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OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox

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Offline ~Rox Erotique~

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OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:04:36 PM »
Hello All!

The following tale is of a scene that errupts partway through The Ultimate Catfighter story written by our own Howard Cosell! I would recomend following the above link and reading that story as 1. It's awesome! and 2. it'll help you with character development :)

Either way, I hope you enjoy!

x G x


A Chance Encounter...

I hate this house. I just want to go on record here and let you know… I hate this house.

I’ve been attacked at least three times now, threatened so many times I lost count and some of those threats came from my own team. I’m working under two girls who tried with all their might to fuck me up beyond recognition 5 times in some shitty tag tournament and to top all that off? There’s Dawn.

Dawn… that fucking whore… now I hate Kayla with a passion… the things she and Marie B did to me… well… they left me fucked up, and I‘m not just talking about physically. This last year has been hell. But Kayla’s sister… She’s a different kind of animal. When Me, Jonica, Kayla and Marie B were fighting, it was for survival, but Dawn just fights to hurt people. She relishes it. Thrives on it. Making a girl scream and humiliating her… I did some research on her and she’s bad news. That girls is going to put someone out of action for a long time unless somebody stops her… unless I stop her…

I’ve been begging Kayla to let me have a shot at her, pleading even but she put me up against Spud. Now she was a tough little thing… but she’s not that dangerous. And because I went up against spud, we all had to watch Beth get taken down brutally. FUCK! Kayla’s a stubborn bitch… that much at least we have in common.

Every time I’m in the kitchen, Dawns not far away staring daggers at me. When I’m watching TV she’ll come in and change the channel. I don’t know how many times I’ve squared off against that bitch in the last week alone… it’s pretty clear that as much as I want to take her out of this competition, she wants to take me out. But what disturbs me is I don’t think she’ll settle for just beating me… she’s going to try and break me. Bitch is in for a surprise, I’m already broken, Jessika saw to that.

After yet another argument in the house I decide to go for a walk. PJ, Karin and Lisa are drunk again and it’s barely mid day… fuck this shit. I hit the streets and the weather is quite nice, much hotter than I’m used to back home in the UK. I don’t know how far I walk but it lasts a few hours… around 4pm I’m going down a busy high street and I see someone I recognise with a gym bag on her shoulder. Standing tall at 5’11” the Persian beauty struts along the sidewalk in her purple Gym gear. I recognised her from the training session we had the other day when she trapped me in a modified dragon sleeper and pounded my midsection to jelly.

“Hey” I say, acknowledging her. She looks at me for a moment and I get the feeling she’s deciding if I’m worthy enough to talk to.

“Hello” she eventually replies

“You going to the gym? Need a sparing partner?” I ask optimistically and she raises an eye brow

“I don’t need anyone” she answers cold

“Okay… let me try that again… would you mind if I trained with you?” I ask and she shrugs then signals me to follow as we walk I get chatting, I’d say we got chatting but she’s not much of a conversationalist…

“I’m Gemma, Gemma Rox.” I start… but get nothing back. “… and I understand you’re Rachel Apache?”

“That’s right” she states

“Pleased to meet you” I offer but she’s not one for small talk

“We met before, when I downed you in Marie B’s training session” she answers flat

“Yes I remember… I’m just trying to be a bit more formal than hey! Let’s fight… and if I remember rightly, I hurt you a little bit too…” she stops and turns. Looks me up and down before her deep midnight blue eyes settle on mine and she states calmly “No. No you didn’t” before stepping through the gym doorway

“Oh please! I saw your eye’s! I hurt you!” I continue and she cuts me off

“You can change in there” she orders, pointing to the locker room

“No need, I’m ready” I answer unzipping my tracksuit and taking off my bottoms to reveal the red lycra two piece underneath.

“So what would you like help with?” she asks flatly

“Help?… uh… I don’t understand…” I answer confused

“You mean you didn’t want to train with me to learn? Do you even know who I am yet?”

“… uh… Your names Rachel… that‘s about it” I answer my face looking apologetic as I shrug my shoulders. She rolls her eye’s and sighs before sitting on a bench and gesturing for me to sit on the opposite bench facing her in the lobby and I comply

“You really have no idea who I am?… well that is a little concerning. If you want to succeed in this business, you need to know all your opponents. Their strengths, their weaknesses, their habits and their routines. You need to know them so you can break them. But I’ve never heard of you either. And that does intrigue me considering you’re… how old?”

“29” I answer

“29... And all I know of you is what Marie B told me.”

“Hey! That bitch Marie B and that whore Kayla were trying to destroy me! I did what I had to!”

“Exactly… that’s what’s impressive… as much disdain as I hold Kayla in… she was a world champion, as was Marie B. and you, along with your partner, managed to beat them twice. With no training or background… no years of punishing service and experience to call on… that shows potential.”

“… wow… is that a compliment?”

“Almost. But you’re dumb.”

“Thanks…” I respond dejected

“You need to know everyone else out there. From top to bottom but that’s for you to do on your own time. Today we’re going to train. I’m the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. I’m not going to learn anything today because you have nothing to teach me. I can however teach you if you’re mind is open enough to take in what I do to you” she states flatly.

“Wow… so I hurt the best there is huh?” I joke

“Like I said… you didn’t hurt me.” she answers annoyed

“Oh come on! I saw your eye’s when I caught you, I felt the breath whoosh out of your lungs as you took the hit… I got you, just a little, but I did. You can’t pretend it didn’t happen. I could see it in your eyes”

“Really? Seeming as you’ve achieved nothing in the fighting world and your 29 now, and I’ve done everything there is to do… how exactly does your experience lead you to know anything?”

“HEY!!!” I snap “I know fighting!… you don’t have a clue what I’ve been put through this last year… the beatings I took… the mental and physical torment… I was hospitalised after Jessika beat on me for over 2 hours trying to break me… and as for Kayla and your friend Marie B? They’re no saints. Did Marie B tell you how when Jonica was late for the second fight they started anyway? Kayla got me in a torture rack while Marie slammed punches into my back? Did she tell you that?… Fighting’s all I’ve known and it’s all I can do now… I tried to go back to the real world, but I just don’t fit there anymore”

We sit in silence for a few seconds until I talk again

“So when I look into another fighters eyes… I know what I see. I hurt you. I’m not saying I’m better than you, I’m not saying you’re weak. I’m just stating the facts”

“That’s…… ok… tell me more about your experience” she finally says and I do. I describe how because of a dumb bitch named Jonica I got pulled into three random brawls and had my life turned upside down… I went on the explain how a criminal psychopath called Emma Fox tormented me, again because of Jonica… I talked in great detail about the events surrounding the 5 tag team matches we had and that if it wasn’t for slipping on some fucking Jello we would have won 3-2… and then I went on to talk about the abduction and torture… how Jessika beat me over and over, putting me through every submission hold there was to break me. And I couldn’t help that admit that despite the fact that she broke down in the end and let me go… she did break me… she ruined me for normal life…

Rachel just stares at me the whole time. Her face is so hard to read… it betrays nothing. But she eventually speaks up

“Well, you did hurt me a little. But you didn’t come anywhere close to beating me”

“not that time at least” I smile

“Not ever. I’ve lost 3 fights in 16 years… that’s a little under 99.2% win rate… by your own admission you’ve lost 5 out of the 10 fights you’ve had… a 50% win rate. You can’t beat me.” she states in her flat tone and I get up and look down into her eyes hard.

“I can beat anyone.” my tone mirrors hers, not betraying any emotion or feeling, just stating the facts “there’s no such thing as an unbeatable fighter, on any given day, I can take anyone on this damn planet. You included” She get’s up, towering over my 5’3” frame and looks back at me, matching my hard gaze

“Prove it” she says simply and walks over to the ring room and invites me in.

“Best of 5, win by submission, pin or knock out” she says as I enter the room

She locks the door behind us and I find myself in a wide open room with beige walls and mirrors everywhere. There’s a 20 foot wrestling ring in the centre, the cream canvas looking worn through countless training and bouts. I walk up the steel steps and climb through the blue ropes and start to stretch. Looking around the room I see benches piles up against one wall, they must have small events here sometimes I think to myself. My arms are stretched above my head as I prepare my body then the sudden blow to my stomach sends everything spinning!

“OOOOMMMMPPPFFFFF!!!!” I gasp as I double over, her powerful punch destroying me as she catches me off guard

“Lesson 1... When you’re in the ring, you’re in the fight. Always be on guard” as she finishes she slams two hard knees into my belly softening my abs up some more… all I can think of is how much her blows hurt! She’s got 35lbs on me and it’s all muscle… you couple that power with flawless technique and I’m in trouble…

She wraps her arms around my waist as I’m doubled over and I immediately think she’s going for a gut wrench suplex, but she has something else in that dangerous mind of hers… she lifts me clean off my feet with ease then suddenly drops to one knee, slamming my gut across her outstretched knee brutally!

“AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! I cry out as I bounce off her knee and rock hard thigh and land on the canvas holding my stomach. She doesn’t relent though, a quick kick to the head stuns me and raises my guard as I lay on my back then she raises her right foot high, doing a standing splits before dropping it down in a horrific axe kick to my abs!

“FUUUUUUCK!!!!” I scream out and she berates me for it

“stop groaning. You can’t let your opponent know how much she hurt you” she snaps harshly and through teeth gritted in pain I growl back

“I’m a screamer… deal with it…” although I think my humour was lost on her…

She grips my hair and pulls me to my feet painfully before wrenching my right arm and Irish whipping me hard into the corner! As soon as my back slammed painfully against the corner she was on me, following my run and dipping her shoulder and smashing it deep into my belly! I can’t breath… I gasp and pant but my shocked body does nothing but stall against the sudden and awful attack it’s received. My lungs are burning and my eyes are glazed. Suddenly she ducks low, real low and wraps her arms around my knees and stands up. I’m hoisted high into the air and she quickly falls backwards! My face, chest and mid section are slammed into the canvas and I bounce a few inches off the mat before coming to rest face down and panting. The pain is awful, but at least my lungs have started working again as I take painful breaths. She spins me onto my back and hooks my leg as I lay there stunned and dazed, my head falling from about 8ft in the air and slamming into the mat really knocked me senseless.

“one...two...three…” she counted and got up. Not even out of breath and a thin glaze of sweat on her, but I think that’s more to do with the heat in the room than any trouble she had pounding me… “1-0 Gemma” she calls out and I gather my breath back and start holding my abs in agony as I try to sit up

“AAaaaggghhnnnn…” I gasp, pain written across my face “Oh shit… I think I’ve pulled something when you jumped me… you couldn’t let me warm up first?” I gasp in agony

“Like I said... Lesson 1 for today is always be prepared”

“Oh fuck…” I try to sit up again and scream out another loud cry “EEEEEIIIIOOOOOWWWWW!!!… oh shit… it’s bad… can you help me up?” I plead, my eyes wincing and my teeth gritted as I extend my left hand and clutch my abs with my right. She looks a little concerned now and grabs my hand pulling me to my feet

“Of course… let me OOOOOOOMMMMMMPPPPFFFF!!!!!” she gasps as I ram a brutal knee into the soft spot just below her tremendous abs. her eye’s widen again and her cheeks fill with air as I nail the same spot I got her in last time we spared

“Sorry coach… Lesson 1...” I growl dropping my little hurt girl act as I hook her arms behind her and lock my fingers before throwing in 5 more devastating knees to her lower abdomen, each one rewards me with a satisfying oommppff and I chuckle a little remembering how she told me not to let the enemy know how much she hurt you… I may be new Rachel… but I’m a quick learner…

She raises her right knee to her chest to prevent any more knees from me hurting her and I use her shift in weight to lift her with a mighty grunt! I heave with everything I have and throw her over me as I fall back and arch my back, launching her in a double underhook suplex! She lands hard and the wind is knocked from her again as she lays on her back, trying to control her breathing and struggling.

I couldn’t help but notice how she totally dominated me by preventing me from getting any breath so I apply the same technique back on her, stomping on her belly a few times with my right foot, as she covers up I drop quickly to my knees, driving my left knee down hard on her solar plexus as her eye’s bulge out in a gasp! I know from bitter experience boxing that a heavy enough blow top the solar plexus can stun your diaphragm into an upwards position and make it impossible to breath for a few seconds. She gasps and chokes as I wrench her too her feet and start throwing brutal punches to her ribs and lower stomach! Her body twisting and tightening as I pounded it. I threw a few punches high into her abs but they were rock solid… and I mean ROCK solid… scarily so… my hand kind of hurt so I decided to stick to the ribs and lower stomach… there was a soft layer of fat just below her navel. Her navel was strange… it wasn’t and innie or an outie… just kind of flat… and I absolutely pounded the crap out of it with everything I had. I landed a particularly solid knee there, she just couldn’t block it and her eyes… they showed emotion for the first time. I was rewarded with a loud “Uuuugggnnn…” from her and chuckled

“Quiet down now honey! I thought you shouldn’t let your opponent know how bad you were hurt?” I growled and fired another punch in.

I could tell by a heavy gasp that she got her breath back but was in a bad way, she started to throw a few punches back at me as she retreated to use her reach to keep me at bay but I wasn’t about to let her do that… as she stepped back I thrust off my left foot and drove my right knee deep into that small layer of fat! The wind left her again and her sweet breath hit me in the face as she coughed and spluttered. She would have doubled over but my body was so close to hers there was nowhere to go, she sagged against me, our sweating bodies pressed tight and I squated down a tiny bit and wrapped my arms around her waist, trapping her arms by her sides and tightening my grip in a vicious bear hug! I lifted her off the ground and ducked my head in close to my chest, looking down so she couldn’t head butt me to break the hold.

“NNNNNNGGGGGGGHHHRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” I screamed as I crushed her waist tighter and tighter, I couldn’t hear a scream back from her but I could hear panicked gasps. It was working… she just couldn’t get her breath… Less than a hand full of people on the planet know Rachel’s weakness, possibly her only weakness. If she can’t breath, she can’t fight. It’s crucial to her fluid style of fighting. I of course wasn’t one of those privileged few… I found that out years later… and so this was all blind luck. Just copying a tactic she used to destroy me not a few minutes before… but I’ll settle for luck over an arse kicking any day…

“GIVE UP!!!!” I screamed but she wouldn’t answer… I was afraid to lift my head, fearing a head butt so I couldn’t see the effect it was having on her, and truth be told, having my face buried in her ample breasts was not an unpleasant experience… but soon her struggles got weaker. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around my waist so I punished her for it. I SLAMED her down in a spine buster! Keeping the bear hug locked as I did. Did that hurt my forearms? Of fuck yes! But I know it hurt her more from the dull whimper that escaped her lips, I looked up now and saw the glazed look on her eyes and stood up And bent forward, my arms still crushing the life from her and lifting her legs and waist off the floor while her shoulders were pinned

“ONE… TWO… THREE!!!” I cry out and drop the hold panting hard… it took a lot out of me for sure… just holding her as she struggled against me was an almighty effort. Even in her breathless state, she’s a force of nature but I got the pin…

“1-1 Rachel…” I pant back sweating hard… I slowly got up and so did she… I was amazed! She just got up like nothing happened! Her rate of recovery was impressive… I know I can take a beating and get back up and I know I’ve got crazy stamina… that’s why I favour multi fall matches, as brutal as they are, they suit me. But I’ve not met many people who can match me on that count… her breathing was composed and her eye’s had a steely determination to them… I was more than a little scared, I don’t mind admitting but I wasn’t going to let her see that.

“Are you ready this time?” I ask, teasing her a little bit

“I was wrong Gemma… I thought you couldn’t teach me anything, but you taught me just how fast a learner you are… I’ll remember that…” she says circling me. Although her words we sort of complimentary, the manner in which she said them left me a little bit fearful. She takes a stance and it’s unfamiliar to me and I don’t know how to approach her. Her fists are raised up high, fists pointing towards me and he left leg is out in front of her tapping on the mat like it’s full of energy ready to be released. I take up a boxing pose and step into her range looking to see what she does, A lightning fast right shoots out and I block it and ready a left to counter but as I step in her right foot snaps out and cracks me heel first in my left ribs!

“UUGGNN…” I gasp and double over into a heavy right uppercut! My jaw is rocked and my head flies back setting me up for a left hook straight out of hell! A cut opens above my right eye from her hook and I stagger back. My hands quickly raised into a guard as the blood blinds my right eye… She circles to her left staying on my blind side and throwing in looping hooks that punish my ribs and face. Normally I’d spot them a mile off but she knows I can’t defend them blind. Each punch takes it’s toll on me and after I receive a brutal blow high on my ribs I throw caution to the wind and reply with a overhand right of my own that connects sweetly with her jaw! She stumbles back a little but readies her defence immediately but it gives me enough time to wipe my eye a little and get some sight back. I keep it closed pretending I’m still blind then as I see her left shoulder go back a little, powering up another looping hook on my blind side I crack my eye open and see it coming, I twist to face it, blocking the hook and spin in on Rachel, smashing her right cheekbone with an elbow as I spin! That must have hurt her… I throw in three body shots to as her guard rises up and take up my boxing stance… block and counter… that’s what I plan now… I know I’m fast… she’s set on a boxing match… I can take her!

Well… that’s what I thought until her fists rain down on me with precision and malice! Every blow comes out of her like lightning! I block quite a few to be fair but she’s throwing them so fast I just cant react quick enough to block, let alone counter! A hard submarine punch to my abs doubles me over and she follows in with a left uppercut to the jaw, raising me up and a right hook to the face to finish me off… I spin and land face down…

She starts to count and I’m up after two. She stares at me more than a little shocked I’m still in the fight but despite her shock she isn’t caught off guard, I lunge in with a low left hook to the ribs and she lets it go, I rotate throwing a huge right hook but it hits nothing but air… she ducks the swing then throws her entire body upwards in an arcing uppercut that takes me clean off my feet. I land hard on my back, unconscious before I ever touched the floor.

She counts to 10 before checking on me. Making sure the fall was won first. As I wake I see her nursing my wounded eye… her touch gentle and expert for one so accustomed to dishing out punishment.

“Well… I didn’t lean much from that fall coach…” I groan in pain

“you’ve learnt not to exchange punches with me in a stand off” she reply’s and I’m stunned. Did she just make a joke? Then I look at her and see that stern face and realise no… she actually means it. “2-1 Gemma, do you want to carry on?”

“Why not” I smile getting to my feet and shaking off. Now it’s her turn to be surprised. She had no idea about my stamina levels and was clearly expecting me to stay down longer than that. Guess I’m teaching her all kinds of things about me today…

We circle for a forth time and hook up in a standard collar and elbow struggle. That was a mistake. She easily overpowers me and wrenched me into a headlock! Her arms are so strong! I just can’t pry them off! I wrap my arms around her right thigh but she hip tosses me quickly, falling to the mat with me and locking me in a head scissors while she tightens and arm bar on my right arm

“AAAGGGGGGGGGNNNNN…….” I groan, her thighs crushing my head and her lock bending my arm agonisingly. After a while she switches up and gets me in a full armbar, the pressure on my elbow is immense and I can’t help but scream! She asks me if I want to submit but I fight the rising urge and defy her. She lifts her left leg then snaps it back down, her heel cracking my face and stunning me. Before I know what’s happening I’m lifted up into a crutch hold where she proceeds to SLAM my back down across her outstretched knee in what was one of the most painful back breakers I’ve ever taken… I learnt another thing then… even when sparing, Rachel Apache doesn’t hold back.

As I slam onto her knee she stands again, still holding me and power slams me into the canvas, her full weight on top of me added to the pain shooting in my back. My vision was swimming now, I’d lost quite a bit of blood and taken some of the hardest shots I’ve ever received, all in the name of sparing… she grabbed my legs and lifted them up by my feet as I lay on my back. She stepped over my left leg with her right and then crossed my legs before twisting and turning me onto my stomach… the sharpshooter… one of her most painful holds and devastating finishers… arguably the greatest fighter on the planet was torturing me in her signature move and to mark the occasion…. I screamed. I slammed the canvas with balled fists, shook my head as my hair flicked back and forth, I clawed at the canvas trying to get enough purchase to pull myself to the ropes, I held my head in my hands as my face and chest were pressed against the canvas as my legs and back were arched and bent agonisingly. All of this I did and it didn’t help me in the slightest, she continued to ask for my submission and I continued to scream no at her, tears running down my cheeks as the pain built and built.

I honestly thought she wouldn’t hurt me… I’m in a tournament, she’ll let me go, I just need to hold on another minute and she’ll drop the hold!… the minutes built… the hold lasted… it was a battle of wills now, my stubbornness in the face of defeat and her unwavering dedication to martial excellence… after close to 15 minutes of torture I screamed

“FUUUUUUCK!!!!” I cried, and it was filled with regret… not from the pain but from what I was about to say next… “OK!!! OK!!! I GIVE!!! I FUCKING GIVE!!!” I screamed pounding the canvas with my right palm

She dropped the hold. My knees hit the canvas hard as she dropped me, sparing no effort to lower me gently. She saw me as a fellow warrior now and would treat me as such. I curled up into a ball rubbing my back and groaning a little as she berates me for my stubborn refusal to quit.

“You could have seriously injured yourself there” she complained

“You could always let go…” I jest

“I don’t let go… ever… that can be another lesson for you” she answers flatly

“I feel so blessed for your tuition… “ I groan eventually standing up

“You should. Not everyone gets to spar with me” she replies, clearly missing the sarcasm in my words we talk a little while and discuss my strategy, I must admit I’m in awe of her mind… it’s by far her deadliest weapon… but what she says sparks a lot in me and makes me a better fighter… as much as I like to make fun of her and laugh as she either ignores or misses my jokes entirely, she’s a great person and I hope to know her a lot more in the future… We discuss the tournament and Dawn in particular

“You can’t beat her.” she states in her flat, matter of fact tone “you should try and face somebody else and let another fighter take her out, Seka maybe, you would stand more of a chance against her”

“I can take Dawn!” I answer angrily… “I took you!”

“no, you lost. You won a fall, not a match. In the long term that means nothing. I allowed you to pin me to give myself time to recover, it was a tactical choice by me” she mused

“Bullshit!!! I beat you!!! It so does count!!!” I rage

“you can think that if it makes you feel better, but until we meet in the ring, you’ll never know…” she answers and turns to leave

“Hey?… where are you going? There’s another fall left!” I call out and she turns stunned…

“Don’t be ridiculous, I won 3-1. You can’t win”

I fire a wry smile at her “yeah… but I can lose a little better…” we look at each other and she walks back to the ring, I think I see the faintest of smiles play across her lips… but I can tell you now… I didn’t see any mercy…

I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


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Re: OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2010, 06:33:39 PM »
I describe how because of a dumb bitch named Jonica.....again because of Jonica…

Don't blame me because you're a walking disaster waiting to happen.


Great work as always, luv!  This series is really starting to take off.  Kudos to you and Howard for starting it.  I can't wait to read more!

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline ~Rox Erotique~

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Re: OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2010, 06:48:35 PM »
It's all Howard sugar! I'm just riding on his coat tales! lol

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


Offline howardcosell

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Re: OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2010, 06:50:13 PM »
it's amazing writing and amazing action, as I told you before. We need people like you to become teachers because you and so many others here have such a natural talent for weaving together such brilliant work.

I've read a lot of different takes on my Rachel by a lot of different writers. Yours is right up there with Marie's and OMG's as the best I've ever read. Thank you for taking an interest in Rachel and all the fun you help happen here. And it is all about having fun.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline howardcosell

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Re: OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2010, 06:56:11 PM »
the credit is all your, Gemma. You plotted it; you wrote it. All I did was say "sure" when you asked about using Rachel. You are a creative genius and you did great with this, as you have withevery story you've put on this board. You rock, hon!!!
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


Offline natasha

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Re: OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2010, 08:36:38 PM »
the story was good..... keep writting


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Re: OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2010, 02:40:59 PM »
Nice story, G - great to see you training with one of the best, and our team needs you at your best so we can beat Jessie & her sluts!  ::) ;D

now I hate Kayla with a passion… the things she and Marie B did to me… well… they left me fucked up,

Gee G! (I like the ring of that!  ::)) And there (Marie and) I thought you looked so happy with that goofy expression on your face, getting it & finally achieving a big O!  ::) Just goes to show: one's good, kind deeds are no longer appreciated! Tee hee! LOL!  ;D ;) :-*

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2010, 03:18:28 PM »
You acquitted yourself well, writing and fighting.



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Re: OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2010, 01:40:06 AM »
I figured this may be the best place to post this. This is a short story about Rachel written by me a few years ago told from the point of view of a young Angela Love, who I just call "Love" now because there's a blonde haired wrestler I wasn't aware of who uses the name "Angelina Love." ::) Gemma has done such a fantastic job and I truly think Gemma is a fantastic human being. Hats off to her!!

When I was a little girl, I used to love heroes. I didn’t have the best childhood, so I kinda threw myself into the comic books. But you know who was my favorite… Batman. What can I say; I’ve always had a thing for the strong silent type. I’m standing in the locker room and I’m looking at someone who’s trying to be the strong silent type… Rachel Apache. You could say I’ve known Rachel for a long time, about seven years, going back to when I was eleven and she was twenty and in the prime of her career. We met in Japan, at Bushido’s training camp. I was a rich, cocky, little blonde haired girl with a million dollar smile. I was a daughter to a man who had gained all the money he needed from fighting, but just couldn’t stop. And here I was, in the snow, staring at a goddess. Well, you know, at first I didn’t think much of Rachel. After all, I knew who she was, but I used to always want to see her get beat… and it never happened. It seemed as though no one, not The Shadow, not Siena Blaze, not David Riptor, not Prophecy, or any of those girls or guys could find a weakness in her or a gameplan that worked for more than two minutes. I was from California, I was a Siena fan. Siena was cool, and what Rachel did to her the third time they fought brought me to tears. I had never thought that Siena would quit on her stool in Los Angeles (her home town) the way she did… it was so sad. So, here I was, looking at one of the trainers who was going to shape me as a fighter, and it was someone who I didn’t like.

Rachel was a lot taller in person than she was on tv, but way she stood with her arms folded or with them on her hips was true to form. She would stand there with her gi on and stare at us for what seemed like an eternity when we would practice. She would look at me, and I’d feel myself just want to beat her senseless. Rachel back then had an arrogance and a snobby attitude about her that I couldn’t stand. And when she would fight on television, she never showed any pain… well, she did, but you had to look really close. I would see Riptor kicking her and pummeling her, and in real time, her facial expressions barely changed. And her stomach… she had the most remarkable stomach, and she flaunted it all the time. I just remember thinking how much I would love to drill her right in the middle of it.

As a trainer, Rachel would speak with something between stoicism and indifference. She spent one on one time with Sage, who as it turned out, was her sister, and she didn’t spend any time with any of us. Her presence made us feel very uncomfortable. I found the training to be very easy for me; I would glance at Rachel during training and I’d see her looking at me, and when I saw that, I would go nuts on my sparring partner or on whatever was in front of me. But Rachel would come near and tell me that I was doing it all wrong. I felt like she was making it all up and that she was jealous of me. You have to understand, I was Angela Love. I won awards for childhood beauty pageants and went to the best etiquette schools. There was nothing that I couldn’t master, and I was setting speed records and getting the best of each sparring partner I faced. The only pupil of Bushido’s to do this was… Rachel Apache. So, yes, despite Rachel having all those medals and titles and records and being undefeated, and despite me just being me… I thought she was jealous of me. And then, she starting riding me during training. She would taunt me, in her way, she would tell me that I wasn’t perfect and that I couldn’t do anything correctly. I would get angry and I would break some of her records for speed and for breaking, but she would say that I was sloppy and telegraphing my attacks.

“When you learn to do this without thinking so much,” she would say, “then you will be better than what you are now.”

As the weeks went by, and Sage and I got closer and became friends, Rachel wouldn’t let up. Angelo and the other trainers were so cool and so down to earth, but Rachel sat on her cloud and only gave attention to us when she felt like it. Many times, she would force us to watch her train, and at the time, I didn’t know why she would do it. I thought she was just showing off; we knew who she was, we knew how big her trophy case was at home. We knew that Angelo, the best looking trainer there, was her boyfriend. And sometimes, she’d use Sage to show us things also. But never me. She would just give me a hard time, and she would always call me by my first and last name.

“Angela Love, are you sure you’ve come here to learn? Because right now, all you’re doing is clowning.”


“With that technique, you’d be better served as a penguin impersonator, Angela Love.”

True enough, I did act out in class a lot. I believed that if Rachel was going to give me such a hard time, I would give her one right back. I wanted Rachel to take matters into her own hands, but for some reason, she wouldn’t spar with me. She sparred with Sage, or the others, but she didn’t choose to spar with me, and I was slowly breaking all of her records. The trainers began spending time with each of us, and that’s when Rachel and I started to really clash. We would have an exercise where we would punch and knee this solid steel beam, and we would do this in the freezing cold late into the night until we could do it no more. Rachel would stand over me and tell me to quit, to give up, that I couldn’t do it. And I punched and punched and punched away at that beam; my knuckles and knees were bleeding and swollen and it had started snowing. But she kept taunting me and I kept going and going.

Eventually, I didn’t feel the cold anymore, or the pain from punching the beam; all I saw was Rachel in that steel beam. At one point, she even tried to move me away from the beam so that she could show me how it’s really done, but I stayed where I was by elbowing backwards. It was actually a mistake; I was drawing back my fist to punch again, and I elbowed Rachel in the ribs. I turned and I saw her back up and touch her side; she didn’t try to pry me off again. Instead, she became silent and folded her arms and watched me pound away. It was well near breakfast the following morning before she finally told me to stop. Her voice was soft and without its bravado. She walked back to her cabin as if she knew that she had been defeated. I had won… or so I thought I did. That day, Rachel trained us harder than ever before. We ran through half the mountain range; we held buckets of ice for five hours (well, Sage and I did, everyone else gave up); Rachel was about as bossy as ever. But it didn’t bother me, none of it did anymore.

I could see what she told us in a lecture months before. She said that diamonds have flaws in them, shatter points, and that humans are that way too. She said she was the expert at finding weaknesses in fighters and that we should always study the styles of our opposition. Well, I certainly felt like Rachel was my opposition. I would watch tapes of her matches in my cabin with Sage. Sage was such a lovely girl; she was so full of life, but she was shy. I helped her break out of that, and she helped me understand Rachel Apache. But I wanted to know Rachel’s shatter point; I never asked Sage, but all I wanted to do was beat Rachel at her own game. Sage and I were at the top of our class; Sage was being treated like a princess and Rachel was treating me like a frog. I started watching Rachel’s training sessions a lot more closely. I started patterning my style after hers, the cart wheeling and the punches and kicks and just the ability to see an attack coming before it happens. And slowly but surely, it was coming to me. I couldn’t believe it; I was seeing the weak points in all my classmates, including Sage, but we went easy on each other, much to the trainers’ dislike. Then I got the news… my mother died. I’m not going to go into detail about that, but I was crushed. She wasn’t going to be able to see me graduate or even see me ever again. And the news was given to me with Rachel and the other trainers present. And Rachel said NOTHING. She just looked at me, trying to figure out what emotion I was going to show. Well, I showed her one. I walked up to her and even though she said “I’m sorry,” I punched her right in the jaw. I didn’t stay to see her reaction, but I know that Angelo caught her. I could also hear her say to Bushido, “Did I do something wrong?” But even then, she rolled with the punch, and she didn’t make a sound indicating that it hurt.

I knew I had to go home for the funeral; Sage would be going with me. I love Sage. As cold as Rachel was to me, Sage held me and we cried all night together. And to think, this was my rival in training and in every event, and she was sharing a piece of her soul for me. I met Rachel in the mountains the very next morning.

Rachel- Angela Love, we must address your conduct.

Angela- Can’t we talk about it when I get back, ma’am?

Rachel- I understand your situation, Angela Love, but we need to speak about your show of disrespect towards me.

Angela- Master Rachel, I apologize for my show of disrespect towards you.

Rachel- That is rushed and shallow.

Angela- Then what do you want, ‘Master?’

Rachel- You mock me… no matter, I want to know why you hit me. Were you just working out your stress over your loss, because there are other ways of doing--

Angela- May I speak bluntly, Master Rachel?

Rachel- You may.

Angela- Back home, I don’t have any enemies. I get my way at whatever I want, and very few things, I have to fight for. I was already a kung fu master before I got here; no one can touch me in martial arts back home, and no one tries. But you… it seems like you really don’t like me. It seems like you won’t cut me any slack and you won’t give me any credit for the things I have done right.

Rachel- Am I suppose to? Why should I give you a pat on the back for doing what you are supposed to be doing?

Angela- The problem is, you’re not doing anything to me except verbally abusing me and teasing me. That’s what you’re doing and you know it’s true. Look at the way you treat Sage, you don’t ride her nearly as hard as you ride me.

Rachel- Are you jealous of my sister? Sage probably doesn’t tell you this, but I ride her more than anyone else. But I do it in private, because I know that my sister is sensitive. You train different people different ways, Angela Love. I do not treat you all the same, but I treat you equally.

Angela- Bottom line is, Rachel, you feel threatened by me.

Rachel- I don’t follow your logic there… Angela Love.

Angela- Yes you do. I have been dominating this and I have achieved a new status for fighters who are going to leave here. I have eclipsed most of the records that you set, and you have been present to see it all. I could see the resentment in your face when you look at me. You really wish I was older so you could fight me and beat me, don’t you? Well, guess what, Rachel? I wish you were younger so I could beat you in sparring.

Rachel- Young lady, you disappoint me. And be careful what you wish for. You may wish for the wrong thing one day.

Angela- You’re upset, because someone has come along to steal your thunder. You’re mad because you can’t be Bushido’s prized pupil anymore. And what I really wish I could do, is punch you for everything that you put me through since I’ve been here. I’ve been doing it all right, and you know it, and still, you just won’t let up. Now, my Mom is dead, gone, and here you are running your mouth at me about nothing. What do you want from me, Master Apache?

Rachel- Are you about to try to hit me?

Angela- I most certainly would like to.

Rachel- Then do it. And when you see that you have not hurt me, then you will realize that I am only trying to help you, and that you still have a long way to go.

My eyes moved down her body to the black belt that tied her gi together. Rachel undid the belt and took her jacket off. There it was, straight from an OPW poster… that purple sports bra and that trademarked brown stomach, complete with a feminine six pack. I saw her bellybutton peaking out from just above her pants, I made note that it wasn’t an innie or an outie, it was some sort of in-betweenie. It was just odd, seeing this woman with the perfect skin and perfect body with something like that in the middle of it all. She took off her headband and let her long wavy black hair flow, it went all the way down to the end of her calves. She stared at me with her midnight blue eyes and dared me to hit her. I will not lie, I was scared to death. She was so beautiful and so powerful and for the first time, I could really see it. I realized in that moment, that she was riding me because she saw something in me. She saw promise, she saw greatness… she saw me for who I am inside. Before I could throw that punch, I felt love for Rachel, an emotion I had never felt for her before. I saw her as more than a fighter, I saw her as a woman and a person with feelings. She was staring at me with such coldness, but I didn’t see that. I saw someone who wanted what was best for the fighters she trained. I saw an older sister who wanted to give her sister’s new best friend the star treatment. And I saw a woman who cared about me and about the other fighters. I didn’t see an arrogant self-absorbed snob. I saw a great person hiding behind a cold exterior. And I understood her. But I threw the punch anyway.

I hit her directly on her bellybutton. It was a straight right hand, not an uppercut. She bent forward slightly and looked at me. When the punch made impact, I saw her face tighten up, her eyes close, and she made an “hmm” sound with her mouth shut. As she stared at me, I left my fist right on her stomach and tried to grind it in. She was fighting; she was fighting to keep a straight face. And she started to straighten herself up and I just couldn’t believe it. That was the best punch I’d ever thrown and she was about to shake it off. But she doubled over, her stomach went soft, and she let out an “uuuuuugggggghhhhhh” sound and backed up. For the first time, I was able to focus. Everything that I had learned from her and from Bushido and from the other trainers came out in that one punch. I found Rachel’s shatter point. She was so obsessed with her stomach, but not because it was beautiful or because it sold tickets; she was obsessed with it because it was her weak spot. I was only eleven years old, but I understood this. You can thank Sage for helping me focus on the shatter points theory of Rachel’s. All the bravado and the trash-talking and the showboating I had done to annoy Rachel just disappeared. Before that moment, I wasn’t complete. Before that moment, I was just training. But the second that punch drove the wind out of Rachel, I had arrived as a fighter. I was born. But I had to see where this new gift would take me. I helped Rachel straighten herself out, and then a slammed a clotheslined chop across her throat and swept her feet with my leg. As she came down, I dropped my knee across her stomach and watched her cheeks fill with air. I interlocked my fingers with hers and yanked her head into mine, then I broke the lock and chopped her on either side of her neck. She was trying to turn over on her stomach and she was so much bigger than I was, but I began to punch her in her stomach as she rolled on her side. Her body was shaking with every punch I threw, and I was throwing them as fast as I could. She still managed to get to her stomach and she tried to get on her hands and knees so that she could stand up, but I put her in a one armed sleeper with one arm (duh!) and bent her other right arm above her head, while locking in a body scissors. Not only did I learn kung fu as a small child, my father taught me submissions. I had her beaten. But she did a one armed pushup and she generated enough force to push herself to her feet. I was stunned, but I was still focused. The problem was, so was she. To put it mildly, once she got out of my submission hold, she gave me a pretty rough wrestling demonstration. Wrestling was the only part of my fighting style that I hadn’t put a lot of focus into. I could find a million ways to throw someone or slam someone, but that was from kung fu, akido, and judo. She put me in holds that I had never heard of and positions I had never been in, but she didn’t hurt me. She made me pretty sore, but she didn’t hurt me.

I got too cocky; I tried to bite off more than I could chew. But I learned a lot that day, and Sage and I graduated. Sage went to school and participated in tournaments while I went into the amateurs of cage fighting and nhb fighting. Now, I’m 5’8” and 150 lbs, my build is pretty porn star, ha ha. I have very large breasts, and very large butt, long strong legs, a round face, I’m high waisted with a deep round navel, and blue eyes to die for. Sage tells me that I look like Black Canary from that Justice League Unlimited cartoon… so I guess that would make her The Huntress. Sage and I became the best of friends and she is my heart. Rachel and I speak to each other, but not that often. I understand Rachel, and I’m the same cocky kid she trained in Japan. I’d like to think that I’m more like she is, with a little bit of California Love. After my father died, I gave up fighting, people couldn’t put 2 and 2 together and figure out that this is why I left the sport.  I was regarded as the top amateur fighter in the world and I walked away. The money, the glitz and the glamour all appeal to me, but they’re not that important. But Sage decided to join OPW, and I couldn’t stay away. My mission in OPW is quite clear, to become the World Champion. I fight with honor, but I’ll play dirty if I’m wrestling a pig. And my cocky attitude is still there, but it’s just a cover for an extremely focused fighter and a pretty to herself person. There are a lot of people in the fighting world who I would love to dismantle. Like Christina Munoz, the current head of OPW. I see her shatter points and I really would love to embarrass her in the ring or the cage. Samantha is another one who I called out, and she flat out said that she wasn’t ready for me. But her mouth runs and runs and runs and I’m ready for her to shut up. I was taught by the best, and now I have to be the best. And as I look at Rachel, I feel for her. She’s sitting there, after that episode with Glory, trying to hide her sadness and her insecurities. I’m sorry, Rachel, but I still coming for your spot. I will support you and I’ve got your back in everything and against those idiotic bitches who stand against us. We’ve got something they don’t have… we’ve got heart. We’ve got focus. But you’re not focused. And if you’re not focused, then I may have to take them down myself. And I look forward to it, but they won’t.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2010, 02:24:55 AM »
loved it! great how you used one characters perception to shed light both characters personalities :)

a great read!

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


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Re: OPW Sparing challenge: Rachel Apache vs Gemma Rox
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2010, 04:54:22 AM »
thank you for always being so cool, Gemma!! I am sure it will pay off big time for you because you're awesome!
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."