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Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 19: The Wild, Wild West

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Offline FyreCracka

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Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 19: The Wild, Wild West
« on: May 16, 2017, 02:23:39 PM »

Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 19: The Wild, Wild West

  Once the video of Jaymie administering my beat down hit the site, I've noticed that most of my good paying match requests are starting to dry up. Sure the video residuals are there from my earlier matches, but I'm not seen as the 'up and comer' I was before that fight- even after the wins over Kary and Sara. Most see my win over Kary as closer than it should have been. Although the match against Sara was an epic win for me, her complete domination of me after the match is what most remember.

So when I see that I have an invite for some kind of catfight festival of sorts on a private ranch fairly close to us, where you get paid $10 dollars per pound of your opponent if you win, I get excited. Not to mention, it's an all expenses paid trip. Even if I fight some one that is my size, I'm looking at almost $1400...and even the loser gets $500, so this thing is just what I'm looking for- good money and a lot of exposure with the 'upper crust' of the catfight scene.

When the time comes, Jake and I head to the ranch. It's a nice drive through the countryside and a nice break from regular life. We arrive at the ranch and it's impressive. The house is huge, it looks almost like a resort. We are greeted by the big man in a cowboy hat from the dive bar where I fought Sela. "Glad y'all could make it out to my daddy's ranch....oh my name's Billy" he says as he shakes our hands.

He continues "let me show you around and to where you'll be staying". Billy gives us the nickel tour of the place. We walk by a large, well maintained grassy area that seats placed at one end and several small sets of bleachers like you'd find at a kid's little league field that are further away, flanking the sides. He explains to us that the VIPs, known as the patrons get to sit at the seats while the competitors and their partners get the bleachers.

Once we get to the bunkhouse that we will be staying at, Billy explains why I was picked. "After you and Sela brought down the house with your impromptu match, I thought you might just be perfect for this little shindig that my dad throws here."

Jake looks at me then asks him a question "So, what's with the price per pound thing?"

Billy chuckles "Don't you worry about that. It's just a homage of sorts to our ranching history. In reality, we just like to pay our fighters well." He winks as he turns and leaves us. "That guy kinda creeps me out, babe" I say to Jake. He nods in agreement.

The next day at breakfast, Jake and I are escorted to a large metal building that looks like it used to be a shop of some sort that has been transformed into a locker room and lounge. Jake and the other men are allowed to eat with us, before they are escorted out the stands to watch.

After everyone else leaves, there are 10 of us still in the locker room. I don't know any of the women, but they all look like pretty even matches for me. All of the women look around nervously, wondering who will be facing who.

Just then, a tall, stern looking, older woman enters the room. "Hello ladies, my name is Agatha. I will be coordinating the matches. Everyone in this room is a challenger. You, each will be facing off against a patron's champion in a traditional catfight ending when one woman surrenders. I will give you the order of the fights now". She goes over  to a white board and puts all of our names in order of appearance. It looks like I'm in the ninth match against a woman named Gail. She also reminds us that we are not to try and sneak a peek of matches before ours.

I change into a nice matching green with black accents sports bra and small workout shorts. Most of the other girls do the same, with a few donning bikinis. One by one, I see them go to their matches. Then, one by one, I see them being assisted back to the medic's tent- usually missing their top, where they are checked out before going to the stands to watch the rest of the matches.

Without exception, it's always one of the challengers that is being assisted back. Until the seventh match, when I see a very buffed, gymnast looking woman being helped back. I guess one of us won a match.

Finally, Agatha calls my name "You're up, Kelli...good luck". I'm escorted down the path to the green where I will be competing. I'm told to stand in front of the patrons while the announcer introduces me.

"Our challenger in the ninth match of the day, stands 5' 5 1/2" tall and weighs 137 pounds, she's 37 years old, let's give a warm Ranch welcome to....Kelli!" the announcer finishes and I wave to the patrons and to the spectators far away in the stands.

The announcer starts again "And now introducing Billy's champion, a woman that needs no introduction, you know her, you love her. She's an undefeated 14-0 at the Ranch, she stands 5'10" tall and weighs in at 680 pounds". Wait, what? Surely he just read that wrong. "She's 32 years old, coming all the way from the U.K., give it up for ..... Gail!"  The crowd goes wild as a mountain of a woman appears from behind the curtain.

"Oh shit..." I say out loud. I can see Billy laughing and telling the other patrons about his 'grand plan'. Gail slowly walks her way to me. As the announcer goes over the rules, her and I are engaged in a stare down. She is a giant, every bit as big as she was introduced. She's dressed in what I can only assume is a custom made black sports bra and workout shorts ensemble bearing her name and the 'Union Jack'. She has jet black hair and intense green eyes that are trying to stare a hole through me. Her skin is a quite pale white, making me think that my best plan of attack is to run around until she gets a sunburn.

The bell rings and the match starts. Out of basic survival instinct, I dance around, knowing if Gail gets ahold of me, it could be over quickly....and painfully. Gail, meanwhile, is confidently plodding towards me with her hands guarding her face. "Alright, little woman, lets see what you got" she says in a British accent.

"More than you can handle, tons of fun" I snap back try to talk some confidence into myself. I dart in and land the hardest punch I could throw into the big woman's unprotected belly. The impact sends a ripple throughout her body. For a moment I'm pretty pleased with myself, until she chuckles at me, unfazed by my best shot.

"You'll have to do better than that, little woman" she chuckles before she shoves me backwards, sending me tumbling onto the grass. "There's plenty more where that came from, Kelli" she says almost smiling as she motions me back up. The crowd cheers wildly for the younger woman.

I'm sure my face is several shades of red as I get back to my feet. Embarrassed but happy she didn't follow up, I start moving towards Gail again. This time, I fire a combination to her stomach and a parting shot to her breast before darting back out of range as she swats at me. "Ok, Gail, I have way more of ready to hit the grass big girl?" I taunt from a safe distance.

"I think you're a little on the small side to talk that big". Gail says as she starts lumbering towards me. I bounce about looking for an opening, darting in and out, landing a few combinations to the green eyed woman's body. I get a little too sloppy and Gail finally connects with a left to my tummy that folds me in half. She follows it up with a downward right that hits me like a truck. I'm knocked to the grass with a thud.

The big woman looks at me for a moment, smiling as she see how hard it is for me to even roll over onto my back. "Oh Blondie....looks like you're might be done already" she says, almost appearing disappointed.

"Not even got lucky, tubby" I say, the comment irking my dark haired rival.

"I've about had enough of you, little yapping dog" an annoyed Gail says as she brings her foot up to stomp my belly. I'm able to roll out of the way before it crashes into the grass, sending a ripple up her powerful leg. I scramble back to my feet and get ready to wade back into combat with my formidable foe.

"From the looks of it, you don't when you've had enough" I taunt. I can tell I'm getting under Gail's skin as she starts becoming more aggressive and trying to catch me.

"You're about to make me hurt you, aren't you, cheeky little bitch" she says as she pursues me. At least my plan to make the bigger woman use some energy is working. If it's the wisest plan, knowing that if she does catch me the beating will probably be worse now, I'm not sure.

We continue our game of cat and mouse for a bit. I land plenty of shots to her body, but other than leaving red marks everywhere I don't think she even feels them. The few punches Gail does land, however, are brutal- even when I manage to block them.

A few times a dodge Gail's big haymakers outright and land hard smacks across her ass to the delight of the crowd and infuriating the already frustrated woman. I think my strategy is starting to pay dividends as she is breathing heavily and now soaked with sweat. I just have to keep moving but all of this jumping around is also taking its toll on me as I'm pretty winded and sweaty myself.

Then as the lumbering giantess misses another slow looping punch, I see my opening. I slip behind her and jump on her back. I'll choke her out. If I can just get her to the ground, I think this will be over, provided I'm not beneath her.

Its not pretty but I wrap my arms around her neck. It's not a perfect choke by any stretch of the imagination, but I can feel Gail slowly fading as I cling to the chokehold. She reaches up and gets both of her hands into my blonde mane. We both strain against one another the sweat now pouring from both of our bodies is evidence of our struggle. Fortunately, leverage is on my side and the now tired woman drops to a knee.

"That's it big girl, go to sleep...nighty night" I whisper confidently into her ear, milliseconds before I am yanked over her shoulder by my golden locks. I land with a thud on my ass.

"A little premature there, aren't we, little woman?" She says, rising to her feet, a bit winded from the chokehold. I try to get away but her grip is strong and there's no way I'm budging my super sized nemesis. "Now, now, Kelli, where do you think you're going?" I'm ripped to my feet like a rag doll.

After all of my taunting, hit and run tactics, now I'm trapped in the clutches of the 680 pound powerhouse. The powerful Gail uses one hand to hold me by the hair as she delivers slap after slap to my body, each one with so much force behind it they they feel like punches. She finally releases my hair and I fall to all fours, sweaty wreck with her handprints glowing red all over my body. The slap down took quite a toll on me, but at least it made her expend a lot of energy and effort.

Gail plays to the patrons for a bit as I make an unsteady attempt to get to my feet. I look up at the woman who has been swatting me around like a fly. My sumo sized opponent chuckles at me as I paw at her, groaning and panting while trying to use her to get back to my feet. She reaches down grabbing a fistful of my blonde hair, pulling me to me feet.

"Alright blondie, time to pay for your loud mouth." Gail says holding me upright by my hair. She pulls me close and wraps her large arms around me in a crushing bear hug. I cry out in pain as she slowly pushes the air from my lungs. I can't escape her gaze as we are face to face. I can see her straining but gaining confidence as she feels me fade. I try to hold out but my legs are rubbery and I'm at her mercy now.

With a sharp grunt, Gail release me with a toss and I crumple onto the grass. I've given it my best effort, but Gail's last move has left me flat in my back, fighting for air. I'm completely spent and the mountain of a woman looms over me. "Little woman, you were feisty but it's over, now" Gail says in her English accent. I slowly writhe trying to move, but I have nothing left. She puts her foot on my chest and starts transferring her weight. It's like I'm stuck in a trash compactor.

Just as I'm about to tap out when I hear Billy "Gail, dear... bring little miss Kelli over here to finish her where we all can enjoy it." Gail sighs and removes her foot. I curl into the fetal position coughing as my lungs fill with oxygen. With a grunt, the dark haired woman pulls me to my feet and throws me over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I'm face down facing her back as she unceremoniously hauls me ass first towards Billy and the other patrons.

Gail and I are both soaking wet with sweat from the battle and she is really toiling as she carries me the 30 or so yards back to Billy. As we near the patrons, the big woman is breathing heavily. I hear Billy laughing to his fellow patrons, then he says to her, "Gail...there's an extra $300 in it for you if you strip her top"

Gail sighs "Billy, she's beaten....are you sure?"

"Listen you big, dumb animal, I pay you to entertain us...just do it" Billy orders.

Reluctantly, the raven haired woman tries to throw me from her shoulders. I latch on to her custom made sports bra. The harder she pulls the more I tug on the bra. One by one I can hear the stitches beginning to break. Finally, it snaps and her ample chest falls free to the delight of the wealthy patrons.

For the first time, I see Gail lose her temper "You little bitch! Do you know how much those cost me!?" With a considerable amount of anger she attempts flings me to the ground. Using the remnants of her tattered bra as a weapon, I wrap it around her neck. We both tumble to the ground.

I end up partially underneath Gail, her girth crushing my ribs. She is trying frantically to get out of the chokehold. Each second feels like an hour as I pull with every thing I have and she desperately claws at my grip. I hear the red faced Gail choking and she starts tapping out in a panic, trying to verbalize a submission. I release my hold, the giant bra falls from my grip and the big British woman rolls off of me, coughing and gasping as air fills her lungs.

The crowd is stunned and silent as they stare at the two female warriors that are laying almost still on finely manicured lawn that was their battlefield just moments ago. Finally the ref helps me to my feet and raises my hand "Your winner....Kelli!"

I look over at Billy as the referee raises my hand and he is white as a ghost. I'm exhausted and in a lot of pain, but exhilarated at pulling off the upset. I look down at Gail, she is now sitting on the grass. She looks shocked and tired but really no worse for the wear.

The big woman looks up at me with an look of curious respect as she works her way back to her feet. She walks over to me, and shakes my hand before raising it. "That was a smart move, blondie...I'll give you that. And it was a hell of a fight...I'll expect a rematch" she says with a wink as she turn to walk away.

Billy has come over to her now "You big, dumb bitch! I don't pay you to make friends, I pay you to crush people- do you know how much money you cost me today?" He says with a finger wagging in her face.

Gail grabs his finger and forces the big man to the ground with a wrist lock. "You don't get to talk to me like that you slimy bastard." She uses her foot to push him onto his back.

It's entertaining to see the 6'5", 300 pound man taken to the ground like this. "You bitch!" He yells at her from the ground. "You're fired!" 

Gail releases his hand and looks around for a second before shrugging. Next she executes a perfect body splash onto the big man. As she takes her time rolling of she says "fired?... I quit anyway".

Recovering from my shock, I help the big girl to her best I can anyway. She proudly makes the walk to the challengers medic station and I take my seat at the Champion's end of the yard to watch the final match. Jake joins me and we enjoy the last bout while giggling about how we are going to spend the large sum of money that I just earned. I don't know where my next adventure will take me but I doubt it will be as "big" as this one.
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka


Offline lulufights

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 19: The Wild, Wild West
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2017, 04:10:06 PM »
Great story!  I loved the surprise turnaround at the end!  :-* :-* :-*


Offline ThumperAlpha

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 19: The Wild, Wild West
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2017, 04:23:04 PM »
love the determination and final outcome of the match


Offline FyreCracka

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 19: The Wild, Wild West
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2017, 04:40:38 PM »
Great story!  I loved the surprise turnaround at the end!  :-* :-* :-*

love the determination and final outcome of the match

Thanks it was a fun one for us to write and Gail was fun to work with on it. There is a kind of part 2 in the MvsM section if you enjoy guys fighting it out as well.

Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka


Offline Agraf

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 19: The Wild, Wild West
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2017, 02:41:33 PM »
I liked the story, but the weight attributed to the UK girl diminished drastically the realism of the setting for me. A 680 lbs woman would not be able to walk straight, much less fight... Make it 280 lbs, and that will be OK for me.


Offline FyreCracka

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 19: The Wild, Wild West
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2017, 04:24:13 PM »
I liked the story, but the weight attributed to the UK girl diminished drastically the realism of the setting for me. A 680 lbs woman would not be able to walk straight, much less fight... Make it 280 lbs, and that will be OK for me.

 :) I didn't create her character, she's a member here that volunteered to be in a chapter.

680 pounds?  I  have no interest in fat  women or even overweight  women.

No worries, we have plenty of chapters with women of all different sizes.
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka