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Ann-Margret vs Marta Kristen (Story)

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Offline Jackflash Jump

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Ann-Margret vs Marta Kristen (Story)
« on: October 30, 2013, 06:56:13 PM »

Marta Kristen

Las Vegas, 1965

The hotel penthouse echoed with that grunts, groans and moans of combat as the two beauties thrashed across the plush carpeting.  The battle had raged for nearly a full thirty minutes, and it appeared as if a climax was nearing.

Early in the match, Marta's unparalleled speed and agility took the over-confident Ann-Margret by surprise; to the astonishment of many, the willowy blonde fairly dominated the redhead, and seemed destined for a swift victory.  However, Ann-Margret's amazing stamina and indomitable willpower allowed her to withstand the assault, and in time her superior strength allowed her to take command of the struggle.

Swedes and Norwegians being long-time rivals, it was a surprise to none that this fight was particularly intense, and the redhead especially seemed to delight in punishing her gorgeous opponent.  However, to Ann-Margret's frustrations, her efforts to drive her foe to submission were unsuccessful, as Marta's iron will refused to let her so much as contemplate surrender.  Clearly, only a knock out would end this contest.

And the redhead was more than happy to make that happen.

Wrapping her steely thighs around the blonde's head, Ann-Margret poured every last ounce of power left in her curvacious body into her dancer's legs.  If this failed to drive Marta into inky unconsciousness, the redhead knew she would be too spent to continue the fight, and the blonde could turn the tables on her.  And to the amazement of the elite audience who watched this violent tableau unfold, Marta did indeed seem to be resisting enough to stave off slumber.  Although her face turned deep red and her sweat-soaked body shuddered from the crushing vise, she clung to lucidity, while Ann-Margret's own body trembled from the strain of her headscissors.

But then came a loud gasp, followed by a sad mewl as Marta's body went limp.  The redhead pulsed her legs a few moments more, ensuring her rival was indeed knocked out, before she opened her legs to release the beaten blonde.  However, so great was the effort, her weakened legs could now not support her, and all Ann-Margret could do was lay upon the floor, her chest heaving as she gulped in breath, but a triumphant light flickering in her eyes.


Offline Interac

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Re: Ann-Margret vs Marta Kristen (Story)
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2013, 07:20:27 PM »
Very nice


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Ann-Margret vs Marta Kristen (Story)
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2013, 10:55:54 AM »
Nicely done.