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Welcome to SADIEVILLE!! SadieWrestles VS Gail Kim in wrestling ring NHB!!

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Offline stormbolt7

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Sadie vs Gail kim

I was not sure of the best way to go about this. I had a pair of front row seats, at the coming live show taping.
It was going to be good, as it was happening, right before one of the main, pay per view yearly events. So adrenaline, and emotions would be running high.
Then just before it, the lady supposed to be going with me backed out.
I did not want to see the ticket go to waste. I also did not want to go alone. I happened to know of somewhere, a few of the catfights ladies. Where getting together, to watch some movies, going into the scary stuff, as Halloween got closer.
I did not neccessarily have an invite, yet figured it would be okay, to pop by. Make the offer, and let them be, after that.
I was feeling rushed, as the event was for the next night. With time ticking, I soon arrived, and knocked.
One of the ladies met me at the door, a smile, yet reserved look on her face. As she opened the door and greeted me. From the sounds coming from inside, the ladies had all arrived, and it was definately sounding like ladies night out.
I tell her my mission, she smiles and invites me in.
Soon I am in the main living room, as lights are up, during an intermission, in scary movie night.
I know some of the ladies, we exchange greetings. While the others are introduced to me.
I begin to tell them my offer, adding dinner if neccessary.
Before any of them can answer. "Hey you skanks, was that pizza guy, at the door?" I hear a familiar voice yelling from direction of the kitchen.
I also begin to think, I maybe was going to have a serious problem very soon.
"Yeah Sadie, he says you need to blow him as usual, for payment you ho!!" One of the ladies yells back, others laughing.
"Bite me bitch, I'm burning your popcorn for that!!" Sadie yells back, her voice coming closer.
Soon her head peeks around the corner, followed by a hand, holding an upraised middle finger. "Besides, your the back seat ho queen around here." She ads, to her response.
Then seeing me, she smiles and steps into the room.
"Hey Stormy!!" Sadie says smiling.
"Yeah Sadie, seems he has an extra ticket, to the sold out live WWE event tomorrow." One of the ladies throws out, before I can think to maybe say, to keep it quiet.
Mind you, I had nothing against Sadie. Just the girl, knew how to get herself into trouble at times. As well as those with her.
Sadie was slender, very pretty, and had a nice perky figure. Her tight, short, slightly washed out jean shorts, fitting her sinfully nice.
Her cropped top tee, showing her sleek, bare belly. While hanging tight enough, to show, Sadie was with out a doubt a woman.
One thing that helped make Sadie dangerous, she had some of the prettiest eyes ever. Eyes, she knew how to use, to get her way.
Those eyes lit up, as she rushes at me.
"Me, me, take me with you Stormy!!" Sadie cries out, slamming into me, in an attempt at a hug. Sending us tumbling back, onto the sofa.
Sadie sitting on my lap, those pretty eyes seeming to be sparkling, and all innocence, as she looks up at me. A devilish grin on her pretty face.
"C'mon, let me gooooo pleeeeeeeeeease??" "I promise, to be good, not cause any trouble, keeping my mouth shut, not asking for anything." She blurts out, all the time, head tilted, resting against me. As she looks up at me, eyes all soulful.
One of the ladies, fake coughs, bullshit. Another ads in, don't trust her, while coughing as well.
Some of them laughing, knowing I was trapped.
Sadie just staring, like a kid at christmas, ready to start opening gifts. How could I say no to that.
Yes, that is how Sadie, was ending up, going to the wrestling event, and sitting in the front row.
Sadie's hair, was long, past shoulder length, maybe to the middle of her back. Sometimes it was darker, other times a dirty blonde. Yet tonight it was more blonde, with dark streaks and highlights.
Wearing another tight, hip hugging pair of jean shorts. With a top, that was not cropped. Yet tight enough, to show, she was either wearing a very thin one or no bra at all.
Sadie was not huge chested. Yet she had enough to look pleasing, as well as very damn perky, as she walked.
"Stormy, thank you so much for bringing me!!" Sadie gushes, as we head in, and her eyes roam everywhere.
"Oh my god!! Look at that!!" Sadie's eyes widen, as she sees the souvenier stand.
I have no time, to react, before she rushes over, and stands staring at or reaching for different things.
From what she had with her, and how tight her shorts fit. I was doubtful Sadie had brought much money with her, if any.
"Gotta have one of those, please ... please!!" She asks, Sadie again turning those pretty eyes on me.
Soon she has a wrestling celeb tee shirt, a foam finger, hand, as well as a cheap, but nice looking new pair of shades.
"Ohhhh yeahhhh, Sadie is styling now!!" She says, grinning, before accidently on purpose. Smacking a buxom blonde, in the face, with the giant foam hand."Sorry, guess those implants block your vision sweetie!!" "You need to look where you are going." Sadie says sweetly.
The blonde about ready to retort.
"POPCORN!!! GOTTA get some!!" Sadie yells, and is off, to the concession stand. As I apologize for her, the blonde shaking her head. Saying something about special ed, that I was so glad Sadie had not heard.
Soon armed with souveniers, popcorn and snacks. We make our way to the seats, for the event to start.
We get comfy, just as the lights dim a bit, and some pyro begins to open up the show. Sadie jumping up and down, yelling like a maniac, as the cameras roam the crowd. "I am Soooooooooooo recording this!!" She says, as the referee, and announcer head down to the ring.
The national anthem completed, time to get down to business.
One thing about Sadie, the lady did not hold back, letting you know, who she did and did not like.
A few of them giving her high fives or hand slaps, as they come down around ring, for their matches.
A few acting, like they are going to smack her, as she tries getting into their faces. One time, even having to grab her, so she would not fall over the guard rail. I know she has a nice ass, but I was hoping her shorts would stay on, as she squirmed. A sure way, for us to be evicted.
Then came one of the ladies matches, to feature Gail Kim, versus Natalya. "Oh wow, Gail is sooooo gorgeous!!" Sadie gushes, as the sexy asian beauty heads ringside. "You go Gail, kick her ass!!" Sadie yells, Gail smiling, and blowing her a kiss.
Then as Natalya arrives, Sadie gives a new meaning to being catty. Showing the nails on one hand, she curls her fingers. "HIssssssss ... time for you to get your udders kicked, you cow!!"
"That's right just walk away beeyotch." "Your just lucky it is Gail, and not the ever popular SADIEWRESTLES... that gets to kick your fat ass!!" Sadie yells out. Earning a very unladylike gesture from Natalya, before she enters the ring.
Introductions made, the bell sounds, and action, and Sadie's promised good behavior explode on live video.
Sadie actively cheering, and screaming for Gail to win.
Then a collission, and the ladies end up tumbling to the outside of the ring, very close to us.
"Come on Gail, get up, teach this bimbo, how pathetic she is!!" Sadie yells, before accidently, on purpose, tossing some popcorn, onto Natalya.
The buxom blonde, surging up, and towards Sadie. Just in time to be slammed into by Gail. Driving Natalya into the barrier.
With a hand full of hair, Gail soon has Natalya back in the ring.
They go back and forth, finally a missed move by Gail, has her back outside, hitting the mats hard.
Natalya catching a quick breather, before heading after her.
"Damn Gail, why am I even rooting for you?" "Your kind of sucking tonight." Sadie says, getting a naughty look on her face, before.. "Ooops...." As popcorn is spilled down onto Gail this time. As she lays collecting herself.
Her eyes flare, as the popcorn spills over her. She jumps up, and reaches for Sadie.
Just as Natalya grabs her hair, yanking her back. Gail is then spun, and thrust into the side of the ring, driving the air from her sexy body.
Natalya quickly rolling her back in, and getting the pin.
Then she is gone, Gail slowly rolling out after her. Her eyes glaring at Sadie, for causing the distraction.
"I should rip your hair out, you skank!" Gail hurls Sadie's way, before turning to head to the back.
"Yeahhhh, talk to my agent Stormy here ...  Some chopsticks, your cute ass in a thong." "We'll do lunch sweetie!!" Sadie taunts back.
Gail's body stiffening, then relaxing as she continues on her way.
The rest of the matches, Sadie is better behaved, as she also runs out of popcorn. Then it is over, as we wait for the crowd behind us to clear, before starting to leave ourselves.
"This was soooooooooooooooooo freakin cool... cept when Gail lost." Sadie says smiling at me, as people move around us.
Then Sadie's head jerks, as someone yanks her hair. Heyyyyy what the fuck??" Sadie blurts out.The someone being a very beautiful, and unhappy looking Gail Kim.
"Stick around slut, we have business to discuss." Gail says, as the arena clears, and we find ourselves, with the company of Gail Kim. Gail soon informing us, she wanted to get Sadie's ass in the ring. For helping to gain Gail a loss, thanks to Sadie's distractions.
"Here if you think you are good enough." This ring is back up." "The set for the ppv is already set up, our next stop." She continues.
"Just sign this release, in case you break a nail sweetie, then we can get it on." Gail ads.
Sadie's eyes widen, as she looks at the few simple lines on the form.
"Ohhhh this is soooooo going to be your night for a double beating." Sadie says, grabbing the pen, and quickly writing her name on the waiver.
"Here Gail, look, and see if I did it right." Sadie says sliding the paper back.
As Gail checks it, her attention off Sadie.
Sadie grabs a nearby partially filled garbage bag. Sadie swinging it. The three of us between the barrier and the ring. As Sadie gives a cry... "Time for Sadie to take out the trash!!" He he he, she overacts, as she smacks Gail with the garbage bag, knocking her down.
Sadie dropping the bag, before playing to an unseen audience.
"OHhhhh that's right bitches.. SadieWrestles has hit town!!" "Come on give me my championship belt, before you piss me off!!" She says, turning this way and that.
I see it happening to late to warn her, as Gail is back up, and just as Sadie turns back. Delivers a nice clothesline to Sadie, knocking her down to the padded mats. Laying on the floor, around the outside of the ring.
Sadie lands, with a slapping sound.
"Ohhhh what the fuck.. FOUL!!" "Damn it she dropped Big show on me, that's cheating Stormy!!" Sadie moans out, as she rolls on the mat, checking to see if her head, and limbs still all were attached.
Gail smiles, slides under the ropes, and into the ring.
"Come on princess, time for your fairy tail to end." Gail taunts.
Sadie's head pops up. "Scuse me did that bitch just call sensational Sadiewrestles a princess?" She asks.
I nod, she pulls herself up, and soon slides under the ropes, and into the ring.
Sadie soon standing, to find how bouncy the floor of the ring could be.
"Whooaaa cool, look at me, ready to spring into action!!" Sadie says, taking a few playful bouncy steps around the ring.
Gail staying back, giving her a chance to get used to walking around in the ring.
"You need to learn some manners girl." Gail says, as she begins to circle Sadie now.
"Really, how about I put a leash on you, and teach you who rules, and who is my bitch??" Sadie replies back, before launching herself at Gail.
Gail smiling, as she moves out of the way, just in time. For Sadie to slam into, and bounce off the ropes.
Again Sadie hits the floor. This time the floor of the ring.
"You bitch, I think I sprained my wrist." Sadie groans, still trying to regain her air, after running into the ropes, and hitting the floor.
Gail moves over, and kneels down beside the writhing young blonde. As she does, Sadie sends an open hand chop, to Gail's heaving chest.
The impact making a nice loud, slapping sound, as Gail gasps and doubles up. Trying to ease the pain, as Sadie has just slapped her hard, across her firm breasts.
Sadie sits up, and grabs a hand full of Gail's silky black hair. "Whoooooo . looks like you fell for the Sadie chop sister!!" Sadie says, before yanking Gail's head to the side. Then still with the hand full of hair, using it to knock Gail fully down onto the mat.
Sadie quickly following up, trying to mount Gail, and pin her down.
"Stormy count this beeeyotch out!!" Sadie calls out.
Then cries out, as Gail arches, and bucks her off. Sadie going slightly airborne, up over Gail's head. To land with a loud sounding impact.
Gail rolling, and quickly starting to scoop Sadie up, before flinging her backwards, over her head. While Gail is kneeling in the ring.
Sadie again hitting hard, before rolling out, beneath the ropes, and onto the floor again. Gail quickly following.
Sadie shrieking, as if rabid pitbulls were on her tail. Then rounding a corner, she drops down.
As Gail follows around, Sadie sticks her leg out tripping her. Gail tumbles to the floor, with Sadie lunging to shove her back against the mats hard.
"Guess this is no rules, and no disqualification." "Welcome to Sadieville, here we catfight sweetie!!" Sadie says smiling, as she yanks Gail's skimpy top up. Exposing her large, well formed breasts.
"Mmmmmmmmm yummy tits girly." Sadie says, before slapping, then back handing them a few times.
Sadie then grabbing Gail's right breast, squeezing it, as the asian beauty cries out in pain.
"Say Sadie rules, and I let you go." Sadie says confidently, as she sits partially mounted on Gail.
"How about I say, kiss my ass bitch!!" Gail fires back, just before her forearm, snaps up, into Sadie's taut belly.
Air explodes, from her nubile figure, as she doubles up. Gail grabbing a hand ful of Sadie's hair, yanking her head by it. As well as dumping Sadie off herself. Sadie's grasp on her exposed tit, released, as she clutches at her own aching belly.
Gail shoves her off, Sadie laying curled slightly on her side.
Then Gail rolls her over, lifts Sadie's top, exposing a very firm, pert pair of breasts. "This how you like it tramp?" Gail asks, before slapping across Sadie's heaving breasts.
"Back in the ring, before your both counted out!!" I order, playing referee.
Not minding seeing more of Sadie's very beautiful body. Yet not wanting to watch idly, as Gail soon would begin taking her apart.
Gail looks up at me, gives a sly looking smile. "You just want a better look at this sexy body of mine don't you?" She asks.
My eyes go from the silky black hair, framing her beautiful face. To the supple, and silky skinned body, head to toe.
Unable to deny, the lady was more busty, than I had ever imagined. As well as every inch of her on display, was pleasing to the eyes.
Sadie is wriggling, and trying to buck her body free. Yet pauses, as she sees Gail smile at Storm, then wink at him.
"What the fuck??" Sadie thinks, as something seems to be going on between him and Gail.
Her thoughs broken, as Gail grabs her hair fimrly again, before starting to pull Sadie to her feet, using her hair to help.
"Owwww .. owww owwwww, get your hands off bitch!!" Sadie warns, her competitive spirit, getting her blood heated. While unable to deny, enjoying the feel of Gail's sexy body pressing so close to her own.
She was not going to just let the other lady handle her this way.
"Gail need help, the girl seems feisty!!" Another woman calls from nearby.
"Fuck of Natalya, I have her." Gail replies, before thrown popcorn, hits both Sadie, and Gail.
I watch, as the very stunning blonde, now dressed in street clothes, takes a front row seat to the action.
The thrown popcorn, giving Sadie a distraction much needed.
She stomps on Gail's foot. As Gail releases her. Sadie grabs Gail, and shoves her into the side of the ring.
With air knocked from her body, Gail tumbles back to the floor mats. Sadie diving under the ropes, and into the ring. "Count her out, SADIE WINS!!! Ohhh yeahhh Uhhh huhhhh!! Sadie cries out triumphantly, while doing an inpromptu dance, and gyrating in the ring.
Her top still partially pulled up, and off one shoulder. There was no doubt, Sadie was definately all woman.
"Holy crap.. Storm's seeing my boobies!!" Sadie cries out finally realizing her state of partial undress.
As she is quickly covering herself. Gail dives under the ropes, and into the ring.
Before Sadie can recognize her danger. Gail grabs her, and uses a leg sweep, to take Sadie down to the floor of the ring.
Gail Quickly twisting, and turning their bodies, until she is sitting slightly on Sadie's lower body, Sadie's legs held up, and curled in a boston crab submission.
Sadie writhing, and crying out, as she flops around, unable to get free.
Sadie's body laying parallel face down, to the ring floor.
"Give in bitch, before I break you in half!!" Gail demands as Sadie begins thumping her hand on the floor, tapping out.
Gail holds it just a bit more, then releases Sadie.
Sadie laying on the floor, as I quickly kneel down beside her. Gail also kneeling down beside her.
"Have to admit, you were right." "She definately shows promise." Gail says, before playfully slapping Sadie's ass.
Sadie rolling over to look up at us.
"Holy shit, you to know each other?" Sadie asks, before moaning, as she begins to feel the aches, and bruises on her slender, femanine figure.
"We have met, he thought you would enjoy an in ring epxerience." Gail replies back.
"Your lucky, Gail is the nice one, I wanted to rip you a new one." Natalya says, now in the ring as well.
Gail was smiling fully now. One very lovely woman, with a sweet spirit. At times masked by her in ring performer.
"Uhhhh ... soon as I find out if I will live." "Look me up for your own trip to Sadieville!!" Sadie weakly taunts back.
"Owww ...  that hurts.. yep that hurts, damn think i chipped a nail." Sadie begins to complain.
"Sorry, you signed the waiver." Gail says reminding us, of how this started.
"Some ice here and there." Gail begins. "A hot shower or bath." Natalya ads in.
"Then someone to pamper, and look after you." "For helping to provide such wonderful entertainment." Gail says, spearing me with a look.
"Ohh woooowww Stormy, your going to take care of me??" "Like massage, get me dinner, and take me to the ppv tomorrow night?" Sadie asks, those pretty, and soulful eyes catching me.
As Gail, and I help her to her feet.
"Ok maybe get you something to eat, but I don't have any tickets for tomorrow sorry Sadie." I apologize, as her posture slumps, hearing we would not get to go the next event.
"Actually, I happen to have a pair of tickets right here." Natalya says, sliding them out of her very skin tight jeans.
The buxom blonde handing them to me, before giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Ohhhh I so want to wrestle her next... can we get popcorn Stormy??" Sadie asks.
"NO popcorn!! Gail, Natalya, and I answer almost the same time.
Sadie pouting her lip, then a bright smile lighting up her face. "COTTON CANDY!!" Sadie yells out.
Gail, and Natalya look at each other then me. Both of them thinking the damage Sadie could do, with warm sticky cotton candy.
"OK get her popcorn instead." Natalya says, then slips out of the ring, heading away for the night.
Gail staying to chat with Sadie a bit longer, while autographing a few souveniers for her.
Before giving Sadie a hug, and myself a hug with a kiss on the cheek, and guiding us out.
"Soooooooo Stormy as my manager, we need to think of more moves for me to use. When we tangle with Natalya tomorrow night!!" Sadie says enthusiastically, as she smiles, hugging herself to my one side.
While I think of what we can do, to make her feel better, from her aches and pains from tonight.
As well as how I will survive another night. With SadieWrestles, at another live wrestling event.
Young, beautiful, and spirited. I just knew, to expect the unexpected. When spending time with Sadie.

The end   


Offline lilfightingcutie2

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Great story! I always love seeing my Cutie Sis in action although I totally think she shoulda kicked Gail Kims butt all over the ring!!! Thanks Stormy for sharing it with us.


Offline Karly_Kats

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Quality story Storm a nice read but i have a question...

"grabbing the pen, and quickly writing her name on the waiver."

Was there anyone to verify that she can write ?

Is X really writing ?


Im waiting on you Sadie... Waiting, focussing, burning...


Offline stormbolt7

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Stormy! I read every word with a huge smile on my face!! I will be happy to be your date to the wrestling matches anytime! But, first, since Gail Kim roughed me up so much...

*pitches you a bottle of baby oil and lie down on your couch* owe me a massage!


TELLING YOU it can be nice being the manager!!  First Sadie is lovely.. second... Sighhh not easy to say no, when she turns those eyes on you!!
So ok massage, and strategy meeting, for next time!!



Offline Serena77

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Sadie and Storm together is just great! 8)

Amazing match and wonderful narration! A lot of cheers!


Offline sinclairfan

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Gotta luv Sadie


Offline stormbolt7

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See ...... Telling you just something about Sadie ....

Since team event was up .. figured this needed to be close by as well ...

Ohhh and yeahhhh more fun planned for Mandy and Sadie.. Solo stories very soon ...



Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Welcome to SADIEVILLE!! SadieWrestles VS Gail Kim in wrestling ring NHB!!
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2019, 06:27:29 PM »
If Sadiewrestles still pops in here ..
Always fun lady n happy being a buddy of hers here



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Re: Welcome to SADIEVILLE!! SadieWrestles VS Gail Kim in wrestling ring NHB!!
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2019, 06:11:35 PM »
...nice....!! and Gail Kim has been my favourite wrestler for years...she is so sexy....and wear high boots !!!   :) :) :)

« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 06:15:37 PM by FawnL »