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Cheerleaders fight to make the cut

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Offline ironkobe

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Cheerleaders fight to make the cut
« on: May 31, 2012, 08:08:32 AM »
"Move it girls!" Jessica screamed, filling the large gymnasium with the boom of her practiced, perky, cheer voice. Heeding her call, the twenty girls racing around the large indoor track redoubled their effort, sprinting with all of their might. Three girls paced far ahead of the pack, Sierra, the Junior half black, half Latina vice captain with dark caramel skin, Courtney, a new blue-eyed blonde, and Rita, a tall willowy red head. The three of them raced one another, contending for first while the other girls simply struggled to not come in last.  Over the last three weeks girl's had been disappearing from the athletics dorm due to cuts, and as the group of girls grew smaller and smaller, Megan, a pale skinned fair headed girl, could only guess as to how long it would be until she disappeared. Growing up in a small suburb in the Midwest had hardly prepared her for the type of rigorous training the cheerleaders at Maynard University underwent. In high school, a pretty smile and an attractive body were just about all you needed to make the squad, Megan was rapidly learning however, that championship college squads were made of much stronger stuff.

As she ran around the track Megan’s mind began to drift back to the first day of tryouts.  Over sixty girls were assembled in the gym in the hopes of making the Squad, and the team’s captain, Jessica, let them all know what she expected from them.  

“Believe it or not I was in your shoes four years ago, a frightened, eager, eighteen year old freshman just starting college, and believe me you will LOVE it here. " Jessica said, in a delighted tone. "Being a member of the squad gives you so many advantages in your academics and social life.  There is so much that this squad offers and all of it revolves around the sort of family that we've built here.  We come from all over the country, we are different races, colors and creeds, but we are all bound by one thing- Tradition.  The Maynard U Cheer Squad is built on a tradition of excellence, of winning.

This cheer squad has won seventeen championships in of the last twenty-five years. Do you know want to know why we have seventeen championships?  Because we want it more," Jessica continued, "This squad is built on tradition that our girls want to win it all more than any other team, and will do anything it takes to win.  We train the same way the squad did twenty-five years ago, we work as hard as the squad did twenty-five years ago, and everything you see around you tonight is part of that tradition. This gym, the uniforms, and these tryouts are all part of our tradition.  This tryout will be the hardest thing you ever do in your life.  You will run harder, jump higher, and flip quicker than you ever thought possible.  You are going to be challenged each and every minute of the day here.  I don’t care if you have talent, I don’t care if you can tumble or if you have rhythm.  All I care about is if you want it.  Who here wants it?”

All sixty plus girls screamed out loud at Jessica’s question.

“You say you want it.  Well now you have to prove it.  Alright, ladies, fall in line we are going to start with a little running…”
As she crossed the finish line fourteenth, Megan stopped to let the cool air of the air-conditioned gym quench the fire in her lungs. Her slick palms fell to rest on her bare, pale thighs as each huff brought her relief.

"Good run huh?" Megan’s gaze drifted up to see Courtney standing over her, a grin spread wide across the blonde's face. She grinned back, licked her lips, and wondered just how long the two would remain roommates.  The lithe blonde bested Megan in just about every exercise and seemed to be poising herself for a well-earned position on the squad.   Courtney was a standout; she'd grown up in the Deep South and had been doing competitive cheer for as long as she could walk. Like Megan she stood around 5’5, her body well shaped, tan, and firm.  

Sweat ran down Megan's forehead, dripping onto the floor as many of the other girl's gasped and huffed around her, all below the sound of Jessica's home grown Valley girl accent. "Good job today girls. I want to thank each of you for coming to the camp this year and wish you all luck both on and off the squad," she said, as she clasped her hands together. "Coach and I will review what we thought of each of you and after we make our decision, each of the girls who made the squad will get a text congratulating you and giving you directions to the Kappa Kappa Kappa sorority house. If you don't get a text, that means you didn't make it. Simple enough?" She didn't wait for an answer as she walked out of the gym.

Megan sat on her bed, frowning at her phone. It was almost nine and still no call. A tight knot of panic settled into her stomach while her thoughts assailed her. While Megan's body had started thin, pale, and soft she had been transformed over the last six weeks of camp.  She shed fat and gained muscle.  Megan was faster, stronger, and just plain fitter than she had ever been in her life.  And yet she knew in her heart that she wasn't good enough to make the team.  Still she waited, praying for the night to end, and the hope would fade, so she could let go of the mind numbing focus she had set on her phone.

Across the room, Courtney sat with her back pressed against the door, reaching forward with both arms to stretch out the sore muscles in her legs. Unlike Megan, she wore a bright smile, her blue eyes wide and exuberant.

"Stop worrying, Meg," She said as she switched, placing her left hand over her right foot. "I doubt anyone has gotten a text yet." She stopped there but Megan understood her meaning well enough. Courtney was one of the top prospects for the squad, if she hadn't gotten a text yet then it was doubtful anyone had. Still worry racked her gut.

With nothing better to do, Megan stared at her phone while listening to music play through her radio. Warm love ballads steadied her breath as she sat with her knees curled under her chin. Cool air poured in through the window, making the stifling hot room somewhat bearable. An hour had passed before Courtney's phone began to buzz. Megan's heart leapt, only to fall when she realized that it wasn’t her phone only to leap again when just moments after Courtney received a text, her phone started to buzz with the same intensity.

The text simply read, “Congratulations now get your ass to 1938 Everett Ave.” That was all it took to set Megan into a screaming squealing frenzy. Together the she and Courtney jumped up and down working their excitement out. "What do you think they want us to wear?"

"The text didn't say, I'm gonna just put on something comfortable. We'd probably be ok with the team track shorts and t shirts."

The night air was cool against Megan's ivory skin as the two girls walked across the campus. Moonlight cut through the darkness with an almost eerie precision giving Megan, who was extremely pale, a sort of glowing radiance, as if she were a ghost. The glowing white moon hung in the sky with a hallow appeal. The night was beautiful, a stone walkway ran between perfectly manicured lawns, and then out to a street with southern style houses on either side. Halfway down the block the two girls came to a large house with burgundy paint across the walls, a two-car garage built into the side, and a large white porch jutting out from the front. Megan and Courtney stepped up to the door, considered knocking, but decided to just go inside once they heard the commotion of a party.

There were more people than Megan expected, certainly more girls than just the cheer squad, filling the sorority house.  EVERYONE carried some sort of alcoholic beverage in their hand, be it beer, wine cooler, or a mixed drink. This wasn't Megan's first time in a party atmosphere and yet something seemed off.

Feeling confused, and growing more upset with every second, Megan followed Courtney through the crowd as they searched for Jessica or one of the vice captains they had met during tryouts.  Megan spotted the some of the tryouts who had made the team. As she suspected, Rita, the tall red head who had kept pace with Courtney every step had made it, and of course to her disappointment so had the vice captain, Sierra. During the first day of tryouts, Sierra had pegged Megan as someone who would be cut, believing that a good southern school would have enough pride to reject poor girls like Megan from their prestigious athletic groups. However looking at the state of the party, Megan could plainly see that upholding moral standard was not of Maynard's priorities.  Besides them, Megan saw Hailey, a blonde girl whose large boobs had actually knocked her unconscious during one of the warm up runs, Tanner, a moderately athletic girl from Tennessee who had one of the best tans Megan had ever seen, Sam, a short red head, who Megan remembered more for her clumsiness than anything else, Cameron, a wiry brunette who despite her talent, spent more time smoking weed than practicing or exercising, and Kitty, an Asian girl with brown sun kissed skin, who despite being the oldest girl there, almost twenty, looked closer to twelve than 19.  

They found Jessica near a mass of coeds who had formed a circle around two guys who Megan though were dancing.  The crowd was cheering the guys on and whistling, yelling and screaming encouragement.  Megan moved with the rest of herd towards the crowd.  It was only then she saw the guys weren’t engaged in some dance off, they were fighting.  To hot young men, well-muscled, were stripped down to their shorts and fighting it out bare knuckle to the ravenous crowds delight.  The huddle of 18 year old girls stood out awkwardly between the many cheering coeds. They all seemed to be somewhere between disgust and discomfort from their surroundings. None of them spoke to one another, and avoided eye contact with just about everyone in the room. Without a word, Megan and Courtney fell into place beside the rest of the squad, waiting as the fight played out. It was a brutal affair between the two, both guys had been cut by this point, and blood spattered the blue tarp that had been nailed to the floor.  Eventually one guy delivered a series of short chopping elbows to his opponent’s face and crumpled to the ground shaking slightly.  A girl walked over to the blood covered boy left standing, striding over the prone body of his defeated rival without a though and raised his hand in victory while the crowd roared. Then she planted a kiss on the bleeding man’s face and grabbed his clearly visible hard package.  Jessica broke away from the crowd and made her way over to the girls.

"Having fun?" She asked. The group of freshman replied with a series of angry, betrayed stares, to which Jessica simply smiled. "Oh my gawd you girls need to lighten up. Come on, let's get you all something to drink."

Jessica led the girls away from the bulk of the party into the kitchen. Several bottles of vodka, tequila, and rum, were strewn across the table, and in the refrigerator Megan found an assortment of other drinks. She started to reach for a wine cooler when Jessica took her hand away. "Oh no, freshman have to have at least one glass of the jungle juice."  Jessica fixed a glass for each of the girls then led them through a doorway at the side of the kitchen into a small windowless den.

Megan gasped as she beheld the full extent of the debauchery with the sorority house, as three girls sat in the laps of three more studs who looked like they too had been in a fight, passionately kissing and touching while their partners groped them. At first Megan felt fear, then a swirling mixture of anger and concern for the girls. They weren't trailer park trash, or want to be hood rats. Each and every one looked as if she had grown up in an upstanding suburban community, cute, preppy, perfect, and yet each on lay in the lap of some filthy, bleeding, and bruised, brute.

Jessica cleared her throat loudly, indicating she wanted the room cleared. Several eyes turned on her and rolled with sarcastic flare. At first Megan thought, and hoped, that Jessica was putting an end to the debauchery that was taking place but was proved wrong moments later when she told the group of upperclassmen that they were free to continue up in one of the many bedrooms. Begrudgingly the girl's stopped kissing their respective boys and with irritation clung to the men as they were swept up into powerful arms and carried away. Megan could just imagine what kinds of things were about to happen to them. Her stomach turned in knots several times over and she thought she would get sick all over the rug.

"Have a seat," Jessica told the girls; causing a series of concerned glances to pass between the freshmen before, they eased down onto the long blue sofa. "Go ahead you can smile." No one smiled fully, and the only one to attempt one was Sam, whose desperate attempted portrayed her all the more fearful.

"You need to relax," Jessica said with a giggle. A terrible feeling was building up inside of Megan, as if something bad was about to happen. Yet for all the tremors racing down her spine, she couldn't bring herself to leave.  

“I hope you girls liked the undercard, I know I did.” Jessica began. “Seeing two guys go at it like that to prove who it top dog.  Well I am sure I wasn’t the only one making clam chowder in my panties.  Of course, that was just a warm up, you guys will be the main event.”
Fear and disgust was plain to see on every girl's, though none so more than Megan’s. The blonde twisted her face between disgust and rage, as her cheek grew red and hot and her eyes lit with a fury that would have made her mother proud. "What the hell is going on here? I thought this was a cheer camp, not a pit fight."

Sierra looked at Megan with stare so rich with contempt Megan was sure she would lash across the room and strike her.  "That's one strike," Sierra whispered in a low voice.  

"Tradition," Tossing her hair back, in a lazy, cover girl fashion Jessica started the lecture. “That is what tonight is all about.  We are the best cheer team in the state, and do you know why that is?  Because we want it more, and we prove it.  We prove it here in this house by having our pledges fight their way onto the squad.  I can’t decide who will be on the squad at this point, only you can.  You are going to decide amongst yourselves who wants it more.  Who is willing to take the most punishment, who is willing to inflict the most punishment, to make the other girl quit.  If you want on this team you are going to have to prove it by out muscling, out fighting, out lasting your opponent in the ring tonight.  

Everyone is going to be paired off with your bunk mate, and you are going to fight it out till one of you quits.  Now I don’t want you to worry, gloves will be provided, we are ladies not whores.  But let’s be clear why we are putting you in the gloves.  It’s not to preserve your looks; it’s to prolong the fight.  We don’t want any technical knockouts, this is a fight to the finish.  Understand?”  

Panic over took Megan.  She didn’t want to fight Courtney, more importantly she wasn’t sure she could beat her either.  No one tried harder than Courtney, and it was clear she was the better athlete.  One by one girl’s names were called off to fight each other and handed outfits.  Megan sat in a stunned stupor barely aware of her roommate, Courtney being called up and handed a white medium sized clothing box like the type you would get at a dept. store, then Megan got one of her own with the words Little Sister written on it.

Inside the box, folded neatly, was a small white cotton dress shirt, a short plaid skirt with shoulder straps, a small, frilly white satin set of panties, white ankle socks, and black and white saddle shoes. Megan was becoming aroused as Courtney pulled out each item and laid them down on the ground. She could only imaging how hot Courtney would look in her sexy little uniform. She was about to find out.  She and Courtney slipped into plaid skirts that hugged their perky asses, and shirts that fit snugly on their small frames and bore the symbol of Maynard University, they pull up the long white socks and put on saddle shoes and all that was missing was the boxing gloves which the vice captains were helping the girls into

“Listen to me,” Sierra said as she pointed her finger in Megan’s chest before lacing on her gloves. “You are trash, plain and simple, you are poor white trash.  You don’t belong on this team and you don’t belong at this University.    I don’t know what you did to get invited here, because there is nothing special about you.  This chance you have to-”

“Pound in the face of my best friend,” Megan spat back.

“It’s more than you deserve.” Sierra continued with cold glare. “If I had any say in the matter you wouldn’t be here, much less on the team.” With Megan in gloves Sierra turned to leave the room with dismissive efficiency.

“Good thing you are too chicken shit to do anything about it.” Megan taunted.

Sierra whipped around to face Megan again, “Excuse me?”

“I said ‘good thing you are too chicken shit to do anything about it.’” Megan smirked, “Because I know if I was vice captain, I could find a way to keep me off the squad.”

“Is that so?” Sierra cooed.

“That’s right, see I wouldn’t have to sit on the side lines and hope some other girl did my dirty work for me, I’d do it myself.” Megan flatly stated. “But I think we both know you’ve got a better shot of keeping me from my spot if Courtney fights me, to say nothing of you keeping yours.”

Five fingers flew across Megan’s face, turning the pale skin red in an instant.  “That's strike two, Bitch.  You don’t know me.  You don’t know what hell I had to do to make it on this squad.  I beat white trash like you to earn my place freshman year, and to make vice captain I had to beat the hell out of another squad member for the job.  So yeah, I been tested, I already established I am top bitch around here.  You got a lot of nerve calling me out.”

“And you don’t have any, because you’re too scared you’ll lose your spot if you fight me.”

“Its on now, slut.” Hissed Sierra, “Jessica!  Change of plans I am fighting this little blond cxnt right here.”  

“Sierra, no, the team needs your leadership.  We need the discipline you bring.”  Jessica begged.  “We can’t have you risk your leadership spot.  No way she can beat Court.”

Megan had gone from scared to pissed now, “Oh no, when I beat this bitch she loses her spot on the squad too.”    

“As if.”  Sierra snorted. “My daddy is a surgeon, the best in the state, I don’t need this scholarship to afford school.  I only take the money as a public service to keep flat assed bitches like yourself from leaching off our school’s good name.  Get it through your skull, little girl, first I am goina beat your ass, then I am going to laugh when you have to call mommy and daddy to pick you up cause you can’t afford this school without a scholarship.”

“Ok, if that is the way you want it, Sierra, you can fight your way on the team again.”  Then Jessica turned to Megan, “But don’t think that if by some fluke you make it on you are a leader.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

Megan didn’t know why she felt better about the situation.  It was clear Sierra was just as strong and athletic as Courtney, but had the advantage of having fought before, being older, and oh yeah, hated Megan’s guts.  The feeling was mutual, so Megan consoled herself with the thought that she would at least get chance to lay a few good licks in to Sierra before she got bounced from the program.  The rest of the evening passed in a blur for Megan, she couldn’t tell if she was fighting first last or somewhere in between.  All she knew is someone told her it was time and she marched out to face the music.

To say Megan was nervous would be an understatement.  She had a feeling not unlike the Christians might have before being thrown to the lions.  The crowd of horny drunken college students began to howl and whistle as Megan approached the ring.  She looked like absolute jailbait in the too short blue plaid skirt that hardly covered her frilly panties, and white shirt tied just under her tits with a knot straining to hold her cleavage in place.  Megan’s blond locks were done up in pig tails with ribbons that only enhanced her Lolita appearance.  Megan felt exposed, threaten by the crowd, but rather than shy away she embraced the fear.  She played to the crowd shaking her exposed ass as she entered the ring to the delight of all.  ‘Who says I don’t have an ass?’ she thought as she soaked up the cheers, and skipped and waved to the crowd.  

Then came Sierra, dressed not in a school girl outfit, but the cheer uniform she had earned the right to wear.  It seemed only fitting, she was the champ and this was the title they were fighting for.  Megan had thought a lot about why Sierra hated her.  At first Megan thought it was for the reasons Sierra professed.  The Megan didn’t belong, Megan was only here because she won the genetic lottery and got her place by just being pretty.  But looking at Sierra now in her uniform it was clear she had won it too.  If anything Sierra’s tits were bigger, her ass rounder, her hair shinier (though Megan suspected a weave was the reason for that.)  Finally now it clicked for Megan what it was about her that drove Sierra insane.  Sierra thought she was special; she had looks, money, a good education, a plum role on the special team.  And here came Megan with one thing, looks, who wanted to be a part of it.  In Sierra’s mind she was special so she got looks, money, and attention; here was a nobody who thought she deserved to be special just for her looks.  

“In this corner, standing five feet five inches tall and weighing 123 pounds, the slugging school girl, Megan!”  Megan played to the crowd hopping up and down with her gloves in the air to make her boobs bounce, and then taking a couple deep bows to show of her frilly panties sending the guys into a frenzy.  Megan could feel Sierra’s eyes on her, and she couldn’t of felt better about it.  She hadn’t asked for special treatment, she just made the best of what she was given.  And now she had been given a chance at an education, a better life, and all she had to do was beat the shit out of a girl she couldn’t stand.  ‘Hell I’d pay for a chance to fuck up a stuck up bitch like Sierra back home.

“And in this corner, standing five feet seven inches tall and weighing 138 pounds, the reigning champion, Sierra!”  To Megan’s surprise Sierra didn’t play to the crowd.  But then in her mind she should need to.  She was the champ, she was the queen, how dare some blonde bitch try to come in and take something that wasn’t hers.  Sierra was all business in this ring.  She stared holes into Megan as she mouthed the words “fuck you up” but Megan wasn’t impressed she stood tit to tit with Megan as the final instructions were spoken.  Neither girl paid any attention, correctly figuring this was just an excuse to have them stand tit to tit.  They headed for their corners and waited for the sound of the bell.  

Megan came out using her left jab to keep Sierra at bay and landed a solid right hand. While fighting the black girl continues to trash Megan saying she is crazy for believing she can beat Sierra. Megan managed to control the tempo with most of Sierra's punches being picked off by the blond’s gloves. Sierra kept coming in but was getting caught with 1-2 combos to the face and tits. Megan was not fazed or scared by Sierra which was very rare at a time when Sierra was viewed as almost unbeatable.  Megan landed a solid right as Jessica begins to realize Megan may be for real. Megan landed a right with Sierra countering with a strong left to close the round. Megan wins that round pretty easily and heads to her corner for a sip of water only to find out they are force her to down a shot before the water.  Across the ring Sierra took her shot and then chewed on her mouth piece waiting like a caged tiger to get back at her pale skinned rival.

At the start of the second round Megan landed a major left right hook combo wobbling the black girl’s head. Sierra pressed forward but Megan was still winning the exchanges with faster straighter punch. Sierra was trying to get into the inside but Megan kept tying her up every time she got close. Megan landed another uppercut to Sierra’s tits and only now could Sierra tell she is going to be in for a fight. Sierra charged in and got hit by another uppercut, this time to the chin before tying up to slow down the assault she is facing. The bell sounded and that's another round for Megan. Once more the two girls take a shot and stare off with each other.  Sierra tried her best to mean mug Megan, but she gives as good as she gets looking right into her rival’s eyes as she mouths “you’re nothing.”

Sierra came out charging in round three knowing that she's not in for a cakewalk like she expected. Sierra landed a great left hook to the body and is starting to gain some momentum as she blocks most of Megan's punches till Megan lands a strong right. Megan landed another strong left and follows it up with another shot. This round was not nearly as active as the previous two and was much closer.  Still at the bell Sierra felts much better about herself and calls for a shot to celebrate.  Megan asked for and got water, which Sierra openly laughed at.

Sierra came out and landed a strong left hook to rock little Megan at the start of round four. Megan fought back but Sierra avoided most of Megan's punches through foot work and keeping her hands up. Sierra landed a left jab and followed it up with a strong right hook causing Megan's punch output began to slow. Megan threw a combination that's mostly blocked as Sierra stalks Megan around the ring talking trash the whole time. Megan finally landed a strong right hand which was her first meaningful punch of the round that shuts up the black girl for a moment. Megan threw another jab that's picked off by Sierra who laughs at the stupid white girl like the last punch never happened. Sensing her chance Sierra came out and threw a lunging left hand that is mostly blocked.  Still Jessica seemed to like it and tries to rally the crowd around the vice captain.  An inspired Sierra throws two big left hands that just barely miss Megan who is backed into the corner and saved by the bell. Clearly it was Sierra's round but both fighters know this isn’t a fight about winning rounds, this is to the finish.

After another shot of liquid courage Megan came out pumping her jab and it clearly affected Sierra who was having trouble getting inside. Sierra was not throwing enough punches as she walked in and Megan was easily able to tie her up and mock her in the clinch. When they are separated Megan landed a big 1–2 combo to the body and followed it up with a strong right hand to the cheer captain’s chin. The blonde tries went for a lunging right hand but it's picked off. For her part Sierra had simply never experienced this type of resistance in a fight and it affected her dearly, tears of frustration were beginning to form in her face. Megan tied Sierra up with Sierra landing a few grazing uppercuts but not enough to faze Megan.  She wasn’t showing any fear of Sierra or her power. Sierra tried coming inside with a power shot but it was ineffective because Megan was throwing jabs on Sierra, slowing her down and busting her up. The bell sounded and Megan she soaked in the cheers of the guys in attendance for not just surviving but making it a fight against the black beauty who had dominated so many others.

Round six was a major round for Sierra, who decided she's got to make a move here or run the risk of losing the fight and her spot. Megan was still on her toes, pumping that jab and tying Sierra up any chance she got. Sierra landed a good uppercut to the tits in the clinch and she followed it up with another one.  Sierra threw another lunging left but went nowhere like so many of her power shots so far.  Megan landed a straight right to the jaw of Sierra and taunted her rival “What’s the matter, bitch, too fast for ya?” Sierra came bull rushing in but most of her punches were blocked. The round closed with a slugfest in the corner with school girl Megan fighting her way out and giving her taller black cheerleader rival as good as she got.  Still a good round for Sierra who, no longer above playing to the crowd, tried to make sure everyone knows the girl she was fighting ain’t shit.
At the start of round seven Sierra came out putting pressure on Megan, she landed a strong right but the blonde boxer connected as well. Sierra landed an uppercut to the body and seemed to have a sense of urgency as she attacks Megan for the first time in the fight. Megan responded with a strong 1–2 that Sierra foolishly walked into.  Though she tried to hide it the combo seemed to faze Sierra a bit. Megan started pumping her jab with greater urgency after  Sierra clips her with a lunging left hand she had tried to land the entire fight. The fight was pretty much up for grabs at this point with Sierra is attacking but not landing much in the way of damage. Megan landed a short right uppercut when Sierra walked inside stunning her. It was a close round but Megan's late aggression carried that round.

The bell sounded for round eight and Sierra now felt dangerously close to losing. She came out and landed a left hook to the body followed by a strong right hook inside of a clinch. Sierra was starting to cut the ground in between Megan and showed a greater willingness to exchange with Megan on the inside. Megan was pumping her jab but Sierra was getting around most of the blonde’s shots. Sierra came in with a left jab to the body and a straight right but Megan managed to cover up after that. She went back to throwing the jab but Sierra's head movement was getting under most of it. Jessie and the other veteran cheerleaders screamed there support, but were deflated as Megan connected on three straight jabs.  Sierra came back with a flurry which was blocked by Megan. Megan unloaded with a multi-punch combo which pushed Sierra back.  The rich girl's left eye was swelling up. Megan started to move back and got clipped with an uppercut that floored Megan! Megan look clearly down and out, and Sierra paraded back to her corner for the ref to count her rival out.  It was clear the plucky blonde was not going to get up. Megan barely made it to her feet by the 9th count and was clearly dazed. Sierra knew she could put her away but Megan covered up and weathered the storm. The bell sounded to end the round and Megan is still on her feet!

Sierra was furious she couldn’t close the deal in the last round but tells everyone who will listen she is going to kill the white bitch this round.  Megan was surprisingly relaxed, and eerie confidence came over her in her corner.  The poor blond girl was battered, bruised, and even bleeding now, but the fact she was still standing was a victory.  Megan knew it, Sierra knew it too.  The fact Megan was still standing was an insult to Sierra as a woman, and she would stand for it.  

Sierra came out looking for blood at the start of round nine but Megan wouldn't be outdone.  She landed two straight hooks that had Sierra hurt and bleeding. Sierra fought back with an uppercut that missed Megan. She did land a right hook that wobbled Megan. The fight was a back and forth slugfest with both women showing extreme heart. Megan had another rally, a flurry of jabs and hooks that staggered Sierra on the ropes. Megan was landing big shots and Sierra was hurt and swollen but the rich girl was still coming forward looking for that big punch to knock out the blonde. At the end of the round it was Sierra staggering back to the corner and Megan seemed to have new legs.

Sierra came out like gangbusters for round ten hitting the blonde with a closed left eye often.  But Megan was still landing the cleaner and quicker shots. Megan landed a big right hook causing the black girl to spit blood on the crowd.  Sierra just looked flat as Megan peppered her with five straight jabs smashing the lovely cheerleader’s face. Megan landed a big right uppercut that had Sierra staggered! Megan followed it up with a left and an overhand right hand then a straight left that floored Sierra! Sierra was staggering around on the ground as Megan dared the black girl to get back up.  Sierra didn’t know where she was and she couldn't beat the count! Megan had pulled off one of the biggest upsets of all time! The freshman part of the camp swarmed her like kids at Christmas! Megan was clearly exhausted as she was just put through a draining war but seeing Sierra beaten on the ground was the best feeling she has ever had.  Even Jessica, Sierra’s friend, had to applaud the blonde girl’s effort and she handed Megan a uniform which she waved over her head in joy.

Epilogue-  Megan spent the next few days resting in her room, but was told that Sierra had dropped out of college.  She couldn’t show her face in school again.  The word around the locker room is Sierra had given up cheering all together was now working as a drug rep somewhere in the mid-west.  Megan didn’t care, Sierra was a loser, she could of toughed it out and stay, but she didn’t have the stomach for that.  Megan did, she could and would overcome anything to get what she wanted, that’s why she was special.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 05:12:29 PM by ironkobe »


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Re: Cheerleaders fight to make the cut
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2012, 05:26:37 AM »
Thanks for the feedback and critique.  I wasn't entirely happy with the story as a whole, but at a certain point I figured it was time to shit or get off the pot.  A file just sitting on my PC wasn't doing anything so I decided to put the thing out there rather than stay unfinished.  The final push to get the thing finished left it a little flat in places.  

With the Courtney thing, I wanted to tell the story from a third person limited omniscient perspective, less than stellar job of that, with Megan as a tertiary to secondary character.  May do a rewrite with a slightly larger role for Courtney as a corner girl.  This factors into another point you made, the sudden change of behavior for Megan.  Still at the end of the day I, as the author, didn't care what Courtney was thinking.  Good to know the reader did, I may work on this.

I had planned on doing an earlier scene were Sierra physically smacked around Megan in the opening week or so of camp to encourage her to drop out.  Didn't get to it for two reasons, one I envisioned it as a domination catfight, and I am not that into one sided battles or catfights (funny I know give the name of the board), and two I just wanted to get the story finished.  The fight would of better established that Sierra was dominate, intimidating, and almost untouchable, Megan as having booth a never say die attitude, and Courtney as a good friend to Megan.   

To me Megan wasn't acting out of character.  She didn't want to fight Courtney, she didn't want to fight period, but to continue as a student she had to be a cheerleader.  To be a cheerleader she had to fight someone, so it might as well be the girl who hates you.   In Megan's mind, she knew that she had to pick a fight with Sierra if she was going to avoid fighting her friend/get her shot at Sierra.  Megan was low on the ladder, so she can't challenge someone with higher status.  Sierra could rightly refuse to fight Megan.  If you want to fight someone like Sierra, you have to make them want to fight you too, shortest path to that goal is be a bitch and make her look weak if she didn't call out Megan.  I also wanted Megan to change if not grow as a result of the events of the story.  I was trying to have her "fake it till you make it."  That is to say was acting more aggressive than she normally is because that is what the situation demanded.  Of course acting that way will change someone and maybe not for the better.  Anyhow I clearly did a piss poor job of expressing this stuff and will have to work on it to make the story better.

Once again, thanks for the feed back, I think people sometime rightly fear they will scare off writers if they say there was something they didn't like about a story or express how it could of been better so they stay silent on stuff.  The only compensation writers get is praise, but I like the process as much as anything about this.  So thanks for helping me get better.          
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 08:54:11 AM by ironkobe »


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Re: Cheerleaders fight to make the cut
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2012, 05:40:58 AM »
Even though I Love Sexy Jobbers ( Wrestling ) I thought this was a nice enjoyable story & give it up for the Underdog Megan teaching that Bully Sierra a lesson  ;D
You never grow old until you stop being young