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Mum vs. Coralee (June 2001)

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Mum vs. Coralee (June 2001)
« on: January 07, 2009, 04:33:27 PM »
As far back as I can remember my mother told me stories about her fights against other women. As far as I can gather she told me these stories to reassure me that I was safe and protected even though I didn’t have a father around. Mum and I have always lived alone just the two of us and so I guess she told me those stories so as I would believe that she could physically protect me. I guess there was also a rather large amount of pride involved in her telling me the stories too, she always seemed so proud of herself for being so tough and for having beaten all those women.

My mother’s name is Kylie, she used to be a model but she is retired from modelling now and she runs a men's clothing store. She is and has always been a single mother. Mum was born in 1967, she is 5'6", 135 lbs, 36b-25-36, fairly fit and lightly toned with long blonde hair and a light tan. She has a beautiful heart shaped face, lightly toned abs, a firm round butt, thick muscular thighs and perfect shaply legs. When she was young she trained in boxing for a year and a half and in karate for two months. She goes to the gym a couple of times a week to stay fit and toned. In June 2001 she was 33 years old and she had been in 9 fights with her record standing at 9 wins, 0 losses and 0 draws. She had her first fight when she was 13. Mum is very proud of her beauty and extremly proud of her fighting ability and her toughness. 

It was June of 2001 and I was 11 years old and in grade 6 at the time, I had been at my school since grade 4 and for the whole 2 and a bit years I had been there mum had volunteered for cafeteria duty nearly every second day.
The only other mother who volunteered as often as mum was a mother named Coralee, she was the mother of a girl in grade 5 and she had been volunteering around the school since her daughter started there in grade 1. Coralee was 37 years old, 5’3”, 36C-25-37 with long ginger-blonde hair, pale white skin and a toned fit curvy body that she was extremely proud of and extremely keen to show off as much and as often as possible. She had a very sexy slutty face and a husky sultry voice.

Mum and Coralee had been competing with each other in every way ever since they met. From trying to out volunteer each other to trying to get the better position on the Parents and Friends Committee to just simply trying to look better than each other they seemed to somehow be in competition almost all the time. Leading up to the fateful day in June 2001 tensions were getting very very high, there had been a swimming carnival on recently and mum and Coralee had swum against each other in the parents race with mum winning by a small margin. Coralee was obviously embarrassed and angry about losing the race to mum and so she had started acting even more hostile towards mum than before. Tensions continued to mount until one day when it all came to a head...

On this fateful day in June 2001, in the morning before school I was sitting downstairs eating my breakfast when mum called out to me and told me that she was going to be on cafeteria duty again today. She hadn’t been on duty for the last couple of days so it seemed like it was about time she was on again. She came downstairs ready to take me school, she was wearing a tight pink t-shirt and tight denim short shorts with a brown belt and red high heels. Her long blonde hair was in a ponytail and she wore light make up. She looked amazingly hot, the shorts perfectly accentuated her tight round butt, her curvy hips and her sexy muscular thighs. The high heels made her shapely calves pop beautifully and the tight t-shirt complimented her ample breasts. It may seem odd that a mother would dress in such a way when she was going to her son’s school, and two years before this I would have thought the same, but as of the last year or so both mum and Coralee had been dressing like this or in similar ways to try to show each other up, much to the dismay of all the other mothers and female teachers and much to the delight of the fathers and male teachers, not to mention the male students.

We got to school and mum kissed me goodbye as she went to the cafeteria and I went off to class. Just like every other day I spent the whole morning in class up until noon when it was finally lunch time. We all went out to lunch and as usual most of us went to the tuckshop to buy our lunches. I walked into our large cafeteria and it was packed with students, I looked past the crowd and spotted mum behind the counter still looking incredibly sexy. Then I glanced just over to her right and I saw Coralee, she was also wearing tight denim short shorts with a belt and high heels except her belt and her high heels were black. She was wearing a tight gray singlet and her ginger-blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was so sexy it was unbearable, even though mum was undeniably more beautiful than Coralee, Coralee was easily sexier than mum.

I lined up in mum’s line but as we got closer and closer to the counter my line seemed to shift and merge into Coralee’s line. When I finally got to the counter I looked up and in front of me was Coralee. In that dirty seductive voice of hers she asked me what she could get for me. I noticed that mum was now all but neglecting the kids in her line just to pay close attention to how Coralee was treating me. At that particular time the tuckshop was selling chocolate eggs and what I had been doing for the last week or so was buying the whole box of them and then sharing them with my friends. So, in response to Coralee’s question I told her that I would like to buy the whole box of eggs please. Much to my surprise she refused to sell it to me instead telling me that I could only have ten eggs and no more. I asked her why and she told me that it isn’t fair that just because I have a bit more money than all the other kids that I should be the only one who gets to have any eggs.

That’s when mum jumped in. She told Coralee that what wasn’t fair was that I wasn’t allowed to buy whatever I wanted even though I could afford to. Coralee turned to mum and viciously told her to mind her own business. Mum roughly grabbed Coralee by the shoulder and harshly spun her round to face her, she pointed a finger right at her face and told her to give me all the eggs or else she would kick her ass. Coralee slapped mum’s hand away and aggressively told her not to ever touch her while at the same time she lunged forward and shoved mum backwards as hard as she could. Mum went flying awkwardly back into the wall and she slammed into it heavily as the crowd of students watching on gave a collective “ohhhh”. With that Coralee turned back to me and started to tell me something when she was interrupted by mum who charged her and tackled her violently into the opposite wall.

All the kids began cheering and yelling as mum and Coralee started full on brawling. Mum held Coralee against the wall by the throat and fired heavy punches deep into her gut ribs and chest while Coralee swung wild punches at mum’s head and chest. After a rabid exchange of wild blows Coralee connected with a wild hard right to the head and mum instinctively let go of her throat. Coralee sent a fierce uppercut rocketing into mum’s cheek which stood her up and caused her to reel backwards. Coralee leaned back against the wall and fired a hard front kick which connected right between mum’s tits with such force that it sent mum flying back into the stove. Coralee took a step forward as mum grabbed a pan off the stove top and threw the boiling contents at Coralee. Coralee managed to duck under the blistering hot projectile and she charged at mum tackling her around the waist and forcing her against the stove. Coralee reached up and grabbed mum by the hair, she fired two heavy knees into mum’s gut and then pulled her head down by the hair and delivered three wild jumping knees to her face and forehead as mum desperately tried to cover up.

With her head down mum swung wild punches up towards Coralee’s head which either missed entirely or connected mildly. Mum realized she was getting nowhere and redirected her attack firing a brutal right hook that smashed deeply into Coralee’s left breast. Coralee moaned and let go of mum’s hair, mum wasted no time going on an all out offensive, she connected with a haymaker right then a haymaker left which sent Coralee spinning and landing face down the counter. As Coralee turned around mum charged her and tackled her hard over the counter and out onto the floor. Both women scurried to their feet and took fighting stances.

Mum shot a hard snap kick at Coralee’s crotch but Coralee was too quick for it and she knocked it aside with a chop. Mum attacked with a wild haymaker but Coralee caught it and locked it tightly under her arm and jerked painfully up on it. Mum yelled in pain as Coralee thrust forward and drove her head into mum’s face. Mum groaned and hobbled backwards holding her throbbing face. Coralee turned side on and galloped forward delivering a perfect side kick that slammed brutally into mum’s chest and sent her flying backwards through the tuckshop door breaking it off its hinges. Mum groaned deeply as she hit the ground and all the wind was knocked out of her. Coralee saw her opportunity to finish mum off so she went in for the kill.

As mum sat groggily up Coralee ran at her and threw a running kick at her face expecting mum to be too hurt to block or dodge it, but Coralee hadn’t counted on mum’s toughness and just as her foot was about to make contact mum rolled backwards under and away from the kick and back up onto her feet. Coralee was surprised but not phased and maintaining her boxing stance she immediately went after mum without giving her time to get her bearings. As Coralee got close Mum sent a sharp left jab to her face. It connected perfectly and Coralee’s head snapped back as Coralee herself recoiled a little in shock. Coralee came at mum again but before she could get much closer mum delivered a hard left-right combination to her face. Coralee’s head jerked from side to side and her footing became a little shaky and her stance got loose.

Mum fired another left-right combination which backed Coralee up, then mum fired another and another which forced Coralee all the way back to the cafeteria doorway. Coralee swung a desperate wild haymaker right at mum but mum dodged backward away from it and then sprung forward with a hard left jab which cracked Coralee right on the nose. Coralee groaned holding her nose and stumbled backwards back into the cafeteria, mum could sense that she was getting the better of Coralee and she went on the attack. Mum grabbed Coralee by the hair and fired three brutal rights deep into her gut. Coralee dropped her hands from her face to protect her lower body.

Mum let go of Coralee’s hair and stepped back, Mum swung a powerful kick towards Coralee’s crotch but Coralee was able to block it with her hands. As mum came back at her Coralee started swinging wild violent punches to keep mum at bay, mum kept her head back as far as she could and came at Coralee with wild punches of her own. They brawled wildly as the huge crowd of students cheered them on and kept well out of their way. Both women were landing very heavy blows but neither of them seemed effected by the hits, they both just kept swinging madly, they were too overcome with rage and pride to feel pain. As their brawl intensified they got closer and closer until they were chest to chest and swinging nothing but hooks.

Mum swung a right hook which sailed behind Coralee’s head and at the same time Coralee fired a body blow which ended up behind mum’s back. Both women grabbed hold of each other and started attacking each other with knees. Eventually they lost their balance and toppled over still holding onto each other as they went to ground. They rolled around on the cafeteria floor throwing frantic punches and knees at the head and body of each other. Both women were covered in sweat which beautifully extenuated their toned womanly muscles.
They rolled over and over until mum got on top, Coralee rolled over but mum put her hand and knee on the ground and held tight keeping herself on top of her foe. Mum slid herself down Coralee’s body still keeping her pinned. Coralee hammered furious elbows into mum’s back and head but they were awkward and mum was able to tolerate them. Mum got herself between Coralee’s legs and she slammed her right fist deep into Coralee’s groin over and over again and again. Coralee cried out in agony and she desperately slammed elbows and fists into mum’s head and back trying to get free. Mum became so vicious and consumed with her violent crotch punching that she relaxed her pin, Coralee felt the pin loosen and saw her chance to get free, she bucked wildly and pushed mum off as hard as she could which loosened the pin even more and Coralee was able to slip out from under mum and scurry away.

Coralee got to her feet surprisingly quickly but her knees were obviously very weak and unsteady. Mum was on her feet just as rapidly but her footing was much more solid and stable. Neither of them wasted any time and they both came at each other swinging. They brawled viciously but this time Coralee’s hits were a bit slower and not as accurate as before. Mum noticed that Coralee was weaker and so she slowed her own attack and concentrated instead on just blocking Coralee’s hits and waiting for an opening. Coralee noticed mum change to defence and she went all out with her attack trying to finish mum off. Coralee started going to the body and as she did she ducked her head, mum saw her opening and she went right for it.

Mum aimed carefully and delivered a huge right uppercut which slammed into Coralee’s face and straitened her up. Mum followed up with a left jab which slammed heavily into Coralee’s nose and sent her staggering awkwardly backwards with her arms out wide to balance herself. Coralee’s guard was totally down and mum wasted no time going in for the kill. Mum hit her with a left jab, right jab, left jab, right jab, left punch to the gut, left punch to the gut, right hook to the face, left haymaker then a right haymaker which sent Coralee spinning around in a daze. Coralee was on shaky legs, her footing was unstable and her knees were weak, she turned around to face mum and bravely put her fists up trying to go on an attack.

As Coralee staggered towards her, Mum sprung forward and delivered a fierce snap kick right up between Coralee’s legs and into her crotch. Coralee let out a loud moaning yell as she collapsed down to her knees then down onto her side in incredible pain holding her wounded mound. Mum wasted no time and showed no mercy, mum delivered three hard snap kicks to Coralee’s gut and then one smashing kick right to her jaw. Blood spat out of Coralee’s mouth and her entire body went completely limp, she was out cold and totally beaten, mum had won. The crowd fell silent as mum stood victorious over the limp body of Coralee, we were all in awe of my mother and now we all knew who was the number one woman of our school.
Mum breathed heavily as she looked down in fury at her defeated rival who was completely still except for her heaving chest which was desperately sucking in air. Mum looked briefly at the small pool blood that had shot from Coralee’s mouth and was now staining the floor, mum took a deep breath of satisfaction and walked away from Coralee’s unconscious body.
Mum came over to me as I watched a little stunned and completely in awe of my mother’s strength and dominance. She hugged me tightly and gave me a big kiss as the other kids watched on in amazement at my incredible mother. She whispered breathily into my ear and told me that I wasn’t going back to class today because I was going home with her right now. Mum took my arm and we walked triumphantly out of the cafeteria as the crowd watched us in reverence for my mother’s greatness.

...Soon after, Coralee and her daughter left the school and went somewhere else. We never saw Coralee or her daughter again but we can assume that Coralee is a little more humble for having met my mother. Mum of course continued to rule the school until I left and went to high school...
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 12:14:06 AM by MR »



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Re: Mum vs. Coralee (June 2001)
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2009, 10:39:38 PM »
Thank you BillEd.

In answer to your question, yes this story is actually a true story, my mother has been in several real life fights with other women and it is my intention to write up all the fights I've seen her in and post them all on this forum.

I'm glad you enjoyed this story so much and I hope to have her next fight written up and posted very soon.



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Re: Mum vs. Coralee (June 2001)
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2009, 08:33:59 PM »
This was well written and very hot. It seemed like a good fair fight, with a fantastic ending. I was for your mum the entire way



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Re: Mum vs. Coralee (June 2001)
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2009, 10:37:52 AM »
Thanks very much troysterling, I'm glad you liked it and I was pulling for her too.


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Re: Mum vs. Coralee (June 2001)
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2009, 04:52:49 PM »
Fantastic wild story and very hot;you are a good writer!
like to post some more stories of your mom ?
the thrill of the competition counts more than the result



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Re: Mum vs. Coralee (June 2001)
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2009, 03:26:12 AM »
Thank you very much bilboy, I will be posting all my mum's real life catfight stories eventually. The next one I will be posting very soon I would think.

Please keep an eye out for the next one, it will be called "Mum vs. Natalie (April 2003)"
« Last Edit: January 11, 2009, 03:29:29 AM by MR »