
General Category => Celebrity Fights => Celebrity Fights - General => Topic started by: SilverGhost on January 01, 2021, 08:18:33 PM

Title: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: SilverGhost on January 01, 2021, 08:18:33 PM
Are local celebrities considered celebrity enough to "fight" here in fantasy or do the lovely ladies have to be well known?  Just for example:
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: brick1960 on January 01, 2021, 09:12:31 PM
No I think local TV presenters can be considered celebrity enough.  I do think pictures are needed when these lesser known women are engaged in fight polls/stories
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: Maizenblue on January 01, 2021, 10:25:49 PM
Agreed. Think they are celebs. Just name and maybe say where they are famous like station and city to help get more info in them.
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: bloodshot on January 08, 2021, 09:11:12 PM
I couldn't disagree more strongly with the first couple of replies.  The biggest problem with the celebrity section of this site is that the vast majority of the stories are NOT about celebrities.  If someone isn't famous outside of a tiny circle they're NOT a celebrity.  Personally, and I know a few others agree with me, I don't come to this site for "catfights", I come to this site because I'm interested in the fantasies around two celebrities, i.e. well known women, competing.  Sadly I rarely come here anymore for the very reason I stated, the celebrity section is polluted with non-celebrities, thus completely killing most interest in the topic.
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: AaronL on January 08, 2021, 09:25:57 PM
As long as the same 6 posters keep doing polls with the same 6 Bollywood "celebrities" then the bar is definitely low enough for local celebs.

Also, that Sydney Welch woman has some serious Bloomin' Onions.
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: bloodshot on January 08, 2021, 10:04:48 PM
The Bollywood thing is definitely a big part of the problem.  Once again they're NOT famous outside of a single country.  Maybe the site would benefit from having a separate Bollywood section from the celebrity section so that it doesn't get polluted with junk like it has been.
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: Raccoon on January 08, 2021, 10:15:24 PM
Personally not interested in Bollywood, but those Bollywood actresses have probably more fans around the world than the typical American starlet so they definitely are celebrities.
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: AaronL on January 08, 2021, 11:19:48 PM
Personally not interested in Bollywood, but those Bollywood actresses have probably more fans around the world than the typical American starlet so they definitely are celebrities.

Bollywood is dwarfed by Hollywood. Right now the 2nd most popular shows/stars around the world are actually from Turkish dramas. Throw in Europe, Russia, etc and Bollywood likely isn't even top 5.
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: Nutmeg on January 08, 2021, 11:33:51 PM
The Bollywood thing is definitely a big part of the problem.  Once again they're NOT famous outside of a single country.  Maybe the site would benefit from having a separate Bollywood section from the celebrity section so that it doesn't get polluted with junk like it has been.

Not happening. As has been stated in the past, all that would do is make the non Bollywood celeb section look even worse. The issue is people not producing stuff on famous enough people that isn't solved by removing the work of people who are actually producing something. Instead it will point out that the last thread on it was a month ago and on the first page is still threads from a year ago. Gee what will you blame next?

Here is the thing: Content creators appear have no interest it seems in doing stuff in the constraints you want, especially for free. And I don't see the site making some arbitrary line over who is famous enough to be here as helping anything.  If anything that would discourage someone from doing a poll or story because they might get it removed because we decided the people involved aren't famous enough.

If you have a limited interest don't be too shocked that a site devoted to a range of interests doesn't always (or ever) meet your limited interest. And I say this as someone who finds 99.99% of this site has no interest to me outside of mod issues.

As far the OP, I would say don't be shocked if a poll gets limited response. A story could get more if you are a talented writer since some people will read a good story no matter what.

Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: Patrick on January 09, 2021, 06:54:40 AM
No I think local TV presenters can be considered celebrity enough.  I do think pictures are needed when these lesser known women are engaged in fight polls/stories

Agreed  :)
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: Golden Goddess on January 09, 2021, 07:58:18 AM
I'm not a fan of the Bollywood stuff either, but...I deal with it. I've no interest in them, but I realize that the world is a great big place and just because someone isn't a celebrity where I'm from doesn't mean they're not a celebrity elsewhere.

If you don't like seeing so much Bollywood stuff overtaking the non-Bollywood stuff, do something about it yourselves. Make your own polls, write your own stories, or just ignore it like I do.
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: lumberjack66 on January 18, 2021, 10:49:54 PM
I would say local celebrities are still celebrities.  Anybody with some kind of fanbase would qualify even if that fanbase is small.  I do agree that it is hard to know who all the celebs are especially when we are international, but that doesn't mean they don't count.  Just that we probably need some pics and may not really care.  But for me (an old guy) that is true too because of the age of the women.  I don't know all the current pop singers and actresses.  So I click on what I want and ignore what I don't care about.  Same as any other forum.
Title: Re: Question for anyone who wants to answer
Post by: Sandman13 on January 24, 2021, 05:13:13 PM
I am fine with Bollywood, local weather girls, European women or whoever. If I don't find a particular celebrity or story grabbing my interest, here's what I do. I skip it and move on. Lots of people under this tent and we're not all going to like the exact same stuff. Crazy, huh?