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A Misty May (pokemon sexfight)

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A Misty May (pokemon sexfight)
« on: June 14, 2010, 01:49:59 AM »
"Ash Ketchum! Last time I checked, you still owed me a BIKE!"

And that was that, really. So it was that Misty was back in tow with the party. No reasoning could dissuade her from sticking to the stubborn redhead from her course, not by Ash nor Brock, even the surprisingly (to Ash, anyway) outspoken objections of May. The girls were prone to shar brief, nasty looks behind the boys' backs, but not much came of it for the first few days.

It was nearly a week gone by when the girls finally discussed it. The boys had crashed early after they had drawn the short straws (as usual, it seemed) and were beat from gathering firewood. Misty and May sat around the low campfire, May poking it idly with a stick. Her belt full of pokeballs was laid out by her side, eyes darting from the fire to the fiery redhead across it. She seemed to be sneaking meager looks at her too.

"So... are they asleep?" May chanced at her quietly.
Misty leaned over towards Brock, his snores low and steady. She leaned a bit closer to Ash, cocking an earto him before prodding him in the ribs. He just rolled over and mumbled.
"Mrumrrrr... Pikablu..." Pikachu's ear's pricked up, curled up in Ash's hat turned upside down. He tilted his head curiously at the silent girls, but they simultaneously made shushing motions. Misty looked up at May and jerked her head towards the woods, in the direction of the nearby creek. When May went for her belt, Misty took her by the wrist, not aggressive but firm. She shook her head, urging May on again. This time she nodded, both girls sneaking off together.

Pikachu gave them a queer look, then turned and poked Ash again itself.
"Ungh.... Missingno..."

The girls stood by the moonlit waters, something some might deem romantic in a better mood. May was tense, while Misty seemed downright upset. Misty wore her usual yellow sleeveless top, jean shorts with suspenders, and sneakers. May still had on her traditional garb, red bandana and top over he tight black shorts and slip-on shoes.
"We need to talk," Misty insisted clearly, getting May to nod with a firm look set on her face.
"Exactly. What ARE your plans for Ash?" May demanded.
Misty smiled widely back, folding her arms in front of her modest breasts. "I've come back for him, of course," she said matter of factly. "We... split up a long time ago, and I've come back for him. We'll finally be a real couple and that'll be that."
May's curious and stern face turned a bit colder. "No way!" she objected, glad they had put their distance between them and the boys now. "Ash and I have been growing closer all the time we've been together, and no random hussy is going to swoop in and steal him away from me!"
Misty gave a good strong "Ha!" in reply. "Come on! I've known Ash years longer than you have! We have way more of a history together."
"He doesn't care about you! He still thinks it's just your stupid bike you're after!" May snapped.
"He does not! We run deeper than that!"
"Then how come he never mentions you when I was around!? Ash is MINE, you washed up water bitch, and I'm gonna MAKE him mine!"
Misty raised her eyebrows suspiciously at her. "Oh really? And do you even know how to make a man yours, little girl?" she goaded.
"I... wait! What are you talking about!?" May said with a bit of a blush.
"Ha! I knew it! You so don't!"
"I do so! I... I'm not THAT naive..." she said some blush spreading over her cheeks.
"Then what's your big plan, tiny?" Misty smirked, putting a hand on her smooth hip.
May looked downright steamed, redness spreading over her face in its entirety now. She let the frustration out with a loud, cracking slap across Misty's face, staggering the slightly taller redhead a pace to the right. "First off!" she said boldly. "I take care of the competition."
Misty was more surprised than hurt by the strike, clenching her teeth and stomping her foot down on May's toes. She squeaked in brief pain, then grabbed hold of Misty's hair as the water trainer locked her legs around May's pushing on her face with her palm to try and drive her back. The two wound up crashing down in the dirt, flailing at each other frantically while hair was pulled, faces slapped and clawed, shins kicked... generally a wild, frantic fight. Finally May grabbed both of Misty's wrists, releasing her sidetail long enough to stop both their grips and shout a quick "Stop it!!"

Misty did, catching her breath as both of the girls' breasts heaved in time with each others', hearts racing. A bit of dirt and grass and  "We can NOT let Ash find out about this," she said, hushing her voice a bit just in case.
"What do you mean?" Misty replied, their faces intimately close in their tangled mess. May's hair hung around her face above her, something Misty had to admit wasn't so unappealing.
"I mean what if we go back to camp with chunks of hair missing and claw marks over our faces?" May insisted. "They'd ask! And we'd have to admit to... to THIS!"
"So what?" Misty panted. "You willing to just... give up on him then?"
"In your dreams, bitch."
"Ha! Knew it. It's not like you'd know what to do with a boy like Ash anyway..."
"Ash is a MAN! And I know just what to do with him!"
"Oh, please. Little girl like you?" Misty gave a light grope of May's chest, feeling her nipple hard in the cool summer air beneath her top. No bra, she reasoned. Just like herself. "You haven't got a clue what he'd want."
Misty's eyes went wide as May leaned into her, her tender breasts pushing into hers as she locked lips with Misty. She was overwhelmed, in a mental state and in her lower position as May's tongue probed into her mouth, parting her lips and firmly but gently feeling inside, massaging her tongue and rubbing down her mouth's inner walls. Misty was inarguably wet from it. From the thrill of the competition or the thoughts of Ash or the kiss itself, she wasn't sure, but it was there.

May parted her lips, smiling confidently down at her with her hands planted in the grass. "You mean something like that?" she taunted.
Misty was breathless for a moment, but then lashed her arms around May's back, pulling her close and matching lips with her as well. May got her hands up to Misty's chest, grabbing at her bigger tits to push and try to pry herself free, but it did little to help her. Even when more aware, Misty's nimble little tongue outmaneuvered her every block, filling and rubbing down her mouth until it nearly went down her throat. She rolled with her oral assault, trapping May on her side as she made out with her rival. May began to moan softly into the kiss, both girls closing their eyes before pushing back suddenly, both at once as though guiltily realizing how much they were enjoying it.

"Bitch," Misty spat. "Should have known you were a dirty little lezzie."
"Me!? You started it with your talk!"
"Who kissed first, tramp!?"
"That is IT!" May pounced at her suddenly, throwing a straight kick into Misty's bare midriff. She let out a breathless "WOOF!" of surprise, holding her belly and stumbling back while May followed through, tackling her around the waist to splash down into the mud by the creek. It splashed at May's arms, but Misty got the worst of it by far, coating her shoulders and some of her hair in dark splashes. May slapped at her face with both hands, alternating to leave brown smears over her cheeks wherever she struck.

"How's THAT, little Miss Misty!? How you like THAT?!" she snapped. "Does it get you all wet knowing a better woman will be pleasing 'your' man? Ash is MY man! MINE!"
Misty let out a low, frustrated growl, thrashing enough to bring May higher up of her body. It let her swing her legs upward, snagging her around the neck and pulling, whipping May backward and off of her with a surprised yelp. She tumbled through the mud, which splashed over her shirt and legs as she rolled and landed on all fours.  She scowled back at the water trainer, yanking her shirt off over her head and tossing it aside, too heavy with the mud from rolling around already. It would only get worse.

Misty seemed not to have that problem, or at least not so concerned with it. Her lighter tee shirt didn't weigh her down so much, as she showed when she ran right for May, surprising her with a clothesline that flung her back down into the muck on her back. She grunted as she hit, holding her head when Misty got her by the hair.

"You're mine, whore," she hissed hatefully, but May reached up to grab at the hem of her shirt. She'd pull up sharply, yanking it up as if to rip it off but letting it stay wrapped tightly around her head, blinding the readhead.

"HEY!" she yelped in protest, May grinning cockily and grabbing some handfuls of Misty’s breast meat, squeezing and twisting cruelly. Misty shrieked out in outrage through her top, more humiliated and angry than hurt, though it wasn’t without pain.  “Aggggh! Let GO, you stupid little tramp!!” she objected, but the younger trainer wouldn’t relent in her breast attack. Misty pulled back, landing on her butt long enough to throw a kick out at May’s chest, making her grunt as the shoe landed between her breasts and sent her tumbling back. She rubbed her bosom while Misty threw off her muddy shirt, topless now and having lost a shoe in the mud already. She kicked off the other for balance, May seeming to copy her out of reflex.

“You’re blushing,” May accused. “You actually liked my hands all over your grubby chest, didn’t you!?”
“Who you calling grubby!?” Misty snapped back. She rushed at May who readied a grappling stance, but Misty surprised her with a spinning high kick to the cheek, toppling May over onto her side in the mud. She lifted herself up by her hands and knees when Misty mounted her bare back, gripping her chin with both hands and pulling back in a camel clutch.  May let out a choked little protest as she grabbed at Misty’s hands, planting her breasts right in the mud but by now the least of her concerns.  She winced as her head was pulled up, Misty’s tight ass shoving into her lower back to essentially bend her over backwards.

“Say it! Who’s your mommy!?” Misty hissed confidently down at her, jerking on her chin to give her quick shocks of pain through her back.
“Nnnngh!” May kicked and thrashed beneath her, back practically creaking under the pressure until she swung her feet up high, banging her heels into Misty’s back.  It rattled the water trainer little, but repeated blows to the back built up, and she released her to fall off, both girls holding their naked backs, panting with their chests heaving accordingly with their heavy breathing.

The girls stayed a few paces from each other, catching their breath and easing back onto their knees. Both raised their hands like claws, they shifted through the mess. May darted in quickly, smacking Misty across the face with her palm. “Bitch!” she snapped quickly and sharply.
Misty’s head whipped aside, but she responded with a left hand slap of her own. Hers, however, cracked across May’s tits, letting them wobble as May shrieked and tried to protect her chest.  Misty rushed at her to take advantage, but the younger trainer grabbed her arm and shifted aside, tossing Misty past her, landing on her side but May immediately grabbing her around the neck from behind.

Misty flailed up over her shoulders, trying to grab at May’s face or hair but she jerked her bodily one way or the other, her breasts rubbing against Misty’s back as she reached around to grab and squeeze Misty’s breast. The redhead gasped loudly, wriggling in her grip, biting back a moan but her nipples stiffening more in May’s grip.
“Ha! I knew you liked it! You’re such a slut!” she accused, twisting her nipple and finally forcing the wail she wanted from her lips.
May kneaded her tits mercilessly, shifting her legs around to squeeze Misty around the waist. “Such a dirty bitch! Ash deserves better than some weak little pussy like that.” She let her feet bend inward to find their way to Misty’s crotch, teasing her snatch with her heel.
“Ohhhhh!” Misty moaned highly, back arching best she could but held secure by the loose chokehold. Her squirming did little but rattle May’s body against her, hands and feet free to molest her body, her face turning red with frustration and embarrassment. “Mmm, you’re feeling really misty, Misty,” May teased into her ear, kissing at her neck just beneath it. She couldn’t help but get turned on by the control she had over her, the taste of her dirty skin, and that Misty was enjoying it on some level herself.  “You like it? You like it when the better woman touches you like that?”
“Nooo,” Misty moaned, though it came out more in protest than true denial. At least how May heard it. She used her free hand and her feet to gradually start to yank off Misty’s shorts, the redhead squealing in half-hearted protest as she felt herself growing wetter, the faint giggles and taunts of May just behind her ear.

Her sweat was rapidly cooled by the mud below, and her breathing grew more rapid as she drew close. She bucked a bit more, though as a sexual reflex now. May grinned, glad to be in control as Misty’s breath quickened in a fashion familiar to those dark nights when she had some time alone. Misty bit her lip, letting long moans out before she gasped and bucked. “Uhhhnnaaaa!!” she wailed, May smirking in confident victory as Misty squirted by her fingertips.

“Theeere we go… there’s a good girl. There’s a good little whore…” She let Misty buck wildly in her arms, letting go to let her roll over into the mud, panting on her quivering hands and knees until not even they could work fully, leaning on her elbows in the mud. May laughed and stood up, a bit shaky from sitting down under her foe so long but smiling all the while.

“Yea! You like that, slut! Such a little horn ball even your rival can get you off!” she crowed. She kicked a bit of mud at her, Misty just squeaking and raising an arm weakly in defense of the splash. May sighed and rolled her shoulders proudly, marching up after Misty.

“Got to give you that, though…. Your weak slutty ass got me off good.” She stepped out of her shorts as she approached, kicking them off and pushing her muddy foot into Misty’s face, shoving her with a weak grunt onto her back. May sat herself down on Misty’s upper chest, pressing down on Misty’s arms with her thighs.

“I made you cum, red. You’re MY bitch now, not his! So what do good bitches do?” She’d shove her snatch into Misty’s face, urging her on as the whimpering redhead was forced between her legs, lapping obediently after a few moments of confused hesitation. May hummed and moaned, leaning back and cupping her breast with her free hand. Misty ate her out faster, May humming and grinding harder. She started gasping when Misty hit with her counter attack, legs lashing up behind her unguarded back and wrapping around her neck, ankles pulling her down backward into the mud. She bounced a bit, and Misty gripped her ass, keeping her hips in her face as she delivered her cunnilingus with a vengeance, May still wailing and writhing enough that it wasn’t even clear she noticed her being dethroned.

Intent on making her pay, Misty squeezed her buttocks roughly, May squealing in reluctant pleasure as she was held facedown in the messy mud, a few feet from the creek as her foe ate her out with near ferocity, though her intent always to pleasure. She poured her anger and vengeance into suckling at her clit, wrapping her tongue around it to guide it deeper between her lips and slurping loudly before letting it slide back into place. Her legs clamped tightly around May’s neck to keep her stuck in her trap.

May gasped and wriggled, toes curling as May grew close to her climax. Misty kissed at her pussy softly then, May panting rapidly and shivering in her grip. Misty didn’t go for the orgasm, letting her opponent draw out until she was whimpering beneath her.
“G…go on…” May pleaded. “Finish… it…”
“Beg me,” Misty purred, nuzzling her clit with her nose.
“Wh… wha…”
“You beg me or I’ll see to it you don’t ever cum again,” Misty hissed more coldly, letting her teeth squeeze gently. May screamed and felt herself on the edge, legs tensing and shivering but Misty still forbidding her from release.
“Beg me like a horny little mutt,” Misty ordered firmly.
“Nnnnggh! Fiiine! Please…. Please let me cum!”
“That’s it!” Misty insisted, giving sparing kisses and licks at her loins. “Say my name, pussy…”
“Uhhhhuuuh!” May wailed desperately, mad and eyes forced shut with the intense feeling in her loins. “Please please pleaaase! Eat my dripping pussy, Misty! I want it!” she belted out. Misty smiled and started to lap up more, working her over with her lips and tongue to drive her mad but rewarding her lewd praise and begging. May yelped like a horny animal as Misty suggested, grunting and bucking her hips against Misty’s lips. “I’m so bad… so fucking bad! Gimee! Please fuck me like a slut I’m so damn baaaad!”

Misty laughed just a moment before she planted a kiss under the base of May’s clit, suddenly shivering and letting out a loud cry as she shot her warm, sticky cum into Misty’s lips. She slurped it up, eating up her ejaculate and chuckling softly. She held tightly onto May’s thighs, something like a matchbook pin  as her legs quivered in the air. “Ahh! Ahhhhnn!” She yelped out, Misty holding her tight until she was milked and drank dry, just damp with aftermath of her cumming.

“Th… thanks…” May panted. “Now... lemee gaaaaahhHH!” May shrieked out as Misty took another large, wet lick of her cunny, squeezing her head tight with her legs. “Ah ah! You aren’t getting off that easy. So to speak, anyway.”
“You… ohhhhh… lemee go! You can’t do thAAA!” SMECK!
Misty’s hand whipped across her raised ass suddenly. “Tell me what I can’t do again, tramp! See what happens!” She slapped her ass a few more times, leaving red marks across her pale cheeks. She hooked her arms around May’s legs to hold her steady, using her fingers to probe at her snatch and keep her clit hard.
“AHH! I’m sorry! I’m oooooohh, pleaaase stoooop!” Misty’s fingers probed her deeper as she grew wetter, May thrashing in her grip desperately but only serving to shift her crotch even more rapidly against Misty’s fingers, using up her precious energy. May’s breathing grew rapid, even quicker then before, then squirting through Misty’s fingers within minutes. She sweat heavily, her feminine scent filling Misty’s nose. It was a sensation that made her drool, her saliva running over May’s cunny in a way that just made her writhe all the more, pussy all the wetter for it.
“Please… no more… can’t…” May gasped, breasts heaving desperately but Misty just reaching down to pinch them, making her squeak loudly as Misty kissed at her snatch again.
“Silly bitch. How could a man like Ash want a girl weak enough to only cum once and be all tired out? Bout time I showed you what it takes to be a REAL woman!”

May screamed out pleadingly, threatening and fighting and cursing and praising all in the time span of an hour, but Misty kept her head held tight.
“You dirty tramp! You let me go or I’ll wring yOOOOHHH!”
“Please… please no more… I’ll stop! I swear! He’s yours, just let meeEEEEE!!”
“Fuck…. Oh fuck, please! Yea! Yea, lower! Just a little OOOOOO you’re so fucking good, holy shit!”

And so it went on. Misty eased her legs as May's fighting grew weaker and weaker with each coming orgasm, soon hardly more than shuddering between gushing spurts of cum. Misty’s hands were sticky with it, and her lips and nose shone with a thin coating of her opponent’s cream. Something that might have been humiliating in other circumstances, she wore with pride. She evn went back for seconds… or fiftheenths, as it were. May shrieked and shivered, feeling like a living vibrator in her arms.

“Mmm, tasty for a little slut… ready for another round, sweety?” she cooed. May just breathed heavily beneath her, twitching and not much else. She looked down to see May’s eyes wide, fluttering oddly now and then before she flopped back in the mud, sweaty hair hanging in the water and waving along the current. Misty smiled down at her, letting her go so May flopped pathetically in the mud. “Damn straight,” she said quietly, standing up and heading to the water. She took her time bathing herself, taking the cum and mud and sweat off of her, enjoying the refreshing cool over her hot body while May was passed out in the mud. It was petty and spiteful, but dammit it made her feel like royalty. She’d have a clean body and a warm sleeping bag, while the weaker girl and her lesser body and pussy would have a messy and cold ground to sleep on.

She couldn’t help but watch the unconscious May as she bathed, letting the current was through her lap and touching herself, fingering to another orgasm before she smiled and sighed, letting a smooth orgasm out in the water, like she had so many times alone in her family’s swimming pool. Goosebumps over her skin, she licked her lips, gathering up her muddy clothes and toting them back to camp in quiet, smug triumph.

Similarly sighing, content as a Buddhist monk free of his worldly bonds, Brock folded up his binoculars. He finished up his handful of bacon quietly, waiting for Misty to disapear before he thought of moving. “Well,” he grunted, sitting up and handing another strip down to Pikachu. “That officially makes this the best day of my life. Thanks for the heads up, little guy.”  He passed off a paper bag of poke chow and a bottle of ketchup, Pikachu hopping the few inches up to pluck up his payment. They traded a little two-fingered mock salute and trotted off back to camp.
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Offline sleepycat

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Re: A Misty May (pokemon sexfight)
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2010, 05:02:45 AM »
best story in pokemon


Offline Zod

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Re: A Misty May (pokemon sexfight)
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2010, 08:16:36 AM »
I enjoyed the story too, well done.