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Live from Minneapolis: Rowan Chance vs Vivianne ‘La Vipére’ Labelle!

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Your body, ducked over. Holding your taut belly. I don't hesitate. Not a second.

My arms move, snapping around your left arm and your neck as fast as a mousetrap. You feel my left hand grasp your left wrist, pulling it under your chin. Then, possibly, you see my right hand grasp my own left wrist. Like a front face cobra clutch. You feel the tension against your throat. Feel the tension in the back of your neck as I pull your head forward, stretching the stuff connecting your cervical bones. You know, the ones that keep your neck in place. Little C1-C7.

Across the ring, the announcer is out of his chair, nearly knocking his headset off. He's shouting about how this move is illegal, how I'll be banned, how I'll be fined.

I don't care. I seriously don't care. Because the fine will be nothing compared to the bounty I'll get for breaking your pretty neck.

That's when I spend a second I shouldn't spare looking at him. Grinning at him. Selling the moment for all its worth.

My eyes look into his eyes. My nightmare black eyes.

I lick my lips. My blood red lips.

It's one moment. Just one.

Then, I tense my shoulders...



Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline Vivianne

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I don’t have to wonder where you are for long. You are on me quick and before I know it I am squirming, bent over in a front face lock that is really closer to a Cobra Clutch. I stomp the mat, causing my thighs and butt to shake for the crowd behind me as I wince in your grasp. Neck muscles and vertebrae, not as healed as the cute HCMC doctor would like, are protesting the sudden rough treatment.

I know what you are doing. Watching hours of footage from Japan, seeing ‘Lady DDT’ strike from practically anywhere, and I know what you want to do…and if you succeed you will likely break my neck!

“Mommy, why did you cheat in your match tonight?”

“Well Sweetie, sometimes mommy has to bend the rules a little bit, to keep the other girls from hurting me too much.”

Mom’s words from when I was six flash through my mind, along with your illegal toe kick and your backstage attack. She said I would understand when I get older…and I finally do. Sometimes even the babyface needs to bend the rules…

You hesitate for just a second. I don’t now why…and I don’t care. Clenching my right fist, I draw it back…and swing it forward. When standing, my punches hit like a Canadian Pacific Railway locomotive, so even bent over with my arm trapped they carry some pop.

HEEYAAH!! I drive my right closed fist up into your left side ribs, feeling your body jolt and hearing you grunt. A second punch, this one harder, lands square to your navel, and sinks in DEEP, lifting your feet from the canvas. I feel your breath purged from your lungs blowing on my back as you loosen your grip on my left arm and neck just enough…

The announcer is yelling about me now…and illegal closed fist punches. GLPW is not accustomed to so much rule breaking in the opening minute of the match, and this poor guy is going to have a stroke if he doesn’t calm down.

I shove you with my right arm, pushing you off me now, growling at you and stepping in for another swing, aiming one more right handed punch. An uppercut. Aimed directly for that perfect, shapely jaw line of yours…


Offline Rowan Chance

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... and someone throws a sledge hammer into my side. My body bending with the impact. I've been punched before. Punched by the best. But this was...

... and someone throws a rail road tie into my side. I feel my feet lift off the mat. Feel all my guts slush over to the side as my hands lose their grip. I feel you push me back, my feet barely keeping me up, my knees all but rubber from those two massive hits.

All right. All right. Two hits that would make Gemma's eyes moisten. Mine are.

That's why I don't see the uppercut. But I feel it.

Your fist hits in the right place. On the side of the jaw. Hitting the bone up, jamming into my skull. Making the inside of my skull feel like the Fourth of July. Making my teeth jam together. My dentist will be really happy on Monday.

My body shakes...then stumbles...then falls. More like, crumbles. Into a heap. The back of my head banging against the canvas.

I'm down. Hard. And it's only ten seconds into the match.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline Vivianne

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Your teeth make the most wonderful clicking noise as they slam together, and you crumple to the mat like a marionette with her strings cut…and I smirk as your head bounces off the canvas. Yeah…you’re gonna feel that one in the morning for sure.

I stalk over to you, rubbing my neck and shaking out my left arm. Reaching down, I dig my fingers deep into your raven blue/black hair, hauling you up to your feet.

Time to settle the announcer down and give him some WRESTLING to announce.

I bend and slide my right hand between your legs, wondering briefly how many men…and women…would love to be able to do that, and as my left goes to your shoulder I haul you up.

Holding you upside down…

Turning in spot toward middle ring…

And dropping you with a classic body slam…


You react the way everyone does…sitting up and arching your back in pain. Only for you, back pain is always a touchy thing, isn’t it, Rowan?

Seeing you sit up, dropping to my left knee behind you, placing my right between your shoulder blades…

Reaching for your arms, wanting to slide my hands down your wrists and pull those arms back. Wanting to hear the Daughter of Darkness scream…


Offline Rowan Chance

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That body slam made my toes tingle. Not a good sign.

And when you get behind me, trying to pull my arms behind me, with your knee in my back...

...yeah. That's not happening.

I slip my arms out from your grip and run them up your shoulders to your head. Finding the long locks of your hair and SQUEEZING.

Then, with your head in my grip, I quickly stand...

... jump up...

...looks like I'm trying to jump over you...

...but I stop halfway over...

...and swing back forward...

...aiming your chin at my shoulder.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline Vivianne

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I can tell by the way your body arches after the slam that your back didn’t like that. Everyone who has seen you wrestle knows your weak spot, Rowan, no matter how many different therapies and ancient healing methods you try.

I intend to attack that weak spot when I reach for your arms with my knee in your back. Things are looking good as my hands start to slide down the smooth, dark skin of your upper arms.

Looking good until you slip from my grip and grab my hair…

I wince as you stand, YANKING me up by my black hair. I am wrapping my fingers around your wrists, trying to pull your hands off of me when you jump.

Feeling your body weight go up, I immediately try to keep my own weight forward, to prevent you from going all the way over me and pulling me backwards with you.

I realize too late that you are not trying to go over, and my leaning forward plays right into your hands as you fall, bringing me with you. My chin tucked against your shoulder as you hit the mat.

The same clicking noise your teeth made moments ago from my uppercut emanates from my mouth now as your jaw breaker rattles my cage. (Funny…the clicking doesn’t sound as wonderful when coming from my own head as it did coming from yours…)

UNGH!!!   I bounce off your shoulder and go rigid, on my own knees, wincing as I topple over to my right side, landing on the mat and rolling onto my back.

Holding my jaw in my hands…starting to roll…rolling away from you and toward the ropes…hoping I can somehow make it there before you press your attack…


Offline Rowan Chance

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I watch you trying for the ropes, rolling as fast as your hurt little body can go. And I snarl.

"Going for my back?"

I send a sharp kick into the small of your back as you roll.

"Going for my back, babyface?"





And when you get to the ropes, I grab your hair. A whole handful of it. Ripping you up and throwing your back into the ropes, my hand under your chin, pushing you right over the top, arching your back so those precious tits spread out under your rather modest (and antiquated) wrestling gear.

"Oh, no!" I hiss at you. "You're not getting away that easily!"

I reach my arm back and over my head. Hand on your chin. Aiming.

Because the tip of my elbow is going to land exactly at the base of your throat. Still a legal blow. I'm not going for your throat proper. The referee is a little too close for that, right at my side, counting up to four.

No. Just at the base. A legal move.

But it's going to hurt.

Oh, yes. It's going to hurt.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline Vivianne

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I hear you snarl at me as I roll, then feel your kick slam my back. UNGH!!

Rolling…coming around…another kick. HUNGH!!!

Wincing, but still rolling…another kick. ARGHH!!

Reaching the ropes, but finding no respite there as you grab my hair. My scalp burns as you haul me up, but before I can even think of complaining about the hair I feel my back arching painfully over the ropes.

I see your arm go up and immediately think you want to slap your open palm across my breasts, exposed as they are. (Antiquated suit? You’re just jealous that I look SO GOOD in it.)

As the ref counts I realize your arm is bent…your elbow pointed…and you are not going for a classic chest stinging slap. Fuck…

What did you call me? Babyface? You’re right, Rowan…I AM a babyface, but even a baby face will do what she must…to keep from getting hurt too much…

As your right elbow is cocked and ready to strike, I swing my left arm from over the top rope, my aim a little fuzzy as you push my chin back, but trying to hit you in your right armpit…

With my left hand…clenched into a fist with my thumb extended…hoping to spike you under the arm before you can drop the hammer on your elbow strike.

Hoping to back you off a bit and rattle your confidence. To show you this babyface, ‘La Vipére’, has fangs…
« Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 01:45:07 AM by Vivianne Labelle »


Offline Rowan Chance

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Sitting in the dim light, my sensei raises my arm by the wrist and fires a quick blow: a thumb into my armpit. A quick but stiff thumb right in a soft place. He tells me, in Japanese, the strike sends immediate shock to the radial nerve. He's telling me this while I feel it. Feel the pain rush up and down my arm, down into my fingers. Hell, my toes feel it. I collapse while he still holds on to my wrist, holding up my arm. I'm squeezing my eyes so I don't cry. Biting my lip so I don't scream.

"Do you understand?" he asks me.

I nod. "Hai." It's about all I can say.

"Good," he says. "Now...we do it again."

And again.

And again.

And again.

I know what he's doing. Like striking the board with your bare fist. Like playing guitar until your blisters break and make calluses. He's making me stronger. Every night I sneak out and he trains me, I'm getting stronger. But even when you hit your hand against the board a thousand times, there's still pain. You just have to learn how to ignore the pain.

Or, in my case, turn it into something else. That's what Tantalus taught me.

So when you ram your thumb into my armpit, my body reacts. I let go of you. I don't get to swing the tip of my elbow down onto the base of your throat. I let go of you and turn, stomping into the center of the ring. Shouting as many curse words as I know. Grabbing my shoulder, squeezing it tight. Remembering the first time I felt this. Remembering the second time. The third time. The fourth time. But no matter how many times you feel it, no matter how accustomed to the pain you become, there is still pain. Red hot screaming biting pain.

And in another place, in another dimly lit room (what is it with guys and dimly lit rooms?), Tantalus binds my hands above my head. He whispers something cruel and sweet into my ear. And then he does something...terrible. And awful. Terrible because it inspires terror. Awful because it inspires awe.

And there's a look on my face in that moment. A look of agony. A look of ecstasy. And when he asks me, "Are you okay?" I look him in the eye and tell him,


So after the initial rush of blinding screaming red hot pain, you hear me sucking air through my teeth. Then, you see me turn.

Then, you see my smile.

"Looks like mommy's little girl is finally growing up," I say, smiling at you.

I drop my arms. Lower my gaze into yours.

"Come on, good girl. Show me how bad you can be."
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline Vivianne

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I see you smile and my eyes widen. I hear you call me ‘mommy’s little girl’ and they narrow.

Your arms at your sides…clearly a challenge. Your words…”good girl”…clearly a taunt.

I straighten up from the ropes. Fingers brush through my hair, fluffing it from my face. Hands cup my breasts, resettling them in my suit. Rolling my neck, feeling some discomfort, but making sure not to show it.

“You want to see how bad I can be, Rowan? I ain’t no blonde bimbo submissive who you can just woman handle and then tie up. Oh no! I’m a LABELLE!!!

I move from the ropes, guard up, body tense, ready to take you on, Daughter of Darkness. Ready to show you just how bad this ‘good girl’ can be…


Offline Rowan Chance

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I feel like Palpatine in front of Luke Skywalker now. I want to clap my hands and hiss at you. "Good...good..."

Because as much as you want to be a villainess, little Labelle, you're not. I've watched your matches. Trying so hard to live up to your mother's name but staying clear of her reputation. She was a villain. I grew up watching her. Pulling hair, raking the eyes, low blows, pulling the tights. That's your idea of a villain, isn't it, Viv?

Well, to steal a phrase... I ain't your momma's villain.

You come rushing in, all piss and vinegar. Your eyes are focused on me. I know exactly where your hands are headed. Follow the eyes. One of the first lessons I ever learned. Follow the eyes.

So when you do come rushing in, I'm ready for you. Even in this relaxed position, I'm ready for you. Because this "relaxed position" isn't a relaxed position at all...


My daddy's library. He has so many books. He has his grandfather's sword way up high so I can't reach it. But I've seen it. I've even touched it. Not out of the saya. There it rests in the tosogu. Way up high.

I like to read. I steal books out of his library and read them. Some of them, I don't understand. I can read the Japanese, but I don't understand them. So, I ask.

"What does this mean?" I ask him. I point at the passage.

He turns in his chair, looking down at me through his glasses. "Ah, that is Musashi talking about stance."

"What does it mean?"

He takes the book and reads it to me.

"In all forms of strategy, it is necessary to maintain the combat stance in everyday life and to make your everyday stance your combat stance. You must research this well." He pauses. "What do you think it means?"

I think about it for a while. I tell him, "I think it means that you should always be ready for a fight!"

He nods. "That's right. There is no difference in stance--either in mind or body--when you are fighting or not fighting. You should always be fighting."

"Hai!" I tell him. I run away with the book and continue reading. I will ask many more questions later.


I see you coming at me. My hands comfortably at my sides. I look relaxed. Ready for tea.

But I'm not ready for tea. I'm ready for you.

So when you get within reach of my long legs, my right moves suddenly, kicking upward, aiming for just under your jaw. It's a goddamn OUT OF NOWHERE! moment right out of Seth Rollins' book. And those big, bad dominatrix boots.

They do hit hard.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline Vivianne

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As I rush toward you, I cock my right hand, fist clenching. You thought I hit hard when you had me bent over and one arm trapped, wait until this hammer strikes home!

Seeing you remain motionless I know something is up, but I am expecting a sudden dodge or movement of your hands or arms. Seeing none of that I continue my charge, full speed ahead…eyes on your jaw…wanting to hear that sweet clacking of your teeth again as I smash you right in the mou…HUNGHHH!!!!

The sole of your big domme boot connects right under my chin and everything stops.

My forward charge…stops…

The punch I was just unleashing…stops…

My ability to see clearly…stops…

My body goes rigid, as if I was just hit with a taser. Arms falling to my side as my head snaps back, my black hair a flurry around my face, partially covering my eyes as they roll back.

Time stops…as I teeter…like a tree about to fall to Paul Bunyan’s axe in my adopted state’s northern forest. Slowly at first, then picking up speed as I fall. Landing on my back with my arms outstretched, head hitting the mat and bouncing, along with my breasts in my one piece suit.

Ending up down in front of you, spread out in a big X, and moaning. Not out cold, but dazed for sure.

Wha…what hit me?
« Last Edit: August 21, 2018, 03:12:56 AM by Vivianne Labelle »


Offline Rowan Chance

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Wha...what hit me?

Not what, dear. Whom.

These are the moments that present themselves to those in the professional wrestling medium. Your opponent is flat on the mat, clearly stunned after a surprise attack. Do you...

     a) Go in for the pin?
     b) Apply a submission hold? or
     c) Grab a limb and give it a good strike?

Those are your options. In the span of a heartbeat, you must make a decision. So, this is the process that happens in my brain.

No to a). She's not nearly close to ready.

No to b). She's too close to the ropes and could reach out to break the hold, making my efforts wasted.

Therefore, c) is the correct answer. We're forgoing the fourth option which is d) Pop the crowd. I'm not interested in the crowd. I wouldn't piss on them to put out a fire.

With your legs being the closest, I reach down and grab your ankle. I quickly lace your knee between my knees. Then, I give you a smile.

"This is going to hurt."

Leaping up and over you, with your leg trapped between mine. I make sure to do that ballerina twist my mother made me learn, just so your leg is at exactly the wrong angle when I land.

Your leg.

Bent over your own head.

Laced between mine.

Hitting the canvas.

Twisted at the wrong angle.

Told you this was going to hurt.

« Last Edit: August 21, 2018, 06:29:30 AM by Rowan Chance »
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline Vivianne

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You know that feeling you get when you are coming out of sleep, but you are not really back yet? The groggy, not totally out, but not totally with it feeling? That feeling of just wanting to roll back over for five more minutes before waking up? Well, that’s me as I lay on my back, still not sure what hit me.

Vivianne…Vivianne…wake up, ma chérie.
Aw mom…just a few more minutes…
Viv…you have to wake up now. Rowan isn’t going to wait.

You reach down and grab my left boot, gripping my ankle and pulling my leg up and between yours.

Too late, ma chérie…

You jump…pulling my leg as you do. I’m very flexible. Ok…I don’t have the dancer’s body and bendiness you do, but my hip takes the motion with little problem, and my hamstring, though strained to its limit, ends up pretty much just fine. No, that’s not my problem now. My problem is the way you wrenched my knee.



I am snapped out of my haze by a sudden explosion of pain. I howl in such a way as to make the announcer squirm a little in his chair, not being used to such exclamations in the GLPW ring. The crowd gasping...then booing you loudly.

Rolling back and forth, my left leg bent, both hands clutching my knee. Breath coming in gasps now as I try to push down the pain. Hair becoming damp against my neck as I grimace, not knowing how bad you just hurt my knee…

…and knowing you will not give me a chance to test it before you attack again…
« Last Edit: August 22, 2018, 04:10:01 AM by Vivianne Labelle »


Offline Rowan Chance

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I land on the other side of your head, tucking my own and rolling forward until I land on my feet. Just like Curt used to do.

Turning, I see you clutching your knee. I hear you screaming. Yes. That's exactly what I like to hear.

I prowl around you, making each step a deliberate statement. Letting you hear the sound of my flat heels hitting the canvas. Letting you hear the sound of my voice as my words drop from my lips.

"Well, well, well..." I say each word with a step of my boots. "Ms. looks like you won't be using that limb for a little while."

I snap down and grab your ankle, pulling it up and toward me. "Just how familiar are you with wrestling history, Viv? Especially local wrestling history?"

With your ankle in both hands, I give it a gentle twist. Just enough to show you what's about to happen next. One of my feet on your other foot. Just to minimize your ability to turn.

"Tell you remember the Minnesota Wrecking Crew?" I raise an eyebrow. "Because I do."

And that, my dear, is when my fingers coil tight around your ankle...

...and I TWIST.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship