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Best Friend's Sister, Part Eighteen

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Offline Jon Grey

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Best Friend's Sister, Part Eighteen
« on: July 09, 2018, 10:25:56 AM »
We both woke up in the bedroom, just before sunrise. Tiffany looked me in the eye with a smile. "See, don't you feel better?" We both laughed and kissed. 
"Sorry, baby. I've got to get to class today. Busy week." I nodded. The same with me, I realized. I shoved Kara's CD into my backpack, having uploaded it already with the intent to drop it off to either Dan or Connie. We showered, separately to avoid temptation, and I drove Tiff to her sorority house before parking on campus. Classes went by quickly, and I was about to call Dan as I stepped out of my last lecture when I heard my name. I turned to see Connie walking up, her big boobs bouncing beneath her blouse. 
"Hey, Connie. How's the newest Hooters girl?" I asked. She laughed, clutching her books to her chest and squeezing her bra-clad breasts out a bit. 
"Great. I'm actually really looking forward to having a job. Dan's nice, but he buys everything, and I know he needs to save for school." I grinned. 
"That's really nice," I told her. I pulled the CD out of my backpack and handed it to her. Connie's eyes bugged out as she read the disk. 
"Is this?" I nodded. 
"Yep. Watch Kara and Darla go at it, tit to tit. I haven't seen it yet, but I was planning on watching it tonight. Now you two can do the same. It might help Dan get over some of his nervousness of seeing his girlfriend topless in public, to say nothing of bashing her boobs against someone else's pair." Connie blushed, but gently cupped her left breast. 
"Did you like that picture Tiffany sent you?" I swallowed, suddenly uncomfortable. 
"It's ok," Connie said. "I'm not coming on to you. But it was a bit fun to show off for you. Did you like your girlfriend holding my boob?" I smiled and nodded. 
"Yeah, it was hot seeing my girlfriend holding your beaten tit," I shot. Connie's smile faded, but remained a slight curve. 
"Meanie," she pouted. We both laughed. 
"Enjoy the show tonight," I called. She waved and I walked away. I hoped that Dan and Connie would be more at ease watching the fight, though I realized that I hadn't seen it. I swallowed, hoping Connie wouldn't get scared off. 
A text pinged off my phone. I checked it, and saw Tiffany's number. "Can't see you tonight. Will be up late decorating with the girls. Sorry. Love U. Check for pics later." 
I grinned, though I was a bit disappointed about not seeing my girlfriend. I imagined our lives would both be pretty hectic. I went to my dad's shop to work. I was in the back room when I heard my dad talking to someone. It was a place of business, I realized, and talking to someone wasn't a complete shock. 
The surprise came when I heard my name. "Yeah, he's in the back." 
I walked out, wiping my hands off with the towel I kept on the rack just for that purpose. I was much more surprised than I should have been to see Sabrina standing there, a warm smile on her face. 

"Hi, Jon," she said, softly. "Can we talk?" I nodded. 
"Hey Dad, I'm going to take a quick break." He looked up at the clock. 
"Eh, you're done. You get that new shipment put up?" He asked. I nodded. "Then get outta here." 
He was eyeing Sabrina suspiciously, and I shook my head slightly, knowing I'd have to explain her presence. She was a gorgeous girl, mirroring Tiffany in  almost every way. Her firm tits were encased in a tunic, the rounded breasts pushing the fabric out. I saw the hint of the bra strap shift as she stood. Her jeans hugged her hips tightly and she moved with grace. I kept my attention on her eyes, though, and almost grinned to myself. I could see the venom in them. She was still furious from the embarrassment at the sorority house, I realized. 
"Can we go to your place to talk?" she asked, her voice velvet and smoke. I almost laughed right in her face, but thought I should be nicer. I'd seen Tiffany's darker side start to emerge with Amanda. I had no desire to see it from someone as malicious as Sabrina could be. I tried to keep an even keel. 
"How about the coffee shop?" I offered. She shrugged. 
"Sure." I saw her car in the small lot in front of my father's store. "Meet you there," I told her. 
I texted Tiffany as soon as I got in the car: "About to meet with Sabrina at coffee shop." 
The reply was immediate: "Why?" 
"She wants to talk," I tapped. 
"Don't touch her," she replied. With a sad face. That certainly steeled my resolve as I pulled into the coffee shop. 
I found Sabrina already there, leaning over the table to expose just the barest hint of her cleavage. I smiled as I sat down. 
"What's up?" I asked. 
"I just wanted to see how you were doing after the unfortunate incident at the house with your girlfriend," she assured me. "You know," she whispered, "after you came all over her beaten nipples?" I grinned. 
"Pretty well. I heard that she got you pretty good... Oh wait, I was right there." Sabrina's smile tightened, but to her credit gave no other hint that I'd upset her. I could feel the tension emanating off of her, though, and knew I'd hit a nerve. Proud one, I realized. 
"Oh, ha ha. She got a few people to root for the underdog, that's true," she spat. 
"Sabrina, I'm a fan of college football; you know how you compare two teams without much of a history?" Sabrina shrugged, looking at me with a bored stare. So I stuck the dagger. "Common opponents," I whispered. "And how those games went. If both teams win, then it's usually a good indicator if one team dominated them, versus one of them barely winning. Like Loni, for instance."
"Tiff got lucky, you asshole," she snapped. "I beat her the last time, remember? You got a nice BJ while you sucked on these?" She lewdly cupped her perfect boobs. I looked around, noticing the few people looking at her. 
"As lucky as you did when Loni missed?" I fired back. Sabrina's eyes tightened into slits. She stood up and looked down at me. 
"I can't wait to destroy her again, Jon. And I am going to make you do it." She stormed off, leaving me slightly shaken, but also a bit proud that I was able to get to her. "I had this idea that you and I might be able to come out of this with something. You're on my list now, too." I smiled at her as she bolted from the coffee shop. 
As soon as she pulled out of the coffee shop's lot, I texted Tiff. "Watch out. She's pissed." 
Her reply came, and I actually laughed out loud on my way out the door: "Thanks! Love U 2!"
When I got to my place, I crawled into bed and took a nap. I woke up later than I'd intended. I had just pulled out my book to study when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Tiffany, who was wearing a silly grin. 
"I know I said I couldn't come by tonight, but we actually finished early, plus I had to see you and thank you in person. I have never seen Sabrina so pissed off. And I mean that. What did you do to her?" I grinned. 
"I told her no," I said simply. I took a drink from the glass of water. "Care for a drink?" Tiffany smiled at me. 
"You weren't even tempted, were you?" she asked. I shook my head. 
"I'm going to be honest," I told her. "I know you're going to share. And I want that bitch tenderized Before I get her." Tiffany's mouth fell open, but she was smiling the entire time. 
"You are so bad," she laughed. I laughed with her. 
"I just thought it'd be nice to finally put her in her place," I said seriously. "I tried to keep out of it, but she actually alluded to a relationship at the coffee shop. I'm glad she knows where she stands," I said. "Or kneels," I added. Tiffany smiled, but was obviously uncomfortable discussing a win that she hadn't gotten yet. I shifted gears. "But I wanted her off my back." 
"Oh, she'll probably try to get back at you," Tiffany said, "but it'll depend on what happens Saturday night." Halloween was only a few scant days away. I reminded her that I hadn't seen her in her costume. "And you won't until the party, baby. I've spent a lot of time making it perfect for you." 
"That doesn't help me not want to see it," I complained. 
"Are you going to be jealous of the other guys that will be looking at me?" she asked. 
"Maybe. But I'll be prouder to show you off," I said, honestly. Tiff grinned. 

"I so wish I could stay and thank you properly," Tiff said, sighing. "But I need to get back. Thanks for sticking up for me," she whispered. She leaned in to kiss me goodbye, and I got an eyeful of her bra-clad cleavage down the t-shirt before we kissed. As she pulled away, she shook her tits. 
"Sweet dreams, baby," she whispered. I sighed as I watched her stand. 
"Hey," I called as she turned. "Thanks for coming by," I said, standing to walk her to the door. 
"But we didn't do anything," Tiffany said, smiling, shaking her head to clear the hair from her face. 
"I got to spend some time with my girlfriend when I thought I wouldn't. It's a good night," I told her. I kissed her. She smiled up at me.
 "But the next time I see you, I'll want a couple of hours." She nodded. I felt the command slip into my voice. "And I'll want you without a bra. That's the standard, isn't it?" Tiffany's eyes closed and she nodded. I kissed her again and she grinned. 
"You're learning way too quickly," she breathed. 
I smiled until the door closed, and swore as I took some deep breaths. I remembered a video that I'd uploaded the night before and grinned as I went to watch it.
I was curious as to how the little cocksucker Darla had tamed Kara's massive jugs. I grinned as I sat down to watch the movie, wondering what made me harder: the memory of the slender Darla on her knees, servicing me after her loss to Tiffany, or my favorite titfight loss, as Kara shoved her big udders into her mouth and sucked on them. I felt bad for Kara's continued "punishment" from Tiffany, but it always got me a bit turned on. 
The video came to life and I forgot for some time about the pity I'd taken on Kara. It was deserved according to their rules, but she'd been handling it pretty well; at the restaurant, it almost seemed like she enjoyed it. And I couldn't deny that I'd enjoyed seeing her big tits on the screen. I didn't have to wait long to see them again, as she and Kara engaged for the nipple fight.  I realized I'd missed some major trash talking as I turned up the video. I contemplated rewinding it, but the first contact had been made. I leaned back to watch Kara take Darla's nipples on and out. I was surprised, watching, but Kara's fight had been well thought out. She had not done too much, but landed a lot of smaller blows. Darla, apparently couldn't keep up. 
I enjoyed watching her celebration, smiling as she spazzed out just a bit, and then laughing as she completely forgot to make Darla pay. She did seem to enjoy it when Darla finally got hold of her nipples, and seeing the beaten redhead on her knees again forced my hand to my cock. 
They went after each other in the titfight (Kara had apparently edited the break. I reminded myself to thank her for that). Darla's strategy to use her smaller tits to  stab and grind met Kara's strategy to use her heavy hangers to batter the redhead's boobs. It was indecisive, as both women landed good blows, their tits jiggling, though Kara's shook a lot more. Then they became entangled, and before I realized what was happening, they were on each other, punching and slapping. Sabrina and Tiffany were among the girls pulling them apart, and I recognized Chrissy and Emma as well. 
Another break had the titfight restarting, and this time both girls were obviously angry. Kara's meaty boobs were flying all over the room. The fight's stalemate ended, it seemed when Kara's slick hands fell from Darla's shoulders, and Darla's bearhug was cinched. Kara's heavy teats pancaked, ballooning out, and Darla made it clear that she was in control. Kara struggled gamely, but then Darla picked her up, a show of strength I found surprising. Kara's fight was useless now, as Darla began pounding and pushing the larger girl's boobs around. Kara's tits flopped and sloshed over her chest before Darla picked her up again. It was too much for Kara, and as she gave up, Darla shouted and dropped her. Kara's heavy udders hung towards the floor. Darla was fairly gentle in terms of public humiliation, until I heard her say "Time to break you." Knowing that's exactly what happened made me explode. 
As I came down, I wondered if Kara had gotten off on it, too. Tiff had explained the submissive thing to me, but it was becoming harder to grasp as I saw the embarrassment that Chrissy, Darla, and even Tiffany had doled out.  I cleaned up and headed to bed. 
The next few days followed a stringent routine. My anticipation for the party on Saturday was making me more energetic, and the encounter with both Tiffany and Sabrina certainly had me geared up. About the only difference in my routine was rounding out my costume with boots and a long black coat (which was actually kinda cool). Other than that, I studied, worked, and slept. By the time Friday night rolled around, I was ready for the weekend. Tiffany actually called just as I had finished my supper. 
"You ready for tomorrow?" she asked. She sounded winded. 
"Yeah. What have you been up to?" I asked. 
"Oh, we just got down off the roof. Had to finish Satanic Santa." I laughed. 
"Sounds like fun," I told her. 
"It was," she responded. 
"Can you come by about an hour early tomorrow?" I agreed. 
"Why?" I asked. 
"Well, I'm going to need some help with my costume," Tiffany said slyly. 
"Getting in or out?" I asked. 
"In. But that doesn't mean you can't peek," she offered. 
"Can I get a peek now?" I pushed. There was a beat. 
"Um, I'm pretty much in the common room," she replied. I grinned. 
"Oooh. Public!" I squealed. Tiffany laughed. 
"You gonna be here?" she asked. I agreed and we said our goodbyes. 
The night was filled with dreams and I felt like it went too fast, as I woke up right around dawn, waiting for the party. I did study, and finished at least one big project. There weren't going to be any interruptions, I realized. I did take about an hour to reflect on what changes my relationship to Tiffany were going to endure. Part of my lustful considerations were that Sabrina would be our little pet for the evening. I imagined my role would be minimal but enjoyable. 
I also thought about Sabrina's words in the coffee shop: that I might play bigger role in Tiffany's humiliation if she lost. My biggest fear was that in paying the debt, Tiffany would realize she couldn't take it and leave. Part of me knew that she was stronger than that, that she'd stick it out and we'd figure out a way to work it out. But that little lingering voice was always looming. That doubt that one of us would do permanent damage still rested in the back of my mind. 
 I had lost myself in thinking for some time and cursed under my breath as I scrambled to pull my costume together. I left off the hat simply holding it as I approached. The first thing I noticed was a black sleigh and two black (obviously fake horses) on the roof. In the sleigh was something wearing a black hood and holding what looked from my vantage point to be a real scythe. I noticed a string of lights, not yet active lining the sleigh and some parts of the horses. There were orange and harvest-like decorations covering the front of the house, and one buxom girl that I recognized standing at the front door. 
Dan chose her costume well, as Connie was wearing one of the most revealing tavern wench outfits I'd ever seen. The nipples were pushing against the fabric noticeably, but the expansive view of the top of her tits was certainly drawing my attention more. I didn't hide my stare as I walked up. The blonde noticed my stare and looked down at her deep, inviting cleavage. 
"Do you think Dan will like it?" She gently hopped, letting her big tits jiggle up and down and all around. I nodded. Suddenly, she grew a bit shy. 
"Do you like it?" I nodded. 
"You look great," I told her, a bit uncomfortable to be staring so brazenly. 
"Thanks for the video," she told me. "I think Dan likes the idea of me titfighting now. Just not his sister." She laughed. "Tiff's inside waiting for you," she told me. I thanked her, loving the view of her impressive breasts as I walked inside. The entire room had changed. Instead of the pristine white walls, there was some sort of red, fake blood liquid running down them, including the words "Get Down" written on the wall as I walked in. Food was filing being brought in rapidly by several girls as Cassie and Tanya worked the tables, while two girls, a slender redhead and a short-haired blonde with a few more curves decorated feverishly. Before I finished walking to the stairs, a new skull candle had been lit and placed on the mantel. 
I bumped into a brunette girl dressed as a police officer, but her shirt was barely on, and the gaping costume barely covered her breasts. They were full and round, though smaller than some, and definitely not in my girl's class.  She smiled as she saw me staring and I headed up the stairs. I shook my head. I had no idea that the house was going to be run by barely clad girls, but I certainly wasn't complaining. I hoped that a nice time with Tiffany before the party would alleviate at least some of the stress. 
I was, as usual, wrong. After I knocked, a half-naked Amanda opened the door. She was wearing a plaid skirt and some knee-high boots, but her big jugs were out there for public consumption. 
"Come in," she said. "I need help with this costume." Tiffany was waiting on her bed, sitting next to a white top. Amanda's nipples were hard, and her tits shook as she led me to the bed. "I'm not strong enough to tie the shirt between my breasts," she told me. "Tiffany was hoping you could help." I was far too turned on to be upset about it, I realized. And I nodded. 
"Gladly," I told her. She slipped the shirt over her shoulders, her big boobs jiggling in front of me. 

I began pulling the fabric tight, understanding why she had such problems with the top. It was probably about a square foot of fabric too small. As I was manipulating the top Amanda shifted to the right, brushing her left breast over my hand. I looked up at her to see a slight smile and gave Tiffany, still on the bed, a questioning look. She flashed a smile as Amanda rolled her shoulders back to the left, putting more tit onto my hands. 
I looked into the blonde's eyes, and saw them sparkle, though her face remained relatively impassive. The third time I felt her big, fleshy tit roll over my hand, I cupped it, shaking the boob without any pretense of accidental contact. She stopped, allowing my casual grope of her left teat. Tiffany grinned as I took the gift, using both hands to shake Amanda's big boobs all over her chest. Her nipples hardened as I worked, and I finally peeled the shirt off. 
"Raise your arms," I told her. With her shoulders out of the way, I made a makeshift bikini out of the white fabric, and in fairness I did try to cover as much of her big jugs as I could. When we were done, Amanda smiled at me. The fabric was stretched taut over her sizable jugs, so tight that I could see the darker areola behind her stiff peaks. 
"Naughty schoolgirl," I commented. "Good choice." 
"It was mine," Tiffany said. Amanda nodded. 
"I like it," Amanda added. I nodded back, groping her tits again. 
"So do I. Thanks for that," I told her sincerely. 
"Anytime," Amanda nodded. "I'm heading downstairs to help Connie at the door," she offered. 
As the door closed I looked at a smiling Tiffany. 
"Happy Halloween," she whispered. I returned the greeting and kissed her. "It's my favorite holiday. I'm going to make it yours, too. You want to help me get in my costume?" I nodded. I watched her strip: she didn't do any dance, but she went slowly, removing her shirt so I could appreciate the extra time she'd been spending at the gym. I saw the tone in her arms and muscles on her stomach, and as she reached up to unclasp her bra, I found my eyes following the smooth even lines of her neck as they drifted into her shoulders. Then I followed her collarbone as it led to her breast bone and as she pulled of her bra, she let her hands gently caress her perfect, slightly hanging breasts. Her nipples hardened as she touched the sides of her generous tits. She continued the strip tease, bending over. Her tits swung slowly and she turned around. 
I had always been a tit-guy, but seeing her ass made me actually reach out and rub it. Tiffany groaned as I filled my hand with her firm butt. She was perfect, I realized, and as she pulled down her panties, I couldn't help it. I leaned in, my falling behind. Tiffany grabbed the bed as my tongue reached out for her lips. 
She was breathing hard when she finished, and handed me a couple of tissues. 
"Glad I'd already decided to change," she said heavily. "Wow." 
"I figured you could use a relaxing... event," I said finally finding the right word.
"Good call. You ready to help me into that dress?" I nodded and we worked slowly on getting her into the dress. I remember Tombstone: I'm a guy, after all, and Doc Holliday with the fastest hand in the west was also a big scholar. The justification for my sudden enjoyment of the character was not accidental. He had not been my choice until Tiffany's obvious love of the character persuaded me to think otherwise, and I admit, it was fun wearing the hat.
Tiffany's body was not built for that dress, but it sure got my attention. The neckline came across the breasts, just about one-third the way up her magnificent rack. Her nipples pushed through the fabric, stubborn and strong. The shoulders were bare, covered only with decorative lace, and I found myself caressing her shoulder. 
"I like this dress," I whispered. 
"I like that you like this dress," Tiffany told me. "I guess we should get going," she sighed. "I need to mingle, and you need to see the rest of the house." I followed Tiffany out and into the hallway. Two girls whom I did not know were there, wearing matching cat suits. Well, whiskers and ears with black bras and bikini bottoms. "Hey Terri, Kerri," Tiffany said. 
The two women turned to face us. "Hey Tiff," one of them said, beaming. "You having a good time?" she asked. I had no idea which was which, and I realized after just a moment that the two were sisters. Their faces, both high boned and sharp, were not identical, but were similar enough that I almost thought twins. 
"Great Kerri. This is my boyfriend, Jon." The girl that had spoken stepped forward. Her slim figure was almost identical to her sister's. They both sported long legs, and while their tits weren't huge, they looked exceedingly firm in the bikinis. Terri's nipples were hard, and I glanced away as soon as I noticed, trying to remain at least tolerated in the sorority house. Everything about Kerri was compact. She was attractive but a bit shorter, a bit smaller, and a bit less buxom than some of the girls I'd met. I realized I'd been spoiled staying with Tiffany; the larger breasts of my girlfriend were now my starting point. She was incredibly toned, as was her sister, though Kerri was easily more defined than Terri. As I repeated their names in my head, I wondered why their parents had done that.
The girls, both blondes tonight, it seemed, eyed me for a moment.
"This is the guy that threw Sabrina into that fit?" Her eyes stayed on me for another second, before she turned back to Tiffany. "You two are going at it tonight, right?" Tiffany nodded. Everyone had heard at the meeting. 
"Yeah, at Jon's place. It's gotten a bit personal." Kerri and Terri both nodded. 
"We've heard," they said together. For Halloween, that was pretty creepy, I thought. Tiffany wasn't fazed at all, though, and they said their goodbyes. 
"Who were the twins? I asked as they left. 
"They're not twins, but they are sisters: just over a year apart. Kerri's the elder and is actually quite the student. Until one of our parties; she gets a bit wild then. Terri's always partying; very consistent." I chuckled as we made our way down the stairs. When we reached the bottom, Tiffany suddenly turned and kissed me. It lasted longer than I thought, but I wasn't complaining, and as she pulled away she eyed me hungrily. 
"You're going to see some things that might put you off; only because you don't see them. A LOT of PDA goes on at our parties, and it's not just making out on the couch sometimes. It's not like it's an orgy, but I wanted to give you the heads up. It freaked me out the first time I saw it." 
"Freaked you out or turned you on?" Tiffany bristled, but I heard just a bit of "you got me" in her voice. 
"The two aren't mutually exclusive," she whispered. We made our way into the entryway. The party had just started going and now I understood why we came back downstairs. 
"There's a costume contest tonight," Tiff said. "It's usually pretty fun to watch. Sadly, we won't get to tonight." 
I grinned. "Is it a private party?" I asked. Tiffany's eyebrows shot up. 
"You haven't heard about it?" I shook my head. 
"You may have mentioned a party..." Tiffany giggled interrupting me. 
"Oh, it's not a party, Jon. It's the party." When I got into the foyer, my jaw dropped. There was a huge orange banner with black, jagged writing: "Everyone Parties with BOOBs" and underneath, in much smaller type: "sponsored by Beta Omega Omega Beta sorority." Aside from the banner, there had to be at least seventy people milling about the small room, brushing up against me and one another. I had to be careful not to grope two girls who drunkenly flailed into me. Tiffany pulled me through, a grin on her face. Tiffany noticed my gaze drawn to her cleavage. 
"I don't know why you still look," Tiffany laughed. "You've gotta have 'em memorized by now." She did shake her tits, letting the flesh ripple below the black cloth of her costume. I looked at her face, and she smirked. "You'll get them later, baby," she promised. "I've got to go mingle and see how the setup for the party is going. Can you get to the dance room on your own?" 
"I'll follow the half-naked girl," I told her nodding. Tiffany exploded in laughter. 
"Good luck!" she said. She kissed me on the cheek and went off. I turned my eyes to the foyer again, trying to navigate when I bumped into Dan. He was wearing a tweed jacket and carrying a pipe. His eyes were wide as he checked out the amount of people. 
"Holy fuck!" Dan shouted. "Jon, thank God. Where are we?" 
"THE Party, like the big one. Tiffany was telling me about it before she had to leave. She told me to head to the dance room. Did Connie tell you where it is?" Dan nodded. I'd been there before, but wanted to make sure Dan could get there if we got separated, which looked more likely as more people came in the front door. Most of the girls were actually dressed pretty normally for Halloween; perhaps a bit more skin than usual, but the real surprise was that those were the conservative costumes. Some girls were almost naked, and I wondered how they came in. One girl, a striking blonde came in as a fairy; I'd seen similar costumes before, but the diaphanous outfit this time lacked the usual flesh-colored leotard. Her breasts and even her shaved pussy were in view as she passed us. She noticed Dan looking and winked at him, but Dan nodded and turned away. The girl shrugged and continued walking. 
"Holy. Shit." Dan said. I nodded. As we made our way to the stairs, a group of girls bumped into me. One of them I had seen that night, but the other two I had not. All three looked familiar from outside the party, but in the noise and distraction of the surroundings, I couldn't place them. The one I had seen, a cute redhead with a slim build smiled. Her small boobs didn't need the aid of a bra, if the impressions of her nipples on the tight black t-shirt were any indication. Remembering Amy the waitress, I kept my eyes to the redhead's face.

"I hear your girl is going after Sabrina tonight?" I nodded. She motioned for us to continue up the stairs. "I hope your staying for our freshman fight. A really top-heavy blonde is taking an upperclassmen on. Her first fight in the sorority." Dan grinned, and the redhead noticed. 
"Dan?" she asked. "I'm Corey. These two girls are Gina and Gloria." She motioned to the blondes behind her. Gina was just a hair taller than Gloria, and her hair fell to below her shoulders. She was dressed as a sexy something, judging from the half-buttoned shirt and fake name plastered on it. Her tanned tits were pushed up and out by her red bra, making it impossible for me to gauge the size of her jugs. Gloria was a bit shorter, and did not need a pushup bra. Judging from the way she filled her playboy bunny outfit, the natural cleavage was more than enough to entice any red-blooded male to look. So I did. 
Corey continued, grinning as I stared. "Hey! Nice to see a face to go with those descriptions of you, Dan. Your face isn't usually the topic of conversation with Connie," she added, her voice teasing. Dan blushed immediately. 
"Just remember to listen for the announcement," she added, her voice informative again. "The music gets loud, and other activities tend to distract." I worried for a moment that she was talking about something involving drugs when I remembered Tiffany's warning. I nodded my understanding. 
"Good to meet you, Dan," the redhead said. She turned her eye to me and carefully said goodbye. I wondered about the reaction, but there was little I could do; our conversation had taken us up the web-ridden staircase and into a long hallway. There were skeletons hanging off the doors, and the "dance room" had two double doors that were wide open. Cool smoke spilled out of the frame, covering the bare edges of the hallway, and loud dance music came from the room. Shrugging, I looked at Dan. 
"I have no idea what's going on in there," I admitted. Dan nodded. 
"How the hell could you?" he asked, incredulous. As I took a step forward, I felt a hand on my shoulder. 
I turned around to see Dan with  a contemplative look on his face. He sighed, then shook his head. "Look, man. I don't know what's going on with you and my sister in terms of tonight. I know it's huge, and it means a lot to Tiffany. I don't think you're the kind of guy to bail, so don't think I'm accusing you, but please do what you can to make this thing work. I think she likes you, and it's been a while since she's actually cared. Now don't say anything, and if you tell her I said any of this, I will deny it to her, and bury your ass later." Dan strode towards the dark doorway. 
I grinned and followed him in. The scene was actually much less foreboding. The outside of the rectangular room was lined with soft lights, and half the room was dedicated to tables (all of which were full). There was a stage, behind which was some massive looking display of radio equipment. The music wasn't overbearing, but it was loud. The dance floor was just as full as the tables were, and it looked like there had to be at least 100 people in the room.  There were some tables where no one was sitting, but those tables were filled with either food or punch. Judging from the amount of people dancing, and what those people were wearing, it was definitely alcoholic. I steered clear, though I noticed Dan make a beeline. 
I realized he needed to relax, and so I looked around for Tiffany, wondering if she'd made it yet. As I turned around, I bumped into someone. Tanya had changed quickly and was wearing a feather in her hair and had some blue paint on her face. The faux-leather bikini top barely held her massive rack in. I sighed as I realized I didn't care about the cultural stereotypes being perpetuated. I looked right down her top. She grinned at me. "Aren't you attached?" she asked. I nodded "yes" and looked sheepish for a moment. 
"Tell Tiffany I'm wishing her luck. I wish I could be there to see it," she said. "You guys are coming downstairs for the fight, though, right?" I nodded. "Well, it should be in about ten minutes." 
"What about the costume party?" I asked. 
Tanya replied, "They run them at the same time so no one outside the sorority finds out what's going on. Everyone's distracted by half of our girls spilling out of costumes. Even I thought about staying for it. But I think I'll go see what this Connie chick's all about. She's new." Apparently the one secret that hadn't gotten out was that Dan was Tiffany's brother. I nodded, thanking her and looked to find Dan. He was standing by the table, drinking a glass of the punch. Very slowly. I followed his stare and nodded. Cassie walked by, her costume basically what looked to be Lara Croft, at least judging by the white tank top and bra pushing her firm tits almost through the top. Dan's eyes traced her all the way to the door, where she disappeared into the hallway. 
I wondered why Tiffany told me to meet her in the dance room. I could see no one I knew there, though as Tanya made her way across the hall, I saw Loni, wearing a cowgirl hat walking over to me, her braless breasts shaking under the vest that barely buttoned in front of her. Her expression softened when she got closer, but not much. 
"You're Tiffany's guy, aren't you?" she asked. She was as blunt as she was aggressive I realized. I kept my eyes up; I got the feeling Loni would actually mind my looking at her full tits. Plus I wanted to gauge her support for my girl. 
"She beat my titties pretty good, didn't she?" she asked cupping them. I struggled not to look, failing as her breasts bounced from her jostling. "Eyes up here, pervert," she said. She was smiling though. 
"Yeah," I agreed. "She thrashed you." Loni's smile faded, though not completely. 
"But the bitch was good to me. Tell her I'm on her side tonight." As Loni turned to leave, I saw Cassie making her way to the stage, microphone in hand. Loni's smile did fade completely as their eyes met. "You still want me before Thanksgiving?" Loni asked. Cassie, who had darkened her hair for the Lara Croft costume, nodded. 
"You and me, bitch." Loni made a sound that almost sounded like a growl but turned and almost ran over me. I stepped out of the way as I watched her breasts shake inside her vest. 
Loni's declaration of her allegiance to Tiff was the first sign I'd received that the fight had become a big deal to the sorority. I realized the only people coming up to me were the ones supporting my girl. The redhead I'd seen earlier had been guarded with her greeting and farewell. It's like the fight had split the sorority down the middle. My head began swimming with the implication of the fight, and I sat down to make sense of it all. Suddenly, I felt warm breath in my ear. 
"We're starting soon, Jon," Tiffany's voice filled me with warmth. "Do you want to see another titfight?" I turned to look down my girlfriend's shirt and groaned as she shook them for me. "You are too fucking easy," Tiff laughed. "Although you must have some self-control. I understand several girls have already approached you." I looked around, surprised. 
"Oh, I've got eyes and ears all over this place, baby. You're on my turf now. I guess the fact that you haven't gotten any relief from these suitors is a good sign for us," she teased. "But we've got to get downstairs." 
"Won't someone notice?" I asked. 
"I doubt it. Watch." She pointed me to the stage, where Cassie had suddenly appeared. The microphone was on, and her voice boomed out across the room.
"Welcome, BOOB lovers!!" A spirited cheer arose from the mass of people in the room. "We are now at the central part of the party. We have the costume party this early, because you fuckers will be drunk off your ass in an hour!" another cheer and several cries of "Too late!" met Cassie's announcement.
"As per usual, the Delta Iota Kappa Kappas have generously donated their time and ridiculous acronym to our cause. Three cheers for DIKKs!" A rousing huzzah, led by Cassie rang through the hall. I was doubling over in laughter. Three solid looking guys were on the stage holding up placards. Each of them could have kicked my ass. Easily. I gazed at Tiffany's face and she shrugged. 
"Yes, I dated a DIKK. Guess what? Most of them are fine. He fit the acronym." I sighed but felt her hands on my chest, and the swell of her breasts against my neck. 
"I'll prove that you're my choice a bit later. We should get going." I stood and reluctantly followed Tiffany out. Part of me was excited that I'd get to see Connie go up against another girl, but the other part of me wanted to see all these girls parading around in next to nothing. As I watched Tiffany's ass sway, I realized that I already had the best girl in the house, and that I'd get to see her naked in a few hours. 
We made our way through a thinning crowd. Most people were heading upstairs, which made going downstairs a royal pain. As we hit the foyer, I saw Amanda at the door. She waved at me and Tiffany, almost exposing her right breast. She quickly put her hand down, but I notice that she didn't readjust the top. 
"I think she likes you," Tiff teased. 
"I think she likes you," I shot back. Tiffany laughed. 
"I didn't expect her to be so agreeable," Tiffany conceded. "But I really think that part of it was Cassie's threat." 
"Yeah, what's up with the whips?" 
"Cassie's going into film," Tiffany said. "She has a whole lot of props, and someone dumped this Indiana Jones ripoff prop stuff onto her. There were like three whips, and a bunch of fake handcuffs. They hang in her room because she didn't want to put pictures up. Plus it makes her look tough. As far as sex goes, she's fairly vanilla." I cringed. 
"Crossed the line, babe," I told her.   
"So it was all a setup?" I asked. Tiffany shrugged. 

"Oops," was all she said. My memory jogged a bit and I looked at her thoughtfully.
"What about the clamps?" I asked. Before she responded I regretted it.

"We all have our quirks," she replied. I sighed, letting the mistake of asking wash over me. We made it downstairs and walked to two seats. I quickly looked around. I saw Connie next to Dan, and wondered how they'd escaped so quickly. Dan was nodding as Connie talked. Amanda slipped in behind us, and Tanya was sitting next to a guy dressed as a giant skunk. The policewoman was also there, leaning over and unwittingly giving me a great view of her heavy globes. 
"I wish I'd gotten you off now. You can't stop staring, can you?" I turned and looked at Tiffany. She was smiling mischievously. "You don't like these anymore?" I looked down at her breasts, and she pushed her arms together just in front of her chest. The tops of her breasts spilled over the neckline of the dress, and I took a breath. She smiled at my reaction as she gently jostled them with her arms. 
I watched, enjoying the show, and didn't feel any presence until I heard the voice behind us both. 
"Nice, weak, jiggling tits, Tiff. Thanks for softening them up for me. It'll make your loss tonight just a bit quicker. I get Jon faster, and your pain ends sooner. Good thinking." Sabrina sat down behind us, Corey, Gina, and Gloria behind her. 
My memory suddenly sprang to the front of my consciousness, and I was back in my apartment, watching Tiffany's nipples flattened by her entire sorority. Gina and Gloria had been in the middle, taking their turns with apparent relish and giggling madly as they flattened Tiffany's already beaten spikes. Gloria, dressed like a playboy bunny,  had been the most malicious, whispering about Tiffany's perfect tits as she bent and pinned the lifeless points. Gina seemed to have more fun, slapping Tiffany's nipples and asking repeatedly "Do you like that?"  I hated them. 
But Corey, and I couldn't fathom how I'd forgotten, bothered me the most. She was just before Sabrina that night, and the black-haired bitch had even instructed her on the purpose. "Make sure she's good and soft," Sabrina had called off camera. Corey did that, slamming and grinding my girlfriend's flaccid tips. She had grinned the entire time, saying nothing, just smiling that stupid smile until someone called time. I shifted in my seat to take a look at our new company. 
As I turned I noticed the Egyptian headdress circling Sabrina's raven hair, and the sheer cover over a blue dress that opened well beneath Sabrina's perfect boobs. The underside of her tits were both well away from her body and unencumbered by any sort of support. They hung, high and solid on her chest, threatening and inviting all at once. Her olive skin was an amazingly difficult contrast to beat against the sky blue material, which also flattered her curvy hips and toned legs. She was Cleopatra, and it was not lost on me that she dressed as a queen. 
"Nice posse," Tiffany noted, though her face was red and she didn't look up. "Now you need six more tits to beat me?" 
"Nice try, slut." Tiffany bristled at the insult. "They're here to watch the fight, though I'm going to take Corey along to ensure everything's fair tonight. That cool?" I shrugged. 
"She part of the stakes?" Tiffany asked. Corey's eyes widened, but Sabrina said nothing. 
"I'm not enough?" Sabrina asked. Tiffany's mouth turned up in a grin. 
"You willing to let Jon off the hook?" Sabrina laughed. 
"Fuck that! He got you into this mess, you bitch." Tiffany remained calm, though I felt her tense. 
"Then throw in the redhead. Corey, you in?" Sabrina turned to her, and while Tiffany and I couldn't see it, something happened. 
"Yeah, that's cool. Nothing too weird, though right?" Tiffany cocked an eyebrow. 
"Really? You're putting yourself up as titfight collateral, and you're worried about weird?" Corey looked a bit sheepish, and even Sabrina stifled a laugh. 
"It's set. You are a pushy little bitch, Tiffany," Sabrina said. 
"You have no idea," my girlfriend said, turning around to watch the pre-fight. I had turned around, too when I felt Sabrina's breath on my ear. 
"You missed your chance at paradise, Jon. Tonight is going to be hell." Tiffany heard and looked at me, watching my jaw clench. She said nothing, but turned back to watch Connie prepare. 
Dan's blonde girlfriend looked nervous and she had changed from her wench costume into a white tank top. Her thick nipples protruded from the fabric as she waited to hear her competition. Tiffany leaned in to me with an explanation. "For your first fight, you either get to pick your opponent or it's blind. Most people pick. But Connie didn't want to face me or Sabrina, and those were pretty much the only two girls. She said it didn't matter who she went up against. That was a mistake." I raised my eyebrows. 
"I didn't pick her," Tiffany promised. I saw the outline of the cowboy hat and my eyes went wide. 
"Loni?" I asked, my voice hushed. "Wow." 
Dan saw the brunette make her way to the center. Loni looked up at Connie, whose face now was a bit concerned. I saw her eyes flit to Dan, who nodded, and the blonde smiled just a bit. Both girls disrobed at the same time. Loni, still wearing her costume, flung her hat down and revealed her heavy jugs, shaking just slightly with the motion of removing the vest. Her nipples were hard and thick and she cupped her boobs as she stepped towards the blonde freshman. Connie's tank top slid over her full, round breasts, jostling her tits and shaking them as she discarded the top.
The two pairs of breasts seemed fairly evenly matched in terms of size. If I hadn't seen both fight, I would have given Loni the firmness edge, but after witnessing what Connie did to Tiffany's impressive pair, I called it a draw. It looked like a fairly even match. 
As soon as Connie's shirt hit the floor, Loni sprang forward, aiming her chest at Connie's luscious breasts. The brunette's left tit smashed into Connie's right, compressing the blonde's meaty breast before it bounced back to its original shape. As I had suspected, Connie had trouble with Loni's aggressive attacks. Another shot sent Connie's left breast across her chest, trembling as Loni reared back for another strike. Connie shifted almost imperceptibly, and as Loni reared back, I saw the blonde's shoulders twitch before she sent her sizable jugs careening into Loni's. The blow was not matched well, but Connie's left boob slammed into Loni's left tit as both women staggered. The slap echoed off of the walls. 
I looked at Dan, who was wide-eyed, engrossed in the contest. His hands were on his knees as he leaned forward to watch his girlfriend face off with Loni. 
Loni recovered more quickly, a move I attributed to her experience, and slammed both of her tits into Connie's again. Both of the blonde's boobs compressed again, springing back to their original form, only more red. Connie reached up to grab Loni's shoulders, but the brunette batted her hands away. The motion seemed to distract Loni, though, and Connie pounced on the opening, launching an uppercut into Loni's boobs. The brunette's tits jiggled wildly from the impressive strike, and Loni stumbled, almost falling. 
"Yeah!" Dan shouted. Everyone looked at him except the two girls in the center, fighting. Dan immediately bowed his head in embarrassment. 
Connie had taken the advantage after the quick uppercut, grabbing Loni's shoulders and swinging her chest like two dense wrecking balls. The first blow she landed, from the right, pushed both of Loni's big tits against her ribcage, bending them before they slowly flopped back to their original position. Loni grunted as she felt Connie's heavy boobs grind into hers, and unwilling to give up the advantage put her hands on Connie's waist. Using her grip on the blonde's center of gravity, she whipped herself into Connie, coiling, then snapping her lower back so that her heavy mams drilled Connie's boobs. The groan from the blonde was low and guttural. 
Loni repeated the move, looking for all the world like a snake as her supple back rolled and then snapped forward. Connie's breasts flattened on impact, but still retained their shape. Connie swung her tits wildly to avoid the next blow, and did so, but made no contact of her own. On the back swing, however, Connie's left teat glanced Loni's boob, the former's thick tip scraping across Loni's areola. Loni winced at the contact, pulling back and slamming forward again. Connie shifted, and another glancing blow forced both pairs of breasts to shift and slide against the other. I felt Tiffany's hand on my thigh and looked up at her. She grinned as she turned back to the fighting, but I saw her thick nips begin poking out. 
Both women were now shifting their torsos, sending wave after wave of titflesh over the other's pair. Connie's jugs seemed to bend and flop a bit more, but there was no significant change. Loni's big tits shifted but regained their firm, almost round form each time. 
Suddenly, Loni pulled back, using her arms to keep Connie at bay. I was surprised until I saw Connie thrust forward. She landed a heavy blow, and Loni's tits wobbled on her chest, but even as she winced from the pain, the brunette reached around and grabbed Connie in a hug. Connie's eyes went wide as she felt Loni's strong arms begin pulling, forcing the brunette's heavy boobs into Connie's firm flesh. Loni began the snapping motion with her back again, forcing her tits into Connie's rhythmically. 
My best friend's girlfriend was groaning with the close attack as Loni seemed to pump her big tits into Connie's. The blonde's breasts seemed to be holding up as on every outstroke they retained their shape but the maneuver was taking its toll on Connie's jugs. 
Connie seemed to know she had to do something, and anyone watching could see her mind racing. Her eyes lit up suddenly and she bent her knees. Loni had been keeping her held close, but didn't expect the sudden downward move. It took Loni just a second to figure out what had happened. Connie took advantage, quickly standing up, and with a sudden twitch of her lower back sent her firm, heavy tits into Loni's rack, causing the brunette to grunt and step back. Loni took another sudden blow, and I recognized that Connie was using the same tactic she had against Tiffany, flinging her thick breasts into the opposing pair.

Loni groaned again as her breasts smashed across her chest, slamming up and then down shaking with the force of the impact from Connie's jugs. Connie leaned back for another blow but as she came forward, Loni's heavy tits came crashing down. The smack was a loud one, and the sound careened off of the walls echoing loudly throughout the room. Connie groaned as she felt Loni's tits bury themselves into her flesh, but again, both women pulled away with comparable damage. Loni's tits looked an angry red, and they had been answered in kind by the sharp pink coloring of Connie's boobs. Loni wasn't satisfied with the color, I realized, and she slammed her heavy boobs on top of Connie's once again. Connie's tits splayed out slightly from the compression, flattening on the tops and pushing her flesh outward. 
Connie swore as she pulled back, muttering "bitch" loudly enough for everyone to hear. Loni grinned and swung down, aiming for Connie's sore boobs. Connie was frustrated, but wasn't giving up, I realized. As soon as she saw what Loni had planned, she slammed her tits forward, staggering Loni even as the latter's heavy jugs slid over her collar bone. Connie pulled away, having gotten too close and slammed her big boobs back into Loni, this time slamming both of her big breasts into Loni's. Both pairs of breasts flattened again, and Connie kept the pressure up, reaching up to grip Loni's shoulders and start thrusting. 
Both breasts flattened and ballooned, each returning to their shape. Loni's breasts shifted more as Connie dictated the movement, but both boobs slid and shifted as Connie shoved her chest at Loni's rack. I looked over to Tiffany for just a moment. She was watching the fight, but sensed me looking. She shrugged as the battle continued. I began to doubt Loni's chances as Dan girlfriend began picking up the pace. Her thrusts, close as they were came more rapidly, compressing and jostling the brunette's fleshy breasts with more frequency. Loni seemed to welcome the contact, pushing back with her own breasts, though the contest seemed to favor Connie's pair. 
I saw Loni tense, her face twisting into discomfort as Connie's heavy breasts struck a particularly solid blow. Connie grinned as she pulled back, then drilled her substantial boobs into Loni's. Both pairs of breasts seemed to split, shaping around the impact point and jiggling. Connie's boobs shaped upwards, sliding over Loni's teats, which were pushed down from the top, though they held up well considering the dense breasts atop them. Loni twisted away, pulling her own substantial rack to the side, letting Connie's big boobs drop down. Connie followed her tits, but Loni twisted just as hard the other way, sending her breasts over Connie's lush curves. 
This time both pair split time "on top" as Loni's left breast snaked up and over Connie's right boob and her right jug slid under Connie's left. They spent time grinding against each other, their breasts almost occupying the same space in some fleshy misunderstanding of how physics worked. Aside from skin color, I couldn't tell where one tit ended and the other began. Both women began grunting at each pass. I wondered if the fight was drawing to a close, but both women continued their technique, ignoring the pain in what had to be their very sore breasts.
After a minute or so of grinding, Loni changed tactics. She pulled away quickly, and Connie, mid slide, couldn't stop the strong blow of Loni's heavy boobs slamming into her own. Connie's tits bent and folded around Loni's though I couldn't tell if it was the damage to her tits or the sheer force that Loni was able to put behind it. The blonde's jugs reshaped, though only as Loni pulled her boobs away, almost as if she had been savoring the blow. 
Connie groaned so loudly I wondered if she was going to give up. Loni lifted her breasts again, and Connie gamely swung her tits up, aiming for Loni's pair. She hit, but Loni was still pulling back, minimizing the impact. The brunette still grunted as she felt the contact, though, and stepped back. Connie used the moment to swing her tits again, hoping to nail a haymaker blow to Loni's left breast. The wild shot missed, however, as Loni twisted to her right, and when Connie stopped moving, she was greeted with a shot to her still-quivering orbs. Connie grunted and then almost whined; Loni had not stopped with the single blow. 
"I love fresh meat. So fucking tender," Loni laughed. The brunette's strong arms wrapped around Dan's girlfriend as the former began  twisting her torso to the left and right, thrusting her heavy jugs into the blonde's pair. This time I saw Connie's breasts twist and shape. Loni's breasts gave, but nowhere near the real estate that Connie's udders were yielding. Loni pushed her tits slowly into the blonde's breasts, and Connie didn't look down to watch her tits fail. She moaned as she felt the piercing breasts of her rival invade her jugs, and even pulled her hands beneath them to cup them. 
"Yeah, hold those beaten jugs up for me, you freshman bitch," Loni snarled. Connie lifted her boobs for her rival, and I could tell even from my vantage point that she was expecting the worst. Any thought that I'd had about Tiffany's mercy softening Loni's stance (or her tits for that matter) was gone as Loni took her shot. She slammed head on into Connie's vanquished tits, watching with some form of joy that bordered on malice as the blonde's creamy tits molded around hers like half-melted butter. Connie let her hands drop as Loni gripped her shoulders. 
"I give," Connie moaned. "Please stop." Loni laughed. 
"I'm still having fun," Loni said, still chuckling as she pulled the blonde in for more punishment. 
"Watch them. Watch your loser tits." Connie's head dropped as she felt Loni's tits once again spear her own. Loni spent her time annihilating the freshman, pushing her thick tits to the left and right, and up and down, and even holding them in place. Loni shook her ass to some music in the background, instructing everyone to "watch this loser's bitch tits jiggle." And they did. As bad as I felt for Connie, it was still hot to watch her hanging sacks jiggle on her chest through the motion of another pair. 
"Who has the best goddamn tits?" Loni yelled. Connie nodded her surrender again. 
"You do Loni. Your tits out gunned my weak sacks. You have the best titties." 
"Fuckin' right, barbie." Applause went up, and Loni shot a glance at my direction, her eyes narrowing. Again, I realized it was meant for the woman behind me. I grinned and turned. 
"Friends seem in short supply, don't they?" I asked her. 
"I don't need friends when I have these," Sabrina asked, pulling the blue cloth of her costume tightly, stretching the fabric so taut that I swear I could see the color of her nipples. I grinned, determined not to give her the satisfaction of seeing my lust. 
"And what if you lose those?" I asked, quietly. I heard Tiffany rustle, but didn't turn to see the look on her face. 
Sabrina smiled back. "To whom? You? Your bitch there? I'll worry about that bridge when someone takes me down." 
"Tick. Tock." I turned to Tiffany, who was staring right at Sabrina, a half-grin making her seem more grim than the expressionless face I'd seen during her destruction of Loni. 
Sabrina grinned, though her eyes narrowed. 
"Meet you at your place in an hour," Sabrina snapped at me. "I want this done now."  She twirled away, and I had to admit, the sparkling, see-through cover was a nice touch on the spin. I also stuck my tongue out as she left. 
I looked to Tiffany again. She nodded then turned back to the fight. Realizing Loni had pulled on her shirt, she stood to go comfort Connie, as did both Amanda and Tanya. Amanda saw Tiffany approach and almost turned, but Tiffany shook her head. Amanda remained, her arm around Connie's right shoulder. She patted Connie's shoulder and hugged her. Tiffany's braless boobs gently pushed Connie's beaten sacks away, a further signal of the destruction Loni had wrought. She patted Connie's shoulder and glanced at Dan, motioning him up. I smiled, and as Tiff walked away, she saw me grinning. 
Dan walked up and Connie leaned in to hug him, almost sobbing as they embraced. It looked for all the world like Dan was whispering to her, completely uncaring that his girlfriend was topless. I sighed. I wondered how he would handle it, and I was glad to see he was doing so well with it. 
"You ready?" Tiffany asked. I nodded. 
She kissed me gently and pulled away. "Whatever happens, thanks," she whispered. "I'm glad I found you." I smiled. 
"Technically," I whispered back as I leaned in to kiss her neck, enjoying her hair shimmer, "I found you. While I hid." Tiffany laughed, then thumped me with her finger. 
"I keep you around because you make me laugh," she said matter-of-factly. 
"Good. I'll keep trying." She grinned. 
"Time to go flatten a bitch," Tiffany said, walking arm in arm with me out the door. 
The drive to the apartment was quiet. Tiffany seemed absorbed in thought, which I thought best not to interrupt. I wondered how the fight would go myself, but knew better than to ask. I knew we'd have time to change, and I certainly needed the time to clear out the space in the living room. I wondered what rules there were going to be, or if I needed to do anything else. So I asked. 
"Nope. Now it's just me and her. You might keep some water just in case we want a break," she added. "It might be a long night." I nodded. 
As we piled into the apartment, Tiffany asked if she could change, grabbing her bag and pulling it over her shoulder. I nodded, and she went to my room while I began moving furniture. Before she'd come out, I was able to move everything and shut all the blinds. I pulled in a couple of chairs next to the couch so Corey and I wouldn't have to sit together. Her treatment of Tiffany in that video was still fresh on my mind, and I wanted nothing to do with the thin bitch. At least I could keep an eye on her in case Sabrina set something up.

I had just finished the rearrangements when Tiffany came out. She was wearing a white t-shirt, tight, and so old that it seemed to be transparent. I saw the hint of color beneath her protruding nipples, and the fabric clung to her shapely curves. She smiled as she saw me staring, her grin almost shy. 
"So you like me?" she asked. I grinned and walked up to kiss her. 
"Nope. I love you," I told her. She melted against me, and I held her close for a moment. When she pulled away, she stood on her toes and kissed my forehead. 
"Go get the water." I did so getting a few glasses and putting them on a tray. I put them on the coffee table so they'd be out of the way. Tiff and I sat and waited, chatting about school, and generally avoiding the fight talk. I could tell Tiff was nervous, and was certainly not going to help her freak out before her fight. 
I heard the knock on the door and went to answer it. Sabrina had changed, too, wearing a grey t-shirt, and while not as tight as my girlfriend's shirt, also seemed to highlight her perfect tits. Sabrina's stiff peaks protruded from the front of the fabric, and I nodded as I stepped away from the door. Sabrina nodded back and Corey followed her in. Corey had changed, too, and judging from her nipples appearance through the thin fabric of her own green t-shirt, her small boobs were braless, too. 
Tiffany was standing, her hands on her hips as Sabrina walked in. "You showed!" Tiffany said with mock surprise. Sabrina snorted. 
"I'm more surprised you're here," she snapped back. "You remember the last time we fought, right? I flattened your pathetic jugs in front of your loser boyfriend here. Then I flattened your nipples. Again. Why the hell wouldn't I show up?" 
Tiffany unconsciously looked down at her tits for just a moment. Sabrina didn't seem to notice. Tiffany's look was a strange one, full of cool fire. I saw the anger sparking behind her eyes, but she didn't change the expression of her face. "I saw your face after I crushed Loni's jugs, Sabrina. Oh, and how's Amanda?" 
Sabrina snorted. "Yeah, nice show. Smoke and mirrors don't work on me, Tiff." Tiffany grinned at that. 
"I wasn't targeting you, bitch," she said sweetly. "I was targeting all the other girls. Why do you think I arranged everything before tonight — all the girls are at the party now, but they all saw me take some of your all-encompassing power. And now your little blonde pet is mine. I wonder how she'll thank me after I flatten you." Sabrina was seething at that point, and Corey looked ready to grab the black-haired girl. 
"You fucking bitch." Sabrina hissed. "That was all about the sorority? What about me?" Tiffany grinned. 
"Sabrina, I've been thinking a lot about this. You're like the flour in the cake. You do a great job of holding things together, but without everything else, your just bland and dusty. And you kinda taste like dirt." 
"You're fucking dead, you bitch!" Sabrina shouted. I know I had never seen Sabrina like that, and so when she flew at Tiff I was ready. Corey moved faster, though, and grabbed Sabrina's waist. Sabrina barely missed, and flung off her shirt with no ceremony. Tiffany had attacked her the same way I had. Her pride. I wonder if that was a fatal flaw of Sabrina as I watched her beautiful tits jiggle with uncontrollable rage, or as I turned to Tiffany, if my girlfriend had made the mistake of waking the sleeping bear. Tiffany peeled off her own shirt and stepped forward. 
I realized how excited I was, and as Sabrina calmed down to the point where I didn't think she'd try to knock my girlfriend out, I sat down. Corey did not take the chair and sat down next to me. As she approached, I noticed how hard her nipples were, and breathed a sigh of relief as I slid over to make room. Both our eyes were glued on the two girls now taking steps towards one another. 
"I don't think we need a nipple fight this time," Tiff said. Sabrina laughed. 
"No; you wouldn't. Can I flatten them for old time's sake?" Tiffany bristled, but shook her head. 
"You got your fight. You flattened my tips. Then you went too far, you bitch," Tiffany told her. 
Sabrina laughed again. "You treated all the girls you beat like little bitches, Tiff." Tiffany laughed this time. 
"And you didn't? I'm going to crush you tonight, and you'll know what being my bitch is all about," Tiffany snarled.
"Can't I just ask Jon?" Sabrina asked coolly. All of the air left the room, and when I looked at Tiffany, even I got a bit nervous. All the emotion had left the room and it actually almost felt colder. I looked at Corey, whose eyes were wide. Even Sabrina looked unsure of herself for just a moment. Then she pushed. 
"I'm sure he's great, but how does he turn down this?" she asked, presenting her body like a prize on Wheel of Fortune. 
"With the tiniest bit of taste," Tiffany sniped, her voice laced with acid. Sabrina's lips tightened and she nodded. The nod seemed to indicate the fight was about to start as both women stepped forward. 
I got to compare the two most beautiful pairs of tits I'd ever seen again. Each was a healthy size and shape. Both sat high on their chest. Sabrina's nipples and Tiffany's nipples were well matched visually, but obviously Sabrina's peaks had bested my girl's tips both times they had come in contact. Their breasts were almost mirrors of each other. Each breast sagged just enough to encourage their natural origins, but I saw no stretch mark on either pair. Sabrina's darker skin and nipples were a nice contrast to Tiffany's lighter tone and pink buds. 
Sabrina moved first, suddenly, but Tiffany didn't look surprised. In fact, she reacted more quickly, moving back with a half step. The thrust missed almost completely, with Sabrina's nipples just scraping the underside of Tiffany's tits. Tiffany swung her meaty boobs from the left, making sure her right tit flung into Sabrina's. Tiffany scored the first direct hit, and Sabrina winced as she moved back, just as quickly as Tiffany had, though a bit later. Both breasts shook and settled on their chest as Sabrina tried to regroup. Tiffany seemed wary of attacking, instead circling her opponent. 
"Scared?" Sabrina asked, mocking my girlfriend. Tiffany laughed. 
"Then you go first," Tiffany fired back. Sabrina grinned, but still didn't move forward. Both women apparently had the same idea, but neither gained the element of surprise as I saw them jump toward one another. Both pairs of breasts slammed into the other with a loud smack. Even in my small place the reverberations bounced off the walls. All four breasts compressed against their counterpart, shaking and jiggling as the two women continued to grind even after the first blow. Tiffany's breasts pushed forward for a moment, and when Sabrina made ground, her own jugs went further. Each woman placed her  hands on the other's shoulder and they began slowly pushing their boobs into each other. 
Tiffany grunted first, even as Sabrina winced. Neither woman seemed willing to give the other the satisfaction of a reaction. Tiffany's heavy jugs were holding up well, I noticed, tracing the curves as they met Sabrina's firm tits. I was amazed again at how similar their breasts seemed. Both heavy, high breasts were perky and full. I couldn't believe, watching, that I was getting to see it again. 
Corey was likewise enthralled by the competition. I almost felt sorry for her, being thrown into the fire like that. Tiffany's move was a big risk/reward. I might end up fucking Corey, I realized, and despite the obvious appeal to that idea, I shuddered. I refocused on the fight. Both women were sliding their ample breasts over each other, forcing each tit to shift and bend, each time reshaping beneath to the force of the other pair. There was no visual distinction between which pair had the most force or strength behind it. Sabrina tried several times to slide her tits atop Tiffany's, but my girlfriend slipped back just slightly and pushed her own rack up. The four boobs met at the sides more often than anything, and I wondered if the girls' stiff nipples were entering into the equation as their heavy jugs rolled over one another. Their hands seemed to instinctively grip the other's shoulders as they began grinding their breasts against each other.
"I'm flattening your weak tits, Tiff," Sabrina said. Tiffany grinned as she twisted her shoulders left, leaning back to raise her own boobs and meet another thrust from Sabrina. 
"Got it backwards, sis," Tiffany said. "I can feel those udders getting ready to invite my big boobs in." Sabrina snarled as Tiffany jerked her shoulders, sending her left breast into Sabrina's right tit. Sabrina returned the favor with her left tit, and Tiffany winced as her right mammary wobbled on her chest. Both women pulled away, like some unspoken agreement had been made, and slammed their chests together. Again, both pairs of breasts compressed at the point of impact, this time sending waves from the centers of their breasts outward, the flesh rippling. I winced a bit at the crashing sound myself, watching Tiffany's face twist and turn as she grunted and groaned against Sabrina. 
Sabrina's face was tight, her lips drawn across her face as she thrust her chest out. Tiffany groaned as she felt her boobs pushed outward by the force and weight of Sabrina's powerful breasts. I saw her bite her lip as she felt Sabrina's chest come forward. Her arms fell from Sabrina's shoulder, loosely to Sabrina's arms. 
"Yeah, bitch. Let's feel those bitch tits pancake again. You ready Jon? Corey? You two ready to watch me collapse this slut's useless jugs?" She laughed, and like it was some sort of twisted comedy, stopped laughing when she saw Tiffany's grin. 
"Oops," my girlfriend whispered. She yanked Sabrina forward pushing her tits into the black-haired girl's. Off balance like she was, the only part of Sabrina that was trying to resist were her tits. Both pairs of breasts spilled out, but it looked, in that moment, like Tiffany was winning the war for the space in front of them. Her tits dented and speared Sabrina's udders, pushing the latter's thick tits away with shivering, olive skin.

"Fuck," Sabrina moaned. "I'll kill your tits for that," she said. She moved her hands down to Tiffany's arms as well, focusing on repeating the move, but Tiffany slid her chest down, and before Sabrina could get the grip, my girlfriend launched herself upward. Her thick jugs slammed into Sabrina's perfect pair, launching them up and out. 
"You'll what?" Tiffany asked as she watched Sabrina's breasts rock across the black-haired girl's chest. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sounds of your floppy bags shaking in front of me." Tiffany slammed her from the left, twisting her hips violently and I watched her right breast bang into Sabrina's exposed right teat. The black-haired girl's tit slammed into her left, and Sabrina groaned. 
"How about I flatten you instead?" Tiffany asked, conversationally. Sabrina thrust forward and Tiffany met the thrust with her breasts with a slap. Again, flesh flattened and waved, but neither pair seemed to move more than the other; each was rippling and jiggling across their respective chests. Both heavy sets jiggled, even as the two women brought them together again, hard. Another loud smack echoed through the room. The two resumed a lock with their arms and slowly pushed their heavy jugs into each other. I looked to Corey, whose nipples were poking through her shirt even more than they had been when she'd sat down. I turned my attention back to the fight. Neither girl had given up, though both were now sweating  noticeably. 
I watched again as their breasts shifted, Tiffany's breasts bending at the side, then ballooning out, regaining their shape with each pass. Sabrina's breasts did much the same with each pass, their sides spilling out as they passed over and around Tiffany's thick mammaries. The collision and contact with their dueling orbs was now accompanied by the smacking sounds of wet flesh. 
My cock was raging as I watched the two gorgeous girls go after each other. Their faces were wincing more and more as the fight went on. Sabrina, seemingly growing tired of grinding took a step back and swung her big jugs upward. There wasn't much force behind it, and Tiffany stepped back to avoid the blow. As she did so, Sabrina suddenly pulled Tiffany in, letting go of my girlfriend's arms to wrap her own toned limbs around Tiff's back. I saw the black-haired girl stand on her toes as she pushed Tiffany forward, and when she seemed to lock in the hug, Sabrina's tits were laying atop Tiffany's jugs. 
"Right where they belong!" Sabrina said triumphantly. I wondered what was going through Tiffany's mind as Sabrina took the dominant position. Tiffany twisted and struggled, but Sabrina was strong, and by wrapping Tiff's arms up, she had taken the leverage from her. Tiffany groaned as Sabrina began a version of Loni's attack, snapping her back to push her tits into and down on Tiffany's. My girlfriend's boobs flattened momentarily from the top as Sabrina's boobs compressed Tiff's jugs. Tiffany groaned as Sabrina's heavy pair tried to push hers down her chest with each twitch of her back. I saw Tiffany's eyes close with the pain of the move, and Sabrina used the sign of pain as fuel. 
"Feel my big titties overwhelming yours again, Tiff? Maybe Jon can use your floppy udders as pillows. I hear softer tits are better for fucking anyway, so maybe I'm doing you two a favor."
She turned to me for the first time during the fight. "How about it Jon? You want some nice floppy bags to fuck from now on? Imagine these loose, empty sacks flopping around your little cock. Once I'm done, I'll let you fuck them," she said with the tone of decision, as if she'd just talked herself into the humiliation. Tiffany grunted as another blow sent her boobs further down her chest. I wondered what I could do, but could think of nothing. Sabrina turned her attention back to Tiffany. 
"Weak-titted bitch," Sabrina sighed. "I can't wait to let all the girls flatten your jugs, just like your nipples. It'll be nice to... Hey. What's....." Sabrina's taunt was cut off with a loud "oooph" as Tiffany dipped her knees and thrust up. Her breasts must have scraped over Sabrina's firm stomach, but she launched upward, and in the close proximity, Sabrina could do nothing but moan. Her heavy boobs flew upward, and I wondered if the black-haired girl could even see as the impact from Tiffany's heavy orbs distended Sabrina's boobs sending them all over her chest. Sabrina hadn't let go, but she'd stopped the writhing, snakelike blows. 
Corey and I were transfixed. It briefly crossed my mind that neither of us had spoken during the fight. I looked to her, and looked at her hard nipples through the fabric of her shirt. She noticed, shot me a disgusted glare, and whispered, "perv," but I also noticed she did nothing to hide her perky tips. 
Apparently Tiffany wanted to do more damage. Sabrina felt the brunette dip again, but seemed like she was still stunned from the blow. Tiffany even said something quietly that sounded like "incoming" before the same sort of heavy uppercut slammed into the underside of Sabrina's meaty jugs. This time Sabrina let go, staggering back. 
Tiffany roared back with gusto, slamming Sabrina's tits with her own. Sabrina's tits shook and wobbled on her chest, the flesh rippling and shaking from the force of impact. Another shot sent Sabrina back, but Tiffany grabbed her arms and aimed again. This time, both tits met Sabrina's head on. Tiffany's tits compressed Sabrina's, and I could see the fiery red even on her olive skin. The black-haired girl groaned, and in a move that seemed born out of desperation, she lunged to the side, just as Tiffany grabbed for Sabrina's shoulders.  As the two women grappled, Sabrina fell, twisting as she did so. Tiffany landed on her side as well, and both women struggled for position. 
Sabrina somehow managed to push Tiffany's shoulders to the carpeted floor, and quickly straddled my girlfriend, sliding her legs down to push Tiffany's apart. The black-haired girl's arms flew out to pin Tiffany's wrists, and I felt my heart sink. Immediately, Sabrina went to work, slamming her tits down onto Tiffany's. My girlfriend yelled as she felt Sabrina's full, meaty tits flatten hers momentarily. Tiffany's boobs came back as Sabrina let up, my girl's tits an angry crimson. Both women, it was easy to see, were sweating now, and Sabrina was using her advantage. My mind started racing as to what was going to happen, and I turned to Corey, who palmed her left tit and pulled at the nipple. 
"I love watching Sabrina crush a bitch. And it's going to be even sweeter when Tiffany eats me out," she taunted. "You like girl on girl, Jon? You wanna watch your saggy titted bitch eat out a real woman?" She gazed at my crotch. "Yeah, you're hard as fuck. You like watching your useless girlfriend lose, don't you? Sabrina told me how hard you were the first time. Of course, we all saw the video. " I resisted the almost overwhelming urge to stroke my hard dick. 
Sabrina dropped another bomb, this one a direct hit, and Tiffany moaned. Her eyes were closed and Sabrina took the extra effort to grind out my girlfriend's heavy jugs. 
"I'm going to flatten them again, Tiff. Watch your perfect titties become flat and floppy. The fun I'm going to have with you..." 
"Is going to have to wait," Tiffany interrupted with a strained voice. 
Tiffany, her feet firmly planted in the carpet with her knees bent as she pushed her right arm off the floor maybe an inch. Sabrina laughed at Tiffany's effort. "Aw, look at your little girlfriend, Jon, she’s trying so hard." Sabrina taunted in that singsong little girl voice I had grown to hate. I noticed Tiffany forcing her right wrist off the floor, maybe another inch or so. Tiffany ignored the taunts as she fought to push her arm further off the carpet. 
"C’mon Tiffy, just give it up. Look at my big beautiful titties hanging over your useless udders waiting to be adored," Sabrina sang. Despite my hope for Tiffany's success, I watched Sabrina's dangling jugs, waiting like boulders to flatten the trapped adversaries. Tiffany kept pushing… another inch. 
"I’ll make you a deal Tiffany," Sabrina offered. I noticed her tone had changed from mocking to more serious. 
"If you give up now, I’ll be a lot easier on you than I had planned…I’ll let Jon off the hook." 
Tiffany stopped pushing. My heart stopped as she contemplated the offer. Sabrina gazed into Tiffany's straining eyes and winked at my girl.
"Just submit Tiffany…I promise, you and Jon will enjoy it." Sabrina cooed. "It can be even better than the last time." Sabrina offered. "Jon can watch you turn into one of your little bitches as you kiss and worship my stunning tits. I know he would love that and then he can come all over your beaten jugs…again." Sabrina giggled.
I held my breath. I noticed Tiffany's nipples were rock hard defiantly pointing up at Sabrina. I didn’t know if she was excited from the thoughts running through her head or from the strain she was under. I do know Tiffany hadn’t made any progress since Sabrina made the offer. My girlfriend licked her lips and closed her eyes, before opening them. 
A few more moments passed with neither girl saying anything, just staring into each other’s eyes. Then it happened. Tiffany's arm lurched up another inch. Sabrina shook her head in disbelief. I wanted to jump up and yell "Yes!" 
However, I kept quiet, silently willing Tiffany to keep pushing.
"Stupid. Fucking. Cow!" Sabrina shouted then dropped her weight down on Tiffany. 
I noticed Tiffany's right arm remained off the floor even though Sabrina's weight pushed it down a bit. Tiffany kept fighting. Sabrina's hanging tits seemed to kiss Tiffany's boobs as their nipples met. 
Sabrina kept staring coldly down on Tiffany, content to let her dead weight end Tiffany's defiant display. Then, Tiffany's arm moved up another inch. Their jugs no longer touched. Sabrina rolled her weight to fall on Tiffany's rebellious right arm. Tiffany held firm. 
I heard Corey gasp as Tiffany gained another inch. "C’mon Tiff," I whispered, marveling at my girl’s fortitude. I saw a slight quiver of Tiffany's right and Sabrina's left arm as they pushed against each other. "C’mon girl," I whispered a little louder. The quiver became a tremor. Sabrina began to snarl as Tiffany gritted her teeth. The tremor became a quake as Sabrina began to grunt.

With a yell, Tiffany gave a mighty final push. My girl pushed with her right leg as she arched up and over to her left. For a split second, at the height of the arch, Tiffany and Sabrina seemed frozen as if posing for me. I will never forget that moment, the last grasp for domination between those two skilled rivals when they were equals. 
The split second ended…Sabrina rolled off Tiffany's left side. In the midst of her fall, Sabrina released Tiffany's left wrist to brace herself. Tiffany, her right wrist still held by her rival, followed Sabrina's momentum, landing on her side for a second. She brought her legs up quickly, and then brought them down again ending up lying between Sabrina's spread thighs. Tiffany forced herself up shaking her other wrist loose of Sabrina's grip with a violent jerk and returning the favor pinning the raven haired girl's hands to the carpet. She also spread her thighs and pushed forward causing Sabrina to roll up into a ball. I would have loved to have seen the backside of Tiffany's ass positioned over Sabrina's crotch as my girl began her final assault.
"Shit," I heard Corey mutter. I looked over to see her with a hand over her mouth looking on in what had to be shock and I would later qualify as horror. I grinned as our eyes met. "You’re right Corey. I like watching her eat out other girls, but you know what I like better? Fucking the girl that’s eating her out," I said to scare her. It worked. I returned my focus to Tiffany and Sabrina.
"Do her Tiff!" I encouraged.
"Now it's my turn," Tiffany said, and despite the exhaustion, I could hear a dangerous edge to her voice. The first crack was thunderous, and Tiffany sent Sabrina's big, meaty jugs flopping around her chest. Sabrina groaned, but the sound didn't satisfy my girlfriend, who did an impressive pushup and dropped her tits back onto Sabrina's chest. 
"FUCK!" Sabrina yelled. Tiffany ground her tits hard, and I saw little twitches of her back muscles as she began kneading at Sabrina's heavy sacks with her own. Sabrina's flesh rolled and shook as Tiffany became more and more energetic. Something was turning her fire up, and I realized it just a second before she grinned. 
"Now whose tits are getting flattened?" Tiffany asked. "I can feel your pretty titties bending now, bitch," Tiffany whispered.  "Time for another bomb, though," Tiffany said. She did another pushup. Sabrina's struggles were feeble; Tiffany had no problem keeping her in place, and the blow she delivered was perfect; on time and accurate. This time we all saw it. Even Sabrina watched as Tiffany's tits flattened hers. While she was on her back, and her jugs were flattened by gravity just a bit, Tiffany's heavy jugs finished the job. Sabrina wailed as her tits collapsed beneath my girlfriend's pair. Sabrina's rippling titflesh held my gaze until it settled, her breasts resting uncomfortably under Tiffany's dominant tits. 
Suddenly, Tiff pulled up, leaving Sabrina's tits wobbling on her chest. "Get up," she ordered. I realized Sabrina hadn't surrendered, and the black haired woman launched herself up and then at Tiffany. Tiffany must have been expecting it, because both breasts were flung at the other pair. This time, there was more visual evidence than necessary. Sabrina's tits bent and folded backwards, fluttering across her chest and Tiffany grabbed her rival by the hips. Tiffany grinned as she plunged her big jugs into Sabrina's now-yielding pair. 
"There we go. Liquified titties," Tiffany said, loudly. Sabrina grunted. She slammed into Sabrina's boobs a few more times, finally forcing what she'd been wanting. 
"Stop! Tiff, oh, please. Stop hitting my boobs." Tiffany sighed, pulling away. Sabrina's tits splashed back, hanging slightly lower, and certainly looking looser on her toned body. 
"Why? Do you submit?" Sabrina hesitated, and Tiffany pushed her tits under Sabrina's pair, pushing them up. 
"Please stop!" Sabrina yelled. Corey started to stand, but I grabbed her shoulder. She looked at me and I realized she was scared of what was going to happen to her. She leaned back into the couch, and I fought every urge in my body to keep from pulling at her small titty. I turned my attention to Sabrina and Tiff. The latter was letting Sabrina's pulverized udders slowly slide down the outside of her own impressive rack, claiming the middle of Sabrina's chest. I groaned as I watched Sabrina's beaten tits fall to the side of my girl's superior pair. 
"I give up!" Sabrina screamed, and Tiffany held her in place. 
"And?" she asked. 
"Tiff, you have the best titties. Your pair is better than my useless rack," Sabrina gasped. "I can't believe how much that hurt," she whined. 
"This will make you feel better," Tiffany promised. She hefted her victorious left tit into Sabrina's mouth. "Suck my better tit, Rin. Suck it like you mean it." Sabrina did just that, letting the nipple enter her mouth and basting it. 
"Oh, wow do you have a talented mouth. I know a few people who want to test it." Sabrina groaned, but kept up her suckling. Sabrina inhaled more of the actual breast, trying to fill her mouth and satisfy her conqueror. 
I rubbed my cock through my pants as I watched a dream scenario unfold before me. Sabrina's submissive actions had definitely gotten me hot. 
"Oh gross," Corey whispered. "Stop that." I shrugged. I looked at her pointedly. 
"Good call. I might ask Tiffany if you can do it." I told her. Corey's eyes grew wide with fear, and I felt a jolt of heightened pleasure and enjoyment run through my body. It had been completely unbidden, I'd realized, the desire to use Corey just because I could, because the power had been given to me. I had come into this despising her, but after the fight, those emotions had gone. I shook my head, but the reaction from my words was more thrilling than the thought of me doing it. 
Sabrina had switched tits, and Tiffany guided the raven hair with her fingers as her rival turned to suckling her right jug. 
"Keep up that sucking, you weak-titted whore," Tiffany said, almost softly. The soft slurping sounds filled the room. I watched Sabrina's formerly perfect tits sagging just slightly as she serviced my girlfriend's teat. I wondered how this was going to down, but had to wait just a little while. 
Tiffany gently pulled Sabrina's mouth off  her. "Say it again," Tiffany ordered Sabrina. Sabrina's eyes flashed for just a moment, but her head fell. 
"You have the better tits. Your tits are stronger than mine, and you thrashed my big jugs," Sabrina said sadly. Tiffany nodded. 
"Good. And what is the result of this exchange?" Sabrina looked up and then to me. 
"You two own me," she whispered. "I'm here for whatever you want." Tiffany grinned. 
"Go on," my girlfriend urged.
"For as long as you want, until I can beat you or you release me," Sabrina finished. I felt my mouth open in shock. I hadn't heard about the length of time for the "ownership", and I looked to my conquering girlfriend.   
"Yup," Tiffany said lightly. "Keep sucking," Tiffany told her. Sabrina chose the right tit again, nursing like some starving child. "Yeah, suck my big, strong boob," she hissed as Sabrina took more of the heavy flesh into her mouth. 
My girlfriend finally turned towards the two witnesses. "You two look really bored," Tiff said, grinning. "Well, one of you does. Jon, do you want to play with Corey for a while? I imagine it'll take me some time to get tired of this." Tiffany reached down to shake her rival's beaten udders, and I watched, almost hypnotized as her heavy jugs shook and shimmied over her chest. 
I turned to the redhead, whose pleading eyes stopped me for a moment, but I shook my head. 
"Threw your chips in with the wrong girl this time, Corey. My understanding is that you're my playtoy now." Corey's eyes grew wide and she nodded, but apparently Tiffany had heard me. 
"Yup," she called again, sighing as Sabrina worshiped her thick breasts. "She and Sabrina tied their fate together. You can even do her ass!" Tiffany yelled. I fought the urge to roll my eyes as Corey's eyes widened. I loved watching the smaller girl get so scared, fearful of what I was going to do. I decided to play good cop. Well, at least not such a bad cop. 
"I'm not into anal," I told her, but stood over her and pulled her shirt over her head. She raised her arms as I did so, assisting me with a dazed face that seemed half upset that she was now topless and half relieved. Her perky boobs fell into my field of vision, and I took a prolonged moment to take them in. Her tits were conical, pointing straight out with absolutely no visible sag. Her nipples sat atop puffy areolas, red and hard. 
"What size are these?" She shot me another look that screamed pervert, but instead responded. 
"B-cups," she said dully. 
"They're nice," I offered. Corey snorted but smiled just a bit. 
"I guess they're hard from watching your friend get her tits demolished?" I pressed. Corey looked up at me again, angry and defiant. 
"Look, I'll fucking play around and let you do what you want, but I'm not going to sit here and be part of your inquisition fantasy. Do whatever you're going to do." 
"You want me to get this 'over with,' huh? Ok. Pull off those pants, Corey. We'll get right down to it." Corey looked shocked, but stood up, slid out of her pants, revealing a black thong. I took a much longer look at her legs and ass than was necessary. She looked at me, still glaring, but I saw flickers of fear. 
"Can't do anything all the way. You can bluster and be halfway brave. Looks like you need some help." I reached down and gripped the sides of her panties and yanked them down. "There," I muttered. As I stood she looked at me, seemingly shocked that I'd be so abrupt. 
"I can't believe you fucking did that," Corey asked. I gripped her by the arm and turned to where Sabrina was now gently suckling on Tiffany's right breast. 
"Understand, you little bitch, that you're my fucktoy. Until Tiffany tells you something else, I get whatever I want from your nubile little body. Including your slick pussy," I said as I slid my finger into her without any warning. She was sopping wet, and even my eyes widened as I felt my digit enveloped by warm wetness. 
"Oh, fuck," Corey whispered. I began finger fucking her quickly, listening to her moans as she quivered.

"Feel good?" I asked. Corey didn't say anything, so I slid another finger in, as gently as I could. I certainly didn't want her hurt, just horny. Corey groaned and her left hand moved up to touch her breast. I reached with my free hand and caught it. 
"I'm not doing this for you," I told her. I gently squeezed her breast from the base. "Keep your hands down at your legs. But you did just tell me something about you. Actions speak so much louder than words. Or moans," I added, thumbing her clit. Corey responded perfectly, groaning as I pressured her pussy. 
I began working her over, taunting her as I felt her get wetter. "For someone who was disgusted with how much I was enjoying the fight, your pussy sure is making a mess down there." Corey shuddered as I ran my thumb over her clit, slowly and surely. 
"Corey, I can't see the action, really, what with my hand fucking your pussy. What's my girlfriend doing now." Corey groaned again, but took a breath and began. 
"Tiff's got Sabrina on her knees. Sabrina's sucking Tiff's titty," she began. 
"Which one?" I interrupted. I curled my finger and slowly pulled down, Corey whimpered, and I realized I'd done something she liked. I slowly slid my finger back in. 
"Left," Corey managed. I repeated the curl motion two more times, and Corey almost fell. 
"You're close, aren't you?" I stopped her again from reaching for her tits. Corey nodded.
"So close, Jon." She whispered. 
"What would you do to get off?" That got her attention. She stiffened. 
It was a power trip toying with her emotions.
"I don't need to get off," she said, her voice shaky. I shrugged, sliding my thumb all over her clit. 
She almost fell as I stroked her, but as soon as I felt her breathing quicken I pulled my fingers out of her pussy and pushed her shoulders to sit her on the couch. 
"Oh..." She muttered in obvious disappointment as she sat. 
I sat next to her and turned my attention to the scene in front of us. I was somewhat surprised to see Tiffany's shorts around her ankles. Tiffany was cupping her big breasts as I saw Sabrina's head between her legs, twitching and rolling. Tiffany looked at me and grinned, lowering her breast and bringing the hand to the back of Sabrina's head to force the black-haired girl's tongue deeper. 
"Wow," I said to Corey. My hand slid over to cup her pussy again, and I lightly rubbed her clit with the heel of my hand. Corey groaned as I continued watching Tiffany get pleasured by the woman whose tits she'd just beaten. I relished her victory. Tiffany was heavily gyrating now, thrusting her hips into the face of her rival. 
"Eat that pussy, Rin. Lick my wet pussy. Jon! She's making me cum! Our new whore is making me cum!" she shouted. And I could tell from the shuddering lines of her body that her orgasm was rocking her. Tiffany let go of Sabrina's head and cupped her heavy jugs again. 
"Fuck that was nice," Tiffany said, looking down at Sabrina. "Why don't you go shower and change. There's a bag on the bed with the outfit in it. Actually, why don't I come with you. I'm feeling so dirty after that." I groaned. As Tiffany walked by, she looked down at my hand stroking Corey's pussy. 
"Jon, enjoy this little piece of ass for a while. I'm going to have some more fun with our new girl." I nodded, stretching up to kiss the underside of her right tit. It was covered in sweat, and saliva and Tiffany grinned. 
"You like my big, strong titties, Jon?" I nodded as I slid a finger into Corey's pussy again. "Does Corey like my superior jugs?" she asked the redhead. Corey groaned as I thumbed her clit once more, letting the barest touch occur. Tiffany laughed. "I'll take that as a yes. I'll be back once I'm finished with Sabrina. Well, finished with this part." 
As Tiffany and Sabrina entered my bedroom I turned to Corey. 
"Finally. No distractions," I said, grinning.
"You wanna cum?" I asked. Corey's face turned red as she nodded. "Say it," I told her. 
"I want to cum, Jon," she breathed. I pulled my hand away from her pussy, worried I might set her off. I leaned into whisper in her ear. 
I replayed the video of Corey spearing Tiffany's tips in my head. "You should have thought of that before you softened up Tiffany's nips for Sabrina that night, you bitch. Tonight, you'll pay for that. Get on your knees." Corey seemed to shake out of her daze and I smiled as she knelt in front of me. 
"I think you know what to do," I told her. I grunted as she slid her mouth over me. After everything that had happened, I knew I wouldn't last long, and Corey had some talent to boot. Within a few minutes, I felt myself reach the point of no return and gently pulled her off. 
"Give me your little tits." Corey shuffled up so my cock was aiming at her little boobs. "Good girl," I muttered as I came. Corey winced when the first jet hit her, but after that quietly watched me finish. It felt good after all that time to release. 
"There's a towel in the bathroom, in the rack above the toilet. Go get one so we can clean off." 
"Aren't Tiff and Sabrina in there?" I nodded. 
"Yes. It wouldn't be as humiliating if no one saw you, would it?" I asked, in the tone of someone explaining something to a child. She huffed, but as she watched my cum drip off her chest, shook her head and walked, somewhat carefully to the bathroom. 
"Ewww! Jon! What did you do?" Sabrina howled. I heard Tiffany laughing the entire time Corey walked back, the towel clutched to her chest. 
I took the towel from her and patted the couch. She sat down next to me, meek and quiet after the embarrassing sojourn to the bathroom. I wiped my cock clean, putting the towel on the chair next to me. 
"Corey," I said leaning over to pull the thick, puffy nipple on her left breast, causing the redhead to shudder, "this is going to be a great night for me and Tiff. I'm glad you're here to share it."