
General Category => Celebrity Fights => Celebrity Fights- Stories => Topic started by: Interac on November 08, 2013, 03:56:18 PM

Title: Story: Jill Wagner vs. Kelly Overton
Post by: Interac on November 08, 2013, 03:56:18 PM
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Kelly Overton was getting her wish
Jill Wagner was going to make a statement

The two athletic amazons stood in opposite corners in tight work out gear.  The owner of the gym got in the ring “OK ladies you agreed to fight each to no rules correct”  They both nodded yes.  “OK so this is a no rules fight either KO, submission.”

“NO” Kelly screamed “Not enough for what I plan to do, she has to know I fucking beat her down.  She has to say this wolf is better than that wolf hunter, she has to scream my supremacy over her.  She has to scream WOLF”

“BITCH, you want to make this a verbal submission match then fine by me.  You scream  HUNTER ”

“OK so when one of you shouts you had enough that woman is no longer allowed back here.”

Just a few weeks prior Jill watched Kelly destroy a younger inexperienced woman, she jumped in and knocked Kelly out.  Now here they were as promised ready to fight for the right to be in this gym.  The owner left the ring and ringed the bell and the two amazons rushed to the center where they both hit straight kicks to the chest knocking the other down to their asses.

They popped back up and Kelly went for Jill’s hair but it was ducked and Kelly hit a knee to Jill’s stomach.  She brought her knee down and got her arms around Jills waist and tried to gut wrench power bomb her but Jill held onto Kelly’s leg and turned in toward the same leg and when she got her shoulder against Kelly’s thigh she lifted the leg and brought the True Blood wolf down to her back.

Kelly wasn’t letting Jill do much more though; she grabbed at Jill’s top and threw Jill over her body.

They got up and started bouncing around then locked up collar and elbow where Jill threw Kelly across the ring.  Kelly got up and went right back at Jill where they locked up again this time Kelly threw Jill. 

Jill popped back up and went after Kelly who ducked and lifted Jill up and slammed her into a corner.  Kelly grabbed the middle ropes and started slamming her shoulder into Jill’s stomach.  After the fifth slam she stepped back and allowed Jill to fall forward only to catch Jill with both her hands on Jill’s throat.  She lifted Jill up in the air and threw her back to the corner

Kelly slapped Jill so hard that it turned her around and Jill was hanging on the top rope.  Kelly paintbrushed the back of Jill’s head then grabbed her by the left arm and yanked turning Jill around but also getting hit with a right which dazed her.  Jill relaxed on the ropes and when Kelly recovered from the haymaker she got kicked in the chest and went rolling back to the middle of the ring.

Overton got up only to see Wagner running at her.  Jill clotheslined Kelly and flipped her up in the air “Whatcha think about that you bitch.” 

Jill picked Kelly up by the hair and Kelly got her hands on Jill’s hip pointer and stood up and threw Jill over her head.  “That’s what I think you lousy big mouthed whore.”

“Want to see the difference between your fight with Serinda and this fight.”  Kelly grabbed at Jill’s top and started taking it off.  Jill got over the shock of having her top being taken off very quick and jumped her head into Kelly’s stomach

That put Kelly back a step and Jill repeated the move and then stood up and threw a right but that got blocked.  Kelly countered with a right to the cheek and a left kick getting Jill in the ribs and dropping Wagner to a knee.

Jill stood up and bounced back on her feet as Kelly tried another punch which only hit the air.  Jill ate the pain she was feeling in her ribs and face.  It was getting obvious that Kelly wanted to humiliate her as well as beat her up.  She trained for this, she upped her fighting training after nearly losing to Serinda Swan.  In a ring like this she had more techniques at her disposal then in a hotel room with Serinda where knees and fists were the only viable option unless you were a truly elite level fighter.

“Quit now bitch or this ends with you naked and beaten.”

“Afraid you’re going to have to earn this win.”

Kelly smiled and went for a big punch that Jill moved back avoiding and countered with a kick to Kelly’s ribs.  Kelly ate the kick and pushed forward and came up with a knee to Jill’s stomach.  “How you like that.”

Jill came back with her own knee “You like my knee slut.”

They grabbed the back of the others neck and started exchanging knees to the ribs.  After five exchanges Kelly grabbed Jill’s top and again yanked it upwards and got the tight top over Jill’s head.  She laughed she finally had Jill’s arms trapped and hit some vicious upper cuts.  Two to Jill’s face and one to each of the Reality hosts tits.

She then twirled and threw Jill away, she now had Jill’s top in  her hands and dove at Jill and started choking Jill with her own top.  “Say it Jill… Scream WOLF for me”


“Suit yourself you must like pain and asphyxiation!” She attempted to get Jill’s top around Jill’s neck again but Jill got her hands on Kelly’s wrists and criss crossing them and used it as a lever to flip Kelly off the top.

She got up ignoring the cold feeling on her bare chest she moved forward and ducked a punch from Kelly and hit a right to the stomach of Overton and a left to the back rib.  She went for Jill’s top but got hit with a back elbow.

Jill backed up and Kelly turned to face her, the thought that she was topless was far from her mind as Kelly said “I’ll show you some striking if you really want that lesson”

What followed was an amazing display of offence and defence by both.  Exchange of punches then counters, leg kicks that were checked by each and culminating in both attempting a spinning back that missed but Jill’s leg was over Kelly’s and Kelly looked down and Jill came up her knee getting Kelly in the forehead. 

Kelly bounced off the ropes and tried a punch which Jill got her arm up blocking then moved forward with that elbow splitting Kelly’s lip.  Kelly went back against the ropes again but she was getting owned now in the strikes and got hit with a hook cross combo and she tried to get away and then stopped and went for a take down which Jill fought off and finally countered by grabbing Kelly’s top twisting her hips which caused them now to be back to back. 

Jill Wagner bent down getting Kelly’s top over Kelly’s chest and around her throat she had a choke in place.  “Say Hunter bitch.”  Jill had Kelly’s feet up in the air and had the choke on tight enough that Kelly knew she could scream her surrender or she could have her larynx crushed.  Two choices either call out to the Hunter who slain her or…

Kelly got her feet on the top turn buckle and pushed and flipped herself over Jill and out of her top.  Jill landed on her knees but got on her feet kick and flipped backwards kicking Jill in a tit with an amazing back flip kick. 

A crowd started to gather around now including some other amazons Shannon Elizabeth, Estella Warren, Maitland Ward and Tanit Phoenix

Jill was in the corner dazed from the amazing kick and looked up and saw Kelly running at her and ducked low and lifted Kelly up by the stomach and put her over the top rope but Overton landed on her feet.  The two women exchanged right hands one on the outside of the ring the other on the inside.  They exchanged two more right hands Jill first then Kelly.  Kelly’s left Jill a little dazed so Kelly grabbed her by the hair and went to slam her face into the turnbuckle but Jill jumped onto the second rope and off and hit a Pele kick that got Kelly in the neck and sent her to the floor

Jill rolled to the outside where Kelly was starting to get up she kicked Kelly in the stomach then lifted her up and destroyed Kelly’s stomach with a punch that had Kelly going backwards gasping for air.  Kelly leaned against a heavy bag “Say Hunter”

“Cry Wolf”  Wit that Kelly hit her with a roundhouse kick in the stomach doubling over Jill.  She followed that by getting one hand on Jill’s forehead and the other a handful of hair and threw Jill Wagner down to the floor with all her might.

Title: Re: Story: Jill Wagner vs. Kelly Overton
Post by: Interac on November 08, 2013, 04:17:12 PM
Kelly breathed hard and looked down at a woman she hated since the first time they auditioned for the same role.  She never told Jill that, she never told her how intense a hatred she felt for her.  She made it seem it was professional rivalry in the gym, two actresses who compete for the same roles.  Amazons, with fighting skill and being in the same gym seemed to push both to be stronger, faster, better.  Seeing Jill down there on the ground holding the back of her head Kelly had to admit the truth “Waited years for this.”

She stomped Jill’s tightly muscular stomach then grabbed Wagners at the shins and dropped down on her back sling shotting Jill into the heavy bag.  Jill hugged the heavy bag; she was in more pain from the short time of this fight then the entirety of the fight with Serinda Swan.  That fight was just a slug fest this was something more though.

“So fucking long waiting for you to be ready.” Kelly started hitting Jill in the ribs, she wanted to get just below the rib cage into the liver.  She could feel Jill’s ribs compressing with each punch, never in  her life had she felt such a rush as she felt when her fist collided with Jill’s ribcage.

Suddenly though it wasn’t flesh and ribs she was hitting but the heavy bag itself.  Jill timed it for a left punch to the ribs and slid along the heavy bag and got behind the bag.  She looked and despite all the pain shooting through her body from the body shot barrage she could see Kelly was confused.  She pushed the heavy bag and slammed it into Kelly Overton getting her in the face as she was leaning a little forward.

Physically stunned Kelly Overton backed up a step, her vision blurred she could see a smear moving but when she realized it was Jill it was way to late and her stomach felt the brunt.  Jill jumped driving the point of her knee into Kelly’s stomach.  Kelly dropped to her knees mouth open like a O, arms cradling her stomach.  Jill grabbed Kelly by the ears and tilted the True Blood werewolf head up “I’ve seen you in here and never once did I wonder if you’d come over and challenge me because you aren’t a challenge.”

Jill was lying, she saw Kelly in the gym lifting similar weights as her at same amount.  She knew Kelly landed that werewolf role when she got the wolf hunter and thought they should have a wrestling match.  She was pissed when Kelly got a role on Beauty and the Beast and thought of challenging her then but now she was back on Wipeout, she was getting more roles and most of all the win over Serinda made her think she was above Kelly in the gym debate of who was stronger and better.

“Say you quit”

“Fuck you!” Kelly said driving her arm up between Jill’s legs.

Jills ass went back and she fell back a few steps and started to cry then fell to her knees.  Kelly got up “I know the difference, I know that this entire gym was split fifty/fifty on who’d win this fight.  You always thought it was you and would argue with those who knew I’d win… Want to know how I know that simple fact.”  She grabbed Jill by the top of the hair and yanked her  head back so Jill was looking up at her “Because I argued with those who thought you’d beat me.”

“Well then” Jill said right before she returned the favor and slammed her arm between Kelly’s legs

They were both on their knees breathing hard, strong athletic bodies put through a battle of nearly equal skill and strength.  As Kelly looked at Jill’s heaving sweaty bare breasts she knew then and there she was not as good with striking as Jill.  She trained with the same people, she did the same excercises but she got beaten in them just barely beaten but yet beaten.  She knew all along that Jill would present a great challenge but she was willing to go the extra five percent.

Jill faced the greatest pain she ever faced as Kelly Overton forgot about punches and went after her breasts.  Kelly pushed Jill onto her back as she continued to pull, twist and scratch.  Screams filled the gym as Kelly stopped and slammed ax handle blows to Jill Wagners chest bone then ripped at Jill’s tits again.

“I hate you… I am the wolf you are the dead woman.”


Kelly ignored it and started slamming knees between Jill’s legs and then put her hands in Jill’s shorts “I’ll rip you apart.”

“NO” Estella Warren ran in pulled Kelly Overton away from Jill Wagner “She gave…” She didn’t finish as Kelly Overton knocked Estella out cold with one uppercut. 

“I’m not done with her” Kelly screamed but she wasn’t going to try and get past Tanit Phoenix.  The owner of the gym got in front

“You fought for the right to work out here well that crap you just did kicks you out… She had you in a legit fight and that dirty fight crap some  none of us mind.  You went to far though, you went to far and now she stays because she showed us some legit skills.  She proved that her fight with Serinda was no fluke it was her ability to take and deliver a punch…. You are out.”

Kelly smiled “She still screamed wolf, everyone here knows in a fight you fight to win…. Shannon Elizabeth knows that don’t  you Shannon.  Tanit you maybe strong but you fought no one but I bet if it came to it you’d go for someone tits like I did… You’d fight to win if you disliked the person as much as Jill and I dislike the other… You want me out then fine I’ll leave but you three are on my list!” she pointed at Maitland Ward, Shannon Elizabeth and especially at Tanit Phoenix
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(site not working for final image of Tanit Phoenix from Death Race 2)
(Upcoming: WBACCF #9, after party fight, Katie McGrath vs. Carla McGlynn)