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The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York

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Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« on: October 14, 2014, 08:00:23 PM »
The Gauntlet
Since losing my husband last month, I have been lost. There were a few moments where I was at my lowest and thought of ending it all myself. The thing that kept me going was kind words from friends and the two wonderful girls I adopted when I married him.
He was a catfight fan and loved reading my stories. He loved when I would talk about me against his favorite celebrities. I really miss those talks in bed with him. We shared some incredible moments in life that will always stay with me.
This set of short stories are a tribute to him…. His favorite women to pit against me are Christina Hendricks (1960’s office setting), Lucy Pinder (bikinis on a deserted beach), Jennifer Love Hewitt (lingerie in a massage parlor), Salma Hayek (formal dresses in a hotel suite) and a member at FCF who I will name later is she allows me to write a story with her in it.
This is a bit of therapy for me, I am putting a lot of passion into these stories… I hope you all enjoy as much as my husband would have.
Mad Women
My name is Anna Chambers and I started working as a secretary for Cutler, Gleason and Chaough when they merged with Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. It threw all of us who worked for CGC into turmoil. We in the secretary staff have a new supervisor, Joan Harris(Christina Hendricks). She was this voluptuous red head who even though she has this sweet voice, there was venom behind it at times. She wore her hair up and her tight dresses showed off her hourglass figure. I was a bit timid in the workplace. My life had been CGC and now it was turned upside down.
I had been working tirelessly at SCDP now for a month and thought I was doing well. I was getting along with some of the other secretaries, sure some where catty and full of themselves, but I did not insert myself into the drama. It was coming up on a holiday weekend. I started out the day typing up different memos and reports and was looking at the clock on the wall getting ready to head up state for the weekend. It was my first real time away from work. I was dressed in my normal conservative manner, dark blue dress that even though it hugged my curves, it did not show off leg above the knee and no cleavage. Underneath I like it soft and silky. I had on a new black bra, panty and garter belt made of lace. My nude stockings and closed toed blue 3in heels finished out my number. My dark brown hair was up in a tight bun. I had minimal make up on, I did not want to look like a lady of the night.
Joan Harris was dressed in a tight red dress that showed off her curves that everyone including me was jealous of. Her red hair was up in a bun on top of her head, her lips were a sensuous shade of red that matched her finger nails. Though the dress was off her shoulders, it showed no cleavage. Even in the beginning of the free thinking 60’s, we in the secretary pool dressed like ladies not whores.
5:00PM as almost here and I could almost smell the country air. Then Joan walked over to my desk.
“Anna dear”, she said sweetly, “I need these reports typed up in triplicate. Mr. Draper has a meeting first thing Monday morning and needs this straight away.”
My face was down trodden as I took the papers with a nod and started working. I noticed she said good bye to all the other secretaries, even the ones who gave her attitude in the past. I never gave anyone attitude, I was always the good little worker bee. It was starting to get under my skin. Joan sat down in her office as the rest of the staff and people left. It was just me and her. I could see of the corner of my eye as I typed that she would get up from her desk to check on me. I was typing as fast as I could. I had to be at the train station at 6:30Pm to make my train. I was coming down to the wire as I finished. I took the freshly typed papers into her office and set them down on her desk. I turned to leave.
“Wait one moment Anna,” she said in that sweet voice again, “I need to check these for mistakes.”
I checked the clock again and sat down in the chair in front of her desk.
She had a tumbler of scotch or bourbon in front of her as she red over the papers. She seemed to notice I was in a hurry.
“Am I keeping you?” she said with a little of the venom in her voice.
“Actually Ms. Harris, I am planning to go to upstate and my train leaves soon,” I said with a nervous voice, “If I miss the 6:30 I will not make it up there.”
“Well, don’t let me keep you dear,” she said with a bright smile.
I turned to leave and took one step then I heard the tumbler hit the desk, I turned to see that the dark liquid was dumped all over the report.
“Oh, my!” Joan said still smiling, “I am sorry Anna, but you are going to have to re-do this entire report.”
I lost my cool at that point.
“You did that on purpose!” I yelled out, stepping up to her desk and placing my hands on the smooth surface. “You are only doing this because you think you can bully me and I won’t do anything about it!”
She dipped her finger in the liquid on the desk and licked it, standing placing her hands on the desk, staring into my eyes. “Of course you won’t do anything, “ she said, “You CGC bitches are all the same, mousey, easily cowed and controlled. Now get back to your desk and get this report done, I want to leave here before midnight.”
I was shaking my head and thinking to myself that I have to stand up for myself. I don’t know what came over me but my right hand moved almost on it’s own quickly up, slapping Joan across her face. Her head whipped around and she grabbed her face, the look on her face was one of surprise and astonishment.
I was smiling even though I knew I pretty much lost my job.
“YOU BITCH!!!” She screamed as she returned the slap. My own face on fire as my head swung from left to right.
It seemed like an eternity as we stared at each other redden faces and our breathing starting to get heavier, but it was only a matter of seconds. Sure she was almost 3 inches taller than me and outweighed me by 20lbs, but she was not going to bully me anymore. AS if by mutual agreement we reached up and grabbed each other’s hair and started trying to pull each other across the desk.
Joan was able to pull me onto the desk as we shook each other’s heads back and forth. My feet were kicking as I was pulled on the cluttered surface. She must have caught her heel on something because she lost her footing and fell backward. She let go of my hair as she went down on her rump. I was still lying across the desk. I pushed my way across the rest of the desk and dropped right down on top of her. If she wanted a fight, I would give her one. She and I grabbed hair once again as I landed on top. Our dresses were not made of this type of abuse and I could here seems splitting as we grappled. My arms were a little confined because of the shoulders of my dress but now I had more movement, meaning they had ripped open. Joan rolled us to the side and got on top, her big breasts were pressed down, almost flattening mine. I was healthy D cup but she was easily a DD or even bigger. My legs wrapped up with hers and we rolled again until our legs it the inside of the desk. She raked her nails down the side of my face and it burned like I had been touched by a hot poker. I screamed and bit down on her exposed left shoulder. I now heard her howl in my ear.
My bun had come undone and I pulled hers away from the bobby pins. She pulled my head from the bite and pushed with her hands under my chin. My head was pushed back and raked with my nails at her dress, catching the red fabric at her right shoulder tearing down, exposing a red strapless lace bra holding in her huge breasts.
“YOU LITTLE WHORE!!!” She screamed as we struggled. Grasping the top of my dress and pulling it down showing off my new black bra.
“cxnt!” I yelled back. I couldn’t believe the words coming out of our mouths. We were swearing at each other like sailors at Fleet Week.
I got to my knees over her then to my feet. She was on her hands and knees. I lost both of my heels during the struggle. I grabbed the back of her dress and was pulling her forward away from the back of the desk. I was pulling and yanking, trying to ruin her favorite dress. 1960’s clothing was made to hold up but probably not made for a catfight. I could hear the seams rip as I pulled up on the dress. Joan grabbed my leg and bit my right calf right through the stocking. I screamed and lost my foot and went over Joan and on to the carpeted floor. I grabbed at my calf and tried to rub the pain away. I got to my feet and heard a shuffle behind me and turned to see a blur of red as she tackled me around the waist and we went through the door of her office and into the secretary pool area.
Joan was a wild cat and she tried to ruin my dress and tear it from me. I slapped at her arms and face and it was answered in kind. We fought our way to our feet. Both of our dresses now hung around our waists. We were breathing heavily. Our bras still covered out breasts. We screamed at each other and locked up on a double hair pull pushing each other from desk to desk. Knocking over papers and typewriters. I had Joan pinned down on a desk when her right leg came up and I heard a nasty tear, as she had caused the dress to tear open at the back around her butt. She hit me with a slap and pushed me off. Her dress slide off her and she was standing there in a red strapless bra, red full panties and garter belt with nude stockings. Like mine, the stockings had runs and holes in them. I still had my dress around my hips but I think Joan wanted to change that. She slapped me hard and I spun around. She pushed me face first across a desk and I could feel her tear and pull at the back of my dress. I stepped hard on her left foot and heard a grunt of pain and she backed off. I turned around and my dress fell to the floor.
She backed up away from the desks towards the conference room. I kicked the dress away and followed. My hands were formed into claws as I stalked forward. As soon as her butt hit the table, she came at me with a slap to the face, I returned it and we stood there toe to toe, slapping at arms, faces and any exposed skin we could get to. She landed a hard slap to my left breast causing it to wobble in the bra. I yelled out in pain and reached forward until I grasped both of her large breasts in my hands. I had never touched another woman’s breast before but then again I had never been in a catfight before. I squeezed the flesh and she howled in pain. I forced her back onto the conference table, kicking the chairs away. She was franticly trying to pry my hands from her tits. They were still contained in her bra but my nails dug into the flesh blossoming out of the top. She let go of my hands and grabbed both of my breasts but she noticed the front closure and popped it open and my bare tits burst forth. Her red nailed claws gouged and pulled on my bare breasts and I was screaming in agony. I yanked the bra as hard as I could and managed to pull it down freeing her large tits. She pulled me over to my side and we were side by side squeezing, tearing and pulling at our womanly assets.
We pushed away from each other and I tumbled off the conference table and on to the floor. I was slow to rise and so was she. I backed away from the table as she lay there, chest rising trying to catch her breath. I looked at my chest covered in scratch marks and redden skin. Joan got off the table, rubbing her wounded tits. I leaned against the door to the back of the room, thinking it was a broom closet but it opened up to a hidden bedroom. Rumors had been circulating that Mr. Sterling and Joan continued their affair at the office in a secret room, well I found it.
I heard movement behind me and turned as Joan, arms raised, came at me. I batted the hands aside and we slammed together naked breast to naked breast. The air rushed out of our lungs and we clinched together. We struggled on our feet. I try to trip her and as she goes down she pulls me with her. We land on the soft shag carpet and lock our stocking clad legs together. We are still hugging to each other, our tits mushrooming out, and hands pulling long hair from behind our backs. She starts us rolling and we roll slowly, from the entrance to the bed and back half way across the room. When she takes the top, she grinds her larger breasts into mine, making it hard for me to breathe. When I get on top, I slam my tits down, slapping them into hers, causing her to grunt each time. I end up on top again and Joan rakes her nails down my back to my ass. My back is on fire and I scream in pain! Her nails find my panties and she grasps them and yanks up. It feels like she is trying spilt me in two! She rolls me over but has her hands trapped in the small of my back. I reach down and grab her full cut red panties and pull. Lace and silk was never meant for this kind of abuse. I hear them tear and I push her hard as I buck with my hips, dislodging her. I get to my feet as quickly as I can, pulling the fabric of my panties from my pussy. The right side of the black lace is torn and pull them down and off. Joan’s had torn from the back and she removes them, leaving her with the red garter belt and stockings and me in black. My legs bump up against the bed and make the mistake of looking back. When I look back, Joan is already there, tackling me to the bed.
We writhe back and forth, our tits fighting it out as our full bushes rub against each other, legs intertwined hands clawing at faces and backs. We are covered in sweat, the slick coating causing us to slide skin on skin. Our pace starts to slow down, one hand embedded in hair, one squeezing and clawing at a large breast. Our legs entangle so much that our pussies are pressed together, hands go to hair as we push our massive tits together in a catball. WE tumble off the bed onto the carpet, still locked up. Our mouths open and flash teeth as we bite at chins and lips. Neither of us can gain the upper hand, rolling to and fro across the shag carpet. Skin red from the rug burn and slapping and clawing. Blood coming from scratches and bites. Red and brown hair litter the floor.
We are just holding onto each other after a while. Both of us soaked in sweat, tears coming from our eyes. Slowly we untangle our legs and push away from each other. I get up, barely able to stand on weak legs, I stumble towards the door to the secret fuck room.
My hand hold the door frame keeping me upright. Then, CRASH!!!!! A ceramic ash tray explodes on the wall, I turn to see Joan standing in front of the bed. Adrenaline courses through my veins and I rush her, tackling her back onto the bed. We both attack each other like wildcats, there is no defense, just clawing slapping and scratching. We roll over back and forth, tits pressed together. Fighting to our knees, she grabs me in a bearhug trying to squeeze the fight out of me. I reach around her back and squeeze back. We kneel there, breasts squeezing out the sides, head on shoulders, sweat running down our bodies, then I feel her arms go limp and fall to the side. I push forward, landing on top of her.

Slowly I roll off and lay there for what feels like forever. I take my time, picking up her panties, taking off her stockings. I take off mine and tie Joan Harris spread eagle on the bed. I take her panties and shove them into her mouth. She starts to come to and struggles but she can’t get free. I go into the closet and find a beautiful dress and slowly put it on, cringing as the fabric touches my now sensitive skin.
“Oh, Joan,” I say as I walk out the door, leaving her tied up for all the world to see, “I quit!”
I take the elevator down to the bottom floor and see the janitor starting his nightly routine.
“You might want to check out SCDP office,” I say with a sly smile on my face. “I heard a lot of commotion especially in the conference room.”
I awake with a smile, Mad Men playing on the 65in TV, lighting up the bedroom. I turn over to where you would normally be. I placed large pillows there to make it seem like there is someone in bed with me.  I hit menu on the remote and scroll to Lifetime On Demand and select The Client List.
“Well Ms. Hewitt,” I say as I snuggle back underneath the covers, “Looks like it is just you and me….”


Offline Toni_1

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2014, 04:24:37 AM »

Firstly and most importantly I want to offer my condolences on your sad loss.

Fortunately it seems you have some wonderful memories to sustain you through your grief.

Earlier this year I lost my partner of 5 years to breast cancer, my lover Susiri, who also shared my passion for catfights and erotic confrontations.

So I can relate to the thoughts you are having as it seems your man shared a wonderful passion with you for womanly conflicts.

I can assure you that time will heal the deep wounds with his passing, and your memories of being with him will endure for you.

Now to your writing, I just loved this story. Indeed I have always been excited in reading your stories.

Who knows, maybe one day we could collaborate on a story.

If you are unaware of my humble offerings here you should find "Maura Suzanne Jane Toni", and "RETRIBUTION".

Kisses and hugs,


Offline Agraf

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2014, 01:02:07 PM »
How silly of you, quitting the office when you had just won the fight, and got the inside information (secret bedroom) that would earn you a little bonus free of tax every month...

Please Anna, go on writing from this time when you and I were young, and as you progressed into maturity - without stopping your effective manner of dealing with female rivals.


Offline IRISH

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2014, 09:25:53 PM »
Great story Anna!

I'm sorry for your loss... 😢


Offline Wondering48

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2014, 03:59:11 PM »
Glad to see you are still writing as you go through these tough times. I know I speak for a lot of the others on this board that our thoughts are with you.


Offline CatfightOriginals

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2014, 02:48:56 AM »
Hi Anna,

Great story.  Very sorry to hear about your husband.



Offline gmenn

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2014, 06:17:01 PM »
My sincere condolences.  :(


Offline Fw190 A

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2014, 04:52:48 AM »
Love your stories Anna    :-*

You are one of the last real story-tellers left here. I wish you all the best.


Offline raker

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2014, 11:36:13 PM »
 I think your husband was a very lucky guy to have you. sorry for your loss. R


Offline The Italian

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2014, 05:44:20 PM »
My deep condolences.


Offline polarbear

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2014, 06:24:50 PM »
I don't believe we've ever chatted, but my condolences to you on your loss.  This story was enjoyable to read and look forward to your next story.


Offline Gary53

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2014, 09:52:56 PM »
I'm sorry for your loss please accept my condolences. I have read a few of your stories and I think you are a great story teller. Your ability to describe the fights is wonderful. I do hope that you will continue to write.


Offline AkikoJ

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2014, 05:44:47 AM »
really sorry to hear about your loss :(

must say you are one of the best writers here and the only one who 's fighting style i relate to...;)
No interest in Trillian...stop asking or I'll iggy you.


Offline Heidikillerkat

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2015, 11:03:22 PM »
Good lord that was hot!!! I can picture you rolling around with Christina!


Offline joey

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Re: The Gauntlet Series Part 1, Mad Women 1960's New York
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2015, 06:46:27 PM »
Another great story Anna please keep writing. Thank you