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SASHAFIGHT vs Hilary Duff in the ring rumble!!

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Offline stormbolt7

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SASHAFIGHT vs Hilary Duff in the ring rumble!!
« on: July 07, 2014, 06:44:00 AM »
SashaFight Vs Hilary Duff Ring rumble

It was getting time for me to lock up the gym. I had agreed to doing it, when a very beautiful friend, asked to have more time.

SashaFight was brunette, and beautiful head to toe. Her long, soft brunette hair, hanging to below her shoulders. Had been working out hard, for a upcoming grudge match. Her body sleek, toned, yet very nicely curvy, and femanine.
Sasha looked fantastic in a bikini.
Now she was changed, as a few of the other ladies began showering and changing as well.
Only one very attractive dirty blonde, still was sweating lightly, while finishing her workout. From the looks, maybe imagining a recent ex or someone that had done her wrong.
"You need to wrap it up, gym's closing." I tell her politely. She turns to look at me, huffing, to blow some loose hair from her face. Before nodding and continuing.

One thing about Sasha as well as being able to fight. She was wonderful, with a fun spirited side as well.
"Ohhhhh Stormy you promised to take me out for some fun." Sasha announces to my side.
I turn, and admire her figure and beauty.
Sasha has on a lacy black halter top, with some very curve hugging jean shorts. Sasha giving me a enjoyable profile. This lovely young brunette able to turn heads and break hearts, anywhere she went.
The addition of pink and white bunny ears, top of her head. A nice, and different touch.
"C'mon I want to shake my tail, and kick back." "You promised dinner, and to be a proper escort." She ads, nicely working her jean clad tail. While turning a very sultry look on.
A woman this stunning, always hard to say no to.
I am just about to say something in reply. When the dirty blonde from behind and to my side gives an annoyed sigh.
"You mean this air headed bimbo, is why I need to stop my workout?" She asks.
I notice Sasha's pretty brown eyes go from sultry, and playful. To no you did not just say that bitch. Before turning to face the complaining lady.

"Hey I'm sorry, I volunteered to lock up." "You kind of got a late start." "Not my rules, take it up with the owner, next time your in." I answer calmly, and factually. If it had been my place, and I did not already have plans, to treat a very lovely lady. To some well deserved time out. I would have been more than glad to accommodate this very attractive woman.
I was ready to speak on behalf of Sasha being a lot more than some dumb bunny. As had been alluded to.
When Sasha gently pushes past me. "I've got this Stormy." She says. Giving me a dazzling smile, before turning to face the woman speaking ill of her.
"Look blondie, Stormy here is being a darling, letting your fat ass stay over already." "Now please don't try and cause trouble for him." "Hose your stinky ass off, and call it a night ok sweetie?" Sasha asks. Mixing insults with politeness very well.

While the ladies stand, squaring off, before each other. The few ladies left, heading from the lockers. Begin to move closer, and circle the duo.
"Look bunny bitch, you want to fuck like a rabbit, go for it." The other woman begins.
Sasha grasping, and sliding her fuzzy ears down. Body language showing she no longer felt playful.
"I have a movie I'm trying out for, and need to tone up fast." "I don't care about your date or kinky plans for the evening."  She ads, before placing a hand against Sasha's shoulder, and shoving her back.
I happen to hear from around us. "See movies, I told you that's Hilary Duff." A comment is heard.
Hilary is looking damn fine, dressed in a greyish colored sports bra. With a very clingy pair, of skimpy black lycra shorts. Showing nice legs, and a pleasing ass.
Looking great in her jean shorts. I just wonder how fine Sasha would look in those same shorts. Sasha's legs longer, and Sasha's ass very fine.
Sasha looks over at her shoulder, where Hilary had just pushed her. Like some kind of dirt, had just been rubbed on her.
Sasha turns to fully face Hilary again. "You need to learn some manners, before someone kicks your ass bitch!!" Sasha replies, with a shove to Hilary of her own.
"Storm's simply a friend and a gentleman." Sasha finishes. Her emotions heating up.

Sasha had no need to defend herself to this bitch. Yet for some reason, her integrity had been called into question. Plus some innocent, playful fun with a friend. Had been twisted and turned into something else, by someone that did not know them.
"Before I have to put my foot up your ass." "Please get your things, and leave now." Sasha states.
The two moving very close together, standing face to face, bodies tensed. "How about I beat your ass in the ring." "Leave you on your back, like the slut you are." "Then your man, can take a real woman out instead." Hilary tosses back.
Breath escaping from the other ladies, as they ease back away from the duo. Soft chatter between them, as they already know. This was not stopping with out a fight.
"You stuck up, disney princess, air headed drama queen!!" Sasha begins, fingers clenching.
"I would gladly make Storm mine." "If it kept him from getting involved with you."
"I don't give a damn, if you don't believe me." "Your insulting my friend, at the same time." She replies.
Sasha then turning to me. "Storm be a dear, lock the doors while I change." "Ladies in or out, you can watch or leave now." Sasha announces.

One lady excuses herself and heads out. Another using Storm's key for the door, before coming right back, after letting her out. While another dozen stay as witnesses. Sasha gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. Eyes roaming to view Hilary, daring her to say anything. Then Sasha grabs her gym bag, and heads off to quickly change.
"You willing to call a fair fight, not interfere, if I start hurting tramp?" Hilary asks.
I want to smack her myself, for the continued insults against Sasha's character.
"Look, I would be honored having a woman as attractive as Sasha." "Being by my side, yet your way outta line with what your saying about her." "You don't know her, so you need to stop." I admonish her.
"It's ok Stormy, I'll teach miss thing some manners." I hear Sasha state, as she approaches. Changing as soon as she was around the corner, not going all the way to the lockers.
I feel my jaw drop, as she moves closer. Sasha was now stripped down to a white sports bra, and an equally skimpy, and tight pair of dark blue lycra shorts.
"Stormy, you so are getting a kiss for that." Sasha says, gently closing my mouth with one hand. While her eyes focus on Hilary.
"Storm will call submissions, or count outs, if I happen to knock your loud mouth the fuck out." Sasha informs, as she heads towards the ring.
"Agreed, and after I win." "I am taking him from you for the night, maybe longer." Hilary ads, showing her mind, was not changing from her view of us.
Sasha laughs, "You really are a stupid bitch, but if you do, and he wants you." "Storm fully can leave with you, if you win." Sasha agrees.

Part of me is honored, I have become a stake in the fight. While knowing, Sasha was confident, she would win. As well as, if she did not. She was my friend, and I would stick by her either way.
The other ladies gather around the ring to watch, as both slip between the ropes, and inside.
Soon they both have on the small padded gloves of mixed martial artist fighters.
I could not deny, as I sound the bell, for them to begin. Sasha, and Hilary moving, and circling each other. Both ladies looking very fit, and very fine head to toe.
One thing I began to notice as well. Hilary was in very good shape. Yet Sasha seemed to know, and move around the ring so much better.
Hilary making a mis-step that had her off balance. As Sasha quickly sends a leg snapping a kick, to Hilary's side.
Hilary able to move, to limit the impact of the kick. Sasha surging ahead, to send a few testing punches, towards Hilary's side, and belly.
Sasha still looking to feel out her opponent, not putting her full weight behind them yet.
Hilary tumbling backwards, falling to her ass. Just as she lands in the corner.
Sasha backing up, as I check Hilary for signs of wanting to quit. Her head shaking no, as Sasha nods, while watching on.

Hilary smacks her hand against the canvas, before pushing herself back up. Sasha moving in again, as Hilary heads out of the corner.
Yet this time her footwork changing. As Sasha confidently launches another few questing punches. Hilary's leg comes up, to catch Sasha in her side.
Sasha giving a light grunt of pain. As the leg hits her side, bending her slightly. Then Hilary begins to send some punches of her own, into the nubile body of Sasha.
Caught of guard, Sasha scrambles back, before being knocked down, into the opposite corner, Hilary had been.
I could see in her eyes Sasha was figuring something out, same as I was. This movie role Hilary was getting ready for. Was not some candy pop, teen girly flick. Someone had been showing her how to do some fight moves. Hilary maybe hoping to change her image to a more diverse actress.
I check on Sasha. She let's me know she is okay to continue. As well as now she knew, she was not going to have to hold back as much.
A smile comes to her face, as she smacks her hands against the mat. Then rises, to continue the fight.

Now both ladies circling, and moving faster, as legs, and fists fly. Grunts of pain, and whooshes of air. As bellies, sides, and even breasts, take impacts and damage. The lovely duo, looking to be bruised and aching by morning for sure.
The shots being sent, going from closed fists, to open hand slaps, and backhands. What ever seemed like it would hit the hardest, and cause the most pain.
This was not some clothes tearing diva match. This was close up, in your face, in the ring action.
Sasha getting in a nice round of chest shots. Yet as she starts to back out. Hilary reaches out, grabbing Sasha's long hair. Then yanking on it, she jerks Sasha's head, forcing her to be off balance.
Pulling, and yanking hair with one hand. Hilary is able to get a very hard gut punch in, before Sasha can cover up.
Sasha doubling up, as air explodes out of her body. Hilary still pulling on Sasha's hair.
Adrenaline surging through her body. Sasha hating the idea of being beaten by this blonde. Her body doubles, Sasha rams against Hilary. Using her longer legs, and their strength. A battle cry, coming from her as she regains her wind. Sasha holding onto Hilary, shoves her backwards, until Hilary's back hits the ropes.
Hilary cries out, and releases Sasha.

Sasha backs up, giving herself a moment, before heading in. This time, she grabs Hilary's hair. Hilary crying out, her back aching, from the hard impact. No rules had been established, this had begun as basically no holds barred. Now it was involving hair pulling, ring ropes, and maybe even grappling.
Sasha is pummeling Hilary's already aching back. While she controls her head, yanking and jerking on Hilary's hair.
Hilary's arms clenching around Sasha's midsection, as they seem to dance together around the ring. Arms flailing, as again Hilary's back, is driven into the ring ropes. Shortly after, it is Sasha's back taking the impact.
The duo moving down, along the rope, to the corner.
Fingers clawing for hair to yank, and pull. Now and then legs rising, to try and drive knees into exposed sides.
Sasha releasing Hilary, after slamming her into the ropes again. Hilary crying out in pain. Before arching forward, and driving her shoulder into Sasha's body. With shrieks of surprise from both, they topple together to the mat surface.

Arms trying to strike body blows, as legs begin to twine, before they begin rolling entangled on the mat.
Both ladies looking for a chance, to create an opening. That they can use, to mount, and finish off the other woman.
The ladies watching calling out encouragement for both fighters. Some having seen Sasha fight. Surprised like me, the match was going this long.
Bodies aching, chests heaving, as they struggle. A nice side strike by Sasha. Then Hilary makes a mistake, as she tries to bring her knee to Sasha's crotch.
Sasha turning her hip to block it in time. Yet firing up, as groin or crotch shots, something she hated, and did not care for at all.
She brings her own knees up, and bucks her body, even as she drives Hilary off, impacting her legs against Hilary's chest.
Hilary gives a shriek, as she is flipped off, landing hard on her already sore back.
Hilary twisting, turning, and clawing at the mat to pull herself away.
Sasha scrambling quickly after her. Hilary making the mistake of presenting her back to her opponent. Unable to use her own legs to defend herself. Preservation in mind, and the instinct to get distance from Sasha as quick as she can.

Sasha grins, as she slams her fist a few times into the small of Hilary's back.
As Hilary cries out, and lays face down on the mat. Sasha grabs her arm, and quickly captures it behind Hilary, using her legs.
Sasha's body moving, and arching backwards over, and onto Hilary's back. Sasha using her own body to hold Hilary down.
Then Sasha's arms go down, hands being locked beneath Hilary's chin.
Hilary screams in pain, as the hold cinched in. Hilary's arm trapped out, and away from her body.
Sasha begins to crank back, on Hilary's chin, neck and back.
Hilary's legs kicking out, and against the mat. Her body jerking, as pain radiates through her.
Hilary was in the middle of the ring, nowhere to go. As her free hand begins tapping desperately against the mat.
Hilary Duff was submitting. Sasha holding on a few seconds longer, giving the exclamation to her point, and victory. Before letting go, and shoving off, and away from her opponent.

Hilary lay moaning, and writhing in the ring, as Sasha moves away. Storm having called the submission, helping Sasha to her feet, raising her arm in victory. As her chests heaves, while she clings to him.
The passion and fire spent. Now both kneel, and begin to look after Hilary. One of the other ladies, a nurse also slipping into the ring.
The doors already locked to keep anyone else from coming in, as it closed.
Hilary earning a look of respect from Sasha. "Damn girl what kind of movie you trying for?" Sasha asks, while Hilary is checked out.
Later she would inform Hilary of how she had totally pissed her off, at the finish of their match.
Sasha was willing to fight in the ring or go all out, taking things down to the mat. Yet she did not like a woman trying for crotch or cxnt shots.
After giving her a once over, it is a given, no permanent damage should be given. Yet Hilary and Sasha both, would be very sore, and aching the next few days. The other ladies ready to leave after giving kudos to both fighters.
Then it was down to three, inside the closing gym.

"You know, Stormy gives a wonderful massage." "He owes me one for tonight already, don't you Stormy?" Sasha asks. Yet the way she grins, and looks at him. She knows she has him cornered.
"You promise to behave, maybe I will let him give you one, before taking us for a late snack somewhere." Sasha ads.
Hilary smiling, admitting this was sounding very good to her own aching body. Maybe some jacuzzi and massages for them both. As now the encounter and fight out of the way. The ladies begin to have a bonding of sorts.
Hilary informing her new project, one of those teens caught in a remote location by a psycho. Hilary having to do a lot of fighting, as she tries to be the sole survivor by the end.
Sasha listening intently, as they begin to enjoy being catered to, and pampered the rest of the night by Storm.

Hilary even suggesting Sasha maybe should try out for a part, being so fit, and able to fight so well. Maybe even a stunt double, to save Hilary more bruises.
I did not know if she would be interested. I definately knew Sasha was beautiful enough, to be in the movies.
For now, it was simply trying to relax, and enjoy the rest of the night, best they can.
Sasha had forced Hilary to tap out. Sasha was the winner of the fight against Hilary Duff.
Helping to prove something Storm already knew. Sasha was a gorgeous lady, with a sexy fit figure.
Yet you never wanted to make fun of her bunny ears or call her out for a fight. Unless you wanted to get very catty, and be willing to enjoy receiving a lot of pain.
At the hands of the lovely SashaFights.

The end