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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 78

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Offline The Midnight Rider

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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 78
« on: November 21, 2020, 11:19:29 PM »
Our opening match is Marilee who weighs in at 160 and is wearing a multi colored one piece. Her opponent is Heaven who weighs in at 140 and is wearing a blue two piece. Marilee would start the match out by challenge Heaven to a test of strength. Heaven would accept it only to have Marilee drive her knee right into Heaven’s gut. Then with Heaven on the ground trying to catch her breath. Marilee would go on the offense with several kicks to the gut. Then she would whip Heaven into the ropes and hit her with a big elbow to the chest. Marilee would then strut around the ring and tell the crowd that Heaven was finished. Then Marilee would climb to the top rope looking to hit the headbutt. Unfortunately for Marilee she had taken too much time and Heaven was able to get back to her feet and quickly grab a hold of Marilee and throw her off the top rope. Heaven would then stand in the corner and wait for Marilee to get back to her feet. After a few moments Marilee would do just that and once she turned Heaven would meet her with the rear view right to her face. Heaven was then able to easily hook the legs and grab another victory. The ref would then raise Heavens arm in victory. While Marilee would slow crawl out of the ring and stumble to the back. Your winner of the match is Heaven.

Our main event is Kristina who weighs in at 160 and is wearing a white tank top with green panties. Her opponent is Katie who weighs in at 165 and is wearing a white one piece with a green dollar sign on the front. Katie was riding high after winning the battle royal a few weeks ago. While Kristina was looking to rebound after getting squashed by Whitney in her last match. Both girls are known for bending the rules and for nearly fifteen minutes they would both cut corners any chance they could get. At one point it looked like Kristina would get the win when she moved out of the way when Katie attempted a splash in the corner. Kristina would then roll her up and put her feet up on the ropes. But Katie would kick out at the two count. Kristina would then get frustrated and argue with the ref. That would give Katie the opening she needed to sneak up and give Kristina a low blow. Katie would then quickly pounce and slap on the silver stretch. Kristina would scream and agony but she refused to quit. Katie then told her that she had no other choice. With that statement she would reach down with her free hand and latch it on to Kristina’s crotch. Tears would stream down Kristina’s face and after a few moments she would scream out her submission. Katie would let go of the hold and being her celebration. While Kristina would lay on her side gasping for air with her hands on her sore crotch. Katie would then pull out a hundred dollar bill. But instead of sticking in Kristina’s mouth she would stick in the waist of her panties. Katie would then bend over and ask Kristina if it was as fun for her as it was for Katie. Your winner of the match is Katie.

On the next LPW we will see Hailey and Whitney in action. Our main event will see Rachel take on Becca