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britney spears vs kareena kapoor(match no 2)

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Offline Karan

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britney spears vs kareena kapoor(match no 2)
« on: January 16, 2013, 03:43:42 AM »
For the second match kareena and britney decided to do smthng different.

They agreed upon a tennis match apart frm catfight....

It was goin one all between them

It was now the third set, and the two were beginning to question each other’s calls of balls that hit near the lines. As the set progressed, the brief arguments became more frequent until in the 12th game of the set, with britney ahead 6-5 and having a match point, kareena called a ball out that from britney's angle looked like it was clearly in. She protested and the two met at center court with only the net separating them.

Neither was wearing what would be called traditional tennis attire. Kareena in a tight pair of black spandex shorts that hugged the curves of her hips quite flatteringly and a tiger print cut-off shirt that exposed her belly and fit snugly over her large breasts. Britney was wearing jean shorts and a white tee also cut to expose her mid-section.

Britney pointed with her racket to the spot where she believed that the ball had landed and said, “How could you call that one out. It was clearly in. I win!”

Kareena responded, “From my angle it was clearly out! How can you tell from way over there whether it was in or not.”

“I guess I have better eyes,” britney sneered. “Not to mention a better game and better outfit.” Britney brushed kareena’s chest with her racket and giggled, “Where’d you get those rags anyway, Sluts-R-Us?”

“At least I don’t look like I came from a home for wayward brats,” kareena said as she shook the lower part of britney’s shirt with her right hand.

Britney dropped her racket and grabbed kareena’s wrist, “Keep your hands off the merchandise, bitch.”

Almost in unison, kareena’s left hand and britney’s right both found the other’s hair. Kareena pulled down on britney’s shirt, tearing away the strip of material that extended from the bottom of her breasts, the lower half of which were exposed to the bright sun.

“Fucking bitch!” Britney screamed as she released kareena’s wrist, “You’re gonna pay for that.”

Kareena took her hand out of britney’s hair and was able to break britney’s hold on hers. Taking a step back from the net, kareena taunted britney, “Come on blondie, you want a piece of me?”

“I’m going to beat you, just like I did in the tennis match,” britney said as she started to swing her leg over the net.

Kareena, seeing an opening, stepped around behind britney as she straddled the net, grabbed the metal cord holding up the net and jerked it up hard, hitting britney squarely between her legs. The sudden shock caused britney to freeze in place, making it easy for kareena to grab her shirt at both shoulders and tear it from her body. Britney was naked from the waist up and still in severe pain from the attack on her crotch as kareena took her in a side headlock and pulled her over the net.

“Now we’ll see whose going to beat who,” kareena said as she tightened her grip around britney’s head, pressing the blonde’s face to her breast.

Britney was unable to break kareena’s grip on her head, so she swung her right arm up between kareena’s legs, slamming her firmly in the crotch. The sudden shock made kareena release her headlock and drop to her knees with her back to britney.

Once she got her bearings, britney stood up straight and turned to see kareena on her knees clutching at her damaged crotch. She ripped kareena’s shirt off her, leaving both topless. She wrapped kareena’s shirt around her neck and began to choke her.

With the restricted flow of oxygen to her brain, kareena rabidly began to lose consciousness. Only the realization of what britney might do to her if she passed out were kept her fighting to stay awake. Just as she resigned herself to her fate, britney released her deadly choke and pushed on the back of kareena’s shoulders, forcing her to all fours.

“Your not getting off so easy,” britney said. “I want you to admit who the better woman is and I know how to do i.”

Kareena felt like she was dreaming when the shirt was unwrapped from around her neck. Her faculties were just beginning to return when britney took her by the hair and walked her over to the post supporting the net. Britney sat kareena down with her back against the post and pulled both of her arms backward, then tied her wrists around the post with her shirt.

Kareena’s vision was clearing and as she looked up at britney standing in front of her wearing nothing but her shorts, the sun directly behind her gave her the appearance of an angel. The illusion was quickly dispelled when britney dropped to her knees, straddling kareena’s legs and leaning over face-to-face with the helpless kareena

Britney lifted kareena’s head and said slowly and deliberately, “Now, admit I beat you, both in tennis and woman to woman and I’ll spare you any more pain.”

Kareena’s response was instinctive, “Never, you fucking bitch.”

“OK,” britney said with a grin. “Have it your way.”

Britney began with a viscous attack on kareena’s breasts; scratching, punching, and squeezing her exposed chest. The attack had two immediate effects on kareena. It sent waves of pain to her brain, but the pain also helped her regain consciousness and get her bearings as her adrenaline cut through the haze caused by the lack of oxygen. But still, kareena’s groans and cries weren’t enough to satisfy the brutal blonde.

Britney sat down straddling kareena’s thighs and said, “You ready to admit defeat, or do I have to hurt you some more?”

She certainly wasn’t prepared for kareena’s response, “Do your worst!”

But like the trooper she was, britney was more than happy to oblige. She went back on the attack, but this time she also drove punches into kareena’s stomach and bitchslapped her, inflicting even more pain. But a plan was starting to crystallize in kareena’s brain and she was trying to work her hands free from the binds behind her. Once her hands were free, she waited for the right time to put her scheme into action. When britney got to a point where she thought kareena may be ready to give up, she again sat on kareena’s thighs to make her inquiry. But now kareena’s hands were free and britney was in the exact position kareena wanted.

“Ready now?” Britney said, a cocky smile on her lips.

“Well…actually….” Kareena’s words came out slowly. “NO!”

As the word left her lips, kareena grabbed britney’s shorts right at the waist with her left hand, pulling her forward to make an opening between the waistband and britney’s belly. A space into which her right hand plunged to find its target, britney’s already aching pussy.

Kareena’s let go of britney’s shorts and slammed her left hand between britney’s breasts, knocking the blonde backward flat on her back on the court between her legs. Kareena’s right hand was already doing untold damage to britney’s crotch and her screams of pain were matched by kareena’s fury on the attack. Kareena leaned forward, sliding her left hand up off britney’s chest to her throat as she rose up onto her knees.

Kneeling over britney, kareena kept her left hand clamped on the blondes throat as her right hand inside her shorts continued to inflict painful damage. Britney’s focus was now totally concentrated on putting an end to the attack on her cxnt and she had both hands on kareena’s wrist trying to pull her hand out of her shorts.

Kareena, sensing her plan had resulted in the desired effect, released both her choke and crotch claw and rose to her feet to assess the situation more fully. What she saw was britney, on her back with her knees drawn up, her face flushed, and her mouth open grasping in agony at the pain in her crotch.

“What say we get a closer look at my handiwork,” kareena said as she bent down, grabbed the top of britney’s shorts and jerked them down her legs and off her feet.

Now the damage she’d done was clearly visible. Red streaks and dark welts covered the area between britney’s legs and as she sat up and looked at the damage, britney cried that much louder.

“You bitch,” she gasped between clenched teeth. “Look what you did to me!”

Britney lay naked on the court with kareena standing over her holding her tattered jean shorts. Kareena tossed them aside, then she stomped on britney’s stomach, causing her hands to jerk up from her crotch to her belly. Kareena grabbed britney’s ankles and planted her heel down on britney’s cxnt, leaned forward and began to twist and grind her heel into britney’s tender pussy, feeling the pelvis beneath as she pushed down. Britney writhed in pain, her hands clutching kareena’s ankle, unable to relieve the pressure on her brutalized body.

“Now who’s ready to admit defeat?” Kareena questioned.

Britney managed to struggle to get to a seated position, her eyes wild as she suddenly reached out, grabbed kareena’s shorts and pulled them down around her knees. Kareena laughed at britney’s desperation attempt at retaliation, then pumped her heel into Alicia’s crotch again, adding a little more pressure until britney’s body slumped back and she covered her face with her hands, sobbing softly. Kareena removed her foot, stepped back and kicked off her shorts.

“So, you want to finish this naked? Well, that’s fine with me. You’ll be the one left starting up at my body,” kareena said.

She dropped down onto britney’s body again and captured her wrists, spread her arms wide and pinned them to the court, completely immobilizing the blonde. Kareena slid up and sat on britney ’s chest just below her breasts.

“I guess you’d call this game, set and match!” Kareena said as she lowered her breasts onto britney’s red face.

Britney struggled, bucked her hips and kicked her legs trying to free herself, but the lack of oxygen overcame her quickly and kareena’s big breasts smothered her into unconsciousness. With the blonde completely defeated, kareena got to her feet, picking up britney and sitting her on the court with her back against the center of the net and her arms draped over the metal cord holding her up.

Kareena slapped britney’s face to wake her and, as she came around, said, “I just wanted to make sure you saw this before I left.”:

She stood in front of britney and flexed.

“Now say goodnight,” she said.

Britney’s head was still cloudy but her last clear memory was seeing kareena’s foot descend as she kicked her square in her damaged crotch. Then she lapsed into total unconsciousness.......

Itz 1-1 now wid jst one match left


Offline Karan

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Re: britney spears vs kareena kapoor(match no 2)
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2013, 03:46:31 AM »


Offline Karan

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Re: britney spears vs kareena kapoor(match no 2)
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2013, 07:57:54 AM »
See their vital stats..... They r almost the same


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Re: britney spears vs kareena kapoor(match no 2)
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2013, 12:35:58 PM »
Ummm!  I like!  I thought it was believable, that's why I like Britney and girls her size so much one wrong move from her or one right move from an opponent of any size and they could be in for a long night.  Kareena and Britney is just a great fantasy match up for me.   


Offline Brian27

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Re: britney spears vs kareena kapoor(match no 2)
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2013, 09:24:54 PM »
britney also has alot of top than the other woman too so britney should of dominated but times but his the writer so its his choice i guess