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CatJen vs Carriecanfight - Resort Spa BAD BLOOD Catfight

  • 46 Replies

Offline Carriecanfight

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Re: CatJen vs Carriecanfight - Resort Spa BAD BLOOD Catfight
« Reply #45 on: May 10, 2024, 02:23:17 PM »
As I’m hitting your head off the floor I ask you to give. Instead you reach up with your left hand and grab my right cheek and stick your thumb under my eye. Then with your right hand closed you hit me between my tits.
Fuck you bitch as you buck up and down eventually roll off and away.
Seeing you in discomfort from the head blows and not giving you time to get to your senses I lunge at you grabbing your hair and yanking it back and forth while I work my way behind you and wrap my right arm around your neck and under your windpipe and hook it up with my left arm and apply to squeeze the air out of you.
Seeing your face start to change color.
Bitch give now as I tighten my grip around your neck as I watch your hands move frantically to escape.

I trying to get my senses then I feel your arm hook me choking me as my eyes go wide I I know I hit you hard you shouldn’t recover that fast! I can’t breathe and my hands shake my face turns purple! Desperately I have to do something! I aim my right elbow and slam it into you ribs three times heard a pop I hit with all I got as I hit you I get my feet under me and push back straight into the wall! I hear another pop!


Offline Catjen

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Re: CatJen vs Carriecanfight - Resort Spa BAD BLOOD Catfight
« Reply #46 on: May 15, 2024, 03:26:31 AM »
Squeezing you tightly as your face starts to change color. I feel my stomach been hit 3 times from your wicked elbow blows.
Ahhh as I feel like a rib might have from the blows.
Slowly you get your legs moving and start going backwards towards the wall. Seeing your momentum I tried to stop you but I can’t as I hit the wall hard. I feel something might have popped. You break off me as I bend down to grab a breather from the effects of these vicious hits. 
Breathing in and out I keep my eyes on you as you move away and I edit for the opportunity for you to turn around.
As you turn around i slowly get up and move a little forward and an a kick at your crotch with my right foot. While you head goes downwards I close my hand into a fist and swing and hit you smack on your left cheek sending you backwards to the ground. You hit it hard as I go over and see that you’re motionless.
Fuck your bitch lay down there as I turn around and unlatch the door and walk out out of the room closing the door behind me.
Tired and exhausted I make my way to the elevator and head to my room floor.