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beating Sandy hard...sore loser (?)

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beating Sandy hard...sore loser (?)
« on: July 22, 2014, 03:11:43 PM »
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sandywantschocolateagain: im back, you there?
chesty_melinda: hi
sandywantschocolateagain: hi
chesty_melinda: so
sandywantschocolateagain: yea..
chesty_melinda: you tell me
chesty_melinda: i dont want to stop the fight in the mioddle
sandywantschocolateagain: no stops
chesty_melinda: ok
sandywantschocolateagain: yt
chesty_melinda: ummm my turn in what? we didnt start
sandywantschocolateagain: i enter the sauna and start stretching, immediately noticing the lack of air yt
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chesty_melinda: sitting comfortably in the wooden couch...been almost 10min now in the room and im sweating heavily, my hair almost wet in a ponytail...a white towel around my hips as my huge G cups heave and glisten in perspiration...when i hear the door open yt
sandywantschocolateagain: see ing you i silently take in a big breath, i glance at your face but its your breasts that get the most attention, my enemies, i hold that breath in to raise my F cups higher up my chest, to try to intimidate you, not a word being said, but plenty being said between us, yt
chesty_melinda: (got more to share?)
chesty_melinda: i notice another big frame that slowly comes to a clearer view from within fumes. She seems huge in size and bustline even, what are the chances, i think to myself as she comes by me...i dont move an inch as i press a sponge across my chest to cool me down some yt
sandywantschocolateagain: i need to take a closer look at those breasts, they seem to be natural but are far to large to and round to be, i decide i will be brave, i turn up the sauna temperature a little, and sit beside you so i can glance at that chest and look for any tell tale signs of surgery yt
chesty_melinda: feels some of your huge thighs brush across mine...yet there's plenty of room on the wooden seatings for you to stretch...i m displeased at how close u came and fore myself a bit on my right, maybe 2 feet far from you showing discomfort yt
sandywantschocolateagain: HEH i chuckle briefly to myself, a little too loud, i take the sponge you left on the seating and dab my breasts firmly, showing you how firm and round they are, i adjust my red towel around my waist yt
chesty_melinda: i try not to reply to this obviously bigger-bodies bitch , she has obviously ruined my relaxed and solitary sauna session...oh goshhhh as i see her using my sponge on her equally endowed tits!! yt
sandywantschocolateagain: holding onto the sponge i close my eyes and rest my head against the tiled wall behind me, take another deep breath as i lightly sweat, dabbing myself every so often yt
chesty_melinda: "excuse me" i finally raise my voice..."could i have the sponge i used back?" as i m really mad at your behavior so far...looks at the part of your thighs that's naked, they seem huge! yt
sandywantschocolateagain: i casually open my eyes and turn my head...IM SORRY WHAT? I WAS RELAXING yt
chesty_melinda: "the sponge! give me the sponge" as i feel sweat drops running down my G cups, almost feeling one run across my huge aerola and placid nip
sandywantschocolateagain: OH i say OK i wipe the sponge all across my breasts, then my neck and stomach, handing it to you like a cloth HERE yt
chesty_melinda: yikes, think i ll use this nasty ,drenched in your sweat? what a pig! i say to myself as i get up, right hand to keep my towel on me, to go to my bag and get a nother one yt
sandywantschocolateagain: my hand still outstretched HEY! DONT YOU WANT IT?! yt
chesty_melinda: i dont really reply to you and get my own as i sit down...again some inches further and wipe some sweat off my glistening body...
chesty_melinda: yt
sandywantschocolateagain: wiping weat off regularly now i take exception to you ignoring me HEY! I WAS TALKING TO YOU, HAVE SOME MANNERS yt
chesty_melinda: you should have some, BITCH! as i am furious by come in , stretch, get my sponge and act all nice and cool...learn how to behave! yt
sandywantschocolateagain: UH!! WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME? BITCH?! also fuming now you stood up to me i growl back WHEN SOMEONE TALKS TO YOU YOU ANSWER THEM, GOT IT BITCH? i am just about ready to stand up yt
chesty_melinda: ohhh please...and yes i called you a calm down and let me enjoy the time I PAID for in this sauna. I dont wanna hear anything more from you as i turn my back to you yt
sandywantschocolateagain: HEH i chuckle again, say to myself loud enough for you to hear FAT BITCH yt
chesty_melinda: what?!?? what did u call me? as i turn to face you my towel opens up some but i dont care now! yt
sandywantschocolateagain: YOU HEARD i say non chalantly, i sit back sponge in hand and dry myself more, breasts heaving in the hot room yt
chesty_melinda: having just swiped some hot sweat off me, i throw the wet sponge at you and your face in rage! fuck off, look at yourself you big COW! yt
sandywantschocolateagain: OH MY!!! WHAT!!! stinky sweaty sponge on the floor i get up, in a rage, towel flies off my hipswalk up and force my sponge into your face and mouth BITCH!! ILL TEACH YOU!! yt
chesty_melinda: uughhhhh as i didnt expect that reaction, you surprise me and shove almost the sponge in my mouthhhh as i gulp...UUGHHHH as i react instinctively and grab some of your hair and pulllllll downward trying to push you off with the other as i pushh off your sweaty globes! (yt - brb in 5 mins)
sandywantschocolateagain: AIIIII!!!! i scream, the echoes of my pain in the sauna room, and i react with instinct, grabbing your hair in my left hand, and your left breast in my right hand, pulling your soft rubbery nipple, i can feel now that you are all natural URRHH!! i pull yt
chesty_melinda: (back)
sandywantschocolateagain: (yt)
chesty_melinda: as we start hairpulling how i feel a sharp pain in my left chest as u cup and pull at my huge aerola!!! AGHHHH u bitch!! asi  try to pull at your hair feeling mine burning on my skull as my towel drops as well and i naked now yt
sandywantschocolateagain: AIIII!!! UHHH!!! i scream with no regard for anyone outside who might hear, my hair being ripped up i try to control your head with my left arm, pulling that hair, i release your boob only to draw my hand back and slap it hard right to left BITCH!! i announce yt
chesty_melinda: (slap my boob?)
sandywantschocolateagain: yes
chesty_melinda: aghhhhh this STRONG and BIG as you advance on me and i am on the defensive for now...BITCHHH as we both pull hair frantically and i feel the large and bulky right tit of mine being slapped and in pain now again!! i shriek and try to slap you in the face hard as i have to backstep 2-3 steps yt
sandywantschocolateagain: UNH!! AHHH!!! i groan as i stop advancing, my face stinging in the heat of the sauna, sweaty struggling to stand up i growl in frustration holding your slapping hand LET GO OF MY HAIR YOU BITCH yt
chesty_melinda: uughhhh i try to keep slapping your fat face as u block me and we arm wrestle  on this hand, as our other two hands are placed on our two burning skulls....i feel intense pain as my red face an eyes are teary BITCHHHHHH i ll tear all of them offfffffffffff...our palms locked and swing left and right as our tits do yt
sandywantschocolateagain: finally our sweaty tits get to meet and say hi, mine try to tell yours how much firmer and rounder they are by slapping hard into yours, my grip on your hair is loosened a little as i concentrate on slapping your chest with mine, i connect well and tell you what i think of you BITCH!! yt
chesty_melinda: uuughhhh as our pairs SLAPPP a couple of times before u start doing it the heat of the fight i dont get this but feel u loosening my hair hold as i try to push this to my advantage. I pull on your hair roughly backward, making your head snap, looking to the your chest also rises upward with this move yt
sandywantschocolateagain: AHAHHHH!!! MY HAIRRRR!!! i scream in agony i get both hands on your hair now and pull down your head as you pull mine back, i bend my knees to break my fall, as i fall hard on my ass URHHH!!! the hard floor unforgiving yt
chesty_melinda: uuughhhh as u cant keep your balance and land hardddd on the tiled floor on your fat ass taking me with you and over you as u keep your hold on my hair as u fall...i land on top of your, our bellies and thighs are a huge mesh of flesh now ooommmmm as i must have also caused u some air and pain landing on you yt
sandywantschocolateagain: UGHHH i moan as you land on me GET OFF ME YOU FAT BITCH i moan winded, i wrap my arms and legs around your fat sweaty pig body and squeeze the scissors around your waist URHHH!!!! yt
chesty_melinda: uuughhh as i put my palms on the floor on either side of your head to have myself picked up as u lock your fat thighs around my big ass and try to squeeze....uuughhhh u bitch as my huge tits hang down on yours pressing into your saggying ones...gravity helping me much now as i move a bit and pressss my huge bust on yours..some titflesh even overflowing and pressing into your neck yt
sandywantschocolateagain: YOU BITCH i retort, gasping for air in the hot room, gulping in air i change my hold again, keeping the scissors on i grab your hair in my left hand and cover your nose and mouth with my right, pinching your nose FAT BITCH GET OFF ME!! yt
chesty_melinda: uuuughhhh as u try to suffocate mebut leaving my hair i got a bit more leverage as i try to pushhh my bust even higher up to your neck and i try to breathe in and bite offff your hand that blocks my air supply uuughhhh yt
sandywantschocolateagain: AAHHHH!!!! I scream as you bite my hand,its already hard to breathe and  MFMFMFFFF muffled by your huge breast i open my mouth and bite down on your soft firm titflesh AAAANNNNNGGGGG yt
chesty_melinda: aaghhhhhhhhhhh screeeeeeeaaaammmm BITCTTHHHHHHH!! as i feel u biting some of my sweaty ttiflesh as i lower it down your face...uuughhhh as i slap at your thighs and ass with my free hand trying to tire u up some the same time, as i am over you, i slam my belly and crotch on yours from above trying to make you loosen your thighs and hurt
sandywantschocolateagain: URHH!! UHH!!! i grunt and i readjust the scissors further up your body as you shake i squeeze your ribs ERRHHH!!!! DONT SUFFOCATE ME BITCH!! yt
chesty_melinda: uuuughhhh feels your thighs trying to re adjust but given your size and mine, as well as our bellies and sweaty bodies...this is not easy at all...i push myself more and more into you as my shaven mound is now over your belly and navel and i try to to slam it rough using all my weight to hurt my ample G-cups mush and grind all over your face.."feel my domme tits WHORE?! lick em like you should! LICK EM NOW BITCH!" yt
sandywantschocolateagain: MMMFFF MFFFFFF unable to breathe OH ILL LICK EM ALRIGHT YOU BITCH i gasp and growl, bring a hand behind your left breast and bite down on it hard again, this time pulling your breast into my teeth AAAAANNNNGGGGGGG!!! ytg
chesty_melinda: aaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1!!!!! you DIRTY AAGHHHHHHH as i feel sharp pain and try to push myself off u in instinct aaghhh yt
sandywantschocolateagain: i raise my head to follow your breast my hand desperately clinging on to pull it into my face ANANNNGGGGG yt
chesty_melinda: aaaghhhh as u bile a small chunk out of my righht tit i yell in pain and anger as i slap at your face frantically !! yt
sandywantschocolateagain: UHH AHH!!! gasping tired i look at what i did and am proud, growl delirious TASTED GOOD YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! legs still around your body i struggle with you on the tiled floor yt
chesty_melinda: as i take you off my breast i try to put my hands on it to nurse it as it is almost bleeding by your dirty teeth!! you bitchhhh as my torso leans upward now, our lower bodies in unison yt
sandywantschocolateagain: i buck my hips up in protest GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME BITCH i gasp i get both hands in your face pushing yourup, i grip what i can in the dirty manner that i do yt
chesty_melinda: uuuummmpppppphhhhh as u push me up nose and chin and even eyes are pressed by your hands as u keep me locked tho through your thighs (even thery have loosened up in time) and i cant be let free...with both hands i grab BOTH orbs...andwith open palms i grab as much flesh as i can and SQUEEZE! yt
sandywantschocolateagain: AHHHH!!! FUUUUCK!!! FUCKING GRAB EM YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! i scream in delirium, pain shooting through both my breasts my hand slips down to your throat and face, i squeeze your throat trying to choke you best i can BITCH!! i growl yt
chesty_melinda: oooommmmm as my eyes widen again as u seem to play dirty every time i get an advantage i cough and try to squeeze on those fat glands some more as if milking them roughly!  oooghhh yt
sandywantschocolateagain: NO!! URHH!!! AAAAHHH!!!! i moan and tears form in my eyes, i desperately grip on your throat with both hands BITCH!!! AHHHH!!!! yt
chesty_melinda: uuughhhh as i run low on air and my eyes try to bulge off my head from your i put one hand trying to claw your hands off my chest...while my left one slaps left and rright your big breasts now...SLAPPPP SLAPPPP yt
sandywantschocolateagain: my breasts black and blue AHHH!!! UHH!!!! AHHH!! NOO!!! i moan and start crying, desperately tired and emotionally breaking i look down and see where i left a mark with my teeth on your breast, through the tears i grip the bitemark with my nails and yank it hard up your body digging where i can BITCHHHH!!!! yt
chesty_melinda: AGHHHH  aghhhh as new pain shoots inb my brain and registers as soon as u try as we are both teary eyes and hurting the shit aout of each other i dig my nails into your nips and twist them rough as i shriek in agony NOOOOO yt
sandywantschocolateagain: AIIIIII!!! AIIIIII!!!!!! MY BOOOOOOBS!!!! PLEEEEASE!! ENOUGH!!! PLEEEEASE!!! i cry desperately breaking down completely yt
chesty_melinda: bitttchhhh FUCKKK YOUUUUUUU as i have my eyes closed and cant quite hear your pleads, or feel you have stopped attacking me...i keep hard squeeze and punish your chest as it feels like jello in my hands now as tears flow down my eyes to your neck and your thighs open up and rest as my pussy is on your belly button yt
sandywantschocolateagain: PLEEEASE!!! I BEG YOU PLEEEASE!!!! STOP!!! I GIVEE OH MY!!!!!! yt
chesty_melinda: hearing tyou plead your surrender in tears as i slowly stop squeezing your tits, realizing how much tit pain and out of air i am as well...i lie on top of you as i look at the mess your HUGE body is under
sandywantschocolateagain: your HUGE body on mine and i cant push you off as im crying too hard, hand over my face i suddenly realise what we did to each other and how horrible it was, i cry more because of it HOOO!!!! yt
chesty_melinda: i push your large thighs spread i place my hands on your shoulders and re adjust my self somewhat lower as my body now mirrors yours from above...i straddle your waist knees on either side of your ass cheeks as i try to put my hair back and wipe off my tears my once proud pair swinging heavily in pain as i sit on my ass and on your lower belly yt
sandywantschocolateagain: push my fingers through my hair i look up at your damaged breasts, then look at mine, wiping sweat and tears off my face, trying to gather my thoughts yt
chesty_melinda: bitch.,...i mutter in rage as i sit triumphantly on top of your mountainous body...i reach down and slap you hard once with forward and twice with the back of my right i then grab both beaten tit mounds in my hands and squeeze them upward into the moist and hot air! yt
sandywantschocolateagain: AHHHH OHHH!!! I grab both your wrists YOU BITCH GET OFF!!! NOOO!!! pulling your wrists back down yt
chesty_melinda: uuughhh "no bitch now you take it!" as i force my hands back on, pressing with my weight on you....
chesty_melinda: yt
sandywantschocolateagain: FUCK YOU YOU SLUT i growl in agony, i get both hands on your left breast again and pull and squeeze in opposite directions URHHH!!! BITCH!!! yt
chesty_melinda: aaghhhhhh as i see u still got some fight left in you...i put extra force on your beaten breasts repeating the claw hold i had on when you
sandywantschocolateagain: GET OFF!!! GET OFF!!!!!!!! STOOOOOOOOP!!!!! yt
chesty_melinda: BITCHHHH NO! you had...uughhh...yoiur chance to surrender! Now you will PAY!!! as i slap and claw at your tits like crazy again!!! yt
sandywantschocolateagain: i cradle my breasts in agony and cry, PLEEEEASE!!
sandywantschocolateagain: fucking bitch i wouldnt have gone this far if i d have won
chesty_melinda: "i dont care! i will humilate you like you desrve...the more you resist, the worse it will get!" i shout almost in frenzy now as i move my ass higher up your body yt
sandywantschocolateagain: im not playin anymore we didnt discuss this
chesty_melinda: you are a sore loser.
sandywantschocolateagain: fuck you you wanted that kinda shit you shoulda said so first
sandywantschocolateagain: fat bitch
chesty_melinda: im posting this as well and also letting others know this
chesty_melinda: dont know how to lose. we agreed for a tit on tit and it turned into a catfight
chesty_melinda: i didnt complain
chesty_melinda: now you do?
chesty_melinda: fuck off loser
sandywantschocolateagain: you grabbed my hair!!
chesty_melinda: we had already agreed on hair
chesty_melinda: this is over
sandywantschocolateagain: ok and i grabbed hair and tit
sandywantschocolateagain: fuck you
chesty_melinda: shame u arent cooperating u lost so the winner has her way
sandywantschocolateagain: we didnt agree on anything like that? why dont you understand?!
sandywantschocolateagain: we fought you won fair and square
chesty_melinda: it goes without saying there are stakes. so fuck off now
chesty_melinda: u are a sore loser and thats all there is to it
sandywantschocolateagain: if i was a sore loser i wouldnt have given up you stupid bitch
sandywantschocolateagain: stakes dont go without saying at all, you agree to whatever with your opponent
chesty_melinda: ok i ll wait for your lawyer next time to prepare a contract
sandywantschocolateagain: you do that and in the mean time you can kiss my ass
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 11:58:10 PM by BigDevil- »



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Re: beating Sandy hard...sore loser (?)
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 06:31:11 PM »
Sandy is not being a sore loser. Humiliation needs to be talked about before the match. I would have stopped too.
i bet you would have stopped too when the alleged TF was not kept? or stopped when i tried to do, i wonder exactly what? im thinking you are talking via her? or...?