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Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)

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Offline spidermouth

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Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« on: December 22, 2018, 11:41:29 PM »
Christmas in New York 2018

This was my fourth and final trip to USA this year and it was even better than my amazing trips to Florida, Boston and California.  I’d booked hotels and flights months ago and had been looking forward to the trip for months, counting down the days.  Some weeks after I’d made my arrangements with Lia, I noticed that she would be doing double sessions with Skylar Rene while in New York so I made some enquiries to see if it would be possible to have a double session and I was very lucky that Skylar was able to join us.  I was staying in the same Midtown Manhattan hotel as Lia and had arrived before her so I waited for her to arrive.  She entered, we gave each other a hug and then went upstairs where I helped Lia arrange the furniture in her room so the mats could be put down.  Lia’s room was a corner room, perfect for sessions, and with a great view of New York at Christmas time. Lia and Skylar had a couple of sessions on that first evening before they joined me for something to eat. This was the first time I met Skylar and she is a lovely person.  All three of us were wearing superhero Christmas sweaters and received plenty of compliments from the other guests and hotel staff for them.  We had a great chat about the scene and different types of session and our plans for the future. After we had eaten, Skylar and Lia were back in action so I would see them the next morning.

0900 on Monday morning I knocked on Lia’s door, when she opened it and called me in, I could see Skylar was there already.  We changed into our superhero costumes for some photographs; Lia wore a purple Bat Girl costume, Skylar wore a blue skin-tight costume that looked like one of the fantastic four but I think it was something else – whatever it looked absolutely great.  First up it was Skylar against myself.  We locked up and I could see that Skylar was laughing at my facial expressions, I don’t deliberately make these expressions to put my opponents off, it is me trying to concentrate on the difficult challenge of defending myself against some of the best athletes in the World.  Skylar got on top, but I used my half guard defence to prevent her getting full mount before rolling on top myself.  Skylar was in a great position to get me in an arm bar except she was backed up against the wall and did not have the room to lean back and complete the move.  I let her know this through my commentary that was kept up during the match.  Lia is used to my one-man wrestling, commentating and comedy routine, but Skylar was being exposed to it for the first time.  However, she went about her business without letting me put her off. I could see Lia was itching to come to Skylar’s aid, but she refrained and allowed Skylar to tackle me one on one.  I could not capitalise while on top and Skylar got the first point with an arm lock.  She then got on top but I managed to hold out, our costumes slipping against each other which helped me evade her submission attempts for a while.  However, when Skylar got on top this time she made no mistake and rolled me into a head scissors which had me tapping pretty quickly.  I took about 30 seconds after this as I felt breathless having been trapped beneath Skylar’s full mount.  I think it was just the start of the session that caused this as I was able to go all out for the remained of the session without encountering this difficulty again.

So with Skylar having achieved two points on her own, Lia decided it was time for her to join the battle and so I was now up against two awesome opponents.  Skylar discovered I’m ticklish and took full advantage of this while I was trapped in Lia’s mounted triangle.  It was hard work trying to ward off their attacks but exhilarating at the same time.  Skylar and Lia swapped roles with Skylar pinning me down and Lia throwing in a couple of stomach punches.  Then they went for double holds; firstly I found myself being crucified in a double arm bar and then I was in a double scissors with Lia scissoring my neck while Skylar scissored my trunk.  Lia backed off for a while and let Skylar do more of the work, this time when I tried to roll on top of Skylar, Lia craftily positioned herself so I couldn’t. 

Lia came back in again and they started giving me all sorts of problems.  I was on my back and Skylar sat on my chest while Lia pressed my legs up over my body, afraid I had to tap through lack of flexibility.  Skylar got me with a thigh scissor, I always wondered what it felt like and how the athletes resisted for so long in the thigh scissor videos.  Let me tall you all, Skylar’s thighs are much stronger than mine and I could feel circulation being cut off to my lower leg and I had to tap within 10 seconds of it being applied.  Lia got me with knee lock while Skylar helped keep me under control and then Lia placed her cape over my mask.  I did not realise this and was trying to adjust my mask because I though it had move sideways on my head.  Lia also used her cape to choke me for another submission.  So that was the first video done; I don’t know how many times I tapped, I’ll see when I watch it back.

Next up was a 15 minute bout with Skylar without filming.  I wore t-shirt and gym shorts while Skylar opted for a black bikini.  She was now used to my wrestling style and had figured out how to best take me on.  She got me with a guillotine, a breast smother, a grapevine, a fore arm pressed to my throat, and a rear naked choke.  She finished me off getting me with a reverse head scissors.  I looked up and could see her looking over her own shoulder down at me to make sure I was still conscious.  She squeezed once, I tapped, the she squeezed harder and I tapped again and then squeezed with full power.  Wow, I’ve never felt anything like that.  Lia and Sky asked if I was ok because I looked like an “albino monkey” after the three reverse head scissor squeezes. 

A quick drink and then it was back into costumes for Lia against myself.  Skylar took a quick shower while the next match was on because she would be getting back to her other sessions after the first hour.  This time she was Cat-Woman taking on me in my traditional red / blue costume.  I really appreciate the effort Lia made getting the costumes she used for these sessions, five of them in total.  Lia got me down with a Thai grip and then got my back, electing to place me in a head scissors from behind, pulling my chin up for good measure.  I tapped.  I tried my “dead beetle” defence to avoid Lia’s grapevine, and took great joy in commenting on how I’d managed to avoid the grapevine.  Lia put her hand over my mouth to shut me up before rolling onto her back and then making me tap to an upside-down grapevine.  We locked up again and this time after a bit of a struggle, Lia got my back and placed me in a sleeper hold.  More scissors followed as Lia closed out an impressive victory.  We did some posed photos of Lia with the Cat-Woman suit on holding a whip.  Wow!  Skylar said her goodbyes for now, she would be doing further double sessions with Lia the next day.  We hugged before she left.  I really appreciate Skylar fitting me into her very busy New York schedule.

Next Lia wore the blue one-piece costume that Skylar had been wearing earlier.  We zipped each other up and got the video camera rolling from an elevated position.  Lia got me with a bear hug, a Boston crab, an arm triangle and a school girl pin before a pillow fight broke out at the start of the fifth round. The school girl pin was particularly effective with both of my arms and my head squeezed between Lia’s knees.  Once we’d got a few shots in each, the pillows were discarded and we were back on the mats straight grappling.  I found myself face down on the mats with Lia sitting on top of me facing my feet and pulling my legs up stretching my quadriceps.  She could have probably turned this into an Indian death lock but I was tapping out before she got that far.  Lia was trash talking me from start to finish, every time I said “I’ve got an idea” or “I know what to do”, she taunted me asking me what my big idea was while trapping me motionless in a controlling hold I could not even begin to escape from. 

A quick break and then Lia changed into her Wonder-Woman costume while I went for the black Spidey costume.  We did a face off before this match started, our foreheads pressed together and the tips of our noses touching. I was on the receiving end of body scissors and also had to tap when my ear was being pressed hard to the mats by my own head.  I tried to cross my legs to avoid Lia’s grapevine but she ended up smothering me with her shoulder telling me to “eat some shoulder” as I was tapping out.  We gave the office workers opposite the hotel a wave, great that Venom and wonder-Woman had a live audience for this match!  I noticed that the body piece of Lia’s wonder-Woman costume was pretty tough, not that my body scissors would have been effective anyway.  I was on my back trying to get up, pressing the palms of my hands to the mats, but Lia just pushed me back down again, laughing at how I was wasting all of my energy trying to get up.  I tried the hedge hog defence but Lia caught my head with her thighs and had me tapping to a reverse head scissors.

Time for a break, I went down stairs to bring up a couple of cups of coffee.  Then we were into the last part of the 3 hour session which was a photo shoot of Lia doing lift and carry on me.  Someone had requested this on twitter so we took the photos for her fans.  There was a fireman lift, a cradle lift, front and back piggy backs as well as Lia lifting me up on her shoulders. 

I spent the afternoon seeing the sites of New York City while Lia and Skylar continued with their sessions. The next day (Tuesday) was very special.  Once Lia and Skylar had finished their morning sessions we all went to the matinee showing of the Roxettes Christmas Show, it was truly magical.  Then we went to the top of the Empire State Building to see New York, it was amazing.  I really appreciate Skylar and Lia spending the afternoon with me.  They are two kind and lovely ladies who can kick ass when they need to.  I had one more day in New York after Lia and Skylar had travelled their different ways home.  I saw more sites and made the most of New York at Christmas time.  Yes, no doubt about it, this has been my best ever session wrestling experience.  Thanks Lia. Thanks Skylar.


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2018, 11:43:34 PM »
Some more picture of Lia


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2018, 11:45:00 PM »
More photos of Lia in New York.


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2018, 11:46:31 PM »
More photos of Lia


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2018, 11:48:29 PM »
More photos of Lia


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2018, 11:49:58 PM »
Lia as Wonder-Woman


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2018, 11:51:57 PM »
Some lift and carry photos of Lia


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2018, 11:53:03 PM »
A coupe more lift and carry photos


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2018, 11:54:52 PM »
Lia as Cat-Woman .... OMG!


Offline spidermouth

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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2018, 11:56:13 PM »
More photos of Lia as Cat-Woman


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2018, 11:57:50 PM »
Lia ... my Goddess


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2018, 11:59:33 PM »
Lia as Cat-Woman - more photos.


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2018, 12:00:57 AM »
The last 4 photos - hope you enjoyed the review and the photos.


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2019, 12:02:11 AM »
im surprised you were able to hang out with them after the sessions, tbh. From my experience, its not that common for session wrestlers to hang out or do stuff w/clients outside of the session, even as a repeat client. Partly due to some having a strict business attitude , and another part due  to the session wrestler being booked and having sessions for the rest of the day. Or just being too busy with other stuff.

One session wrestler offered to go to lunch with me during the session , but she specified  that that would specifically count towards the session time, so I just said no and went on with the session.  Hanging out with women like Lia or Skylar sounds like a very unique and rare opportunity, especially if they don't require payment to hang out with them. Got any secret tips or advice for clients who want to hang out with session wrestlers?
« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 12:03:31 AM by manny5555 »


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Re: Lia Labowe and Skylar Rene (December 2018)
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2019, 06:00:00 PM »
Yes Manny5555
I am a very lucky guy, it is very rare because you are right, session wrestlers are really busy people.

I guess with Lia she makes some extra time for me because I have sponsored trips on top of booking sessions.
For example, the first time I met Lia and Ashley, it was necessary for Lia to fly to Florida and book accommodation.
So I made her an offer to allow her to do this on top of me booking a session with her.
This meant she was able to meet her other fans thanks in part to my sponsorship.
I also offered to film matches between Lia and Ashley if they had custom request meaning they did not need to hire a camera operator.

The New York trip was also a trip where I sponsored Lia's travel and accommodation, costumes and I booked sessions.
I was really lucky that Skylar was able to fit me in to the double sessions she was doing with Lia.
Lia and I had already planned to get something to eat the first evening and Skylar was very kind to join us.
It really was great.
We had also planned to go to a show on the last day after Lia had checked out of her room and so so she would not have been doing sessions at that time anyway.
It was Christmas in New York and it was brilliant to be able to do some more things before Lia went to Penn.
I think Skylar had planned session days and sight seeing days in NY and one of her sight seeing days coincided with the afternoon Lia and I went to the show and the Empire State Building, so she asked if she could join us, it was a lovely afternoon.

I'm happy to be able to sponsor athletes like Lia when I can.  I often listen to interviews on session girls and podcasts from Sleeper Kid.  There was one by Ariel X where she said she did not really travel for sessions any more because you need a lot of sessions to cover the costs of flying and accommodation.  I believe it is up to fans like myself to sponsor the athletes when I can to help them travel and it keeps great athletes in this scene.  I appreciate not everyone is in the financial position I am but hopefully there are enough guys who can help out in this way.  I know the athletes really appreciate it.

So that is my tip, there are no secrets, I'm not a Brad Pitt look-a-like under the mask, it is my willingness to sponsor athletes within the scene.
I'm still pinching myself, New York was so amazing, best Christmas ever.