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Rumors of a whore war

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Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2023, 10:05:13 PM »
My blows make the british woman howl like a dog.
And i'm not finished with her yet!
Unfortunately, she doesn't tend to stay still.

She starts to fight really badly, gets meaner than ever before and lacks all sportsmanlike decency.
But apparently she has forgotten the consequences her actions can and will've for her.

She seriously tries to stuff her dildo in my mouth and hits me hard with her whip.
I drop my riding crop, fend off the dildo and take two steps back.
Cursing, i look at the welts on my skin.
"Filthy British woman! Now we're getting serious!"

I storm towards you, paying attention only to your hand with the crop, while my right hand reaches for your red whore suit.
Attack you like a fury and intend to make the fight even more personal.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2023, 11:28:09 PM »
I have stung her, she mutters and lunges at me, reaching to grab my bodysuit, but it is my turn to backstep, and letting my crop dangle from it’s thong around my wrist, I grab her greasy hair and yank her forward, past where she intended.  Even though her hands are in reach of my suit, she is a step off balance as I yank hard on her hair.  As she leans forward I smack her back with my dildo.  The thudding sound can be heard through the bar.

The fool is ripping at my sheer suit, and I feel one of my breasts hanging out, while I lift my dong again, I will beat her down with a dick!  She dropped her crop, so I am unlashed, as I rip out a tuft of hair and try to re-grab my hanging crop.  “Come on Linda you Irish always win !”  Everyone can see how I am hurting her, my whip having marked her, and hers ineffectively dropped.

I start to mock her, although I don’t like the idea that my body suit is so torn up, and it looks trashy.  I’ll have to rip off her top and panties when I get a chance.  I look to see if my heels can attack anything, but I have to keep working her over some more


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2023, 04:25:33 PM »
I reach for the fabric of Linda's hooker suit and my fingers claw into it.
Unfortunately, the stupid cow seizes the opportunity, grabs my hair and pulls me off balance.
Her 17-inch dildo hits my back hard twice.

In the fall i tear her red something open.
First i'vee to catch my fall with my hands, but then i immediately grab Linda's leg and clutch it.
With her leg in my arm, i come up against the resistance of Linda, who is still holding my hair, and try to sweep her leg away with a leg sweep.

My aim is to bring my opponent to the mat and take revenge for her dastardly deeds.
The audience cheers, some sensing a quick victory for the irishwoman, others cheering me on, hoping that the fight will go on for a long time and that i'll win in the end.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline jackie

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2023, 04:47:20 PM »
This is actually a good start between 2 old whores, well past their sell-by date


Offline linftr

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2023, 05:13:24 PM »
I have succeeded in beating the German whore down to her knees, but as she tries to keep herself upright (instead of the doggy position she is dropping into) she rips my outfit so it hangs in strips, and worse, holds my leg immobile. I come down with another blow on her back with my dildo, but that is a mistake, although she grunts from the impact, as she keeps a grip on my one leg, and knocks the other wider and wider apart, till I topple, uncovered breast flapping as my upper back lands on a hay bale.  I splutter and squirm, both hands going behind me to try to push myself upright before this brunette trashcan take advantage. 

The crowd sees us down and shouts with glee, making suggestions and comments.  One withered old blonde says contemptuous things about both of us, from the safety of the 'elite' seats.  even as I pushup, I re grab my crop, which was fastened by a tong around my wrist, and the moment my shoulders leave the hay bale, I bring it up to strike Anne's ugly face again.  I lose my grip on the dildo though, in my effort to rise.  Instead I try to roll and pull myself up over the haybale, my crop flailing back handed, and 'covering my retreat' (although I am not really retreating).

COME ON RED, FINISH BALDING THAT TALL SLUT   and  START WORKING HER cxnt  LINDA, YOUHAVEN'T HIT IT YET.   I am sort of glad I don't know German, because there are a lot of guttural howls and shouts, probably telling Anne to do nasty things, or being unflattering about me.  Regardless, the noise adds to the intensity and makes my adrenalin pump even harder.  As I glance, I notice that not only did she rip my body suit, but she scratched my breast as she did so.  I swear I will stripe her from top to bottom.


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2023, 08:43:09 PM »
I can only speak for myself,
but i'm younger than you stinking old british bitch!
And this time british is the truth.

This is actually a good start between 2 old whores, well past their sell-by date
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2023, 11:27:57 AM »
I pull Linda's leg up, causing her to sway and she falls onto the straw bales.
She bitterly resists my plan to force her to the floor.
She pulls out her fucking riding crop again and puts a deep red scratch on my face.
"Eeewww! You dirty British cxnt!"
I scream in a mix of anger and pain.
The “special” guests can no longer stay in their chairs.
Drooling grimaces that cheer on one or another fighter and always demand new nastiness

I get back to standing, still holding Linda's leg and our angry faces are eye level.
Dropped the riding crop, the Feeldoe, everything and am about to attack her.
The raised leg ensures that her crotch is exposed without protection and i intend to take advantage of this fact.

I lean forward, press my beautiful, firm breasts into her flabby udders and my right hand reaches between us.
Even though the thin material still covers her femininity, i've no problem finding her smelly pussy lips and digging my fingers into them.
Reach out, press my fingers firmly into her sensitive flesh and do my best to hurt her.
Her scream of pain hurts my ears.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2023, 02:13:51 PM »
Upended onto the bales, the wicked German holds onto my leg with her left hand , and after leering into my face for a moment, sends her right hand to attack my vulnerable vagina.  My eyes widen as her hand clutches my fleshy lips and dig m twist and claw.  I screech and buck, trying to shake my leg loose.  My left hand grabs her right wrist, trying to stop her from making those cruel motions, but it does not stop her from pulsing he rnails into and through my soft pink flaps.  The fucking savage!

However, one hand is holding my sturdy leg up, the other is embedded in my labia, so my crop slashes her face again, to a pained yell, a diagonal mark from upper left to lower right, and even as she debates letting go, another slash, this time right on the cheek, curling into her mouth..  Her head dips and dodges as i get set to slice her again, though she crushes my pussy lips into a ball with her spiked nails and thrusts her nails into the mass.  It is agony beyond belief, and as she dodges my next strike, she rips her nails off my flesh, unfurling my labia so they hang tattered and torn, as I almost fall from the pain.

I quiver, as I am released, bow legged and mauled down there, as I hold my hands out to defend till I recover.  There are shouts, some bout Anne's disfigured face, and more about my bleeding pussy, with 'flaps down' and stretched, besides all else.  I Hiss, "wait till I slash your filthy cxnt, you witch" as I glare at ther face, then dart a glance at her untouched twat.


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2023, 07:49:54 PM »
If anyone thought this fight couldn't get any more intense, they're wrong.

While i try to destroy Linda's femininity, she takes her riding crop and lashes out at me.
Her whip hisses through my face, leaving red marks that sometimes bleed, but in any case hurt like hell.
I've no choice but to take a few steps back.
Hold my aching face, wipe off the blood and catch your eye.

"Oooh you lousy oaf!
That's the end of the fun!
I'm going to finish you off!
You'll wish you'd never met me!"

I shout through the roar of the crowd, bend down and grab the double dildo you've dropped.
Hold the artificial 17 inch cock in front of me and wait for you to crawl out of the straw bales again.
Then i rush at you again, holding the dildo ready to fend off blows from your riding crop and my right hand stretches out and tries to grab you, whether throat, hair or breasts.

I just want to get my hands on you.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2023, 09:18:03 PM »
As i stagger off the hay bales, I see Anne's slashed face and her hateful expression, her short hair unkempt.  I hold my crop, which has served me so well, ready to strike, as I shift forward, only to see her pick up that huge double headed dong.  Does she ever think of anything but attacking my pussy/  My left hand goes down to cover my twat,  to have that long plastic dick rip into me , after the mauling she just gave me would be too much.  I balance myself so I can close my thighs, and slash her face yet again, when she tries to ram that thing in me.  "carve her up" people yell to me.

She attacks, but swings the 17" dildo up to block my whip, and my strike resonates uselessly on it, and to my amazement, and  everyone else, her right hand goes towards my throat.  Fortunately, I was twisting to avoid the dildo strike, and her clawing hand is just out of reach.  But it falls on my wobbling breast, and her nails have a new target.  I am twisting away from the bales, and being shoved my my tit, as another attempted whip strike again hits her defending dong.  My left hand switches cxnts, and instead of protecting mine, tries to rake her lips and mound.  I have to wound her pussy in return for what she did to me.

It is obvious that Anne has taken the initiative and is pushing me around within the circle of bales.  I need to get some room to lash her, my whip will win this for me.  I wan to hear her scream, just as I yelled when she tore my labia to shreds, and as I screech with her nails in my boob.  I drop a shoulder, hoping she will move the dildo out of the way of my next stroke.  "You will have more stripes than a Zebra!"


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2023, 04:45:15 PM »
We get back into the fray, my opponent takes out her riding crop again, but the double dildo serves me well.

Unfortunately i can't get Linda by the throat, she skillfully avoids me.
But i get hold of something soft.
Quickly realize that it's her ugly udder.
No matter, i grab it and claw my fingers ruthlessly into it.

The feeling of triumph is short-lived.
I suddenly feel something between my thighs.
Was the old whore really going to succeed in getting her filthy fingers on my womanhood?

The audience screams, jeers, cheers, wants to see us fight each other and determine a final winner without any doubt.
Neither of us will let up in our efforts to leave this arena as the glorious victor.
There is too much pride, hatred and rivalry between us for either of us to want the humiliation of losing this fight.
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #26 on: December 05, 2023, 06:39:58 PM »
We are not backing away, rather we are seeking the nastiest way to best the  other.  I feel my nails rake along her mound in my swipe, and see the pain in her face.  As coarse as her cxnt is, it is apparently tender.  I would smile, except she is digging into my breast, nails mauling, and  she has disdain for my flesh, as if my white tit is some awful unpleasant jelly.  I pull my right hand down and back, away from her blocking dildo, and flick it up hitting her thigh.  I sneer to myself, that was only the beginning, and this time I flick it up higher and harder, hoping to snake the leather tip right into her slit.  "Take that, German whore".

The crowd cheers, loving any pussy attacks.  "The Irish one wants to whip our Anne's pussy".  Indeed I do, if only she would stop leaning into me and wrenching my breast around.  The corner of my eye sees punctures and gouges on my tit, and she is not letting go.  She i shuffling her legs, and I am not sure I can strike her vagina.  It looked so wide open, yet she seems better at blocking my riding crop as we go along.  My left hand goes around her hip and to the cleft of her ass, and tears at it.  I will shame her as I rake my nails, her evil anus revealed to the crowd.  "Stuff your dildo in it Red".  A good idea, but I have to grab it back.

I try  to think ahead, what will she do, for a change, she is not going after my pussy, and is instead pulping my boob.  Again I twist my torso, but her hand stays dug into my breast.  I lean forward, hoping to bite her waving tit.  That will make her break away and run !


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #27 on: December 05, 2023, 09:23:57 PM »
Your attempts to hit me in certain sensitive places with your “weapon”, your grip on my butt are increasingly provoking me and i'm surprised that you have now adopted such games.
In previous battles you would never have resorted to these means.
I get the feeling that you're trying to beat me at my own game.

We stand close to each other and can hear each other breathing, smelling her fresh sweat and squealing softly when the pain sometimes becomes too overwhelming.

When we're very close to each other again, our sweaty bodies rubbing against each other, i hiss to you,
"be careful, you mangy irish woman!
You know i'm not afraid to concentrate on the triangle between your thighs in a fight and make you moan like a bitch in the heat!"
There're things in life that you've to do.


Offline linftr

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2023, 10:35:36 PM »
As we lean into each other, the slut talks of making me moan,  "You already did all you will ever do to my pussy tonight.  I will carve and shred your cxnt for the wounds you inflicted."  To accent my point, I try to whip your pussy, yet again stripe your thigh instead.  "Open your legs and take it, bitch"  as I hiss, frustrated that I have not scored deeply on your vagina.  "I won't  trade sluttishness with you though, you will quiver because I have destroyed you, not because I outwomaned you with my snatch."  I say that , but know I could make her tremble if it ever came to a sexfight.

My big soft breast is being tugged and jabbed, and I lift my left hand (the weaponless one) up to try for your nipple.  "I will milk blood from your slack German breast", my efforts spurred by the crowd who are thrilled the way you squeeze and distort my proud 'Irish Creamer'.  Both my breasts an dmy pussy have been torn by you, much more than I have done back.  Thank goodness I have whipped your face so severely. 

I look around for a familiar face in the mob.  It seems that they all you know you persoinaally, an donly know me by reputation.  At least my reputation is a good one.  I lean forward and start pushing, my legs churning.  I want to trip you on the bales and have my way with you. I stat to move you, my eyes light up.  Getting her down will be the stat of her end.


Offline Anne_Cougar

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Re: Rumors of a whore war
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2023, 03:10:24 PM »
As we fight for a decisive advantage, you begin to press your body into mine and push me back.
Your fingers have grabbed my nipple and are maltreating it.
I suck the air in through my teeth and try not to make a sound of pain.
"Try it and you'll start the next day with a sippy cup" i reply to your threats.

Continue to resist your attempt to push me back, but realize that you are damn strong and have to put one foot back after the other and soon feel the straw on my calves.
I'm panting with exertion, fighting against being pushed onto the straw bales by you.
Should i resort to the last resort, to something i know you hate like the plague?

You push me back further, i can feel the straw on my thighs now, if Linda continues like this i'll lose my balance!

In my distress, i take my right hand off your chest and reach down.
Feel your thighs and reach between them. It's warm and moist there.
Try to feel my target.
My fingers touch your labia.
My only question is, what will happen if i actually do it?
Will Linda go wild like a fury?

I think it's a risk worth taking and decide to go for it.
My fingertips touch your greasy cxnt.
There're things in life that you've to do.