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Go two boxers to a doctor.....

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Offline roleplaygirl84

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Go two boxers to a doctor.....
« on: February 14, 2022, 06:54:00 PM »
Over the next few days, I couldn't stop thinking about Anja. I couldn't get her personal story out of my head. Her slim strong body, marked after a fierce fight, would surely be fit again soon and she would be ready to step into the ring again.
I had exchanged WhatsApp with her every now and then, and my patient regularly sent me pictures of her breasts so I could monitor the healing process. Always in the evening before going to bed, I would get close-up pictures of the bruises and her nipples. I was not surprised that the shots were very erotic and she often wore lingerie on them that excited my imagination.
Bra lifts, corsages and latex barely covered her beautiful body and made me drift off into sweet dreams every night.
After a week, I picked up the phone and dialed the number of the special escort service.
"Angel and Devil Escort hello."
The voice on the other end sounded very wicked and immediately made my loins tingle.
"Hi. Marten Frank here. I'd like to book two ladies for an erotic boxing match."
"Yes very much. Do you have any particular models in mind yet?"
"Yes. Do you have an Anja working for you?"
"Yes. Anja we have. And the second lady?"
"Surprise me. The main thing is that Anja is there. I want to see a tough boxing match. The ladies should not be squeamish. On April 3, starting at 8 pm. The address is......"
With my heart pounding, I hung up. Had I really just ordered two escorts?
I had prepared everything for the evening in question:

The practice had been empty for hours, the cleaning lady had finished her work and, unlike my apartment, there would be enough space for the two boxers to enjoy taking each other apart. No neighbor would be bothered by noise.
I had provided two chairs, drinks, towels - everything was taken care of. And suddenly I heard a key in the door.
"Jutta! What are you still doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing Herr Doktor!"
We both looked pretty stupid, but finally my nurse answered first: "Well, I wanted to prepare something for the visit of the health insurance next week. There are old statements missing and...."
She didn't get a chance to speak because the two escorts were standing behind her.
"Excuse me? May we go through? We have an appointment with Herr Doktor."
Jutta's jaw dropped, for the two had obviously not come for an appointment as they looked. Both were wearing tight leather leggings and very tight white tops.
My jaw dropped when I recognized Anja, who smiled mischievously at me, and when I saw her opponent's bust.
She was immense!
The two pushed past the befuddled receptionist, and gave me not only kisses on the cheek, but Anja directly a French kiss.
"Ehm...I...well...I better go then." Jutta turned and was about to head back home with a high red head.
"Wait Jutta!" I remembered how Jutta had sat behind her reception desk with her blouse unbuttoned as she eavesdropped on Anja and me. Why shouldn't I include her?
She looked at me. "We need another second."
"Second? Is there a duel?" Jutta laughed out loud.
"Just a boxing duel. A very erotic one I hope."
Jutta didn't take long to respond and was curious as to what we might be up to.
We followed the two escorts into the office and into my examination room. They had put down their sports bags and were already changing.
I couldn't breathe when I saw Anja again. Her body was now immaculate and completely healed.
"This is Sofie, by the way. And before you ask, 85H."
It was clear she meant their cup size.
Anja was dressed only in a tiny sling bikini that really covered nothing. I helped her with the boxing gloves and fondled her breasts. "This is the first time I've seen your tits without battle scars."
Anja nodded and her teats became rock hard under my touch. "Let's see what they're packing today. You've booked the full package, after all."
She stood in front of her stool and I stood behind her. I massaged her shoulders and she stretched to warm up. Every now and then I looked over to where Jutta was helping Sofie get ready for the fight. Sofie wore a black thong and a much too tight sports top, which almost burst through her heavy bells.

"I need some support. Going topless all the time is torture." She lightly punched her own breasts and I knew what she meant.
"So? What are your rules?", Sofie asked me.
"My rules?"
"Yes. You're the customer."
I hadn't thought about that.
"Hmm...well...two-minute rounds, with a minute break in between."
I continued to think. These were two hot escorts and I had really paid a lot. Jutta also looked at me expectantly as if to say: there's more.
"I decide when the fight ends. The loser lands on the gyn chair."
It was probably clear what I would do to her there. My cock filled with blood at the thought of fucking the loser of the fight there. The winner I would take home with me.
I pulled my shirt over my head and Sofie and Anja were visibly impressed with my muscles. And then something happened that I had not expected. Jutta also took off her blouse! In her mid-fifties, she was still really delicious to look at. Her thick DD fell into the open and she kept only her sexy denim skirt on.
"Wow, Jutta!"

"What? So much bare skin and I'm not allowed to show myself at my age?"
"On the contrary! You look fantastic!"
She blushed and continued massaging Sofie's shoulders to warm her up and loosen her up.
And then the spectacle began with trash talk at its finest:
"I'd best take a look at your ridiculous tits! By the time I'm done with them, you'll have at least DD so swollen they'll be!" Sofie felt superior and let Anja know it.
At least I have decent nipples! Your mini teats might as well be pimples!"
It excited me to listen and they both goaded each other further:
"I'll ram your giant udders in your face bitch!"
"And I'll rip your tits off as soon as I've flattened them! And afterwards I'll take care of your cxnt. You'll have so much fun when the client takes you right on the gyn chair!", Sofie said ironically.
And then the leather flew!
The two circled each other and I sucked in as much of Anja's quivering curves as I could. Her C-cups bounced, her tight ass quivered. With Sofie, on the other hand, the huge bosom in the sports top rippled.
BAPP....BAPPP....this was not wild hitting, but good tactics and precise blows that initially flew mainly in the direction of the face. The cover was good with both and they circled each other, hit combinations again and again, ducked, dodged.

The two fighters huffed and puffed, moaning slightly with each hit. At the end of the first round, however, I cheered on my Anja: "Great! Ten more seconds! Low blow!"
Before Sofie could react, her right hand flew into nothingness because Anja had ducked and sunk a right-left combination below her belly button.
"OUFFFFFFFFFF!" The abs weren't ready, and so she suddenly doubled Sofie over and cashed in a neat jab to the chin in the final seconds.
BAPP!..... "UNGH!" Ding!
The first round was over and the two sat down on the chair. Jutta gave Sofie a drink and I gave Anja a drink.
"Only the best for such hot boxers!"
Sofie's luscious rack rose and fell under her rapid breathing. Both fighters also spread their legs, allowing me views into their private parts. Their labia stood out clearly in the tiny scraps of fabric that covered their pussies.
Jutta was also sexy to look at. Her large breasts swayed as she leaned over and massaged Sofie.
Anja leaned her head back against my lap and felt the bump. "Aren't you going to unwrap it?"
I hesitated at first because of Jutta, but I felt like there was no holding back anyway. So I took off my jeans and my thick veiny cock came out rock hard.
"Oh my god! Doctor!" Jutta's knees went weak when she saw my huge pipe.
The second round started as well and fists were flying again. Sofie came through with straights and Anja staggered backwards. Unfortunately I had no ring and so there were no ropes or corners.
I face was hit hard and she lifted her guard. Sofie then came through with a crashing hook that hit the side of her left tit from below and completely crushed it. SMATTTTTTTTTTTT......UNGHHHHH.....
How could a woman take this?
Sofie was heavier and her blows were hard and precise. Anja took quite a few hits to her stomach, and I heard the leather hit her tense abs. BAPPP...SMATTT....again and again they were tested.
Anja's counter went nowhere, sailing across Sofie's forehead.
SMATTT.....SMATTTT.....SMATTT.....three hits to the right chest. Each of them thudded so hard into Anja's bosom that it completely lost shape and quivered on her ribcage for seconds.
Anja didn't manage much and for the entire distance of the round she was hounded. Sofie's breasts were only barely held by her top and I could already see the base of her atria. Beads of sweat formed on the foreheads of the boxers and I began to jerk my cock spellbound. Jutta watched me closely and licked her lips.

I hadn't counted how much Anja had taken, but her belly and breasts were already reddened from the impacts of the fists.
"HMMMM......FUCK......FUCK...." She sank down on the stool and lightly rubbed her breasts.
"Breathe easy. Try to hit them in the tits. You can't miss targets that big." Anja nodded and turned her head to the side. She kissed my glans and rubbed it over her face.
On the other side, Jutta was again massaging Sofie's shoulders and arms. It seemed that their huge bust was giving her a hard time, even though she hadn't been hit yet.
It continued with the two hot ladies and the next three rounds were pretty much the same. Anja couldn't quite keep up with her opponent. She landed significantly fewer hits and got countless hits in her tits and belly.
In the third round the spectacle reached its climax:
Anja got two crisp haymakers to the chin which stunned her so much that she fell backwards into my arms. I held her now sweaty body upright and Sofie pounded Anja's tits like crazy. My thick penis was against her hot ass and I felt each of the impacts in my own body. The force of the leather crushed her breasts, thundering all the air out of her lungs.
"AHHHHH....UNGHHHH.....OUFFFFFF...." She moaned in my grip. It ripped her tits across her chest and they were bright red and swelling more with each stroke. Not only did I have this horny naked body in my arms, but I saw Sofie's big tits bouncing in front of me. Sofie was drenched in sweat and her breasts were bouncing out of their prison almost by themselves. One strap was already slightly torn, as her several kilos of breasts were hard to contain.
SMATTTT...SMATTTT.....Sofie pounded very deep and hammered two uppercuts full into Anja's pussy. Her body reared up in pain, her ass pressed hard against my erection and I suddenly came violently. My cum splashed onto her ass cheeks and ran down her crack.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Sofie grinned with satisfaction and paused for a moment.
"Oh yes my sweetie! Release some serious pressure!"
The round ended and Anja slumped powerlessly on the stool.
I gave her water and also poured it over her breasts pulsating with pain to cool them. It ran down her belly to her private parts.
"Can you still?"
She nodded silently, breathing heavily.
"Yes I can take some." I didn't believe it, but even in this state Anja turned her head to the side and licked my cock clean of the cum explosion that had just taken place.
I saw Jutta massaging her opponent again. Her arms hung heavily to her sides. It seemed like she had wasted a lot of strength in all her dominance. Her arms would be heavy and she would be slow.
"Ok Anja, listen to me! You have to hit her in the face! One hard punch and you can turn the fight around. Her arms are heavy and she's exhausted! She can barely keep her guard up and she's not expecting an attack either."

I kissed Anja and that seemed to give her new strength. I reached around her, took her breasts tenderly in my hands and felt how hot they were. Still, her nipples were hard and sensitive to my caresses.
The sixth round began and Anja entered the fray slightly hunched over.
Sofie didn't have her guard up properly and the muscles in her arms were burning.
She threw punches at Anja, but she danced to the side and the blows went nowhere. Sofie was just too slow and again her tits rocked heavily in the top.
WHAM!!!!!!!!!!!! Anja suddenly came through with a rage-filled left that hit Sofie hard on the chin. Her eyes glazed over and she desperately raised her guard in front of her face.
SMATTT...SMATTTT...BAPPPPPP! Anja focused on her left tit, hitting it like a heavy punching bag and Sofie groaned. Whenever she tried to protect her thick udders, Anja hit her in the face and so she was forced to neglect covering her bosom.
The two circled each other and slowly the picture changed. Anja managed to avoid any counterattack as Sofie's arms were exhausted. Instead, she hit more and more often and after the tenth hit in the chest, Sofie's strap snapped.
Finally I could admire the plump tit in all its beauty. Jutta had taken off the skirt and meanwhile fingered herself without restraint when she didn't have to take care of her boxer.
SMATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! What an uppercut into that fat H-cup tit! It flew right up into Sofie's face and she stumbled backwards and fell over a small table.
UNGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH! She lay with her back draped over it and her thick udders bulging from her ribcage. Her weight pulled the natural bust to the sides and Anja stood next to it grinning.
With rules we took it anyway not so exactly, so she took out and boxed as hard as she could from above in the left tit. SMATTTTTTTTTTTTT.......SMACKKKKKKKKKKKK......the sweat splashed and Sofie's bust quivered!
What a sight! Sofie lay helpless on the table, rowing her arms, but her opponent rammed the leather into her bare bust and finally into her stomach.
"UNGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!" Sofie folded up like a pocket knife, rolled to the side and stayed on the floor. Her voluptuous body looked so incredibly sexy and she moaned like she was about to be taken. Jutta had to help her up, she was so dazed.
The round was over and Anja came over to me grinning.
"Well, was that good?"
I kissed her demandingly, grabbed her wet ass cheeks and pulled her against me. She gasped as her swollen boobs bounced against my chest, but let me.
I didn't get much in the break because we were just making out the whole time. She massaged my penis with her boxing gloves back to full glory while I kneaded her tight ass with the sweat and cum on it and our tongues fought with each other.
The next round was rung in and her opponent had caught herself again somewhat. Jutta had taken off her torn top and now the horny H-cup natural tits finally swung free. Sofie had relatively small nipples and atria related to the size of her breasts, but they stood out hard and were soon kissed by the leather.

Sofie and Anja exchanged hard jabs and swings to the breasts, moaning with each hit. Anja whipped her opponent's boobs hard across her chest and the force of the blows not only made her breast tissue ache, but also made her chest muscles burn.
Sofie could barely lift her arms. She was totally exhausted, even though she had dominated her opponent most of the time.
Anja was now focused. Less and less resistance came and she landed hard haymakers to Sofie's head. Her sweaty mane flew swirling with each hit and sent drops of sweat all the way over to me.
SMATTTT...SMATTT...SMATTTTT.....Sofie was totally woozy and virtually knocked out, although she was still on her feet. She fell into Jutta's arms and now her ordeal really began:
Anja punched so many straight lines into her fleshy punching bags that her breasts couldn't get any rest at all. Jutta held Sofie's body upright, felt how the blows hit her, penetrated her and thundered the lush body into her.
After countless uppercuts and hooks into her fat tits, it was Sofie's belly's turn.
Fist after fist chased into Sofie's abs, penetrating deep into her stomach and barely giving her time to breathe.
Stomach, belly button and ovaries got to feel the firm leather and on the one hand I felt sorry for her, knowing what damage such an ordeal could do. On the other hand, my cock was already rock hard again and the sight of her was divine:
Her sweaty powerless body hung in Jutta's arms and was further weakened with each brutal hit.
By now, the break bell didn't matter. We all knew Sofie wouldn't be able to raise her arms to counter.
"Take her over to the gyn chair!"
Jutta and Anja hooked Sofie under the arms, pulled her over to the exam chair and shakily set her on her feet there. She had to hold on to the leg rests that normally held my patients' spread legs when I examined their vaginas.
Anja now built up in front of her, kissed her biceps and took a wide swing. She really got down on her knees and came from way down low with a double uppercut!
Sofie's fat punching bags jerked up brutally and the force sent her off the ground. She fell backwards onto the gyn chair, hit by her own udders! She whimpered weakly, barely able to grasp where she was.
Jutta took her right leg and put it on the tray, Anja the left. Her thrashed body bathed in sweat lay before me and I wanted only one thing: to fuck!
I went between her wide spread thighs, took a pair of scissors and cut the thong broken. Her bare reddened pussy lay gaping wide in front of me, just at the right height to sink my cock into her.
And that's exactly what I did. "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" I moaned in pleasure as my glans plunged into her wet hole! She was incredibly wet and the warm tightness enveloped my magnificent piece. Sofie gasped dazedly, surprised by the size of my cock. Next to me was Jutta on one side, Anja on the other. Their naked breasts pressed against me, they grabbed my ass and cheered me on to fuck the loser hard.
SMATTTT.....SMATTTT.....I pumped into her and the gigantic mounds of flesh, red and swollen, danced heavily on her chest. I gripped her soft expansive hips and my hottest fantasies came true.
Taking a woman in the gyn chair, pleasuring her with my hard fuck tube, listening to her screams of pleasure.....
I just had to tilt my head to the side of my choice and either Anja or Jutta gave me hot tongue kisses. The respective other licked my nipples and this quasi foursome robbed me of all my wits.
Sofie had closed her eyes, accepted the pain in her wildly slapping tits against each other and the lust that sprang from her completely stretched and filled cxnt.
I came so hard that I blacked out. My cock pumped loads of sperm into Sofie's cxnt and only a little later I also collapsed her naked sweaty torso.
What Anja and Jutta did with me afterwards?
Let your imagination play....


Offline Claire_Rogue

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Re: Go two boxers to a doctor.....
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2022, 06:44:02 PM »

Loved it!  Always such great work.  I'd love to see some couples match stories, too!