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Suggestion For Clique Wars From A Fan :-)

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Suggestion For Clique Wars From A Fan :-)
« on: March 02, 2013, 07:26:29 PM »
Hi Clique Catfighters!

(NOTE: I originally had a few questions but deleted them so as not to disturb the balance of this really neat room...)

I really like this room and it has a wonderful charm to it!  
Don't know how to describe it but it is a very lively place.

Anyway, since I do not know too much about the Cliques here, I was wondering something.  The point is that as a fan I would like to know more!
(Consider this a "guided tour"?)

I would like to suggest using this thread as a place for you all to tell fans what you are all about.:-)

I hope you don't mind my suggesting but I (and maybe a few other inquiring minds) would like to know!

Thank you for your consideration.

ETC (Enjoying Those Catfights!)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 08:13:19 PM by etcaaf (ETC) »