
General Category => Catfight , Boxing & Wrestling Stories => Archives => Topic started by: tomcfstories on October 27, 2010, 04:32:19 AM

Title: Betty vs Michele in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)
Post by: tomcfstories on October 27, 2010, 04:32:19 AM
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Two sexy, sizzling MILFs, Betty the blonde and Michele the brunette, meet at a vacation spot and give recreation a new meaning

Prelude:  Two sexy, hot women are taking it easy at a vacation spot, or so they at least thought.  Fit blonde bombshell Betty and fit brunette siren Michele are both looking forward to some rest and relaxation (R&R), but soon the real combination of letters that fits will be B&C for beauty and catfight contests.  This all starts just by a passing in the halfway of their swanky hotel.  Each eyes the other wearing casual wear that is semi revealing but not bikinis or anything.  They finish surveying the competition but think nothing of it as they go to their rooms on the same floor.  But later that day, they are both lounging around in either a bikini (Michele) or a bikini top and shorts (Betty).  They sit and sun fairly near to each other and again eye the competition for perhaps the hottest mature woman at the hotel, and this time they have a lot of skin to judge by in their revealing outfits.  It doesn't take long before the challenges fly with tempers flaring.

Betty:  "My name is Betty...l think I almost literally bumped into you earlier today, didn't I?"
Michele:  "Yeah, I'm Michele, and I was too busy judging your body against mine to watch where I was going."
Betty:  "So Michele, what judgment did you make on our bods?  I assume you came to the conclusion that you're hot and I'm hotter."
Michele:  "Exactly right, I came to the conclusion that you're hot but I'm hotter alright.  And don't like it ....we can settle it bitch!"
Betty:  "Nice play on words there, Mics, but I don't think a tramp like you would have a chance against me in any least one not held on a street corner!"
Michele:  "Once way to find and me right here and right now in a beauty contest and then I kick the shit out of you in a catfight.   Accept the challenges, cxnt?"
Betty:  "Oh yea, I just love putting brunettes in their place, particularly the over the hill variety like yourself."
Michele:  "Yeah, if you blondes fought half as well as you talk, you might actually win a fight every once in a while."

Beauty Contest:   The women agree on 8 different areas to be judged by the other guests of the hotel on their private beach.  Since there eventually will be nudity, the underage ones are ushered aside as they round up the adult guests who might be interested in judging the bodies of two hot women against each other...which basically includes everyone there.  The areas will be facial beauty, tits, midsection, pussy, legs, arms/armpits, back, and butt.  Whoever wins more of these areas will be declared the beauty contest winner.  After that will come the catfight.  They start with facial beauty which requires no stripping of course unless you include sunglasses which come off.  Neither woman overpowers the other one here but both are clearly above average in beauty for being around 40.  In a close decision that may have more to do with hair color than actual facial beauty, Betty edges out Michele to take a 1-0 lead.  The next area of comparison of assets is not as close.  Michele has a 34C bust measurement but Betty clearly has the larger chest which gives her a second straight win and a 2-0 lead.  This next area is one of each woman's best which is saying something since they are both far above average for their age in this region...midsection/stomach.   Both have not only flat midsections but concave ones as they are so fit there that their midsections sink in.  In one of those where neither woman really deserves to lose, Betty does lose her first area to Michele in a narrow victory.  Michele cuts Betty's lead to 2-1 with pussy the next area to be judged.  When the women are as fit as these ladies are, you have to expect a better than average pussy for women their age, and that is exactly what is seen as they become nude for this comparison.  In another close decision which seems to be becoming the norm, score another win for Michele who may be getting the hair color advantage in the pussy area to offset the liability on the tresses deal.  Halfway through the contest, it is 2-2 with legs being the next area to be judged.  Again, both women are very good but Michele's are thinner which may be a disadvantage in the catfight but an edge here.  Michele takes her first lead with this victory to go up 3-2 with the last frontside area of arms/armpits left to be judged.  Both women have nice arms, but Betty's seem to be just as beautiful with an edge in armpits and definition.  This ties it up at 3-3 as the women turn around for a backs comparsion.  Both women have great backs for their age with good delineation, and neither one really excedes the other one which means this ends in a draw to make it 3-3-1 with the ass contest deciding everything.  Each woman has a fit area here as good as could be expected considering they are each around 40.  But give this one to Betty in a close victory and a 4-3-1 overall triumph. 
Title: Re: Betty vs Michele in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 2 of 3)
Post by: tomcfstories on October 27, 2010, 04:35:29 AM
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After the beauty contest completes, the women decide to move the catfight out from the beach to a suite although they invite the judges.

Catfight:  The women have a decision to make and actually it soon becomes two.  The first one is the standard one about how to start catfight clothing wise since they are both nude at this point.  They decide to redress which means Michele puts backs on her jungle type bikini that looks so hot on her MILF sizzling bod.  Betty also decides to redress but not in her bluejean shorts and pink top but instead opts for sexy black strapped slip.  But the other unusual decision is about location.  This beach has more of a possibility of underage people being there to witness even though the immediate beach area is private to the hotel...still clearly visible for a distance.  So, the women accept an offer from a couple who just witnessed the beauty contest and have the biggest room in the hotel to utilize their suite for the upcoming fight. So the women and all the recent spectators/judges who wish to (every last one by the way) head up to that couple's suite to witness the epic battle between these two hotties around 40 years of age and bodies that would appear to be much younger looking.  The women take their places in the large main room of this hotel suite with of course bedrooms off to the side.  Betty has a smirk on her face knowing that Michele must be pissed off and disappointed at the assets comparison loss, made worse by losing it on the very last area.  Most think Michele will be trying to do something with her ass and Betty's before this is all over as revenged for that butt ending loss.  Regardless, Betty makes the first move by raising her hands in front of her body in the classic form to challenge Michele in a test of arm strength.   When their opposite hands clasp together and their arms are fully extended, what is immediately noticeable is how firm their arms 40 year old underarm flab on these hotties.  They are buff and taut for their age and they don't mind showing it off one damn bit!  Their arms tremble as two women that would normally easily dominate their opponent in this contest of strength find the going tough.  First one woman has the edge by bending back the arms of the other, and then it turns around the other way.  Finally, after a couple of minutes, Betty does prove her superior arm strength by pressing backward and keeping that way Michele's firm arms.  Betty puts Michele down to her knees and then the sexy brunette siren down on her back.

Betty follows Michele all the way down with her body mirroring Michele's...hands and arms of the sexy brunette held down by Betty's  stronger hands and arms.  Betty puts her face and head up under Michele's head to help keep her upper body pinned.  Betty starts to rub and grind her own form against Michele's, not so much sexually since their chests are still covered but more to signify domination and also to make Michele's body support her weight as much as possible.  It is obvious that Betty is a pro at this and Michele is hardly an IRL virgin herself at catfighing.  Betty and Michele are occasionally grunting for different reasons...Betty at energy expended...Michele for punished taken.  Betty raises up her lower body a bit and gets an angle to ram her right knee into the crotch area of Michele in what can only be considered a classic low blow.  Michele screams in anguish at the pussy attack with her G string doing little to protect her there.  With Betty's attention somewhat on Michele's lower body, that gives the brunette maybe a chance to do something.  Michele gets her right hand and arm free and launches a fist into the left side of Betty's jaw, knocking the German blonde hottie off her body and lying on her side next to Michele's form.

Michele can't move immediately due to her own recovery time from Betty's recent attack on both her entire body and particularly her pussy.  But Michele threw a good fist which has Betty also the blonde pushes off the plush carpet with her muscular arms trying to at least get her upper body off the floor.  But unfortunately for her, that only gives Michele a better target as she swings her fit legs around and thrust kicks Betty in the midsection.  That doesn't take that much energy on Michele's part but gives Betty quite a blow just after the hard fist to her jaw that already had rocked her.  Betty ends up falling back down on to her frontside which in her case means as far as the upper body goes, her tits suffer most of the force as her form hits the carpet.  Betty moves quickly over to cover Michele and sits on her back.  Michele quickly moves her own strong arms forward and cups her hands underneath Betty's jaw in a great chinlock.  Michele proves once again that she knows what she is doing also.  Michele strains her sinewy strong arms as she pulls back hard on Betty's jaw and head which of course hurts her neck as it is bent awkwardly back.  Now, it is Betty's turn to scream as at first she panics a bit and slams her hands on the carpet out of frustration.  But then she regains her poise and moves her hands up to Michele's hands and tries to disengage the locked position of her tormentor's hands.  Finally, she is able to isolate some fingers of Michele's hands and thus forces her punisher to release the hold as she is worried about the digits

With no anchoring chinlock hold, Betty quickly bucks Michele off of her back and then gets up quickly to a sitting position on doubled up legs to engage her brunette foe who also ends up in a sitting position on doubled up legs.  Betty starts the new action with a strong righthanded slap using her powerful right arm. That snaps Michele's head hard to her right, but Michele prides herself on not only being able to dish about a lot fo punishment but to be able to take it also.  Betty is looking for a return righthanded slap and is going to try to defend against it, but Michele crosses her up with a backhanded left slap instead which not only surprises Betty but is very effective with the force it transfers to the left side of Betty's face.  The blonde bombshell's head jerks to the right, so neither gains a lot there other than the satisfaction of the hit to begin with.  They eye each other's chest area, especially Betty who thinks her chest deserves the victory it took in the beauty contest.  Betty throws a fist into the very taut midsection of Michele and while her nemesis is bent over trying to catch her breath, Betty reaches around Michele's neck and unties and pulls off her foe's jungle print top.  Michele recovers quickly from that fist blow to her stomach, and as she straightens up her upper body, Betty throws the top into her rival's face with utter disdain.  Betty doesn't even wait for Michele to go for her black slip....she herself takes it off and ends up nude at this point with no bra and no panties underneath.

Betty moves her hands to latch on to Michele's medium sized C cup orbs and grabs them with her strong hands.  Michele immediately screams in anguish but doesn't lose her focus.  She goes in kind for Betty's larger D cup ones and grabs her enemy's larger orbs.  The tit squeezing competition is one with Betty seemingly having two advantages....larger boobs making it harder for Michele to grab them and also stronger hands which applies more force to Michele than she is able to generate against Betty's boobs.  Both women are wincing, grunting, and screaming but clearly Michele is having more of a problem competing in this classic tit to tit boob battle.  Michele realizes she is obviously not faring well and isn't about to let this continue.  The exciting brunette reaches for some of Betty's long, luscious blonde hair...well, not quite luscious anymore as the sweat from each woman is beginning to take away any conditioning their great tresses had at one point.  Quite frankly, their hair is becoming matted at this point.  But it still pulls welle enough.  Michele is strong enough to move Betty's body with her hair and slings her down to a supine position with it.

Michele reaches over from her still sitting position and puts a claw hold on Betty's most private area.  Michele's hands are plenty strong to send Betty into a scream of curdling proportions as her normally enticing area is playing host to an unwanted and vicious invasion.  Betty's eyes roll backward in her head and she lies in almost a submission position due to the almost paralysis mode the hold has put her in.  Those strong arms that should be trying to engaage Betty's but instead are simply stretched out behind her head as she is still in almost shock and paralysis mode at this point.  Finally, she does regain focus and fights through the pain to begin to plan some sort of escape.  Michele is just as forceful and diligent with her claw hold but Betty does have her legs free if she can still command them through the pain.  Betty swings one of her legs to hit Michele in the head which puts a dent into Michele's claw hold on her pussy right there.  Betty follows up on that with a thrust kick into the cleavage area of Michele to send her tumbling backwards and away from Betty's form.  Betty slides along the carpet to get out of Michele's range as she tries to recover from the vicious assault on her most private area.
Title: Re: Betty vs Michele in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 3 of 3)
Post by: tomcfstories on October 27, 2010, 04:41:29 AM
Betty and Michele get up to their feet for the first time in a long time.  Their usually fit bods look ironically even hotter when sweaty and a bit tired because their skin has that oil wrestling glisten to it.  The women rush together and wrap their arms around each other in what turns out to be a mutual bearhug contest.  Usually, this involves a tit battle but neither woman has DDs or anything so their chests collide but really the action is down below where each woman's arms are going up against a very fit midsection.  As expected, it appears that Betty has an edge in arms strength as far as pressure given goes but Michele has the edge on being able to withstand the pressure due to her slightly better midsection, so the deal appears to be a wash.   The women are getting frustrated that they really can't find an edge to advance them towards a catfight victory.  So, as usual in this type case, hands begin to go to the hair of the opponent.  Heads are violently moved around by the other woman jerking on their tresses.  Even their fit forms can't maintain standing positions so they go down to their knees and then quickly down to the floor in lying positions.

The women start off lying on their sides but the hairpulling has them rolling around on the plush carpet with one woman on top and then the other.  However, on this occasion of rolling around, Betty and Michele's bodies hit up against a large chair which allows them to move no more in that direction.  Michele is fortunate enough to be on top when this occurs but to her credit, she knows what to do with it.  Michele lowers her C cups down on top of Betty's face in a titmother.  She wisely pushes them from the sides to make them more like effective D cups for this titsmother.  And the sweat on her chest area and the body odor she now projects is not pleasant at for Betty to have to endure.  Add to that Michele's restriction of Betty's breathing with her mounds and the rest of her chest area going flush against Betty's nose and mouth areas, and Michele is happy with the way things are going.  She finishes up her titsmother and moves on to another area she is strong in using here...her left armpit where she wants Betty to be humiliated by being exposed to that very sweaty and smelly area.  Michele lays that on top of Betsy and gives her nemesis an embarassment to remember.  Finally, Betty is able to grab the raven-colored hair of her torturer and yank it to roll them back away from the chair and end her time being on the bottom and move Michele on the bottom for a change.

Betty is now the one who is lowering tits on to her foe, and her boobs are more formidable than Michele's which means they cover more of her rival's face and really doesn't even have to push them in from the sides to do that, but she occasionally does for good measure.  Michele is discovering the larger amounts of sweat that Betty's bigger boobs can hold along with the body odor and the same restriction of breathing that Betty had to endure.  Betty moves on to give Michele payback for her armpit smother she had to endure but she doubles her own pleasure and Michele's displeasure by working over Michele with the left armpit and then the right underarm, each full of moisture and body odor that is hardly to be confused with perfume.  Betty still has Michele pinned well to the carpet so she moves on with her humiliations via smothers.  After removing her black slip, she became completely nude, so she sits down on Michele's chest and moves her crotch area forward and brings Michele's face towards her in a great pussy smother.  Betty didn't win this area but it is very fine and when sweaty and smelly like everything else, this is not a picnic for Michele to have her face rubbed hard into Betty's snatch.  Finally, Michele is able to buck Betty off when the sexy German blonde does a little showboating as she puts her hands on the top of her head and begins to show off her fit arms and luscious, sexy armpits.  Michele is able to use that lax cover and off balance body placement along with her own generated power to do the job to get rid of Betty from her body.

The women are now on their knees again, staring down each other with a combination of contempt and maybe a little admiration that the other woman is still in this fight.  Michele and Betty contact each other from their knees with their arms touching the other's body.  Betty's superior arm strength is able to turn Michele enough to get the beautiful brunette in a headlock.  Betty's arms are strong enough on their own but then spots a nice little helper perhaps....Michele's discarded jungle bikini top.  Betty quickly changes out her arms around Michele's neck with the now attained bikini top, and Betty uses that with great success to wrap around the owner's head.  That stringy clothing is doing a fantastic job of choking Michele with the material even cutting into the brunette's neck some which makes it even more effective.  Michele moves her arms and hands up to engage Betty's hands and even more so...her own bikini top being used against her. Betty takes that opportunity to move her legs in around Michele's very taut midsection in a legscissors. 

With Michele's arms occupied trying to break the chokehold, Betty has a free shot with her legscissors in her attempt to put the hurt on that athletic looking midsection that Michele projects to everyone in the room.  Michele finally is able to get the string bikini top off her throat and tosses it aside...that is the good news.  The bad new is that Betty immediately switches over to a full nelson to still occupy her arms at the same time Betty continues to squeeze with her powerful legs around Michele's midsection.  The brunette hottie is struggling to free her arms to help out in getting rid of the legscissors.  Her own midsection is taut and fit but can't withstand Betty's legs indefinitely.  But Michele's problem is her best way to break out of the full nelson....pulling her arms down across Betty's clasped hands and forearms to try to separate those hands isn't working at all.  Betty's superior arm and hand strength is too much for Michele apparently as her legs still do their submission type work on the stomach area of Michele.  Betty knows she is near a submission as Michele's grunting grows louder along with her resistance with her arms growing weaker.

Betty:  "Well Michele, I have to admit you did better than I thought, but honey, time to stick a fork in you because you are done!"
Michele:  "Uuuuuhhhh....I can't....break....your ......full nelson........oooohhhh....your legs...are so strong....too.... I give...I give!"

In perhaps the shortest cycle of concession talk in history, Michele gives up but to be fair, the match lasted a long time, and Betty might have waited longer than normal to even prod Michele for a submission.  Regardless, Michele does submit, and Betty respects that and lets go immediately.  Michele drops down flat on her back with Betty sitting off to the side of her.  Betty has become exhausted also since Michele is clearly a tough out in a catfight.  But not too tired to skip the traditional postmatch humiliations. 

Postmatch:  First, Betty takes off Michele's bikin bottom which was the only surviving piece of clothing during the entire catfight.  Up close, Betty has to admit that Michele has a great pussy.  But that isn't going to stop her from doing a little salvage operation.  After all, Michele invaded her pussy without asking so payback is a bitch, and Betty is just the bitch to do it.  Betty asks for a dildo and gets one tossed to her which she immediately puts to use her defeated MILF's most personal area.  Probably a combination of Betty being skillful and Michele being a good climax candidate but whatever causes it, not long thereafter a stream of cum oozes from Michele's beauty contest winning pussy.  Betty pulls out the dildo with most of the whitish fluid on it and takes it up to Michele's face to deposit it.  Betty rolls it around her defeated victim's face to do just that before tossing the dildo aside.  She decides that there isn't enough cum on her sexy brunette's face and decides to excite herself by just using her own hands.  And just like Michele, it doesn't take long to get some secretion herself going.  She pulls Michele's face hard into her pussy and transfers it that easy way....snatch to face with direct contact.  But now, Betty has Michele's face looking more like it should...plenty of whitish fluid on it which makes it look paler than it did a couple of minutes agao. 

Betty moves to where she is sitting on doubled up legs behind Michele's head and facing her foe's feet.  From that behind position, she lowers her superior hooters to do another titsmothering which is this instance will also serve to smoothe the cum around a bit.  That is accomplished in addition to once again depositing sweat and exposing Michele to more foul body odor and of course hurting her already restricted breathing due to her exhastion.  At the end of the titsmother, Michele's arms are in perfect submission position...perpendicular to her trunk and flat on the plush carpet.  Betty moves forward just a bit more and is now sitting on Michele's face with her beauty contest winning ass which not only won that area during the judgment but was the entire difference between victory for Betty during that very close contest.  Betty wiggles more vigorously mixed in with more subtle squirms as she continues to take the spoils of this case the humiliation of the loser.  As she appears to be finishing up, Betty put those fit arms and hands specifically on the top of her head to show them  off along with those awesome armpits of hers.  She flexes those arms a bit and has some pictures taken of this classic victory pose moment before dismounting.  Michele is remarkably subdued but no unconscious as Betty gets to a standing position and rubs the dirty bottom of her two feet across that pretty face of Michele.  Betty looks around for not only her black slip but also the jungle print bikini...a souvenir of Michele's to put in her catfight trophy case at home which has quite a few "scalps" in it.  As Betty is about to celebrate with some champagne from the room, she can't resist leaning down to tell Michele something which sounds familiar from earlier:

Betty:  "Michele, you're hot, but I'm're strong but I'm stronger!"
Title: Re: Betty vs Michele in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)
Post by: ~Rox Erotique~ on October 28, 2010, 06:30:34 PM
hey come on now folks, this is just mean.

Sure Tom's stories might not be your cup of tea but I'm sure mine aren't to everyones tastes too! You may feel his stories are repetative but plenty of women on here have asked him to write a story about them, so who are we to publicly abuse him? it's clear he has fans who I'm sure are very appritiative of his work. If you don't like his stories then fair enough guys, I get it - we're all different and have a right to an opinion, but you don't have to choose to read them do you?

How about being constructive with your criticism? if it's repatition you dislike then why not put in a request for a story from him? rather than be-little him? when I first started writing most of my stories covered Wrestling because it's my passion but after a guy asked me to write about an arranged catfight, I found it challenged me and I really enjoyed that, as a by product, the enjoyment I felt was reflected in the work and the man who requested it liked the story! I feel I became a better writer for it and I thank him for challenging me.

So come on folks, lets all feel the love! there are people out there who like Wrestling, people who like catfights. People who like sex-fights and people who like fistfights. We all have to exist here together so lets chill a little... and if that doesn't work, I'll kick all ya'll arses! :D

Peace out fem fight fans!

x G x
Title: Re: Betty vs Michele in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)
Post by: Jonica on October 28, 2010, 07:51:28 PM
I've always been one to avoid controversy, and I don't know Tom at all.  I also know my opinion doesn't mean much to anyone, but I think it's very unfair to flame Tom because he uses the same format for each story.  If you read his stories, you'd know they are very different in everything but format.  He does a wonderful job trying to let his two subjects' personalities show.  I think his attention to detail in that regard is fantastic.  I enjoy his stories, and they are different from one to the next.  I especially liked the college football rivalry story.  Florida and Texas, I believe it was....although I know little about football outside Alabama and LSU.  ;D 

I don't know your history with Tom, and it's really none of my business.  But I'm begging you to stop flaming his stories.  It's childish.  If you don't like his style, don't read his stories.  If you don't like him personally, avoid him.  I've never chatted with him, so I have no opinion.  But he seems to be very popular judging by the amount of women who agree to be in his stories.  There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but intentional flaming is wrong.  I'm begging you to stop.  If the problem is personal, please keep it in the chatroom or private messages. If the problem is his stories seeming redundant, then please don't read them.


Title: Re: Betty vs Michele in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)
Post by: tomcfstories on October 28, 2010, 09:49:28 PM
I've always been one to avoid controversy, and I don't know Tom at all.  I also know my opinion doesn't mean much to anyone, but I think it's very unfair to flame Tom because he uses the same format for each story.  If you read his stories, you'd know they are very different in everything but format.  He does a wonderful job trying to let his two subjects' personalities show.  I think his attention to detail in that regard is fantastic.  I enjoy his stories, and they are different from one to the next.  I especially liked the college football rivalry story.  Florida and Texas, I believe it was....although I know little about football outside Alabama and LSU.  ;D 

I don't know your history with Tom, and it's really none of my business.  But I'm begging you to stop flaming his stories.  It's childish.  If you don't like his style, don't read his stories.  If you don't like him personally, avoid him.  I've never chatted with him, so I have no opinion.  But he seems to be very popular judging by the amount of women who agree to be in his stories.  There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but intentional flaming is wrong.  I'm begging you to stop.  If the problem is personal, please keep it in the chatroom or private messages. If the problem is his stories seeming redundant, then please don't read them.



And Jonica is completely unbiased being a fellow LSU fan!  :)   Thanks for the kind and IMO, correct analysis.  I will briefly repeat my post again directly at Gemma who I believe IS sincere. The only problem I had with her was her assumption. She assumed that they were not just flaming but read the stories and were giving a critique.  Sorry, when the 10th message exactly the same is posted time and time again, that is not a critique, it is childish flaming as you said.  Jonica, there is 0 history between these 2 "members" and myself.  0.  All of a sudden, they started flaming.  I just had their posts removed by a moderator. Thanks for your post, Jonica.  Unfortunately a few bad apples make the forum look worse than it is.

Jonica I have decided on a solution.  I will make my story posts and then have the moderator lock the topic each time.  I would love to see these "people" keep flaming a topic they cant get to.  

Title: Re: Betty vs Michele in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)
Post by: ~Rox Erotique~ on October 28, 2010, 10:18:51 PM
lol, I am dangerously nieve when it comes to the inter-web and technology! lol

i have no clue what flaming is! but I'm guessing it's when some arse hole starts posting and bullying for no logical reason. Sorry it's happening honey, it sounds really mean and childish to me.

Hope the mods can sort it out honey! you post a lot of work and a lot of women here appriciate it :D

x G x
Title: Re: Betty vs Michele in a fantasy beauty contest and catfight (Part 1 of 3)
Post by: tomcfstories on October 29, 2010, 01:33:21 AM
lol, I am dangerously nieve when it comes to the inter-web and technology! lol  i have no clue what flaming is! but I'm guessing it's when some arse hole starts posting and bullying for no logical reason. Sorry it's happening honey, it sounds really mean and childish to me.  Hope the mods can sort it out honey! you post a lot of work and a lot of women here appriciate it :D
x G x

Gemma, you are either more saavy than you thought or very good at distinguishing meanings by context in a paragraph/sentence, etc.  Either way I'm complimenting you!   :)  That is exactly what flaming is.  Once again, 1 time is plenty for an opinion like those.  As everyone is saying, they can't have it both ways.  If the stories are supposedly all the same and bad, then why the hell are they still reading them.  That was my point to you.  Obviously, the are NOT still reading them and probably never read one all the way through.  I will miss slightly not having the few comments to my stories but I can get them other ways, usually from the women in the story and we can private chat.  It is just a shame that clearly defined rules (#4 in this case related to "where there is a case of persistent harassment or baiting") is not being enforced.  Thus, right now it appears like I will just have them shut down the topic after I post the story.  They can't get at that way.  It is still readable of course and quite frankly I think maybe I have edited 1 story after posting when I left out a paragraph one time.  I think they can reopen it.  But I'm not going to let a couple of squirrels who are clearly nutcases post comments every time. Ain't going to happen.  They can post anywhere else because I'm not going to see those.