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Jan's Fight Club Saga

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Offline man-of-sea

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Jan's Fight Club Saga
« on: February 13, 2024, 05:36:29 PM »
Here is the second part of a trilogy with Jan  Hope you enjoy Let me know if  it's not getting enough of the fight action??

Jan's Fight Club Saga
In a dimly lit, underground fight club, the air was thick with anticipation and sweat. The thud of fists on flesh and grunts of exertion filled the room as the crowd of eager spectators cheered on their favorite fighters. Jan, a therapist by day and a secret fighter by night, paced back and forth, her heart racing in sync with the frantic beat of the music. She couldn't help but feel a thrill coursing through her veins as she prepared for her upcoming match. Beside her, Brad, her charismatic and manipulative boss, lounged casually on a makeshift throne, one hand idly stroking his well-groomed beard while the other gestured grandly at the arena. The man had started this fight club as a way to exploit the members' hidden desires for violence and control, and he ruled it with an iron fist.

But tonight, Jan's thoughts were not on Brad. Her focus was on Kate, another club member and her rival. They'd been matched up for a special fight, one that Brad had orchestrated just for him. Jan couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and unease. On one hand, the prospect of facing off against Kate was exhilarating; on the other, she couldn't shake the sense that there was more to this fight than met the eye. She knew that they were more than just opponents; their relationship was complicated, to say the least.

Their rivalry had started when Kate had first joined the club. At first, Jan had been wary of her, but over time, they'd formed a sort of understanding. They were both strong-willed and determined, and their fights were always intense. There was a spark between them, though neither of them were quite sure what it meant. As they circled each other now, preparing for their bout, Jan couldn't help but wonder if there was more to their connection than just competition.

Jan is auburn hair  tied in a bun she's 5'7" 140 pounds of pure fury Has large firm tits 36D and dancer legs Kate is a stocky red frizzy hair She's 5'5" with 34DD tits that have tattoos inked over  tits and stomach. She sits of a 155 pound frame with wrestlers shoulders and weight lifter legs. Both want to tear each other apart  the fight will be a brutal fight for Jan who never has fought where she has lost all her clothes  and all her inhibitions of fighting nasty to win.

The bell rings and they circle each other Kate comes in with a left jab that misses and Jan counters with a right hook that connects to Kate's ribs. Jan backs off with a wince and Kate comes in with a left kick to the thigh that's blocked by Jan's raised knee. They exchange more punches and kicks before Kate grabs Jan's arm and takes her down to the mat. Jan rolls over and tries to escape but Kate is on top of her, pinning her arms down. Jan feels Kate's hard nipples dig into her chest as Kate grinds her hips into her. She can taste blood in her mouth from Kate's broken ribs.

Kate leans in close, their breath hot against each other's skin. "You're not the only one who can fight dirty, Jan," she growls, before sinking her teeth into Jan's shoulder. Pain shoots through Jan's body, but it only fuels her anger. She manages to wriggle free and flips them over, pinning Kate to the mat. With a snarl, she begins to rain down punches on her opponent, her knuckles connecting with flesh and bone.

As the fight rages on lost in the frenzy of blood and sweat. Kate tries to kick Jan in the face, but Jan blocks it with her forearm, wincing in pain as their bodies slide across the mat. They roll apart, gasping for air, and for a moment, it seems like they're both trying to catch their breath. But then, their eyes meet and something snaps. They launch themselves at each other once more, fists flying and teeth bared.

Kate manages to get Jan in a headlock, her long hair falling across Jan's face as she struggles to breathe. Jan tries to wriggle free, but Kate's grip is like a vice. She feels Kate's hot breath against her neck, and for a horrifying moment, she thinks Kate might bite her. Then, suddenly, Kate releases her, sending her careening across the mat.

Taking advantage of the opening, Jan leaps on top of Kate, pinning her arms down once more. Their chests heave as they stare into each other's eyes, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. With every ounce of strength she has left, Jan begins to pound her fists against Kate's chest, desperate to make her submit. But Kate is tough, and she won't give up without a fight.

As the seconds tick by, Jan can feel the sweat rolling down her back, stinging the welts left by Kate's blows. She grits her teeth and redoubles her efforts, determined to emerge the victor. But just as she thinks she might have Kate on the ropes, her exhausted muscles begin to tremble, and Kate manages to wriggle free.

The two fighters scramble to their feet, panting heavily. Their eyes meet once more, and there's a newfound intensity in them that neither has felt before. It's as if they've crossed some invisible line, and now there's no going back. They circle each other warily, searching for an opening, a weakness to exploit.

Kate lunges forward, throwing a flurry of punches at Jan, but Jan ducks and weaves expertly, blocking each one. She counters with a kick to Kate's side, but Kate barely seems to notice the impact. They continue to trade blows, their movements becoming faster and more desperate. Sweat drips into Jan's eyes, obscuring her vision, but she fights through the discomfort, refusing to give up.

The ring begins to feel smaller and smaller as they circle each other, their bodies moving in perfect harmony despite the brutal struggle. They collide with an explosion of movement, bodies slamming into each other in a cacophony of grunts and slaps. Jan manages to grab Kate's hair and yanks her head back, exposing her vulnerable neck. She pulls back her fist, intending to deliver a crushing blow, but just before she connects, Kate spins out of her grasp and lands a stinging kick to her ribs.

Both fighters stagger, gasping for air, their bodies aching from the punishment they've inflicted upon each other. They eye each other warily, weighing the risks and rewards of another assault. For a moment, they stand still, locked in a silent battle of wills.

It's Kate who breaks the silence, launching herself forward with renewed fury. Her fists pound against Jan's shoulders and chest, seeking any weak spot to exploit. Jan tries to defend herself, but Kate is relentless, pushing her back toward the edge of the mat. With a desperate cry, Jan lashes out with a kick to Kate's side, sending her flying across the room.

They both land hard, gasping for breath, their minds racing. They look at each other, neither of them certain who has the advantage. The air between them crackles with tension, each of them waiting for the other to make a move. Finally, Kate decides to take the initiative. She lunges forward, her hands outstretched like claws, intent on tearing at Jan's flesh. But Jan is quicker this time, ducking under Kate's grasp and landing a stinging blow to her shoulder.

Kate stumbles back, her eyes narrowing in anger. She shakes her head, trying to clear the cobwebs, and launches herself forward once more. This time, she focuses on Jan's legs, hoping to wear her down and make her vulnerable. Jan, however, is too quick and agile for that. She leaps into the air, her legs scissoring around Kate's waist, and brings them both crashing to the mat in a tangled heap.

With Kate pinned beneath her, Jan presses her forearm against Kate's throat, choking her. She looks down at Kate, her face a mask of determination. Kate's eyes bulge and her hands flail wildly, but she can't break free. The seconds tick by, and Kate begins to fade, her struggles growing weaker. Jan's grip tightens, and she feels Kate's body go limp beneath her.

Breathing hard, Jan releases her hold on Kate and rolls off her, sitting up slowly. She looks at her own bruised and bloody body in shock, feeling an overwhelming sense of exhaustion wash over her. Despite the pain, she can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. She's won the fight, and nothing will ever be the same again.
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.