
General Category => Chat Fight Logs And Message Board Fights => Chat Fight Logs => Topic started by: Chann on September 19, 2015, 04:59:25 PM

Title: Chann's Adventures in Fighting
Post by: Chann on September 19, 2015, 04:59:25 PM

This will be a thread where I post my most fun matches ! these are raw transcripts, if someone can transform them to be stories, that would be awesome! :D

First off...


Chann vs. Brian

jumpisay: a little private time  i was impressed with you in the gym

and challenged you
Chann: Alright
Chann: lets do it...
Chann: --------------
jumpisay: okk i  make my way  into the ring standing 6ft  tall weighing

175ilbs i  have a towel  around my  shoulders in black shorts i step

into  the ring  and get  mainly  boos the crowd not on my side as  i am

fighting a woman. i shadw  box while waiting for  you  yt
Chann: Its a friday night, and I just got challanged by this Brian guy,

after seeing me fight. I go up and wave to the audence, mainly gym

goers who know me
Chann: "So, Brian...ready to get yr ass beat?" yt
Chann: (i went invis byt im still here)
jumpisay: (can you say your asttire and weight soon)
Chann: (oh yea 5'6" 123 lbs asian Blue spiorts bra and tights )
jumpisay: i smile at  you and laugh and continue  shadow boxing 

knowing i have a  big  size advantage you look in good shape  i think 

but i know i can knock you out. i go to  my corner wait for trhe bell 

Chann: ding ding ding! i go to center ring (i assume you follow) and

tap gloves with you, starting with some jabs to open up the fight yt
jumpisay: you throw some jabs which i move away  from and using my 

longer reach and moving on my toes i throw two  quick left  jabs aimed

at  your  right  eye yt
Chann: I avoid one, but one grazes me, i move back and stutter step

forward to jab you in the abs yt
jumpisay: you catch mr  in the abs but i can take it and as you do  i

threow a  hard right at  your  midriff trying to weaken your  body

thenleft at your jaw then i step  back  yt
Chann: focus my guard up and tense my abs, i absorb the body blow Ooof,

and block the jaw punch, i dance around to make you follw me, jabbing

defensively yt
jumpisay: hmm you  defend well i nod my head in appreciation  i keep 

my distance watching you closely and using my reach i throw a long left

jab at  your right eye and  try to  double it up while on my toes

moving quickly arouind you  yt
Chann: I take a jab to the eye parrying it to try an dthrow a hook to

your ribs, your gloves laces cut my eyebrowm ifeel blood... the crowd

boos you thinking its a blow, but it is just an annoyance for now yt

(tl dr: i try right hook to ribs)
jumpisay: i keep my distance andam moving on my feet so your hook 

doesnt catch me full on but enough to  slow me down a  bit  and i  stop

and watch you closee  seeing the blod i try a quick right hook  at the

same eye now  going on the attack  a  bit more yt
Chann: blinded by the blood, i catch the jab fully, the blood spatter

is like something out of Rocky, i put up both hands an pause
Chann: to pause the action, the crowd is displeased yt
jumpisay: i caught you  spot on and sense  blood you put your hands to

cover up  i aim a hard right at your waistline trying to bring your 

gloves  down so i can go for your  head  i   then try  another right at

 your ribs  yt
Chann: all blows hit, as i was not defending myself, the crowd boos you

hard and i go down...not out but dazed and angry...i call to a guy i

know to clean the blood and put a bandage on it, yt
Chann: (im getting bandaged up now btw)
jumpisay: i hear the crowd  boo  me and  i smile at  them i see  you 

go down  i wait  for the count  yt
Chann: i wait till a standing 8 count, by cut bandaged up ready to go
Chann: I approach you "damn, chivalry is dead huh?" guard up yt
jumpisay: hmm i see you  get  up  and clap my hands together  to come

forward and aim  a  careful  hard right  hand at your eye again and

left at your nose  i  then wave to the crowd   yt   
Chann: with focus i block the shots and come at you with a straight

right to the nose yt
jumpisay: you catch me by surprise  and catch me on the nose  i step 

back to regain breathe and watch you close  yt
Chann: I go for another attack now to the your ribs i hit earlier with

my left while my right is focus on guarding yt
jumpisay: i manage to block the punch  to the ribs  and aim  a  hard

right at your right eye  as you fight back  we trade punches   the

crowd start cheering you on  yt
Chann: I move with the blow and catch it half force, forcing me to

throw the next low abs punch and hook blind yt
jumpisay: i manage to sway away  from the punches as they wereeasy to

see co0ming and ainm a hard left at your  belly button then right to 

your mouth as i feel  blood coming hard from my  nose  yty
Chann: I take the hard left hard block the right and hook your cheeck,

ooof...i stand, get winded and back away... yt
jumpisay: you catch me on the cheek  and i blow hard  the crowd are

really getting involved now  i thought i  had you out  beut you come

back well and are tough and skilled  i try to  use my  reach as you 

back away and keeping out of your range aim a hard right at your  cut

eye i am trying  to cut that up so you cant see me to  good  then i aim

a left at your mouth yt
Chann: the bandages come of you see a nasty scab forming, i block as

hard as i can bbut anoter jab grazes the cut, I focus on punching the

hell out od your abs to see if yoiu doible up yut
Chann: yt
jumpisay: you start punching at my abs i cover up trying to take  them

on my  gloves and arms i  then push forward  with my arms as i comre

forward putiing my arms against your shoulders getting close trying to

push you back to the ropes  yt
Chann: i use your momentum to push and entangle you on the ropes,

throwing a couple of kidney punches, and tangling your arms yt
jumpisay: you catch me in the  kidneys i breathe hard grab your  gloves

pushing your hands down and leaning my weight against you  trying to

tire you and pushing my  head against your face i whisper in your ear

"your'e tough" yt
Chann: "and yr nose is broken", i lean back and throw a headbutt yt
jumpisay: (is that allowed)
Chann: (you can just avoid that if you want, crowd cheers if succeed,

boos if doesnt)
jumpisay: you butt me in the forehead as my  head was down i clinch you

hard to stay  up  as the crowd cheer  you on i hang on and rub my head

hard against yout r cut eye
jumpisay: yt
Chann: we clinch and i throw bombs to your sides, "enjoying this?" yt
jumpisay: i block any power from your punches by  clinching tight  so

you cant swing hard i then try a head butt my self at  your cut  eye 

Chann: a massive headache forms, my cut is torn apartm blood allover my

face and yours,you feel my breath on your face  i push you away and go

for a superman punch to your jaw yt
jumpisay: as you  try to push me away i  aim a hard right at  your

stomach hoping to wind  you  then i duck under your punch aiming a hard

left uppercut at  your  jaw  yt
Chann: ooof direct hit, im dazed and di not see th eleft uppercut

coming, im down
Chann: yt
jumpisay: your down i go to a neutral corner (who counts you or me)
Chann: ill do it
Chann: 7...8...i stand up dazed
Chann: i put my guard up
Chann: the crowd goes wild
Chann: i await your move...
Chann: yt
jumpisay: you get  up the ref says its  ok  i take my time watching   

you close but being careful  you look  groggy and dazed so i keep my

distance so you cant reach me and using my  extra reach pick my spot

carefully and aim a hard right at your  temple then left at your left

rib yt
Chann: i block the hard right, take the left rib huurk,,,you mightve

broken some, and faint a left jab only to hit you with right hook to

the chin devestating power yt
jumpisay: i keep out of your range as i was keeping my  distance the 

hook  falls short and as i t does leaving yopu  open i comr forwardd

aiming a hard right at your  left eye then left at your right  eye i

then step away and watch you  yt
Chann: direct hits, i fall away managing to stay up byt the ropes yt
jumpisay: as you fall against the ropes i stand back off you and again

using my  longer reach i selectively punch  first a har right at  your 

left eye them left atyour  nose then again right at  your temple the

crowd look  worried  yt
Chann: crunch my nose is as broken as yours, i throw some punches none

hit, im out of my feet, yr
jumpisay: you look out  but nobody stops it we are both breathing hard

both pretty battered my moutgh open i just punch now but still a bit

selective right at  your  nose left at your eye right at yoiur breasts

left at your stomach  i then step away yt
Chann: i fall on my knees and to the canvas
Chann: yt
jumpisay: i see  you go down tempted to punch you so you go  on your

back  but staywithin the rules and wait for the count but you look

destroyed this time yt
Chann: blood all over the floor
Chann: 1
Chann: 2
Chann: 3
Chann: 4
Chann: 5
Chann: 6
Chann: 7
Chann: 8
Chann: i stand up at 9...
Chann: like azombie
Chann: i come at you
Chann: just pawing
Chann: The crowd is silent...
Chann: yt
jumpisay: hmm as you comre forward out of it i watch your eyes and then

carefully as you come forwardaim a really hard right  at your temple it

feels sweet as a  nut to  me then left at your  jaw  yt
Chann: devestating out
Chann: 1
Chann: 2
Chann: 3
Chann: 4
Chann: 5
Chann: 6
Chann: 7
Chann: 8
Chann: 9
Chann: 10
Chann: ding ding ding
Chann: you see me convulsing slightly twitching
Chann: totally out
Chann: bloody beated
Chann: beated
Chann: beaten
Chann: some of the audience members lust gets the better of them
Chann: and goes into the ring
jumpisay: hmm i look at you and go  down on to my  knees  in relief it

was one tough fight and   i am badly beat but did enough
Chann: they are no match for you just wannabes in the gym what do you

do? yt
jumpisay: i get up off my  knees and stand in front of yopu covering

you  screaming at them to go away i throw a hard right at first hoping

if i take them out they will stop  yt
Chann: they get quite agressive up until you knocked out that guy

realizing how much power youve been pouring into me
Chann: they back away...
Chann: still unconcius in the ring i am
Chann: yt
jumpisay: i call for the stretcher to take you away and to the

ambulance i have to go to as my nose is broken and i might have  broken

ribs i need checking  yt
Chann: we spend the night at the ER together and i get admitted, i

realize what you have done and a friendship is born.
Chann: fin, unless you have something ot add?
jumpisay: no  finish wow you were amazing thanks
Chann: haha thanks
Title: Re: Chann's Adventures in Fighting
Post by: Chann on September 19, 2015, 05:01:42 PM
Chann vs. King

Chann: Alright so private mma fight in a gym with a cage
King: sounds good.
Chann: ill be fighting in my blue sports bra and tights
Chann: you?
King: shirtless, tight under armour boxer shorts
King: mma rules? or modified rules?
Chann: before we start, i wanna lay some ground rules: no godmodding, im here to fight not take your every blow like a bitch. don't worry im not into dominating or subbing. i like fighting
Chann: nah its pretty much nhb
King: sounds good to me
King: I step into the cage, the cold mats feeling rather nice on my feet as I cirle the enterior....i stretch my arms and back as i await my petit asian
Chann: "You came, throught you'd bail" said I as I enter the cage, strectching.
Chann: *stretching yt
King: Smiling, as i eye your lithe frame, flexing briefly as I stretch..."you talk big...but soon you'll be taking punches..and we'll see how long you run your mouth"...I smile, moving cloer to the centre, one arm outstretched motioning to touch
Chann: I motion to touch gloves as I go into a jeet kune do stance, jabbing tentatively to see what you do yt
King: I widen my stance, staying on the balls of my feet, absorbing a few light jabs, and diving deep for a single leg take
Chann: I back away and throw a weak low kick to your diving body, "Hey now, not even dinner first?"
Chann: yt
King: Grunting I roll to the side, and regain my footing...smiling, "I thought you liked to roll!" i say coyly, throwing some jabs towards your abs and
Chann: Oof taking a couple of jabs to my abs, i throw an right elbow rising to your jaw yt
King: the elbow rocks me hard, but the closed gap allows me to lock in a tight clinch...but height advantage making it quick, and secure, my right knee fires up towards your sternum!
Chann: gets all of it, ugghk, took the wind out of me, i untangle the clinch at the blow, fall down to spring my body at your knee yt
Chann: (do you mind an audience ? say someone who stumbled in here ? you can invite people too if you like ? )
King: (No i dont mind...but im not sure about "sping my body at your knee"...what oes that mean?)
Chann: ( just mean from a croutched position i just tackle at you but main point of impact, if it hits, is your knee )
King: (gotcha!) joined the chat 37 minutes ago
King: stepping my leg back, your weakened spring towards my leg misses its mark and you sail under me....I pivot and jump onto your back, attempting to secure an
Chann: you capture the arm, but not cleanly, i struggle to untangle, could go either way yt
King: I fire several rapid punches to the side of your head, abanonding the arm, and hitting hard!! YT
Chann: The punchs hit but none solidly and thankfully none the ear i roll and get back up returning to the Jeet kune do stance yt
Chann: *im a bit dazed
Chann: (hey greg ) (hey chain) (chann)
King: adopting a more ortodix stance, of tae kwon do, i lunach for with a fake, and throw a hard right kick to your center...y
King: yt
Chann: Moving to the right to move with the blow, i kick your leg from under you and try and mount for and get some blows in yt
King: your mount is succesful, and i take a few shots, covering up for most so the impact is lessened, i grab your right arm, pulling you in close,
Chann: I slot my arm deep puling my self extremely tight till our faces mash with my left i try and hammer the side of your head yt
King: my left also fires hard at the side of your head...your heavy breathing in my face....i notice the freshness of your breath ...i wink and contine throwing punches to your
Chann: i pull up my head and you can see my face then i bring it down in a head butt yt
King: the head butt is brutal, im bleeding from the left now grabs your hair, pulling you to the side, my right filling in yur face..albet blindly..unsure how many
Chann: The jabs connect as i go for the arm bar, my lips and eye get the worst of it yt
King: rolling with you....i use the momentum to roll through now on top, allowing my full weight to pres down on your tiny frame...fists now aimed at your stomach crash into it, as the blood from my face falls onto your neck and the
Chann: the blows crash in, and you see your fists sink into me i fight through it to grab your hair and gather all my power to drive a pointed elbow to the chin yt
King: determined to take your wind, i fire more, harder shots to your stomach, and now chest....your elbow crashes into my chin, and i break free, rolling, and trying to regain my
Chann: I spring in a desperation attack to mount you and try and ground and pound your face in, this is the last reserves of energy yt
King: catch you in my guard, squeezing your middle tight....i throw punches up at your face, pulling your hair to increases the force....your fists connect again, but the loss of energy is noticed, as I am enraged by the blood pouring from my
Chann: your punches are devestating, you bloody my nose, blood is pouring knocked out and done yt
Title: Re: Chann's Adventures in Fighting
Post by: Chann on September 19, 2015, 05:02:57 PM
Chann vs. Jenna

vinnylombo: ok
vinnylombo: she boxes
vinnylombo: her name is Jenna
vinnylombo: she is coming you ready to fight
Chann: yea ready
Jenna joined the chat 82 minutes ago
vinnylombo: HI Jenna
vinnylombo: meet Chann
Jenna: Hi Chann
vinnylombo: no rules no rounds boxing
Chann: hey Jenn
Jenna: 5'4 148lbs 36C 49 yo short dark hair
Chann: topless too apparently
Jenna: fine by me
Chann: 5'6 123 lbs 32B 26 yo
vinnylombo: outdoor bout no ring
Chann: uhh can we have a ring, i mean i dont want anyone running away, me or jenna
vinnylombo: no one will run
Jenna: Yes, we need a ring. I can use the ropes on her
vinnylombo: fight to submission or KO
vinnylombo: ok
Jenna: Submission in aboxing match!!?
vinnylombo: 8 oz gloves
Chann: Lets do this *taps gloves*
vinnylombo: giving up or ko
Jenna: Moving out wearing tight red breifs and matching gloves, guard up as I start to cuircle.. yt
Chann: in blue briefs and matching gloves i jab at you to see what you do yt
Jenna: Blocking yoyur jab easily enough, I send my right under your attackinto your ribs. "You honestly think you can beat me, huh?" yt
paul joined the chat 75 minutes ago
Chann: Late on the block your blow hits me and I counter with a right hook to the abdomen "Why not? you're old" yt
paul: thanks
vinnylombo: cmon on Jenna
Jenna: "Urrgh!" I grubnt as your hook digs in, flexing my abs, but you're right, they're not as tough as they once were. I bedn forward a little, right arm over your shoulder, while I pump a couple of shor lefts into your navel to give you something to think about.. yt
Chann: I try to backstep to parry the blow, but it stil stings. I jab defensively while circling you. "Still got somethin i feel"
Chann: yt
Chann: (vin feel free to invite whoever, like the audience haha)
Jenna: Letting you go, I move back, feeling sweat begin to form. I have power and weight on my side and I need to use it. I circle too, then movein with a right hook to your temple, deliberately aiming my left at your right nipple as hopefully you raise your guard for the head shot.. yt
Chann: I parry the hook while keeping my arms low, "playin dirty already?" yt
Jenna: Stepping back quickly as my attack fails, I scowl at you. "I always fight dirty, hun." Taking my time to recover as I circle.. yt
Chann: (mind if i invite a friend? )
Jenna: no
Chann: I stutterstep towards you and duck and try for a one two jab combo to your gut yt
fitzy joined the chat 61 minutes ago
Jenna: As you come forward, I try to follow what you're up to, movng back, "Urgh!" I drop my elbows as you go for my belly, feeling the dull ache as you connect. I have to retaliate, and fire a right quickly under your chin to keep you away at least as I back off, sweating more now.. yt
Chann: Your blow connects more that you thought, and i'm left a bit dazed, backing away as fast as i can, again jabbing out yt
Jenna: Breathing hard as the pain in my gut fades I see the brief glaze in your eyes which means I scored! Easily avoiding your jabs I time my attack, driving a heavy left to your solar plexus, while hooking my right at yur side, going for the liver.. yt
Chann: I block the solar plexus blow, but my liver is worse for wear. But i see a chance and hook your chin as hard as i can yt
paul: nice attack jenna
paul: and a good counter chann
Jenna: I see the pain on your face. Yess! Little by little I'll take this tough little bitch down. "Uhhh!" I see your hook comong but too late. I turn my head, but your blow still knocks me sideways. I stumble to my left, breasts swinging, arms flailing for balance, before resettin, gasping as I focus on you.. yt
Jenna: (thanks Paul)
Chann: I try for an uppercut aimed at center mass, at this point i could hit something harmless like your sternum or something juicy like your breast, but i give it my all, dropping my guard slightly yt
Jenna: "Huurghhh!" Your fist thumps into my chest crushing the inside of my left breast forcing it to balloon outwards. I griimace as pain raidates through it, the nipple swelling, and as you drop your guard, I fire a right jab straight at your mouth.. yt
Chann: Blam, right in the kisser. I get knocked back into the ropes and reset my self as fast as possible yt
Angie joined the chat 45 minutes ago
Angie: Good time to get in! Great shot mum!
fitzy: lol is that really your mum?
Angie: Yes fitzy
Angie: smile
Marilyn. joined the chat 43 minutes ago
Chann: (changing color)
Chann: (test)
Angie: She's taking it to that Asoan bitch!
Jenna: I feel a pulse of excietement as I connect. I follow you with an all out attack, firing a right hook at your temple and a hard left just below your navel, I'm going for the kill.. yt
paul: get her jenna
Marilyn.: Come on Chandler. Knock her out.
fitzy: you gotta put her down in front of her daughter
Chann: Defending the head, i try and back away from the hard left, feeling the ropes on my back i use my height advantage to clinch you, trying to throwing blind blows you your sagging breasts yt
Chann joined the chat 40 minutes ago
Marilyn.: Chandler get away from the ropes. Take her to the center of the ring. Operate there.
Marilyn.: Tie her up. Knees, use your knees.
fitzy: work those boobs
Angie: Watch out Mum! Keep thiose tits protected!
Jenna: Buoyed by Angie's support, I grunt as you connect with my left breast again, pushing into you and forcing you back into the ropes, sweating hard now as I breath in your ear, firing lefts and rights into your sides.. yt
Marilyn.: Drive your knees into her Chandler. Punish her while she is on the ropes.
Chann: I lift my knees slightly at Marilyn's urging only to remember that's illegal instead i absorb the blows to turn Jenna into the ropes and throw some blows in the mean time tightening the clinch yt
Marilyn.: Use the ropes to your advantage.
fitzy: pound that old lady into next week changler
fitzy: chandler
Chann: ( by the way add me gang, this si a fun group big grin )
Angie: OK, mum back off, get away from her!
fitzy: (it really is and I fought Chann there last week
fitzy: yesterday I mean)
paul joined the chat 34 minutes ago
Angie: (not active on fcf but killer_angie on yahoo)
Marilyn.: Chandler hit her with your best combination.
paul: dig deep jenna, you can take her
paul joined the chat 32 minutes ago
Marilyn.: Chandler drive her across the ring.
Jenna: As you turn me, I try to diesengage from the clinch, pushing you back with my right and swinging a left at your head, glistening with sweat and panting as I shove you back, watching you, my left breast reddening from the punishment
Jenna: yt
fitzy: work that body like a heavy bag chandler
Marilyn.: Keep the pressure on Chandler. Press the advantage.
Angie: Jeez, mum not with your back to the ropes!!
Chann: Keeping Jenna down, I hook over her left shoulder and punish the hell out of those tender breasts occasionally hooking even lower to hit the panty area. blam blam blam yt
paul: ouch
Chann: *i eat the blow to the head dazed i hook over...
Marilyn.: Thats the way Chandler. Work that body.
fitzy: nice nice
paul: she's dazed jenna, take her out
Marilyn.: Pound her right above the waistband.
Marilyn.: Chandler. Bounce her head off of the canvas.
Jenna: your fists come thick and fast now. "HAAUGH!" a vicious punch to the left breast sends a wave of agony through it and I bring my left arm up to defend, white dropletts appearing in the nipple. Then "Ooorghh!" a giurgling scream as you slam into my lower belly, jarring my womb and bladder. I double forward, dropping to one knee, sucking in air as I fight the pain.. yt
Angie: Shit!
Marilyn.: Chandler. Drop her now.
Chann: I see my chance and I go for the uppercut to the jaw yt
Angie: NOO!
Marilyn.: What a hit. That should finish her off.
Jenna: As I go down, your uppercut snaps my head back, sending my into the ropes, arms draped over the middle rope, legs splayed, head rollng, tongiue lolling.. yt
paul: shit
fitzy: oh yes it's time to work her over
Marilyn.: Pound her Chandler.
Angie: Leave her alone!
Marilyn.: Finish her off.
Angie: Bitch!
Chann: I pound her belly mercilessly, left right left right, i dont see her defenceless just open. a couple of shots to the crotch for good measure. after a while i realize she's not defending herself, i undrape her arms and throw a right cross to knock her down. yt
fitzy: the body the body work the body
Marilyn.: Great job Chandler. Drag her to the center of the ring. Leave her there.
paul: its over, back off
Marilyn.: Pose with her limp body.
Angie: She's finished Cant you see that!!
fitzy: I don't know she needs some more
Marilyn.: Chandler. Thats enough. You beat her soundly.
Jenna: "Urgh! Urrngh Urrhhhhh!" My body jerks withe each blow and a wet stain spreads across the crothof my briefs. "AAUGHH!" My hips buck and as you undrape me arms and knock me down, I lie on my side, eyes staring, drooling onto the canvas.. yt
Angie: Fuck you Fitzy!!
Angie: you want to ry me, huh?
fitzy: I'm a guy Angie
Chann: i'm out of breath and drop to one knee as i poke Jenna's listless body...and the look over at Angie and Fitzy yt
Marilyn.: Ladies theres only room in the ring for two people. You two will have to wait your turn.
Chann: (no energy to contribute to that confrontation, constantly swollowing spit)
Marilyn.: Great fight Chandler.
Chann: "Angie was it...? Come here and help me with yr mum"
Chann: *nods to Marilyn*
Jenna: Unable to react as you poke my body, wishing that Angie hadnt had to see this.. yt
Chann: stands up and aches as the adrenaline wears off
Angie: Getting into the ring, pushing Chann out of the way. "Mum! Say something. You did OK!"
paul: watch out for the cheap shot angie
Chann: looks to Paul, "shes done...its done..." moves to fitz and marilyn, "...thanks for coming gang"
Angie: (5'8 130lbs 34D 23 yo with long dark hair if anyone's interested)
Marilyn.: I missed the introductions. What colors were you two wearing? And style?
paul: congratultions on your win chann
Chann: (5'6, 123 lbs, 32B 26 yo medium dark hair asian, in aqua blue gear)
Marilyn.: Congratulations Chandler.
Chann: "haha thanks..."
Jenna: topless, red briefs. You should be able to see it if you scroll up
Marilyn.: Is there going to be a rematch?
paul: gtg, thanks to both fighters for letting me watch
Chann: (cya paul, add me on FCF)
Angie: Helping mum from the ring
Jenna: yw paul
Chann: Well that's up to Jenna...when she wakes up...but Angie looks pissed...
Angie: You bet!
paul: I will chann when I go there next time
Chann: "Hows yr mum, Angie?" said the asian fighter.
Angie: "Like you care!" as I tend to mum on one of the tables
Marilyn.: Ladies. Great fight. I'm Ringsider's wife.
Angie: gotta go
Chann: cya angie, looking forward to our fight
Marilyn.: Yes Dave that handsome Bruce Willis type.
Jenna: Shes got more stamina
Marilyn.: I must get something done today. Have a great day ladies.
Chann: (test)
Chann: Jenna thanks for the fight
Marilyn.: Once again great fight. Where do I find briefs like those?
Title: Re: Chann's Adventures in Fighting
Post by: Chann on September 20, 2015, 06:47:45 PM
I fight that was told to me recently by a friend!

practically an 80s hongkong action movie fight!

Zhang vs. Caroline

Caroline: hey
Zhang: Hey you
Zhang: what scene do you want?
Caroline: i am open, you decide
Caroline: could be ,,, visit singapore for work
Zhang: sure, and then?
Caroline: bump into you at the hotels spa and wellness ...
Zhang: what happened? maybe you attract my boyfriend?
Caroline: yeah ... that sounds like an idea... in the hotels bar i 
did sent out some ... signals and caught his attention...
Caroline: and he gazed at me and you went mad
Zhang: sure sure
Zhang: "Hey bitch! get yr own man!"
Caroline: Raising an eyebrow, as i merely did flirt a little bit just 
because i was bored and wondering if i could attract his attention 
while he was sitting at the table with you. i hiss back "Oh don't worry 
hun just... shuddup i was playing with him cuz he sure as hell needs a 
really tough girl and not something liek oyu!" and give you a broad - 
fake- smile YT
Zhang: "Fake tough girl huh?"
Zhang: "ladies ladies please," said Henra.
Zhang: the guy.
Zhang: "How could you?!" said Zhang
Zhang: yt
Caroline: "oh well if you dare... room number 713" and crack an evil 
grin, finish my drnk.... and quickly head for the elevator. ZUUUUUM 7th 
floor. Strolling down the corridor i go to my room, open the door, slam 
it shut behind me...
Zhang: Henra has definitly been enchanted by you, and is charged by his 
girlfriend Zhang's raging envy. (sorry additional detail)
Caroline: i take off my shoes and tank top a,d wiggle down my jeans, 
throw em on the couch and wait, wondering if the bitch actually shows 
up... YT
Caroline: (np let's swap pics)
You have accepted the invitation to start photo sharing.

Caroline: (your turn)
Zhang: (sorry pisting pic)
Zhang: (yr pretty)
Zhang: Knock knock knock
Zhang: I knock angrily, and kick your door. Hey bitch open up," I shout 
at you.
Zhang: yt
Caroline: Ah she really has guts... just wearing a tiny black thong, 
a matching black pushup bra...
Caroline: just grab the bathrobe real quick, slide into it ... don't 
want to open the door half naked
Caroline: open the door... "oh there you are slut.. come in!" and 
quickly get back to the spacious hotel room... wearing the bathrobe...
Caroline: "close the door and... wel what attire you fancy hun?" 
while i put my hands on my hips and grin evilly at you YT
Zhang: I show up wearing my white tank top and jeans and converse...I 
take off the top and jeans...and my bra and panties..."nude," I say. 
"You afraid?" yt.
Caroline: "not afraid you bitch!" and take off my bathrobe, then my 
bottoms (totally shaven) and bra...
Caroline: "i am not afraid of your asian kung fu whateva stuff!" i 
hiss and flex my arms and hard abs, wanting to scare you...
Caroline: "my muscles protect me from your fucking tiny fist you 
slut!" and bring my fists up YT
Zhang: "try krav maga!" and immediatly go for a palm to your throat. yt
Caroline: have my guard up , i see you move fast... my right forearm 
moving forward, deflecting your shot, instantly send a stiff left fist 
straight for your nose, dart in and out and quickly shift sideways 
after that... YT
Zhang: ducking under, at least your left hits my forehead, not the 
first time that has happened, i fall down to try and kick your shins, 
and push to stand back up yt
Caroline: ACKK see you going down, start moving backwards, your heel 
strafing my left shin though... OUCCHH back up... starting to circle 
while you get up. "Haha flexible huh? So your asian weak bitch flexible 
body vs my muscles that it??" i hiss , circling counterclockwise, guard 
up..."doing the split won't help in a fight bitch!" .. with that i 
feint another left fist for your face, just feinting it , while my 
right fist is backswinging, widening my stance, and ... uncoil, swing 
my right fist forward headhigh, body fully flexed, try a huuuge swing 
for your head with my right! YT
Zhang: I fall for the feint and move with the right fist to lessen the 
blow, doesnt make it hurt less, and i almost hit my head on the TV 
stand as i fall down, i entangle your legs and try and make you fall 
toward the TV yt
Caroline: (btw 5'8 and 144 lbs here)
Zhang: (5'6 123lbs)
Caroline: YESSSS.... feel my fist connect soldily... you seem to be 
falling ... then glimpse your arms reaching for my knees and calves... 
sliding my right foot to the side and backwards as fast as i can, my 
right leg escaping your arms, only got my left while i am in a wide 
stance, but i got good balance... balling my left fist, i bend forward, 
your head down in front of me, so i try to slam my left fist down onto 
the backside of your head, hoping to hit hard! YT
Zhang: (damn it sorry my bad i mean entangle your legs with my legs and 
trip you, its okay ill adapt)
Zhang: what a foolish thing ive done, one fist from you and i might 
die, i roll and your fist hits the floor hard , kick up hoping to find 
head maybe even body yt
Caroline: DAMNIT, straightening fast as i miss ... EEEK your foot 
comes flying, my hands move down, deflecting it some, your foot 
strafing my left tit.. i go EEEK wincing a bit... but instantly balling 
my fist, see you rolling, i leap forward, a wide step, hope to get over 
and above your body, wanting to stomp hard with my right heel into your 
belly! YT
Zhang: I roll just as your stomp misses my center it does hit andi feel 
pain in my sides, i reach my legs up to entangle your arm so i rest my 
legs on your shoulder and pull, its a standing armbar...i CRANK your 
right arm as i hang on for dear life yt
Zhang: (i may have explained it wrong, i sent yo a pick of what it 
loosk like...obviosuly not the happy sparring version)
Caroline: Feel my stomp work partially at least, then your legs 
coming up... my right arm was kinda lose at my side, not outstretched 
as i was not hitting with my arm, so you just catch my forearm , i 
quickly pull it between your calves, but still i have to make a wiiide 
sidestepo with my right leg, forcing me in a broad stance, ZZZZIP have 
my arm free again, my right fist balling, attempt to step over your 
hips, one foot left, one right, planning to go down as soon as i get 
over you, maybe just maybe i can sit on her helly ! YT
Caroline: (move might have worked if i had hit out with my arm...)
Zhang: as you try and sit over me, i whip my legs up and try and catch 
your head, i dont use it to choke you just so i can escape under you, I 
use my arms to stand, and from the armstand i get back to a standing 
position turning my back to you as i look behind anticipatiung your 
move. yt
Zhang: (well this is turning to an 80s hongkong action movie scene isnt 
it?/ lol)
Caroline: HUUUH FUCK you escape under my legs, due to my wide 
stance... damniiit, turning as fast as i can, raising my right leg... 
not soo good with kicking but i remember my kickboxing a little bit and 
try to thrust my right leg high into the air... ACK my muscular thighs 
protesting, turning and try to deliver a kick at heads height, not able 
to aim very wel but manage to spread my right leg upwards fairly well, 
my hands and arms in a tight guard in front of my face.. "IAAAH!" YT
Caroline: (uhm i have not seen many 80s movies... i seen some but not 
Zhang: I duck and turn to you i see your kick it is very slow, i fall 
down to a split and punch upwards at your shaven mound aiming for the 
clit "HIIIyaaa" yt
Caroline: FUUUUUUUCK ... nonono NOO missing you again... EEEK glimpse 
your fist, i go AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHH then OUFFFF, manage to set up my 
foot again, but otherwise eyes wide open, bend forward, my belly above 
your head, my hands trying to go between my thighs, thighs cringing 
together, yelling at the top of my voice YT
Zhang: "That's why you practice the splits, bitch.", i go for another 
low blow, ineffective your thighs are closed shut so i close my own 
legs standing up and punish your chest with a left to the boob, a right 
to the other boob and a uppercut fist to the solar plexus yt
Caroline: UUUUUH feel your fist hitting my thighs, catching breath 
still, try digesting the pain... UUUH manage to straighten some, 
backpeddling but then my left tit and right tit get hammered before i 
can bring my hands up and backstep further... escaping your last blow, 
backpeddling as fast as i can, legs really shaking whobbly... my back 
hitting a cabinet at the hand between my thighs, other 
across my chest, tears watering my eyes, gasping for air, then sink to 
my knees.. "please... p... you ... dirty... dyke.. i .. you won..." and 
finally have to give in to the pain, liding onto my right side, just 
holding my kitty and tits YT
Caroline: (you win... i have to go ... but after that would have been 
over anyways.. thanx was a cool fight! reminded me of kickboxing back 
in the day)
Zhang: (thanks! this is one to remember for sure!)
Caroline: (so unfair xOxO dirty dyke!)
Zhang: do you mind if i post to the forums or wanna keep this private? 
exciting fight to share
Zhang: (HAHA, you got to be when yr this small )
Caroline: let me think about it... do not post yet please... usually 
prefer private
Zhang: sure sure i can change your name if you like
Caroline: that'd be ok
Zhang: just wanna share the events not like humilate you or whatever
Caroline: just change our both names if you want
Caroline is typing...
Caroline: gotta scoot for a while