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Reign Gentleman's Club

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Offline DJP60

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Reign Gentleman's Club
« on: May 08, 2024, 08:09:13 PM »
Clearwater Fla. I was surprised as the difference between Las Vegas Gentleman's Clubs and Clearwater Fla club.
Reign does not open till noon, the entertainers work either a 12p-7p or  7p-3a. In Vegas the entertainers
can and some did work any hours and can stay and work at the club as long as they want to. The entrance
fee so much more reasonable at Reign as were the drink prices and there was no "drink minimum" as in you
had to purchase 2 drinks. At the clubs in Vegas no one kept track if you bought 2 drinks or not.
Reign depends on "locals" to come to see the girls Vegas clubs count on "tourist's" to come to their clubs.
Tourist's also bring $$ to Vegas that is why Vegas clubs charge high prices for entering a club and drinks.
The entertainers at Reign were all local girl, I think, as compared to Vegas as their entailers came from all over the
world, no problem with that.
I will be returning to Clearwater Sept 8-12 and I will be visiting OZ Gentleman's Club.
I have an interest in female
hooligans fights too as well as Russian girl gang fights!!
i also pay entertainers to fight 1 another and i get photos of them here in Las Vegas Nv Sabrina is now 6-1 Yes i pay strippers to fight each other for $$.