cxnt,” responded Nicole as she bit onto Lindsey’s bottom lip.

They traded pulling lips with their teeth for a few seconds before pushing apart.

Nicole turned and grabbed the door handle…

“Shall we?”

And off to the meeting they went.

Jeff was already at his office door when they arrived. He was obviously turned on by the two oversexed women ready to kill each other for a promotion. He motioned them in and escorted them to the conference room.

It was empty. There was nothing but a thick-padded matting from wall to wall.

The women looked confused.

“You two have wanted to fight all week over the prospect of a promotion,” Jeff said as he gestured around the room, which had transformed into an arena, and pointed at the ceiling mounted camera. “Well, now’s your chance to get it all out of your system. I’m going to leave this room and monitor from my office. If anything gets too much to handle, yell for me and I will come break it up.”

He then turned and left the room.

There was dead silence. Just two incredibly hot, turned-on women who absolutely hated each other. Then there were two distinct screams as the women immediately charged each other.

Their dresses immediately raised up to their waists, hands buried in hair, wailing and kicking at each other. Curses flying from their mouths, grunts of pain and torture as fists landed on backs and backs of heads as they twisted around the room.

Jeff sat in his office chair, flipped on his laptop, and removed his pants. The sight on his screen was better than he imagined as he watched their bare asses and pussies spin around the room. He started stroking his raging hard-on as he watched in fascination.

The battling women lowered themselves to their knees, attempting to land uppercuts at each other’s faces.

Nicole was the first to land a solid punch to Lindsey’s right cheek, throwing her head back. As Nicole looked up, Lindsey landed a solid punch to Nicole’s chin.

Now the fight became a brawl. Fists flew as the women tried to scramble to their feet. Once successful, they kicked at each other and separated.

It was a hot summer afternoon, and Jeff killed the AC in the room for his enjoyment. The women were sweaty, red from punches, and angrier than ever.

They mirrored each other in removing their boots and dresses. Now completely naked, they were ready for more. As they began moving toward each other, they could hear Jeff moaning from an orgasm.

“That was for me, slut,” said Nicole.

“Fuck you, I made him cum,” replied Lindsey.

Both women circled each other, eyes glaring into each other’s soul.

Nicole reached out and slapped at Lindsey’s tits, striking the right one.

“You like slapping my tits?” asked Lindsey as she reached out and grabbed Nicole by her left tit. “How about I rip yours off.”

“Likewise,” replied Nicole as she grabbed Lindsey’s tit.

Both had an intense grip on a breast as they went back to punching each other in the face with their free arm.

Now both women were screaming in pain and howling curses at each other.

Lindsey had enough and drove a knee into Nicole’s stomach. Nicole doubled over and stumbled back. Lindsey began to charge and Nicole threw a hard punch into Lindsey’s abdomen. Both women were now doubled over, trying to catch their breath and recover quickly.

After a few seconds, the women began circling again, throwing slaps and punches from a distance; being a bit more cautious.

“I like kicking your ass, bitch,” said Nicole as she spit at Lindsey.

Lindsey spit back. Both women now had their rival’s saliva on their face and chest. “I’m enjoying this too. I see how wet you are, how turned on I’m making you,” said Lindsey, as she missed with a slap.

“You’re more turned on than me; I can see your hard-ass clit from here,” replied Nicole as she missed with a punch.

“Fuck you”
“Fuck you”

And the women charged again, throwing hands into each other’s hair and forcing their bodies to press in full contact.

Both women were looking at ceiling as their hair was torqued to the limit. Their breasts completely smashed together, stomachs and pussies pressed hard against one another. Grunts of pain erupted from both women as they began to move each other back and forth ever slightly.

Jeff was so fucking turned on by the looks on their faces as they stared directly at the camera. He started to get another erection.

With one hand still attached to each other’s hair, Nicole landed a stinging slap to Lindsey’s face as Lindsey rained down a flurry of punches to Nicole’s back.

They spun themselves to the floor for the first time in this battle.

Rolling over each other and grabbing and punching anything they could, Nicole, on top at the moment, bit down on Lindsey’s shoulder.

Lindsey let out a scream and punched at Nicole’s face, landing two solid punches before kicking her off.

Both women got to their feet.

“Fucking bitch!” Lindsey yelled. “You wanna fight like that?”

“All is fair in this war, cxnt,” Nicole said as she shook off the blows to her face.

They charged at each other again. Lindsey immediately bit at Nicole’s neck. Nicole pinched at Lindsey’s clit - the most intimate attack so far.

Both screamed in pain, and returned the favors.

While the pain was intense, pinching each other’s clits and the intensity of the fight were absolutely turning these women on.

Nicole used an Army training technique and swept Lindsey down to the floor. Lindsey had been in plenty of fights and was easily able to counter the maneuver by twisting and sweeping Nicole down to the floor as well.

In the ensuring battle for dominance, the women wound up in a scissoring position, their soaked, meaty pussies pressed firmly together.

Neither woman had ever been with another woman like this, and the sensation was mind-blowingly intense. Both immediately bellowed a sound of incredible sexual release. The sound was deep, emotional, and animalistic.

“Oooh, you fucking like that, bitch?” Asked Nicole as she pressed even harder against Lindsey’s puffy, meaty and wet pussy.

“Not as much as you do,” Lindsey replied with equal pressure and an attempted slap at Nicole’s face.

Nicole responded and landed hers. Both women now smashed up as tightly as they could, grabbed hair and began swinging wildly at each other. Fists landed in faces, sides, tits, thighs, and the tops of each other’s heads.

They both began to grow dizzy and the punches slowed - as they began to focus more on their nearly explosive vaginas.

They began to pound their pussies together in a contest of sexual conquest. Their asses began bouncing off the floor as they leaned back on their elbows.

Smashing and grinding their slick, smooth pussies became too much and both women released guttural, animal-like howls of pure ecstasy as they came against each other.

The last thing either of them saw while still conscious was the sight of Jeff standing over them, furiously stroking his cock and ejaculating on both of their pussies.

When they came to, they groggily opened their eyes to the sight of Jeff, and the guy James they had on the elevator that morning.

The women were still glued at their pussies in their own and Jeff’s cum. Disgusted with each other, they kicked apart.

They both looked up at the two men.

“What’s going on?” Nicole asked through a hazy set of eyes and swollen jaw.

“Yeah, what is this?” Lindsey asked.

“Well, let me tell you what’s going on,” Jeff began. “You two have caused so much disruption in this place over the course of this week that you hurt our business. Nothing gotten done in your branches. The only thing that was going on was a bunch of fucking and jerking off and vibrators heard under desks…. I don’t want either of you running a department. You acted like children. You aren’t getting promotions or raises, you’re getting fired.”

Jeff then threw their dresses and boots at them.

“By the way, this is James,” Jeff said as Jeff awkwardly smiled and waved.  “He markets for an adult web site, and your fight is going to be featured. You will each get 70 percent of each sale, which is pretty generous. We expect this fight to make a lot of fucking money. So, thanks. Your contracts are on my desk. That’s your severance. If you feel this is unfair, take me to court. But good luck being taken seriously given I have filmed you all week. So, bye. Oh, and Jeff will be the new Fraud and Finance director. I trust him.”

Neither women could believe their ears. They were outrageously furious with themselves, each other and the situation.

“This is your fault,” yelled Lindsey as she reached out to punch her with a weak hook.

“Fuck you! It’s yours!” shouted Nicole as she weakly returned a fist.

Both men separated the women. Jeff took Lindsey to sign her contract after getting dressed. James took Nicole separately.

Both women were then escorted by security to their cars separately.

As Nicole was getting in her car, she yelled out to Lindsey; “this isn’t over, bitch!”

“Name the time and place, whore!” Lindsey yelled back.

And both women drove off.


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Re: Corporate Promotion
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2024, 08:21:47 PM »
I absolutely loved the ending and the fact that neither one of them won! Great story !!


Offline Ricatfightfan

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Re: Corporate Promotion
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2024, 09:00:35 PM »
I absolutely loved the ending and the fact that neither one of them won! Great story !!

Thanks. Already thinking about their next encounter.


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Re: Corporate Promotion
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2024, 01:44:03 PM »
Good instigating by Linda.


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Re: Corporate Promotion
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2024, 06:55:42 PM »
Good instigating by Linda.

More to follow with this angle….