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My Best Friend's Mom

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My Best Friend's Mom
« on: August 07, 2022, 12:53:56 AM »
My Best Friend’s Mom
Karl Butters

   Mason and I became best friends in middle school. The first time I saw his mom, Keri, I thought she was attractive for her age, but I did not develop a crush on her immediately. When I first met her, she was in her mid to late 30s, and though she was younger than most of my friends’ moms, she still seemed ancient. My parents split up when I was young, and my mom worked two jobs to make ends meet. While Mason and I were star athletes on our school football team, my parents rarely saw me play. Keri was also a single mom, but due to a very generous divorce settlement, she did not have to work and was able to attend all our games. The pretty brunette became like a surrogate mom, cheering me on, just like she did Mason.
   Then one summer we went to the beach.
   I had never been on a real family vacation before and was excited when Mason invited me to go with them to the beach. Keri had a boyfriend named Tucker, who was coming with us. Mason did not like him and invited me along so he would not have to spend as much time around him. Tucker was only about ten years older than us, and I assumed that he was after Keri’s money.
   After we checked into the beach house, we went into our bedrooms to put on our swimsuits. That’s when everything changed. I can still picture Keri today, walking out of the bedroom wearing a white bikini with little red flowers. Her tanned body was so curvaceous yet firm for her age. She was tall and statuesque, with shapely hips and a narrow waist. I could not decide which part of her I liked the best, her ample breasts, well-rounded ass, or her long, shapely legs. She appeared simultaneously voluptuous and athletic.
   I realized that I was gawking at her with my mouth open. I also realized that Keri had seen me gawking at her. Instead of giving me a disproving look, she gave me a wink and tousled my hair as she walked by. Fortunately, Tucker and Mason did not see me ogling the sexy brunette.
   As we prepared to go down to the beach, I discretely kept my eyes on Keri. I was mesmerized by the way her breasts jiggled while she loaded a cooler, as her bra struggled to contain them. When she walked around the room, her ass cheeks wiggled sexily, exotically captivating me like sirens on a seashore.
   I stood up to follow everyone out the door, when I realized I had a massive, and very visible, boner. 
   “I’ll be out in a minute,” I said, “I need to…um…brush my teeth.”
   When they left, I retreated into the bathroom. I dropped my shorts and grabbed my engorged cock. As I began to stroke, I fixated on Keri’s sensual body. It only took me a couple of minutes before I spewed all over the toilet. As I cleaned up my mess, I began to feel guilty. After all, Keri had always been like a second mom to me and I did not feel right treating her image as a sexual object to masturbate to. I was also afraid that things would become awkward between us since she caught me staring at her like a creep.
   Over the next few days, I tried not to stare at Keri, but I was unable to keep my eyes off her. They must have thought I was serious about dental hygiene because I made countless trips to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Although I may have acted a little awkward and weird around Keri, she treated me the same as always. In fact, if anything she was even more affectionate towards me. When we got ready for bed, she gave both Mason and me a kiss on the cheek. Even though it wasn’t meant to be sexual, I became so aroused by her full, sensual lips on my face.
   Later that night, I walked to the kitchen to get a drink and walked by Keri and Tucker’s bedroom. At first, I thought something was wrong, as I heard Keri whimper. As I stood listening, I heard her whimper some more. Soon the whimpering turned to moans and both began breathing heavily. While I was still a virgin, I quickly realized what was going on. When they finished, I got a drink and went back to my room. As I lay in bed, I fell asleep fantasizing about me in the bedroom with Keri.
   When we got back home, I tried to get Keri’s bikini-clad body out of my mind. I knew it was pointless having a crush on a much older woman that was also my best friend’s mom. Being a good-looking football star, I had no trouble finding girlfriends my own age. Still, thoughts of Keri’s shapely body often came to mind when I was jacking off.
        A couple of months after the trip, Keri and Tucker got married. Although he was ten years younger than Keri and good-looking, he was a jerk, and I could not understand why she would agree to marry him. An unsuccessful used car salesman, who had been living in a studio apartment, Tucker must have thought he hit the lottery with Keri. She was both beautiful and wealthy. I already knew Keri was a great mom, but she also proved to be a devoted wife, doting on Tucker, and treating him like a king. Even though I jealously thought she was too good for him, she worked hard to keep him happy.
   As I moved into high school, I still thought Keri was beautiful, but my attention moved to other girls. She became less of an object of sexual desire and more of a mother figure again. For a short time, at least. A few years after Keri and Tucker were married, Mason confided in me a secret that changed everything.
   Tucker and Keri would meet up with some other couples and the wives would wrestle. It, apparently, was Tucker’s idea, and they would host the wrestling matches at their house. When Mason found out about it, he would spy on them as most of the wives were very attractive. While it may have been Tucker’s idea, Keri seemed to be enjoying the matches and was undefeated. I knew that Keri looked athletic, and Mason said that she was bigger and stronger than most of the women in the wrestling group. Mason bragged about how she would often strip the other women down to their underwear before pinning them. Even though it was against the rules, she occasionally would even rip their bras off. I knew I had to see this and made him promise to let me know the next time they had the matches.
   One Friday, Mason came up to me at school.
   “Tomorrow night, be at my house,” he said excitedly, “Mom is taking on Olivia Taylor.”
 When Mason was telling me about the wrestling matches, he had mentioned Olivia. He had spoken about how sexy she was and that she had only lost once to a woman that she later beat in a rematch. Her husband worked with Tucker at the car lot, and they were best friends.
   The next 24 hours seemed to drag by as I could not wait to see Keri wrestle. When the time finally came, Mason and I snuck out of his room to spy on the festivities. They had cleared out space in the basement and were sitting around in a circle. Mason and I lay on the grass, peering through a window. Since it was dark outside, we knew they could not see us.
   There were three preliminary matches before Keri and Olivia’s main event. Even though the women were all pretty, I only had eyes for one woman in the room. Keri was sitting next to Tucker during the matches. She was a vision of loveliness in her red jogging shorts and gray tank top. Her shapely legs were crossed sexily as she seemed to be enjoying the matches.
   It was not difficult to spot Olivia, even though I had never seen her. She was a pretty blonde wearing a gold tank top and cutoff jean shorts. Even sitting down, it was obvious she had a tight, sexy body.
   When it finally became time for the main event, both women moved to the center of the room. Keri was the picture of confidence, while Olivia had a look of grim determination. Keri was clearly the favorite to win the match, though the crowd seemed evenly split as to who they were rooting for. While Keri was a sweet person, many in the group, especially the other women, wanted to see an upset.
   Both women appeared to be in great shape with Keri being several inches taller and 20 lbs. heavier, and Olivia 10 years younger. While Olivia was less shapely, her body was more toned. The blonde had a gymnast-type physique with above-average-sized tits.
   “Are you ready to lose, sweetie?” Keri asked with a playful grin.
   “You may be cocky now, but we’ll see how cocky you are when I win,” Olivia said. She tried to sound confident but failed.
   After sizing each other up for a few seconds, the women locked up. It did not take long to find out who was stronger as Keri tossed the blonde to the floor. Before Keri could capitalize on her advantage, Olivia dived at Keri’s legs and toppled the statuesque brunette. The blonde mounted her and went for a quick pin. Keri was able to kick out and the two began grappling on the floor. A few minutes later, Keri was on top and had Olivia pinned to the floor. The designated referee counted to 2 before Olivia kicked out. They rolled around the floor for a few more minutes and I loved every second of it.
   Mason leaned over and whispered, “This is the longest any woman has ever lasted with mom.” I could tell he was emotionally torn. While he had never said anything, I could tell he was smitten by Olivia. Still, he was proud that his mom was such a badass and wanted her to do well. For him, the ideal outcome would be for his mom to win after she stripped Olivia her to undies.
   While Keri was the stronger and had dominated most of the fight to this point, after 10 minutes of intense grappling, she began breathing hard. Not used to fighting so long, she was in uncharted territory. She looked frustrated as she could not figure out how to defeat the fit blonde.
   Olivia began to realize that she could beat the mighty Keri and began to fight more ferociously. She began to rough Keri up as she slapped and pulled her hair. Both tactics were against the rules but, much to my dismay, the referee did little to stop it.
   Olivia stood up and grabbed the bottom of Keri’s shorts and began to pull. Keri grabbed the sides trying to keep from being stripped. The brunette’s shapely ass slid along the floor as Olivia yanked and pulled. Keri eventually lost the tug of war as Olivia went flying backward with shorts in hand. Although I had seen Keri wearing skimpier at the beach, the sight of her laying there in her panties was exhilarating. She wore lacy, lavender-colored, French-cut panties that were obviously meant for Tucker’s viewing pleasure later that night.
   Before Keri could get up, Olivia pounced on her again. This time she was intent on ripping the brunette’s top off. When Olivia grabbed a handful of her top, Keri tried to break away. In the struggle, Keri’s top was shredded, revealing the matching lacy bra.
   I looked over at Mason and could tell that he was uncomfortable at seeing his mom stripped to her underwear. The fact that she was losing made it even harder to watch. I, on the other hand, was enjoying the sight of his mom in her panties, although I did not enjoy watching her lose either. In fact, the contradicting feelings were almost making me nauseous as I could not come to terms with all the emotions swelling up inside me.
   All the spectators in the room were enjoying the match. Even Tucker seemed to be enjoying his wife being displayed in her underwear.
   Keri looked defeated and ready to be pinned but Olivia had other plans. She dropped down on Keri’s waist and grabbed her bra. The onlookers began to cheer, and I let out an audible gasp as Olivia began to lift the bra up from the bottom.
   Keri panicked as she realized that Olivia was not going for a pin but instead was going to humiliate her by exposing her big boobies to their friends. She began bucking like an angry mule and flipped the smaller woman off. Even though she had done the same thing to several women in the room, Keri was furious that Olivia would try to humiliate her by exposing her boobies.
   Catching her second wind, Keri began to overpower and mount the pretty blonde. Instead of going for a pin, Keri began raining blows down on the blonde. Olivia tried to flip her off but could not budge the heavier woman. As Keri continued to pummel the blonde, the referee tried to get her to stop but the brunette was intent on punishing her foe and ignored him.
        Since Olivia’s shoulders were mostly on the floor, the referee counted to 3 to end the match. Keri finally got off the blonde and allowed the referee to raise her hand in victory. Mason and I high-fived each other and the people in the room congratulated Keri. Olivia lay crumpled on the floor crying. Before walking off, Keri gave her one last shot, kicking her in the ribs.
   As Mason and I stood up, I knew that the image of Keri, clad only in her undies, defeating Olivia, would be the focus of many jack-off sessions for years to come. I was even more infatuated with her now than I was when we were at the beach.
   After that, I could not wait till the next wrestling night. A few weeks later, Mason told me that his mom was pregnant. Mason and I had just graduated high school and were preparing to go off to college. While I was happy for them, I was afraid I would never see Keri wrestle again.
   Mason and I received football scholarships to different schools. We tried to stay in touch but we both were busy with college life. Although I did not forget about Keri and the night she pinned Olivia, I discovered the joys of college girls and college parties, and visions of the shapely brunette began to recede to the back of my mind.
        Unfortunately, I had too much fun with college girls and parties and almost flunked out of school. That summer, I returned home to attend the local community college, in an attempt to rehabilitate my academic standing. I decided to go visit Keri and see the baby. Tucker answered the door.
   “Hey, kid,” he said enthusiastically. I thought it was weird that he was happy to see me since he had never seemed to like me.
   “Hello, Tucker. I just got home and thought I’d come by and see your new baby.”
   “Keri and her are gone to the park right now but come in and let’s talk.”
   “Well, I really should get going. I’m sure you’re busy.”
   “Hell, no. I’ve got all the time in the world.”
   I was not interested in hanging out with Tucker, but he insisted. I liked him almost as little as Mason. We talked about college and football before he turned the subject to college girls. He began to prod me to describe the girls and my sexual exploits with them. I was getting uncomfortable when he ratcheted up my discomfort even more.
   “I know all about you and Mason playing ‘Peeping Tom’ when we were having our wrestling party,” he said in a serious tone.
I did not know what to say to that.
   “Don’t worry, I’m not mad,” he said. “In fact, I was thinking you might know some girls that might want to participate with us. We’re going to do it again this Saturday.”
   “Really,” I stammered with a tinge of excitement. This whole conversation had me uncomfortable, but I was excited about the thought of seeing Keri wrestle again. I knew a lot of college girls, but I was not going to ask them to come wrestle strangers. “I can try and find one, but most of the girls I know are back at the University 5 hours from here.”
   “Well,” he thought for a moment, “See what you can do. Either way, you are welcome to come check it out by yourself the first time, but the second time you must bring a girl. That’s the rules.”
   “Okay,” I said excitedly.
   After he launched a soliloquy about how sexy college girls were, he finally got back on the topic of the wrestling night. He said Keri was going to wrestle Olivia in a rematch. I was surprised to hear this because Mason had told me there was some bad blood between them. After Keri had beaten Olivia, the blonde tried to get revenge by seducing Tucker while Keri was pregnant. Tucker insisted that he had spurned her advances, but Mason believed they had begun having an affair.
   That Saturday night I nervously drove over to their house, not sure if was making a mistake by coming. I wasn’t sure what kind of reaction Keri would have when she saw me there. I knocked on the door and Tucker answered. Seeing that I was alone, he was not as friendly as before, but he did invite me down to the basement. I felt awkward being around the other people. Not only were they all 10 or more years older than me, but they were also all part of couples.
   I looked for Keri, but she had not come down yet. As I sat waiting for the match to begin, I listened to the other couples talk. This was the first wrestling party since Keri had defeated Olivia and they were all excited to renew the festivities. What added to the excitement was knowing that there was indeed bad blood between Keri and Olivia. The other wrestling nights had been for fun but this one meant more. Olivia wanted revenge for being humiliated in front of their friends at the last wrestle party and Keri wanted revenge for Olivia making a move on Tucker while she was pregnant.
   Another tidbit I discovered was that they were going to wear special attires for this match. As soon as the match was scheduled, the trash talking had begun. Olivia called Keri a fat cow and challenged her to fight naked. Keri balked at that idea but finally conceded to fight in lingerie. The popular theory behind the challenge was that Olivia knew she might lose but thought she would at least win the battle of the bodies since Keri had just given birth 3 months earlier.
   Olivia walked down the stairs first, wearing a blue silk robe. A few minutes later, Keri arrived wearing an orange silk robe. Both women were all business as they walked to the center of the room and faced each other.
   “Bitch,” Olivia muttered under her breath.
   “Slut,” Keri replied.
   Olivia uncovered first, dropping her robe to the floor. She wore a black lacy bra, panties, and garter, along with dark silk stockings. In her underwear, I got a better look at her this time than I did last summer. Her breasts looked huge on her petite frame, and she had solid abs and a rock-hard ass. The blonde’s arms and legs were toned, and it was obvious she had been exercising hard in the last year.
   The other women stared enviously, and the men stared lustfully at her exquisite body. She just stared at Keri confidently with a look that said, ‘you may beat me up, but everyone knows that I’m the sexier woman.’
   Next, it was Keri’s turn to uncover. There was a loud gasp from the guys as she shrugged her robe off, revealing a gorgeous body clad in a matching white bra, panties, garter, and white stockings. It was hard to fathom that she had just given birth a few months before. While she was heavier than last summer and her body was softer, the extra weight only accentuated her curves. Her boobs were big before but now they were huge, and her long legs were even shapelier. Though her ass was bigger also, it still maintained a well-rounded look. Her tummy was softer than Olivia's but was reasonably flat. Keri had also been spending time at their pool and the white lingerie only enhanced her tanned complexion.
   Olivia had a disappointed look on her face as she had expected Keri to be fat and out of shape, but the brunette had worked hard after giving birth.
   The two women circled each other, sizing each other up. Even though Olivia had added several lbs. of muscle, she was still outweighed by 30 lbs. The two suddenly locked up, anger raging in their eyes. Disdaining the normal civilities of a friendly wrestling match, they dug their hands in each other’s hair and began ripping and yanking each other around.
        Keri tried to sling Olivia to the floor but instead, she was slung down. The blonde mounted her and began punching Keri’s head. Keri was able to flip the blonde off and they both rose to their knees and locked arms. The voluptuous brunette grunted and struggled but she could not overpower the smaller blonde as she had last summer. Olivia shifted her body to the slide, using Keri’s weight against her to fling her onto her back. The blonde jumped on top but did not stay there for long before being flipped off.
        They began grappling like wildcats on the floor ripping and tearing at each other’s lingerie. At first, Keri looked mortified when Olivia ripped her bra off, allowing her massive mammaries to spill out. I nearly creamed in my pants at the sight of her gorgeous boobs. All I could think of was how lucky her baby was to get to suck on those things. She tried to cover up allowing Olivia numerous free shots to her face before she began to fight back.
        While they probably spent a lot of time choosing their attires, their sexy underwear was ripped apart in minutes, leaving both women in nothing but their tattered stockings. After about five minutes, both women were breathing heavily. It was impossible for them to keep up the vicious pace they had begun with. After about ten minutes, both girls were mainly leaning on each other, as they tried to catch their breath. This pace seemed to work to Keri’s advantage as Olivia was struggling to deal with the brunette’s extra weight.
   Keri grabbed Olivia in a bear hug and smashed her swollen tits against the blonde’s sweetly curved mounds. Olivia was too tired to thwart the move as her breasts were overlapped by Keri’s boobs. The blonde had some exceptional tits, but they looked small compared to Keri’s plump melons.
   Using her heavy breasts to punish Olivia’s smaller mounds seemed like a brilliant idea and I did not know how long Olivia could hold out, but the blonde gamely fought on.
   “Ooh,” Keri suddenly let out a soft cry. “Mmmph” She began to grunt and whimper, clearly in discomfort. Then I noticed her arms loosening their grip around Olivia. Sensing Keri was in distress, Olivia tightened her hold of the brunette. Soon it became obvious that Keri’s breasts, engorged with milk, were more sensitive than Olivia’s and she began to squirm in anguish.
   Keri pushed away and staggered to her feet.
   “Ewww,” Olivia grumbled, as she noticed her tits were smeared with Keri’s breast milk. The brunette had leaked all over her.
   “You win,” Keri said, “I’m finished.”
   “Oh, so you can tell everybody you let me win,” Olivia retorted, “I don’t think so.” Olivia moved toward Keri, as the brunette backed away.
   “No more. I mean it. Now leave me alone.”
   Olivia reached for Keri, but the brunette stepped back and then unleashed a roundhouse right to Olivia’s jaw that caused the blonde to stagger backward a few steps. Olivia again lunged for Keri, only to be rocked by another punch. Soon the blonde was retreating from the angry brunette.
   “You couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you?” Keri hissed as she stalked Olivia around the room. The blonde tried to fight back, but Keri proved to be a solid pugilist and landed several hard punches.
   Olivia found herself backed into a corner and looked frightened. Keri tried to finish her off with another roundhouse right but missed. The blonde desperately countered with a wild jab. Keri’s miss had left her wide open and Olivia’s punch connected with her right boob.
   “Ummph,” Keri grunted as she stumbled back. She swung again at Olivia, but this time the blonde was ready and ducked, before following up with an uppercut to Keri’s other boob. Olivia realized that if she used her quickness to dodge Keri’s blows, she would have wide-open shots at the brunette’s jiggling breasts. Keri’s tender mounds made an easy target for Olivia and soon it was the shapely brunette who was backpedaling around the room. The basement was filled with loud splatting sounds as Olivia pummeled Keri’s magnificent orbs repeatedly and breast milk began to spray out. At first, Olivia’s fists barely made a dent in the swollen breasts but as she pounded the milk out, the tender flesh became softer, and her fists began sinking deeper and deeper into the plump mounds.
   “Please…please…no more,” Keri pleaded as she was backed into a corner. Olivia was not in a merciful mood though, especially considering how Keri had beat her up last time and left her sobbing on the floor.
   Olivia reached forward and grabbed Keri’s nipples. The brunette squealed loudly as milk squirted from her tits. Keri grabbed Olivia’s hands and tried to pry them off, but the blonde had a tight grip. The gorgeous brunette began wailing in pain as Olivia tortured her aching breasts.
   I felt bad for Keri and looked at Tucker, expecting him to be just as concerned as me. Instead, he was laughing and cheering Olivia on. I couldn’t believe it. He did not deserve such a beautiful and sweet wife. I thought about stepping in, but I did not have the courage.
   Finally, Olivia’s milk-drenched hands slipped off and Keri immediately covered her nipples. Unfortunately, her bosom was too big to completely cover with her hands and Olivia began pinching the sides of Keri’s tender mounds.
   With her tits being mauled mercilessly, Keri began to cry. It was tough for me to watch this beautiful woman, who had treated me like a son, being brutalized in such a manner. Now that Olivia had made the brunette cry, she decided to finish her off. She reared back her fist and slammed an uppercut into Keri’s lower tummy. As Olivia’s fist sunk into her soft belly, Keri’s mouth gaped open in a silent scream. The brunette dropped to her knees and began gasping for air.
   Olivia grabbed Keri’s hair and forced her to crawl along the floor. The blonde led her over to Tucker and then sat in his lap. She looked down at Keri and asked, “Do you want me to stop now?”
   “Yes…please…yes.” Keri was bawling like a baby now.
   “Okay, then kiss my feet.”
   “Wh…what. No Olivia…don’t make me.”
   “Do it, or I’m going to punish your fat cow udders some more.”
   “No…please don’t. They can’t take anymore.”
   “Then kiss.”
   Keri reluctantly prostrated herself before Olivia and began kissing her feet. I felt so bad for Keri, being humiliated in such a fashion in front of her husband and friends.
   “Now lay down on your back so I can pin you.” Keri, eager to get the experience over with, complied. Olivia stood up and placed a foot on one of Keri’s boobs as the referee counted to three.
   With the fight over everyone stood up to leave. One thing I noticed, most of the couples were usually eager to leave after the last match. The men were aroused, and the women were keen to do something about it. This time some of the women lingered behind. They surrounded Keri and began taking cheap shots at her. It seems some of them had lingering bitterness from being humiliated by Keri in the past. They viciously mauled her breasts, taking special delight in twisting and tugging on her nipples, causing milk to spray all over the place. I did not know how much milk a woman could hold in her boobs but, by the time I finally stepped in, she had to be close to empty. As I tried to shield Keri, they were still able to get a few more shots in, and then their husbands, eager to leave, called them off. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Olivia leading Tucker by the hand up the stairs.
   I looked down at the beautiful woman sobbing, as she lay in a pool of her own milk. Countless times, I had dreamed of her naked in front of me, but this wasn’t how I wanted it to happen. I reached down and took her in my arms and helped her to her feet. Her warm skin was sticky with milk and perspiration. Her legs were shaky, and she could barely stand on her own. I knew I couldn’t leave her like this. I placed her arm around my neck, and I put my arm around her waist and helped her up the stairs.
   As we walked down the hallway, I could hear Olivia and Tucker. Their voices were coming from the master bedroom. Keri did not say anything, but I could tell she heard them also. Being supplanted from her bedroom was yet another humiliation.
   I led her into the bathroom and began running water for a bath. As Keri stood there silently, shivering in the cool bathroom, I could not help but think how beautiful she still looked. Even with the bruises, tear-streaked makeup, and disheveled hair, her beauty was still evident.
   I helped her into the water and then knelt beside her. Taking a washcloth, I wiped away the tears and makeup from her face. Then I grabbed a bottle of shower gel and squirted it into my hands. First, I took her left arm and began washing it. As my hands caressed her soft skin, I looked to see her reaction to my hands-on approach. Her eyes were closed, and she looked like she was about to fall asleep. Next, I reached over and took her right arm and washed it, before moving to her upper body.
       As I massaged her neck and shoulders, I looked down at the plump mounds on her chest. They looked so inviting as my hands nervously inched closer and closer to them. As I slid my hands over the soft flesh, I was afraid she would slap my hand away, but she didn’t. Though bruised from being pinched and slapped, they were still stunningly gorgeous. I grabbed two handfuls of her enormous mammaries and felt the flesh ooze between my fingers.
   “Ooh,” she moaned, “Be gentle,” Her already sensitive lactating breasts had taken an enormous beating tonight, so I tried to be careful. As I gently squeezed and molded the flesh, she continued to moan but did not stop me. She sounded like she was experiencing both pain and pleasure.
         When my finger brushed over one of her nipples, she let out a painful squeal. “Be careful,” she whimpered. I don’t know why but I found her squealing kind of sexy. It reminded me of the sounds she was making all those years ago when I overheard her and Tucker having sex in the beach house. I ‘accidentally’ stroked my finger across them a few more times. Even though she squealed each time, she did not protest again.
   I squeezed the base of her breasts between my fingers and thumb and pulled them out
from her body. Her soapy breasts gradually slipped between my fingers until I was left holding only her nipples, which were pulled out before also slipping out of my grasp, allowing the tits to spring back into shape. As she whimpered loudly in pain, I knew I had gone too far, and it was time to move to another body part. Her cute bottom lip jutted out poutingly as she tried to cover her breasts with her hands.
   I lifted her left foot and kissed it. As I began stroking her ankle and calf, she began to relax again. I gradually moved up her long, shapely leg and began caressing her delicious thigh. Slowly, my fingers moved closer to the juncture between her legs. I watched her reactions carefully, and she looked like she was falling asleep again. When my finger grazed the outer edges of her pussy lips, her body jerked a little, but she did not say anything. I was having trouble reading her expression, but she did not seem displeased. I moved to the other leg and slowly repeated the process. As my hand worked its way to the top of her thigh, my fingers brushed her pussy lips again. Once more, her body jerked slightly, but she still did not protest.
   Next, I moved up to her midsection. Starting just below her boobs, I began washing her stomach. As I moved further down her lovely tummy, she began to squirm a little. I took my time stroking her soft skin, sliding my hands between her thighs. This time she let out a loud groan. Her body slid down in the tub, allowing me better access. As I began massaging her pussy mound, I noticed her eyes were half open, but she appeared to be in an erotic haze. She began breathing heavily and making cute moaning sounds. I knew what was about to happen, but I wasn’t ready for it, so I stopped suddenly, ensuring that she remained unsatisfied.
   I stood up and found a towel. As I helped her out of the tub, she gave me a hurt look, like I had betrayed her. I gently dried her gorgeous body and then I took her by the hand and led her out. As we walked down the hallway, I could not believe she was docilely going along. We walked into the guest bedroom, and I pulled back the sheets on the bed. I turned and looked at her and she looked conflicted. Her damp body had chill bumps on it and her nipples were erect. She looked gorgeous and I wanted her so badly, I just needed some kind of sign that she felt the same.
   “Thanks, baby,” she purred softly, “You’ve been so sweet.” Then she walked past me and got into bed.
I stood there for a moment, waiting for an invitation to join her, but she pulled the covers up and closed her eyes. I was unsure of what to do, but I felt I at least deserved a kiss as a thank you. I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers. At first, she didn’t react, but then she pulled her head away.
   “No…don’t,” she said to my utter disappointment. Then she seemed to have a change of heart. “Oh, what the hell.” She pulled my head toward her, and we kissed again. This time she was more responsive as she slid her tongue into my mouth. After kissing me for a few seconds, she pulled the covers back, inviting me to join her.
   I took her in my arms and began kissing her face before working my way down to her breasts. For so many years, I had dreamed of kissing her body, I could not believe it was finally happening. There were so many things I wanted to do to her body, but I was already so aroused, that I was afraid I was about to spew all over her and her bed. I quickly spread her legs apart and rammed my cock through her slit. In an explosion of bliss, I felt my prick erupt inside her. It was the longest, hottest release of my life. After my cock finished throbbing, I rolled over completely embarrassed. I’d waited for this moment for years, yet I was only able to last 30 seconds. Keri sensed my embarrassment and took me in her arms.
       “Don’t get too comfortable,” she said, “We’re just getting started.” She began to kiss me on the cheeks and then on the neck. Her warm lips felt so good on my flesh as she began kissing my chest and stomach. She took my cock in her hand and stroked it a few times before placing it in her mouth. Treating it like a lollipop, she licked all the cum residue off. Then she plunged it between her full lips and began bobbing her head up and down as she sucked on it. I’d had a few girls give me blowjobs before, but none of them did it as expertly as Keri. Within minutes, I was spewing my load in her mouth. I think the quantity and velocity caught her off guard and she began choking and pulled away, causing most of it to splatter on her face. She grabbed a tissue off the nightstand and wiped her face off. Then she lay down beside me, resting her head on my shoulder.
   My head was spinning, and I felt like I was in a dream. We lay for 10 minutes without talking.
 “Are you finished or are you ready for some more?” She asked, as she reached down and grabbed my cock.  My member quickly came to attention in her hand, answering her question.
   I was proud of myself. This time I lasted for 15 minutes before having an orgasm. As I went for my 4th orgasm, I was determined not to climax again until she did. She was so talented in bed though, I once again climaxed before her.
        While I’d had sex multiple times, my previous sexual partners had been relatively inexperienced, with a couple of them being virgins. Keri, however, was on a different level. She was so skillful; it was like me going straight from playing high school football to playing with the New England Patriots. Being a college athlete, I was in great shape, and I was confident I could go all night if necessary to ensure that I gave Keri at least one orgasm.
   As we started again, I decided to change strategies. Instead of letting her lead, I would try and take charge and make the next 15 minutes about her. I slid to the end of the bed and buried my face between her shapely thighs. While I had never orally pleasured a female before, I did understand the basic idea. As I kissed her slick clean-shaven mound, I could feel the wet, heat emanating from the slit between her thighs. Sliding my tongue inside her, I could feel her body tense up in excitement. Over and over again I stabbed my tongue inside her, trying to penetrate deeper each time.
       After several minutes, she began breathing in short, harsh gasps and I knew she was almost ready to climax. I lifted my head, raised her legs up, and replaced my soft tongue with my hard cock. While I slammed my manhood inside her repeatedly, I tried to focus on not cumming until she had an orgasm. She was so good though, it was hard for me not to finish first. My previous sexual experiences had been fun, but in comparison to sex with Keri, they had been clumsy fiascos. Keri knew how to meet my stabs and our bodies seemed to sway in rhythm with each other. I could not believe how smooth and graceful she was in bed. I also could not understand why Tucker would want to be with Olivia when he could be with Keri.
   Suddenly Keri pushed me away and sat up.
   “What is it?” I asked
   “Shush.” After a few seconds, she said, “My baby is crying. I’m so sorry, but it’s time for her midnight feeding.” She kissed me on the cheek, signaling the fun was over. As she started to slide out of bed, she stopped. Then she turned to me with tears suddenly in her eyes. “I…I...can’t feed her.”
   “Why not?”
   She looked down on plump mammaries and said, “After what those women did to my breasts.” She leaned toward me and placed her head on my shoulder. “Even if they weren’t so sore, I don’t know if there’s even enough milk left in them. Will you go to the store and get me some formula?”
   “Of course,” I answered. After getting her some formula, I went home. I lay in bed for hours, unable to sleep, wondering if I would ever see Keri again. She was a married woman, so it wasn’t like I could call her up and ask for a date, even if her husband was a cheating piece of garbage.
   I did not have to wait long before an opportunity came again, thanks to the cheating piece of garbage. Early the next week, Tucker called me and invited me back to their house that Saturday night for another wrestling night. After I got off the phone, I sat stunned for a few moments. Besides the fact that Tucker seemed way too insistent that I come, even though I told him I still did not have any college girls lined up to bring, I was surprised that Keri wanted another match so soon after being brutalized in the previous one.
   Over the next month, Keri had a match every Saturday and Tucker insisted that I come to every one of them. It seems there was no end of women who wanted payback on the shapely brunette that I was infatuated with. Now that they knew where she was most vulnerable, most of the matches ended the same- Keri defeated and crying, with her top ripped off and her breasts brutalized. The only exception was when Keri faced a particularly nasty redhead, who kept feigning breast attacks only to punch the brunette in the face. In that match, Keri ended up with 2 black eyes, a bloody nose, and a swollen lip, although her top was still ripped off after the match and her breasts were assaulted just for fun.
        The women even became quite adept at hand milking her after the matches. I discovered from watching that if you squeeze the breasts around the nipples and push them in and then pull them out in a pumping motion, the milk will shoot out. They would drag Keri around the room, using her like a human squirt gun, spraying milk at each other.
   The upside of Keri being maltreated every Saturday was that I was there to help her recover. No matter how badly she was beaten, she still demonstrated her expertise in the art of sex. The only exception was after being pulverized by the redhead. That night, she lay with an icepack on her battered face while I did most of the work.
   Keri was being tortured every night and I could not understand why she kept subjecting herself to such beatings. One night we were talking, in between having sex, and I asked why she didn’t take a break from wrestling, at least until her breasts stopped lactating. She looked sad as she told me that Tucker was essentially blackmailing her. He knew about us having sex. In fact, he had known from the first occasion. Tucker was threatening to divorce Keri if she did not continue to wrestle every time he told her to. When I suggested she call his bluff and let him divorce her, she said she couldn’t. She married her first husband when she was right out of high school. He was a much older man and was already very wealthy. It was an unhappy marriage, but she did get three important things out of it: Mason, a big house, and a large bank account. If Tucker divorced her for having an affair, she might have to sell the house and give him half her wealth. She had never held a job in her life and had no qualifications or skills. This explained why Tucker was so insistent that I come each night Keri wrestled. He was gathering evidence for a potential divorce. Although Keri and I tried to be discrete, we had no idea who else knew about our affair and could substantiate Tucker’s claim of infidelity. Of course, Tucker was also cheating on her, but we could not prove it.
   One Saturday night, Keri had just lost to a petite blonde named Morgan. Morgan was the last woman waiting for her chance to fight Keri. Now that there were no other women for her to face, we were thinking that Keri might be given a reprieve from the weakly beatdowns. Keri was very relieved, but I was kind of disappointed. While I took no pleasure in seeing Keri being pummeled, I did enjoy helping her recover. When we were in the bathroom, cleaning Keri up, we heard Olivia and Tucker arguing.
   “Not tonight, Tucker, I have a headache!”
   “Whatever, bitch!” Then the bedroom door slammed shut.
   I looked at Keri and noticed she had a smile on her face.
   After we finished up in the bathroom, we walked down the hall to the guest bedroom. As we walked into the room, we saw Olivia laying on the bed, completely nude.
   “I didn’t think you two would ever finish in the bathroom,” the blonde purred sexily.
   I looked at Keri and she looked concerned. I, on the other hand, was not concerned. I was in the room with 2 gorgeous, buck-naked women. What could go wrong?
   “Get out,” Keri ordered, with little authority in her voice.
   “No,” Olivia simply replied, as she sauntered over to us. While she was not as thick as Keri, she was still shapely. Her waist curved in the shape of an hourglass, her ass jutted out like two cantaloupes, and she had muscular thighs and calves. But it was her breasts that really had my attention. They were beautifully formed and very big for a woman her size. While Keri’s plump breasts couldn’t help but sag a little due to their size and weight, Olivia’s remained upright on her chest, like two missiles ready to launch.
   “What do you want?” Keri’s voice trembled a little and I could tell she was intimidated by the smaller woman. Olivia did not answer at first as she stopped in front of us. Instead, she ran her hand up Keri’s tanned thigh. Keri caught her breath as Olivia’s hand glided across her pussy mound before continuing up her tummy, before stopping at her boobs. I thought she was about to grab or pinch Keri’s breasts but instead, she gently caressed them with her fingertips.
   “What I want is…” she hesitated for a moment before suddenly grabbing me by the crotch, “Your sexy toy boy.”
   I looked at Keri, whose eyes raged with anger.
   “Never!” Keri hissed as she slapped Olivia, sending the blonde reeling backward. The brunette lunged at Olivia and began pummeling her with her fists and tossing her around the room. The blonde had a surprised look on her face as she had underestimated Keri’s attachment for me. I was so proud of Keri and the ferocity she was fighting with, all because of me.
   Keri tossed Olivia onto the floor and mounted her. She grabbed her wrists and pinned them down. Now the blonde looked a little frightened, as Keri looked menacingly down at her.
   “Stay away from me and stay out of my house,” Keri hissed. I had never seen her so angry. “If I ever see you again, I will rip your tits off and shove them down your throat.”
   Olivia was not ready to admit defeat yet and was able to slip her hands free. Reaching upward, she grabbed two handfuls of Keri’s boobs and squeezed hard. Keri squealed loudly as her fat mammaries were squished between Olivia’s fingers. I had noticed, a few moments earlier when Olivia was caressing Keri’s body, that she had grown her nails out. Now as they dug into Keri’s sensitive flesh, I was beginning to think she had done it just for an occasion like this.
   Keri toppled off Olivia and landed on her back. The blonde rolled on top of Keri and slapped her several times, before grabbing two handfuls of chestnut colored-hair and slamming her head on the floor.
   With the tables turned on my beautiful defender, she began crying, begging Olivia to leave her alone. Olivia slapped her around a few more times and then got off the beaten brunette.
   “Now it’s time for the real fun to begin,” Olivia said as she yanked Keri to her feet by her hair, “Go over there and stay,” she said as she pointed Keri towards the back corner of the room. As Keri crawled submissively to her assigned spot, Olivia sat on the bed and crossed her sexy legs. “Now, boy, I want you to strip. Nice and slow too.”
   Of course, I could have refused. After all, I was almost twice Olivia’s size, but the blonde was extremely hot, and her domineering style was kind of a turn-on. Besides, she and Keri had fought over me and Olivia had won, so I felt I was obligated to do what she wanted. 
   Her eyes lit up as I took my shirt off and flexed my muscles. I was not lacking in confidence. In college, being the quarterback on the football team automatically made you a big man on campus. Plus, I was 6’3 and 200 lbs. of lean muscle and knew females found me attractive. Still, having two older women of Olivia and Keri’s quality, fight over me, took my confidence to a whole new level. They were sexy, classy, and sophisticated, unlike the typical college girls who were often sexy, but rarely classy or sophisticated.
   When I dropped my shorts and briefs, I thought Olivia was about to start drooling. Though I had never compared it with other guys, I was reasonably confident my cock was well above average in size. With Olivia and Keri nude in front of me, it was fully aroused and demonstrating its full size.
   I looked over at Keri cowering in the corner and her eyes were full of tears and lust as she stared longingly at my schlong. She was no longer in charge though, so I looked back at Olivia, who motioned me to join her in bed.
   “No,” Keri whimpered, “Please don’t take him from me.”
   “It’s too late,” Olivia smiled, “He’s already mine.”
   I crawled in and took the blonde in my arms. Unlike Keri, who had a soft shapely body, Olivia’s body was toned and solid, much like many of the girls my age. What differentiated her from them, was her hefty boobs. I’d been with a few chubby college girls with boobs this big, but none of the skinny, fit ones could compare with Olivia’s lovely mounds of flesh.
   We began to kiss and as Olivia caressed my tongue with hers, I looked over at Keri who had tears streaming down her face. Deciding it was best to ignore her, I turned away so that I was facing the other direction. Unlike Keri, who was a master at sex, Olivia mostly lay back and let her body do the work. I kissed and played with her big, perky breasts for a while before moving down to her flat, hard abs. Her legs were also a joy to behold. They were muscular, yet feminine and I kissed and caressed every inch of them.
        Comparable in quality to her boobs was Olivia’s ass. I flipped her over on her stomach and got a great view of it. I grabbed two handfuls of her soft cheeks and enjoyed their beauty. Next to her breasts, her derriere was the only soft part of her body. In comparison to Keri, whose toosh was still attractive but had grown considerably after having her baby, Olivia’s ass was rock hard. I could have kissed and sucked on her silky-smooth cheeks for hours, but my cock told me it was time to move on and, by the gasps Oliva was making, she agreed.
   The genius of Olivia’s bed skills was the simplicity of her technique. While Keri performed like a maestro in bed, Olivia merely allowed me to ravish her sexy body, while she lay back and reaped all the sensual rewards. Though two different styles, both women were amazing to have sex with.
   I flipped Olivia back over and she eagerly spread her legs wide. As I slid my cock inside her, I could feel her pussy walls stretch from the width of my engorged member. She was much tighter than Keri and seemed so much more receptive to my thrusts. Within a couple of minutes, I exploded inside her. Pulling out was not an option though as Olivia wrapped her arms around me and kept thrusting her hips before me. It was obvious she was close to climaxing and a minute later her body tensed up and her eyes rolled back in her head as she experienced an intense orgasm. After four sexual encounters with Keri, she had only had one orgasm.
   As Olivia and I lay back, trying to catch our breath before round two, I looked over at Keri. Although she looked pitiful, with tears streaking her cheeks, her big boobs and shapely body still looked inviting. I realized I wanted both Olivia and Keri.
   “Let Keri join us,” I whispered in Olivia’s ear.
   “No. Tonight you’re all mine.”
   I grabbed Olivia’s arm and pinned them over her head against the pillow. Holding her wrists down with one hand I grabbed one of her nipples with the other hand and twisted it just hard enough for her to feel a twinge of pain. I did not want to usurp her authority, but I did want her to understand I was allowing her to be in charge.
   “Ooowww,” Olivia squealed, “Okay, tiger. She can join us.” She looked at Keri, “Do you want to get in bed with us?”
   “Yes,” Keri whimpered.
   She started to crawl in beside me, but Olivia stopped her.
   “Not so fast, bitch. You have to earn in your place in this bed.” She motioned for Keri to sit on the foot of the bed. Then she raised her foot toward her. The brunette knew what to do and began kissing and licking Olivia’s foot and nibbling on her toes. I lay beside the blonde and began kissing her pretty face while I fondled her breasts.
   After thoroughly kissing both feet, Keri began moving up Olivia’s legs, slowly kissing and caressing them. When she got the top of Olivia’s thighs, Keri was about to move on to her toned abs, but the blonde grabbed her hair and crammed her face between her legs.
   “Eat,” Olivia commanded. Keri dutifully did as she was told. As I watched her, I realized how bad I was at oral sex. While I simply jabbed my tongue in and out, imitating the penetration of a dick, Keri took her time to prepare the pussy for what was about to happen. First, she licked the mound in circular patterns around the slit, before brushing the opening with her tongue. I could tell by Olivia’s expression that her technique was very effective. As Keri’s tongue penetrated the opening, Olivia moaned in delight.
        As effective as a muff diver as she was at pleasuring a man, Keri began alternating jabbing her tongue inside and sucking on Olivia’s pussy lips and clitoris. The blonde quickly began to ignore me and became focused on what Keri was doing.
   As Keri lay there, with her face buried between Olivia’s thighs, I began admiring her shapely ass. It looked plump and juicy jutting up in the air, wiggling ever so slightly as she worked to pleasure Olivia. I moved to the foot of the bed and softly patted her smooth tooshie. I grabbed two handfuls of her fat cheeks and squeezed. As I did, I caught a glimpse of her little anus. I had never fucked a girl in the ass before. One night, the subject came up with Keri and she was adamant that she would never allow anyone to fuck her there. I brushed the opening with my finger and her toosh instinctively jerked forward.
   As Keri and Olivia were preoccupied with each, I decided to go for it. I moved directly behind Keri and grabbed her by the hips. Then I rammed my cock in her tight anus, shoving it in as far as it would go.
   “NO!” Keri shouted as she looked back at me.
Olivia took Keri’s chin in her hands and said, “He can do whatever he wants.” Then she shoved her face back between her legs.
   Me screwing Keri in the ass made it difficult for her to maintain her rhythmic carpet munching. Olivia did not seem to mind, since she was already on the verge of climaxing. Plus, watching me pound Keri’s ass seemed to give her pleasure.
   Olivia’s body seized up in climax, moments before my cock erupted inside Keri’s anus. I collapsed forward beside Olivia and put my arm around the blonde. Keri looked up at us, with her beautiful brown eyes seemingly aching for attention, and then laid her head on the blonde’s tummy. Olivia and I lay still for several minutes, both trying to catch our breath. Abruptly, Keri raised and started to get out of bed.
   “Where are you going?” Olivia asked sternly.
   “The baby is crying. I need to go feed her,” Keri replied. Olivia’s pussy juice was smeared all over her face.
   “Okay, but hurry back.”
   As she walked away, I stared at her ass which had cum dripping from its anus. She had a sexy way of swaying her hips and wiggling her ass cheeks when she walked.
   “She’s probably not coming back,” I said to Olivia.
   “I doubt she will,” the blonde replied, “Especially after I kicked her ass and then you fucked the hell out of it.” We both laughed and then began making love again.
   There were so many differences between making love to Olivia and making love to Keri. With Keri, the brunette ran the show. A sexually exhilarating show. Olivia, on the other hand, would lay back and encourage me to use her body as my sexual plaything. While Keri’s soft body seemed delicate and like something to revere, Olivia would prod me to be as rough as I wanted, implying that her toned body could take whatever I could dish out. I was always so careful with Keri’s boobs, but Olivia loved it when I mashed and squeezed and tugged on her tits.
   Once again, Olivia climaxed first, but she enthusiastically encouraged me to continue until I had my orgasm. I was so amazed at how easy it was to get her to orgasm. After we finished, we both collapsed, exhausted. We lay in each other’s arms for a while, before we both dozed off.
   An hour or so later, I woke up when someone entered the room. It was Keri. The brunette crawled into to bed beside me.
   “I didn’t think you would come back,” I said.
   “I wasn’t going to but…” she paused for several seconds and then continued, “I couldn’t sleep. I was so desperate, I thought of begging Tucker for sex but…” she kissed me on the cheek and looked longingly at me with her beautiful brown eyes, “I need it…please.” I knew exactly what she wanted, and I couldn’t believe this gorgeous woman was begging for it.
   “You’re back,” Olivia said with a sleepy grin on her face. She roughly grabbed Keri’s head, pulled it toward her, and kissed her on the lips. Then she forced Keri’s head down toward my crotch. “I want to have sex again, but I like a really clean cock.” Keri reluctantly opened her mouth and placed my cock in it.
   I felt bad for Keri. She had returned hoping for sexual relief, but now she was being forced to suck my dick instead. I didn’t feel sorry for her long as my member quickly reacted to her warm, soft, wetness, as her head bobbed up and down. Even half-heartedly, Keri gave a helluva blow job.
   After a minute, Olivia pulled her away. “That’s enough,” she said, “My turn now.” She forcibly shoved Keri’s face between her legs. “Now eat, my darling muff diver.”
   I quickly got bored and pulled Keri away from feasting on Olivia’s snatch and began to kiss her. As I rammed my tongue into her mouth, I could taste Olivia. I wrapped my arms around her as we embraced, and I could feel her plump boobs pressed against my chest.
       Then I heard a loud smacking sound, as Keri pulled away shrieking in pain. “My turn,” Oliva said, just before she slapped Keri’s ass a second time. For the next 10 minutes, we roughly pushed and pulled Keri, passing her around like the sexual plaything she had become. Olivia was particularly harsh in her treatment, especially when it was my turn to have Keri. The blonde would impatiently amuse herself by spanking Keri’s ass, slapping her tender tits, and pulling her hair. Once, while I was laying beside Keri and sucking on her nipples, she suddenly began screaming as Olivia violently snatched her tender pussy lips and began pinching and twisting the sensitive flesh.
   After torturing Keri’s pussy, Olivia rolled me over on my back and mounted my erect pole, allowing my cock to pierce the slit between her legs. For once, I was able to lay back and let Olivia do all the work. As the blonde rode me, Keri knelt beside us and watched, like a hungry person staring in the window of a bakery. I began to feel sorry for her, but then Olivia leaned down and began kissing me and I momentarily forgot about her.
   Olivia beat me to the punch and climaxed first. Selfishly, she rolled off me before I was able to finish. Leaving my throbbing cock on the verge of an orgasm. Thankfully, Keri was there to help. I pulled her toward me and forced her head down on my dick, which was drenched with Olivia’s juices. It took less than a minute before my cock exploded into her mouth. She began to gag, as her mouth was filled with both mine and Olivia’s fluids, and she leaned off the bed to spit in a trash can, but Olivia pulled her back. The blonde pushed Keri’s jaw up, forcing her to close her mouth.
   “Waste not, want not, bitch,” Olivia said playfully, “Now swallow.”
   Keri gulped as the sexy cocktail in her mouth went down her throat.
   I lay back beside Olivia, completely satisfied. Keri curled up beside me and placed her head on my shoulder.
   “Please…I need it,” Keri begged.
   “I don’t understand,” I teased, “What is it you need?”
   “You know what I need,” she pouted, “Your big cock. I need it real bad. Give it to me and I will leave the two of you alone. I promise.”
   “I don’t want you to leave,” I said with a smile and thought that a woman so attractive should not have to beg for sex. As hot as Olivia was, I still wanted Keri. I began kissing Keri and caressing her breasts. It did not take long before I became aroused again and I was about to inject my schlong into Keri’s cxnt when Olivia decided she wanted to play some more. She pushed Keri down, sat on her waist, and began grabbing and slapping her big tits.
        As Keri lay on the bed, whimpering in pain from her sensitive boobs being roughly fondled, I remembered how much pleasure she had given me over the years and decided she deserved better. I drug Olivia off Keri and pulled her arms behind her back.
   “Let me loose!” Olivia demanded.
   “No, it’s Keri’s time to have fun,” then I turned to Keri, “She’s all yours. Do whatever you want.”
   Keri looked at me hesitatingly, like it was a trick. Slowly. She reached forward and grabbed Oliva’s perfectly round breasts. Olivia squealed in protest as Keri began to squeeze and fondle her boobs, though Keri was being gentler than Oliva had been with her massive boobs.
       Keri released her tits and began running her hands admiringly over the blonde’s narrow waist and flat abs. I was holding Olivia’s hands behind her so that Keri could punish her, but instead, the brunette was softly caressing her body. Keri leaned forward and kissed Olivia on the lips. As they embraced, Keri reached behind Olivia and removed her hands from mine. The two wrapped their arms around each other and invaded each other’s mouths with their tongues. I watched them hungrily kiss and fondle each other for several minutes before they invited me to join them. The next hour was unbelievable as we each had multiple orgasms, leaving us all exhausted and satisfied.
   This was the first of many threesomes that we shared. How they went depended on Olivia’s mood. Sometimes she would be rough with Keri and the curvaceous brunette would be treated like our fuck toy. Other times, Olivia would act sweetly toward Keri, and we would work together for the mutual satisfaction of each other. After that summer, I eventually returned to college and met the woman that I eventually married. Though I could no longer participate in a ménage à trois with Keri and Olivia, I never forgot about that summer with them. Keri, specifically, has always held a special place in my memories. They say you never forget about your first crush and the thought of my best friend’s mom at the beach will stay with me for the rest of my life. 


Offline brick1960

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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2022, 01:10:42 PM »
This was a great story, thanks for writing


Offline karl butters

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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2022, 03:16:58 AM »
This was a great story, thanks for writing

I'm glad you like it. This story ended up 3 times longer than I had initially planned and I'm sure a few people won't read it due to its length. Once I begin a story, I never know where it's going to end up, but I usually enjoy the ride.


Offline philman27

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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2022, 09:51:24 AM »
I like the story I hope there might be more but if not still a good read
Looking to talk an find like minded friends and possibly have some good cybermatchs and im also fine with roleplay matchs


Offline Drake8

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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2022, 01:48:26 PM »
This was a great story, thanks for writing

I'm glad you like it. This story ended up 3 times longer than I had initially planned and I'm sure a few people won't read it due to its length. Once I begin a story, I never know where it's going to end up, but I usually enjoy the ride.

the build up of your stories is amazing. To me a great story not only involves good fights, it has to have good plot and character development and description and you are a master at that. I agree with you a lot of people dont read stories like this due to its lenght but I hope you keep doing the same cause they are great.


Offline fighttime67

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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2022, 12:11:13 AM »
Absolutely loved it Karlbutters!  I think your writing has gotten better and better. Thank you for sharing it with us!


Offline npom

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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2022, 09:37:53 PM »
Great story! I can certainly relate. I had a HUGE crush on my best friend's mom while growing up.  Used to love thinking about her wrestling other women. The matches were always one sided with her always on the losing end. As in your story the women would often squeeze and maul her breasts.


Offline Ais4life

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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2022, 03:50:38 PM »
Outstanding piece of writing!! Totally hooked from the start , the characters , the descriptive fights, so well done thanks for sharing your writing talents!!


Offline roleplaygirl84

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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2022, 03:37:44 PM »
I also liked it but maybe the last third was a bit inconsistent. There were so many twists in their realtionship. Know what I mean? Still I think it was outstanding and I am Huge Fan of breastmilk.


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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2022, 03:47:16 PM »
Maybe Keri and least in my Imagination.


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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2022, 07:43:57 PM »
Phenomenal story! Definitely struck a nerve deep inside of me!  I would welcome a Keri's Rvenge Match after her nursing duties had expired and Keri totally dedicated herself to a gym regimen; with the thoughts of revenge on her mind all the while!  Could probably go in the NHB realm (but wouldn't disappoint if it was still a catfight).
It could start by the kid getting a CD of the fight not knowing what he was about to watch....


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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2022, 11:51:09 PM »
How I envisioned Keri and Olivia in the basement.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2022, 11:52:35 PM by CatfightsbySarah »
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Offline karl butters

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Re: My Best Friend's Mom
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2022, 02:35:52 AM »
How I envisioned Keri and Olivia in the basement.

Great visuals. Thanks.