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Corporate No Retreat, No Surrender -- Becca vs. Erin Lee

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Offline Becca Blast!

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Re: Corporate No Retreat, No Surrender -- Becca vs. Erin Lee
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2018, 05:42:03 AM »
You crash down onto me.. making my crater in the sand deeper... but I hear that cry... and know you impaled yourself... good... I need to find a way through this.. and having you hurt helps.

I swear I'm not a vicious person... I let spiders outside, shoo away pigeons... set food away from the house for raccoons... squirrels, well, I fucking HATE squirrels... used to sleep in the attic room and could hear them running all NIGHT on the gutters and roof slates... and with your puffed cheeks and tail sticking out as you protect your mound... you look like a squirrel.  Sucks to be you.

You actually look like doubt has entered your mind... let me help with that.. I roll onto my knees and pull your head back by using my right hand in your hair.. not enough to pull you up.. just enough to open that throat while your hands are in the sand... so I can drive the knuckles of my left fist into your larynx... maybe... I can finally ... SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH!  All that damn chattering I've heard in the break room... the open workspace.. the meals and workshops all week... is gonna END.   All that chatter... like a bunch of goddamn squirrels.

You little bimbos can bite me!


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: Corporate No Retreat, No Surrender -- Becca vs. Erin Lee
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2018, 05:33:35 PM »
Watching through the monitors as my girl Becca takes that underfed sorority slut through her paces, putting up a beautiful fight while that cxnt barely survives by last-second escapes and lucky dodges, I muse on the fact that it's quite likely that Erin is FUCKING HALLUCINATING if she thinks she and I ever fought, because I would have DESTROYED THAT USELESS LITTLE WHORE. I don't know how I can tell Erin is having such an ARBITRARY AND FALSE THOUGHT, but I assume a stupid bitch like her is always trying to make herself sound tougher than she is.

"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Corporate No Retreat, No Surrender -- Becca vs. Erin Lee
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2019, 04:13:37 PM »
Gee,this was soooo good. They should finish it!!!!!