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The Barn

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Offline Ashley2000

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The Barn
« on: May 05, 2024, 04:12:01 PM »
Shenandoah, known as "Shay" to her friends, drove in the passenger seat of the pick up the 100 miles to the border between her home state of Montana and it's southern border with Wyoming, where the other woman was coming from.  The 22 year old Shay had won every fight she had been in over the past few months and as a result, she and Bobby, her boyfriend, had been enjoying quite a bit of extra cash.  The young blonde had grown up on the farm, with six brothers and sisters, and had played soccer in high school as well. She was strong and tough and had the thick legs to prove that she had been using them to ride and break horses most of her life.  Nothing had been easy and she was better for it.  Now she was making money beating the shit out of other women, and somehow, she enjoyed that too.

When the barn came into view, it was far in the distance, but the number of cars there made Shay and Bobby happy, because more spectators meant more money.  Shay knew that this would be her toughest fight--the other girl was younger and had only been in four fights compared to Shay's nine, but she had won all of hers as well and was supposedly very tough even though she was only 19.   

As they pulled up, they could hear the crowd inside the big structure.  The night was setting in and even though the sun had gone down below the horizon, the air was still warm and sticky.  Shay's shirt began to stick to her body as she began to sweat.  She walked into the barn with Bobby in tow and made her way to the big clear, dirt area in the center with the low boards making a makeshift "ring".  There were at least 150 people there.  Across the ring, she saw her opponent, a brunette woman who was bigger than she expected, but about her height and weight with much bigger tits.  Her name was Casey and she was wearing leggings and a tank top.  Shay was wearing a pink crop top that revealed her tattoo and daisy dukes that showed off her powerful legs.  She wouldn't be able to use her legs until the third and final round of the fight. 

The rules of the fight were simple.  First two rounds were a two minutes each.  Barefist fight, topless, punches only to the body (pussy and tits were encouraged) and then the third round was what was called the release round--punches and kicks were okay and to anywhere on the body.  It was an "I quit" match only.  Winner got two thirds of the door and loser got one third, plus a guarantee of 200 dollars each. 

The barn was really hot, both women were sweating before the fight even began.  They removed their tops and walked to the center of their makeshift ring.  Their boyfriends were both in their respective corners.  Something competitive flared in Shay as she stood across from the younger woman--they were actually the same height but the girl from Wyoming had much bigger tits than Shay's, which weren't too shabby themselves. 

The girls went back to their corners and then the organizer started the timer and shouted for them to begin.  The crowd roared as the two women moved towards each other, feeling each other out.  Shay's first punch connected perfectly with Casey's left tit and the brunette's face went white and she stumbled back a step.  Shay was pleased to see she had hurt the woman. 

Another punch from Shay connected well and while Casey winced, she didn't step back, instead, she slammed Shay with a combination that connected with Shay's gut and right tit.  Shay winced and despite tightening her abs, the blow rocked her and hurt.  She realized that the young woman had a lot of power. The two women then proceeded to stand toe-to-toe and throw defense to the wind, they just began to pound each other with blow after blow as sweat erupted on their bodies making their skin slick and the crowd roared as the two punished each other relentlessly.  As much damage as Shay thought she was doing, Casey's punches were brutal and the hardest she had ever taken, it was like taking a gut punch from a horse kick.  By the end of the round, the blonde stumbled back to Bobby, almost in tears and sat down trying to catch her breath.  Her left tit was swelling from a bruise that was flowering on the surface and her gut and ribs were aching.  She was pleased to see her brunette opponent rush back to her corner though and puke over the makeshift wall. 

Round 2 started sooner than either woman likely wanted though  but the two warriors charged out and met in the middle of the ring.  Shay took the first blow this time, a brutal punch to her  belly, and it knocked the wind out of her.  She fell to her knees and then onto all fours, shaking her head as Bobby yelled, "Shenandoah, get your ass up!! Get up!!'  And she was frustrated to see Casey raise her arms up and smile as if she had won.  Fury rose in her core as she got back to her feet.

The brunette turned back to her and Shay hit her with the hardest punch she had ever thrown, connecting squarely with the woman's left tit again.  The brunette's face went white and she instinctively clutched her wounded tit, stumbling a few steps backwards and Shay chased after her, hitting her several times as she backed Casey against the wall and slammed her with punches. She smirked to herself as she heard the brunette chirping with pain from each blow she delivered, but the bitch wouldn't go down.  Instead, she countered with an uppercut that was even harder than the blow that had dropped Shay the first time.  It caught Shay perfectly in her bruised tit and caused Shay to almost black out momentarily.  The blonde stepped back and the brunette a right hook into her flank that was so powerful it sent Shay stumbling towards the wall.  She hit it and spun, swinging wildly but the brunette ducked it and came up with a blow that smashed in between Shay's thick legs and crushed her pussy with such force that Shay yelped in pain for the first time in any of her fights.  Casey continued her attack as Shay tried to regroup and fight her way off the "ropes" but the brunette took Shay's punches and countered with blows that felt like mule kicks to her tits, belly and pussy.  The pain was brutal and Shay's lungs were burning, her arms felt like lead weights and the room started to spin.  Her legs felt like jelly suddenly and she thought she could hear Bobby screaming for her to get away from the wall, but her body wouldn't respond. 

Another blow from the brunette to her gut caused the air to rush from her lungs and she collapsed again to the roar of the crowd.  She fell not just to her knees, but flat on her face and her big tits, the dirt of the floor sticking to her sweat-drenched skin.  The brunette cheered to herself as she paraded around the ring smiling, her arms raised again.  There was no count out, but the organizer, who served as the timekeeper and ref, came over to Shay and asked if she was done.  She shook her head no and lifted her upper body up on her arms as she struggled using the boards to climb to her feet.  Shay had never been battered so badly in a fight, and maybe in her life as she leaned heavily on the boards to keep herself upright and the organizer again asked her if she wanted to continue.  She said yes and prayed to herself that there were only seconds left in this round.  She knew the third round had no time limit, but she also knew that it would be very different than the first two.  The organizer asked her if she was ready and she nodded.  She put up her fists and Casey came in hot.  Shay could do nothing as the brunette punished her.  She grunted as Casey slammed her torso and her pussy with devastating punches though she did swing feebly at Casey a few times and she did a good job protecting her tits. 

The round ended and she stumbled over to Bobby and fell down in the seat and began to cry quietly.

"It's okay babe, this round is yours," he encouraged.  "You'll get her now...."

Shay replied, "Holy shit Bobby, she's kicking my ass.  She's really strong and she hurt me badly.  I almost pissed myself."

"It's okay," he said,  "This is your round.... you'll get her now.  Just stay focused...." 

Shay got ready and wiped her tears away, but as the round was about to begin, she was scared for the first time ever that she could remember in a fight....


Offline ThumperAlpha

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Re: The Barn
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2024, 05:58:07 PM »
Great first 2 rounds Hope Shay can rally.and kick the brunettes ass.


Offline Ashley2000

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Re: The Barn
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2024, 05:25:58 AM »
The two fighters came out charging and Shay was ready for the brunette.  She snapped a kick that would kill a cow towards Casey, but the brunette spun and completely dodged what she knew would have been a devastating blow.  As she spun, she backhanded a crushing fist into the side of Shay's head and quickly regained her footing to snap two punches to the blonde's face.  Shay's head snapped to the side and then back and forth on her neck like she was trying to get whiplash.  The punches were bone crushing and the brunette's third punch smashed Shay's nose so that blood sprayed everywhere.  To Shay, the blows felt like she was being smashed in the face by a piston, and the fourth punch connected with such force that Shay spun and tumbled into the boards behind her, smashing her tits into the top, bouncing off and crumpling to the floor almost upside down. 

The crowd roared with enthusiasm as the young brunette gulped in huge breaths of air, smiling, her big chest rising and falling as she waited to see if the blonde could recover from this bad of a beating.  Casey's confidence was growing now as she was destroying her blonde opponent.  She felt good about how much she had hurt the blonde to this point. 

Shay was crying to herself, trying to regain her composure, but the young brunette was really fucking her up good.  Bobby was standing over her as she had never really had the chance to escape her corner and he cheered to her, "C'mon babe, you got this, hang tough.  You got this!" 

Shay wasn't sure that she did though, and she struggled to get to her feet.  Her legs were weak and felt like jelly as she tried to steady herself.  The organizer/ref came over to her and placed a gentle had on her sweaty back.  "Hon, do you want to continue?" they asked.

Shay paused and looked at Bobby.  She steeled herself but with little confidence, mumbled "yes" almost inaudibly.  She turned to face Casey.  As she moved forward, Casey closed the distance.  Shay knew she needed her legs, but she wasn't sure that even if she could kick, that her pivot leg would support her.  She was sluggish, but nonetheless made the effort.  She moved to kick with her left leg, but things were so slow and required such effort that she telegraphed the blow and Casey was able to twist and protect herself even before the leg left the ground.

Which was good for Shay, because she had been faking the left footed kick and instead slammed a devastating kick to Casey's midsection.  Both women heard the rib crack and Casey yelped, her face drained of color and she almost flew backwards as the powerful kick connected.  She regained her footing as Shay closed the distance and unloaded with ever punch she had in her repertoire.  The crowd roared with the sudden shift in momentum as Casey's body echoed with the dull thud of the blows and her pained chirping punctuated the air with additional noises.  Casey tried to counter but Shay was on a rampage and blow after blow rained down on the young brunette's body until she stumbled backwards defensively and was pinned against the wall, forced to cover up as the blonde pummeled her until finally her legs gave out and the brunette crumpled to the dirt floor for the first time in the fight.

Shay stepped back as she watched the stunned brunette tear up and struggle back to her feet.  It was clear that she was more emotionally stunned than purely physically wounded.  Nevertheless, she nodded to the organizer that the was ready to fight and came out to meet Shay who punished her brutally for getting up.  The first kick to the ribs caused the brunette to wince and yelp in agony.  The subsequent series of punches sent her careening backwards and caused her to nearly flip over the wall.  She didn't go down and instead found herself pinned against the wall trying to defend against a series of brutal punches that Shay delivered like a wild jackhammer.

Casey delivered a powerful counterpunch and caused Shay to pause, but the blonde was in a zone and quickly resumed her punishment until the brunette went down again, this time screeching in frustration and slamming her fist in the dirt.  She pulled herself up and turned towards the blonde.  Shay could see the fire in her eyes and the two came at each other fast and began trading blows. 

Each punch landed with a dull thud and precipitated by a quick yelp.  The women were relentless and despite slowing down, continued to trade heaving punches into one another's severely damaged bodies.  After several minutes of destructive assaults on one another, one woman's body just quit.  She tried to bring her arms but fell to her knees as a her foe's knee slammed into her face with ungodly force, snapped her head back and sent her careening to the dirt floor.  She lays prostrate on the floor as her opponent stood over her, tears streaming down her face and catching on her big tits as she waited to see if Casey would get up...

But the brunette didn't move and instead, Shay was crowned the champion.