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To Catch A Thief

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Offline biancabarclay

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To Catch A Thief
« on: March 22, 2024, 09:46:40 PM »
The story below is inspired by and dedicated to Girlsversusgirls, who kindly gave me permission to write a story based on his work. His image "To Catch A Thief", along with the associated narrative, directly inspired my story, which is really just a much-expanded version of his superb scenario/story, but with a few changes; e.g. to the girls' names, to the waitress's uniform, her reasons for stealing, and a few other details. So please give Girlsversusgirls a watch at Deviantart -  - and check out his website - where he has several stories, each illustrated with multiple images - including the (still-unfolding) story of this clash between a thieving waitress and the cafe owner's feisty and determined teenage daughter.

To Catch A Thief

Bianca Barclay, a deceitful, conniving, 22-year-old waitress looked furtively around the empty cafe, a devious expression on her face. The cafe had closed half an hour ago and all the other staff had left. It was her turn to clean up the last few things and lock up. This was generally an unpopular task, because it meant a longer workday, but Bianca relished her turn coming around, as she'd been regularly stealing from the takings, and this was the only time when she could guarantee that she wasn't being watched. She sighed. It had been a long, tiring day, and it was a hot, humid evening, especially now that she'd turned the air conditioning off for the night.

Bianca was 5'7, tall and slim, but busty - 34C - and with shortish auburn hair, which was immaculately (and expensively) styled, and held in place with hair clips. She was dressed in her usual waitress uniform: a frilly, short-sleeved, white collared shirt; a dark blue skirt several inches above the knee - "the shorter the skirt, the bigger the tips" was a saying every waitress knew; and flat black ballet pumps.

Bianca’s waitressing job at the cafe was a part-time one. She was in her final year at college. The earnings from her part-time waitressing job helped with her college fees and rent, but she spent a lot on clothes, shoes, and nights out. So, lured by what she thought was easy money, instead of curbing her expenditure, she'd started stealing, to help finance her increasingly extravagant spending habits.

At first, Bianca had taken small amounts, but nothing had been said about any missing money, so she began to take more and more, amounting to several hundreds dollars over recent months. She didn't steal every time it was her turn to lock up, as she thought that might be noticed - the devious waitress thought she'd been clever and had covered her tracks. It was typical of her conniving personality. She didn't feel remotely guilty either, and didn't once think that her selfish actions were harming anyone. It was typical of her thoughtlessness, but she didn't care, and thought that nobody had noticed. But she was wrong. Someone had noticed. And that particular someone had Bianca firmly in her sights.

Unbeknownst to Bianca, the cafe owner's 18-year old daughter, Skyler Swift, was watching Bianca closely at that very moment. Skyler had heard her exasperated and deeply-worried father talk about some recent and unexpected business losses that were causing the small, family-owned business real problems in these tough economic times. Profit margins were small at the best of times in the cafe and restaurant business, but these recent dips were potentially disastrous, especially as nobody seemed to have any idea what was going wrong.

Skyler was a real daddy's girl and had started helping her father with the accounts recently. On her own initiative she'd conducted a detailed check of the books: stock levels and expenditure, wages, takings, tips, rent and utilities, and much more besides. But then, on a hunch, she’d cross-referenced the losses with the shift records. Most of the wait staff and other workers were part-time, and there was a lot of last-minute shift-swapping, so it was a complex and fiddly task, but Skyler thought it might turn up an efficiency problem somewhere.

After hours of careful, painstaking work, Skyler thought she noticed a pattern: figures were compiled on a weekly basis, so a daily analysis wasn't possible, but all the weeks where losses had occurred were weeks when it had been Bianca’s turn to lock up on at least one day. The waitresses and other staff took turns locking up, but by checking the other staff, she could eliminate them, because while some had locked up on some of the weeks where losses had occurred, Bianca was the only one who'd locked up every single week that the losses had occurred. Skyler's detective work had paid off - she wondered if Bianca could be stealing.

The realization had hit Skyler like a ton of bricks. Her first thought was that she should share her analysis and her suspicions with her father. But she was kind and fair-minded, and reasoned that this might be unfair to Bianca, and that even if nothing was proven, even voicing the suspicion might count against the waitress in the future. So Skyler decided to play detective and find out for herself.

As the owner’s daughter, Skyler was a familiar presence in the cafe, often popping in to help out with various chores. She’d made sure to be in and out all evening, but towards closing time had slipped into the back storeroom and hidden behind a large stack of cardboard boxes that she’d carefully positioned at the back of the room. She’d waited until the cafe was closed, watching through a glass panel in the door, ready to hide behind the boxes if anyone looked like they might come in. But they didn’t, and now Bianca was the only person left, doing her final clean up of various items, making sure everything was properly put away. Skyler was watching Bianca like a hawk.

Skyler was younger - she'd turned 18 just two weeks ago - and smaller than Bianca. Standing at just 5’1, the slim, sporty teen had long blonde hair, some of which was tied in a thick ponytail that was braided, and came down to her waist. Given the heat and the humidity that evening, the petite blonde was dressed in light blue denim short shorts (that her protective father constantly said were way too provocative), a sleeveless, tight, low-cut pink top that showed off her ample breasts - again, her father gently disapproved - and flat white ballet pumps.

With the chores completed, Bianca still hadn’t left. Skyler peered intently through the glass panel in the storeroom door and watched the waitress closely. Bianca was looking around the room slyly and then walked over to the cash register, opening it. Skyler quickly pulled her smartphone out of the back pocket of her shorts, selected video mode, and started recording. Skyler watched in silent fury as Bianca slipped a large handful of loose banknotes into her purse, along with some small envelopes of cash which the duty manager had hand addressed to waitresses who wouldn't be back until next month. It was some as-yet unpaid tip money, but Bianca figured that by the time the loss was noticed - if it ever was - it would be assumed the money had been misplaced. Even if theft was suspected, Bianca reasoned that nothing would point to her. Satisfied with her haul, Bianca closed the cash register and her purse, a smug and self-satisfied expression on her face. Then she walked into the kitchen, to make a final check that everything had been put away.

Skyler wasted no time and immediately called the police, giving her name and location, saying who she was, and briefly explaining that one of the waitresses had just stolen a significant amount of money, and was still in the cafe. The dispatcher told Skyler to wait where she was and said that she’d send a couple of officers, but warned it could take 20 or 30 minutes for them to arrive, because of manpower shortages due to a major incident elsewhere. She cautioned Skyler not to take any action herself, but the feisty teenager was furious and was determined to confront Bianca herself. Skyler told the dispatcher she'd make sure Bianca didn't leave, then ended the call, put her phone back into her back pocket, and stepped out of the storeroom. She headed for the front door, which was locked, and unlocked it so that the police would be able to gain access. Then she walked back across the wooden floor of the cafe and towards the kitchen, just as the door opened and Bianca emerged, purse in hand, clearly about to leave.

Bianca jumped with fright at the sight of Skyler, having thought she was alone in the cafe.

"S-Skyler", the flustered waitress gasped, shocked by the teen's sudden and unexpected appearance. "Wh-what are you doing here? I-I thought you'd left ages ago."

Skyler eyed Bianca with a look of anger and contempt, glancing at Bianca's expensive, designer purse.

"OK Bianca," she snapped, "I figured you were the thief. I was watching from the storeroom and saw you steal. I've called the police, and they're on their way."

Bianca's expression betrayed a mix of shock, fear and panic. She glanced at her purse, then at Skyler, and finally at the door. Bianca's purse was full of stolen money - around a hundred dollars, in a mix of tens, fives and ones. Worse still, the envelopes of cash had the duty manager's handwriting on them, so could only have come from the cash register. She figured that if she left before the police arrived, she could dispose of it all. Skyler would tell her father, of course; he'd believe her, and she'd be fired. But it would essentially be Skyler's word against hers, meaning that the police wouldn't be able to do anything.

But if the police arrived now, not only would she be fired, but she'd be arrested and prosecuted. She'd almost certainly be convicted, and while jail was unlikely, she'd probably face probation, a hefty fine and community service, which could jeopardize her college place and her ability to keep up the rent on her apartment. And she'd have a criminal record, with dire consequences for her future employment prospects. There was a whole pile of potentially disastrous consequences if she was still in the cafe when the police arrived. She had to get away. And fast. All this went through Bianca's mind in a few seconds, and realizing she needed to leave immediately, the panicking waitress shoved Skyler hard, pushed her out of the way, and headed for the door.

Skyler reacted in an instant, out of a mix of instinct and anger, not caring for a moment that Bianca was older and taller than her. She grabbed Bianca as she pushed past, throwing her arms around the fleeing waitress's waist and tackling her down, both girls ending up on the wood floor. With a cry of shock, Bianca lost her grip on her purse, which dropped onto the floor and burst open, with some of the stolen money spilling out. Bianca scooped up her purse and scrambled across the floor, but Skyler thrust out her arm and caught Bianca's ankle, pulling the older girl back across the floor, with Bianca losing hold of her purse.

"Let go, Skyler," Bianca hissed, kicking back at the blonde teen, catching her hard on the shoulder with her shoe, causing Skyler to yelp in pain and let go of Bianca's ankle.

Again, Bianca picked up her purse, got to her feet and headed for the door, only for Skyler to hurl herself at her, diving, wrapping her arms tightly around Bianca's bare legs, bringing the fleeing waitress down hard on the wood floor. Again Bianca lost her grip on her purse, which slid across the floor, with more of the stolen money spilling out, alongside keys, makeup and some of its other contents.

"Oh no you don't, Bianca," Skyler gasped, surprised at what she'd done, but not regretting it for a moment. "You're not getting away".

Skyler scrambled astride Bianca, pinning her, face down, but Bianca twisted her body and rolled Skyler off, both girls coming to a kneeling position on the floor, facing each other, just a couple of feet apart, breathing hard from the exertion, staring daggers at each other.

"D-don't be stupid, Skyler," Bianca stammered, shocked at having been tackled down so hard by the blonde teen, and desperate to get away.

Skyler stared resolutely at Bianca and shook her head. "You're not leaving".

Before Bianca could react, Skyler thrust out her arms, hands gripping Bianca's shirt - a couple of buttons coming off as she did so - in an attempt to restrain the older girl. Bianca shoved hard at Skyler, trying to push her away, then reached for Skyler's long ponytail, gripping it hard in one hand and pulling savagely.

"Oww, owwww, my haaiiiiiiir," Skyler yelped, letting go of Bianca's shirt and grabbing the waitress's wrist. "Let go!"

When that failed to dislodge the waitress's tight grip on her ponytail, Skyler let go of Bianca's wrist and decided to pay her back in kind, thrusting both her hands into Bianca's carefully-styled auburn hair and pulling savagely, pulling Bianca's head from side to side, the hair clips coming out of Bianca's hair and falling on the floor.

"Oww, let go," Bianca gasped, still not quite believing that the cafe owner's teenage daughter was physically trying to prevent her from leaving. She was increasingly panicked about the dire consequences that would befall her if she couldn't escape. She had to get away, but to get away, she had to get the better of Skyler.

The girls let go of each other's hair at the same time, and started slapping and scratching at each other, still facing each other in a kneeling position on the floor. Insults were exchanged, and the two girls clawed and raked at each other wildly. Neither girl had particularly long nails, so while their upper arms and faces had a few scratches, no serious damage was done. The same wasn't true of the girls' tops. Bianca's white shirt was badly torn and was hanging open, the remainder of the buttons having been torn off at a point when Skyler had a particularly firm grip on the garment, with Bianca struggling wildly to break free of her grip. Skyler's top had fared little better, and was badly torn too.

Given their exertions, the fact that the air conditioning had been turned off, and the hot, humid evening, both girls were soaked with perspiration from their struggle, and breathing hard with exertion. Neither had been in a serious fight before, but Bianca was desperate to get away and Skyler was determined to stop her, so the struggle continued. In a fresh attempt to restrain the thieving waitress, Skyler threw her arms around Bianca's body and tried to wrestle her down to a supine position. She succeeded, but Bianca had simultaneously thrown her arms around Skyler's midriff and responded in kind, so both girls ended up lying on the floor, held tight in each other's grip. They rolled over and over on the wood floor, hands clawing and scratching at each other, Bianca's skirt riding up to her waist, her bare legs tangled with Skyler's, first one girl on top and then the other.

The two fighting girls rolled slowly back and forth across the hardwood floor, one on top, then the other, occasionally knocking over a chair, and sometimes rolling over the dropped purse and spilled contents - including the stolen money. There were gasps, groans and grunts of effort as the struggle continued, as well as squeals and cries as they pushed, slapped and scratched at each other, occasionally landing a blow, grabbing and tearing at each other's already ruined tops, or grabbing a wrist in an attempt to subdue each other.

The girls' bare legs - damp with perspiration - were locked and tangled together like coiled pythons as the catfight continued, Skyler on top, then Bianca, then Skyler again, as they rolled back and forth across the hardwood floor. With legs tangled and feet kicking, both girls' ballet pumps came off, leaving them barefoot, their perspiration-soaked bodies still locked together in each other's grips as they struggled. At one point Skyler was on top of Bianca, virtually lying on top of the older girl, before Bianca once again caught hold of Skyler's long, thick, braided ponytail and tugged savagely, toppling the teen girl sideways off of her, a squeal of pain escaping Skyler lips as she was hauled aside.

Seeing Skyler on her back, Bianca moved to pin her, hoping to end their struggle, though panicking so much that she had no real plan. Sitting astride the momentarily stunned blonde she unleashed two hard slaps in quick succession, palm and then backhand, rocking Skyler's head first to one side and then the other.

"OK, Skyler," Bianca gasped, "th-that'll do. G-give it up". Trying to regain her own breath, she stayed astride Skyler, looking down at the teen girl who she now assumed was beaten and had given up the struggle.

But Skyler wasn't done and had no intention of letting the girl who'd stolen from her father get away with it, and rob her of the chance of some personal payback. With Bianca confidently assuming the supine blonde was hors de combat, Skyler planned her move. Bianca's overconfidence was her downfall - literally - as Skyler arched her back, raised her supple legs, wrapped them tightly around Bianca's shoulders and brought her legs back down again sharply, toppling the waitress backwards, off of her. With a cry of shock and frustration, Bianca found herself on the floor, on her back, her overconfidence having caused her to miss a potential opportunity to press home her advantage and end the struggle in her favor.

Bianca backed away, still on the floor, freeing herself from Skyler's legs, and scooping up one of her ballet pumps from the floor. She swung it angrily at Skyler, having had what she thought was victory snatched from her grasp. She caught the feisty teen on her arm and shoulder with a few blows before Skyler powered into her, grabbing her wrist, twisting hard, and making Bianca yelp in pain before losing her grip on the shoe.

Bianca was getting increasingly frustrated by her inability to get away from the determined blonde girl, and increasingly panicked by the realization that time was running out if she wanted to escape before the police arrived. Coupled with this, she was embarrassed at having been outsmarted by the feisty teen, and humiliated by the fact that in their struggle so far, Skyler had at least held her own, if not begun to get the better of her. As a result of all this, Bianca's nerve began to go. Again she tried to crawl away across the wood floor, heading for the door, but again Skyler pounced on her, driving the wind out of the older girl as she landed on top of her, before rolling the thieving waitress onto her back and scrambling astride her.

Flat on her back and with Skyler straddling her, Bianca slapped and then pushed at Skyler's thighs, but they were too slippery with perspiration for her to get any purchase. Desperate to dislodge the teen girl, Bianca reached up, clawing at the blonde with her hands, pulling her already-torn top, tugging the thin, perspiration-soaked fabric, and then inadvertently finding her hands on Skyler's ample breasts. More by accident than by design, the increasingly panicked and desperate waitress mauled and squeezed them, her hands scrabbling at the flimsy material of Skyler's thin top, before Skyler unleashed a savage slap, her palm impacting Bianca's cheek so hard it that rocked her head sharply to one side and left a red mark.

"Ugh, you dyke", Skyler gasped, causing Bianca to flush red with embarrassment.

Bianca reached up again, but this time Skyler seized the waitress's wrists and leaned forward, pinning them hard and tight in her hands, forcing Bianca's arms down on the floor, above her head. Bianca bucked, kicked and writhed furiously, trying to dislodge the younger girl, but Skyler was sitting firmly astride Bianca, straddling and pinning her tightly, pressing down and leaning forward, to keep the struggling waitress down.

"G-get off of me, Skyler," Bianca gasped, looking up angrily but fearfully at the blonde teen. "L-let go of my wrists, you little brat."

Skyler shook her head, staring down at the thieving waitress, breathing hard from the exertion. "N-no way, Bianca. S-stay down. I'm holding you here until the police arrive."

Bianca continued to struggle, legs kicking, her bare feet slipping uselessly on the wood floor. She even tried raising her legs as Skyler had done, in an attempt to wrap them around the teen girl's shoulders and topple her backwards, but Skyler was wise to the danger and was leaning forward and pressing down, so she was out of range of Bianca's legs. Worse still for Bianca, when Skyler leaned forward and pressed down, their respective positions meant that Skyler's breasts came into contact with Bianca's, separated only by the thin, perspiration-soaked fabric of their torn tops, and the bras underneath. Bianca gasped in shock when it first happened and squirmed with embarrassment every subsequent time that it happened - which was quite a lot, given their respective positions. Skyler's ample bosom sometimes just brushed Bianca's even larger 34C breasts, but other times made more substantial contact, pressing and almost grinding down on Bianca's.

"L-let me go, Skyler; let me up," Bianca yelled, wide-eyed, panic setting in.

"No way, you thieving bitch," Skyler retorted. "Nobody steals from my dad and gets away with it. You betrayed our trust and now you're going to pay for what you did."

Bucking and kicking wildly, but getting more and more frustrated and exhausted, Bianca tried a different tactic.

"I-I'm sorry," she stammered. "I didn't mean to. I'm sorry, I'll pay it back - all of it, I promise. Just let me go. Please."

But Skyler was merciless, and kept the struggling and pleading thief firmly straddled and pinned. Her hands gripped Bianca's wrists like a vice, holding her arms down on the floor above her head, and the blonde teen's knees were on the wood floor on either side of Bianca's body, so Skyler's thighs were clamped tightly around the waitress's hips, keeping her firmly in place.

While Skyler was younger and smaller than Bianca, the fact that she was straddling and pinning the older girl also began to take its toll on Bianca, especially when Skyler pressed down to keep the struggling waitress pinned. Slowly but surely, Bianca was exhausting herself with all her struggles, coming as they did after an already tiring grapple with the fit, sporty teen girl. The combination of Bianca's struggling, the heat and humidity, and Skyler's body weight pressing down on Bianca's stomach and chest steadily wore the thieving waitress out, leaving her on the verge of exhaustion, gasping for breath, with her struggles becoming weaker and weaker.

By now, the thieving waitress was sobbing with a mix of frustration, rage, and her fear of arrest and everything else that would follow.

"P-pleeease, S-Skyler", she whined, her body shaking with sobs. "G-get off of me. L-let go of my wrists."

Skyler shook her head, staring down at the sobbing waitress, her expression a mix of contempt and triumph. With Skyler leaning forward and pressing down, their faces were so close that they could feel each other's hot breath on their faces. Bianca blinked away tears and winced with shame as she again felt Skyler's breasts pressing down on hers, causing her to gasp and shiver. Too ashamed to look up into Skyler's eyes, she turned her head to one side, trying to avoid the younger girl's intent gaze.

Skyler had a sudden idea, and inched forward, maintaining her pin, but sitting further up on Bianca's body, far enough forward that her knees were on top of Bianca's upper arms. This enabled Skyler to let go of the waitress's wrists without the danger of Bianca being able to use her arms to push her off. Skyler then reached back into the back pocket of her short tight denim shorts. Amazingly, given the fact that the two girls had rolled over and over so much on the hardwood floor, not only had her cellphone stayed in her pocket, but the screen wasn't cracked and the phone seemed to be working normally. Skyler removed it and called her father.

"D-daddy," she gasped, breathing hard from her exertions, "I'm at the cafe and I've found out why we've been having those losses. One of the waitresses has been stealing - it's Bianca."

Bianca lay on her back under the blonde, still bucking and kicking weakly, sobbing as she struggled. Skyler had hit the speakerphone option, and Bianca heard the shocked cafe owner say "Are you OK, Princess?" before Skyler continued.

"I'm fine. But I'm not sure about Bianca," Skyler continued, smiling. "I caught her in the act and confronted her. She tried to get away, but I stopped her. The police are on their way and I'm keeping her here until they arrive. Here, look."

To Bianca's horror, Skyler then held her phone at arm's length, enabled the video, and recorded the scene. Skyler filmed for around a minute, her astonished father watching in stunned silence as his proud and triumphant daughter filmed herself sitting astride Bianca, with the auburn-haired waitress pinned beneath her, struggling weakly, sobbing and crying.

"Gotta go, but come straight over," Skyler said, ending the call and replacing her phone in her back pocket.

"I'm sure that video clip will be shown at your trial," she said to Bianca, staring down at the helpless waitress, looking deeply into her eyes. "After that, I'll post it on the internet, so everyone can see you for the pathetic loser you are, you dirty thief."

Bianca's eyes went wide with terror at the prospect. As Skyler smirked down at Bianca, the older girl's face was a picture of misery as she continued to weakly buck, kick and writhe, whining and pleading, her body shaking with sobs.

Finally, after another few minutes of Bianca struggling weakly, and Skyler leaning forward and pressing down to keep the thieving waitress firmly straddled and pinned, both girls heard the siren of an approaching police car. It had been around 30 minutes since Skyler confronted Bianca, and the girls were both at the point of exhaustion. It was hardly surprising, given that they'd grappled and fought for over 10 minutes in the hot, humid cafe, and then struggled for around 20 further minutes, after Skyler straddled and pinned Bianca.

By then, Skyler had shifted back a little, resuming her original position, taking her knees off Bianca's upper arms, and pinning her wrists again, holding her down in a classic schoolgirl pin. Skyler was smart enough to realize that hearing the siren of the police car might cause the thieving waitress to make a last desperate attempt to break free. The wily teen girl was spot-on with her suspicion. With a cry of rage and despair, Bianca arched her back, bucking and kicking wildly, her sweaty bare legs waving and kicking helplessly in the air, her short skirt hiked up even higher around her waist, exposing her black panties.

"Get off of me, you little bitch", Bianca screamed, overwhelmed by a mix of rage, frustration, panic, fear and humiliation. She thrashed and writhed around, desperately trying to dislodge the feisty teen. "Let go of my wrists, Skyler! Let me up. Let me go!"

But it was hopeless. Skyler had Bianca's wrists pinned so hard and tight in her hands that her short nails dug into her skin. Bianca's arms were pinned flat on the wood floor, over her head, with the sobbing waitress having to look up helplessly into the eyes of the feisty blonde teen. Bianca had nothing left in the tank.

A few moments later, two police officers - one male, the other female - burst into the room. After satisfying themselves that there was no threat, the astonished cops cautiously approached the two girls, looking at the scene in amazement. They'd been told by the police dispatcher that the cafe owner's daughter had caught one of the waitresses stealing, and intended to stop her getting away. She'd clearly done just that. A titanic struggle had obviously taken place between the two girls: chairs and even a small table had been overturned, and scattered around the two girls on the wood floor were their shoes, a purse, its contents, and dozens of banknotes.

As for the girls themselves, they were soaked with perspiration, a few scratches on their faces and arms, tops torn and open, barefoot, and breathing hard, their chests rising and falling rhythmically. It had obviously been a lengthy and catty struggle, though it was clear - not only from their respective positions, but also from their appearance and state of attire - that the defeated waitress had got the worse of things.

Without being prompted, Skyler excitedly started to tell the police officers everything that had happened, still sitting astride Bianca and still pinning the waitress's wrists super-hard and tight in her hands, even though Bianca had stopped struggling when the officers had entered the room, realizing it was all over. Bianca could only lie there, sobbing and helpless, as Skyler spent several minutes explaining everything, from the unexplained losses, to her sleuthing, to her hatching her plan, catching and confronting Bianca, and then describing the epic struggle. Skyler's words tumbled out as the excited teen detailed every twist and turn, clearly thrilled that she'd outsmarted and then overpowered the older, taller girl.

"OK missy, you got her good," the male cop laughed, when Skyler finally finished, "but we'll take it from here. You can get off her now. She's done."

Skyler stared down at Bianca, her face just inches above the older girl's face. Bianca was sobbing her heart out, totally defeated, a look of utter despair on her tear-streaked face. Skyler was staring deeply into Bianca's eyes, and was still holding the sobbing waitress's wrists.

"Bianca," Skyler said calmly, with a mischievous smirk on her face, "I think you can safely assume that you're fired."

With that, Skyler finally relinquished her tight hold on Bianca's wrists, and slowly got off the sobbing waitress. Exhausted but triumphant, Skyler was unsteady on her feet and nearly stumbled, having to place a shapely bare foot lightly on Bianca's stomach to steady herself, before shifting position and standing over the defeated waitress, staring down at her, with an expression that moved from triumph to contempt. Finally, she stepped away and engaged the male cop in conversation, still excitedly telling him about the confrontation.

The female police officer, a tall, willowy blonde with short-cropped hair, moved over to Bianca, a stern look on her boyish face. The sobbing waitress was flat on her back, a look of utter despair on her tear-streaked face.

"OK you; up", the blonde cop snapped.

The defeated waitress was so exhausted that she could hardly move, and with Bianca's legs feeling like jelly, the female officer had to half help and half drag the sobbing waitress to her feet. Bianca looked a complete mess: sweaty, disheveled and barefoot, her hair and make-up ruined, her shirt torn and open, all the buttons ripped off. At some point in the struggle, Skyler had grabbed one of Bianca's bra straps, stretching it so much that it was no longer tight. It had slipped off Bianca's shoulder, nearly causing an even more embarrassing wardrobe malfunction. The blonde cop allowed Bianca to retrieve and put on her shoes, and to make an attempt to cover herself up a bit - though the state of her clothing meant there was really nothing to be done in that department.

"Arms behind your back," the blonde cop commanded.

Trembling with fright, her body shaking with sobs, Bianca complied, and the blonde cop cuffed the thieving waitress, arresting her and reading her her rights. Bianca winced in pain as the cold metal cuffs closed around her slender wrists, which were already sore and bruised from Skyler having pinned them so hard and tight, for at least 20 minutes.

Bianca was sobbing and hysterical by now, white-faced and on the verge of going into shock, her whole world having come crashing down.

"N-No," she sobbed, "P-please no". She was shaking, and tears were streaming down her face. "Oh no, please. Nooooo."

She wanted to deny everything and say it was all a horrible mistake, but the evidence was on the floor for all to see: the money and the envelopes of cash from the cash register. The words wouldn't come out, and the thieving waitress could only stand there, sobbing her heart out, before the female officer gripped Bianca's upper arm firmly, and guided her firmly across the room.

The two cops spoke briefly, agreeing that the female officer would put Bianca in the back of the police car, while her male colleague would wait for Skyler's father to arrive, secure Bianca's purse and the money, and get Skyler and her father to come to the police station so Skyler could make a formal statement.

As the female cop led her away, Bianca glanced at Skyler, who - while sweaty and disheveled herself - was smiling, laughing and joking with the male cop, clearly loving every moment of the attention she was getting for being the heroine. Skyler stared Bianca down, and the sobbing, defeated waitress looked away, and then down at the floor, unable to meet Skyler's gaze, ashamed and humiliated at having been outsmarted, overpowered and pinned by a younger, smaller girl. Head down, still unsteady on her feet, tears flowing and body shaking with sobs, Bianca was led to the police car. Hands cuffed behind her back, and utterly defeated, the thieving waitress had learned the hard way that crime doesn't pay.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2024, 09:47:06 PM by biancabarclay »


Offline Pinnerdown

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Re: To Catch A Thief
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2024, 03:01:05 PM »
Great job.
I always wanted to hear the story behind that pic.
Loved your version


Offline Dario

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Re: To Catch A Thief
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2024, 04:53:50 PM »
Great story, totally Fine and hot.
Many thanks.


Offline biancabarclay

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Re: To Catch A Thief
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2024, 05:06:25 PM »
Great job.
I always wanted to hear the story behind that pic.
Loved your version

Thank you!

Girlsversusgirls posted his artwork (the picture I posted here) and an associated description on Deviantart several years ago, and it left things open as to how things would end. Since then, he set up a website where some of his Deviantart images are being turned into longer illustrated stories. Here's his To Catch A Thief story, which is still unfolding:


Offline Pinnerdown

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Re: To Catch A Thief
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2024, 04:35:37 PM »
Thank you for the link
Very enjoyable as was your version.


Offline Tronjaris

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Re: To Catch A Thief
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2024, 02:10:47 AM »
Awesome! Very well written and supremely hot. I love the breast-to-breast contact between Bianca and Skyler. It's always great to see/read when women rub and collide their breasts together in a hard-fought catfight.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2024, 09:31:28 AM by Tronjaris »


Offline biancabarclay

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Re: To Catch A Thief
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2024, 03:40:00 PM »
Awesome! Very well written and supremely hot. I love the breast-to-breast contact between Bianca and Skyler. It's always great to see/read when women rub and collide their breasts together in a hard-fought catfight.

Thank you. I put a lot of thought into this one, while trying to stay reasonably true to the scenario and imagery created by Girlsversusgirls - I'm waiting to hear what he thinks of my adaptation. It's my longest story do date, I think.

I have another Hart to Hart story I'd like to write, but it'll probably be later in the year.