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AGW: Xochitl Gomez vs Dafne Keen

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AGW: Xochitl Gomez vs Dafne Keen
« on: May 02, 2024, 01:49:03 AM »


The match had started like any other, with Xochitl and Dafnee staring each other down in the center of the ring. The crowd was roaring, eager to see these two fierce competitors face off.

But as the match progressed, things quickly spiraled out of control. The women traded brutal blows and vicious takedowns, neither one willing to give an inch. They fought all over the ring, using every weapon at their disposal to try and gain the upper hand.

Eventually, their fight spilled out of the ring and onto the concrete floor. They continued to brawl, smashing each other into the guardrails and throwing each other into the crowd. The chaos escalated until finally, they found themselves outside in the parking lot, their clothes torn and their bodies battered.

The parking lot was silent except for the labored breathing of the two women sprawled on the ground. Xochitl and Dafnee lay there, exhausted and battered, the adrenaline that had fueled their fight now long gone.

Xochitl's hair was a tangled mess, her face smeared with dirt and sweat. She tried to push herself up, but her body screamed in protest, the pain from her injuries too much to bear. Dafnee was in no better shape, her limbs shaking uncontrollably as she struggled to catch her breath.

Neither woman spoke, their eyes locked on each other as they tried to will their bodies to move. But it was no use. They were both spent, and their energy reserves were completely depleted.

Just as all hope seemed lost, a spark of defiance ignited within both women. With a groan of effort, Xochitl pushed herself up onto her knees, her eyes locked on Dafnee. Dafnee, too, managed to find the strength to rise to her knees, her gaze unwavering.

They began to crawl toward each other.

Dafnee veered off course at times because everything made her dizzy; Zochitl was blinded by the strands of hair stuck to her face because of the sweat and tears.

Neither one was willing to give up, to admit defeat. They had come too far, fought too hard, to let this end without a final resolution.

The tension was thick in the air as Xochitl and Dafnee continued to crawl toward each other, their bodies barely able to move. As they came within striking distance, they began swinging at each other, their blows weak and clumsy but filled with determination.

Xochitl landed a glancing blow on Dafnee's jaw, but Dafnee retaliated with a hard punch to Xochitl's ribs. They continued to trade blows, each one weaker than the last, until finally, they both collapsed onto the ground, their bodies completely spent.

For a long moment, neither one moved. Then, slowly, Xochitl rolled onto her back and looked up at the sky. Dafnee did the same, and for the first time in what felt like forever, they were both still.

As they collapsed to the ground, Dafnee saw her chance. With the last of her strength, she rolled over and tried to pin Xochitl, hoping to secure the win. But Xochitl was not to be underestimated. Despite her exhaustion and pain, she managed to keep her shoulders off the ground, refusing to let Dafnee score the three-count.

Dafnee grunted in frustration, pushing down harder and harder, but Xochitl held firm. Finally, with a groan, Dafnee collapsed on top of Xochitl, too tired to continue.

For a long moment, the two women lay there, their bodies pressed together, their chests heaving as they struggled to catch their breath. Then, slowly, they rolled away from each other, both knowing that this was far from over.

Xochitl began hammering Dafne's tits with punches; her knuckles digging painfully into Dafne's flesh. Dafne's breath hitched as she felt the sting of each blow. She could feel the sweat starting to trickle down her chest,. With a guttural moan, Dafne threw her head back, arching her back as she tried to get away from the relentless assault on her chest. 

Dafne pushed Xochitl over and tried to crawl away, but Xochitl caught herself and lunged at Dafnee again. This time, she grabbed a fistful of Dafne's hair and yanked her head back, forcing Dafne to look at her.

Xochitl began hammering Dafne's tits with punches; her knuckles digging painfully into Dafne's flesh. Dafne's breath hitched as she felt the sting of each blow. She could feel the sweat starting to trickle down her chest. With a guttural moan, Dafne threw her head back, arching her back as she tried to get away from the relentless assault on her chest. Dafne pushed Xochitl over and tried to crawl away, but Xochital caught herself and then lunged at Dafnee again. This time, she grabbed a fistful of Dafne's hair and yanked her head back, forcing Dafne to look at her.

Dafne knew it was over.

"Do your wor--."

The first and second punch hammered her. The third one had her seeing stars. The fourth one KO’d her.

The fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth ones were excessive, but that was for Xochitl. The ref declared her the winner, and she grabbed the face of her KO'd opponent and screamed at her until she was hoarse.


She started beating on Dafne even more. Screaming obscenities at her the entire time, until the ref finally pulled her off. She took one last look at Dafne's nude and broken body before spitting on her tits.

"I want her body in the ring when I'm declared the winner." She said.