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Urvashi rautela vs sonam kapoor hardcor fight

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Urvashi rautela vs sonam kapoor hardcor fight
« on: October 18, 2019, 07:46:45 AM »
Urvashi rautela vs sonam kapoor hardcor fight
Sonam kapoor grinned as her eyes swept across the sandy beach. Blissfully, she felt the heat of the mid-morning July sun on her face and skin as a light breeze rippled through her , dark hair. Sonam enjoyed the much-needed breather for her life had been hectic lately with one thing piled up after another. A sense of euphoria spread over her when her husband surprised her by announcing he was taking her away on a two-week vacation at a beach house he'd both.Today, like most mornings, sonam was reclining on the sand, her body sprawled across a beach towel; an awesome sight in a blue string bikini. Closing her eyes, sonam could truly enjoy the moment, freed from any worry. But, that moment of tranquillity soon passed as she heard footsteps in the sand as someone approached. Sonam sensed a presence, someone looming over her. Opening her eyes expecting to see a deranged fan looking for a picture or autograph, instead she looked up to see urvashi rautela standing over her. Urvashi was dressed to kill in a tiny black bikini.Sensing trouble as the blonde's shadow blocked out her sun, sonam sat up and raised her hand to shield her eyes as she said, "Hi ... what're you doing here?"urvashi's response was to toss a magazine in sonam's lap; the June FHM with sonam's picture on the cover.Looking confused, sonam asked somewhat surprised, "What? You want me to autograph this for you?""Just who the hell do you think you are?" Urvashi shouted. "Where the hell do you get off talking shit about me?" she said, her voice rising.L"What are you talking about?" Sonam asked, now more confused than ever."Don't play dumb with me, you bitch!" Urvashi snapped. "It's all right there!" she said, pointing dramatically at sonam's bosom.Picking up the magazine, urvashi flipped through the pages until she came to a dog-eared corner and read, 'urvashi rautela. I'm fascinated by her body, and, like, the boobs. I want to know what they look like. Do they just stay up that high when she takes off her top?' Then, 'The urvashi and boney kapoor video. That's safe to say, isn't it? It was very sad.'Glaring hatefully at the bitch, urvashi screamed, "Get up, bitch! You're gonna be sorry you ever opened your big mouth 'bout me!"Getting angry herself, sonam did just that; rising to her feet, her long, full frame towering over that of the petite blonde."Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Sonam replied as she gave urvashi a shove. "Now, get lost before I make YOU regret interrupting my sunbathing!"Incensed, urvashi cocked her fist and punched the bitch on the cheek. She didn't get the response she'd hoped for, however, for urvashi returned the blow, knocking her back a few steps. Sonam was on urvashi before she could get her guard up, rocking her head with three quick jabs to the face. Dazed, the bitch groaned as the big bitch slammed two punches to her body, bending her forward slightly. Struggling, urvashi lashed out with her fists, hitting sonam in the chest and then the stomach and now sonam winced in pain.urvashi's attack was stopped in it's tracks by another powerful punch to the face from sonam who, smiling, began to swing for the fences, belting the bitch's face with punch after punch until the last one knocked her to the ground.Straddling urvashi, sonam let her fists go, punching down into urvashi's face. She rocked the bitch's head back and forth before she aimed a but lower and began to pound urvashi's big breasts. Urvashi's screams filled the air as sonam's fists smashed her tits flat, digging deep into the yielding flesh! Urvashi's thin top gave no protection as, with each successive blow, new waves of pain washed over her. Sonam brutally pummeled her pride and joys. As urvashi's tits ached from sonam's final shots, urvashi lifted her hands to try to protect her savaged breasts from further injury, but sonam quickly grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away, slamming them back down on the ground."You stupid whore," sonam taunted. "You're in for the worst pain of your life!"Reaching down, sonam made short work of urvashi's top, ripping it open with one swift motion. Powerless to stop her, urvashi howled in pain as sonam's fingers grabbed her tits, squeezing and pulling mercilessly; gouging them with her fingers. Then the tough bitch began twisting urvashi's nipples, smiling as the petite bitch writhed, bucked and moaned in pain. Thrashing and twisting as she fought to free herself, urvashi clasped sonam's wrists, but her efforts were all to no avail.Moaning in pain, urvashi cried, "Leggo, you stupid whore!"sonam simply smiled and shook her head as she gave urvashi's tits another good squeeze making urvashi groan softly. But the bitch's shot her hands up and dug her sharp fingers into sonam's dangling breasts. Sonam gritted her teeth as the bitch raked her nails down her tits over and over, each one worse than the last. Changing her own attack, sonam pinched urvashi's nipples with her thumb and forefinger and began to twist. Left, right, left; back and forth as the bitch's cries echoed over the sandy beach.Biting her lip against the pain, urvashi screamed, "Screw you, slut! I'm gonna make you pay!""Not likely," sonam chortled. "Your chest's gonna be one huge bloodstain when I'm done!"They began squeezing and abusing each other's breasts, straining not to show any signs of the anguish they felt as they mercilessly attacked the other's precious assets. In pain but determined not to lose, urvashi cupped the outside of sonam's breasts and began to slap them together. The bitch kept her eyes riveted on the bitch's face as it twisted in pain, smiling as she won their war of will.Unable to stop herself from gasping in pain, sonam moaned aloud as urvashi yanked her tits down, forcing her upper body down as it followed. Grinning as urvashi's grip on her tits eased, urvashi wrenched urvashi's tits left and right, finally dumping her off her to the side. Laying beside sonam head, urvashi ran her hands through her foe's dark locks and taunted the teary-eyed sonam."Aww... Poor baby... Looks like you're up shit's creek!"Bringing her legs up, urvashi wrapped them around sonam's head, squeezing as they clamped down on her throat. Sonam groaned as she flailed back and forth, her breath cut off by the pressure from the bitch wiry thighs. The big bitch frantically slapped and pawed at urvashi's legs, but they were locked too tight to pry apart."Got nothing to say, bitch?" Urvashi crowed. "l bet you wish you'd kept your big mouth of yours shut!"Suddenly, the blonde screeched as sonam's nails raked up and down her legs, scratching them deeply. Urvashi struggled to maintain her scissors while she captured sonam's hands, but sonam's wrists continually eluded her grasping fingers. Getting her hands on the bitch's ankles, sonam showed her strength as she grunted and slowly pried urvashi's legs apart, then used the hold to roll urvashi over onto her back. Bucking and twisting, the bitch moaned in pain as sonam spread her legs, stretching the tendons and ligaments to the limit. Then, with a look of anger clouding her beautiful face, sonam let go of urvashi's ankle with one hand and began punching her fist into the bitch's cxnt. Screaming as each blow rocked her world, urvashi jerked her free foot back and kicked out, her high heel connecting with sonam's chin.As sonam fell back stunned, urvashi jerked her other leg free and then lashed out with both feet, knocking sonam onto her back. Urvashi struggled to her feet and stood rubbing her throbbing pussy.Angrily, urvashi shouted, "You fucking bitch! I'll kill you!" as sonam rolled onto her side urvashi brought her foot down, stomping her in the face. In pain, sonam was helpless to stop the next foot from smashing onto her face. Urvashi gave sonam one last kick to the belly, sending her rolling. Sonam ended up lying face down in the sand, her heavy breathing sending little puffs of sand into the air.Seething with anger, urvashi dropped her ass on the bitch's back, grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back sharply. Sonam moaned softly in pain as her head was twisted backward. Then urvashi, reaching back with her other hand, began to spank sonam's ass, forcing her to cry out with each hard, merciless and humiliating spank."You...dumb...cxnt," urvashi screamed, punctuating each word with a hard, brutal spank. "You've...been...a...very...bad...girl!"Rising slightly, urvashi kneed sonam over onto her back and straddled her again. Smirking, urvashi lowered her breasts and rubbed them in sonam's face.Then, sitting up and caressing her marvelous mounds, urvashi smirked, "Well bitch, who's got the better tits?"sonam took a moment to regain her composure, then glared venomously up into the bitch's eyes and answered, "Go to hell, you dumb bitch bimbo! Those saggy sacks you call boobs ain't worth jackshit!"sonam laughed as she saw the shocked look of disbelief on urvashi's cherubic face. But her gloating was suddenly cut short when the bitch's fist crashed down into her face. Scooting forward, urvashi wedged her knees down on sonam's arms as she trapped the writhing bitch in a classic schoolgirl pin. Urvashi furiously continued punching the bitch in the face, leaving sonam’s countenance with several souvenirs of the encounter. The brunette moaned each time her head was rocked, absorbing several deep bruises and a bloody nose from the bitch's knuckles.Reaching down, urvashi carefully arranged her fingers around sonam's throat, then began squeezing with surprising strength. Struggling simply to bitch, sonam’s lush body bucked and twisted as she frantically tried to bounce the irate bitch off of her. Despite her best efforts, the slighter urvashi wasn't able to keep sonam pinned as she eventually managed to wriggle one of her arms free.In desperation, sonam grabbed a handful of sand and flung it in urvashi’s face. She screamed as she coughed and spit out sand, blinded by the grains in her eyes. The bitch's instincts told her not to release her grip on sonam's throat, but due to her lack of vision she failed to see the bitch fist and it nailed her right on the kisser!Two more punches to the face left the bitch even more disoriented than usual, unable to maintain her pin as sonam freed her other arm. Urvashi was desperate to keep her hold on sonam's throat and she groaned in pain as sonam loosed a barrage of blows that hammered her torso, the last punch to her face finally knocking her off to the side.Rising quickly to her feet, sonam took a deep breath as she stood over the downed bitch. Urvashi scrambled to her feet as well, glaring angrily and raising her fists. As they moved together, sonam shook the bitch with two sharp left jabs that flattened urvashi’s nose, followed by an overhand right to her eye that rocked her head on her shoulders.urvashi responded with a left hook, but it was blocked and brushed aside by the bitch. Wide open, urvashi got nailed by a left to her nose, snapping her head back as blood began to flow freely from her right nostril. Sonam’s punches peppered urvashi's puss, focusing her attack on her left eye which soon started to swell shut.Moving in close to the bitch, urvashi launched a pair of uppercuts low into sonam's smooth, round belly that caused the bitch to grimace in pain. Then sonam's jaw dropped in shock as urvashi landed an uppercut to her right tit, knocking it up into her face. Sonam moaned again when urvashi kept pounding her boobs, screaming as the bitch’s fists drove deep into the soft flesh. Reaching out, urvashi grabbed sonam's breasts and began squeezing.sonam screamed in pain and grabbed at urvashi's wrists, swiveling her hips as she tried frantically to release her tits from the bitch's tight clutches. Reaching down with one hand, sonam pulled up on urvashi's bikini bottom and tore it off, then jammed her hand in the bitch's crotch, her fingernails gouging the tender inner walls of her pussy. Screaming in agony, urvashi followed suit, pulling and twisting sonam's pussy lips as the bitch howled in pain.Both women wavered on quivering legs. Unable to support their weight, the two ladies dropped to their knees. Drawing her fist back, urvashi drove two punches in rapid succession into sonam’s womanhood and the bitch groaned loudly, letting urvashi know she’d scored big."You dirty bitch," urvashi screamed. "Get your filthy hands out of my pussy!"Still crushing sonam's tit with one hand, urvashi rammed her fingers up into the bitch's cxnt and began clawing her insides. Screaming in mindless pain, sonam started fading fast under the bitch's dual assault. Letting go, sonam snapped a right hook to urvashi's chin, spinning her head to the right, then a left hook rocked it back the opposite way. As urvashi's arms withdrew to cover herself, sonam exploded; hammering the bitch all over her body with a series or hard punches. With urvashi dazed and reeling, sonam threw a right to urvashi's jaw, knocking her over on her side.Getting to her feet, sonam grabbed a handful of urvashi's disheveled hair and yanked her to her feet. As the embattled bitch raised her guard to defend her face, she was rendered defenseless by two riveting blows to the belly. Rocking urvashi's head back with a pair of hooks, sonam began pumping her fists into urvashi’s breasts as the bitch screamed while her hooters were mashed into her chest. Again, urvashi brought her hands up to shield her boobs and the wily bitch hammered her with two more body blows, then an uppercut.urvashi have began to topple over to the sand, but as she fell, sonam stepped to the side and slammed a back kick to her chest. Urvashi’s agonized scream echoed across the beach as she was driven backward and collapsed on the wet sand. Sensing things were starting to go her way, sonam stood over the bitch as she lay face down on the ground and planted her foot on urvashi's head. Sonam pressed down, mashing urvashi’s face into the wet sand. Finally, sonam let he up, and stood laughing as she watched urvashi cough and sputter, struggling for breath as she brushed the sand out of her nose and mouth.Grabbing a handful of bitch tresses, sonam yanked urvashi to her knees and told her, “Lemme show you how leg scissors are supposed to be done, you stupid bimbo."sonam wrapped her killer thighs around the bitch's waist from behind and urvashi's eyes grew wide as sonam began to crush her, twisting back and forth helplessly in the powerful grasp of the bitch. Urvashi frantically grabbed at sonam's wrists trying to free herself, only to have her rip them out of her grip. Tears began to fill the bitch's eyes as sonam's pythons crushed her ribs until, much to urvashi’s relief, sonam let go. Urvashi, gasping for breath, pitched forward and dropped face down in the sand. As urvashi moaned in pain, she was again jerked up by her hair, this time all the way to her feet."Whoa! Where the hell do you think you're going?" Sonam giggled. "I'm not done with the demonstration yet!"The impending sense of doom that coursed through urvashi was quickly confirmed when sonam bent her over and wrapped her legs around her neck. Urvashi groaned again as the bitch squeezed the life from her, letting her feel the ‘power of the sonam'. Weakly pawing at sonam's powerful pythons, urvashi whimpered whenever the bitch squeezed and then relaxed her thighs. Reaching forward, sonam caressed urvashi's boobs before grasping them in both hands.Terrified, the bitch managed to get enough breath to gasp, "Please... Don't do it... Please..." Sonam's only reply was to squeeze harder with her legs, cutting off both urvashi's pleas and her air. "You stupid cow. These sorry tits are gonna be extra saggy real soon!"urvashi let out a choked squeal as sonam began to squeeze and pull down on her breasts. Now totally at sonam's mercy, urvashi felt tears begin to roll down her cheeks uncontrollably as sonam twisted her tits back and forth.When sonam finally let go, much to urvashi's relief, she collapsed on the sand where she lay moaning. Urvashi began to cry softly as sonam pulled her back up to her feet by her hair, fully aware her torment wasn't done. Raising her fists, sonam again battered the bitch, knocking her head in direction, then the other. Urvashi could only groan as her pretty features slowly became less and less pretty; her eye swelled shut, her lip bloody and her cheeks discolored by seemingly endless blows to her face.Gasping as the bitch's punches dug into her belly and her ribs, urvashi pitched forward, mindlessly clinching with her arms around sonam in a desperate bid for survival. She quickly realized it was a mistake when she felt sonam's arms wrap around her and the bigger, stronger, woman began squeezing with everything she had, crushing the bitch in her arms as urvashi's cried loudly.In a display of her amazing strength, sonam lifted the limp bitch straight up into the air, bearing down on her bearhug as urvashi moaned in pain, twisting and writhing helplessly. Sonam held urvashi off the ground a moment, then brought the bitch down over her outstretched knee, slamming her spread legs down, splitting her as she smashed urvashi's womanhood onto her knee The bitch screamed in absolute agony before slowly rolling off of the bitch's leg and flopping around in the sand holding her groin and sobbing in agony.Bawling uncontrollably, urvashi was in a world of pain and, aside from the pain, the only thing on her mind was survival. Summoning her flagging strength, she pulled herself through the soft sand, weakly crawling away from sonam. Urvashi didn't know where she was going, except that it was anywhere away from sonam. But as she dragged herself over the sand, she felt her face rub against something soft. Lifting her tear-filled eyes, the bitch blinked as she looked at some sort of terry cloth that was stained red."You fucking bitch!" Sonam shouted, "You're getting blood on my towel!"urvashi's escape efforts evaporated as the bitch marched to her and wrapped her arms around her waist.urvashi weakly begged, "No... no... Please don't! No more…"sonam ignored her pleas, lifted her into the air and dropped her for a third and final time on her knee. Urvashi screamed as her pussy slammed into sonam's knee, then tipped over onto the sand and lay curled up and sobbing as all resistance drained out of her. Beaming, sonam kicked urvashi onto her back and straddled her waist, now in total control. She again laid into urvashi's face with both fists, battering the bitch and giving her a few more bruises to remember the fight by. Moving her aim lower, the brutal bitch again pounded urvashi's already abused breasts, flattening them as urvashi wailed with each one. She sobbed aloud as sonam buried her nails in her breasts, then savagely mauled them."Please... Please... I give up..." Urvashi implored weakly. "You beat me... Please, I can't take anymore."Satisfied at last, sonam asked, "Well, I guess we both know who the better woman is, don't we? Are you sorry?"urvashi quickly nodded, tears flowing down her cheeks and flying off into the sand with the nodding."Good," sonam replied. "Next time you think you can take someone, don't forget you're really nothing but a saggy, washed-up, weak cow who should be put out to pasture!"With that established, sonam threw herself forward, slapping her soft breasts down onto the bitch's  face. Urvashi's sobs were muffled as the bitch's ample flesh buried her battered features. Urvashi struggled weakly to resist, however, sonam wrapped her hands around the back of urvashi's head and held her tight against her bosom until the blonde slipped off into unconsciousness.Releasing her breast smother, sonam dropped urvashi's head to the sand. Rising to her feet, she took stock of her victory, gloating in spite of the aches and pains that the bitch had inflicted on her. Salvaging what she could of her bikini and getting dressed, sonam took urvashi's bikini and stuffed it in her bag. Urvashi would have to fend for herself when she came to and sonam was sure she wouldn't enjoy it.Picking up her towel, sonam sighed, annoyed that it'd been ruined by urvashi’s blood. But she took consolation in the fact it'd make a good souvenir. Sonam was sure that her hubby would get a kick out of it. Thinking of him, she figured he'd be awake by now and, aroused by her conquest, she was sure he'd enjoy giving her the satisfaction she needed. Excited as she walked back to the house, sonam smiled. It had been a good day after all.
Sonam kapoor wins.