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Mob rules

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Offline DM

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Mob rules
« on: February 11, 2010, 05:22:55 AM »
Karen Cassini, wife of mob boss Don Cassini, entered the small cafe, she was dressed in a white blouse, black jacket and black pants, she looked over to see her, that bitch, the woman who one more woman in a line of many taking adavantage of her husband's weakness for other women, she accepted it but she didn't have to like it. Karen walked to where the smaller brunette stood behind the counter. Karen sized her up, nice tits, good looking ass, they were only temporary. Karen knew she was overweight, knew that was part of the reason why her husband went looking for other women but it didn't matter, Karen would take out her aggression on this whore. The young woman looked up, her nametag had the word Janice on it. "Can I help you?" she said, Karen looked at her with contempt, "Yeah, you can quit fuckin' my husband" "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about" "The hell you don't, I've slapped plenty of women like you and I'll slap plenty more" Karen responded. Jance finally stopped trying to act innocent, "So you're the fat bitch he's married to, I can see why he comes to me" "Yeah, that's right, I'm also the fat bitch that's going to kick your ass, you think you're the first woman I've had to deal with?" Karen pulls out a card and hands it to Janice, "Meet me at this place, don't make me come looking for you" Karen walks away leaving Janice to look on the back of the card, an address was written on it. Janice smiles "Ok bitch, that's the way you want it, you'll get it"

Janice arrived at the address, she walked down the old style corridor until she reached the door she was looking for. She knocks. Karen opens it up, she's dressed in a robe. "Come on in" Karen walks away to make herself a drink, Janice looks at her. "Well, I'm here, just like you wanted" Janice takes off her coat, she's wearing a black bra, panties and suspenders. Janice tosses the coat and moves directly towards Karen. Karen turns around to find Janice in her face, she slaps Karen hard, who drops her drink. Karen is caught off guard and stumbles to the bed, Janice hits her with a right cross sending Karen onto the bed, Janice attempts to dive on her but Karen is ready and pushes her off with her legs. Janice goes tumbling across the room. Karen get's off the bed and walks over to her, she grab's Janice's hair and throws her against the wall, Karen bang's Janice's head against the wall. Karen tosses her across the room again. "Alright birch, I was gonna take it easy on you but seeing as you like it rough, I can play ball" Karen takes off her robe to reveal she's wearing much the same as Janice. Karen stalks over to where Janice is.
Janice rushes at Karen and slams her into the wall, Karen cries with pain, Janice grabs two handsfuls of Karen's breasts and squeezes. Karen let's out another yell of pain. Karen grabs Janice's hair and pulls, HARD. Janice is the one to scream in pain but neither of them give in. They struggle there, against the wall, it's s atruggle to see who can take the most punishment. Karen let's go of Janice's hair and places her thumbs on Janice's eyes, she presses them down, Janice let's out a scream and Karen pushes off the wall and they both stagger towards the bed. Janice tries to pry Karen's hands from her face, Janice reaches out blindly and grabs ahold of Karen's throat, she squeezes hard, Karen let's go of Janice's face in an attempt to stop Janice choking her. Janice is free now and places both hands on Karen's throat, she rolls Karen onto her back, Janice put's full pressure on Karen as both her hands grip Karen's throat. Karen grabs at anything, including Janice's bra strap, finally Karen delivers a fist to Janice's face. Janice rolls off. Karen  coughs while trying to gather her strength. Janice is on her again. They both roll back and forth on the bed, grabbing and clawing, both their bra's come off. Janice bends down and bites down on Karen's right breast, Karen screams and rolls Janice over onto her back, Karen's now ontop, Karen bends down and bites Janice on her neck, it's now Janice's turn to scream. Janice grabs Karen's hair and begins pulling, they both roll of the bed, Karen Janice separate.

:Ypu're a tough bitch, I'll give you that" Janice runs towards her, they collide, slapping and trying to get an advantage. Karen delivers a right to Janice's stomach. Janice clutches her stomach and drops to her knees. Janice rushes Karen again and they hit the wall. They both stumble into the bathroom, the door slowly closes, Karen and Janice scream at each other while crashing around in the small room, the door opens up and Janice comes stumbling out, Karen follows her. "Goin' somewhere bitch?" Janice doesn't listen, Karen cups her chin as she prepares to deliver a punch, "Light's out sweetheart", Kanice goes crashing to the bed, she's out. Karen picks up her robe and walks into the bathroom to get changed.


Offline DM

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Re: Mob rules
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 09:22:04 AM »
It could've been longer but I got bored.


Offline sleepycat

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Re: Mob rules
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 12:51:48 PM »
nice, but a little too short


Offline wrstx2

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Re: Mob rules
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2010, 06:14:25 PM »
thanks. Nice scenariio. evenly matched in a tough fight, liked it!
Love mature women (40+) in intense action, even matched, grudge between them. My pics tend to show what I like. No extreme violence, death or humiliation - that's just not me.