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Voodoo kAos w/ Jezabel attacks Lucky's pale Irish Belly!

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Offline Jezabella

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Voodoo kAos w/ Jezabel attacks Lucky's pale Irish Belly!
« on: July 31, 2013, 12:15:13 AM »
Jezabel has a match with Lucky later in the day and is determind to win, even to the point of cheating to even up the odds in her favor! She hires the crazed Voodoo kAos to come and helo her work over Luckys beautiful lily white Irish belly and weaken her! Watch as the Voodoo monster goes crazy on Luckys midsection, clawing, headbutting, slamming her over his knee and just plain brutalizing her belly . How much can poor Lucky take of this crazed punishment? Will she survive to fight another day?

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