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August Heat (Repost)

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Offline Corvus

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  • Erotic fights are ...erotic! Trillian: corvustriad
August Heat (Repost)
« on: October 24, 2019, 10:13:02 PM »
Here's another one from days of yore, back in the days of my Rino persona.  Another story that's now old enough to vote.

August Heat (Part One)

Margot was reading when she heard the car pull into
the long driveway.  She put down the well-worn volume
of D.H. Lawrence and laid her reading glasses on the
table.  In that peculiar grace that tall woman seem to
have, she rose from the davenport in the large,
old-fashioned library, walked the long hallway to the
front of the house, and pulled back the curtain near
the foyer.

Outside, in the bright North Texas sunlight, she saw
the Town Car ease up to the front entrance.  In the
back seat, barely visible behind the thick window
tinting, was her cousin.  She was finally here.

Margot's full-lipped mouth curved in a half-smile.
Diane was here for the first time in ten years. 

Margot checked her face and clothing in the mirror
over the hallway table.  She was big, with large,
pear-shaped breasts that filled her white blouse
nicely.  Her waist was narrow in comparison in to the
broad hips and round, generous ass.  Margot had always
been pleased with the way she looked.  Womanly, with
curves and lines and supple muscle.  Not a stick, all
angles and bones. 

She wore tailored blue jeans that displayed her strong
legs.  She had an abundant mass of thick, auburn hair,
a wide mouth, and piercing green eyes.  She was a
striking woman, glowing with health, and at 41,
perhaps in the best shape she had been in years.

The uniformed driver quickly opened the passenger
door.  Diane swung her nylon-sheathed legs around, and
stepped out of the cab.  She was perhaps two inches
shorter than Margot, but the roll of the genetic dice
gave her a similar build.  Her slightly smaller frame
made the breasts appear even larger than they did on
Margot.  Perhaps self-conscious about this, Diane had
always dressed to minimize her bust. 

As she stepped out, Margot could see her wearing a
pale blue suit, the hem of the skirt two inches above
the knee.  Dark hair came down to just below her
shoulders, in an elegant and sophisticated coif.  She
had on a white pleated blouse that hugged her neck.
Over this, she wore a jacket matching the skirt.  A
pair of just-this-minute four-hundred-dollar mid-heel
pumps completed the ensemble.

Margot stepped out of the cool of air-conditioning
into the humid blast furnace of August.  She came down
the steps as the driver retrieved two bags, large and
small, from the trunk.  He carried the suitcases up to
the entrance, tipping his hat to Margot. 

Diane shifted her dark glasses to the top of her head.
 Light brown eyes with flecks of gold brightened at
the sight of her older cousin.

"Margot!  Sweetheart!"  She ran up the steps into
Margot's quick, firm embrace.  They kissed each other
lightly on the cheek. 

Margot said, "Hey, now!  You look splendid, Di!   It's
so damn good to see you."  She smiled broadly, showing
even, white teeth.  Her eyes crinkled at the sight of
her cousin.

The driver waved a quick salute, and left quickly,
heading down the long drive to the front gate.

Diane stepped back from Margot's arms, and looked up
at the stately house.  "Oh, God, I've forgotten how
wonderful this place looks.  I've really missed it."
Her voice was New York cultured, but Margot could
still detect a trace of a Texas drawl.  You can't
eradicate it entirely.

"I've missed you," Margot said.  "But let's get out of
this heat.  We will simply wilt if we stay out here."

"Oh, absolutely.  I've forgotten how sultry this place
can get."

Margot picked up the large Samsonite case easily.
Diane got her smaller bag and they moved into the cool
of the house.  Margot led the way upstairs and down
the long wood-floored hallway.

She opened the door to a large bedroom with a big
four-poster bed along one wall.  Dark antique
furniture was arranged in a tasteful fashion.  Margot
laid the suitcase on the bed. 

Diane kicked off her pumps, sat down on the bed, and
wriggled her stocking feet.  "Oh, Lord, that feels

Margot said, "I'll give you a chance to change, dear.
Then why don't you come on downstairs, and I'll get us
some iced tea.  The help has the afternoon off, so
it'll just be you and me."

Diane said, "Oh, stay and talk with me, Margot.  It'll
just a take a little bit to unpack and change."  Diane
got up and shed her jacket and laid it on the
bedspread.  Her blouse was a sleeveless number, hooked
in the back of the neck.
Margot said, "Sure.  How was the flight?"

"Oh, it was okay.  Not too crowded.  Halfway decent
meal for a change."

Diane fetched some hangars from the large armoire.
She pulled a pair of navy-blue slacks from the
suitcase and started to hang her clothes, moving back
and forth between the bed and armoire.  They continued
to make small talk during the unpacking.

She undid the catch on her skirt, and slipped it down
her hips.  She wore a nude shade of sheer pantyhose
without any panties.  As she turned around, Margot
could see Diane's pretty legs rise up to the dark,
thick bush between her thighs.  It was neatly trimmed
for swimsuit season, but abundant over the labia.

Diane turned her back to Margot and lifted up her
brown hair with both hands, exposing the back of her
slender neck.  Margot always got a thrill out of that

"Could you unhook me, dear?"

Margot moved behind her and reached to the hook.  She
slipped the catch as she breathed in the smell of her
cousin.  A slight trace of Opium, her favorite. 

Diane pulled the shirt over her head.  In pantyhose
and a Victoria's Secret underwire bra, she was an
incredibly delicious vision.  She pulled the hose
down, and the pussy came into view, hairs starting to
uncurl, damp and twisted.

Margot caught her breath.  Diane slid the shoulder
straps down, and slipped the cups off her large
breasts.  They were crowned with dark, prominent
nipples, surrounded by pebbly aureolae.  They swayed
free, slightly pendulous.  She rubbed them, the flesh

Diane pulled a pair of plain white cotton panties out
of her case, and slipped her legs into them.  This was
followed by a pair of dark blue shorts and a baggy
white pullover shirt with a scoop neckline.  Her
breasts moved from side to side as she walked, nipples
poking the fabric.

They went downstairs to the big country kitchen on the
west side of the house.  Margot got a pitcher of iced
tea from the stainless-steel refrigerator and poured a
couple of tall tumblers and added a slice of lemon.
They say down at the wooden table.

Diane looked out the window.  "I remember the land.
Those rolling hills.  It really takes me back."

Margot followed her gaze.  "We could sure use some
rain, though.  This summer has been murder."

Diane said, "Most of the land has been rented out,
right."  She took a sip of her tea.

Margot nodded.  "After Daddy died, it seemed the
simplest thing to do.  There's still a lot of work to
do - government forms, bookkeeping, tracking the
markets."  She hesitated.  "Did you think about what I
asked you?"

Diane said, hesitantly, "I ... still have to think about
it some.  I mean, I have a good job in New York, and
coming down to help you run this place has its
attractions, but...I just don't know, Margot."

Margot reached out and squeezed her cousin's hand.
"That's okay.  Take your time.  I just think it could
be fun."

Diane asked, "How about your son?  How's he doing?"

Margot said, "Brad's doing great.  He's in his
sophomore year down in Austin.  But he's fallen in
love with computers and a freshman who wants nothing
to do with farming or raising cattle."

Diane casually said, "And how's Tom?"

Margot's face glowered.  "That SOB wouldn't help a
little old lady across the street, let alone me.  I am
so goddamn glad I divorced him."

Diane giggled, "I guess that takes care of that."

Diane yawned, stretching her arms. Her heavy breasts
moved under the white shirt as she arched her back.
Margot couldn't help but watch.

Margot said, "Why don't you grab a nap, sweetheart?
Later on we can put on some fancier duds, and go get
some dinner."

"That sounds perfect, Margot.  I could do with a
little sleep."  She put down the glass, leaned over to
kiss Margot on the cheek.  "See you in a bit."

* Margot remembers *

It is another hot day, twenty-one years prior.  Margot
is due to get married soon to Tom. Diane is excited
about leaving for Columbia University.  They have been
taking these last few days of summer to spend time
together.  They are inseparable.

They are each wearing tight denim shorts and white
V-neck T-shirts.   The shirts are a little small for
them, and they hug their breasts tightly.  The shorts
ride up, accentuating the curve and cleft of labia,
exposing tanned slivers of their buttocks. 

As they walk among the rolling hills in the sunshine,
they link arms, talking of nothing important or
memorable.  It's as if the banality of their
conversation could make it seem an ordinary day, not
one of the last they would spend together for a long

They are perhaps ten or fifteen pounds lighter than
they would eventually be, but each girl has her full
height, and they each have the round, large breasts
and delightfully full bottoms that is their genetic

They come to a shaded stream bank, far from the house
and outbuildings.  They sit down and giggle and chat.
It is cooler in the shade.

Diane says something teasing, and Margot pushes her
lightly.  Diane pushes back.   The friendly shoving
soon becomes a wrestling match.  The girls have long
enjoyed wrestling, the pushing and shoving, the
rolling contact as they tested their strength.

This time it becomes something more, built from the
knowledge of their separation, of Margot's upcoming
nuptials.  The grips become harder.  Diane pushes
Margot down, and swings her legs to straddle her
stomach.  Their tight shorts pull against their

Margot reaches out with her arms to push Diane off.
Diane easily knocks her arms out of the way.  Getting
frustrated, Margot blindly pushes out again, and her
hands come into rough contact with Diane's breasts.

Diane gasps, and takes her own hands and presses them
firmly against Margot's breasts.  They push against
each other, grunting.  The pressure increases, the
nipples becoming erect against the bras. 

Margot lifts her pelvis upward quickly, her crotch
pressing into Diane's.  Diane finds herself thrown
backward, and Margot gets up and throws herself on
Diane.  Their large breasts crush together.  Their
breathing gets faster, with grunts and sharp sounds.
Anger starts to contort their faces.

Margot has her hands on Diane's shoulders, and their
bellies and crotches are in close contact.  Diane
tries to lift her hips up, driving her denim-clad
pussy into Margot's.

In their gyrations, they start to slide down the grass
back towards the stream.  They both cry out as their
legs and hips slide into the water.  Again they
struggle, hips bouncing up and down, making wet
slapping sounds.

Something else starts to grow.  The frustration and
anger are suffused with growing sexual excitement. 

They feel their pussies start to lubricate, then flow.
 They moan.  Their mouths come together in urgent
need, wet pink tongues meeting.  Their bra-clad
breasts slide together under the T-shirts, nipples
fully erect and throbbing.  The splashing gets louder
as Margot's hips beat into Diane's.

Diane wraps her legs around Margot's waist as the
humping increases in tempo.  The crotches of their
panties, soaked from the stream and their own
lubricious fluids, folds into the lips of their cxnts.
 The rough wet fabric of the denim slides against hard

A flock of birds suddenly takes wing from the trees as
their simultaneous scream of orgasm pierces the woods.

Margot and Diane lay together in repose, in sweet

August Heat - Part Two

Diane slept deeply for two hours.  When she opened her
eyes, late afternoon sunlight cast beams across the
bed, faint motes of dust winking in and out.  The
light fell across her breasts and abdomen.

Absently, she moved her hand across her chest, lightly
caressing her full breasts.  It felt good to be here,
to be seeing Margot.  No matter how much she enjoyed
the charged life she led in Manhattan, this was home.
She remembered the good times here. There was
horseback riding, fishing, games, and the confidential
intimacies she shared with Margot as they talked of
boys and dating and the heat of sexual awareness.

Her nipples grew into hard points, visible as they
tented the loose fabric of her shirt.  She paused and
thought, I've got to get moving. 

Barefoot, she wandered downstairs.  She heard the hum
of the air-conditioning, and outside the thrum of
summer insects.  She could barely hear some faint
music coming from the northwest corner of the house.
She followed it.

She came into a large paneled study.  The room seemed
almost an afterthought to the house, since it
projected out from the rear, a separate room, with
windows on three sides.  Margot sat in a large chair
near the west window, the sun shining down on her
face, glints of red highlighting the thick falling
waves of hair.  She had been dozing on the chair, bare
feet tucked under her, a few papers lying on her lap.

Diane walked in quietly, leaned down, and kissed her
cousin on the forehead.  Margot's eyes opened, blinked
in the sunlight, and she said softly, "Hello,

Diane laughed.  "Who's a sleepyhead?  You're the one
bagging Z's, babe."

Margot stretched and yawned, her breasts compressed
against her white shirt.  "You about ready to go out
and get some food?  There's a fairly nice place about
thirty minutes from here."

Diane sat down in a wingback chair across from her.
"I could do with that.  How dressy?"

"Oh, cocktail dress would be nice."

Diane smiled a slightly wicked smile. "I've got
something that might serve."

"I thought you'd might.  Shall we say in about an
hour?  Give us time to get clean, get our party
clothes on."


They both left the study and headed upstairs, Margot
to her room at the end, Diane to hers.  Diane pulled
off her shirt, shorts and panties and padded naked
into the old-fashioned bathroom adjoining her room.
She loved the old claw-footed tub with the shower
curtain hooked into a ring hanging from the ceiling.
The spray would come from a large brass showerhead
directly overhead.

She started the water going, adjusting the
temperature.  She folded her hair into a shower cap,
and stepped in, pulling the curtain around her.  She
grabbed the soap and started to wash herself, sighing
luxuriantly as the water pounded down.  Her breasts
bounced and jiggled as she moved around, soaping the
long legs.  She caressed her large nipples, shivering.

Watch yourself, girl, she thought.  Keep it up and
you'll be diddling yourself in the restaurant.  Ever
since she arrived, she had been in a state of mild
arousal.  Seeing Margot had awakened old feelings.

She had never been entirely comfortable with her
bisexuality, and had only two other encounters with
women other than Margot.  She was certain (well,
almost certain) that she preferred men, but the failed
relationships had hurt her.  She had spent the last
five years almost celibately.

And certainly nowhere else had she explored the
rough-and-tumble sexual combat that had surprised them
both twenty-one years before. And then there was that
one time ten years ago.... The intensity of the feelings
that had provoked frightened her.

But as she thought about it, she found herself
imagining a fierce embrace. 

Out loud, she said sharply, "No."  She shook herself
and finished rinsing.  She turned off the shower,
pulled back the curtain, and snagged a large fluffy
towel.  She started to vigorously dry herself.

Diane finished her ablutions, and proceeded naked and
smelling cleanly of soap and hot water into her room.
She chose a pair of black bikini panties and a
matching demi-bra with a plunging neckline.  She
worked her way into the underclothes.  The panties
snagged a little on her thick pubic hair.  She reached
down to adjust the cloth so that it fit comfortably
around her pudenda.  She slipped on the bra,
holstering her bulbous breasts into the cups.  A pair
of sheer pantyhose went on next.  She tugged the hose
into place over her hips, compressing the flesh a

She pulled a jet-black DKNY cocktail dress out of the
armoire and stepped into it, pulling the straps on
over her shoulders, adjusting the scoop neckline over
her breasts.   She completed the ensemble with a pair
of Liz Claiborne spike heel open-toed pumps.  For
jewelry, she selected understated diamond stud
earrings and a simple gold chain necklace with a
sapphire pendant that nestled in the beginning of her
cleavage. She dabbed a little Opium on her pulse
points, and between her breasts.

She took a brush to her hair and set it into falling
waves with a few practiced strokes.  She regarded her
overall appearance in the mirror with a satisfied

She met Margot downstairs.  Margot had chosen a maroon
Halston number with a plunging neckline that exposed
the interior sides of her large breasts.  The hemline
ended a couple of inches above the knee, and her long
beautifully shaped legs were sheathed in smoky
pantyhose.  She had on a pair of classic Ferragamo
pumps, also in maroon.  Her luxuriant hair fell about
her shoulders.  She had on a pair of turquoise and
silver earrings with a matching necklace.

"Well," Margot said, "I think we'll knock `em dead."

Diane grinned, placed her hand on her hip, and did a
slow twirl.  "Let's go show them some style, baby!"

They left the house in early twilight.  Comfortably
seated in the air-conditioning of Margot's Lexus, they
chatted companionably about home, work, and family. 

Dinner was at a stylish restaurant that specialized in
Southwest cuisine.  Over margaritas, the conversation
drifted to their love lives.

Diane said, "I thought the thing with David would work
out.  But he just couldn't deal with my independence.
So he wound up with some wispy blonde thing who hangs
on every word of his and drapes her insubstantial body
around him."

Margot nodded sympathetically.  "Well, the hell with

Diane asked, "And what about you?"

Margot sipped her drink. "Oh, there's been a couple of
good relationships.  One guy I still see every now and
then.  Rancher type, lean and tall.  Surprisingly well
read.  A nice sexual hit, too."  Margot smiled softly.
 "But I don't know if I want to marry again.  It

Their first course arrived then, efficiently served by
jacketed waiters.  They continued their chatter over
salad, followed by a spicy chicken dish, accompanied
by a good Chardonnay. 

After coffee, they got in the Lexus.  An almost full
moon paralleled their drive back to the house.  It was
still very warm and sticky.  They rode back in easy

* Diane remembers *

It is ten years ago.  Diane and Margot are in the
somewhat cluttered apartment that Diane has in
Greenwich Village, in a third-floor walkup.  Margot
had taken a long weekend away from her husband and son
to make the long-promised trip to see her cousin.

They have spent the evening seeing some of Manhattan.
It's a warm summer evening.  Both women are clad only
in bras and panties.  They are on the unmade bed,
sharing a pint of rich chocolate ice cream.  They are
lying on their stomachs, digging in the carton with
small spoons, their legs tilted upward, just as they
had once done as teenagers.  A single twenty-five watt
bulb in a table lamp illuminates the room.

They giggle about the evening, about the small
off-Broadway play they had seen, which was laughably
bad.  They laugh about the men who tried to pick them
up at the smoky jazz bar in SoHo. 

Diane wants Margot to stay another day.  Margot
protests that she has to get back.  Diane says that
her family will get along without them for another
twenty-four hours.

Diane suggests they arm-wrestle to see if Margot stays
another day.  Margot agrees.  They put the melting ice
cream aside and position themselves on the bed
diagonally, faces close together, arms upraised.

(Across the street, a small-breasted woman wearing
panties and T-shirt sits in a darkened apartment.  She
sees the voluptuous women across the street ready

Margot and Diane brace themselves.  Their right arms
meet in firm grip.  Diane says, Ready?  Margo says,

They begin the contest.  Diane flexes her arm and
pushes.  Margot pushes back.  They are about evenly
matched.  They stare intently into each other's eyes.

The muscles on Diane's shoulder ripple as she pushes.
Margot grimaces as she summons her strength against
Diane's effort.  Perspiration starts to form on their

(The voyeur across the street is fascinated.  She
perches on her tall wooden stool.  Unconsciously she
raises one hand to her breasts and starts to caress
them through the thin fabric of her T-shirt.)

The late evening New York noises outside their window
are unheard by the two arm-wrestling women.  It has
been a dead heat for five minutes.  The playful bet
has become an earnest struggle.

Margot makes an extra effort.  Slowly Diane's arm
begins to bend.  Diane groans.  She will lose if she
doesn't do something.  Anything. 

Suddenly, Diane moves her mouth forward.  She sticks
out her tongue and quickly licks her cousin's lips. 

(The woman across the street now has her hand under
her shirt.  She twirls her nipple lazily.  Her breath
is starting to come faster.)

Shocked, Margot's arm is bent backward to the
mattress.  She shouts, unfair!  We go again!

Diane says, Okay.  They take a couple of minutes to
knead the tired muscles, and position themselves

They are at it for just a few minutes, straining, when
Margot pushes her open mouth onto Diane's.  Diane
pushes back, their lips bruisingly hard against each
other.  Their arms continue to push against each

Diane's tongue works its pink way into Margot's mouth.
 They fight and press with their tongues, breath
coming in gasps, as their hands clench each other and

(The woman across the street has worked her left hand
under her panties.  She strokes herself and moans as
she continues her pulling and twisting on her hard and
erect nipple.)

Margot's arm is pressed back closer to the mattress.
She decides to take another tack.  She reaches with
her left hand and grasps Diane's long brown hair and
slowly starts to pull.

Diane pulls her mouth away from the battle with
Margot, and grunts.  With her own left hand, she grabs
a double handful of Margot's auburn mop, and she also
pulls.  They strengthen their grip and pull steadily.
Their eyes are closed as their heads start to approach
the mattress.  Their breathing gets rough, and they
start to whimper.

Margot lets go with both hands and pries Diane's hand
away from her hair.  She swings herself around and
lands on Diane's back.  She grabs Diane's shoulders
and pulls her from her prone position and flips her

Both women reach out with strong arms into a fierce
embrace.  They feel their underwear against each
other.  Their breasts slam together, the edges of the
bras lightly scratching the soft flesh. 

(The voyeur has her finger sliding ever faster along
the lips of her cxnt.  She had pulled her T-shirt up
so that her breasts are visible.  She is sweating as
her breath comes faster.)

Diane presses her leg up between Margot's thighs.
Margot's mound feels the contact through her panties,
which are quite wet.  Diane violently catapults her
hips upward and flips her cousin around.  Now Diane is
on top.  Their breasts slide together, perspiration
making them shiny and slick.  They grapple.

Margot reaches with one hand and pulls down on Diane's
bra strap.  It slides down her shoulder, and Diane's
left breast is exposed, the nipple a hard, sensitive
point.  She pulls the other strap, and Diane's other
tit frees itself.

Diane twists the front of Margot's bra.  The hook pops
open, and Margot's breasts fall out, slapping against
Diane's.  Diane slams her body down and their breasts
hit each other, nipples poking and meeting with sudden
shocks of sensation.

(The woman across the street watches through narrowed
eyes.  The crotch of her panties is soaked as she
urgently fingers herself.)

Margot and Diane continue their sexual battle.  Diane
straddles her cousin and Margot opens her legs wide.
Their wet panties begin to slide against each other as
a slow humping begins.  Diane leans down and presses
her open mouth against Margot's lips.  They twirl
their tongues together, moaning their need.

Their soaked panties begin to fold within the lips of
their cxnts.  They begin to feel the rough caress of
cxnt against cxnt as the heated staccato beat of their
hips intensifies.
Margot slides her hands down to Diane's ass and slips
her hands under the panties.  She grips strongly as
her hands pull Diane's hips down on top of her.  Diane
does the same thing, and they are pummeling their hips
together, fingers digging into their cheeks as they
cry out incoherently.

Under the dim glow of the bedside lamp, they scream
together as Diane arches her back and Margot presses
her crotch upward, lifting her cousin a foot off the
bed.  Their mutual orgasm pierces the New York night
as their throbbing clits meet, as their liquid molten
pleasure shakes them.

(The voyeur's finger slips inside her cxnt and presses
firmly on the g-spot.  She ejaculates and cries her
own climax.  Her juices make a fragrant puddle on the
wooden chair of the stool.  She slides off the stool
and falls onto the floor, curled on her side, slowly
caressing her clit.) 

Margot decides to stay one more day.

August Heat - Part Three

The next day dawned hot and sticky.  The morning
forecast predicted that a rare cool front would make
its way south, accompanied by thunderstorms, possibly

Margot went about her morning routine.  She was
generally an early-morning type person, who rose
before sunrise.  Diane was more of an owl, and liked
to sleep late when she could. 

Diane ambled down about 10:00 AM, and shuffled into
the large kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee.
She squinted at the glaring sunlight outside. 

Margot was seated at the wooden table going over some
paperwork.  She was dressed in her standard workday
clothing of custom-fitted jeans and a white
short-sleeved blouse with a button front.  Three
buttons were undone.  When she leaned over, the curve
of her breast was visible behind the white lace of a

Diane wore a short purple terrycloth robe.  She had
been casual about belting it about her.  When she sat
down with her mug of coffee, the robe opened enough to
display a surprising amount of bulbous breast.  Margot
regarded her cousin with interest.

Diane's eyes were narrowed.  She gulped two large
swallows of coffee.  Life seemed to flow back into her

"Ahh....the black elixir of life," she sighed.

Margot smiled, and took a sip of her own cooling
coffee. "Welcome to the land of the awakening.  We've
been expecting your visit for some time now."

"Smart ass," Diane growled.

Margot laughed.  "After you suck down your caffeine,
do you want to do some shopping?"

Diane got up to refill her mug.  Her strong thighs,
visible under the short robe, flexed with her motions.
 "Sure.  Let's go teach Neiman-Marcus a thing or two."

After Margot finished with some necessary paperwork,
and after Diane changed into some form-fitting khaki
slacks and a pullover knit shirt, they made themselves
a quick brunch, and were soon headed in the Lexus
towards town.

While they were driving, Margot brought up the subject
that was on her mind.

"Say, honey, have you thought about it any?  You
coming down here?"

Diane sighed.  "Margot, you know I love it here.  But
I'm a senior editor now, and I've got quite a stable
of writers that are counting on me."

Margot persisted, "You know, there are ways you could
do that job from down here.  We could set up an
office, everything you need, computer,
video-conferencing  The works."

Diane said, exasperated, "It just isn't the same as
face-to-face.  If you're seriously in publishing,
you're in New York.  I've told you that before."

Margot, sensing an argument, shifted to another topic.
"Okay."  She paused.  "So, where do you want to eat?"

As they sped into town in the Lexus, the conversation
buzzed about new restaurants.  But Diane kept
thinking.  She had been pondering her career and life
in Manhattan, but in all seriousness, she wondered if
that part of her life hadn't been used up.

True, she loved the publishing work, and dealing with
writers.  But it been a long time.  Was there
something else she should get into?  Maybe something
that wouldn't require a New York address?

It was late afternoon when they headed back.  The
trunk of the Lexus was stuffed with bags, their credit
cards had taken a happy and severe hit, and the early
supper was warm in their stomachs.

The air was still, the temperature over a hundred, and
the Lexus's air-conditioning was on Max Cool.  Towards
the northwest, they could see the beginning of what
looked a mountain range of gray clouds.

It was early evening by the time they arrived at the
house.  As they left the car laden with bags, Diane
pulled the neck of her blouse from her body.  "It is
like a sauna out here, cousin!"

Beads of perspiration shone on Margot's forehead.  "I
know, dear.  But maybe things will be better tomorrow,
if this front has any strength."

They got things put away, and gathered in the kitchen
for iced tea.  They sat there at the large table.
Visible in the east, a fat orange moon hung there in
early twilight. 

"That's so beautiful," Diane said.  She rose from the
table and stood by the window, looking at the globe. 

Margot regarded the shape and curve of her cousin in
tight khaki.  She hummed slightly to herself. 

The lights flickered.  "Uh-oh," Margot said.  "This is
not good."

She left for the study.  Diane followed her, carrying
her glass of tea.

Margot looked out the north windows.  A towering range
of angry cumulonimbus had overtaken the thin gray line
of clouds, purplish-black near the ground, ominous
gold and red nearer the top.  The sun had just set.
As Margot watched, a jagged bright finger leapt from
cloud to ground.  She counted to herself.  At
twenty-five, she heard a low rumbling, like a slow
growl.  Five miles away.

Diane came beside her, placed one hand lightly on
Margot's shoulder.  "That's where the main power
distribution station is, isn't it."

Margot nodded.  "This is common enough to warrant an
emergency generator.  And we have one.  Except the
damned thing has a bad cylinder.  Which is going to be
replaced.  Next fucking week."

Diane said, "Oh, great."

Margot said, "Maybe we'll get lucky."

There was another white-hot rope of lightning in the
distance.  The lights flickered again.

Diane said, "Or not."

Again a low rumble as the slow sound worked its way
across the land.  Closer this time.

The women could see the thunderhead piling high into
the deep blue sky.  The clouds almost visibly roiled.

One more bolt.  This time the lights died and didn't
return.  The cool hush of the air-conditioner ceased.

Margot said, "Jesus wept."

Diane asked, "What are the chances they'll get it
fixed soon?"

Margot grumble, "Zero to none.  We're likely out for
the night."  She regarded her cousin's clothes.  "If I
were you, I'd try to find something cooler to wear.
It's going to be a sticky few hours."

Margot found a flashlight in the desk drawer, and led
them up to their rooms, opening some windows as they
went.  Already it was getting warm.

Ten minutes later, they met again in the study.
Because it had windows on three sides, it had the best
chance of getting any wayward breezes. Margot had
fetched a couple of gas lanterns, and their hissing
white light illuminated the study.

Margot had changed to a long, thin blue cotton skirt.
The hem brushed her bare feet as she walked.  There
were slits on the sides that went to mid-thigh.   The
top was large and sleeveless, almost a baggy vest.
She wore it with just a couple of buttons fastened.
She was naked save for the skirt and top.  Her large
round breasts swayed from side to side as she moved,
the tops of her globes easily visible in gaslight.

Diane had stripped off everything, and found a faded
white shirtdress.  It came down to mid-calf, but only
a few buttons were fastened near the middle and top.
Perspiration stippled the tops of her breasts, like
shiny glitter in the lantern's glow.

Margot had found an old, battery-powered AM radio.
She turned it to a country station. Between flashes of
static, they listened to oldies. 

Diane was sitting in one chair, one leg raised, the
other resting on the thin rug.  "Isn't there anything
but that on," she said crossly.

Margot's eyes flashed.  "It's the only thing that's
clear on AM.  Besides, I like it.  You used to."

Diane grumbled.

Johnny Cash's voice faded.  The DJ said, "Yes sir,
that was the Man in Black, singing his classic "Ring
of Fire".  And speaking of fire, the Weather Service
has issued another severe thunderstorm warning for our
county.  So you all be careful, and listen up.  And
now, Patsy Cline."

The music to "Crazy" started playing, the tinny sounds
interspersed with static.  Margot was bored.  She put
down the book she had been reading by gaslight, and
stood up.  She could feel the warmth and moisture like
a washcloth on her face and head. 

She went to stand by the east window.  The clouds had
not yet overtaken the moon.  It was bright and cast a
pearly light into the room. 

Diane looked at her.  The moonlight flowed around her
cousin, revealing her shape through the thin cotton.
Her legs and ass were semi-visible, along with the
fuzzy patch of her crotch.  Diane watched as her
cousin swayed gently to the music.

In an effort to cool herself just a little more,
Margot undid the remaining buttons on her blouse.  It
parted like a book being opened, the insides of her
cleavage illuminated by moonlight.

Diane stood up.  She looked at the approaching storm.
In the flickering of lighting and the pale moonlight,
she saw the dark mass growing closer.  Soon, she

A cool downwash of air suddenly came through the open
windows.  Diane said, "Ahh....." and lifted her dress
with one hand, exposing her thighs to the breeze.
With her other hand, she undid another couple of
buttons by her chest, to the point that her breasts
were in danger of spilling out.

Margot kept her eyes on Diane as she enjoyed the cool
breath of air.  A brilliant flash of lightning limned
her cousin, and she could see the strong lines of
thigh and calf, the firm round curve of her ass. 

Margot came around the chair to her cousin, and said,
"Dance with me a little.  It'll take our minds off the
heat.  Maybe it'll make the storm get her faster."

Diane paused for a moment, regarding Margot
quizzically.    She said, "Oh, okay."

The DJ said, "That was the great Patsy Cline.  Now
here's the wonderful Willie Nelson, and "You Were
Always On My Mind."

Diane and Margot arranged themselves in the center of
the study, lightly holding each other as they swayed
to Willie.  Diane's head rested on Margot's shoulder.
Their breasts casually bumped into each other as they
slowly danced.  Both women found their nipples
starting to harden.

The flashes of lightening came a little faster.  The
sounds of thunder were more distinct.  The glare of
the lightning made quick shadows of them on the wall,
still silhouettes of the dancing women.  Between the
thunderclaps, the hissing of the lanterns played
behind the scratchy sounds of the radio.

Margot raised her lips to Diane's forehead, pressed
them there in a gentle kiss.  She could taste the
salt.  Diane tightened her arm resting on Margot's

Margot said softly, "You know, it could be like this
all the time.  You here.  Us together."

Diane raised her eyes to meet Margot's.  "We've been
through that."  She squeezed her right hand, just a
little harder then necessary.

Margot squeezed back, equal pressure.  "I know it's
what you really want to do."

Diane pulled her arm in a little roughly.  Margot's
body was pulled into Diane's.  Diane said, sharply,
"So what.  I want to do a lot of things.  I have some
responsibilities, cousin."

As they danced, Margot tightened her embrace.  Their
breasts were beginning to press together.  She said,
"Fuck responsibilities.  It's time for us."

A flash of lightning lighted up Diane's face.  She
said, "You've always been upset that I was the one who
left.  The one who got to pursue a dream."

The thunder sounded sharply.  As the echoes died away,
Margot looked down into her cousin's eyes, and said,
"Funny.  And I thought you were always mad because I
was the one who got married.  The dream you really
wanted."  She brought her face within inches of
Diane's as she spat the last words.

Diane gasped.  Angrily, she yelled, "I did not!  I did
not!  Oh, you malicious bitch!"  She pushed back from
Margot's arms, grabbed her hands tightly, and swung
her cousin around.

Margot was taken by surprise.  She yelped.  She
grabbed at the front of Diane's dress.  Margot began
to fall backwards, with Diane following.  The buttons
on the dress gave way, and Diane's large rounded
breasts became fully visible, followed by the naked
thatch of pubic hair.

Margot's blouse flew open as she hit the rug with her
backside.  Her breasts quivered and shook with the
impact.  Diane and Margot collided.  Their breasts
crushed together, erect nipples digging into tender
flesh.  Margot's blue skirt rode up as her legs
spread.  Diane's naked thighs fell between them, and
the only thing preventing their pussies from bare
contact was the thin cloth of Margot's skirt.  Despite
that, both women felt the charged impact of their
cxnts violently meeting.

Margot was angry now.  She grabbed hold of her
cousin's shoulders and rolled.  Under hissing gaslight
and the flashes of lightning, they wrestled across the
floor, hands slapping against breasts and pulling
hair, making incoherent cries and grunts.  They traded
advantage as their twisting bodies moved roughly
across the thin rug.

Diane, in frustration, grabbed Margot's skirt and
pulled.  The cloth tore easily and soon the skirt was
nothing but long tatters.   Their crotches came into
brief contact as they fought.

Finally, Margot had Diane pinned.  She sat up, her
legs straddling her cousins heaving chest.  Sweat
glistened on both of them as they panted.  Margot
leaned over, her hands holding Diane's against the
floor.  Her breasts dangled above Diane's tits, the
nipples brushing.

Margot groaned.  She slid her body down and brought
herself to lay full length on top of her cousin.
Diane's legs spread slightly under the weight.  Their
breasts were pancaked together, their bellies smooth
against each other. 

Still holding her cousin's hands out, Margot placed
her lips on Diane's mouth and kissed her cousin.
Diane responded, arching her back, her legs opening
and her mound welcoming the exploring pressure of
Margot's cxnt.  She opened her mouth and their tongues
met and danced. 

Margot's hips began to rise and fall, as their pussies
rubbed together with delicious friction.  Diane felt
her cxnt get wet.  She felt her clit lengthen and

The lightning was increasing in frequency and
intensity.  It started to make a ticking sound before
the blinding flash of light and the cannon roar of the

Just as the clouds opened, and the rain crashed down,
Diane cried, "NO!  NO!  Not again!"

She pushed Margot off her.  Margot fell to the side,
chest heaving, mouth slack with sexual excitement.
Her cxnt was wet and swollen.

Diane rose unsteadily, and started running to the
hallway, the wide open dress flapping.  Margot,
wearing the tattered remnants of her blue skirt,

Diane opened the back door to the storm.  She rushed
out into the yard, arms trailing behind her.  Margot
saw her lift her face to the pouring rain.  Lightning
was striking all around, blue electric strobes of

Margot ran out to the yard and touched Diane's
shoulder.  Diane whipped around, and yelled, "It's not

Margot yelled back, "COME INSIDE!"

Diane shook her head, the rain plastering her thick
brown hair. "Oh, no!  You have to prove it!  If you
want me, TAKE ME HERE!"

Diane shrugged her shoulders, and her dress fell back.
 She stood naked, being pelted by the rain, eyes

Margot found herself more aroused than she had ever
been.  Disregarding the raging storm, she ripped of
the last of her skirt, and was just as naked under the
rain as her cousin.  Her large breasts shook as she
turned in the downpour.  Water collected between her
legs, soaking her pussy.

Diane opened her eyes and leaped at her cousin.  They
fell to the wet lawn and rolled, thighs and breasts
and crotch meeting in fleeting touches.  They grabbed
hair and pulled their faces together.  Their lips met
fiercely and their mouths opened for a tongue war. 

As the rain poured down, they slammed their bodies
together, their breasts and nipples meeting in slaps
of wet flesh.  The lightning played like the
electronic strobe of a photographer, rendering bright
still shots of the sexual combat.

Here, the hands pressed mutually into each other's
tits, squeezing while faces contort in lust and pain.
Another flash, and an intense bear hug squeezes them
together, eyes wide open and flashing, lips pressed
desperately together.  Again, the light flashes.  They
are on their backs, legs joined together at the
crotch, ramming their cxnts together.

The rain crashed down.  Patches of mud stained their
legs and elbows.  Margot grunted and mounted her
cousin.  As the storm raged, Margot and Diane humped
with urgent need.  Their juices flowed easily from
their cxnts, soon to be washed away in the rain.
Their hands went to each other's ass and gripped the
fleshy cheeks.  The pulled their hips together with
their strong arms in a rapid wanton rhythm.  The women
gasped and panted and cried their sexual craving with
meaningless syllables.

Naked under the lightning and rain, they slammed their
bodies together.  Their labia mashed together as the
hot needles of their clits clashed and the cxnt liquid
Diane yelled, "NOW!  OH, SWEET GOD, FUCK ME, NOW!"

Margot screamed, "YES, NOW, NOW, NOW!"

Lightning struck the rod atop the main house, the
closest flash yet.  A deafening clap of thunder rolled
over the thrashing women.  The electrical field of the
bolt charged the wet grass as the cousins met in
shaking screaming climax.  Their bodies arched
together as the orgasm rolled over them like white-hot
waves of fire.  The coming shook them for at least a
minute until they collapsed together on the lawn, on
their backs, eyes glazed, sweet honey trickling from
the pussies.

* The Next Morning *

They were in the large claw-footed tub in Diane's
room.  Margot and Diane reclined at the ends.  Hot
water and fragrant bubbles filled the tub.  They were
lying together so that their legs wrapped around the
other's hips, and their crotches joined together in
pleasant slick friction.  A bottle of chilled
champagne rested in a bucket of ice on the floor near

Margot was caressing Diane's left foot.  She slid her
strong hands around the arch and pressed firmly. 

Diane arched her back and purred. "Oh, that's nice.  I
ought to make you do that to me every day."

Margot giggled, and said, "You think, huh?"  She
ticked the sole of the pink foot.

Diane pulled her foot back, then worked the toes
around Margot's large breasts, getting one large
nipple caught between the toes.  She squeezed.

Margot laughed, "Mercy, darling!  Mercy!"  She slid
around, the foot slipping off.  The slippery movement
of their crotches together made her sigh.

Margot said, "So you think you can be down her in six

Diane said, "Yes.  Now that I've had some time to
consider, I think I can take the writers I shepherd
now, and have the beginnings of a good literary
agency.  One that I can run mostly from here."

Diane paused, took a drink from the champagne glass.
"You were right, damn you.  This is where I want to
be.  With the one I love."

Margot sat up.  They moved together in a close, wet
embrace.  Margot kissed her cousin as their breasts
met in sliding electric sensation.  Their pussies
softened and opened.  They started to press against
each other, the water and suds splashing a little.

Margot said, her breath catching, "And with the one I
love.  Oh, Sweetheart!  Oh, cousin!"

At the end, in their sweet embracing battle, the water
splashed over the top of the tub.