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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 79

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Offline The Midnight Rider

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Ladies Pro Wrestling Volume 79
« on: November 27, 2020, 11:17:35 PM »
Our opening match is McKenzie who weighs in at 135 and is wearing a red white and blue two piece. Her opponent is Whitney who weighs in at 225 and is wearing a silver one piece. McKenzie would use her speed to throw Whitney off at the beginning. For several minutes it would work as she would hit Whitney several drop kicks. But she just couldn’t get Whitney off her feet. Whitney would finally gain control when McKenzie would go for a spin kick and Whitney would catch her and scoop her up and slam her to the mat. Whitney would then bounce off the ropes and nail McKenzie with a massive leg drop. Then Whitney would tel the crowd that it was over as she placed McKenzie in the corner. From there Whitney would quickly go to the second rope and come down with the bonzi drop right into McKenzie’s chest. At that point it was pretty much academic as the ref counted to three. Whitney would then stand up and laugh as the referee checked on McKenzie as she laid motionless on the mat. Your winner of the match is Whitney.

Our next match is 140 and is wearing a blue and red one piece. Her opponent is Hailey who weighs in at 175 and is wearing a pink two piece. Hailey never even gave Lillian a chance to get going. As she would push her straight into the corner and unload with chops to the chest. Then she would take Lillian and throw into the ropes and connect with a big clothesline. Finally Hailey would put Lillian’s head and stick it between her legs and drop her with the piledriver. Hailey would then simply sit on Lillian’s chest as she picked up the win. After the match Hailey would tell the crowd to look at Lillian who was completely knocked out. Hailey then tells the crowd that if Gretchen thinks she can make her scream then she’ll be more than happy to let her try. Your winner of the match is Hailey.

Our main event is Becca who weighs in at 165 and is wearing a  camouflage one piece. Her opponent is Rachel who weighs in at 150 and is wearing a orange two piece. A lockup would begin the match which was quickly won by Becca who push Rachel into the corner. Becca would then ram her shoulder into Rachel’s mid section seven times. Rachel though would get out of the situation when Becca whipped her into the ropes and Rachel would reverse it and hit Becca with a hip toss. Then with her opponent down Rachel would land several elbows to Becca’s chest. It would be short lived for Rachel as when she went to pick Becca up she would get nailed with a stiff shot to the gut. Becca would then land several forearms to Rachel’s back. But when it looked Becca would cruise to a win. Rachel would regain the advantage when she drove Becca back into the corner when she tried apply the full Nelson. Then Rachel would grab a hold of Becca and was able to hit her with the bulldog. Rachel would then go for the cover. But unfortunately for her Becca would kick out at the two count. Rachel had look of disbelief on her face. She would then pick Becca up and try for the bulldog again. Unfortunately for Rachel it wouldn’t work this time. As when she tried it again Becca would grab her by the hips and connect with an atomic drop. Rachel would then stumble around the ring with her hands on her ass. This would give Becca the opening she needed. As she would go behind and slap the full nelson on. Rachel would try her best to break free. But every time she would try Becca would just clamp down more. Finally the pain just became too much and Rachel had to tap out. Becca would then just drop Rachel to the mat. She would then pose for the crowd as Rachel would lay on her stomach and scream out in pain. Your winner of the match is Becca.