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Fight for Johnny-Sage vs Mistress Vicky

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Fight for Johnny-Sage vs Mistress Vicky
« on: April 23, 2015, 01:33:16 AM »

Sage- 5'2", 150 lbs.



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Re: Fight for Johnny-Sage vs Mistress Vicky
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2015, 01:35:21 AM »

Mistress Vicky- 5'  100 lbs



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Re: Fight for Johnny-Sage vs Mistress Vicky
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2015, 01:37:28 AM »

Dear fcf fans,

My name is Sage and about two months ago I met Johnny and he was instantly attracted to me, and we started going out. It wasn't too long before Johnny invited me to live with him and I decided to move in with him. Johnny is considerably older than I am, but Johnny is cute, and he's sweet and he always makes me feel so good. I have always been self conscious and I know my stomach is chubby and my breasts are big, but flabby too and Johnny has a gym and I decided it was going to be very good to work out and tighten my body up. Two weeks ago Johnny told me that he wants to have a party with all of my friends and all of his friends, so that he could meet my friends and I could meet his.

Johnny has been married twice before, once to a woman named Debi, and then to a woman named Vicky Johnny has told me the story of Debi and Vicky's catfight, and how Vicky beat Debi up and took her wedding ring and really embarrassed and humiliated Debi to the point where Debi never comes around any more. Johnny is into women fighting and I told him that if any bitch ever tries to take him away from me, I would kick her fuckin ass. About a week ago I got to meet Johnny's ex-wife Vicky, Mistress Vicky as she told me to refer to her as. Vicky is much smaller and skinnier than I thought that she would be, and she talks tough and acts tough and from the moment we met, you could just tell that we hated each other. By the time this skinny little bitch left, I told Johnny that I didn't want her coming around and that the next time I see her he might get to see one of those catfights that he likes so much. Vicky really got me upset and I couldn't help but think of how I would just love to smash her, and thinking about her size made me wonder how small and weak Debi must be to get beat up and humiliated by this skinny little whore, what a fuckin big mouth, and I told Johnny that I absolutely do not want that stupid little bitch coming to my party. Vicky was calling Johnny the whole week and she kept talking about coming to the party, and as much as I insisted Johnny tell her that she can't come, he seemed to be having some trouble telling her, so Friday night, the night before my party I grabbed the phone out of Johnny hand and I told the skinny little bitch off. I started by saying, “Mistress Vicky, you are not coming to my party, you got it.” Vicky laughed and said, “the party is Johnny's party too, and unless Johnny tells me that he doesn't want me there, I am coming to the party, you got it.” I'm crazy and I have one hell of a temper, and I couldn't help but scream, “You skinny little slut, I'm telling you, you better stay away from me and Johnny. I'm warning you, if you come to my party to try and start fuckin trouble, I will black your eyes and break your fuckin nose and knock in all of your teeth and then after I beat the shit out of you, I'll humiliate you even worse than you humiliated Debi,” and I slammed the fuckin phone down.

Things really come to a fuckin head at my party when Vicky shows up and she has the fuckin nerve to bring her sister Sandra with her. . I couldn't believe how that skinny flat chested little whore was hanging all over my Johnny and acting really flirtatious, and not only was the bitch humiliating me in front of Johnny's friends, but in front of my friends as well. At one point Johnny was sitting on a bench out on the terrace sipping on a drink and I saw Vicky walk right over to him and sit down practically right on his lap, hanging all over him and acting really flirtatious again. I might not be the toughest woman on earth, but I am crazy and I have a very explosive temper and I”m not about to let this little whore bitch humiliate me like this.

I storm right out the back door onto the patio and I walk right up to her and I put my hands on my hips screaming, “You stupid little bitch, I told you not to come to my party, I warned you if you came to my party to start fuckin trouble that I would beat you up and humiliate you even worse than you beat up Debi and humiliated her. Now you can either leave or I'll knock the shit out of you, you skinny, flat chested little whore.” By now it seems like everyone at the crowded party has stopped what they were doing and is looking at the two of us screaming at each other. Vicky leaps up off of the bench and she pushes me back a few steps. Then she holds her left fist up in my face and she starts showing me her wedding ring, her big, gold metal wedding ring screaming, “perhaps you didn't hear how I knocked the shit out of Johnny's ex-wife Debi and made her beg me to pull this ring off of her finger. Didn't any one tell you how I fucked Debi up her ass with her very own wedding ring and made her eat my cxnt until I orgasmed all over her face. You are going to walk right over there and sit down in the corner and keep your mouth shut, or I'll beat you up and humiliate you even worse than I did to that fat cow Debi.” I scream, “You skinny little slut, I have had about enough of you and your big fuckin mouth.” I hold my fists up like a man screaming, “alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, I'll fuckin fight you Vicky. You think your such a tough Mistress. You think you're going to beat me up and humiliate me with that fuckin wedding ring. I'm going to punch you silly you pathetic little whore, and then I'll pull your precious wedding ring right off of your finger, and then,” BUT before I can finish what I am saying, Vicky balls up her left fist hard and tight and she sends it “bang,” right I to my teeth. You can hear the metal of her ring bang against the enamel of my teeth and my lips split open under that fuckin ring and blood starts rolling from my lips. Then before I have a chance to think, Vicky smashes me “bang,” right in my nose with her wedding ring and blood start rolling from my nose. She grabs my dress with her right hand and she takes her fist, her left fist, the one  with her wedding ring and she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” short jackhammer blows to my nose. Vicky is crazy and she really wants to bash my face in, and my head is swinging back and forth and back and forth like a floppy doll under Vicky's hard punches. She just keeps on “bang, bang, bang, bang,” bashing my face in until blood is really rolling from my nose.

Then she grabs my dress both of her hands and she shoves me back hard. My dress rips right off of my body in Vicky's hands as I go stumbling backwards on my high heels and I almost fall over.  I'm just standing there in my sexy white bra and little lace panties in front of eveyone, and now the crowd is realy cheering. I'm shocked, I can't believe this skinny little bitch can fight so good. I step back and I put my hand to my nose and seeing my own blood, I show my hand to Vicky screaming, “Look at what you did to me you skinny little slut, I'm fuckin bleeding. My shock turns to anger and I lose my temper screaming, “How fuckin dare you make me bleed.” I go right after Vicky. Vicky sends her left fist right into my right eye as I just go plowing into Vicky, full force, and Vicky isn't ready for me. I grab her dress with both of my hands and I shove her back hard. Vicky's dress rips right off of her body in my hands as she goes stumbling backwards on her high heels unil she loses her balance and she falls right over onto her ass on the cement with a bang.” Now Vicky is sitting there in her little white bra and little lace panties and now the crowd is really screaming. I walk right over to Vicky and I grab her hair with both of my hands and I start yanking at her hair. Vicky is screaming from the pan of having her hair ripped right out of her head as I drag her standing straight up on her feet, but just as I do, Vicky sends her right fist plowing full force, “boom,” right into my stomach. Her fist sinks deep into my flabby gut and “OOOFFF,” she knocks the air out of me and my eyes almost bulge out of my head as I put my hands to my aching belly and I double over in pain gasping for air.

Vicky walks around right behind me and she unhooks my bra, and my big, sexy breasts just come flopping out of my, as my bra falls to the cement chest and my big sexy tits are exposed in front of everyone. The crowd is really screaming as Vicky. Vicky screams, “I don't know how any man could want you Sage. Look at that flabby, fat cow stomach and your flabby cow tits you stupid whore bitch.” Vicky raises her fist up like a man and she starts using my breasts as punching bags, right fist, “bom,” left breast, left fist, “bam,” right breast, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth. This fuckin little bitch is using my big tits as punching bags. I'm still trying to catch my breath as feebly I'm holding my hands out in front of myself trying to stop the punches and through my gasps for air I;m crying out, “stop, please stop,” but Vicky is playing to the screaming crowd and she's not going to

fuckin stop. She just keeps on 'bam, bam, bam, bam,” pounding my tits until my tits swell up and turn black and blue.  Then Vicky takes her balled up fist and she plows it “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of my stomach again. “OOOFFF,” she smashes the air right out of me again, and now I”m really gasping for air. Vicky is laughing as she screams, “Look at you Sage, you are nothing but a weak, pathetic cow. I'm going to make you moo into my cxnt and I'll show Johnny just what a stupid, pathetic, submissive fat cow you really are.”

Vicky grabs me by my fuckin hair and she pulls me forward, right over onto my hands and knees, and I scream, 'AAHH,” as I fall onto the cement.  Vicky is laughing again, laughing as she screams, “Look at her Johnny, look at your fat fuckin whore now Johnny. This fat cow is a weak, submissive whore Johnny, and now I'm really going to give you and everyone here a really good show.” I'm totally embarrassed. I can't believe this skinny little bitch is knocking the shit out of me, and right in front of Johnny and all of my friends. Vicky is laughing at me, everyone is laughing at me and I'm starting to regain my breath, and I'm so furious, I really wanna knock the shit out of this skinny little bitch.” I leap to my feet and I lunge forward, wrapping my hands right through little vicky's hair and I shove her back hard, “bang,” right into the cement wall. I'm crazed now and I'm not going to fuckin stop as I still have my hands through Vicky's hair and I start shoving her head back. I'm “bang, bang, bang, bang, bashing her fuckin skull against the hard cement. I'm bouncing this little bitch's head over and over again against the concrete and Vicky gets this totally shocked and startled look across her face. I just keep on “bang, bang, bang bang,” cracking this fuckin little whore's skull against the hard cement until first Vicky is seeing stars, fuckin stars, and then she goes limp like a fuckin floppy doll in my hands, and when I let go of fuckin Vicky's hair, that skinny little bitch just goes sliding down the fuckin wall out cold. I knocked this big mouth unconscious, and Vicky is just lying there, her little breast are
 heaving up and down and up and down in contrast ot her otherwise lifeless body, but I don't ever remember being as infuriated as I am right now, and I'm far from finished with this little slut yet.

I walk around and I grab Vicky's feet and I drag her right away from the wall. Then I sit down right on Vicky's stomach and I have to rest because I'm breathing so hard, but soon I take the open palm of my right hand and I crack Vicky, “bang,” right across her face, swinging her head to the side from the full force of my hard smack. Then with the back of my hand I slap her, backhand across the other side of her face, swinging her head back in the other direction. I start forehand, backhand, forehand,backhand, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth, slapping the shit out of Vicky's fuckin face screaming, “wake up bitch, wake up you fuckin little whore, I'm not even finished with you yet. I just keep on smacking the shit out of Vicky's face until I slap her back awake. I slap Vicky right out of those fuckin stars she was seeing. Vicky's eyes blink open and Vicky is slapped so silly she doesn't even know where she is any more.  At first she's fading in and out of black, and then she see's me sitting on her stomach, and suddenly she realizes that I have just knocked the shit out of her and feebly she starts crying out, “alright, enough you win, enough,” but I'm still enraged, and I don't think Vicky has had close to fuckin enough yet. I grab her by her short fuckin hair and I jerk her head right up off of the cement screaming right in Vicky's shocked face. “You skinny lttiel bitch, how fuckin dare you tell me when you had enough. I'll tell you when you fuckin had enough, and I'm far from finished with you yet. You thought you were so fuckin tough. You thought you were going t come to my arty and beat me up with your wedding ring. You thought you were going to humiliate me and make a fuckin fool out of me right in front of Johnny and all of my friends, but you were fuckin wrong Vicky. I beat you up. I knocked the shit out of you, and now I'm really going to start draining your dignity out of you whore. I'm going to pull your precious wedding ring right off of your finger, and then I'm going to beat you up with your very own wedding ring on my fist. Now are you ready to give me that fuckin wedding ring Vicky, or do I have to stand you up and beat the shit out of you all over again.

Vicky might be beat up, I may have knocked all the fuckin fight right out of her, but Vicky is tough, and feebly she starts bucking and kicking and crying out, “No, never, I'll never give you my wedding ring you fat fuckin whore, now get off of me.” I'm crazed and much to everyone's surprise I get up off of Vicky and I get to my feet. Vicky is still knocked silly and her eyes are still swimming around in her fuckin head as slowly she starts to try and sit up but I'm still really infuriated and I don't fuckin wait. I grab Vicky by her short fuckin hair and I yank her standing up on her wobbly, rubbery legs. Vicky screams, “AAAHHH,” my hair from the pain of me ripping her fuckin hair right out of her head. I let go of Vicky's hair and I start laughing as Vicky's legs are all wobbly, and Vicky has to hold her hands up and out in front of herself to try and maintain her balance, as she just starts to stumble, and then to sway, first forward, and then back, and then she just gets this silly little smile across her face, she's so knocked silly.

I'm starting to get off on beating this stupid little bitch up. I can feel a tingle inside my pussy and I can feel it starting to get all wt and all hot. I stand right in front of Vicky laughing, “I'm really going to enjoy this you stupid little bitch, I'm going to humiliate you over and over again until you have absolutely no dignity left, and then Johnny will be all mine. I grab this skinny little whore by her fuckin bra and I pull at it, jerking Vicky forward toward me, and much to my surprise, two foam rubber pads fall right out of her bra and fall to the cement. I let go of Vicky's bra and there are no tits at all to hold her bra up, and Vicky's bra slides right down and is hanging over her fuckin stomach. I start laughing as I grab Vicky's hair and I bend her over so that she's looking down n the ground and I start laughing as I scream, “Look at this Vicky, your tits fell off.” I yank at her hair and I stand her right up straight again and I'm laughing as I let go of Vicky's hair and I scream, “Look at this everyone. Look at how flat chested this stupid little bitch really is. This fuckin little whore is like a boy, she's as flat as a board and she doesn't even have tits for me to beat up, look at her Johnny, now everyone see's how flat chestVicky. I'm breathing heavy now, but I'm not going to let that stop me as I grab Vicky's shoulder and I spin her right back around to face me again, and I plow my right fist “boom,” right into her skinny little stomach. “OOOFFF,” I knock some of the air right out of her, and Vicky bends over in pain gasping for air.   

I'm crazy, and Vicky, nobody realizes just how crazy I really am, that is until now as I grab Vicky by her short fuckin hair and I wrench her head up. Vicky screams, “AAHH, MY HAIR LET GO.” I laugh right in Vicky's face, “I thought you were so fuckin tough. I thought you were going to beat me up and humiliate me with your wedding ring. Now I'm going to take your wedding ring, I'm going to make you fuckin beg me to pull your precious wedding ring off of your finger, and then I'm going to make you fuckin beg me to humiliate you with your very own precious wedding ring. Now are you ready to give me that ring  Vicky, or do I really  have to knock the shit out of you.” Tears are streaming down Vicky's face, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup, and like the weak, big mouth little bitch she is, she starts crying out, “NO, ENOUGH PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU ENOUGH, PLEASE LET ME GO,” but I'm possessed now, and my pussy is really starting to pang and vibrate from the excitement of beat the shit out of this little whore, and I”m really starting to get off on humiliationg her. I grab Vicky's left wrist and I shove her shoulder back as I spin Vicky around and I wrench her fuckin arm right up behind her back. I have to fuckin laugh as I head Vicky let out this loud painful scream, “AAAAAHHHHH,” MY ARM, LET GO, PLEASE LET GO.” I'm twisting Vicky's left arm up higher and higher, harder behind her back and Vicky is crying even harder and she's screaming even louder, “PLEASE MY ARM, YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK IT.” I laugh and I scream, “you better beg me to take your wedding ring off of your finger you stupid little bitch, or I'll snap your skinny little arm like a twig.” Vicky is crying and crying, and screaming, “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, MY ARM, PLEASE, PLEASE LET GO. ALRIGT TAKE IT, TAKE THE FUCKIN RING.”

I let go of Vicky's arm and Vicky is desperately rubbing it, trying to rub the extreme pain out of her arm. I scream, “hold you and up you fuckin instigating bitcH, you fuckin troublemaking cxnt and beg me to pull your precious wedding ring off of your finger and to put it on my finger where it really belongs..” Vicky's face is a fuckin mess, tears are streaming down her cheeks, mixing with her black eye makeup, and now my pussy is starting to get soaking wet as I stand there and watch as I force Vicky to be submissive to me. Vicky holds her limp, pained left hand up in the air and she starts crying out, “PLEASE TAKE MY WEDDING RING SAGE. PLEASE TAKE MY WEDDING RING OFF OF MY FINGER AND PUT IT ON YOUR OWN HAND  WHERE IT REALLY BELONGS.” My pussy is twitching, it's sputtering my juices and my juices are soaking my anties and dripping down my legs as I reach forward and I grab Vicky's limp left hand, and then I grab the finger, the one with her very own big, gold metal wedding ring on it and I rip it off. I pull Vicky's precious wedding ring right off of her finger. Vicky screams, “MY RING,” as she feels it leaving her finger.

I put Vicky's wedding ring right on my own left hand, right on my middle finger and I old my fist up right in Vicky's face, and I start laughing and screaming at Vicky, just like she had fuckin screamed at me only minutes earlier. “DO YOU SEE THIS RING. THIS RING HON, LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT YOUR WEDDING RING VICKY, IT'S ON MY FINGER NOW.” Vicky has no other choice, she's looking right at her wedding ring on my fist, and I start laughing as I scream, “  I have already taken your dignity from you with your tits falling on the floor and making you beg me to pull your precious wedding ring off of your finger right in front of Johnny, and right in front of all of your friends you fuckin big mouth. Now you're going to tell, everyone that you're my slave, you're going to tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do. You're no fuckin Mistress you weak, pathetic submissive whore, you are a slave, and I am your Mistress, and from now on, you're going to refer to me as Mistress when you want t speak to me, do you understand me Vicky you fuckin moron.” Mistress Vicky is normally quite dominant, she's used to telling people what to do and not being told what to do, and she's crying like a baby as feebly she starts begging me, “PLEASE SAGE, YOU CAN HAVE MY HUSBAND, YOU CAN HAVE MY WEDDING RING, JUST PLEASE, PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE LET ME GO.”

Making this pathetic little bitch submissive to me and teaching her just how it feels to have all of your dignity drained right out of you in front of everyone that means something to you is perhaps the most erotic experience of my life, and my pussy is panging, vibrating, spasming deep inside and I can feel pressure building up as if I'm going to have a volcanic eruption soon. I feel so tough, so confident, so fuckin cocky. I beat up this fuckin big mouth, and I can force her to do anything I want her to do. I push Vicky up against the cement wall, and I hold my left fist up in Vicky' fuckin face and I'm laughing as I show her her very own wedding ring on my fist screaming, “Look at it Vicky. Look at your weding ring on my finger. You thought you were so fuckin tough with this ring, you thought you were going to bSH MY FACE IN WITH YOUR PRECIOUS WEDDING RING, NOW I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU UP WITH YOUR WEDDING RING. I'M GOING TO KNOCK YOUR FACE IN WITH YOUR VERY OWN PRECIOUS WEDDING RING ON MY FINGER, GET READY VICKY, GET FUCKIN READY.” I'm insane now and I take the ring, Vicky's very own wedding ring and I send it plowing full force, “bang,” right into Vicky's nose again. Vicky's head snaps back “bang,” right into the cement wall, and as her head is coming back forward again, I send my fist plowing 'bang,” right into her nose again. I want to show Vicky just how insane I am, she thought she was so fuckin tough, she thought that she was so fuckin crazy. I start “bang, bang, bang, bang,” smashing her wedding ring into her nose. I'm hammering Vicky's fuckin nose with the ring, and Vicky, her head is swinging back and “bang, bang, bang, smashing against the hard cement wall. I'm bashing Vicky's face in. I'm knocking her fuckin nose in with her very own wedding ring on my fist over and over again until first “crack, you can hear the fuckin bone of her fuckin nose break, and blood starts dripping out of her nose, and then Vicky becomes submissive to me again and desperately she starts crying out, “I'M YOUR SLAVE MISTRESS. I'M YOUR FUCKIN SLAVE MISTRESS, I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU TELL ME TO DO MISTRESS.”

I know just what Vicky had done to Johnny's first wife Debi has meant to Vicky and to Johnny and to all of their friends for all of these years, and I really want to give everyone an experience that they will keep etched into their minds forever. I start laughing as I hold Vicky's wedding ring right in Vicky's bloody face again screaming, “DO YOU REMEBER WHAT YOU DID TO DEBI WITH THIS RING YOU PATHETIC LITTLE BITCH. THAT'S RIGHT VICKY. NOW I'M GOING TO DO IT TO YOU, YOU FUCKIN MORON. I WANT YOU TO BEG, FUCKIN BEG ME TO FUCK YOU UP YOUR ASS WITH THIS RING. I WANT YOU TO BEG YOU PRECIOUS MISTRESS TO HUMILIATE YOU AND FUCK YOU UP YOUR ASS WITH YOUR VERY OWN PRECIOUS WEDDING RING ON MY FINGER.” Vicky wishes she could just melt away and disappear for ever. She's just standing there and she's crying and crying but she doesn't say a fuckin word. I take the ring, once again Vicky's very own wedding ring on my fist and “bang,” I crack it right into her teeth. You can hear the metal of the ring bash against the enamel and Vicky's lips split open under the ring and blood starts rlling from her lips. I'm possessed and I show Vicky her ring, once again that big, heavy gold metal wedding ring and I'm laughing as I scream, “WITH YOUR OWN WEDDING RING WHORE. I'M GOING TO KNOCK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR TEETH RIGHT OUT OF THAT BIG FUCKIN MOUTH OF YOURS WITH YOUR VWRY OWN PRECIOUS WEDDING RING ON MY FIST.”

Vicky is scared. She's so scared she's shaking in fear and she really doesn't want me to bash her teeth in with her wedding ring, and like a slave, like a submissive slave she starts crying out, “FUCK ME MISTRSS. PLEASE FUCK ME WITH MY WEDDING RING MISTRESS. I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE SHOVE MY WEDDING RING INTO MY ASS HOLE AND FUCK ME UP MY ASS WITH MY VERY OWN WEDDING RING ON YOUR FINGER MISTRESS.” Making this tough little bitch into my submissive whore slave is the most important thing I could possibly do at this very moment. I'm totally elated and I feel like I can fly. My cxnt is dripping my juices and I'm having tremor after tremor of volcanic eruptions deep inside of my body. I grab Vicky panties and I rip them off. I tear Vicky's panties right off of her body. The crowd is screaming. I'm so getting off on being viscous. This is the hottest, most exciting experience of my whole life, AND I know that this will be etched in Johnny's mind just as much as the fight between Vicky and Debi is. This is definitely one of the two best experiences of his life as well.

I'm flying now. I am feeling so powerful. I am completely in charge of this big mouth, and I show Vicky her wedding ring, the very same wedding ring that she as been so proud of having ripped off of Debi's finger, and I start laughing as I scream, “GET READY BITCH, GET FUCKIN READY, BECAUSE NOW I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU YOUR RING. I'M GOING TO SHOVE YOUR WEDDING RING RIGHT INTO YOUR ASS HOLE YOU STUPID BITCH, HUMILIATE YOU. WHEN I'M FINISHED WITH YOU, YOU WILL HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO DIGNITY LEFT AND YOU WILL NEVER WANT TO SHOW YOUR FACE AROUND JOHNNY OF ANY OF THESE PEOPLE AGAIN.” I take my middle finger, the one with Vicky's precious gold wedding ring, and I put it right up to Vicky's anus. Vicky lets out a little cry “AAHH, and her body twitches, but all of a sudden I slowly slide the ring deep into Vicky's ass hole. I grab Vicky's hair with y right hand as Vicky raises up onto her top toes and she lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH,” as she starts jumping, leaping, twisting, desperately trying to dance off of my finger, but she can't. I have my right hand laced tightly through Vicky's hair and the middle finger of my left hand  shoved

deep into Vicky's ass hole and Vicky just can't get away. The crowd is screaming an screaming, “I start taking Vicky out. I'm marching this skinny, pathetic little whore bitch around the patio like a fuckin puppet on my finger. I walk her in front of this person and that person, and I'm fucking Vicky's ass hole with my finger. I'm shoving her ring, her very own precious wedding ring in and out and in and out of her ass hole right in front of everyone. I start laughing as I scream, you think I'm a fuckin cow Vicky. You have the fuckin nerve to come to my party and call me a fat cow. We're going to show everyone just which one of us is the fuckin cow Vicky. Now moo bitch.” The crowd has gone fuckin silent. The only noise you can hear is Vicky, “BOO-HOO, BOO-HOO,” crying like a baby. I shove y finger higher, harder into her ass hole and I yank at her hair screaming, “MOO BITCH, FUCKIN MOO OR I'LL PULL MY FUCKIN FINGER RIGHT OUT OF YOUR ASS AND i'LL BEAT YOU UP ALL OVER AGAIN.” “moo,” Vicky lets out a feeble little moo. I'm laughing at hw humiliated this stupid little bitch is right now as I shove my finger higher, harder into her ass hole and rip at her hair again screaming, “LOUDER, MOO FUCKIN LOUDER YOU STUPID, PATHETIC WHORE BITCH.”

VICKY IS SUBMISSIVE TO ME NOW. She raises up onto her tippy toes and she takes in a long, deep breath, and Vicky starts to moo, “MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO,” OVER AND OVER AGAIN AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS. I tell her, “NOW MOO AND TELL EVERYONE THAT YOUR A STUPID, WEAK PATHETIC COW.” I DRAG HER IN FRONT OF ONE PERSON AND VICKY IS “MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO,” I SCREAM, “SAY IT.” Vicky cries out, “I'M A COW, I'M A STUPID, WEAK, PATHETIC COW,” and then she starts to moo again, “MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO.” I'm dragging Vicky  around, forcing this big mouth to fuckin moo in front of each and every person in the back yard, and forcing Vicky to look right into their eyes and tell them that she's a stupid, weak pathetic cow. I take her around in front of everyone until I march little Vicky right in front of her sister Sandra, and Sandra has tears steaming down her cheeks and she starts begging me, 'PLEASE, PLEASE LET MY SISTER GO, HAVEN'T YOU HUMILIATED HER ENOUGH, PLEASE LET HER GO,” but I don't listen to a word she is saying, as I'm holding Vicky up on her wobbly, rubbery legs right in front of her very own sister and Vicky is still, “MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO,” and she cries out, “I'M A COW SANDY, I'M A STUPID, WEAK, PATHETIC COW SANDY.” I'm laughing as I scream, “LOOK AT HER SANDRA, LOOK AT YOUR LITTLE BABY SISTER NOW SANDRA, SHE THOUGHT THAT SHE WAS SO FUCKIN TOUGH. SHE THOUGHT THAT SHE WAS GOING TO COME TO MY PARTY AND BEAT ME UP WITH HER WEDDING RING AND HUMILIATE ME RIGHT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE.” I start laughing as I scream, “NOW VICKY, TELL YOUR SISTER HOW TOUGH YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE, AND HOW BEAT UP AND SUBMISSIVE YOU ARE AFTER I BEAT YOU UP. TELL YOUR FUCKIN SISTER VICKY THAT YOU ARE MY SLAVE.” Vicky is crying and crying, and I'm still fucking her ass hole with her wedding ring. I pull at Vicky's hair so that she's looking right into her very own sister's eyes and she's crying like a little girl and she cries out, “I THOUGHT I WAS TOUGH SANDY. I THOUGHT I COULD BEAT SAGE UP, BOO-HOO, BOO-HOO, I THOUGHT THAT I WAS GOI G TO BEAT SAGE UP WITH MY WEDDING RING SANDY, BUT I WAS WRONG. I'M NOT AS TOUGH AS I THOUGHT I WAS. SAGE BEAT ME UP SANDY, SHE KNOCKED THE SHIT OUT OF ME SANDY, AND SHE MADE ME SUBMSSIVE TO HER, BOO-HOO, BOO-HOO, AND NOW I'M SAGE'S SLAVE SANDYM I'M SAGE'S FUCKIN SLAVE SANDY.” THEN SHE STARTS TO “MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO,” moo like a cow over and over again right in front of her very own sister.

I pull my finger out of Vicky's ass hole, and I walk over to the bench that I was sitting on when Vicky had first arrived. I sit down on the bench and I'm laughing as I scream, “CRAWL OVER HERE SLAVE.” I”m laughing as I see just how submissive Vicky is to me as she crawls over until she's right 
in front of me on her hands and knees, and I show Vicky the ring again, her very own precious wedding ring, the very same precious wedding ring that I have just shoved into her ass hole and fucked her ass hole with and I start laughing as I scream, “NOW SLAVE, LICK IT CLEAN, LICK MY NEW WEDDING RING CLEAN.” Vicky is a slave, she's my fuckin slave now and obediently she sticks her tongue out and she starts licking her wedding ring clean on my finger. The crowd is going crazy as Vicky has her tongue out and she's licking my finger feverishly, over and over again like a fuckin dog licking it's master.

I pull my finger away from Vicky's mouth, and pathetically Vicky's tongue is still licking away at the air. I scream, “JOHNNY, JOHNNY PLEASE COME HERE.” Johnny walks right over to us. I say, PLEASE SIT DOWN ON THE BENCH NEXT TO ME JOHNNY.” Johnny sits down on the bench right next to me. I scream, “NOW VICKY, TELL JOHNNY THAT YOUR A WEAK, PATHETIC FLAT CHESTED WHORE AND YOU DON'T DESERVE IS HIS COCK.” Vicky looks right over at Johnny and she says, “I'M A WEAK, PATHETIC FLAT CHESTED WHORE JOHNNY AND I DON'T DESERVE YOUR COCK.” I scream, “NOW SLAVE KISS MY NIPPLES AND TELL JOHNNY THAT HE DESERVES A REAL WOMAN'S TITS LIKE MINE.” MY nipples are already hard and erect. Vicky raises up and she moves her head forward and she kisses my left nipple and then she kisses my right nipple. You have absolutely no fuckin idea of how this made me feel. To see this stupid little bitch submissively kiss my nipples. To feel her lips as she kisses first one nipple and then the other. It makes my nipples become rock hard and twice their size, and my pussy is aching, begging, smoking. I scream, “LICK MY NIPPLES WHORE, STICK YOUR TONGUE OUT AND LICK MY BIG, HARD NIPPLES VICKY. I can feel Vicky's warm, wet tongue sliding back and forth and back and forth over first one of my nipples, and then the other. Vicky's tongue is driving me crazy and I can almost feel her tongue licking at my pussy. I scream, “SAY IT VICKY.” Vicky says, “JOHNNY, YOU DESERVE A REAL WOMAN'S TITS LIKE MY MISTRESS' TITS. YOU DESERVE SAGE'S BIG, BEAUTIFUL SEXY TITS JOHNNY.” Everyone watching this fight is really excited, men's cocks are trying t bust out of their jeans, or their pants, and woman's pussy are soaking wet.

I want to humiliate this skinny little whore, this weak flat chested slut much, much more, but my pussy is just too fuckin hot. I scream, “NOW LAY DOWN ON YOUR BACK ON THE GROUND RIGHT IN FRONT OF JOHNNY YOU WHORE.” Vicky submissively gets up off of the bench and she lays down right on the floor in front of Johnny.  My pocketbook is right where I had left it when Vicky first walked in, and I reach over and grab it, and I pull this big, nasty vibrator out of my pocketbook. Vicky doesn't see what's coming as I sit down on her stomach and I hold the big vibrator up right in her face and I'm laughing viciously as I scream, “FROM NOW ON YOU WHORE, JOHNNY'S COCK IS MINE AND THIS IS YOUR NEW COCK, NOW TELL EVERYONE.” Vicky is crying and crying. The crowd has gone silent once again, no one can believe just how crazy I am, and what I'm forcing this big mouth to fuckin do. Vicky is still crying like a baby, and submissively she cries out, “jONNY'S COCK BELONGS TO SAGE NOW. JOHNNY'S COCK BELONGS TO MY MISTRESS AND THIS IS MY NEW COCK JOHNNY. THIS IS MY NEW FUCKIN COCK.” I'm laughing, everyone is laughing as I hold the vibrator right up in Vicky's face screaming, “NOW YOU'RE GOING TO LICK THIS COCK, YOU'RE GOING TO SUCK THIS COCK. NOW LICK THIS COCK WHORE.”

Submissively Vicky sticks her tongue out and she starts licking the vibrator. She's licking it and licking it ver and over again, just like the dog licking it's master. I scream, “SUCK IT BITCH, SHOW EVERYONE JUST HOW YOU SUCK JOHNNY'S COCK.” Vicky takes the cock in her hands and she holds it right up to her mouth. Then she stocks the vibrator into her mouth and she starts sucking it.

She's sucking the fuckin dildo passionately, just like it is Johnny's cock. Sucking it and sucking it and the crowd is cheering as they watch me force this pathetic little bitch to suck the electric penis over and over again. I reach over and I turn the vibrator on, and now it's “RRRRRRRRRRR,” shaking now it's shaking and vibrating inside of her mouth as she's sucking like the stupid, submissive little whore she is. I take the vibrator out of Vicky's hands, pull it right out of her mouth and I spin around facing Vicky's feet. I shove her legs apart and “RRRRRRRRRRRR,” as the vibrator is turned on, I shove it right up into Vicky's cxnt. Vicky moans :AAAAAAHHHHH,” as I slide that big, vibrating cock deep inside of her. I have the vibrator shoved into Vicky's cxnt and I put her hands on it screaming, 'I'm nt going to fuck you whore, you are going to fuck yourself until you cum.”I sit watching as Vicky is plunging that  vibrator in and out of her cxnt. I'm forcing Vicky to fuck herself with that big electric cock. The crowd is cheering. I reach down behind me, and I put my hands right onto Vicky's tiny lttle pancake tits. Vicky's nipples are all hard and erect and I start gently twisting and teasing Vicky's hard nipples. Vicky's nipples are getting rock hard and ready to burst, and Vicky is starting to get off on fucking herself with the vibrator. Sweat starts rolling down Vicky's face and Vicky starts “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH,” panting and making these sexy little noises. I start laughing as I scream, “Look at her Johnny, your pathetic little slut ex-wife is going to cum, look at her everyone, this weak submissive whore is going to cum right on her new big cock.”

I spin around facing Vicky's head again and I lean down and hold my big tit right in front of Vicky's face, and I'm laughing as I scream, “kiss it slut, lick my big, hard nipple you whore.” Vicky's lips caresses my nipple in her mouth and my pussy starts to vibrate as she's gently sucking on my big, hard erect nipple. Vicky's body is getting all wet from her sweat. Vicky is starting to really get off on fucking herself with the vibrator and from sucking on my big, hard nipple. I moan, “OOOWWW, lick it whore, lick my nipple you. stupid little bitch.” Oh god, it feels soooooooooo good. Her tongue is driving me out of my mind, it my pussy is vibrating and spasming. I raise up and I hod my soaking wet pussy right over Vicky's face screaming, “lick me out whore, lick me into orgasm Vicky you skinny, weak flat chested slut.”  Vicky is my whore slave. She totally submissive and subservient to me and she raises her head up off of the cement floor, and Vicky's head is lulling around, it's all fuckin wobbly, and I have to laugh because Vicky's eyes are dazed and glazed and they're still swimming around in her head as Vicky opens her mouth and she sticks her tongue out. Vicky is still fucking herself with that vibrator, and the vibrator is still “RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR,” inside her cxnt. I feel Vicky kiss my cxnt gently. Her soft lips caressing my sweat cxnt. Vicky swipes her tongue right across my pussy. She slowly starts to lick and kiss and worship my pussy just like the queen that I am deserves to have her pussy worshiped. She's making hot, passionate love to my sweat tasting cxnt, and I'm “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH,” breathing hard and sweat is starting to form all over my body. I'm hot, I'm on fire, Vicky's tongue is touching every little spot that's making me feel OOOOHHHH so good. Vicky reaches up and she grabs my big, sexy right breast. She's gently twisting at my big, hard nipple and I'm flying. I can feel my pussy vibrating, sparks of electricity, bolts of lightening going off inside of me.

Vicky is plunging that big vibrating cock in and out harder, faster, over and over again and Vicky is dripping with sweat, and her nipples are red and trying to break through her skin. She touching my nipple and both f my nipples are red and ready to burst. I can feel it coming, and so can Vicky. She's so fuckin hot and I can feel the pressure building up in her body. I grab Vicky's hair and I'm really breathing hard now. “AAAAHHHH, OOOOHHHH, AAAAHHHH, OOOOHHHH.” I grab Vicky's hair and I pull her face harder, deeper into my crotch screaming, “moo cow , moo into my cxnt you fuckin cow.” Vicky starts “MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO,” mooing and mooing over and over again into my cxnt, and her lips are vibrating right inside of my vibrating pussy. Vicky starts breathing harder into my cxnt as she's “MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO,

MMMMMOOOOO,”  mooing and mooing, and her lips are vibrating against my clit. Vicky starts “OOOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOHHHHH, OOOOOHHHHH, and MMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO,, OOOOOHHHHH,” having one explosive orgasm after another. Bolts of lighting and explosions are making her lips expand inside my pussy, and I feel it. My pussy is pulsating and bolts of lightening and explosions inside my body, inside my cxnt. I'm shaking and vibrating as Vicky is “OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW, MMMMMMOOOOOO, MMMMMMOOOOOO,” right into my cxnt. I feel explosions, I feel all of my insides shaking, and then I start seeing colors as 'OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEE, OOOOOOOOOWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEE, the volcano starts erupting. Vicky is exploding right under me, and I'm having the wildest, most explosive orgasm I could have ever dreamed about. We explode and explode and then our sweat soaked bodies feel like one.

I get up off of Vicky and my legs are wobbly from how hard I exploded, but this is not over yet. The crowd is screaming, and I walk over and I try to pull Johnny's jeans down,but his cock is so big and so hard that I'm having trouble getting them down. I finally get his jeans down and I sit down on his lap, slowly sliding his big, hard cock right into my soaking wet pussy. Vicky might have exploded already, but Vicky still has that big, vibrating cock inside her pussy and she's plunging that cock in and out and in and out. I start bouncing up and down on Johnny's hard cock, and it didn't take lone before 'OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEEE, Johnny starts to explode over and over again into my soaking wet pussy. He's filling my boiling hot pussy with his hot cum over and over again and         

when he stops, I leap up off of Johnny and I get on top of Vicky, holding my cum filled cxnt only inches over Vicky's face screaming, “Now do you know what you're going to do Vicky you stupid, submissive whore, you're going to lick each and every last drop of your ex-husband cum right out of my cxnt, because that is the closest you're ever going to get to Johnny's cock again. Vicky has this goofy little grin across her face and she raises her head up and she kissed my cxnt. Then like an animal she starts licking my cxnt. She's licking and sucking my cum filled cxnt and I'm getting totally excited all over again. Just the fact that Johnny's tough ex-wife is servicing my pussy with her tongue, sucxking the last of Johnny's cum that she will ever taste, and eating me with a passion is making me really hot again. I'm “AAAAHHHH, AAAAHHHH, AAAAHHHH, breathing hard and my sweat soaked body is so fuckin hot again. All of a sudden Vicky starts “OOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEE, OOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEE, exploding over and over again right on that big vibrating penis, and I start “OOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEE, OOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEE, exploding over and over again as Vicky is “MMMMMMOOOOOOOO, MMMMMMMMOOOOO, mooing into my cxnt. Vicky is licking me and eating me and servicing my cxnt as I orgasm over and over and over again.

Me and Johnny let Vicky stay for about a week. Vicky was spent and weak, but we made Vicky our slave and Vicky had to cook, and clean, and service us, and lick my pussy clean each time Johnny filled it up, all the way until she left.........