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Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila

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Offline katietay

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Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« on: January 07, 2024, 01:20:04 PM »
New season, new series name. :p I don't really know how long this series is going to run, I haven't planned it out yet. Let's see where it goes. :)

"Well hello there, Flo."

A familiar face moves into Florence Almeida's field of vision. Florence's arms tremble -- she is holding up a barbell loaded up to 60kg, and she's reached her limit of 4 reps. "Oh, hi," she gasps. "Uh, help me rack this, would you?"

"Nahhhh!" Big, brawny Jasmine Kaur moves to stand at Florence's head, behind the bench press rack. "C'mon, I got you. 1 more! This is easy for you, Flo, easy!"

It is not, in fact, easy. Jasmine also fails to make it any easier -- her hands don't actually touch the rack as Florence strains to push the weight up off her chest. "Ahh... ahhhh... ahhhhhhh!" she cries out with increasing desperation. The shaking barbell stops halfway up, and begins descending again. "Help... unghh... help..."

Jasmine waits till the barbell is almost all the way down to Florence's sternum before taking a firm hold of the metal and drawing it up and back with one smooth motion, like a biceps curl. Florence has barely any strength left in her arms, shoulders or chest at this point -- it really is Jasmine's arm strength. She lets her arms dangle limply at her sides while glaring up at the cackling Indian musclegirl.

"Fuck you, Jasmine," she murmurs halfheartedly. Her lower back is twinging like crazy now, and she's afraid that if she moves wrong she'll end up with a lower back injury that'll put her out of action for some time.

"Hey, no pain, no gain, gotta hustle for the muscle, girlfriend."

"Not your girlfriend."

"Aw, how can you say that? After all the times we've cummed together."

"That'd make everyone everyone's girlfriend," Florence retorts.

"Ha! Ok. Although, you seem to be close to Sylvia these days. What's the story there?" Jasmine has moved to stand beside Florence, who gingerly pulls herself up into a sitting position while gripping the bar.

"There's no story," Florence mutters and looks away, rubbing her lower back. "Ow... fuck you, seriously..."

"C'mon, spill. I saw the video. You were in cahoots with the bitch, girl! You were using that remote-controlled vibrator on her... what the actual! Hahaha..." Jasmine dissolves into giggles. Her mass of belly muscles writhe and undulate as the amusement wracks her body. "That was... that was seriously some of the funniest shit I've ever seen. Especially when the fucking thing malfunctioned and she was... she was so frantic, trying to get the thing out of her, then it was like she was laying an egg... and you were there, jamming your finger on the button and making those funny faces... like, oh my goddess, you were like this isn't working! I can't stop it, this button isn't working, what do I do, what do I do now? Sylvia, sorry, I'm sorry, Sylvia..." Jasmine dissolves into peals of outright laughter.

Florence, her face crimson, says nothing.

"Oh, I wish I could've been there." Jasmine manages to say after recovering somewhat. "Too bad I don't get along with the Steele bitches. But yeah, you seem to. Were you trying to get with Sylvia?"

"Not anymore, obviously," Florence mumbles and looks down shamefacedly.

"Yeah, not after that debacle, huh. Honestly, I never thought she was very sexy. Certainly not after she cheated and still lost. So are you invited to the next one? Dahlia vs. Sheila?"

"That one isn't invitation. That one's open. Right here." Florence gestures vaguely in the direction of the "Function Room".

"Wow. They agreed?"

"I... guess?"

"That is going to be so interesting. I wouldn't miss it for the world. When is it again, next Saturday evening, right? Hey, you wanna come with? Let's be partners," Jasmine offers generously. "I have a new vibrator I want to try. You can try it with me."

"I'm already coming with my mom," Florence blurts out, but then flushes. "Um... you could join us. If you're coming alone."

"Aw, I don't get to have you all to myself? Nah, forget it, I'll get someone else." Jasmine waves a hand dismissively. "No biggie. Hey so... what do you think? Does Dahlia have a chance at all?"

"You can't be serious!" Florence can't help scoffing. But then she looks up at Jasmine's earnest expression. "You're serious," she breathes. "You don't think it's going to be a total curb stomp."

Jasmine leans against the bench press rack and props her fist against her hip. The movement causes the awesome definition on her massive arm and shoulder to pop. Florence's gaze involuntarily fixes on Jasmine's musculature. "Why do you think it's going to be?"

"I... you actually..." Florence stops to think. "Ok, well... Dahlia has a lot of grit, I'll give her that. From what we've seen so far, we don't know them very well, but even her mother showed a lot of fight. Dahlia did show she was stronger than Sylvia, in reality... But Sheila's a mother. How often do daughters beat mothers who're still under 60? Sheila probably outweighs her by... what... 10? 15? I wouldn't be surprised if Sheila has a 15kg advantage, and most of that muscle."

"Smaller girls do win sometimes."

"But have you seen the stipulations for the contest?"

Jasmine hasn't, so Florence quickly pulls up the relevant document on her phone. "Here, take a look. The deck is totally stacked. Those poor Kwans... they're gonna be slaves."

Jasmine is silent as she scrolls through the document. Slowly, she shakes her head. "Those Steeles are really something. I mean... they have a right to do it this way, but... where's the pride? Where's the honor?"

Florence shrugs. "They're like that. We all know. They just want to win."

"Sylvia as referee, fine, whatever. We're all going to be watching anyway, so that doesn't actually matter. If Sylvia's unfair we'll all start booing and they won't live it down. But... the whole contest is practically rigged. Fuck."

"Yep." Florence nods.

The match between Sheila and Dahlia will be a best-of-7, or first-to-4, series of contests. Round 1: Squats. Round 2: Deadlifts. Round 3: Bench press. For each of these rounds, Sheila will set the pace, selecting a weight and doing as many reps as she can with it. Then it'll be Dahlia's turn, and if Dahlia can't match the same number of reps, the point goes to Sheila.

Then Round 4: arm-wrestling, right arm. And the kicker... for rounds 1 to 3, Camellia can spot her daughter for safety, but before round 4 starts, Camellia is to be strung up to a bondage rack (specifically an inverted-Y rack, meaning Camellia's arms will be strapped together straight up above her while her legs will be apart). The table -- a professional arm wrestling table -- will be set up right in front of her.

Florence cannot help but think this will be outright bullying. Poor Dahlia surely cannot outlift Sheila at any of those 3 lifts, and will tire herself out in the attempt. Then having an arm wrestling match right after her bench press attempt... it seems calculated to give Sheila a crushing 4-0 victory.

Rounds 5 to 7 seem almost perfunctory. Arm wrestling, left arm; tug-of-war; submission wrestling.

"So yeah. Poor Dahlia. Poor Camellia. Poor Kwans." Florence shakes her head commiseratingly.

"Like you won't be bringing yourself to multiple climaxes along with everyone else, watching them get humiliated and destroyed," Jasmine snorts. She looks thoughtful. "Mmm. I don't know... I feel like Dahlia might surprise all of us."

"She's very muscular, very strong," Florence concedes, "but the size and weight difference... it's just too much."

"Mmm. Let's see next week. Hey, come and give me a spot, will you? I'm going heavy on squats today."

Florence sighs and assents. Her lower back spasms have subsided, but she rubs it gingerly as she stands up. She won't risk it anymore today. Fucking Jasmine Kaur, she thinks to herself, glaring at the powerfully-built woman's thick back muscles. She doesn't dare say it to Jasmine's face, of course, or complain too much; she's been crushed too many times -- physically and sexually -- by the larger, stronger Jasmine already.

It really does seem almost a foregone conclusion, a one-sided beatdown, Florence muses. But Jasmine doesn't seem to think so...
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2024, 04:09:51 PM »
I am looking forward to this new series.   8)


Offline katietay

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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2024, 01:07:12 PM »
"Dahlia, my love."

"Yes, Mom." Dahlia's fingers trace patterns along her mother's ridged back muscles. Camellia's weight rests comfortably on top of her.

"I want you to know something. I'm proud of you, no matter what happens tomorrow, no matter if you win or lose. You are my incredible daughter, and I love you..."

"Mom... no."

Camellia looks startled, and blinks. Dahlia is shaking her head. "Mom... that's not what I need to hear right now."

Camellia is silent. Dahlia looks up at her mother, and something in her face changes. She shifts her limbs, and suddenly her thighs are on the outside, clamping Camellia's together. Her arms are now pinning Camellia's to her sides and squeezing in a bear hug.

"Feel it, Mom?" Dahlia whispers, her lips brushing against her mother's.

Camellia always enjoys it when her daughter gets dominant -- they take turns getting frisky like this -- but at the moment she can sense Dahlia has a point to make. "Yes. I feel it."

"Feel how strong I am for you. Feel how strong you've made me."

"I feel it. I feel it every day."

"I can do it, Mom. I can win. I can beat her for you." Dahlia's muscles flex away. Her voice grows strained with exertion. "Do you believe in me, Mom?"

Camellia is now having to fight back, to push out with her arms and legs to resist Dahlia's crushing pressure. Her daughter is strong, oh yes, so strong...! "Yes. Always."

"Don't you want me to win tomorrow? To outmuscle Sheila right in front of you, to avenge you?"

"I do." Camellia practically moans. "I do, so much. I want you to win. I don't want you to lose."

"I need you to believe in me, Mom!"


They are both grunting now. Camellia can't extricate herself. Her daughter has already outstripped her, become stronger than her, and her heart is bursting with pride.

"You make me stronger."


"I'll win, Mom. I'll win."

"Do it. Beat her. Show me, show everyone, you're better than her."

"We'll do it together. You and me, Mom. Feel this? This strength and power, it comes from you, Mom. All from you."

"Yes." Camellia clenches her teeth, feeling her arousal build. "Don't lose, Dahlia. Win for me."

"Yes, Mom!"

It is hopeless, of course. Camellia knows the score. With Sheila's size and weight advantage, as strong and plucky as her Dahlia is, tomorrow's match will just be a drawn-out humiliation ritual. And with her being strapped up as a kind of hostage, on account of having lost to Sheila, the whole event is basically one big BDSM party. She only hopes her Dahlia will not be put through too much pain and suffering. Knowing her, though... Dahlia won't back down from any of it, not one bit. She knows her daughter will step up to the plate, and take all the pain and punishment their tormentors throw her way, and look incredibly strong and sexy doing it.

But as for winning...

She can see and sense the fire in Dahlia's eyes. She can feel the strength in her daughter's muscles. Dahlia continues to grow ever stronger, putting on a kilo of muscle over this past month. Her muscles are as compactly powerful as ever. In a contest of raw strength... competing against Sheila in the 3 powerlifting lifts... there is just no way. Not even for her Dahlia.

She has told her daughter the truth. She will be proud of her no matter what. No one can take that away from them. Ever.

Sheila reclines outside in the yard, taking contented puffs on the cigarette in her thick, callused fingers. Beside her, Sylvia cracks open another cold one.

They are both spending the afternoon suntanning, before tomorrow evening's recreation. Sheila has decided she wants a slightly more pronounced tan so that her muscle definition shows up a bit more in the videos and photos that will be taken, and Sylvia is going along with it. So at the moment, they are both fully in the buff in their front yard, sitting on deck chairs.

"You really shouldn't be smoking anymore, Mom," Sylvia complains. She herself took it up a few years ago, but only smokes infrequently. "That's what, your fifth today?'

"My sixth, and mind your own beer belly, girl," Sheila growls in response.

Sylvia stares in disbelief and outrage at her mother's thick waistline, but then snorts and leans back, taking a gulp. "Sure would be nice to have a couple of maids around the house after tomorrow," she snickers nastily.

"Ha!" Sheila barks with amusement, but this quickly becomes a phlegmy hacking cough that takes her about half a minute more to clear. She hawks and spits, then presses a finger to a nostril and forcefully expels a gobbet of mucus.

Sylvia doesn't say anything, but privately she nurses some concerns. Her mother's nose hasn't been the same ever since that damned Camellia Kwan broke it. It was easy enough to set afterwards, but it will never be quite the same again -- the slight lumpiness will always be discernible, and something inside also seems to have been messed up slightly. It is just a few little things, so far, just a slightly greater tendency for Sheila's sinuses to act up, a little bit harder to clear her nasal passageway after sneezes, a little more sneezing than before... When was the last time they went for a run, or a swim? Sylvia idly wonders. They don't even do much on the rowing machine or the elliptical, when they visit the neighborhood gym. Sheila has been focusing on doing the big lifts in preparation for the crushing of Dahlia, and of course pumping up her build with various machines and movements. Her bull neck looks thicker than ever, and her shoulders are really boulders now.

There's nothing to worry about, Sylvia tries to tell herself. Look at your big, strong, powerful Mom! Who else has a mom like her? Well, apart from Jasmine Kaur... and a few others... but Mom is a powerhouse! She is going to wipe the mats with poor little Dahlia tomorrow. It will be such a delight to watch up close...

But then lately, at nights, where they used to average five orgasms apiece... Sheila seems to manage about three these days, at most, before she goes off into a deep slumber. Sometimes just one or two, and then she calls it a night, sweating all over like a stuck pig.

And the snoring...!

Never mind. Time enough to work on cardio fitness later. Especially since having the Kwans around as maidservants will leave the Steeles a bit more time for themselves...!
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2024, 11:15:08 PM »
This one is fire!!!! I can see Dahlia finally avenging her mother  ;) but deep down I still enjoyed her humiliation too much last time  ;D I dunno which one I like more but I feel like no matter what happens in the end, Camellia and Sylvia will be more than involved  :D


Offline katietay

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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2024, 06:45:02 AM »
The fateful day of the duel dawns, much like any other day. For the Steeles, it is a bright sunny day full of promise, and they walk with a spring in their step towards the venue. But for the Kwans, as they walk hand in hand... the sky seems overcast and gloomy.

They reach the venue without incident and proceed straight to their dressing room, where Camellia proceeds to help her daughter strip down, then to oil her up. Dahlia spreads her arms and legs wide and closes her eyes, silently enjoying this sacrament, one of the highest and holiest in their society: a loving mother oiling her daughter's muscles before a battle. Camellia's fingers dig firmly into Dahlia's flesh, kneading the tight knots away. Where her hands pass over, Dahlia's skin is left smooth and glistening, highlighting every striated strand of definition she has trained so hard to produce. The oil causes her small breasts to take on a luminous glow, especially at the underboobs. The thatch of hair adorning her crotch gleams wetly.

Camellia's chest feels tight. She slips her fingers into the folds of Dahlia's pussy and begins her tender treatment. Dahlia curls her arms into a powerful flex and looks deep into her mother's eyes. "I can feel the strength you're giving me. You make me so strong..." Camellia nods and smiles at the reassurance. Her daughter looks simply magnificent. Brave and powerful. Will it be enough to defeat the ogress...?

Then it is time to put on the bathrobe and walk her daughter out into the arena.

The room has been set up as follows: dueling mats laid out in a large area; chairs arranged along one side of the room for the audience, numbering more than 30; an inverted Y-rack with cuffs set up in the middle of the seating area, facing the mats; along the opposite wall, 3 weights stations for the strength contests -- a squat cage, two raised pads for the deadlift bar, and a bench press rack. Later, the arm wrestling table will be brought out in front of the inverted-Y rack -- Camellia's torture stand. And finally, though no one is really expecting it to go that far, lines of tape mark out positions and boundaries for the tug-of-war.

Everyone in the room is naked and ready -- except for Sheila and Dahlia, still in their ceremonial bathrobes. The audience members have their lube and toys out, and some are already fingering their partners as they turn to look from one end of the room to the other, where each rival pair is standing. Sylvia stands with an arm propped casually on Sheila's shoulder, and both of them are smirking at the Kwans across the room. Camellia stands with an arm encircling her daughter's waist protectively.

The room goes quiet as Sylvia gives her mother a nod and starts walking out to the center of the mats, her mother following behind with a swagger in her step. Dahlia and Camellia step forward as well and move to face their rivals. Sheila and Dahlia come to a stop about a meter from each other. Dahlia's stance and face are neutral, while Sheila has her arms folded across her chest and looks insufferably smug.

Sylvia turns to address the spectators. "The contest will now begin. On your left, weighing in at an impressive 80 kilos of strong, powerful muscle, my mighty, dominant mother.. Sheila Steele!"

On cue, Sheila shrugs her shoulders and lets fall her bathrobe. Her massive, oiled body gleams under the lights. Her muscles are pumped, and look more impressive than ever. Her belly has gotten thicker than before, and the lines of abdominal definition are fainter. Her upper body definition, however, seems to have improved. As the crowd gasps and claps, Sheila brings her arms up into a powerful flex, grinning at the visibly shaken Camellia. Dahlia's expression, however, remains unchanged. Her eyes travel all over Sheila's body, and her lips seem to tighten slightly, but she shows no response to Sheila's intimidation.

"Your turn, Dahlia," Sylvia says in a singsong voice as she takes a step back, and begins squeezing Sheila's oiled biceps fondly and running her hand over her mother's chest muscle.

Camellia swallows, and turns. "My daughter, Dahlia Kwan. 62 kilograms. She is... the strongest and most beautiful woman in the world." The best daughter anyone could ask for.

Dahlia turns and proudly throws off her bathrobe. There are murmurs of appreciation at her superb physique. She turns her body and strikes up various poses, suddenly seeming to exude confidence, apparently more than delighted to flaunt her physique as sexily as possible. Several spectators cannot help biting and licking their lips at her highly arousing display. Even Camellia is taken aback, though her heart flutters with delight. What's gotten into her...?

Then the answer comes. Of course... this is family pride. Dahlia is making the statement plain: in no way does she feel inferior to her larger, heavier, older opponent! She is proud and completely unashamed to be Camellia's daughter! And what a performance she is putting up... it feels so odd to Camellia. She has only ever seen Dahlia flex, wink and gyrate her hips like that in the bedroom...

As the applause and whooping start to die away Camellia can see that the display has angered the Steeles. Sheila seems to be gritting her teeth. Feeling upstaged, perhaps...? Infuriated at how uncowed Dahlia seems at the size disparity, at the weight difference?

"All right, enough of that! Let's begin! Come on!" Sylvia barks out suddenly, clapping her hands peremptorily. "Let's go! This way! Squats! May the stronger woman win!"

As they move together towards the first station, the Steeles seem to regain a measure of cockiness, and Sheila looks particularly eager to start. The bar has already been loaded up to 100kg -- 2 plates on each end. The contest will be about Dahlia matching Sheila's lifts. Sheila will set the pace, selecting the weight, and pumping out as many reps as she wants to or can perform. Dahlia must match or exceed the number of reps in order not to lose the round. If she matches the reps, Sheila must then increase the weight and try another set. If Dahlia can exceed Sheila by 1 rep, she wins the round.

This gives Dahlia a slim glimmer of a chance against the larger Sheila. If Sheila goes for a weight that Dahlia can manage well enough, and if Dahlia can manage to eke out just 1 rep more than Sheila, there will be an upset and Dahlia will have outlifted her opponent. To ensure that she takes the point, Sheila must find the right balance and choose a weight that Dahlia will struggle with, and then pump out as many reps as she can so that by her reckoning Dahlia has no chance of matching her.

Sheila puts out her right leg and flexes it, making her thunder thighs bulge powerfully. "Think you can match this, girl?" she laughs.

Then her eyes flash with anger as Dahlia copies her movement and puts her own leg out, matching Sheila flex for flex. What she lacks in muscle mass, she makes up for in definition. "Try me, Sheila."

They glare at each other. Sylvia and Camellia lock gazes as well. The air between them sizzles with tension. The same question is running through the minds of all the watchers: does Dahlia stand a chance? How will this contest go?
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2024, 09:11:59 PM »
And away we go! Cant wait to see how these contests play out. SO glad to have Katietay back and putting out her amazing writing. Thank you!


Offline Ben19c

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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2024, 12:02:52 AM »
This will be amazing to see how it plays out.  I am sure Dahlia will give Sheila more of a challenge than anyone imagined.  Many thanks for sharing.   ;)


Offline katietay

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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2024, 05:44:37 AM »
And away we go! Cant wait to see how these contests play out. SO glad to have Katietay back and putting out her amazing writing. Thank you!

I'm so sorry, I'm gonna have to go on a weeks-long hiatus right now xD thank you for your kind words all this time and hope you enjoy whatever I manage to put out :p
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


Offline katietay

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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2024, 05:29:30 AM »
Round 1: weightlifting, squats.

Burly, powerfully-built Sheila steps up to the power cage wearing her perpetual signature cocky sneer on her face, but she grows serious as she stares at the bar and weights for some moments.

There is no doubt in her mind that she is bigger and therefore stronger than Dahlia, but just how strong is this woman who somehow manages to outmuscle her Sylvia quite consistently? The odds seem to favor Sheila, but she feels the pressure: she absolutely has to crush Dahlia at these strength contests that they've rigged in their favor, or the shame and embarrassment would be extreme. If she goes for 100kg, pumps out 20... and Dahlia does 21, she loses. And it would feel like shit, too. Nobody wants to do 20 reps of 100kg, absolutely nobody. But if she goes for maybe 140kg, a full 3 plates on each side... she knows she can manage maybe 5 or 6 of those. What if... just, what if... somehow, Dahlia finds the willpower to force her muscles to pump out 9? And if she goes for her personal best, 3 reps of 160kg... surely Dahlia would be crushed under that weight, but what if she somehow...

Sheila's fists clench. The girl has already gotten under her skin! She should have more confidence than this, given their size disparity! She snaps at Sylvia more sharply than she intends, instructing her daughter to load it up to 140kg. She will try to crush Dahlia at the strength-training range. If she can force herself to do 7 or so... Dahlia shouldn't be able to manage more than 3 or 4, given her frame. It should give her the victory...

Sheila gets under the bar, bunches her thick trapezius muscles together, braces her entire body, and unracks. The bar across her shoulders bends slightly with the weight of the plates attached. There is a soft gasp from her admirers at the impressive sight. With her daughter's exhortations in her ears, Sheila begins doing the squats.

3... 4... she is cheating a little, not quite going below parallel, but Sylvia is counting the reps off just the same. Camellia angrily points that out, but Sylvia waves a hand dismissively. "That counts!"

They've discussed this before. They can't cheat too overtly, and anyway Sheila shouldn't need to cheat at all... they will play it as straight as they can, both as a matter of face and a matter of personal pride. But if there is a way to try and get some kind of edge... of course they'll take it. Doing this contest in front of an audience has its drawbacks... the other women will want to allow Dahlia to do these slightly easier reps as well, without having to go down to parallel. Otherwise, the win wouldn't be as conclusive and devastating as it should be.

5... and then 6... Sheila expels her breath in a huge grunt of effort as she straightens up, her body trembling slightly. This is usually where she stops. She bares her teeth in a wordless snarl. 1 more, just to drive it home...! She goes down, and her whole body tenses up as she begins the upward push. "Come on, come on, Mom!" Sylvia is shouting at her. There is some encouragement from the crowd too.

"Gnn... gnnnn... gaaaahhhh!" Sheila manages it! 7 reps! Her back twinges warningly, but quickly she racks the bar and steps away, allowing her muscles to relax. That was a near thing, she thinks. Towards the end she was straining just a little too hard with her lower back, and the weight had shifted a bit too far to the front, forcing her to push through the front of her soles rather than her heels...

Still, as she wipes the sweat off her brow with the back of her hand, she and Sylvia share a smug smile. 7 reps of 140kg! Sheila can see the trepidation in the eyes of the Kwans. She particularly enjoys the way Camellia squeezes Dahlia's hand tightly. You know your girl can't match that, Camellia!

Camellia watches as her Dahlia steps under the bar. She looks so... small, compared to how Sheila looked. During their training sessions, she has never seen Dahlia do more than 4 reps of this weight, and that with considerable assistance from Camellia as a spotter for the last rep, with her arms around her daughter's waist. But if she spots Dahlia that way right now, she knows Sylvia will discount the rep.

Dahlia just looks grimly determined as she grips the bar and bunches up her shoulders. Her musculature looks awesome as she prepares to unrack. Her eyes find and meet Camellia's intense gaze. A look of firm resolve enters her eyes.

She unracks. The bar wobbles slightly. She takes a few moments to firm up her footing and brace her pelvis. She takes one deep breath... then another... then another...

Then she goes down, lower than parallel, and up again smoothly -- a picture-perfect rep.

The crowd explodes into applause. There are a few comments on how that rep was smoother and more elegant than Sheila's clumsy ones, comments which make Sheila turn and glare furiously at the audience, though she cannot see who exactly are saying those things. Jasmine Kaur, sitting beside Florence Almeida, is one of them, though, and quite vocal about it. "If this were a proper powerlifting meet, I think Sheila's count might very well be zero," she remarks, getting a few knowing chuckles from those sitting around her. "Dahlia just got a white light, a proper one!"

And then Dahlia does it again, after huffing and puffing a few times before each rep. And again - 3 now. She is emptying her lungs before refilling them, each time. And throughout, her eyes remain locked with her mother's. Camellia has moved to stand in front of her daughter, her eyes alight as she mouths words of encouragement and feeds her daughter strength with her eyes. Dahlia smiles, goes down, and up again, straining about three-quarters of the way up, but managing to straighten. 4 reps! She has already exceeded her personal best!

But there are 4 more to go, if she wants to beat Sheila outright. And suddenly... it is Sylvia hovering in front of her, blocking off the sight of her mother. "You are taking too long in between reps," Sylvia announces loudly, to some boos from the audience. "You gotta hurry it up, or I'll call it!" To the crowd she angrily says, "What? I'm the referee, I can make the ruling! What I say goes! You all could see, my mom didn't take as long in between each rep! What Dahlia's doing is like cheating -- it's like resting too much!"

To Dahlia she reiterates, "What I say goes! Now c'mon -- next rep! If you can!"

Dahlia's eyes are now fixed furiously on her rival counterpart. She has no choice but to accept this specious reasoning. She takes a huge breath... goes taut all over... goes down... and comes up again, slowly now, sticking slightly at the halfway mark, grunting with the strain as she forces out the 5th rep.

"Ok, next! No dawdling! Unless you're tired? You wanna give up, Dahlia? Feel the burn in your legs, huh?" Sylvia's taunting drowns out Camellia's encouragement -- Camellia is trying to stand beside Sylvia but finds herself physically blocked by Sheila. The two mothers are pushing against each other, on the verge of coming to blows.

Seeing Sheila trying to womanhandle her mother galvanizes Dahlia anew. She takes in big air again, goes down, and... "Grrrrrrrraaaaahh!" She practically roars like a lioness as she forces out the 6th rep!

Now the Steeles are staring at her, disbelief warring with anger. 1 more rep, and she can at least force Sheila to redo the squats. She has never done this much before. Her muscles are tired. She is at her limit... how far beyond can she push herself?

She clenches her teeth and keeps her eyes focused on her worried mother. There is some chanting from the crowd... in support of her and her tremendous physical feat... she has already done very well in their estimation, perhaps, by doing 6 to Sheila's 7... but it's not enough. She wants to win. She has to win.

Down she goes... and at the bottom, she tenses, and pushes with every ounce of strength remaining in her legs...

And finds that she cannot rise. She starts shaking all over with the strain. She is stuck. There is not enough power in her thighs.

Sylva and Sheila loom large in front of her, leering down at her with their ugly, sneering faces. "Give up... give it up! It's too much for you! You've lost!" Behind them, over their shoulders, Camellia is calling out encouragement and trying to lock eyes with Dahlia again, but they're deliberately blocking her out.

At last, red-faced and sweating, blinking tears from her eyes, Dahlia is forced to give up. The barbell clangs onto the safety bars. Dahlia awkwardly removes herself from underneath as the Steeles throw their arms in the air, doing a victory lap together. Camellia helps the shaking, trembling Dahlia to her feet and they embrace.

"I'm sorry, Mom."

"You did wonderfully. You were amazing."

To crown the insult, Sylvia forces Dahlia to stand in the middle of the mats to her side, while she ceremoniously raises Sheila's arm on her other side, cementing Sheila's victory over Dahlia. "Sheila Steele leads 1-nil!" she crows.

Even though the audience claps obligingly, they are considering what they've just seen: Dahlia is outweighed by almost 20kg... yet almost matched Sheila's best effort, lagging by only a single rep, or perhaps even half a rep. 6 reps of 140kg for her body weight is impressive by any standard. Maybe... just maybe... this contest isn't as uneven as they thought.

The next round, deadlifts, doesn't reinforce this notion, however. It is practically a repeat, even down to the Steeles attempting to physically block off the connection between mother and daughter that the Kwans share. Sheila loads the bar all the way up to 160kg, figuring that she should try to win by outright power since Dahlia seems capable of forcing her muscles to endure prolonged strain. She manages 5 reps of those, sumo-style alternate grip, although the last rep was contentious. Jasmine Kaur in the audience leads the chorus that calls for the last rep to be disqualified, since Sheila didn't quite straighten up all the way, she says. In the event, however, Sylvia insists that the rep was on the level, and the Steeles still have enough support for this to stand.

Dahlia also goes for sumo-style, alternate grip, and everyone is in quiet awe of her sheer muscle definition as she performs 4 deadlifts. She is maybe one of the strongest women in the room, pound-for-pound. And yet, in this contest... it isn't quite enough. At the last rep, with the Steeles taunting her to her face while her mother cheers her on to the side, she strains and strains until she has to let the barbell slip from her fingers. Any harder, and she might have hurt her lower back, she tells her mother while weeping into her shoulder. Camellia strokes the back of her hair while reminding Dahlia firmly that her health and wellness come first, before anything else.

"Even before my freedom," she whispers into her daughter's ear. "Do you understand me? You must not hurt yourself. I will be very disappointed in you if you injure yourself in this contest."

They repeat the humiliating victory ritual, with Sylvia proudly raising Sheila's arm up high while Dahlia bows her head in defeat. 2-0 now, to Sheila. As perhaps everyone had expected.

But Dahlia has come so close, each time. So close... closer than anyone had thought.

How are the bench presses going to go?
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Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2024, 02:56:04 PM »
The weightlifting was a very close contest as Dahlia is impressively strong.  I think Sheila was cheating a little too much on her last 2 lifts in both the squat and dead lift contests.  I would have not counted Sheila's final rep in either lift if I was there as an impartial judge.   I hope Dahlia wins the bench presses to start her comeback.  Thanks for your amazing writing style.  ;)


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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2024, 04:51:40 PM »
A truly outstanding series.   
Just the three of us


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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2024, 12:18:19 PM »
Glad that some of you like these forum post stories so far, both content and format! :) I know this is a bit different from "two middle-aged women with big boobs claw each other up over a man", but well, I don't really know any other forum where these stories can belong. :p At some point I might compile these posts and update my Literotica, if I ever get the time for more than sporadic posting.

Florence Almeida wriggles in her seat -- Jasmine's insistent rubbing feels really good, though she's trying not to admit it. "What do you think so far?" she says, trying to change the subject (and trying to distract herself from the insistent pressure on her clit). "I mean... no way Dahlia can win this, can she?"

"Hard to say... all depends on her and her strategy," Jasmine replies. She reaches around Florence's shoulder and arm to squeeze her boob, and smooches Florence's flushed cheek. "But from what I've seen so far, I'm not hopeful at all. Dahlia's a real blockhead."

"How... nnngghhh..." Florence pauses as a fresh shudder of pleasure washes over her. "Gnn... ungh... how do you mean?"

"Simple. She should've thrown the squats and bust out the stops for the deadlifts. Then next, she should throw the bench press, and then go with skill and technique for the arm wrestling. She'd not only stand a chance, but she might even take the lead."

"Deadlifts...? Why?" Florence is interested, despite herself. "Gnn... if you were... ungh... dammit, I can't think straight..."

"Use your words, Flo," Jasmine chuckles wickedly. Florence's fingers rubbing her moist labia are having nowhere near the same effect as she is having on her panting victim. She is effortlessly winning this impromptu sexfight.

"Ah, fuck... unngh... If you were in Dahlia's position and facing a much stronger opponent in a contest like this what would you do," Florence says, getting the words out in a rush.

"Strategy. The key is strategy. Squats -- you can't do much there, you're crushed under the bar, the stronger woman wins. Deadlifts -- we've just seen it. Sheila's technique fucking sucks. With her size she should be doing at least 8 of those. She's weak for her size. Dahlia's technique is much more polished, which means better lifts... which means she could have actually done 5 reps, if she'd just conserved her energy by throwing the squats. Making a token effort.

"You see... in this contest, Sheila actually has the disadvantage. She has to anticipate and guess how strong her opponent is. She doesn't get a do-over. It's once and done. So if she guesses wrong, she loses a point, just like that. You saw how close Dahlia was to actually matching her 5 reps. With Dahlia's grit, and superior technique, 6 was possible, if she really went for it.

"Now we'll see how stupid Dahlia is. I think she's pretty dumb. I think she's going to do her very best in each and every contest with Sheila, which means she's going to come up short every time. Just because her mom's watching," Jasmine sneers. "She's not fucking thinking. Bench pressing against an obviously stronger opponent is a wash, especially with a biased referee. And if she really pushes herself to maximum effort... how the fuck is she gonna arm wrestle, if she's already exhausted every muscle in her upper body?"

"We'll see now, I guess. Sheila's loading up the bar..."

"How about I make you cum just as Dahlia fails her last rep..." Jasmine whispers wickedly into Florence's ear.

Sorry, that's all I have time for today... you can probably tell I've been watching quite a bit of anime lately.  ;D
« Last Edit: February 26, 2024, 12:21:44 PM by katietay »
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Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2024, 04:41:30 PM »
I am looking forward to the next part of this amazing story.  I wonder if Sheila will under estimate Dahlia in the bench press contest as I think Sheila is beginning to struggle with her lifts even with Sylvia being a biased referee allowing Sheila to cheat.  Guess we will have to wait and see what happens.  ;)


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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2024, 11:06:53 AM »
So sorry... this has been a seriously busy month for me! I will return as soon as I can :D
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Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2024, 01:51:22 PM »
Sheila loads the bar up to 90kg. It seems she's going to try and go for more reps with a safer weight, but presumably a weight she thinks Dahlia will struggle with. Has she gauged Dahlia's pushing strength and endurance accurately...?

Then Sylvia faces the Kwans, hands on hips, and announces, "To forestall any accusation of cheating... which obviously we won't do, and haven't done, because we don't need to... but just to shut some of you up..." Here she glares at Jasmine briefly before turning back to her rivals. "We'll spot for each other. Camellia, you'll spot for my mom. And I will spot you, Dahlia." Her grin is wicked and salacious.

There is a minor uproar in the crowd, and Dahlia clenches her fists with indignation. "I want to spot my own daughter," Camellia declares.

"So that you can help her cheat?" Sylvia shoots back. "I'm trusting you with my mom here! It's all fair! And anyway, what I say goes!"

Most of the audience just shrugs at this new stipulation -- probably they figure it wouldn't matter very much anyway. They can all see if any cheating is going on. And it does seem to be fair in a way: some of them had been suspecting that Sylvia would use her hands to give her mom just a tad too much assistance. Sylvia can't really work any shenaxxxxns on Dahlia in front of everyone... or can she?

Jasmine's eyes have narrowed. "This is definitely not looking good for Dahlia. Poor girl. All those muscles, and yet, it's like she's coming into this duel with one hand tied behind her back..."

"What do you mean?" Florence doesn't get it.

"We'll see."

Sheila gets under the bar, wriggling in position. Camellia stands over her and gazes down at the rippling chest muscles, ridged abdominals and spread-out breasts of her hated foe. She can still remember all too well what it was like to be crushed up against that torso... to lose against these muscles... to have that ugly face -- the ugliness is more on the inside than the outside, of course -- leering at her suffering...

"Ready, Camellia? I should start calling you Cammy," Sheila says as she unracks the barbell smoothly. Her muscles flex as she braces the weight with her strong arms. "Easier around the house. Good name for a house servant."

"Hands at the ready," barks Sylvia. "If you fail to spot my mom properly, Dahlia gets disqualified!"

Unwillingly, Camellia reaches out and puts her hands just under the bar, with a bit of space in between. She finds herself hoping somehow that these impressive, thick muscles in front of her will somehow fail unexpectedly. Maybe a cramp, maybe Sheila strains the wrong way...

Sheila begins pumping out the reps, and Camellia's hope dies. She is so strong, so confident, with this weight... 8 reps of 90kg are done, smooth and easy. And the form is good too, if a bit amateurish. Sheila mostly ends up pushing with her shoulders a bit more than she should, with a high elbow angle. The arch of her back and the position of her feet doesn't make for good channelling of whole-body strength. But right now, it doesn't seem as though her form is hurting her at all. She takes a couple of deep breaths, then resumes. 9, 10.

Stop already, Camellia thinks, biting her lip. Stop! Enough!

But no. Sheila has clearly been training for this. Down and up the bar goes, 11. And again... but noticeably slower now... 12. "Gnnn. Gnnnnnn." Sheila's grunting and panting are loud. Has she reached her limit...?

She goes for 13. The bar goes down, and comes up... and stops, about halfway. It wobbles. "Guh... guh!" Sheila is struggling visibly.

"Come on, Cammy!" Sylvia yells furiously, pointing a warning finger. "Spot!"

Camellia complies, ignoring the deliberate rudeness, and helps Sheila complete the rest of the rep, racking the bar. Sheila slumps, letting her arms hang limply by her sides, but she wears a look of triumph. Sylvia is laughing and clapping too. Dahlia stands off to the side, her face showing only calm composure. But she catches her mother's gaze, and for a moment they are linked by Camellia's worry and concern, and Dahlia's own anxiety.

12 reps of 90kg! Dahlia has only been able to do 10 of 80kg on her best days. She can go up to 5, or even 6, for 100kg -- she is fantastically strong for her weight class. But 12 of 90kg... that is a different kind of challenge.

Sheila sits up, stretching her arms and chest. "Unnhhhh... nothing like a good chest workout," she says, swinging her arms back and forth so that her pumped, swollen chest muscles bulge powerfully. She stands up, gives her daughter a high-five, and stands to the side, waiting for Dahlia to take her turn under the bar.

Sylvia moves to replace Camellia at the head of the bench. Camellia goes over to stand across from Sheila. As Dahlia prepares to get into position, Camellia cannot restrain herself and reaches forward, taking hold of Dahlia's hand. Dahlia turns and smiles reassuringly at her mother. They both lean in and share a long, loving kiss.

"All right, break it up. Come on, hurry up and get over here. There'll be plenty of time to make out once you're in our house serving us," Sylvia snaps. "Then again, maybe we won't give you all that much time with each other... heh heh heh..." she sxxxxxxx unpleasantly.

Dahlia composes herself as she gets under the bar. She is not a professional powerlifter, but she knows the form. Legs wide apart, tucked in tightly. Back arched for maximum stability...

"Butt on the bench," Sylvia barks. "Just like my mom did. No hovering butt in this contest, Dahlia! Don't think to cheat as if this were some kind of powerlifting meet! We're doing regular bench presses here!"

Fine, Dahlia thinks. She never usually lifts her butt off the bench anyway. But this is just another niggling little example of how the Steeles will find ways and means, even if they think they have an undeniable edge, to make things that much harder for their opponents in a myriad small petty ways...

She grips tight, takes in a huge breath, and unracks. Her muscles bulge impressively all over her body. The weight feels all right. Heavy, but manageable.

"Bar has to touch the skin for the rep to count," Sylvia announces loudly as Dahlia begins. A petty attempt at distraction. Dahlia focuses on doing the reps. 4... 5...

"Straighten the arms fully at the top! Just a reminder!" Sylvia yells. Her hands follow the bar's movements, with plenty of space in between.

Looking at Sylvia and Dahlia in this position, Camellia feels her skin crawl. This is nothing she would ever have wanted -- the four of them, training partners for each other? The very thought is horrific. She doesn't trust Sylvia one bit with her daughter's safety. She inches closer to the bench, as Dahlia pumps out the 6th, 7th and 8th rep... stopping for a big breath to reset the air in her lungs with every rep now...

"Don't even think about it, Cammy," Sheila says in a low voice. She has suddenly moved to be beside Camellia. She takes hold of Camellia's right hand with her left before Camellia can react, and grips tightly, as if they were simply holding hands like friends do. "No interference."

"How low can you stoop?" Camellia whispers angrily as Dahlia pauses for breath. The barbell is trembling slightly. "This is about my daughter's safety!"

"Your girl is perfectly safe, Cammy... I don't want to beat her with a workout injury," Sheila chuckles as Sylvia begins haranguing Dahlia about taking too long in between reps. "No... I'll be crushing her into submission with my own bare hands, Camellia Kwan. When I slam her arm down right in front of your eyes... that's how I'll beat you, Camellia!"

Dahlia is now struggling with the 10th rep. She has to strain visibly, grunting loudly and desperately, before she can straighten her arms fully. It doesn't help that when her arms are almost straight, Sylvia is still yelling, "Not yet! Not yet! Straighten! Not a full rep!" such that Dahlia has to really push before Sylvia will begrudgingly accept the rep.

10 of 90kg. More than she has ever done. 3 more to go, if she wants to win. 2 more, if she wants to force Sheila into another set.

She turns her gaze to the side and sees the two moms standing side by side, holding hands. She can see how unwilling Camellia is, how Camellia is unable to jerk away and free herself from Sheila's grip. She can see the silent pleading in her mother's eyes.

Do it for Mom...!

She breathes in, tenses all over, lets the bar down, and practically makes it bounce up. It sticks halfway.

"Unnnnghh... unnngghhhhh!"

Her face, already flushed, goes crimson from the effort. The veins in her shoulders stand out starkly. Her teeth are bared. It's too heavy... she can't finish it... she has to find the strength from somewhere... how she wishes her mother were at her side, how she wishes it weren't Sylvia's sweaty crotch she smells now, but rather her mother's familiar scent... how she wishes her mother could give her an extra push by using her fingers on her pussy...

The bar wobbles and shakes, tilting to one side, and then the other. Meanwhile, Sylvia half-crouches over her struggling rival. She is laughing gleefully, her hands not very close to the bar -- certainly not close enough for real safety. "Come on, Dahlia," she laughs mockingly. "Come on, all you, all you. Use your muscles, Dahlia! Aren't you proud of them? Huh? You're always saying how proud you are of them, how strong you think they are. Come on, push, Dahlia, push! Push! All you, sis, all you!"

"The idiot does look sexy while she's straining like that," Jasmine murmurs. Her face is flushed and her lips are parted with arousal. She grabs Florence's hand forcefully and guides Florence's fingers to her clitoris, pressing it hard. "Look at that straining body..."

"And look at her poor, frantic mother," Florence laughs, pointing at the distraught Camellia with her free hand. Camellia is trying to rush forward and grab hold of the barbell herself, but Sheila is holding her back.

"I'm warning you, stay back! Or she forfeits!" Sylvia tells the teary-eyed Camellia. "I'm spotting, don't worry! See? I'm just giving her a chance to show her real strength. Isn't that what you both want? Come on, Dahlia! I believe in you! I'm not helping, it's really all you! Hahahahahaha!"

The bar starts moving... but down, not up. Dahlia's strength is failing. Her arms are shaking violently now, and it is painfully clear to everyone watching: she is not going to be able to complete the rep. Most of the women's hearts are going out to Dahlia in this moment: the overtones of the spectacle cannot be ignored. Brave, strong Dahlia has pushed herself beyond her limits to try and match the much larger Sheila in strength contests, and has come up short each time, coming heartbreakingly close.

But now, a more nefarious thing is happening...

"Come on, come on," Sylvia is shouting gleefully. Camellia is now struggling against Sheila, who has hooked and locked her arms behind her to prevent her from moving forward to help Dahlia. Dahlia is still struggling to push the weight up with the last dregs of her strength, but eventually her arms give out and she has to let the bar rest against her sternum, just below her breasts.

And still Sylvia does not lift a finger to help rack the weight. "Hey, come on, don't be a wuss," she scolds Dahlia. "It ain't over till it's over! Don't give up!" She bends over Dahlia's suffering face, grinning evilly. "Come on, Dahlia! Your mom's watching you! Push, Dahlia, push! You can do it!"

Dahlia does not waste energy on a reply; she is trying not to let the bar dig into her flesh. She is well and truly pinned beneath it now, and has to exert all her pushing muscles just to relieve the pressure on her body.

The calls begin to get louder from the audience. "Let her up! Get that off her! What do you both think you're doing!" Roughly half the audience is sadistically enjoying Dahlia's discomfiture; the other half seems to have decided that this is where the Steeles show themselves to be real villainesses.

Gauging the outcry to have reached a certain level, Sheila catches Sylvia's eye and waggles her eyebrows. Sylvia nods quickly.

"Fine, fine, loser," she cries out gaily as she reaches down to hook the bar with her wrists, taking the weight on her forearm. "Come on... come on, Dahlia, the least you could do is rack it yourself, don't make me do all the work..." She helps so little that Dahlia is practically forcing out one last assisted rep before the bar is finally, mercifully, put back into its proper place with a clang.

Dahlia Kwan lies slumped and exhausted on the bench, all four of her limbs limp, as if she has just been defeated in a fight. Which, in a sense, she has. Sheila at last releases Camellia from her pinioning hold, and Camellia is immediately at her daughter's side, rubbing and kneading Dahlia's sore, aching muscles all over the front of her torso, sobbing and weeping with tears of helpless fury. Without evincing even the slightest sense of shame, Sylvia raises her mother's arm and they do a small victory parade around the room, looking for all the world like they just won a beauty pageant.

"Mmmf," Jasmine says, and begins cumming. "Unnnngh," she grunts with pleasure, pressing Florence's fingers hard against her clit. "Just as I thought."

"Mmhmm. Mmhmm." Florence Almeida is very close to orgasm herself, rubbing her pussy furiously with the free hand Jasmine is allowing her to have. "She really... was pushing so hard... even to the end... what an absolute fool," she gasps.

Sheila 3, Dahlia 0. Sheila has won at each of the 3 big lifts.

And now... Sheila stands at the arm wrestling table in front of the inverted Y-rack. Sylvia comes and stands, arms akimbo, in front of the Kwans -- Camellia looking up resentfully, eyes blazing; Dahlia blinking and starting to sit up with her mother's assistance. Her arm, chest and shoulder muscles all look incredibly pumped... maybe even over-strained...

"All right, come on, enough rest. It's time for the next contest! And Camellia... it's time for you to take your position!" She points imperiously at the Y-rack.

The jaws of the trap are closing. This is how Dahlia will enter the arm wrestling contest: with thoroughly exhausted and strained upper-body muscles, with hands that are still trembling with fatigue, with a slightly sore lower back from all the strain on her entire core. Standing against her: thick, muscular Sheila Steele, her mother's nemesis, who outweighs her by 18kg...
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Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)