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Littlemisschief vs Sexyprimalblonde (Sarah) - sponsored wrestling match

  • 4 Replies
My first post here so be kind!

The idea of this match was it was for a erotic-themed wrestling company. You got more matches, not only if you win, but if you show that you are are a little minx in how you wrestle as well. Guess what. We are both little minxes.

This is part 1..

PS, not sure I have ever been told to fuck off to Transylvania before...Only thousands of miles out, there's the British education system for you. Definate brexit overtones!

Sarah: At first it was just a way to make ends meet, to get a little extra on top of my salary as I got settled here but now I admit I secretly love it. I don't remember how I found out about it, maybe it was a strange late night web search, or even why I applied but wrestling for this website started out as something of a joke but was now something I truly enjoyed. The money was great but there was also the satisfaction of proving you're better than another girl. Out muscling and thinking her on the mats. Now however was the big pay day. Right when I started I remember seeing another girl at the site's large office. We were filling out applications. I asked for the time and she just ignored me. I called her a slut under my breath and then we made eye contact. I always secretly wished they would match me with her but it never came about. That is until today. We both had great records in our matches and apparently the fans of the site voted this their most wanted bout. Even a few dozen sponsored the match to make it even more special. Now as I step out the cab I'm being guided to my changing room. I admit I'm a bit nervous, I've seen your fights and I know you're good. Long limbs, lithe body, quick and strong. But I so badly want to prove I'm better after almost a year of wordless catty stares when we cross paths at the office. I slowly strip out of my clothes and doll myself up. My eyes circled with a thin black outline. My lips ruby red like an old school hollywood starlet. I slowly pull on the knee high socks over my legs. I stare at myself in the mirror. I pose, taking myself in, admiring the fine job the tanning salon were doing preserving my summer tan, before I step out of the changing room and into the shooting area. It’s a dark and dingy studio, and you can see the money has gone on us rather than the set-up, all the large furniture was pushed to the sides leaving the hard floor open for us. The production people were busying setting up a very large square of gymnast mats for us to fight on as they tell me they're getting ready to shoot soon. I stand on my end, nervous, as I wait impatiently, my freshly cut blonde bob perfectly styled. I suddenly hear soft foot steps making their way towards me yt

Miss Chief: When we were filling out applications for this thing, I couldn’t help but just get into the spirit of it all. Some blonde fake-tanned bitch asked for the time, quite politely really, but I couldn’t resist telling her to fuck off I mean, if she thought I was going to be nice, why did she think that...we weren’t registering for a baking class. We have both won more matches than we have lost, and the fans have wanted this, and secretly I have. I didn’t think you would be any good when I first clapped eyes on you, but you have beat some girls I struggled with, so I know you must be capable. Sometimes people can surprise you, and you have certainly surprised me with your ability. I throw my long hair back and get myself ready mentally for this. I want to win this match more than I have wanted to win any of the other matches. I am wearing black panties with black knee high socks. Its not something I would ever usually wear, just not my style, but it’s made a little more my thing with some gold roses embroidered on the panties and on the matching bra, pushing up my petite assets nicely, creating a cute but very present cleavage. My hair is loose, cascading down my shoulders playfully, and my dark make up gives me a really striking look. I am ushered into a room and as I walk in, I look you up and down, seeing the same things I saw that day when we both signed up, I still don’t think too much of you, and I don’t hide it from you, giving you a look that could kill a well equipped army. I put my hands on my hips at the other side of the mats, having a few inches on you, but that doesn’t concern me, I can’t assume my height will lead to me beating you, I will need to fight for it 'time to go blondie' I purr yt

Sarah: I adjust my riding panties a bit as I look over at you, giving you a real nasty sneer. My own breasts pushed up in my lacey bra as I say "you're so going to lose today. I am going to kicky ou all the way back to Europe." Just looking at you just makes me so angry, about how we're often compared to one another. They call us alpha bitches and bundles of energy and talk about how we'd be so evenly matched. Everytime I hear about it it makes my blood boil. I give you the dirtiest stare as I slowly make my ways towards you on the mats. "See you're copying my style a little there Euroslut. Really really really can't wait to wipe that dirty little look you got there on your face." I flick my bangs out of my eyes as I crouch down low, looking right into your eyes as I try and feel you out for the first few moments. Suddenly lunging forward at you only to take a few steps back. I want to see if you'll take the bait, as i try and dictate the pace of the match early by luring you closer to the middle of the mats. I keep doing it, over and over, half trying to play with your mind, half trying to test your reflexes. As I do I keep smiling, a dirty nasty little smile that shows off a sense of confidence and condescending opinions of your own skill. Just as I take a final step back I lunge forward quickly, trying to grab both of your shoulders as I whisper "I've been waiting for this match for a while you brunette bitch" trying to dig my fingers in to get a good grip and get this whole thing started yt

Miss Chief: You are wearing white, which goes with your blonder hair and gives you a more innocent look but I’m not stupid enough to think that you are some cutesy, fluffy prey. I roll my eyes as you move closer to me. 'Im not copying your style you dumb blonde, why would I want to look like a washed out British Barbie doll anyway' The verbal sparring has started and I want to make sure I give as good as I get. I watch you as you lunge forward and the experience I have got from doing these kinds of matches tell me this is a fake and I barely react 'Oh come on, you will have to do better than that' I half giggle, trying to make a fool out of you. You keep moving in and then moving out, and Im really not giving you any reaction, not showing any hint that Im about to fall for this. Then you actually make your move and I am taken by surprise. You grip my shoulders and I reach forward straight away and grip yours in return, not having the time to think of anything erlse but to fight fire with fire. I hold your shoulders and then push back, before getting the idea to loop my foot behind your heel, it’s something I have done in other matches and its worked really well, so I do it again, and I try and give you an extra hard shove backwards, hoping I make you look an even bigger fool by landing on your ass on the mats straight away yt

Sarah: I get frustrated from your lack of reaction from my fake lunges but am absolutely ecstatic when I catch you by surprise. "Please, you're such a jealous little slut, but we all know who the better and hotter girl is here" I start pushing hard, using what I think is my superior strength to try and gain the advantage. It isn't as easy as I thought it would be though. You push back and grip my shoulders, fighting back as I pump my legs as hard as I can into the mats. I grit my teeth as I say "face it, you know you're weaker then me, you might as well just give it up you low rent slut." Convincing myself as much as you. Pushing as hard as I can when suddenly I feel it. Your leg is quick, stealthy and it snakes around mine, your foot now firmly pressed against my heel. I try to break free but as I do you give me a mighty shove, tripping me over your foot as I land back, landing on my round butt hard as I scream out, more out of frustration than pain. I look up at you as I know I can't let you keep pressing on, trying to scoot away on my butt and get back onto my feet as quickly as possible, knowing the cameras certainly caught that yt

Miss Chief: I push you back and the one thing I’m worried about, the only thing I’m really worried about is that if you grab me when you fall you could flip me, I know that’s not going to happen when you release my arms though, and fall down hard on your butt. I have no time to bask in the glory of my move. I don’t know how good you are, although I have seen videos of you showing some technique, and I will be damned if I am going to underestimate you. I move after you swiftly and grip your right and left legs. I pull them up hard, dragging your back along the carpet towards me. I place my foot on your crotch and smile, before turning to the camera and grinning 'the winner' I smile and I start to grind my heel into your crotch, working it straight from the word go. Going for humiliation straight away, and as I have your legs held, I know I’m in a position of real power. 'I think I have got her already' I giggle to the cameras, before I move to start trying to fold your legs up towards your head, knowing if this comes off I could go for a pin yt

Sarah: I feel you grab my legs and prepare for the worst, as my back drags along the carpet I feel your heel press between my legs and I wince out in a little pain, you have my legs spread, working that heel in good. But other than the initial pain this isn’t much of a hold. And any feeling of humiliation are eclipsed by the feelings of outright anger going through me right now. I look up at you, hear your giggling towards the camera as I try and shake my legs free from your grip, moving them left and right in a struggle to get free. However I'm doing this mostly to distract you, hoping it works as I sit up and grab your ankle with both my hands. "This will teach you to goof around with me your little dark-haired slut!" I twist your foot slightly to send a pang of pain into you as I pull your leg towards me, hoping to pull it out and under from you, wanting to send you sprawling back onto the floor as I let out a grunt of exertion for the cameras and the production team in the room yt

Miss Chief: This wasn’t really a hold, but just to get the viewing punters on-side early. This is about popularity as much as anything else. I grind my foot down into you but I think that I have got more time than I do, and as soon as I start trying to fold your legs up to your head, to fold you in two you split your legs and kick, forcing me to release your legs, and when I do I know that I am in trouble. You wrap your hands around my ankle and then twist hard. This sends me falling down to the floor, just so I can kick free of your grip and free my foot, I fall hard onto my ass and I do manage to shake your grip of my foot, just as I wanted but not its me who isn’t in the good position, and it’s me with my hands on the floor, and sliding my ass backwards trying to back myself away from you, my blonde rival. I know this match hasnt started as well as I would have liked but there’s a long way to go yet. I back off trying to get away but feel the wall against my back yt

Sarah: "You're going to get it bitch" I say as I slowly start to stand up. I watch with satisfaction first from your fall landing on that round ass of yours and now you scooting away from me in fear as I slowly stalk you, allowing you to run away a bit but keeping close enough they you can't just spring back onto your feet. "Awww look who's running scared now? Hot little Euroslut!" I keep stalking you until your back hits the wall, seeing you trapped I lunge at you, grabbing your shoulders again pinning them against the wall as I sit in your lap, trapping your legs. "Awwww, so you want to play little girl? We'll definitely play dirty games if this is the kind of fight you want." I bring one of my hands and clasp it around your neck, getting you in a single hand choke as my other hand goes for your right breast I don't crush it, I squeeze and fondle it as I laugh right in your face, "face it bitch, I got the better tits, the better bod and I'm the better fighter. People are paying to see ME, not you. In fact, they are paying to see me OWN you" I keep your breast firmly in my hand, roughly manipulating your pert boob in my hands as I try and tighten my choke on you, which is where the real move is yt

Miss Chief: I hit the wall and you don’t waste any time at all getting on me. I find you quickly straddle my waist, sitting on my thighs and your left hand grabs my neck in a choke. I know the last thing I want to do is panic, but it’s very hard to not panic when you are being choked, especially by someone you know bears a grudge against you. I think quickly and then you grab my breast, finding it through the top, as embarrassing as it is I know this isn’t the main attack which I have to deal with, I have to stop you choking me. My hands come up and grip for your blonde hair, gripping it at the back of your head and then I yank down hard, trying to pull you off me, and hopefully in doing so, pull the choke off me and your hand off my breast, which would kill both your attacks stone dead. 'Get your skanky bimbo hands off me bitch' I say coolly, not too aggressively, annoyed you did that on the camera but knowing it will be forgotten soon enough if I take control and win yt

Sarah: I try and tighten my choke on your neck as I keep fondling your tit as I retort "Oh please, if you could see through all that make up, you would know you're the one who start... OWWWWWWWWW FUCK!" My scalp is on fire when you reach for the back of my head and grab a couple of fistfuls of my cute bob. Soon I feel you forcefully pulling me away and off of you and know what happened last time I won't make the mistake of being simply tossed down by you again. This time you're coming with me as I let go of your breast and throat and sink my fingers into those dark long locks of yours, twisting them in my fists as I stop letting you pull me off and start pulling you up myself. Dropping onto my knees as I try and pull you off the wall. The hair pull hurts and a small tear appears in the corner of my eye, but I know I'm giving you just as much back as i pull your head up to look right into my face. Giving you an absolutely hate filled glare as I play tug of war against you with our hair. "You want some of me, I got more than you can handle." Pulling you into me as I SLAM my chest into yours, smacking our bra covered tits together as the flesh mushrooms out of the tops on impact. Doing it over and over again just to show you whose breasts are best yt

Miss Chief: I pull your hair hard and as I start forcing you back I know I’m going to get free of your hold, at first you release the choke,. and I’m glad I didn’t just blindly panic, I stayed in control, and then your hold on my breast, but my relief soon fades as you grasp hold of my dark hair, cursing the fact that I didn’t tie it back, knowing if I had done that you wouldn’t have been able to counter so easily. I am forced to my knees and we are both on our knees, that’s when you slam your breasts into mine, sending me back hard against the wall. My feet are touching it, so it sends my upper body back hard, and I dont even have time to straighten myself up before once again you slam in, and you are keeping me pinned to the wall, but worse than that, you are also keeping me leaning backwards because of the position of my feet. Knowing you have bigger tits also adds an element of humiliation to this. I am proud of my pert puppies, but you have size on your side.  I release your hair and grab your biceps, trying to yank you hard to my right, I’m not bothered where in particular, I know I just want you away from me and to give myself some breathing space yt

Sarah: I keep up my attack though I know soon I'll have to actually DO something other than pin you against the wall. I pull my body back for a moment and toss my blonde hair back, feeling you let go as I say "weak little Euroslut, already giving up? Am I too much for you? Just wait till I'm done. I try and go for another body slam but feel your hands shoot up and grab my biceps, feeling them work to slowly pull my hands away from your head as I let go of your hair. Shaking my head at you as you start to twist and yank to your right, forcing me to go to your right as the side of my body slams hard into the wall, my grip on your hair fully gone as I slump against the wall, rolling onto my back as sit against it. I pant and breath, this fight getting so close and nasty, knowing I simply just can't catch my breath as I sit beside you. Desperate I try and get my left arm around your head, hoping to trap it as I try and fight my way back to my feet y7t

Miss Chief: You are smack talking me and it gets me so mad, my face goes a little pink with the anger and embarrassment. Euroslut…REALLY! I’ll show HER!! I think to myself,  but I want to use actions not words to throw you off and staying calm, using your trash talk to fuel me rather than to throw me off, I redeem myself. I throw you hard to the right and I almost feel the jarring impact myself as your arm hits the wall and rocks the rest of your body, I have you off me. You move to get your left arm around my head but I’m never going to let you and I duck my head, seeing it coming and avoiding it 'Nice try blondie; I purr, before I grip your left arm and pull you a little away from the wall hard, making you fall on your back and I waste no time at all on throwing my leg over your chest and sitting right on your breasts, pushing you into a schoolgirl pin. My ass pushing on your chest, shins on your shoulders and my lower thighs pushing against your cheeks and keeping your head in place. 'Hi there' I smile down, forcing you to look up at me, and then I say 'whos tits are better now' grinding my ass slowly into your assets, and feeling good that its my best asset grinding yours now yt

Sarah: You move so quick, it's almost a blur as I'm shocked by your left arm grab. Pulling me off the wall I don't have time to react to your round ass dropping right on my pillowy breast. All of the sudden your legs drop and I feel your thighs against the side of my head. My face is locked, looking up at you, forced to stare as you call me Blonde again. You bounce as you ask me whose tits are better now but I don't say a thing. I'm so embarrassed, my face growing pink as I feel you bounce slightly off my breast, seeing yours bounce ever so slightly. It's a near perfect school girl pin, my arms so worthless I'm forced to rest my hands on your legs. I try and look to the side, not wanting to see your face with that smug smile but I can't. Your firm thighs have my head locked in place. I finally scream out as I desperately start thrashing under neath you, bucking my hips and chest wildly in an attempt to knock you off, hating every moment I'm in this pin as I scream "nnggghhhh get off me you brunette bitch! Fuck off to Transylvania!" yt

Miss Chief: I bounce my ass down and this isn’t designed to hurt you, although I know the feeling will be far from pleasant, its designed to embarrass you on camera and after those jibes about your tits being better than mine, to shut you up and make you look stupid for even suggesting your tits were nearly as good as mine 'looks like my ass is destroying them, it’s not ALL about size!' I grin 'I can feel them being crushed under me' I smile wider and grind a little quicker, always in a circular motion. I am pretty sure I have got you here, you’re not going to get out unless you scissor my head and I’m ready for that, but my confidence in my own hold is my downfall and you kick and thrash like crazy, it’s just not something I was expecting at all, I thought I had you so unprepared, I am kicked and bucked off from my perch on your chest and I land on my front alongside you, arms above my head. I quickly move to push myself up to my hands and knees, knowing there I can at least defend myself yt

Sarah: I thrash and buck wildly, a desperate attempt at best, one I wasn't sure was even going to work, but as soon as you dropped off beside me I sighed in relief, taking a huge gulp of air as I slowly force myself to sit up properly. Getting to my knees as I see you getting on yours. I reach out, grabbing your hands and interlocking our fingers as I shoot out arms out to our sides, forcing you in a test of strength with me as I lean into you, trying to force you onto your back as I try to inch forward on my knees. My arms tight and burning from the effort as I push with all my might, wanting to prove on the cameras I truly am better than you until I get right into your face. My nose touching yours and our chests pressed hard together as I keep pushing with my arms, letting out little grunts when I exert as I say "fuck you Euroslut" I know that gets to you, I am tiring and any kind of advantage will work right now yt

Miss Chief: I get to my knees, but before I have chance to see where you are, or to gauge how close and how I could attack you move in and attack me, interlocking our fingers and pushing your body into mine, you have the momentum and the impetus and you start forcing me backwards. I’m forced to lean further back and I begin to worry, you are strong and you have the momentum on your side but I strain my back and put everything I can into try to turn this around and make sure that it’s you who is going to end up on your back.. Your nose touches mine though and I start to move back again, realising that I am going to be trapped in a very awkward position if I am not very careful, I kick my legs out, allowing myself to fall on my back, not ideal but a worse position would be having my legs trapped under me. This of course means you fall on top of me, but I clench your hands, trying to stop you moving your body too much. I hate how you have got on top of me, but I am staying calm, not letting your smack talk get to me, and am focussed on your next move yt

Sarah: I finally give one last push as I feel your legs give out. Not sure if this was on purpose or not but I'm not one to decline good fortune. I feel you grip my hands hard though, preventing me from using them as I start to straddle your waist. Feeling my hands trapped I simply start moving my body up, slowly, hunched over yours as I move my straddle from your waist to your chest, taking your hands along for the side as I get my shins pinned down on your upper arms. I slam your hands down over your head as I look down at you, panting, my face red from this fight but I keep staring into those eyes of yours as I say "hmmmm this seems familiar doesn't it you pretty little bitch? Didn't you have me in one of these a few minutes ago? Too bad you weren't woman enough to keep me pinned." I laugh right in your face, knowing it must burn, as I enjoy the irony of it all. getting you in a school girl pin back as I press my legs down on your arms yt

Miss Chief: I land on my back and you land on top as I had anticipated, my big aim is to hold your wrists, figuring this will slow you down, You start to straddle my chest and I realise that you have my hands where you want them anyway, you pin my arms down under your shins and my elbows bend as my wrists and hands are slammed down hard to the floor over my head, the positions are reversed now, and it’s me underneath and you on top. The irony of the position change isn’t lost on you either and I narrow my eyes as you bring it up. Just like you bust out though, so will I! You got out of this by flailing and struggling like mad so I decide to do the same thing, if it worked on me it will work on you. I kick my legs high in the air, and buck my hips, squirming like crazy, desperate to get myself free from under you. It doesn’t always have to be creative, sometimes you can escape with focussed strength and aggression yt

Sarah: You start to thrash like a mad woman and I realize why you fell off. It's hard to maintain the pin, your body slick with sweat as I flail left and right, to and fro, but I try to main my grip on your hands as I feel you buck, my thighs trying to hang tight around your head before you lift your waist up and buck me hard, trying to send me over your head. It back fires though, I only slide forward, straddling your neck now instead of your chest as I press the crotch of my panties right into your face. "Oh, this what you wanted all along? Well news flash, I'm not going to get up, so you're going to have a hard time breathing under my hot, British pussy." Pressing my hips down into your face as hard as I can as I try and press my full weight down over your mouth, badly wanting to smother you out with the face sit as I keep looking into your eyes, trying to get under your skin as I humiliate you yt

Miss Chief: I buck hard and even though i cant feel you falling down straight away, I can feel your position and hold on me beginning to weaken, I know for sure I am starting to shake you off, I just need to keep up this frantic pace of struggling. I buck up hard, but I feel your crotch push down on my neck and I realise that this is worse. I keep struggling but with your centre of balance so high on me I start to worry I’m just not going to get free. I kick and flail, but you slide forward and sit right on my face. This is a nightmare scenario and I struggle like mad, my curvy body wriggling and squirming for the cameras behind you, and all I can see is straight up between your legs, this is the worst position I could be in and I have to just listen to your smack talk, I can’t even reply yt



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Re: Littlemisschief vs Sexyprimalblonde (Sarah) - sponsored wrestling match
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2018, 06:46:10 PM »
This is really well done. I look forward to seeing part two. Keep up the good work!
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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Re: Littlemisschief vs Sexyprimalblonde (Sarah) - sponsored wrestling match
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2018, 08:30:44 AM »
Here is part 2 (the final part). It does not make for pretty reading!

Sarah: This is it, I know how this goes now and you are not going anywhere, I am going to smother you out, and that sassy little European slut will soon be lying there with little more than her panties. I push down hard, but can’t resist the sexy urge to start grinding my hips, to really work this facesit. It feels good to win but even better to win against you. This has been an intense battle but now I can start to enjoy the feeling of dominance, and my hard won prize. Your face. “You alright down there, I would say tap when you want me to get off, but I am definitely going to get off, just not in the way you hope I will. Remember this, you are my little Baltic bitch” I reach underneath your head to get a good handful of your hair and I pull your face up deeper and harder into my pussy, really trying to smother you out while using your cute nose to pleasure me through my panties. Yt

Miss Chief: This feels like the end. I would probably give in, concede the fact I have lost this, close my eyes and just hope unconsciousness reaches me before your climax does, if it wasn’t for your trash talk. It fires me, and something inside me tells me this isn’t over. I have one last push, one last surge, one last attempt to get free. You have gone from ‘smother her out’ mode to ‘pleasure yourself at my expense’ mode and that means you may not be entirely focused on what I am doing. My arms are trapped, but my legs aren’t I count myself down…3..2..1 and then plant my feet, bridging hard and twisting. I know as you are sat so high, I may not be able to ‘throw’ you off, but if I can even twist to my side and unbalance you, then that’s a lot better than you sliding your crotch all over my face yt

Sarah: I know this is over, so I can relax a little and have my fun having won a hard-earned victory, or so I think. Your feet bridge and suddenly you bridge and twist. You slide yourself onto your side and would get away completely if I didn’t have a grip of your hair. I know you will try and twist free altogether so I keep you pinned down, cheek to the floor and your body on your side, sitting on the side of your head. Its clumsy but right now its about quelling some of that fire in your belly. “Get down and STAY down bitch!” I release your hair with one hand and reach back to slap your breast harshly, trying to demean you even more and make you realise this is futile yt

Miss Chief: You are still on top of me, but I am at least on my side now, which is a much better position to be in. I have an arm free and a bit more space to work in. You do well to keep me trapped though, and a sharp backwards slap to my breast makes me wince. Now I have got this far though, I can’t possibly stop. I am aching, my lungs are burning, every fibre of my body wants to give in the fight and concede to you, but I can’t! Not while I still have hope. My free hand grabs at your thigh, and without many other options, I slide it up, trying to find your pantie line, and when I do, I dig my fingers in hard, right at the top of your leg, fingers digging in to your joint with intensity. I just HAVE to get free. I may not be being facesat but having your crotch on any part of my head is now what I wanted from this fight yt

Sarah: This is crucial now that I stay on top of you. You are struggling underneath me, but your position isn’t great so theres not really a lot you can do to fight back, I just have to keep grinding away at you and eventually your energy will be so drained that I will just have to roll you to your back again. I am probably guilty of underestimating you though and from nowhere I feel a sharp pain at the very top of my thigh. “OWWEEEEEEE FUUUUUUUCK” I scream loudly and fall forward, releasing your hair, my hand shooting down to yours to pull it off as I try and pitch my body forward to be out of your reach. Thinking about nothing but the pain from the joint claw. I am losing my position and not even thinking about my position, just stopping your hands. It's a nasty move, but painfully effective yt

Miss Chief: It works!! My fingers bite into your joint and your body’s reaction is not something you could have resisted. You fly off and forward, landing on your front and I am free. I can’t think of anything I want to do more than lie here and recover, but if this turns into a battle of endurance, after your smother, I will definitely lose. I Clamber on top of you, throwing myself on top, and right now it is less about looking good and the art of the holds as much as it is about stopping you from getting space to recover and attack. I try to find your biceps, to force them down and control your upper body, legs either side of you, half-straddling, half-lying on you, my face by the back of your head, you must be able to feel my hot breath on your ear as I struggle, exhausted to try and keep you pinned down so I can get my breath back and start turning this fight around in my favour “What happened, I thought I was your Baltic bitch?” yt

Sarah: This has gone very wrong and fast. It seems like not so long ago that I was on the verge of victory and now you have me reversed and its me who is underneath you. It is a bit messy, but that comes with the territory following a hard fought fight like ours. You get on top and pin my arms down. I try to look over my shoulder at you, but it’s hard to turn in this position. I am stuck on my front with you on top, and although you don’t have a hold on me, you have me restrained, and are probably using this time to work out what your next move will be. I start trying to get my knees under me, to push myself up a bit. Lying prone and flat on my front is certainly not going to get me out of this. I can't wait for you to make your move, I have to try and stop you before you make it Yt

Miss Chief: Holding your arms like this gives me an idea. You are trying to get your legs up, trying to squirm yourself in a better position, and I know I can’t stay here forever. You are a good wrestler and if I stay in one place for too long you will work out a way to get free. I grab your arms and pull them back, sliding slightly further back on you, pushing my crotch right against the bottom of your butt cheeks. I pull you arms back, wanting to pull your breasts off the floor, but I keep my butt pushed down hard on your thighs. With your legs and crotch pinned flat, and your upper body dragged up, NOW I must be hurting YOU! I haven’t finished here either. I thrust my hips forward and pull on your arms, which bounces and jars your spine, while also looking like I am fucking you from behind. With the camera right in front of you, it must catch your expression of shock “Take that you curvy little bitch” yt

Sarah: I don’t have to wait too long for you to make your move, but I am expecting you to slide forward on me rather than back. Your crotch pushed into my thighs “owwwwwwwwweeeeeeee” My arms are dragged backwards and my back bent, my ass looks even more pert as your crotch pushes against it, forcing my cheeks to push up. My firm tits lifted from the floor, to show the camera a healthy cleavage to match the look of shock and horror on my face. He can see my almost burlesque expression, red lips in an ‘o’ and my blonde hair bouncing as you thrust. It looks and is humiliating but it’s so much more. It compresses my spine with a jolt “Fuck…..uh” trying to turn my head to face you. I need to fight back but for the first time in this fight I reall don't know how, it's like you have all the angles covered right now and if I had more strength in my body, then maybe I could get free, but as we have already been grappling some time, my body i starting to tire as well as my mind yt

Miss Chief: My powerful hips thrust into you again, seeing how well the first thrust worked means I just HAVE to try it again. Soon my hips are hammering into you repeatedly, and each time they do, I make sure to pull back on your arms, so that every hump comes with a sharp delivery of pain. “I could fuck you cute ass all day Sara, but I will have to finish you off at sometime!” I smirk. I start twisting your wrists a little in my hand, to give you a brand new delivery of pain. Now each time I thrust, I not only jar your back, but I put extra pressure on those twisted wrists. The camera moves around the to side, so that it can see your full body stretched out under me, and watch your flesh jiggle with every thrust of my hips. Your body is being completely dominated by mine, and it feels all the more intensely pleasing because I know how close I came to losing. It is like I am not only defeating you physically, but sexually as well, cheapening your body in the eyes of the watching audience, and that's hot yt

Sarah: The first thrust hurt, the second even more, but now you are smashing into my butt like an electric hammer and dragging back my arms each time my back just can’t take it. Each thrust is followed by a louder and more pained moan, and my arms as well as my back are starting to really ache. I have no idea how I can escape this. I don’t have the energy or position to roll, and I don’t have the strength in my arms to just pull them free. I don’t really have much of a way to escape, and each thrust weakens me that little bit more. My muscles are less tensed and there’s less resistance to you in my body. I am not sure if you can feel this, but if you can, it’s a real sign that my body, if not my brain, is starting to accept that I might not win this. I am willing myself to find some strength, some extra reserve from somewhere Yt

Miss Chief: I can feel that your body doesn’t have the same strength it did at the start of the fight. I am sure you are stronger and would beat me in an armwrestle, but this is about being smart as well as stron, its going body to body and not just a simple test of strength. Now I think it’s safe, I extend my legs, keeping hold of your arms and making sure that I don’t lose control of you, as much as I can anyway. You have shown you are a tough little bitch. With my feet by your head, and my butt sliding onto your butt, I hook my right ankle, and push my foot under your neck. The sole of my left foot then pushes down onto the back of your head hard. This choke would be easy to break if you had your hands free to stop me, but you don’t. I try and use my cute little feet to choke you out, my long legs extended, and your face pushed flat to the floor. “Choke out for me, your Baltic bitch demands it” I smirk. Sensing that I am seconds away from winning this fight yt

Sarah: I don’t know exactly what you are doing but I can tell you are moving around on top of me, changing your position to probable try and trap me in some other kind of hold. The first idea I get about what you might be about to try is your feet sliding either side of my head. I still don’t expect what comes next though. “uughhhhhhhhh” … Your foot hooks around my neck, and then your other pushes down on the back of my head like a guillotine. I shake my shoulders, frantically trying to slip my head free, but with you having hold of my arms I can’t do much apart from that. I really can’t breathe, and my raspy voice complains "puh-lease...eeurrrghhhh, stop" realising that I am powerless to stop you choking me in a really humiliating way. I can’t be knocked out like this, I just can’t! I am getting weaker and weaker, and my blinks are getting longer and longer, body finally starting to give in yt

Miss Chief: This choke is so humiliating for you, but it’s not how I want to end this, I have a plan, and remembering how you nearly facesit me to my defeat, I see a sexy symmetry in doing something similar to you, but I am not a copycat, and have my own idea how I could destroy you with my crotch. I remove my feet with you flickering in and out of consciousness and your body weakening. I keep hold of your arms just in case, and kneel off you, dragging you over onto your back by your arms roughly and quickly straddling your chest, facing your feet. I glance back over my shoulder in the way those Hollywood starlets do when the camera is behind them. “Say goodnight, this is how you finish an insolent bitch”, an almost innocent smile crosses my face, eyes flirting with the camera as I start spreading my legs wide. It becomes obvious I am using my gymnastic experience to try and do the splits, hips sliding back, aiming to position my crotch right over your throat. If this comes off I can't think of many ways I could look more dominant over you yt

Sarah: Dragged over to my back, I do get my arms free, but you are on top of me. My hands weakly push at your hips and side. My feet draw up to my ass. My body is moving like I have just woken up after a long relaxing sleep. Everything slow and drawn out. It’s only when your crotch slides to my throat do I kick into life again. My feet kick hard and my hand slaps at you. Eyes grow wide like saucers. I can’t breathe again. This is like the foot choke but far stronger and is choking me much harder. My body flailing like crazy, doing everything I can think of to get you off me. I can’t lose, I can’t!!I know I will never live it down. The camera seeing you doing the splits on my neck, I am so ashamed I feel like crying. Yt

Miss Chief: I start bouncing my weight, not bouncing high enough to ever take my crotch from your neck, but just bouncing my weight, so I make the choke even more punishing and even more painful. I look up to the camera and flash it a wink “This cute bundle of curves and fake tan thought that she could overwhelm me, well I suppose she never thought she would end up with me choking her out with my pussy on her throat, if you guys want to see me wrestle again then get in touch with the producers, if you want to see her wrestle again, then, well I pity you..” I giggle and then grind my hips down hard, this time not having fun at your expense, not showing off, but simply trying to choke you out. I look down at you, hoping your eyes meet mine. I want my baby blues to be the last thing you see before you pass out. I want my self-satisfied smile to haunt you until you have the courage to request a rematch yt

Sarah: You are talking about me, patronising me, making me out to be a subpar wrestler, just making me look stupid and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. I have other things to worry about, my face is going crimson through lack of air and unlike the foot choke, I get the impression this time you want me out, and if you do, there’s nothing I can do other than glance at the producer to stop this. I try, giving him a puppy dog eyed glance but he flashes a sadistic smile back. I am almost out when you push all your weight down onto my neck and my lips groan “please”, but the last thing I see is your blue eyes boring a hole into me. My eyelids close and my body goes limp, knocked out and defeated underneath you.

The end (until the rematch!)


Offline LilMishyRocks

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Re: Littlemisschief vs Sexyprimalblonde (Sarah) - sponsored wrestling match
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2018, 12:59:38 AM »
Nice job, girls!  Great writing and a super-hot ending!  Well done!   :)
And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.  :)


Offline Amber H

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Re: Littlemisschief vs Sexyprimalblonde (Sarah) - sponsored wrestling match
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2018, 09:45:22 PM »
How fun was that! to meet either of you, well maybe the winner a l'il more than the humiliated one....giggles