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New Moms III

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Offline ooreach

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New Moms III
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:25:35 AM »
New Moms III
   It had been a week since the night the girls had met and through a spontaneous photo shoot/wrestling.  Kara caught on the next night and Steph was right behind. Not only had the sex life of both young mothers gone through the roof, but the slightest mention of the night by the ladies sparked another wave of blissful wild passionate animalistic sex. Not one to look a gift horse these women felt the urge to contact each other but didn’t want to draw attention to the fact that they knew about their husband’s secret new turn on.
     They found each other through Facebook.  Kara excepted Steph’s friend  request.
Kara: “Hi, it was so nice to meet you.”
Steph: “Yes, you look just as beautiful as your photos showed.”
Kara: “ lol, thanks, your very attractive, too. Pretty strong, also.”
Steph: “ OMG, Brian was so turned on, I defiantly need to thank YOU for that event.” 
Kara  “ I’m benefiting from that anomaly myself.  :P
Steph: “ yeah, I wonder what it would be like if the boys actually saw some real action, between us .”
Kara paused then typed: “we might need to talk.”

They exchanged phone numbers and set up a lunch at Steph’s house.  The lunch was nice and they talked about their babies. It was nice to have another young mom to talk with. They even breast fed  their newborns together. Kara’s nipples were larger but Steph at larger and darker areola with a bit more puffiness.  They put their babes down and went to the couch with a glass of wine each. Kara was in a cute summer pair of flip flops with a pink pair of shorts in a white blouse. Steph  was barefoot wearing a pair of jean shorts with a blue t-shirt.  They sat down and Steph curled her bare feet under her and Kara felt comfortable enough to fallow after kicking her shoes off.
Steph :“ So, Joe thought it was hot?”
Kara  laughing :“ Yeah, like I had no idea.”
They both laughed and rolled their eyes.
Steph :“ At least they aren’t asking for a 3 some.”
Kara smiled: “ I’m not sure they wouldn’t turn it down, but no, we are lucky.”
Steph:   “ I just had no clue what to do. “
Kara paused for a moment and said “ you know what, neither did I. I mean, Joe was so turned on but I don’t know a darn thing about fighting or wrestling.”
Steph: “ How hard can it be?  We could…practice for the next time we went out on a double date.”
There was dead silence as Kara thought about it and then she smiled “ It would be a great way to get some exercise, just nothing in public. That’s to creepy for me. It’s ok to show off for our guys.”
Both girls discussed the different types of fighting they knew about and even looked on the internet finding some really interesting videos and even a forum. They could barely stop laughing as they read some of the stories to each other.
Kara” I’m not even sure that is possible.”
Steph “ I’d need to see a chiropractor after trying that on another chick.”
Kara” Oh my gosh. Catball? Can you ….oh my, just look at this.” She called Steph over to the computer moniter to watch a video of two older women (late 30’s) sitting on a bed in bra and panties in a mutual bearhug while scissoring together. 
Steph bust out laughing “ I’m flexable, but there is no way I can see getting my pussy against another girls while these milk filled tits are pressed against another chicks.  I’m not even sure what the hell you’d do that for.”
Kara : “guess that’s what they call porn? “ She looked at the title of the video  “ He’s my man.” She placed two and two together. “I guess these two are fighting over a guy.”
Steph: “I’d think of different things I’d want to ram into a girl trying to compete for my man…namely my fist!”
Kara laughed : “ I guess that’s why they call it fantasy porn?”
Steph: “ I guess that’s right. “
Then Kara found something she didn’t expect to see, the forum had a member called Mightyjoe11277. She  yelped “ Oh my gosh,…that’s MY Joe.”
Steph: “ Are you sure?”
Kara: “ Hell yeah! He used the same name for his google account, it’s his birthday.”
Steph did a quick search and found the name Brianthebeard4 and laughed :“ Here is Brian’s account.”
Both girls got really curious and decided to sigh up for this forum and began what they found to be called trolling for their husbands posts. Brian and Joe had been on this site for awhile but hadn’t really been posting much until after their double date.  The boys had been posting about their event, but hadn’t used any pictures or names. This was the gold mine the girls where looking for.
Kara: “ All we have to do is look at what they are writing and we can find out what really turns them on.” Steph looked at her as she was sitting at the computer desk and stated sarcastically “ Really? Besides seeing us rolling around naked with our breasts smashed together?  Kara smiled and they did some research.  The Brian and Joe had posted some details about their wives event they seemed to cover the spectrum having read and posted on traditional wrestling, catfighting, catballing, nude wrestling and sexfighting. This was all new to the girls. They had seen plenty of fights on t.v. and in the movies and a few in real life, but oh my.
Steph couldn’t help but notice her nipples where getting rock hard. She had just met this women a week ago and gotten into a little physical event hours later. Now she had this women over her house and was talking about wrestling, fighting, sex fighting (whatever the hell that was) and a whole world of porn she had no idea really excited.  Every new style of fighting she read she would envision herself versus Kara and it was obvious from how interested kara was she was doing the same. Kara eventually looked and realized she needed one more glass of wine and checked on the babies. They where fine and as she walked back into the living room she saw Kara standing by the computer desk.
Kara” Want to try some of these moves?”
Steph, taking a sip of wine “ sure, but where to start?”
They though about it for a few minutes and came up with starting slow and figuring out what they where comfortable with doing.  Since neither had been in a fight they decided to start with the basics. They moved the coffee table and got on their knees. Both barefoot girls waddled on knees to get within arms reach. They raised hands and looked into each others eyes. There are so many firsts in life. First job, first steps as a child and first kiss. This was a first. These two young women had entered into this willingly almost excited.  They watched their hands open palms open  and after several false starts clasped hands interlacing fingers. Long slender fingers clasped together with well manicured nails. Soft fleshy feminine palms pressed together.  Giggles erupted as  both had not a clue what they where doing.
Kara:” The last time I wrestled anyone I was around 14 years old.”
Steph” Yeah, I might have been 13.”
They smiled and started making grunting sounds as they pushed against each other swaying to the left and right. Steph lost her balance and toppled to the left rolling over onto her back busting out in laughter. As she looked up at Kara and slapped the ground Kara took the hair out of her eyes exhaled and hooted with joy “ Yeah! First point for me.”
Steph:” I just slipped!”
Kara: “ Oh, don’t be such a big baby.”
Steph got back up and again then waddled to within arms reach.  She whispered to herself “ Ok, I got this.” This time they didn’t hesitate and began to push with more vigor. Palms pressed together into what is known as a test of strength. They began to really try and while still giggling they where beginning to sweat.  Their long brown hair swaying as they shifted in their stuggle.  30 seconds in they started to feel the burn and began using their leg muscles to press harder, trying to dig bare toes into the carpet.
Steph: “ I’m not going to let you win this one.”
Kara: “ Oh no? We’ll see.” This last statement said almost grunting.
They where using enough force to make talking harder and after several minutes called for a quick break..
Kara shaking out her hands “ wow, this is a great workout. I can’t feel my hands but wow, your tougher then I thought.”
Steph was also shaking out her arms. Yeah, if I knew I was going to be working out I would have worn my sports bra… in fact.” She just got up and ran upstairs, well actually didn’t run since she was a bit winded from their 2nd round.
A minute later she came down stairs wearing a pink sports bra and tossed a blue one to Kara. Kara said what a great idea that was and excused herself and changed in the guest bathroom. She came back out and sure enough it was a perfect fit.  As it turned out they where build so closely that they could wear each others clothes.  They took a look at the clock and realized they didn’t have much longer to work out but they were not ready to stop , just yet.
    This time they met much closer and got right back into the hands clasped using their full body and thigh muscles to press into each other. Not as much nervous giggling now as they where getting used to this. Pressing harder and harder their heads and faces got closer and eventually ended up with heads side by side resting on each others shoulders.  Kara tried rocking Steph to the left but she just countered and they where stalemate. After several minutes they loosened their hand grip and wrapped one arm them both around each other. Still pressing shoulders together.
Kara: ” I’m sweating like a hog.”  Stated through strained breaths.
Steph: “ I feel ya sister. I’m feeling the burn. Is that Pert shampoo your using?” Kara grunted “Yes”. Steph: “Smells much better on you then me.”
Kara: “ I’m clueless what to do now.”
Steph: “ I guess we keep trying to get each other. You still having fun?”
Kara: “ I’m having a blast, just… need… to …”
At that moment she grunted and placing one foot underneath her half raised heself pressing her chest into Stephs. She yelled “kick your ass.” and ended up placing Steph onto her back. Still locked up with Steph  and fallowed  falling to the floor on top of her. Kara had let go as she felt herself falling and through fits of laughter yelling “ your cheating.”
Kara laughing now, blew out some of Steph’s hair that had gotten into her face “ how is this cheating?”
Steph reapplied her bearhug as Kara lay half on top of her. They could feel their heavy breathing and laughing their bare stomachs where in contact. Kara’s arm where wrapped over Steph’s arms  and Steph’s under. They paused to catch their breaths.  Thin stomachs breathing and moving. Chests in contact through sports bra, arms wrapped around separated at the hips they lay for a moment.   Kara whispered “ ow,” and Steph asked “ you ok?” Kara paused then said “ yeah, just my boobs are real sore and your boobs are pressing into mine.”
Steph: “ you need a break?” 
Kara paused, being on the ground was a bit uncomfortable and made her feel uneasy, almost vulnerable.  She knew she liked Steph, maybe more then she wanted to admit and enjoyed feeling her body pressed down by someone other than Joe’s. But this wasn’t about affection, it was a contest and she may have underestimated the complexity of being manhandled by another women.
Kara: “ mabey, for a second.”
So the girls broke and sat up.  Steph, still breathing hard suggested “ for our first session that was pretty good.”
Kara agreed and they went to sit back on the couch.
Kara: “wow, lots more work then I expected.”
Steph: “yes, I agree. Listen, let’s spend some time getting to know this new forum and we’ll see about spying on what the boys like. We won’t do anything WE don’t want to do, but I think this could be wicked fun.  Let’s just keep this a secret, between us, for now.
Kara ageed. She got up and changed back into her clothes. She aphorized for the milk stains she put into the sports bra but Steph showed hers was just as soaked.  Steph got ready for Joe and realized that she had done very well. She would like Kara, that was guaranteed. She would love dominating Kara, she could tell.
    Steph , driving home, realized she had mixed feelings about the whole event. She would love making Brian excited and liked Kara, she was almost intimidated by her. She thought to herself “ I will do better next time.  I won’t be beaten by another girl and  be made her bitch. “


Offline Tigressel

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Re: New Moms III
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2015, 07:55:53 AM »
The best way to settle rivalries between bitter rivals is to get down and dirty and let the claws talk...


Offline joey

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Re: New Moms III
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2015, 05:54:10 PM »
Great story really enjoy the approach, looking forward to many chapters. Thank you


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: New Moms III
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2015, 10:38:22 PM »
Love the approach you're taking with this.  These characters feel much more realistic in their understanding and caution than most.  My only minor complaint is the woman/women and where/were stuff, but the story is good enough that it overcomes that pretty easily.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


Offline chrisstevens

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Re: New Moms III
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2015, 11:23:22 AM »
very sensual, brilliant story can't wait for more  :)


Offline allfred

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Re: New Moms III
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2015, 05:30:00 PM »
          A really great start to a great story, please continue.


Offline adventerer2003

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Re: New Moms III
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2015, 06:03:29 AM »
Loving this, bud!  The character building for these newbies makes everything very realistic!  I wait in suspense for the next post.
Life is boring without adventure.


Offline CatfightOriginals

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Re: New Moms III
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2015, 01:36:38 AM »
ooreach.  Sometimes a get a feeling, a nice feeling warmly working its way up my spine.  A little tingle every now and then.  And I got a feeling that this is going to be one fantistc freakin' story. Knock my socks off, dude
