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Perfect Half 0.5

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Perfect Half 0.5
« on: February 21, 2023, 11:45:59 PM »
This story takes place before Sanna married the man, years before the duel between his wife and her lover Ashley



The Sun was shining hot, that year's summer was the hottest the news had perceived, tourism was loaded with very high numbers, a sign of a still thriving economy.
The very fine sand of the Rabbit Beach, some also call it "God's Pool, was bathed by the crystal clear water, so transparent you could see the bottom at every step.
The rustle of the wind on the pristine nature not far from the sand and the clear blue sky gave an immense sense of tranquility.
Being present in an earthly paradise of that level was like turning off a switch from mundane life, looking at one's desk at the workplace, closing and eyes, poof, being transported to that beach.
With her eyes closed, feeling the gentle warmth of the Sun on her skin, Sanna enjoyed a well-deserved vacation. A career woman like her needed to recharge her batteries.
For as long as she could remember, she had assumed the mask of the all-woman, someone who could not be bent, ruthless with life before life could be ruthless with her, despite the fact that she was still far from 30 years old.
Even as a child, she received life lessons that only adults could have felt the gravity of, growing up with a constant need to prevail and obtain what she considered essential.
As an example she had her family, a gruff but kind father and a strong, combative mother. She was the kind of person she wanted to be, a woman who fights for her desires.
Sanna always wanted the best, achieving it at any cost, removing any obstacle. A woman like her deserved the best, she gave everything for what she did, so she had to be rewarded for every second.
On that beach, her eyes wandered over the few tourists of the moment; she had gone to the beach early in the morning, and many people would not arrive until hours later, excluding a few middle-aged women who wanted to tan and then brag about it to their friends at the bar in the small northern town.
Sanna's eyes lingered on the arrival of one person, anonymous in her white bathing suit with a blue flower drawn on her right leg, quiet and carefree as she walked on the beach, her feet wet from the water.
Despite that person's normality, Sanna could not help but stare at the man, ordinary but with a kind of mysterious air that made him attractive.
As he walked, the man noticed Sanna and her gaze fixed on him. It was not the first time someone had looked at him on that beach; many women turned as he passed, though even he did not understand why.
He was not a very muscular man, but it seemed that Saturday morning at the gym was enough to give him a toned body. If you counted his light eyes and dark hair, something appreciated by most people, the man was a more prominent presence in a group of ordinary people.
Smiling at Sanna, the two exchanged a glance just over a second long, before the man turned in the direction he was walking. For Sanna, the second was the longest in her 25 years; inside she felt a sensation she had never experienced.
She followed the man with her eyes, the sensation of heat and arousal growing steadily. Sanna felt her hips begin to heat up as her chest throbbed faster. It was almost as if she ... had suddenly fallen in love.
She did not think it was possible; it was something out of a mid-level romantic movie. Sanna had never really thought about a relationship, much less with someone she barely knew.
Yet, at that moment, she felt she wanted just that. She wanted that man in her life, without buts or whys, she just wanted him. A selfish thought, but one that had brought Sanna to where she was now.
The only problem was where that man stopped, under Sanna's watchful eye. Under the beach umbrella at least fifty yards away from her, the man had been lying beside a girl.
From where Sanna stood, it was difficult to understand most of the details about that person, when she stood up sitting down, from fifty meters Sanna could see how full that girl's breasts were.
"So that's what attracts you," thought Sanna.
Man is a simple being. Coral knew this well, and she used it to her advantage whenever she could.
As a girl, she never had any special social skills; her tomguyish nature led her to become arrogant toward other people. Behind the mask, however, was a girl full of anxiety and thoughts.
When during the year of reaching the age of 18, her body suddenly blossomed, making her a magnificent sight for the eyes. Her breasts had grown into a magnificent 36G, so much so that she threatened relationships of girlfriends, who began to avoid her precisely for fear of whatever perverse thoughts might be going through their boyfriends' heads.
Coral, however, had no intention of stealing anything from them; she had been educated about how important such bonds were, treating them with respect and regard. She could never have meddled in a couple's life, how could she?
When she met her fiancé, Coral was working part time in a supermarket, putting produce on the shelves. During a normal day, the already prone ladder she had climbed on decided to break just as Coral was standing on it.
Opening her eyes wide, the Israeli girl felt herself falling into the void behind her, opening her mouth to scream but making no sound.
She closed her eyes, as if she could avoid the fall by simply closing her eyes. When she felt she had not actually fallen, two arms around her body, Coral slowly opened her eyes. Turning around, her dark eyes met the gentle, cool light of her savior.
It was like walking into a movie, Coral embarrassed at having fallen on the guy, who nevertheless seemed pleased to have had a chance to interact with her. Exchanging phone numbers, the two began dating, eventually becoming engaged.
For Coral, the guy was her world. He treated her like a queen, not letting her lack anything, making her the happiest person on this earth.
As a guy, he was a rare and unique opportunity. His life was mundane and ordinary, but behind him was a wealthy family with a chain of businesses. Although he could live a wealthy life, he preferred to continue living like a normal person, studying to earn the future position of company president and not getting it by inheritance.
What Coral did not know was that her new fiancé's family tradition involved marriages of convenience, something he wanted to escape at all costs.
Thus it was that Coral discovered a whole new way of making decisions. During a dinner party, the couple was joined by a girl whom Coral had never seen, and she turned out to be her fiancé's future wife.
Coral was well aware that if the boyfriend accepted the imposed marriage, there would be no more room for her. At that moment, sitting all three of them at the restaurant table, the guy revealed a hidden side of him.
He loved female combat, two girls fighting over someone or something. He greatly excited the idea of being the reason for the rivalry between two girls, although he revealed his secret passion for other reasons.
He thought that if the future wife of the arranged marriage thought of him as a pervert, he could avoid having to leave Coral, then explain his passion to her to avoid losing her.
To her surprise, the girl agreed, challenging Coral to confront her over who should be with the guy. The girlfriend did not hesitate to answer in the affirmative, having no intention of losing her boyfriend.
When Coral's breasts proved too much for her rival, she could not help but accept the consequences, being a girl with very strong ethics.
Coral found that she was attracted to these kinds of confrontations, especially if they could increase the excitement her boyfriend felt for her. Coral would defend her engagement by whatever means available.
On their first vacation together, almost on the heels of their first year together of engagement, they went to that same beach. Coral had seen her fiancé approaching after a walk, however, discovering a detail that made her testy.
Another girl seemed interested in what was hers. Too far away from her, Coral merely observed that girl, her huge breasts clearly visible even from that distance.
It was normal that her boyfriend had turned toward her, on the whole beach that was probably the only person who could compare herself to her.
Not worrying any more than she had to, Coral lay down on the sand, taking in the Sun while she waited for her fiancé to return. She trusted him, and knew he would never talk to that girl, having someone like her by his side.
Still, jealousy was a treacherous friend, and inside Coral settled the feeling she had felt when the first rival had challenged her for her boyfriend.
She didn't even know if she should have worried, maybe it was a harmless exchange of glances...but what if it wasn't?
"Did you have a good time?" asked Coral, once her fiancé stretched out beside her.
"Quiet walk," he replied, closing his eyes and taking in the sun.
"Noticed anything interesting?" she pressed.
He smiled; he knew his fiancée had seen it all and loved to tease her into showing the jealousy he felt. It was an unmistakable symbol of his love for her.
"Maybe, who knows?" he smiled.
With a grunt, Coral sat down. Her eyes fixed on the sea as she clearly felt the girl's inquiring gaze on her.
"You know she will come for you," whispered Coral, as if she were speaking to the sea and not to her fiancé.
"It will mean that my love will defend me."
Coral grunted amused at the answer. Turning, her eyes met Sanna's for brief moments, both wondering what the other might be thinking.
"Sometimes you get on my nerves," Coral finally said, "you have five minutes."
The Israeli girl stood up, breasts bouncing slightly as she stood up in the lime bikini, finally walking toward the bathrooms, leaving her boyfriend alone.
It was a situation that had repeated itself more than once. When a girl showed interest in her boyfriend, Coral would let things take their course, so that the girl of the moment could flirt with her boyfriend, before coming back and arguing, eventually leading to a confrontation.
Two or three times at most, Coral had managed to have a confrontation with the girls, demonstrating breast superiority. Other times, people refused to participate in such confrontations, or no one would try to flirt with the boyfriend.
Coral, however, knew that girl was going to make her move, she could feel it in herself. She had to prepare for battle, she would fight again, she would win again.
Sanna could not stop tormenting herself, the only man she had fallen in love with at first sight was already engaged. Her bad luck was really something incredible.
The Brazilian girl bit her lip, pondering what she should do. That girl seemed to embody the man's tastes, she might not have been perfect for him.
"No, I'm not like her," Sanna thought, looking at the seated girl. At that moment, Coral turned toward her. Their eyes exchanged silent words, as if wondering if it was possible to coexist but never meet. When Coral stood up to walk away, to Sanna it seemed like the chance that could change everything "... I am better."
The Brazilian girl stood up, her only destination the beach umbrella where the man was waiting for her. It was not the first time Sanna would fight over someone; a few years earlier she and other female students at the university had confronted each other several times. Sanna's breasts remained undefeated so far.
Walking down the street, Sanna sat down next to the man, who took a seat with a complicit smile on her lips. The Brazilian girl looked at the guy as if for the first time, feeling within herself an increase in the feelings from before.
"I'm Sanna," she introduced herself, smiling.
He responded politely, looking into her eyes and gently shifting his gaze to the girl's huge breasts.
"Nice to meet you. God, they are..." he smiled.
"Huge? Fantastic?" laughed Sanna" Thank you, I appreciate you liking what you see," she said, moving closer so that her breasts descended in drops to the sand, showing their full size "so when you touch them, you will also know how much better they are than hers."
Sanna wasted no time with games. She knew she wanted that man all to herself; she needed to eliminate the competition now that she was gone. She could openly flirt with him, but Sanna preferred shock therapy: show what she had and make the man fall in love with her.
"My fiancée might not agree," he replied, pretending not to know what was going on.
"I don't care" smiled Sanno arrogantly "I'm a person who always gets what she wants. And I want you."
The man smiled; it was exactly as he had hoped. This girl was here for him, and she would not stop for anything in the world. He knew that Sanna would fight Coral for him, and that his girlfriend would respond the same way.
His erection was already visible in his costume, a detail that did not escape Sanna's notice. Smiling, she lowered herself to him, simply resting her wonderful 38H against his hips, looking into his eyes with lust.
He felt the weight and firmness of her breasts enclosed in the blue bikini, immediately comparing them to his girlfriend's, but unable to find any difference.
She felt how powerful the man's manhood was, pressing on her flesh through the fabric and pulsing with vitality. The girl licked her lips, imitating then with a blowjob, pressing her tongue into the 'inside of her cheek.
A cough behind her back made Sanna stand up. Without looking back, she knew that the girlfriend had returned. He was waiting just for her to arrive, wanted her to come and watch as she stole her man because he was better than her.
"What is going on here?" asked Coral, with real anger in her voice.
Although it was all driven, the jealousy toward this girl was so strong that it allowed Coral to feel hatred toward the stranger.
Sanna stood up, turning toward Coral to face her. With their feet in the sand, their skin illuminated by the sun, giving a shadowed view of the two goddesses' bodies to the man, their breasts inches apart, the two girls looked into each other's eyes.
The same look, but this time more menacing, jealous and arrogant than ever. Both felt the oppressive presence of the other on the beach, and now that they were in front of each other they could claim to want to destroy the person they were seeing.
Smiling, Sanna opened her arms and moved closer to Coral. Too close to do anything, the two women's breasts met each other, the Israeli girlfriend feeling Sanna's hands on her elbows as she pressed her breasts into the olive twins with little force.
Coral took a second before he in turn grasped the Brazilian girl's elbows, imprinting little force into her breasts to match the woman in front of her.
The man watched as the breasts pressed gently together, still locked in screaming cages of fabric as the flesh swelled between them. For Sanna and Coral, on the other hand, it was a way to know the rival force, to feel the firmness of enemy pride, what they would have to fight and overcome.
Coral lowered her gaze to their breasts, tightening her lips as she saw that she could not fully match the size of the girl in front of her, the pink flesh seemed to be greater than the tanned one.
"How does it look… babe? Who has the better breasts?" asked Sanna suddenly.
Coral looked up, fixing her gaze on that of the Brazilian girl, who smiled and turned back to the man. Coral did the same, discovering to her cost that her boyfriend seemed to waver in seeking the answer.
The Israeli girl knew that the love of her life, her perfect half, could not say for sure who was the better half, but she could lie and side with her girlfriend.
Coral hissed angrily, turning back to her rival, and pushing her breasts forward more, her grip tightened more on her rival arms.
"He knows it's mine," growled Coral.
Sanna grunted, turning to Coral with a look of defiance, pushing forward in turn and causing their breasts to press together even more. The man's eyes were focused on the struggling breasts; he could feel the difficulty of the tops holding back those powerful breasts. He had to intervene, or they would attract attention that could ruin everything.
"Girls, wait," he said, getting up and putting a hand between the struggling flesh, as if to divide them but to no avail, "Not here. There would be interruptions. I know where to go."
The two girls continued to look at each other, but she felt the pressure on her hand lessen, and their breasts parted shortly thereafter. Both Coral and Sanna showed nervous and arrogant smiles, both of them feeling the desire to fight and win the other, overcome her and look dispersion in rival eyes.
"I'd say let's go, my house is not far away," he said, "once we get there, we'll find out which of you is the better woman before the end of the day," he finished, smiling.
Ten minutes later, the three of them entered a beach house, a portion of paradise that was private and free from prying eyes. Sanna noted how her future man could give her a better life than she already had, challenging Coral with her gaze as they walked into the living room.
The man stepped out onto the terrace, just past the bedroom, to find himself facing the calm sea, the sun in the sky. It was the perfect place for what was to come.
By the time they sat on the small sofa at the side of the terrace, Coral and Sanna had already dropped their tops and released their huge breasts. Each looked at the other's pride, measuring them in her mind and looking for any details that might be helpful.
Both felt it was going to be a tough fight, neither of them knowing for sure whether they would prevail or not, despite all their arrogance from before.
"You don't stand a chance against me," smiled Sanna, lifting her breasts and letting them fall, "he deserves the best, and I am."
"The only thing you are is trash," sneered Coral, leaning over slightly to sway her breasts downward, "he is mine, and he will be forever."
"When I have destroyed you, I will fuck him by forcing you to watch" hissed Sanna.
With a growl, the Israeli girl pushed her tits into Sanna's huge breasts. Both pairs seemed to refuse to yield to the other, compressing slightly at the point of impact. Sanna hissed in response, pushing back.
The fight had begun, and both felt the heaviness of that confrontation. Neither had known defeat, both possessed huge, powerful breasts, and neither knew for sure who could prevail.
They continued to push their breasts forward, each against the other, Coral's right breast meeting Sanna's left, flattening in the center. The man watched as some times it seemed as if Coral's breasts penetrated Sanna's flesh, causing it to swell outward, and other times it seemed as if Sanna's tits forced the rival pair to yield momentarily.
Each pair maintained perfect form as the rival breasts receded. The two girls exchanged glances of hatred and jealousy, whispering insults as they pitted their pride against each other.
"I'm going to crush you completely, bitch," hissed Sanna.
"I'll deflate those balls, bitch," replied the girl.
Each girl kept her hands on the other's hips, so as to keep their breasts in constant contact, sliding them over each other, listening to the wet sound of skin rubbing as little beads of sweat began to form, under the heat of the Sun.
"Yes, babe. My tits are crushing hers," smiled Sanna, turning slightly toward the man.
The Brazilian girl had noticed the guy's focused gaze on their breasts, his hand intent on massaging the erection hidden but visible in the swimsuit.
Coral growled hoarsely, thrusting forward and forcing Sanna's breasts back from the center of the battle, as if the Brazilian boobs were giving way to the tanned pair.
"Yes, love. Watch her soft tits yield to mine," Coral smiled wickedly.
The Israeli girl pushed again, and again Sanna's huge breasts sagged slightly. The guy's eyes remained fixed on his girlfriend's pair, which was beginning to gain its first advantage.
"Look who's soft, babe," growled Sanna in annoyance.
The Brazilian girl pushed back, and Coral's boobs flattened more than hers, enough to make the girlfriend grunt. Coral squeezed her eyes shut and continued to thrust, meeting the rival force, forcing some flesh outward.
Each time Coral pushed her huge tits into Sanna's pair, the guy saw the larger pair flatten slightly. Each time Sanna pushed back, Coral's fleshy breasts seemed to give space to her rival.
Coral moved her hands to Sanna's shoulders, stopping thrusting to duck and shoot a sudden shot from below, taking advantage of being shorter than her rival.
Sanna's tits trembled and bounced as Coral continued to push her globes into the Brazilian's lower breasts. The guy watched as Sanna's tits flew upward, hearing the girl moan after feeling the blow. When Coral pulled back, Sanna's breasts returned to position themselves on her chest.
Coral tightened her grip on Sanna's shoulders, jabbing into the rival pair again and then pushing her tits to the side, slamming into Sanna's right tit and across the Brazilian's chest.
The Israeli girl came right back, and both of Sanna's tits began to shake as the Coral pair dealt another blow.
Sanna was quick and retaliated by slamming her larger pair into Coral's breasts, the Israeli tits seeming to be swallowed by the Brazilian flesh, before reappearing when Sanna pulled back, slamming quickly forward again.
Coral moaned when Sanna's breasts planted themselves in his chest, forcing her breasts to open outward. He watched as the two girls' flesh was already flushed, although Coral's tan hid the complexion more.
Sanna maintained her advantage, swinging her left breast into Coral's left tit, her girlfriend's flesh visibly trembling as Sanna's breasts pressed against Coral's.
Smiling mischievously, the Brazilian girl began to slide her breasts into Coral's smaller pair, who moaned when she felt Sanna's boob push hers inward, before her own boob slid back as Sanna continued the motion, pressing her breast into the other Israeli boob.
"Fuck," grunted the girlfriend.
Sanna smiled, an aura of arrogance and superiority shining through her pores, making her even sexier than she was. The guy watched with renewed arousal, feeling his manhood throb even more.
His eyes were fixed on Coral's right tit that was being pushed outward, before being covered by Sanna's breasts, all within a maximum of two steps of him.
The Brazilian girl drew back suddenly, and he watched with excitement as his girlfriend's breasts bounced back into their original strength, ready to continue fighting.
Sanna came back, trying to ramm the rival pair with hers again, but Coral pulled back quickly and slammed her breasts into the underside of the Brazilian's breasts.
Coral's right breast forced Sanna's right tit to swell toward her shoulder as the Israeli girl ground her left tit into her counterpart, pushing Sanna's flesh slowly back.
Sanna let out a pained groan as her tits were pushed inward, responding in turn by rolling her breasts into Coral's smaller one. They both began to grind their huge tits heavily into each other's pair, grunting in discomfort and feeling the effort to counteract the opposing force.
The boyfriend watched as Sanna's pair slid over Coral's, using the considerable weight to crush the enemy pair. Coral gasped when she felt the sudden pressure, pushing Sanna away, pulling back her breasts.
Sanna followed her movement, moving her chest so as to send her breasts into the top of the rival tits. Coral felt her breasts flatten slightly on the surface as her flesh shifted to downward.
Without giving her a break, the Brazilian girl pushed her left breast into Coral's counterpart, when her breasts still felt the previous blow. The girlfriend moaned loudly when she felt her left tit being squeezed inward as Sanna increased the pressure on it.
Under the gaze of both of them, Sanna's right breast was digging into Coral's left one, while the Brazilian left tit was doing its best to flatten the Israeli right tit. Coral looked painfully at what was under her chin, wide-eyed but furious.
"It looks like my tits are winning the challenge" smiled Sanna smugly "who knows what they will look like in the end"
"You're still far from winning, bitch" hissed Coral.
The girlfriend forcefully pushed Sanna back, who backed away a few steps. It was the first time their breasts separated completely since the beginning of the challenge, their hands of both of them took to massaging the aching breasts as the Sun began its slow descent.
"Look at them, baby. They're still magnificent," Sanna said, bending toward the guy.
"Don't listen to her, love. My twins are still the best," said Coral, doing the same.
Turning to look at each other again, the two girls advanced quickly, slapping their boobs together. The guy watched two pairs of huge, dense tits take each other together, with incredible force. Both gasped, but pushed their breasts forward equally.
Sanna moved forward quickly, shifting her chest to the left before swinging violently to the right, Coral's boob flattened at the point of impact, exactly where the Brazilian breasts broke into hers.
Both girls grunted, pain painted on their faces. The Brazilian girl rolled her chest, sliding her larger tits through Coral's, her right breast pushed in, meeting Sanna's left tit as the two embraced, their noses touching each other's faces.
"Give it up, bitch," gasped Sanna, "you know you're not enough..."
Sanna's voice was covered by a reprieve from Coral, who launched a mighty blow into the underside of the huge rival tits, the flesh visibly trembling upward as the girlfriend grabbed Sanna's shoulders.
Sanna's tits were still moving when Coral slammed her tits forward, once again displacing the Brazilian girl's breasts.
Both pairs flattened together, but it was Sanna who grunted in discomfort as she felt Coral's pair invade her chest.
When Coral pulled away to prepare to inflict another blow, Sanna took a step back before quickly slamming forward. Coral's eyes widened as she felt the huge Brazilian tits connect with hers.
The guy watched as both pairs of breasts flattened at the point of impact and as Sanna slowly pushed forward. Coral moaned as Sanna's hands slid over the rival's shoulders, pinning her close.
Both girls moaned as Sanna's arms wrapped around her rival's waist, their breasts spread against each other. Two large pairs of firm tits were pushed outward more and more as Sanna increased the pressure.
The guy remained focused in the two women's thrusting against each other, listening to the wet noise of their tits slamming together, and their gasps as their nipples penetrated and brushed into rival flesh.
Decreasing her grip slightly, Sanna began rocking her breasts back and forth, rising on tiptoe to push Coral's tits more from above.
The girlfriend responded by swinging her breasts from the opposite side, with each step one of the pair seemed to dominate over the other. First Sanna's huge breasts dug into Coral's tits, and on the next pass, the Israeli tits seemed to push back the Brazilian rack.
They continued for a long minute, laden with grunts and groans before Sanna let go of Coral's shoulders, which quickly forced her breasts into the Brazilian girl's from the right. The swing caused Sanna's right tit to rise slightly, and she grunted and lowered her breasts to push down on the enemy pair.
Coral slammed her breasts back into the larger pair, sending the Brazilian girl's tits upward, stealing a pained moan from her rival.
Sanna tried to step back, but the girlfriend continued to strike from the left, her huge tits slamming into the even larger pair, sending the Brazilian girl's breasts jiggling on her chest. Sanna groaned, staggering backward.
"Do you feel the fear of defeat?" sneered Coral "Get ready because I'm going to destroy your tits."
With a wicked smile on her lips, the girlfriend hurled her heavy tits into Sanna's huge pair with a violent collision that echoed in the terrace, partially hiding the Brazilian girl's scream. Another blow from the tanned breasts made Sanna's pink breasts shake violently as Coral promptly wrapped her rival's neck with her arms.
With impetus, Coral slapped and pounded her breasts into the rival pair, violently and painfully, the slaps filling the guy's ears as his eyes watched Sanna's breasts begin to respond to the blows, managing to hit the outside of the rival breasts because of the size advantage.
Both moaned as they heard each other's responses, Coral struck quickly raising her breasts and slamming them down, Sanna moaned noisily as her breasts crushed downward, pushed by the weight of the rival breasts. The flesh fought relentlessly, meeting together with each collision, crushing together.
Coral continued to assault, propelled by an energy that surpassed that of the Brazilian girl, each blow intercepted with equal force, but Sanna's flesh seemed to retreat more and more as the Israeli rival forcefully thrust her breasts into Sanna's larger ones, who groaned as she stumbled back.
Sanna's glazed eyes glistened with pain as Coral continued to push back the girl's body in front of her, pushing and slapping her breasts with brutal force and forcing the Brazilian girl back again, tears streaming down her cheeks as she felt the realization that she was losing the confrontation between their breasts.
Coral smiled, loading a harder blow and sending it directly into the underside of her rival breasts. Sanna saw the blow coming, trying to raise her chest and crush it downward, but the tanned tits struck before she could gain any considerable momentum, sending the Brazilian breast upward. Sanna moaned, suddenly feeling her legs collapse to her back with a surprised and pained groan as her breasts still flew upward.
The guy saw his girlfriend launch herself at her rival, landing with a resounding slap on the girl's body, their breasts perfectly crushed as gravity seemed to flatten Sanna's breasts as they collided with Coral's tits. The blow made the Brazilian girl scream in pain, closing her eyes and opening her mouth wide as Coral leaned in to get up and repeat the fall.
Sanna's arms blocked her rise, suddenly clutching her to herself and causing her hands to slide across the wood and sand floor, Coral's breasts pressed from above into Sanna's. The Brazilian girl began to squeeze hard, rocking her breasts as best she could from her position and slamming them into Coral's pair.
The girlfriend gasped as she felt her breasts being moved by the rival pair, the flesh swelling outward as the pressure increased from below and threatened to crush her breasts. Sanna screamed in exasperation before she managed to roll her bodies over with superhuman strength, but Coral stopped the movement before she was fully on her back.
The two girls changed their grip, quickly moving one arm under the other's body before squeezing their rival to them, both immediately trying to push the other back and get the position on top. Their tits visibly swelled, crushed by the pressure as moans mingled together, joined by grunts of exertion as they tried to push past the other girl.
Rocking and slamming their breasts together several times, the fleshy, wet slaps continued to be felt for the next few minutes, with neither girl seeming to get the better of them. Neither wanted to give in, neither could. Their pride would not allow it, so Coral and Sanna continued to slap their breasts together, before loading a mighty blow and slamming their tits together.
They stood for only a second with their breasts pressed together before being pushed away, both on their backs, exhausted and sore, their breasts bouncing on their chests but without fully recovering their perfect shape. The grip one had on the other went missing, neither seemed to realize that they had the best chance of the duel to get on top of their rival. They simply could think of nothing but the pain they felt in their chests.
Suddenly understanding the situation, both girls immediately moved away from their rival, afraid that the other's body might rise above their own suddenly. The guy watched as the sunset light began to fall, while the bodies of the two panting girls remained still, their hands resting on their legs as Coral and Sanna rested on their knees, exchanging exhausted but hate-filled glances.
"There is only one way..." whispered the guy, interrupting the heavy silence "you will have to flatten each other."
They both shifted their gaze to the guy, the reason why the two of them were there, the reason why the pain in their chests throbbed like never before...and they knew he was right. Their duel had gone on too long, only then could they finally put an end to it, only then would they find out which of the two of them was the better woman. There was only one way.
They stared at each other for interminable seconds, then Coral rose up on her knees slowly, spreading her arms wide and daring Sanna to join her.
"There is only one way..." whispered the Israeli girl, "If you are woman enough."
Sanna looked at her rival's pose, standing up in turn and wrapping her arms around Coral's back, feeling the Israeli rival do the same.
"I will completely flatten your breasts," hissed Sanna.
"I will not allow it... I will crush your breasts flat," hissed Coral back.
"I will not allow that..."
Both girls began to squeeze with all their might, feeling the increasing pressure in their breasts, the pain exploding in waves in their chests. The pairs of breasts pushed against each other, breaking in the middle and flattening together. The Israeli girl slid her breasts on top, pushing them down as Sanna rolled her tits between rival ones.
Coral's breasts mingled with Sanna's, swapping places as the small space between their bodies diminished again, the Brazilian girl in turn pushing her huge tits down, the girlfriend responding by in turn pushing forward and pressing her breasts into the bottom of the rival pair.
Panting and grunting, the two girls continued to grind and slide their breasts together, the tanned pair seemingly able to eat Sanna's flushed flesh as the Israeli girl tightened her grip. Sanna responded by rotating her shoulders, thrusting her larger tits through the rival pair, Coral immediately fighting back, pushing in turn and forcing their breasts to roll together once more.
Pushing, shifting and grinding slowly, Sanna and Coral tried to resist the growing pain, convinced they could win the war of attrition, feeling the enemy pair finally give in. The Brazilian girl moaned when she felt Coral's breasts press into hers, moving Sanna's pair to the side for a second. Sanna pushed back, displacing the Israeli tits with her own, slamming her sweaty tits into Coral's pair, leaving them together to continue pressing them against each other.
Sanna moved her tits so that they were once again on top of Coral's, pressing them wearily into the tanned, swollen Israeli pair. The girlfriend began to wiggle, trying hard to push her tits upward, but Sanna clasped her arms and began to slowly drive her tits down into the Israeli girl's.
Coral kept wiggling, struggling stubbornly back, both girls continually showing signs of discomfort on their faces. Sanna was pushing her breasts to the utmost of her ability, causing their tits to keep sliding over each other.
No pair glistening with sweat gained advantage, their sweaty foreheads pressed together as they continued to wear each other down.
Coral's moans grew louder as Sanna began to thrust more violently, rocking her chest back and forth, until they came in a circular motion, which Coral followed, leading their tits to push each other in different directions.
In the guy's eyes, Anna's tits seemed to be gaining ground, but Coral continued to react, pushing her tits into Sanna's. Continuously stalling, Sanna continued to move as Coral pursued her and continued to grind each other's tits.
The girlfriend pushed upward, trying to push her tits on top of her rival's, but Sanna pushed in response. Coral's flesh visibly flattened, and they both gasped in unison.
Sanna seemed to grow more and more smug, aligning her breasts with rival ones and pushing forward. Coral pushed back, but her eyes widened as she felt her breasts give way.
Her huge tits spread wide as Sanna pushed forward, Coral's shocked moan leaving her lips.
With a satisfied sigh, Sanna began thrusting Coral's tits, which continued to respond in the same way, pushing back.
The guy watched as the Sun followed the movements of their bodies, where Coral's tits seemed to bend more and more while Sanna's tits kept their shape. Sanna licked her lips as she forced Coral's body to bend backward.
Coral ground back hard, tightening her grip on Sanna's back. For a few seconds, Sanna was surprised, feeling her breasts move back, but increasing the pressure, the Brazilian tits returned to grind back Coral's.
The Israeli girl's eyes began to cry, her body continuing to bend more and more, feeling her breasts mold around the rival pair. The tanned flesh kept yielding ground to Sanna's tits, which kept pushing Coral's body back.
After interminable seconds, Coral's back touched the floor, the Israeli girl with her mouth wide open, unable to make any sound.
A few inches from him, the bodies of the two girls were so close that it was enough to reach out an arm to touch them.
Sanna aligned her breasts with Coral's, exchanging a glance with the silently crying girl. The Brazilian girl felt her rival pushing her breasts up again, as if she hoped she could still win.
"Completely...flat," whispered the Brazilian girl, looking at Coral's tired eyes.
Sanna began to gradually push her tits forward, pushing Coral's breasts more and more against her ribcage. The Israeli girl's eyes drooped, as did Sanna's.
A few seconds passed before Sanna put more pressure on Coral's tits, flattening them completely against her, erasing the last fragments of resistance in her rival breasts, the tanned flesh melting on her chest, pinned by the stronger breast. Behind them, the Sun set.
"Before the end of the day, we will find out which of you is the better woman," the guy said. Sanna looked up at him, the light of victory in her eyes, while Coral closed her in complete defeat.
"I am the better woman," Sanna replied, smiling, "And now you will be mine forever."
The guy nodded, watching Sanna stand up. Coral's breasts, once free, failed to regain their shape, remaining pressed against her, sliding to the sides.
Sanna picked up her top, approaching Coral menacingly. Grabbing her by the hair, he dragged her to the metal railing of the terrace, then tied her wrists to it with her top.
"You'll see him become mine right here, right now," hissed Sanna.
"No...," muttered Coral, without strength.
Once the knot was tightened, the Brazilian girl turned toward the guy, removing the bottom of her bikini before joining him on the small sofa. He had already released his manhood, pulsing with energy and ready to enter the better woman's body.
Coral had to witness the heavy humiliation of watching the girl who had defeated her fuck her man, completely stealing everything from her.
Sanna rode her man most of the night, savoring of each and every moment and constantly casting glances at Coral so that she could see the pain in her eyes.
When he cum inside her, ending the long sex session, Sanna sat beside him, her legs spread wide so Coral could see the white cum dripping from the Brazilian girl's pussy.
Coral had lost everything; Sanna had begun her new life.
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